Gallery of the GCCZ "Russia". Igor Nikolaev Concert "Adults and Children" Group of fidgets anniversary 25 years

Gallery of the GCCZ "Russia". Igor Nikolaev Concert "Adults and Children" Group of fidgets anniversary 25 years

- It was a quarter of a century ago. I then ended the Institute of Culture, and for Diploma Protection I had to put some kind of theatrical presentation. In search of the site for this action, I went to the Falcon Children's Creativity Center, which was located literally under the windows of my apartment, and suggested to hold a children's competition called "Princess and Knights". I was allowed, the children were happy to participate in him, everyone liked the result, and I decided to stay there. Gave the announcement: "I am typing the guys to the music studio," and after a while I had about ten guys.

At first they just sang, and then I realized that it was not so interesting, and for each song we began to invent some number. When three rooms were delivered and rehearsed, I decided that it was time to go to a big scene. Opened a reference book "Yellow Pages", found the "Central Television" section there. Children's editorial office "and scored a number. "Hello," I say, "I'm Lena, lead the children's team, I want you to listen to us." The chapel by chance took the editor popular at the time of the music program

"Merry notes" Kira Venievna Chen. Imagine how many similar requests she listened not even daily - hourly. But one day, unexpectedly, she appeared on the threshold of our studio. He told: "I'm going to the subway, I hear:" Sokol station - and suddenly remember about you. I decided to go to visit yet. " We demonstrated to her several numbers, she watches: kids are pretty, funny kids, charming. We were first invited to sing in "Merry Notes". And then we came to the program "Morning Star", which Yuri Nikolaev led.

- Which of the famous performers was in that very first, set?

- Vlad Topalov and Julia Malinovskaya, who later became the co-host Nikolaev in the "Morning Star", were engaged in the "fidget" almost since their foundation. I remember the grandmother led to the Studio of the five-year-old Vladik. He was so ridiculous, chubby pups, shy, shone, but sang clean. , Future soloist of the group "T.a.t.u.", also came to us quite baby. Appeared on the casting such a blonde girl in a velvet dark blue dress, pretty - eye do not take away. I went out and sings "Oh, not evening, then not the evening," and the voice - like a bell. And I met when it was twelve to her. Dad she has a composer and sound producer, we met him at the studio when they recorded one of the songs, and he asked: "Len, listen to my girl." Lena came. Bright, redhead, stunning hemp. Charm girl. The voice is stunning, the timbre is pleasant. I naturally took her.

When he appeared, it was ten years old. Mom of one of our girls worked in a shop near the middle house. He came to the bakery to buy a loaf of bread, and at the same time he talked with a good woman for the counter. She mentioned that her daughter was engaged in the ensemble "Fidgets". Seryozha by that time was heard about us, because we often appeared in the Morning Star, and Lazarev dreamed there to get, win the competition. Serez's eyes caught fire: "Oh, how I want to" fidget "!" And came to us. It shy terribly, in my office decided to go with the fifth times, but I sang fine, and I immediately took it.

Vladik Topalov, Dima Baryshnikov, Julia Malinovskaya and Sereza Lazarev (1999)

Nastya Zadorozhnaya For the first time I saw behind the scenes of the concert hall. We then performed on the Christmas tree in the city hall, I, all in the soap, ran out of the dressing room in the dressing room, consulting different things. The administrator comes to me and says: "You want to see a girl." "What else

girl?" - I disappear on the run. Five minutes later, again: "You are a girl calling." I ignore again. For the fifth time I do not stand: "Let her here!" Watching an angel. With huge glazing. With long eyelashes. And asks a timid voice: "Take me in" Fidget "!" Her dad led to the Christmas tree, she saw our performance, gained arrogance and sneaked back to the scenes to ascend to the team. The arrogance of the city takes - took Nastya for a trial period, and then in the main composition.

- For 25 years, the "fidget" had a lot of performances with the stars of our pop. Who guys did you like to work most?

