Ethnic drums of the world. Types of musical instruments Musical instrument in the form of a stick

Ethnic drums of the world.  Types of musical instruments Musical instrument in the form of a stick
Ethnic drums of the world. Types of musical instruments Musical instrument in the form of a stick

Agogo is a Brazilian folk percussion musical instrument, which consists of two sheep bells of different colors without tongues, connected by a metal curved handle. There are various variations of agogo. For example, with three bells; or agogo, made entirely of wood (also with two or three bells). The rhythmic pattern performed by agogo players is the basis of the polyrhythmic structure of the Brazilian carnival samba.

Basic information Asatayak is an ancient Kazakh and ancient Turkic percussion musical instrument. The shape resembles a wand or cane with a flat head, decorated with ornaments and metal rings, pendants. Asatayak had an open and sharp sound. To enhance the sound of the instrument, the bucks used konyrau - bells that were attached to the head of the asatayak. When shaking the instrument, konyrau complemented the sound with a metallic ringing. And asatayak,

Basic information Ashiko is a West African percussion instrument, a truncated cone drum. Ashiko is played with the hands. Origin Ashiko is considered to be the homeland of West Africa, presumably Nigeria, the Yoruba people. The name is most often translated as "freedom". Ashiko was used for healing, initiation rituals, military rituals, communication with ancestors, for transmitting signals over distances, etc. Drums

Bania (Bahia) is a Bengali percussion instrument, distributed in Northern India. It is a single-sided small-sized drum with a leather membrane and a bowl-shaped ceramic body. The sound is produced by the blows of the fingers and the hand. Used with tabla. Video: Bania on video + sound Video with this instrument will appear in the encyclopedia very soon! Sale: where to buy/order?

Basic information Banggu (danpigu) is a Chinese percussion musical instrument, a small one-sided drum. From the Chinese baths - a wooden plank, gu - a drum. There is a female bangu and a masculine bangu. It has a wooden case in the form of a bowl with massive walls, facing the convex side up. There is a small hole in the middle of the case. The leather membrane is stretched over the convex part of the case

Basic Information The bar chimes are a self-sounding percussion musical instrument related to traditional Asian wind chimes. The instrument was introduced into the everyday life of percussionists by the American percussionist Mark Stevens, after whom he received the original name Mark Tree, widely used in the West. In Russia, the name Bar Chimes is more common. Metal tubes of different lengths that make up the instrument sound when they touch each other.

Basic information, device Drum - percussion musical instrument, membranophone. Common in most peoples. It consists of a hollow cylindrical wooden (or metal) resonator body or frame, on which leather membranes are stretched on one or both sides (plastic membranes are now used). The relative pitch can be adjusted by tensioning the membranes. The sound is produced by striking the membrane with a wooden mallet with a soft tip, a stick,

The Boyran is an Irish percussion instrument resembling a tambourine about half a meter (usually 18 inches) in diameter. The Irish word bodhran (pronounced boron or boiron in Irish, bouran in English, boiran or boran in Russian) is translated as “thundering”, “stunning” (and also “annoying”, but this is only in some cases ). They hold the boyran vertically, playing it in a specific way with a wooden

Basic information The big drum (bass drum), also sometimes called the Turkish drum or "bass barrel" is a percussion musical instrument with an indefinite pitch, low register. It is a drum - a wide metal or wooden cylinder, covered with skins on both sides (sometimes only on one side). The sound is extracted by hitting a mallet with a massive head wrapped in dense material. If it is necessary to perform complex

Basic information Bonang is an Indonesian percussion instrument. It is a set of bronze gongs, with the help of cords, fixed in a horizontal position on a wooden stand. Each gong has a bulge (pencha) in the center. The sound is produced by hitting this bulge with a wooden stick wrapped at the end with cotton cloth or rope. Sometimes spherical resonators made of burnt clay are suspended under the gongs. Sound

Bongo (Spanish: bongo) is a Cuban percussion instrument. It is a small doubled drum of African origin, usually played while sitting, holding the bongo between the calves of the legs. In Cuba, the bongo first appeared in the province of Oriente around 1900. The drums that make up the bongos vary in size; the smaller of them is considered "male" (macho - Spanish macho, literally

Basic information A tambourine is a percussion musical instrument consisting of a leather membrane stretched over a wooden rim. Some varieties of tambourines have metal bells suspended from them, which begin to ring when the performer strikes the membrane of the tambourine, rubs it, or shakes the entire instrument. A tambourine is widespread among many peoples: Uzbek doira; Armenian, Azerbaijani, Tajik def; shaman tambourines with a long handle among the peoples

Basic information Bell (bell) - a percussion musical instrument, a small metal rattle (bell); is a hollow ball with a small solid ball (several balls) inside. It can be attached to a horse harness (“Three with bells”), clothes, shoes, headgear (jester's cap), a tambourine. Video: Bell on video + sound Video with this instrument will appear in the encyclopedia very soon! Sale: where

