The phraseological "White Crow" value.

 The phraseological
The phraseological "White Crow" value.

White rabbits and white mice, in principle, are not uncommon. White horses and cows can be found less often, as well as drosses and deer. Absolute white proteins occasionally come across North America. And sometimes notes about the caught white sturgeon are printed in Russian newspapers or mined white fox hunters. Imagine even the red-eyed toads of the dairy color!

White color is not a typical color of all these animals, fish and birds. They are representatives of Albinos. Albinism, named so from the Latin word "Albus", which means "white", occurs in the absence of the desired pigment in the cells responsible for the color of hair and skin.

There are albinos and among the crows, but this is an extraordinary rarity. Today, the phraseological expression today gave the world to the Roman poet Satir Yuvenal. In 1-2 centuries AD. He remarked quite aptly: "The slave can go to the kings, prisoners - wait for triumph. Only a good-to-one is so rare white crows ... "

Comparison of the wise juvenlary firmly entered into Russian. Today, more than two thousand years later, we are talking about a person with a nontrivial, we can dislike all the rest that he is a "white crow".

In the East, you can also meet a similar comparison. But it affects the elephants, also extremely rarely peating white colors with red eyes. Indochina residents appreciate them precisely for rareness, like people who are called a "white elephant".

How to call a person who does not look like most? One of the options is the "White Crow". The value of phraseologism will be considered on understandable examples.


Let's start with the obvious. Ravens are usually black, sometimes black with gray, but in no case are not white. Albinos are a rarely found phenomenon.

Hence the white crow (the value of the phraseologist, see below) is an object that is strongly released from the general range. This is not just a quantitative difference, but a natural inner line of something that creates a completely different idea of \u200b\u200bthe state of affairs. Misty wording. Examples will help us clarify it.


Imagine the usual school environment. With the usual division on the "hooligans" and "nerds". Hooligans do not learn, they love to scandal in the broadest sense of the word. Botany, on the contrary, - diligent disciples, do not eat alcoholic beverages, read books. The reader knows for sure and those and those. So, a white crow (the value of the phraseologist is investigated with all thoroughness) - this is a hooligan, loving books in his hands, and completely any: historical, artistic, scientific.

He is considered a man "not from this world" both colleagues-hooligans and botany. People are prone to maximalism, so it is necessary to be a hooligan or botany, but until the very end, "to the bottom", as V. V. Mayakovsky said. A person who perceives the reality as a mosaic, in which you can freely make elements, produces a strange and wonderful impression on the surrounding impression. They talk about this: "Oh! Won white crow. The value of phraseologism now does not cause difficulties.

This is not a sentence

In fact, heavily differ from his surroundings is not so bad, because it can be so-so. But it is necessary to understand that this characteristic means nothing. Among the hooligans, the person reading books is a white crow. Then, by virtue of various reasons, the company may change, and the person will fall on Wednesday, where is ashamed not to read, not be interested in something, do not develop.

There is a wonderful literary analogy of a person who is suitable for the definition of the "White Crow" (the value of phraseologism, an example with him was a little earlier, but we still decided to specify our reasoning). Of course, about Alex from the work of Bergess "Clockwork Orange". The main character of the work, without a doubt, a terrible person, but he has a developed (or innate) feeling of a wonderful and any mind. This allocates it from the general range.

Nature surprises with his mysteries, and one of them - albinism. This phenomenon occurs due to a failure in the genetic code of animals, while the skin and cover of hair are deprived of a special pigment responsible for their color. Such an animal is born and remains white throughout life. These individuals in the animal world are called albinos (from the Latin word "Albus" - white).

In nature, you can meet white horses and cows, mice and rabbits, deer and protein. It is less likely to find a white elephant or tiger, toad and sturgeon. But the greatest rarity - white crow. Usually these birds have a black or gray color. Therefore, it is she mentioned in famous phraseology "White Voron".

The value of the expression

This phrase is used to describe a person who radically different from those around its appearance, behavior, views or interests. All this is manifested in the actions or statements of this person. Society can consider it strange or mentally unhealthy, although this is completely not true.