- With Yuri Nikolayev. He is our friend and teacher. They passed the most important professional school by participating in the Morning Star. The program was incredibly rating. Our Julia Malinovskaya was co-hosting Nikolaev, and "fidgets" necessarily appeared in each release, or opening the program, or closing it. And almost each of the then students took part in the "Morning Star" as a contestant. In general, with Nikolaev we collaborated a lot and fruitful. But he not only taught us a professional wisdom. Yuri Alexandrovich loves children very much. And communicates with them not from the position of the Matra, but at their level. I remember, I stopped in a small and very cozy hotel on the banks of the Volga, Nikolaev invited the "fidget" to visit his number and arranged a real battle with pillows, completely without observing the subordination, despite the difference in age, in a simple way. The guys were delighted!

Julia Malinovskaya

A funny story has happened from "fidgets" with Kirkorov. We had a son Oleg Gazmanova Philipp. We prepared the "Uncle Stepa - Militizer" number for speaking at the concert for the Day of Militia. To participate in this formulation was invited by Kirkorov. And the little Philip at that time was four years old, and he entrusted the role of such a small short shot, who all the time I caught raven, lagged, depended somewhere - and he was constantly customized. It turned out to be directly his role - Phil himself was like that. Coming

The day of rehearsal, appeared, we met him, the guard in the corridor remained, the artist went to the hall. I explain to him by Misaneszen: where it is better to stand, where the kids run from what they will do. We start a run, everything goes great, and suddenly this small inequer is somewhere in cruising speed surprises. I see it the edge of my eyes and shout: "Fil, how much can you say! Where did you run again?! " The atmosphere on the site was switched on a click - the guard of Kirkorov appeared, look at the door, looking for the eyes of the boss who fled in an unknown direction, and Philip Pobrosovich himself stands so confused and, not understanding anything, chlorides his eyes: "Lena, I stood here and stands , not run anywhere. " I had to meet Filippa-senior with Philip-younger in a hurry, so that we have no more misunderstanding on our site.

- You drove a lot with "fidgets" - concerts, tour. Probably troublesome business - carry so many children with you?

- Certainly. Especially if you consider that at first I went with them alone. That is, I tried to keep track of the fifteen children from five to twelve years. Then he began to take with him the assistant trip. But stories with the guys happened constantly. Most often, for some reason, Lazarev was not lucky. I remember how we went with him with several guys in "Artek". There was a whole restidochny detachment, and this squad had their own arthekovsky counselors, and I lived outside the camp. In the afternoon came to them, we did, rehearsed, went to the sea or went on a tour, and in the evening I went to my hotel. Everything went wonderful until one beautiful morning I came to the sea and not

I discovered that there is no Lazarev. "Guys, I ask," and where is Seryozha? " "He stayed in the ward, a little bother." I jog in the body and see: a huge chamber, on the bed lies serenitions, red as boiled cancer, hot - even rather burning. The chills beats him, but near anyone. "What did you go to the doctor?" - I say. He looked at me, said: "Nothing terrible, will soon pass." I took a serving to my room in the hotel, got a hiking first-aid kit - a huge suitcase with all sorts of medicines, which took with me all the journey, and began to treat the boy, lead to a feeling. For several days it was very bad, and then nothing, the amendment went.

Sergey Lazarev, Kristina Gulevich, Nastya Zadorozhnaya, Julia Malinovskaya, Artem Shalimov, Nikita Afonin. Tours in Khanty-Mansiysk (1998)

- Probably, it is now easier to manage with them - all the same passed so much!

- On tour with the guys, I do not go, I have a lot of affairs in the office. The team increased - if I had 10 people 25 years ago, now more than 200 pupils. There are many interesting children, some of them the viewer knows well on the show "Voice. Children "on the first channel. One of the brightest our pupils - Ivuelo Filippov (in the first season of the show he reached the final). It seems to me that he has a great future. We were "fidgets" at the competition in Bulgaria, and a woman approached us, asked to listen to her baby. The guy was good. From the first seconds of listening it became clear that unusually talented. I explained: "We would love to take your boy to us with pleasure, but you live in Bulgaria, how to be?" "I solve the problem," Mom promised. A few days later she called me and reported that ... she moved here, in Moscow and Ivaylo is ready to start classes. At first, they had to be embarrassed: Yana, Mom Ivailo, got a job in the Bulgarian embassy, \u200b\u200band almost his entire salary went for rent an apartment. We are in the "fidget", knowing about this situation, gave the guy as they could. Feed, they saw. He is completely small, eight years old, besides well speak Russian - he traveled from home at the rehearsal and back. I brought it to the subway after graduation. Someone asked: "How are you moving around the city?" - "BUT! Narmalno, "says," Pinjoyan brought Pinjoyan to take away. "

