Facts from biography and real Christmas tree name. Singer Tree Biography, Personal Life, Parameters, Photo

Facts from biography and real Christmas tree name. Singer Tree Biography, Personal Life, Parameters, Photo
Facts from biography and real Christmas tree name. Singer Tree Biography, Personal Life, Parameters, Photo

The alias of the Christmas tree was born at himself back in school years, when school friends called the eleven Lisa. Now the girl is almost never responding to real Passport name Elizabeth.

Growth, weight, age. How old is the christmas tree (singer)?

Fans often want to know what physical data is their idol. Not exception are the fans that require information about which approximately growth, weight, the age of the Christmas tree.

The Christmas tree was born in 1982, respectively, she turned 34 years old. At this age, she managed to achieve very much, much more than colleagues in the artistic workshop. According to the sign of the zodiac, the talented singer cancer, and on the eastern horoscope - a dog.

The Christmas tree looks at his fans from the height of the meter and sixty two centimeters. Weighs a girl for its growth completely a bit - 51 kilograms.

The amount of the chest is 94 centimeters, and the waist is 60. If you add the thighs of 95 centimeters to these parameters, then we will get the almost classical formula 90-60-90.

Singer Christmas tree real name, surname and nationality

Elizabeth Waldemarovna Ivanziv - the famous Ukrainian and Russian singer, who is known for an unusual pseudonym tree. She has a fairly interesting surname. Speakers in pop and rock styles, and also tried itself as an alternative music performer. Nationality in the Christmas tree Russian-Ukrainian.

Little licorice appeared on July 2 in the city of Uzhgorod. Her parents had attracted to the musical light. Father collected jazz vinyl records, and the mother masterfully owned three musical instruments. By the way, the grandmother and grandfather of the future singers performed with the People's Chorus of Transcarpathia.

Elizabeth sang almost with diaper. Like all talented children, sang as part of the choir, and then a long time was engaged in vocals. The girl was very artistic, so performed as part of the KVN team.

She constantly visited the musical festivals of the international level, adored Music in the style of Rap and Soul.

After school he studied at the music school in the class of vocal. Lisa could not finish him because of the idea that teachers consider it by mediocrity. After six months of study, the girl was expelled herself so that she was not kicked out. Perhaps it was associated with the extravagant appearance of the future singer, because she made tattoos and piercing, wore a very bright makeup and even shaved his head on Lysco.

Later, a talented girl performed on stage as part of local musical groups, played in KVN, and also, worked as a dishwasher in a cafe. There was not enough money to life, so the Christmas tree grabbed for any opportunity to earn money.

In the nineties, a talented girl performed in the B & B Group, however, only on the rights of back vocalists. Later, the Biography of the Christmas tree was replenished with the acquaintance with the reper shaff, which in 2004 began to produce the future star. For the first time spent on the metropolitan scene at the concert of the memory of Micah.

Sheff offered the Christmas tree to sign a contract with him, but he proposed to change the scenic alias to the usual name. The girl decisively refused and began to perform under his fictional name.

The Christmas tree did not lose, because in 2005 the first solo album "City of Deception", which headed the hit parades was released. The young singer was named the opening of the year.

After that, the success was brought by the composition "Girl-Student" and a solo album "Shadows", which made the singer even more popular. And already in 2007, I saw the light of the first video album of the Christmas tree, in which clips in the style of severe and guitar R & B were collected.

Nominated on the Channel One of the Channel One, as the best performer of rap music. I tried myself in voice acting cartoon films.

2007 Brought a Christmas tree "Golden Gramophone" and a new album in the quiet and peaceful tones "This magnificent world". Soon there were cool songs, one of which was recorded in the Ukrainian language. She was associated with political events in Ukraine.

2009 presented magnificent hits "Dreams" and "Your Words", which did not fall into the fourth Disk of the Christmas tree due to the fact that her contract with Vlad Stelov ended.