Bugai (berbenitsa) is an accompanying frictional percussion musical instrument that sounds like the roar of a bull. The bull is a wooden cylinder, the upper opening of which is covered with skin. A tuft of horse hair is attached to the skin in the center. Used as a bass instrument. The musician, with his hands moistened in kvass, pulls his hair. The pitch of the sound changes depending on the place of contact. Bugai is widespread

Basic information Vibraphone (English and French vibraphone, Italian vibrafono, German vibraphon) is a percussion musical instrument related to metal idiophones with a certain pitch. Invented in the USA in the late 1910s. The instrument has wide virtuoso capabilities and is used in jazz, on the stage and in percussion ensembles, less often in a symphony orchestra and as a solo instrument.

Basic information Gaval (daf) is an Azerbaijani folk percussion musical instrument. Very similar to tambourine and tambourine. One of those rare musical instruments that has retained its original form to this day. The Gaval device is a wooden rim with sturgeon skin stretched over it. In modern conditions, the gaval membrane is also made of plastic to prevent moisture. TO

Basic information, device, system Gambang is an Indonesian percussion musical instrument. It consists of wooden (gambang kayu) or metal (gambang gangza) plates, fixed in a horizontal position on a wooden stand, often richly decorated with paintings and carvings. The sound is extracted by blows of two wooden sticks with a flat puck-shaped winding at the ends. They are held loosely between the thumb and forefinger, the other fingers

Basic information Gender (gender) is an Indonesian percussion musical instrument. In gamelan, gender carries out a variational development of the main theme given by the gambang. The Gender device consists of 10-12 slightly convex metal plates, fixed in a horizontal position on a wooden stand with cords. Bamboo resonator tubes are suspended from the plates. Gender plates are selected in accordance with the 5-step slendro scale

Basic information Gong is an ancient percussion musical instrument of a symphony orchestra, which is a relatively large concave metal disk freely suspended on a support. Sometimes gong is mistakenly confused with tam-tam. Varieties of gongs There are a huge number of varieties of gongs. They differ in size, shape, character of sound and origin. The most famous in modern orchestral music are the Chinese and Javanese gongs. Chinese

Guiro is a Latin American percussion instrument, originally made from the fruit of the gourd tree, known in Cuba and Puerto Rico under the name "iguero", with serifs applied to the surface. The word "guiro" comes from the language of the Taino Indians who inhabited the Antilles before the Spanish invasion. Traditionally, merengue often uses metallic guiro, which has a sharper sound, and in salsa

Basic information Gusachok (goose) is an unusual old Russian folk noise percussion musical instrument. The origin of the gander is vague and ambiguous. It is possible that buffoons were still playing on it, however, in modern specimens, the clay jar (or “glechik”) is replaced by a papier-mâché model of the same shape. The gander has close relatives in different countries of the world. Let's face it, all relatives are very

Basic information Dangyr is an ancient Kazakh and ancient Turkic percussion musical instrument. It was a tambourine: a rim covered with leather on one side, inside of which metal chains, rings and plates were hung. Both dangyra and asatayak were attributes of shamanic rituals, which is why they were not widely used in the musical life of the people. Since the beginning of the 19th century, both

Basic information Darbuka (tarbuka, darabuka, dumbek) is an ancient percussion musical instrument of indefinite pitch, a small drum, widespread in the Middle East, Egypt, the Maghreb countries, the Transcaucasus and the Balkans. Traditionally made of clay and goatskin, metal darbuks are also common now. It has two holes, one of which (wide) is covered with a membrane. According to the type of sound production refers to

Basic information A wooden box or wood block is a percussion musical instrument. One of the most common percussion musical instruments with an indefinite pitch. The sound of the instrument is a characteristic clattering sound. It is a rectangular bar of sonorous, well-dried wood. On one side, closer to the top of the bar, a deep slit about 1 cm wide is hollowed out. The instrument is played with wooden or

Djembe is a West African percussion musical instrument in the form of a goblet with an open narrow bottom and a wide top, on which a skin membrane is stretched - most often goat. Previously unknown to the West, since its "discovery" it has gained immense popularity. In terms of shape, the djembe belongs to the so-called goblet drums, in terms of sound production - to membranophones. Origin, history of Djembe

Basic information Dholak is a percussion musical instrument, a barrel-shaped wooden drum with two membranes of different diameters. They play the dholak with their hands or with a special stick; you can play sitting Turkish, putting it on your knees, or standing, using a belt. The tension force of the membranes is regulated by a system of rings and rope constrictions. Dholak is common in Northern India, Pakistan and Nepal; very popular