Of course, in such a situation we could not take money from it, although classes in our team paid. Moreover, I found a way to pay him a small scholarship. Because such a guy is sin not to support. Another undoubted talent is Andrei Flowers. Andryusha was 8 years old when Mom led him to "fidgets," and he immediately drew attention to himself. Once a boy made

I miss me - so sensually and penetrating he sang the song "How I love you, mom". Andryushi's father always said that "fidgets" is not bad, but serious education is more important, and insisted that Andryusha does not give school at Jurfak MSU, even when successfully performed in the "Voice" show. And recently, our Andrei became a member of the popular show "American Idol". At the present season of the children's "voice" at once, seven of our soloists are involved: Sasha Philin, Laura Grigorieva, Yier Workova, Masha is notable, Dasha Atamanovskaya, Lisa Kabaeva and Arina Mironova. I'm sure they are waiting for a great future.

Ivuelo Filippov - from Bulgaria. But he wanted to get into the "fidgets" that he moved to Moscow with Mom. With Polina Kalashnikova. Photo: Press-services of the children's studio "Fidget"

- Was the situation when you swore with your wards?

- Of course. Usually conflicts arise from me, and other teachers, with the oldest group. As soon as the child marks 12-13 years old, he becomes a completely different person. Yesterday it was still obedient, and today this kid you know from the diaper, broke from the chain.

I remember how Julia Volkova from the girl-bell turned into a real tranquility. She began to paint brightly. It turned out it is not bad, but she was still a little baby! And I am an opponent of makeup, if we are talking about little girls. On this basis, we had continuous disputes from Julia. It comes to classes 11-year-old child, all is warmly illuminated: And the eyelashes on the floor face, and the lipstick is bright, and the blush is also attached to this combat color. Where is such a beauty to give? Of course, in the bathroom, wash. She naturally resisted and offended. When she turned fourteen years old, my influence was over. Then she climbed in the camp on balconies, then some other tricks showed. What can you do, transitional age!

- How do you manage to establish relationships after such stories?

- It happens differently. Somehow quarreled with Vladik Topalov. During the filming of the film about the "fidgets" in 1998, we were very crowded with him. Vlad has twisted, I was upset. Literally sparks were flying around us. The director collects the guys at the camera and asks the question: "What is your most cherished desire?" Children answer that someone wants to become a star, someone - ice cream ... I am on the other side of the camera. It comes to the queue to Vlad, and he says: "I am very often offended by people, without understanding. I would like to ask God to forgive me for it and teach to keep myself in my hands, "and looks at the time of this monologue not to the camera, but for me. I eventually did not restrain, burst out right in front of everyone.

Vladik Topalova in the studio brought grandmother. He was very shy, but sang clean (1993)

- Did the guys quarrel between themselves?

- Everything happened. Newbies, which come to the team were tested, laughed on them, cheered up, no one was avoided - neither Katina, nor the ribbed nor Lazarev. The most terrible resentments began of course in adolescence when they had love. In the "fidget" there was a catastrophic shortage of boys, and the girls fought for them. I remember when the five-year Vladik Topalov came for the first time in "fidgets", who saw his five-year-old Yulian Malinovskaya for the entire corridor shouted: "Do not touch him, this is my male!" She already understood that he could not be enough for everyone - and stroke a man better in advance. But Vlad, when he gone, fell in love at all not in Malinovskaya, but in the Volkov. He shonened his feelings. Therefore, when I decided to invite Julia on a date, I called my friend Lazareva on my face. For the first date with the lady of the heart, Romantic Topalov chose McDonalds. However, then it was quite a gorgeous gesture, especially since the generous boy fed not only Julya, but also SERIES. And here dinner ends, Julia and Seryozha come out of the restaurant and go to themselves, having fun talking about different differences, and Puriy Vladik wovers behind them and shy to approach and speak with the Volkova. Such here turned out to be a date.