The girl collaborated with Alaina Mikhailova and Lian Meladze. In 2010, appeared on Ukrainian television as a judge on the X-factor television show.

Pugacheva had a great influence on the creativity of the Christmas tree, after the interview with which she began to sing the most positive pop-style songs. The woman has changed an outstanding style to a more feminine option.

In 2011, the girl became the owner of three MUZ-TV premiums, released several songs that were instantly hits. In the same year, she became one of the most successful show-business figures in Ukraine.

In 2014, a new "# no" album was released, in which only high-quality compositions are collected. In 2016, once again he received the Golden Gramophone Prize and recorded a song with his idol Ilya Lagutenko, which became a soundtrack to the popular film "Tree".

He starred in the films "Gentlemen, good luck!", Sashahatany, "gift with character", "Fight", "about love."

Personal Life of the Christmas tree (singer)

Like many stars of the domestic pop, the personal life of the Christmas tree is under the unwashed ban for the press. The girl is just joking that she lives with her beloved cat.

When Lisa played in the KVN team "Chamber No. 6", she met with her captain Vasily I extremely. The moment of moving the girl to Moscow and the gap of the seven-year-old relationship guy survived very hard.

The stars have a lot of male fans, and even more work and plans for the future. She admits that it was simply once for her personal life, but with a loved one and a business partner broke up.

Former husband of the Christmas tree (singer) - Sergey Astakhov

With his beloved person, Lisa met in adolescence, but no feelings were tested to each other. The girl believed that this meeting was a banal resort novel, which would be held in a short time. Romantic relationships started six years later, when the fate of the brought young people again.

The couple lived only on the earnings of Elizabeth, and after in 2010 they officially got married, the guy with a light hand of his wife gained prestigious work. Former husband of the Christmas tree - Sergey Astakhov - for a long time he worked as an administrator at the singer.

Singer Christmas tree with husband Sergey Astakhov photo

However, Sergey earned a little, so the couple traveled and built a house for the money of the girl. The Christmas tree was very tired alone to drag on themselves financial problems. Six years after the wedding, she dismissed her husband from the post of administrator and filed for a divorce. A strong family was destroyed by household problems, a shortage of money and a lack of finance for the construction of the cottage.

Many familiar Christmas trees openly call Sergei Astakhov Alfons, whom the singer fully contained. Now the girl abandoned his personal life and with his head plunged into the work.

However, some friends of the Christmas tree claim that the gap of these relations is temporary, as it loves her husband insanely.

Children of the Christmas tree. Is the singer pregnant? From whom? When to give birth?

The children of the Christmas tree are not present even in the project, because she did not find another man from whom she would like to give birth to the baby.

A woman is insanely loves children, which can be seen in her reaction on the television show "You are super". In this project, kids and adolescents are involved, who fell into orphanages and found themselves in severe life circumstances. The tree showed itself not only as a strict member of the jury, but also a good, caring and understanding mommy for kids. While the pregnancy of the Christmas tree is hidden from the public.

In his instagram, the tree does not get tired of admiring the talented children who are worthy of making them in the family.

Like most Russian pop stars, the Christmas tree argues that it is calm to plastic operations, but never did them. But on dubious sites on the Internet you can find photos of the Christmas tree before and after plastics, which are not confirmed by the facts.

The singer emphasizes in his interview that the fashion for plastic operations has long passed, so it will definitely not "do" a chubby lips or a huge chest.

Experts emphasize that the Christmas tree absolutely made Botox injections, pulling face. And at the earliest and current pictures, it can be understood that she has grown lips a little.

Instagram and Wikipedia Christmas Trees (singer)

Elizabeth Ivanziv, like any progressive person, there are pages on social networks, where it shares with fans the last news.