Contracted - the main feature of the "White Raven". On the one hand, it is a unique, interesting person, bright personality. On the other hand, it is always considered an outcast, he does not accept or afraid society.

Using this phrase in suggestions, people mean those who go out for the generally accepted framework and violates the established rules with their extraordinary behavior.

Many embraces the fact that someone may not pay attention to well-established canons and act exclusively at their discretion. In recent years, the expression value is used in a positive aspect, as bright personality becomes a role model.

The history of the appearance of phraseologism

The origin of the phraseological "White Voron" is connected with the poet, who lived in Rome at the end of the first and early second century. The story claims: the phrase was first sounded in his poem, where the poet said that only the will of the case could provide a slave kingdom, and the prisoner was a triumph, and such a case meets even less often than a white crow.

Knowing how the hierarchical structure of society in the Ancient Roman Empire was difficult to disagree with these words. In the seventh satir, this phrase is literally specified. In the Eastern countries, the analogue of this phraseologist is used - "white elephant", since there are albinos elephant, it is very rare.

How people become white corners

Submit to condemnation from society easily. For this man is enough go against stereotypeshave cardina opposite familiar views, strange appearance and unusual hobbies. Independence from established norms, the refusal of branded items of clothing and life, social networks allocate humans as well as belonging to subcultures, strange addictions or refusal to create a family.

"White Voronne" is difficult to deal with the opinion of others, but she should not be afraid to express his individuality. In order to stop feeling oppressed because of the other failure, it is necessary:

  • Submit their views and opinions as an original idea;
  • Interests and enthusiasm to bring to everyone and surprise our society;
  • Learn to communicate, trust people and divide both their interests with them, and take their hobbies.

Is it easy to be unique

Those who are called "White Voronene" do not seek to impose their views on others, but consider their point of view more correct. It is with this that society is trying to fight, who does not like dissenting people. It is difficult for them to adapt in the teams, among friends and acquaintances, because:

  • They are resentment, contempt and insults;
  • Their individuality is trying to suppress;
  • With strange people, few people want to communicate, so they have few friends. Usually, "white crows" are looking for comrades among supporters of their views.
  • Opinion the same people society often ignores.

How to behave white ravene

Most often teenagers are disturbed, but it is easier for them to transfer loneliness and unacceptability from society. Sometimes they themselves want to stand out among the peers. Although children can be very cruel to those who do not merge with the total mass. But adults are also subjected to ridicule, and they are much more difficult for them to be in a circle of those who do not share their hobbies.

Specialists in the psychology of relations give such advice to adult "White Voraces" and unusual teenagers:

  • It is necessary to learn to understand and respect the views and opinions of other people, relate to them benevolently.
  • Watch the surrounding and noticing what you can learn.
  • Explain their views and position is not categorically and calm, do not offend opposite judgments.
  • In case of ridiculation of physical disadvantages, it is worth using them as important dignity. High growth, for example, will allow women to get a job in a modeling agency, and men start playing basketball.
  • You need to get used to your disrespect, emphasize individuality.

There is a parable about White Vorona. An unusual bird lived among his black congor and was constantly subjected to ridicule on their part without explaining the causes of such behavior. For an evil, white bird was exclusively good. Trying as little as possible to communicate with other corners, she took off and poured high in the sky. Because of the oppression, the white corona wound up early, became independent and independent, for which hatred and envy only intensified.

A white bird decided to fly into search of the same raven in order to finally become ordinary and not stand out among the flocks. White crow flew away, but her disappearance was noticed. Fortuities poultry remembered her good qualities, recognized their mistakes and sorry that the White Crow left them.

Moral Proverbs: No need to pay attention to mockery around. It is important to preserve your dignity and individuality, look for like-minded people and behave naturally.

The global nature is very multifaceted and mysterious, presenting a lot of amazing mysteries, one of which is albinism. This is a rare phenomenon that manifests itself in the animal world is explained by the assembly in the genetic code when there is no pigment in the skin and hair cover that is responsible for the color.