Basic information Carillon is a percussion musical instrument that, by means of a clock mechanism, makes a series of bells play a melody, just as a rotating shaft sets an organ in motion. Often used in churches, especially in the Netherlands, in China it was already known in ancient times. The carillon is played "manually" using a special keyboard. In total, there are 600-700 carillons in the world. Notable musicians

Basic information Castanets are a percussion musical instrument, which consists of two concave shell plates, connected by a cord in the upper parts. Plates have traditionally been made from hardwood, although more recently fiberglass has been used for this. Castanets are most widely used in Spain, southern Italy and Latin America. Similar simple musical instruments suitable for the rhythmic accompaniment of dance

Key information Cymbal is an ancient oriental percussion musical instrument, consisting of a metal plate (bowl), in the middle of which a belt or rope was attached to be worn on the right hand. The cymbal was struck against another cymbal worn on the left hand, which is why the name of this instrument is used in the plural: cymbals. When they hit each other, the cymbals make a sharp ringing sound. Jews

Basic information Clave (Spanish clave, literally - “key”) is the simplest Cuban folk percussion musical instrument. Idiophone of African origin. It consists of two sticks made of hard wood, with the help of which the main rhythm of the ensemble is set. The musician playing the clave (usually a singer) holds one of the sticks in his hand in such a way that the palm forms a kind of resonator, and the other

Basic information A bell is a metal percussion musical instrument (usually cast from the so-called bell bronze), a sound source that has a domed shape and, usually, a tongue that hits the walls from the inside. There are also known bells without a tongue, which are beaten with a hammer or a log from the outside. The bells are used for religious purposes (calling the faithful to prayer, expressing the solemn moments of Divine service) and in

Basic information Orchestral bells are a percussion musical instrument of a symphony orchestra (idiophone). It is a set of 12-18 cylindrical metal tubes with a diameter of 25-38 mm, suspended in a rack frame (about 2 m high). They are struck with a mallet, the head of which is covered with leather. The sound range is chromatic. Range 1-1.5 octaves (usually from F; notated an octave higher than it sounds). Modern bells are equipped with a damper. in the orchestra

Basic information Bells (Italian campanelli, French jeu de timbres, German Glockenspiel) are a percussion musical instrument with a certain pitch. The instrument has a light-ringing timbre in the piano, brilliant and bright - in the forte. Bells exist in two varieties: simple and keyboard. Simple bells are a set of metal plates tuned to chromatism, placed in two rows on a wooden

Basic information Congo is a Latin American percussion musical instrument of indefinite pitch from the genus of membranophones. It is a barrel elongated in height, with a leather membrane stretched from one end. It is used in pairs - two drums of different diameters (one is tuned lower, the other is higher), often the congo is played simultaneously with the bongo (collected on the same percussion set). Congo height 70-80

Basic information Xylophone (from the Greek xylo - tree + background - sound) is a percussion musical instrument with a certain pitch. It is a series of wooden blocks of different sizes, tuned to certain notes. The bars are struck with sticks with spherical tips or special hammers that look like small spoons (in the jargon of musicians, these hammers are called "goat legs"). Xylophone tone

Basic information Kuika is a Brazilian percussion instrument from the group of friction drums, most commonly used in samba. It has a creaky, sharp timbre of a high register. Kuika is a cylindrical metal (originally wooden) body, with a diameter of 6-10 centimeters. The skin is stretched on one side of the case, the other side remains open. From the inside, to the center and perpendicular to the leather membrane is attached

Timpani (Italian timpani, French timbales, German Pauken, English kettle drums) is a percussion musical instrument with a certain pitch. They are a system of two or more (up to five) metal boilers, the open side of which is covered with leather or plastic. At the bottom of each boiler is a resonator hole. Origin The timpani is an instrument of very ancient origin. In Europe, timpani, close

Basic information Spoons are the oldest Slavic percussion musical instrument. Musical spoons in appearance are not much different from ordinary table wooden spoons, only they are made from harder woods. In addition, musical spoons have elongated handles and a polished impact surface. Sometimes bells are hung along the handle. The game set of spoons can include 2, 3 or

Basic information, device The snare drum (also sometimes called a military drum or “working drum”) is a percussion musical instrument belonging to membranophones with an indefinite pitch. One of the main percussion instruments of the symphony orchestra, as well as jazz and other genres, where it is part of the drum kit (often in several copies of different sizes). The snare drum is metal, plastic or

Basic information Maraka (maracas) is the oldest shock-noise musical instrument of the native inhabitants of the Antilles - the Taino Indians, a kind of rattle that makes a characteristic rustling sound when shaken. Currently, maracas are popular throughout Latin America and are one of the symbols of Latin American music. As a rule, a maraca player uses a pair of rattles - one in each

Basic information Marimba is a keyboard percussion musical instrument, consisting of wooden blocks mounted on a frame, which are struck with beaters, a relative of the xylophone. The marimba differs from the xylophone in that the sound produced by each bar is amplified by a wooden or metal resonator, or a gourd suspended underneath. Marimba has a rich, soft and deep timbre that allows you to achieve expressive sound. The marimba originated in