- How are the "fidgets" go in adulthood?

- With difficulties. When the child turns 14 years old, his learning in the "fidget" ends. But for 10 years, our studio becomes home for him, and the team is a real family. I remember, I called Valya, Mom Sereza Lazarev, and complained: "Lena, I don't know what to do with him! It lies entire days on the couch, turns around the circle of video recording of your concerts and tells: why am I grew up? Where should I go now? " Although Seryozha in order of exception was with us up to 15 years. Then, when "SMASH !!" - Their duet with topless, it became easier. But this transitional stage is heavily given to our disciples. We try to meet them to meet, create some "ex-nonsense" - groups for those who grew up, but did not go. But the teams are obtained exhausted, and not children's, and not adults, and still do not live long. Some guys find a way out of the situation and become teachers or administrators. The rest simply frequently run to visit, names us to their concerts, premieres. We do not forget former students - take off in the clips, we invite you to sing a duet on our speeches. Former "fidgets" does not happen. And I always wait for them to visit.

"Adults and children. Fidget - 25! "

May 19, 2016.

On May 19, in the Concert Hall "Russia" -magniki Theater-Studio "Fidget" together with the stars of the Russian pop in the program "Adults and children." Fiddes "25" will give a musical holiday in honor of his memorable date!

In 2016, "fidgets" celebrate their anniversary - 25 years of professional activity!

The concert program will be supported by graduates of the studio - Sergey Lazarev, Vlad Topalov, Nastya Zadorozhnaya, Julia Volkova, Lena Katina, Artists of the Russian stage - Joseph Kobzon, Larisa Dolina, Oleg Gazmanov, Olga Kormukhina, Denis Maidanov, Alexander Maslyakov, Alexander Oleshko, Boris Grachevsky and many Others. Participants of the popular music show "Voice" and "Voice" - Andrei Flowers will perform with music numbers - Andrei Flowers, Ivuelo Filipov, Alina Mikhalchenko, Alina Arakelova and other participants.

Concert "Adults and Children" - Annual Concert Charitable Practice from the Children's Concert Studio "Fidgets" and Ano "Agencies of Children's Festival Programs" with the support of the Department of Culture of Moscow and HCCs "Russia", which is broadcast on the first channel on the day of children.

In 2016, the concert program will be held at the 15th time. Over the years, the program has become a real family holiday, which loves and wait!

The "Adults and Children" program is not just a concert, where small and adult artists are performing on the same scene. The majority of the audience take part in preparing for the concert, "they write letters with their favorite artists, paint their portraits and even make desires, which are then executed on stage. "Adults and children" performs not only entertaining function, but also social - invites children and adolescents to communication, creativity.

This year, in connection with the anniversary of the critic studio "Fidgets", children and adolescents from many children and disadvantaged families, social institutions in Moscow and the Moscow region can ask questions and communicate with all generations of legendary "fidgets", and the most courageous and talented can even go through Casting in the studio is right before the start of the concert, in the foyer of the GCCZ "Russia", or get to the scenes and see the whole "kitchen" of the preparation of the concert-shooting.

"Fidgets" - the legendary children's studio, which in 2016 celebrates its 25th anniversary! Over the years of the existence of "fidgets", many future stars were prepared, among which artists like Sergey Lazarev, Nastya Zadorozhnaya, Vlad Topalov, Julia Malinovskaya, Tattoo soloists Julia Volkova and Lena Katina, and many other stars. Studio graduates "Fidget" conquer not only Russian expanses, but also defeat in foreign competitions. So, in 2016, Andrei Flowers became a member of the cult American project American Idol. And the brightest graduate of Studio Sergey Lazarev will present Russia at the Eurovision International Competition -2016.


virtual tour of the GCCZ "Russia"

On May 19, in the Concert Hall "Russia" -delniki in the musical program "Adults and children. Fidget 25! " The theater Studio "Fidgets" Together with the stars of the Russian stage, he conducted an anniversary concert in honor of their memorable date.