Official instagram and Wikipedia Christmas trees will die with beautiful photos of nature and sky. In this rather interesting account of the singer a lot of publications, approximately seven notes have been added. Frequent photos from touring tours, video of new clips, as well as, personal photos of girls and news from the life of her girlfriends. Recently, the instagram you can find posts dedicated to homeless dogs and the provision of veterinary care to domestic pets.

There you can find reliable information about future concerts and about the revolutions canceled for any reason. And there are also reviews of people who visited concerts.

You can find an informative page on Twitter, which contains many interesting facts from the life of the celebrity.

Elizabeth Waldemarovna Ivanziv or just a Christmas tree - a girl who was blinded herself. She passed the way from the informal girl to the gorgeous singer, which many people adore. This incomparable woman soap dishes for a penny and did not change their dream, so now she provides themselves and invariably collects the full halls.

Uzhgorod city on July 2, 1982. It so happened that the whole family had a musical girl. Grandfather and grandmother sang in the "Transcarpathian choir", the father collects jazz music, and Mom plays three musical instruments. Such an atmosphere in the family could not prevent an imprint to choose the future profession of a small Christmas tree. The singer's career she began in the school church, then continued in a vocal circle at the Poland of Pioneers. Also from school years participated in KVN, where mostly sang. To amaze and affect the public - was the favorite occupation of the future star. Everything went into the course - and the appearance, and the manner of the performance of the songs. Natives supported the Christmas tree. Looking at her progress, they said that Lisa would definitely become a pop star.


After school, the tree entered the music school. True, after six months of study threw it. As the singer is recognized if she did not leave herself, it would be expelled. However, the absence of completed musical education did not prevent themselves into a large scene. In the 1990s, she was a back-vocalist known at the time in Uzhgorod a group "B & B".

In 2001, the musical team performed at the Rap Music International Festival in Moscow, where the producer Vlad Vlaov drew attention to the singer. He suggested helping the album group. True, this did not happen. "B & B", and the Christmas tree itself decided not to continue the singer's career. She got a job as a waitress in his hometown. So continued to take and spread orders in the cafe, if not the perseverance of Vlad Valov. He called the girl, offered cooperation and invited to Moscow.

In 2004, the Christmas tree performed at a concert dedicated to Michea's memory. She sang his song "Bitch-Love". Soon the composition of the singer "City of Deception" sounded. She became a real hit, took the top lines of many hit parades and brought the Christmas tree the popularity and love of fans. The actress itself admitted that the "city of deception" is her favorite song, as it is written about her himself.

With each new song, the popularity of the Christmas tree was becoming more and more. Compositions "Good mood", "This Great World", "Female Girl", "Handsome Boy", "Provence" and now hearing the fans of artist's creativity and not only. Musical works of the Christmas tree are nominated and receive awards in prestigious competitions and premiums, such as MTVRMA, Golden, Muz-TV, RU.TV, Glamor Awards, etc.

Among other things, the actress is the main character of the cartoon "Truthful History of the Red Cap." And since 2010, the talent show of the "X-factor" in Ukraine has produced.

Christmas tree - a unique singer on the Russian stage. Surprisingly, that appeared in the domestic pop, as an absolutely alternative musician, she eventually turned the attention of a very wide range of listeners. And still in his work, which today, probably, can be attributed to pop music, it allows you to easily go to soul, reggae, rock and rhythm-n-blues, not only while staying interesting and understandable to the big public, but And becoming her favorite. Today, according to many, the Christmas tree is one of the most popular singers of Russia.

Lisa Ivanziv (real name of the singer) was born in the small Ukrainian city of Uzhgorod in a versatile musical family, where the dad collected Jazz, Mom played on several instruments, and both grandmothers sang in a folk choir. So from the very birth, the girl grew in the atmosphere of good music. Apparently, it was at that time that she had a unique musical taste. It would seem in the music and ahead. However, in the life of the singer everything was much more interesting. Instead of the music school, she went to the vocal circle of the pioneers at home, and from school years began to play in KVN, where she found the use and his strong voice, and creative thinking, which Nature has been awarded.