This leads to the fact that the animal is born with a white color, unusual in this form. Such in the animal environment is called Albinos, from the Latin word "Albus", that is, "white". This phenomenon is most often found in rabbits and mice, less often in horses and cows. Cases have cases in protein, deer, drosses. It is very rare to see a white tiger or an elephant.

And how can you be white toad and sturgeon? But the biggest rarity is the White Crow, although all her parents of sulfur or black. So it is not surprising that it was she who was honored to perpetuate themselves in the famous phraseology "White Voron".

The value of the phraseology "White Crow"

"White V. rona "is called a person who is very different from others with a look at life, behavior or their appearance. Values, interests and objectives of such a person are very different with the society in which he is.

This is manifested in its extraordinary statements and actions. Such a person is considered strange and even crazy. But it is not. It just cares completely different topics that are completely uninteresting to the overwhelming majority.

And for him, this is almost the main thing in life. But to the well-established and recognized in society, values \u200b\u200bmay be indifferent. It may also be allocated by manner behavior. It behaves quietly and modestly, does not touch anyone, may have a strange gait or something constantly mourned under the nose, low-usable and a few.

The appearance can also distinguish it from others. I mean not some physical disadvantages, but self-expression in clothes, piercing, tattoo. Although in our time it is unlikely to surprise.

"You are a man's father who fought with autocracy. Vasily Andreevich you can be proud of full right. - so it is so, because Vasili is among us white Voronev was. And if he went against the king, then my merit is not here. "This is how to say," the horns laughed. "There is no bad tribe from a bad seed."

K.Fedykh (1908-1979), "Dauria", 1948

"- Are you also a collective farmer? - asked Sergey. - No, what are you! - Lena surprised his eyebrows. - I'm here guest, in misfortune. ... because Mother calls me white Voronev».

S.P.Babaevsky (1909-20000), "Cavalier of the Golden Star", 1947-1948.

"White crow" is a contradictory personality. On the one hand, dissent, uniqueness and unusualness, and on the other, is a misunderstanding of the surrounding, the role of the burden and loneliness. Nevertheless, it is felt in this image something clean and vulnerable.

The origin of the phraseologist "White Voron"

The first mention of the expression "White Voron" is found at the junction of the 1st and 2nd century by the Roman poet Dezimo Yuvenal (about 60 - no earlier than 128) or just Juvenal in one of his satir:

"Rock gives the kingdom of slaves, delivers prisoner triumphs.

However, the lucky is the same less white Crow it happens".

Juvenal, "7th satire".

Such a rare phenomenon as a "white crow" and encouraged satirik on a similar metaphor. It can be seen that this is a bright and accurate comparison in the soul of the Romans, if the expression "White Crow" uses the 20th centuries.

But still the phraseological "White Voron" is negative. People at all do not really complain strange, unlike all and distinguished from the total mass of people. At least relate to them with a big caution and alertness.

Parable about "White Crow"

Justice to mention one parable about the "White Voronene".

From the earliest childhood, "White Vorona" was unbelievable by her relatives. She did not understand why he hate her, the evil was fucked, constantly the differences and teased. But the bird did not respond to the resentment, and just tried to be in a flock and smaller to communicate. She flew high in the sky and betrayed loneliness.

Being without friends, the bird has matured early. A hard life has learned the crow to overcome the difficulties that hardered it and made hardy and strong. For it, she began to envy and hated even stronger.

And the patience of the crows ended, and decided to leave the flock and go in search, similar to himself, White Raven. The disappearance did not pass unnoticed. Other birds suddenly remembered all her good qualities, recalled the insults with her.

The morality is that it is always necessary to remain myself and be able to find friends and like-minded people.

In conclusion, I would like to say that along with the expression "White Crow" there are other similar expressions based on an unusual color of the animal, radically different from the main colors of the animals of this species. These include aligning expressions and black sheep in Russia.

White crow ion. A person who has sharply distinguished by anyone among the people around him. - Are you also a collective farmer? - asked Sergey. - No, what are you! - Lena surprised his eyebrows. - I am here a guest, in misfortune ... because my mother calls me "White Voronene" (S. Babaevsky. Cavalier Golden Star).

The phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, Ast. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.


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