The fans of Ilya Glinnikov are worried about rumors about his hospitalization. Ilya Mlinnikov rushed with Catherine Nikulina: what happened, the details of the fight

The fans of Ilya Glinnikov are worried about rumors about his hospitalization. Ilya Mlinnikov rushed with Catherine Nikulina: what happened, the details of the fight
The fans of Ilya Glinnikov are worried about rumors about his hospitalization. Ilya Mlinnikov rushed with Catherine Nikulina: what happened, the details of the fight

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It all started with the fact that on Sunday, on September 17, Ilya Mlinnikov went to the hospital after a fight with his girlfriend Catherine Nikulina, when I supposedly tried to drive it out of the apartment. As it turned out, the actor has long been dissatisfied with their joint life. Nikulina, according to Mlinnikov's close environment, does not work and lives at the expense of the actor. In addition, she allowed himself to return home at a very later time. On this occasion between young people often arose quarrels.


Actually, it happened this time. Nikulina returned home in an invalid time, probably after the night-party, and besides, she was also drunk. Waiting for the Chief of Mlinnik, being in extremely nervous condition, also drank. When Catherine finally appeared at home, Ilya immediately pointed her the door, as a result, a quarrel happened, which turned into a serious brawl.

According to the native Mlinnikov, Nikulina broke him all his face, and herself received only a couple of bun. Catherine allegedly threw in Ilya not only kitchen utensils and bottles, but also equipment: tablets, phones. According to the Moscow Komsomolets, after the conflict, the apartment was in a deplorable state. The fight of lovers was so fierce that traces of blood remained everywhere in the dwelling.

The first came to the Mlinnikov. Allegedly he contacted his relatives, who in the afternoon I was setting up to him on the apartment. They caused an ambulance. The coach took Ilya and Catherine in the Research Institute of Sklifosovsky. In addition to the brain, Glinnikov, except the forehead turned out to be dissected, bruises were formed under the eyes, and the old knee injury was aggravated. As a result, Ilya was put in the department of traumatology.

But Ekaterina refused to stay in the hospital. She also diagnosed the injury of the head. They say, the Mlinnikov now thinks, whether to write a statement to Nikulin. It all depends on its further behavior. The actor is ready to write a statement on it if she does not leave his apartment and continue to run on the proceedings.

Interestingly, the official representative of Ilya Glinnikova denied information about the fight and hospitalization, stating that the popular actor allegedly is in Georgia and everything is good. By the way, on its page in the social network Instagram Ilya made a publication three days ago, indicating Tbilisi location.

The media, referring to its own anonymous sources, reported on the hospitalization of the actor Ilya Glinnikov. As it became known to the newsmens, Ilya beat and scratched him the face of the Bride of Catherine Nikulina. Now the artist is in the hospital and thinks over the appointment of the police.

Ekaterina Nikulina and Ilya Mlinnikov // Photo: Instagram

According to the source of the media, the fight occurred on the day before at night in the apartment of Glinnikov. Ekaterina Nikulina returned home after another party, pretty drunk. Apparently, it became the last straw for the actor, and he decided to point to the girl on the door.

"You see, Katya does not work anywhere and does not want to do this. She lives at the expense of Ilya. Of course, he does not like it. He tried to arrange her somewhere to work, but Katya continues to sit on his neck "- approves an insider.

Also, the interlocutor of journalists said that Ilya failed to pay the winner of the Show "Bachelor" from the apartment. At some point, the actor decided to apply strength, but Catherine began to defend his right to be dependent. As a result, Ilya Mlinnikov received a concussion of the brain, bruises under both eyes and scratched face. Catherine's injuries are less significant - head injury.

"Ilya will not write a statement if Katya herself will eat. If not, then it is waiting for the proceedings with the police "- reported the source.

It is worth noting that the official representative of Ilya Glinnikov called the brawl absurd. According to him, the actor and its chosen are now in Georgia and perfectly spend time.

Recently, in the Russian media, information appeared that Ilya Mlinnikov and his bride Catherine Nikulina allegedly arranged a quarrel with a fight, since the actor wanted to drive out the girl from the apartment. In addition, it was reported that the TNT Star was hospitalized due to the injuries from the beatings of Nikulina.

The fans of Glinnikov in the network were very concerned with the state of his health, especially since he published the last post in Instagram before the appearance of rumors about the alleged fight.

"Ilya, what kind of nonsense appeared in the press, as if Katya beat you and did you get to the hospital? What it is, Stttit the whole Internet! Please comment, many worry about you!"

"Such news from scratch does not appear, unfortunately"

"Ilyush, how do you feel?"

"Are you alive? Review!"

"What nonsense? Where is the information?"

Later, the agent Ilya Ekaterina Sychev appealed to the press and refuted the rumors about the incident. According to her, the actor all this time was in Tbilisi, so there is no reason for concern and can not be.

The relationship of Mlinnikov and Nikulina is constantly enveloped by rumors: more recently

Yesterday, September 17, the network has information that the actor after the beating of his girlfriend. There is no official confirmation of this incident, however, a new information has already appeared on the network today with the details of what happened, the site reports.

Details of the incident

According to some media reports, Ilya got into the hospital named after Sklifosovsky after he was beaten by his girlfriend and Bride Catherine Nikulina. There is a version that the couple quickly quarreled and started the fight.

It is reported that allegedly Nikulina walked all night for some part in and returned home only under morning. Then the marchs tried to expel her, but the girl came into rage and thrown on his famous groom. At the same time, household appliances, gadgets, smartphones, dishes went to move. As a result, both were injured and sent to one hospital.

State of Ilya and his girls

Journalists managed to even find out what the Ilya and his bride eventually received injuries. The actor was diagnosed with a brain concussion, he also dissected forehead and aggravated the old problems with the knee joint. Nikolina, according to the press, there are only small bruises.

As Joinfomedia's journalist Joinfomedia, Mlinnikov, now hesitate over the fact that he filed a statement to the prosecutor's office on the fact of beating or not. His only condition, the fulfillment of which will force forget about the incident, is only the departure of Catherine from his apartment.

Meanwhile, it should still note that no one officially confirmed this information. Nor nor Nikulina. Actor Actor reports that he is now in Georgia, but the alarmed fans noticed that the last publication in Instagram was made a few days ago, and Ilya was disappeared. Therefore, until he commenimizes this information itself, no one recognizes the true truth.