Not like everyone else is exactly about the Christmas tree. From school years, the girl spent experiments on himself. That painted the hair in a red color, then harassed. That dressed in everything black, but changed the gothic image on the crucile and rivets. I decorated myself with a piercing, then there was tautuice. It is necessary to say that such an extraordinary personality for his youth acquired a large number of faithful friends, but at the same time could not blame with the teachers. This, by the way, was the reason that the definitely talented singer who owns the voice so professionally that musical critics compare it with Zemfira, then with Jeanne Aguzarova, there is no musical education. At one time she did in the nobody, but herself was forced to quit him, not finding a common language with any of the teachers. But the rest everything went well, thanks to this, the Christmas tree did not move. Having left the musical school, she immediately began to sing in the local Uzhgorod group "B & B", taking the place of vocalist.

As part of this group in 2001, the Christmas tree and noticed a person who played a crucial role in her creative biography. Producer Vlad Shalov. Accidentally having acquainted with Valov, the singer soon forgot about him, especially since the group in which she sang was falling apart. Disappointed with everyone and the whole, the Christmas tree decided to throw music and settled in a waitress in a cafe. And now, in three years, the shafts appeared in her life again - now to call it to Moscow. "And the meeting with Vlad happened at that moment when I finally banned even dream of a big scene. Then I was owned by youthful maximalism, I resentd about the fact that I see on the TV screen. I could not understand why many artists, without knowing how to sing and having a good repertoire, regularly appear on the air? I thought: "Give me a clamshell in this city, and I will show you what a real artist is!", - Later I remembered this episode of the singer.

In Moscow, she eventually went to Moscow in 2004. And indeed soon "showed" everyone. The debut album written to the trees trees was called "the city of deception." With him, the singer in 2005 literally "blew up" the Moscow public. True, to start only the club - painfully complex for the mass listener, the musical material was presented in the album. But the Moscow music lovers, and most importantly, critics were very satisfied, sawing in the repertoire of the singer "Elements of both R'n'B and rock, reggae, chanson and pop," but at the same time recognizing him with the calculated "not so much on some fans From these styles, how much to the wide audience.

After the album "City of Deception", the Christmas tree was announced by the "supernova", and this title she soon confirmed.

Further in the work of the Christmas tree, all events occur already in front of the general public. A few more albums are more and more famous for music. The same Christmas tree at the same time gains popularity glasses. The singer gives very interesting interviews, including visiting Alla Pugacheva on the radio "Alla". Appears as part of popular concerts. Removes clips, participates in the TV show. With regard to music, the tree is becoming easier. In 2010, she ruined relations with their fateful producer Vlad Vlaovy. The gap, however, not hurt its popularity. In the same year, the singer begins to work with the producers of Lian Meladze and Alena Mikhailova from Velvet Music. As the author of the songs now it cooperates with the Ukrainian author Egor Solodovnikov, who writes for her a few hits that quickly occupy the highest positions in the charts. Songs "Provence", "on a large balloon" and "near you" in style already, of course, belong to simple pop music, but they quickly beat all records of popularity. And 2013, the Christmas tree meets as the officially recognized most popular singer of Russia. Whether to regret the care of the "musical phenomenon" from "musical complexity" or rejoice in the success of the popular singer, every listener will decide himself. The main thing is, in her face, the Russian audibility unequivocally received a quality product - a truly talented artist.