Specially under such a significant occasion studio "Fidget" prepared a grandiose concert program. Music greetings from Larisa Valley, who first sang with his granddaughter Sasha, the young pupil of the studio. Yulia Volkova and Lena Katina for one day became a group "T.A.T.U", Yuri Nikolaev and Julia Malinovskaya - the legendary duet of the TV leading program "Morning Star" - many years later re-reunited on the anniversary reason from the "fidget". Also with music numbers - Congratulations were made by Joseph Kobzon, Olga Korutukhin, Oleg Gazmanov, Valery, Gleb Matvechuk, Diana Gurdskaya, Soso Pavliashvili, Eteri Bariashvili, Alsu, Anastasia Spiridonov, Denis Maidanov, Young Artists with a popular "Voice" competition - Daniel Plugs, Yaroslav Degtyarev, Alexander Filin, Laura Grigorieva, Yier Workova, Arina Mironova, Sabina Mustayev; Graduates of the Studio "Fidgets" - Vlad Topalov, Nastya Zadorozhnaya, Andrei Flowers, Ivuelo Filipov and, of course, studios studio "Fidgets"!

Special congratulations were made by Yuri Nikolaev, Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov, Boris Grachevsky.

The leading jubilee concert programs have become young artists of the studio - Taisiya Maslyakov and Kirill Pinjoyan, as well as adult artists - Alexander Oleshko and Valery Lanskaya.

Concert Program "Adults and Children" - Annual Charity Promotion with the support of the Department of Culture of the Russian Federation, which is held for the fifteenth time. Over the years, the program has become a real family holiday, which loves and wait!

The television broadcast of the concert is scheduled for the International Children's Day on June 1 on the First Channel.

"Fidgets" - the legendary children's studio, which in 2016 celebrates its 25th anniversary! Over the years of the existence of "fidgets", many future stars were prepared, among which artists like Sergey Lazarev, Nastya Zadorozhnaya, Vlad Topalov, Julia Malinovskaya, Tattoo soloists Julia Volkova and Lena Katina, and many other stars. Studio graduates "Fidget" conquer not only Russian expanses, but also defeat in foreign competitions. So, in 2016, Andrei Flowers became a member of the cult American project American Idol. And the brightest graduate of the studio Sergey Lazarev with Triumph presented Russia at the Eurovision International Competition -2016.

For the anniversary of the children's studio "Fidgets", the correspondent "VM" talked with the founder of Studio Elena Pinjoyan.

- What activities are planned to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the "Fidget" studios?

To celebrate our big events, we planned a really big program.
April 12, on the day of our birth, we collect all our graduates and now students. The studio "Fidgets" was always and remain a big family, and the birthday is a good reason to gather behind a big table with a solemn cake and congratulations!
On May 19, the anniversary concert "adults and children will be held in the HCCZ" Russia "in Luzhniki. Fidget 25!" With the support of the first channel. In the concert program, the artists of the Russian pop, cultural figures and close friends "Fidders" will take part.
Also, under a significant reason, we release the book of my authorship about the history of the studio "Fidget". It will be memories of how it all began that, in a good sense, "he ordered" fidget "on the creative path, as well as practical advice to parents to raise children.

What are the "fidgets" dream? For example, this year Sergey Lazarev, a graduate "Fidget," will represent Russia at the Eurovision contest. Do children who are now engaged in "fidgets" to be like that now?

Certainly yes! How much I remember "fidgets," they always sought and seek to achieve the peaks of skill. All with great enthusiasm participate in contests, television projects - "voice. Detty", "two voices", "New Wave" and many others. Our many graduates are for "fidget" an example of successful creative implementation.

What other star graduates were in "fidgets"? How are their relationships with the studio? Do they have classes for children who are now engaged in "fidgets"?

The list of our star graduates is quite wide, in addition to all the famous Serge Lazarev, Vlad Topalova, Yulia Volkova, Nastya Zadorozhnaya, Lena Katina, on our list Artists of theater and cinema - Yaroslav Garnaev, Natasha Anisimova, Radio Leading Seva Polishchuk and Tatyana Pestryakova, presenter Yu-TV "Artem Shalimov, a very talented young artist Ivaylo Filipov, Andrei Flowers, who is now participating in the cult American competition American Idol and many others. We often meet with our graduates at concerts, behind the scenes. Sometimes they come to us, communicate with children. Sergey Lazarev, Vlad Topalov, Nastya Zadorozhnaya, Andrei Flowers conducted even master classes for young artists.
We organize a lot of internal studio events - Competition "Mr. and Miss Fidget", "KVNN" (club of merry and resourceful fidgets), competitions of classical music and the competition of readers. In the jury, as a rule, we invite our graduates.