  • The Christmas tree is not specially invented by a pseudonym, and the real homemade and friendly name of the singer, who is called it from 11 years old.
  • Christmas tree - big lover of cats. Her house has a black cat for many years.
  • Even before the appearance on the Moscow scene, the Christmas tree was a famous person in his native Uzhgorod. As the singer itself told, it could often be met in the city with red hair, in black clothes and with a bunch of piercing. At the age of 15, she shaved Naliso and made the first tattoo.
  • Singer Christmas tree threw smoking.
  • Singer Tree played for quite a long time in the KVN team "Chamber No. 6"

2007 - "Golden Gramophone" for the song "Handsome Boy"

2011 - Prize RU.TV for the song "Provence"

2001 - "Golden Gramophone" for the song "Provence"

2011 - Glamor Awards - Singer of the Year

2011 - ZD Awards - Singer of the Year

2012 - MUZ-TV Prize Best Performer

2012 - Prize RU.TV - for the song "About you"

2012 - "Golden Gramophone" for the song "About you"

2012 - Yuna Prize for the song "Near you" and the best performer


City of Deception (2005)

Shadows (2006)

This magnificent world (2008)

Points arranged (2011)

    Singer Lkaa - She is Elizabeth Waldemarovna Ivanziv - this is this Pivice real name, born in the city of Uzhgorod (Ukraine) on July 2, 1982. She became a Christmas tree by taking his nickname from childhood. Height 162 cm, Weight approximately 50 kg. Married in 2010, there are no children, but it seems that it is pregnant.

    Singer Lka, whose real name Elizabeth Waldemarovna Ivanziv was born on July 2, 1982 in Uzhgorod (Ukraine).

    Now she is 33 years old.

    Girl grew in a musical family.

    Save once in the school church and did even in a musical circle at the Palace of Pioneers.

    Beginning to acquire popularity thanks to participate in school KVER.

    In school, someone blurted out Christmas tree;, after which it is a nickname firmly clutched with Lisa.

    Entered the music school, but did not finish.

    The Christmas tree had a lot of fans, but the first man of her was the captain of the KVN team Chamber6 - Vasily Nernya.

    Lisa was 14 years then

    Vasily 8 years older than her.

    The novel lasted 7 years, but the wedding in LCA plans did not enter.

    In 2004, she moved to Moscow, as she wanted to be famous.

    In Moscow, LKA met Sergei Astakhov, a guy from near Moscow, who did not work anywhere.

    lKA with a man- administrator

    There are no children from the pair.

    This is a miracle in the clubs, while the LKA works and drives around with concerts

    And this is a favorite of many LKA

    I would like to be a worthy person next to her.

    One of the most popular singers of the tree was born in the city of Uzhgorod in Ukraine. July 2, 1982. Real name Elizabeth Waldemarovna Ivanziv. Height 162 cm, weight about 50 kg. Married to Sergey Astakhov. Many fans of the Christmas tree still do not approve her choice. Although the couple is already together for more than 5 years, it means that everything suits the Christmas tree. There are no children yet.

    Real name LCA Elizabeth Waldemarovna Ivanziv. The nickname of the LKA appeared at the singer in childhood, from the courtyard company the boy so jokingly called the future singer.

    Lisa was born in the Ukrainian city of Uzhgorod, on July 2, 1982, in a family with musical: Mom played on three tools, and grandfather and grandpa sang in the Transcarpathian folk choir. Lisa began his musical path from school choir. The growth of the singer is 162 cm.

    Since 2010, the Christmas tree is married to Sergey Astakhov, he is her administrator. There are no children at the pair yet, but there is a property in Moscow.

    Russian singer Elizabeth Waldemarovna Ivanziv (she Christmas) Born on July 2, 1987 in Ukraine (city Uzhgorod) in the family of musicians. Since childhood, Elizabeth was engaged in music, sang in the school church, and then began to go to the vocal circle. In 2004, she began her musical career, and signed a contract with a group Bamp; BU. As part of this groups, she released its first album which is called city deception; In 2011, more people already learned about her, she was pretty famous from the song Provence. At the moment, its songs occupy leading places in various charts.

    Singer Tree - Biography - Born in Uzhgorod Ukraine July 2, 1982 in the family of musicians. The pseudonym the Christmas tree did not invent, so it was nicknamed in childhood. Its growth is 162 cm, weight is 51 kg. Married in 2010 for Alfons and made him with his administrator. No children live in Moscow since 2004.

    Christmas tree - famous singer. Place of birth LCI is the city of Uzhgorod, which in Ukraine.

    Singing the Christmas tree began in childhood, and as a child, he received a nickname, which later chose a pseudonym.

    Real name LCA - Lisa Ivanziv. Now she is about 30 years old, seemingly a little scary, but many likes a lot like many, on which its popularity is built.

    LCI concerts regularly pass in different cities, so many have the opportunity to listen to the songs of the Christmas tree live.

    Christmas tree she was born Elizabeth July 2, 1982. of the city of Uzhgorod in Ukraine. At the moment she is 34 years old. The weight of Elizabeth Ivanziva is 52 kilograms, and the growth of Elizabeth is 162 centimeters.

    Growing Elizabeth in Ukraine in the family of musicians. From the earliest childhood she was engaged in music. The study at School Elizabeth took part in the KVN team in the QUOT team; 6 chamber;

    After school, Elizabeth entered the music school, but could not finish him, because he did not get along with the teachers.

    After that, Elizabeth worked as a back-vocalist in the BAMP; BU, but in 2001 the group broke up.

    In 2004, Elizabeth signed contact with Vlad Valovy, and in 2005 the singer of the tree has already released the first album called city deceived;. In 2007, the Christmas tree became owner gold gramophone. In 2011, the singer Tree became singer of the year And again received gold gramophone. The singer is already a fourfold owner gold gramophone And many other awards.

    Elizabeth Ivanziva is married to Sergey Astakhov. They played the wedding in 2010, and since 2004 they began to live in Moscow.

    Elizabeth Ivanziv - this is exactly what the real name of the singer sounds like a pseudonym of the Christmas tree

    Elizabeth today a little more than 30 years, so we can say that now she has the flourishing forces.

    The Christmas tree has a whole army of fans and fans who look forward to every track

    And the treks have a lot of treks. She brought the greatest popularity to the song city of deception;

    The owner of many different musical awards and prizes

    Even in cinema (episodic roles, or voice acting)

    This is such a very interesting character.

    Christmas tree - one of my favorite singers lately. It is individuality, identity, uniqueness, chic vocal data, in general, there is something to listen to and what to see. Christmas tree 32 years old, she was born in Ukraine in the city of Uzhgorod.

July 2, 1982 in Uzhgorod (Ukraine) in the family of Ivanziv, a girl was born, which was called Elizabeth. Each member of this family, one way or another, had to do with music: Mother freely owned several musical instruments, the father collects the composition of jazz musicians, grandparents sang in folk choir.

It is not surprising that from the early age of Lisa, who possessed a loud voice voice, began to visit the vocal circle at the Palace of Pioneers.

Being a teenager, Ivanviv seriously interested in music in the style of SoulAnd often attended musical festivals in Europe. The first fame to the girl came in his hometown: in high school, she was a participant in the popular KVN team, which allowed her to demonstrate their vocal abilities. By the way, then the girl enjoyed a pseudonym tree.

After graduating from school, Lisa decided to completely devote himself to music, and entered the vocal department to the music school, but she was lasts there for only six months. According to the singer, she could not find a common language with teachers and chose to leave the walls of the educational institution earlier than it would try to expel. The stumbling block was the appearance of Lisa, which was always sought to rap a public: she applied unnecessarily bright makeup, Bril sleek his head, decorated her body with tattoos and piercing.

The climbing on the musical Olympus Lisa began with the fact that he settled the back-vocalist to the B & B team. The group of compositions in the style of Rap and R'n'B, and enjoyed a certain popularity among lovers of this genre.

In 2001, the team took one of the prizes at the Rap Music Moscow Festival, and was noticed by the famous producer Sheff - Vlad Vlaovy. However, for some reason, the first acquaintance turned into creative cooperation only three years later.