- At what age, children are accepted into "fidgets"?

Since last year, we began to recruit early development groups. Children from 1.5 to 3 years attend classes together with parents. Classes are held on a specially developed technique. In general, the age of 4 years is considerable.

- How many guys are engaged in "fidgets"? How many students passed through the studio for 25 years?

At the moment, 200 children are engaged in "fidget". And how much passed - it is difficult to count. But more than a thousand ...

Tell us how studio has been formed? Have you expected such success and popularity of the studio "fidgets" and such success of her graduates?

In 1991, I simply scored the first children in the center of Creativity "Falcon" and made the presentation of the "Princess and Knights" with them. And then decided to continue with them. We just sang songs and engaged in acting. For some reason, I was sure that I had exactly everything would work out, here's what exactly I did not understand ... I really liked working with children. I then was young and lived only with my brainchild! Fidgets were not part of my life, they were my life! And when you give your favorite case, you definitely achieve the result. I dreamed about the fact that "fidgets" will be the best children's group in the world - while we are only on the way to this - but it has always been important for me so that they first of all remain worthy of people.

- What is the secret of the success of the studio "Fidget"?

Somehow Little Julia Malinovskaya said: "Fidgets are one big family and God keeps us." I think this is a secret. And, of course, we never stand on the spot, do not stop at what happened. We like to experiment ... I am very pleased that the teaching pool does not change for years. Many teachers work in the "fidget" for more than ten years.

For 25 years in the country has changed a lot. How did the principles of working with children change during this time? Or all these years the course of development remained unchanged?

We love children. We find an individual approach to each of them, but at the same time, working and rehearsing, do not make discounts on age. We strive to be professionals. And the main principle - we do not "make stars", the most important profession in life is to be a person!

- Maybe the studio has a constant motto?

Yes! "One for all and all for one!". The meaning of this expression very much reflects the spirit of the studio "Fidget"!

Photo \\\\ Official website Igor Nikolaev, composer and ensemble "Fidgets"

May 19 in the GKZ "Russia" in Luzhniki a large anniversary festive concert will be held " Adults and children. Fidget - 25.". Children's vocal studio" Fidget "under the leadership of Elena Pinjoyan for several decades pleasing to us with high-quality songs for the youngest audience.

The first graduates of the studio " Fidget"He became the real pride of the domestic show business. Sergey Lazarev ranked 3rd at the music competition in Sweden " Eurovision" - 2016 \ Eurovision. With a world-class hit. Duet "Tatu" consisting of two former participants of the studio "Fidget" Julia Volkovo and Elena Katina Also loudly declared Europe at the 2003 Song Competition. The studio is unique in that he produces wonderful songs, which are then scattered throughout the country performed by other children's vocal teams.

Watch download video Igor Nikolaev and fidgets "One hundred friends" Click on the picture

Grand Concert " Adults and children" Already 15 times collects the Achlags. Young artists from the "Fidget" team and the Russian pop stars are pleased to perform on the same stage with joint musical numbers. This year in the concert will take part Igor Nikolaev.

Igor Nikolaev congratulated the team with the holiday

Repetition \\

Children's vocal ensemble.
Originated April 12, 1991 as a children's circle at the Palace of Pioneers
It is part of the Studio Theater.
Children teach Solfeggio, acting skill, stage speech and dance.
Artistic director - Honored Worker of Culture Elena Mikhailovna Pinjoyan.

Famous graduates:
Sergey Lazarev - Eurovision 2016 \\ 3
Julia Volkova and Lena Katina - Tattoo Group - Eurovision 2003 \\ 3
Nastya Zadorozhnaya - Actress, Singer, "Love in the Big City"
Vlad Topalov - Group "Smesh"