By that time, Lisa had already left hopes to become a famous singer and i seriously thought to completely finish with my old musical career. A real shock for her was the call of Vlad Valov, who invited it to Moscow to at the concert dedicated to the memory of Micah, to fulfill his famous song "Suk-Love".

Sheff managed to see in Lisa a big creative potential, and he immediately signed a contract with her. He suggested a girl to change the pseudonym, however, the tree flatly refused to do it. She explained his refusal by the fact that she had long been "affected" with her pseudonym, and almost forgot what her passport name was.

Cooperation with the Moscow producer gave its fruits - in 2005, the debut album of the novice singer "City of Deception" came out, which quickly won popularity. All texts and music were written by Vlad Valov, he was engaged in both the arrangement.

The album turned out to be very multifaceted, in fact, it was a bold experiment with various musical genres, and he was very successful.

The Christmas tree fastened its popularity, performing the composition "Girl-Student", which was broadcast in all the country's radio stations. The second album of the singer called "Shadows" could not repeat the success of the debut album, but he won a worthy place in the creative piggy bank of the singer. As before, most of the compositions belonged to Vlad Valov.

Interesting notes:

In 2008, the singer pleased the fans of their talent output of the third album. "This magnificent world" was distinguished by lighter and positive work, creating a feeling of ease after listening. It was the last album in which the author of the songs spoke Schuff. The Christmas tree, feeling his strength, decided to change its own style and work with other authors and composers.

According to the singer, such a decision has been ripe in it for a long time, but she was able to do a decisive step after a conversation with Alla Pugacheva, who advised it to expand the creative framework.

The Christmas tree was chosen on the company "Velvet Music", in collaboration with which the new album "Points placed" was recorded, characterized by a softer sound. The present hits from this album were the compositions "near you" and "Provence". A large team took part in the work on the new project of the singer, which boldly experimented with various musical styles and directions.

This period of searching for a new sound has become incredibly successful in the creative life of the Christmas tree: its popularity grew day by day, she toured a lot throughout Russia.

In addition, the experiments of the Christmas tree and with a style of clothing were successful. She began to wear elegant dresses and costumes, quickly won the fame of the icon of the style of the Russian show business.

In 2014, the singer presented a new album called "Failure love", which includes not yet published compositions of Vlad Valov, as well as several new tracks recorded in conjunction with Velvet Music. A year later, the tree pleased his fans with the release of the next album "# no"which was highly appreciated by both musical critics and ordinary listeners. Total Discography Christmas tree has 5 albums:

  • "City of Deception" (2005);
  • "Shadows" (2006);
  • "This magnificent world" (2008);
  • "Points are placed" (2011);
  • "# No" (2015).

2016 gave the singer joint performance with her long-standing idol - Ilya Lagutenko. She dreamed of singing with him on the same stage, but did not think that this dream is capable of realizing in life. The musicians performed the composition "With a loved one, do not part", which became a soundtrack for the film "Christmas tree".

Despite the tight schedule, the Christmas tree managed to try himself as an actress, starring in such films as the "truthful story of the Red Cap", "", "This is love!", "Fiction". Currently, the singer is actively touring, often appears on television as an honorary guest or leading many popular shows.

Despite the increased interest in his own person, the Christmas tree some miracle manages to hide the details of his personal life from the omnipresent journalists.

But, despite the sweat of the singer, it became known that she was married to Sergey Astakhov for several yearswho did not have the slightest attitude towards the show business. The first acquaintance of the spouses happened in his youth, but the spark of passion broke out between them several years later, during a random meeting in Moscow at one of the parties.

Unfortunately, the marriage could not stand the tests with financial difficulties, and the spouses were separated. Read more about the personal life of the singer Christmas tree can be read.

Publication from (@elkasinger) 24 Sep 2016 at 5:34 pdt

In addition, the Christmas tree is known as a big lover of animals and a kindergarten. It helps the shelters and often publishes posts dedicated to animals in their social networks.