Basic information Musical pendant (breeze) is a percussion musical instrument. It is a bunch of small objects that emit a pleasant chime when the wind blows, widely used in landscape design, especially when decorating porches, verandas, terraces, awnings, etc., adjacent to the house. It is also used as a musical instrument. Musical pendants are most widely used in the southern regions as an anti-stress agent and

Basic information Pkhachich is an Adyghe and Kabardian folk percussion instrument, a relative of the rattle. Represents 3, 5 or 7 plates of dried hardwood (boxwood, ash, chestnut, hornbeam, plane trees), loosely tied at one end to the same plate with a handle. The usual dimensions of the tool: length 150-165 mm, width 45-50 mm. Phachich is held by the handle, pulling the noose,

Basic information Sencerro (Campana) is a Latin American percussion musical instrument of indefinite pitch from the ideophone family: a metal bell without a tongue, which is played with a wooden stick. Its other name is Campana. Modern senserro have the form of a bell, somewhat flattened on both sides. The appearance of the senserro in Latin American music is associated with the ritual bells of the econ of the Congolese religious cults. It is believed that in

Basic Information Tabla is an Indian percussion instrument. The big drum is called bayna, the small one is called daina. One of the most famous musicians who glorified this instrument all over the world was the legendary tablist - Ravi Shankar. Origin The exact origin of tabla is unclear. But according to the existing tradition, the creation of this instrument (as well as many others whose origin is unknown) is attributed to Amir

Basic information Tala (or talan; Skt. Tala - clapping, rhythm, beat, dance) is a South Indian paired percussion musical instrument from the percussion category, a type of metal cymbal or cymbal. Behind each of them there is a silk or wooden handle. The sound of the tala is quite soft and pleasant. Video: Tala on video + sounding Video with this instrument very soon

A group of instruments united according to the method of sound production per beat. The sound source is a solid body, a membrane, a string. There are instruments with definite (timpani, bells, xylophones) and indefinite (drums, tambourines, castanets) ...

A group of instruments united according to the method of sound production per beat. The sound source is a solid body, a membrane, a string. There are instruments with definite (timpani, bells, xylophone) and indefinite (drums, tambourines, castanets) ... encyclopedic Dictionary

See Musical Instruments...

Those from which the sound is extracted by a blow. These include keyboard instruments, but it is customary to call them drums used in the orchestra. They are divided into tools with stretched skins, metal and wood. Some of them have… Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

percussion musical instruments- ▲ musical instrument strike membrane: drum. tambourine. tom-tom. timpani instr. cauldron-shaped with one membrane. tambourine. flexatone. carillon. self-sounding: castanets. xylophone. vibraphone. glockenspiel. celesta. plates. ancient: tympanum. ... ... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

Musical instruments whose sound source is stretched strings, and the sound is produced by hitting the string with a tanget, hammer or sticks. To S. at. m. and. include piano, cymbals, etc. See String musical ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Strings Plucked Bowed Wind Wood Brass Reed ... Wikipedia

Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Instruments designed to extract musical sounds (see Musical sound). The oldest functions of musical instruments are magical, signaling, etc. They existed already in the Paleolithic and Neolithic eras. In modern musical practice ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Instruments that have the ability to reproduce, with the assistance of a person, rhythmically organized and fixed in pitch sounds or a clearly regulated rhythm. Each M. and. has a special timbre (color) of sound, as well as its own ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia


  • Musical Instruments of the World for Children, Sylvie Bednar. Who would have thought that any piece of fruit, a piece of wood, ordinary spoons, a shell, a bowl or dry grains could turn into musical instruments? But people showed amazing...
  • REUSABLE STICKERS. Musical Instruments, Alexandrova O. Little Timoshka dreams of learning how to play. But on what? String, wind, percussion instruments - what to choose? Help Timoshka - glue funny pictures. The stickers are reusable so...

Percussion instruments are a category of musical equipment in which the sound is produced by blows or rocking on the sounding body. Sticks, mallets, hammers are used as an accessory for blows. Percussion musical instruments have different designs and types of surfaces. It can be metal or wooden elements, as well as special membranes.

Depending on the purpose, you can buy percussion instruments of different categories. There are options with the pitch of a certain parameter. They are tuned to the provided notes of the sound range. These are xylophones, timpani, bell or vibraphones.

Models with an undefined pitch cannot be tuned to a particular sound. These include percussion instrument drum, tam-tam, castanets, triangles, as well as cymbals and tambourines.

It is worth buying percussion musical instruments to develop a sense of rhythm and improve your professional qualities. There are three types of instruments according to the parameters of the sounding body: lamellar type, webbed, and self-sounding models. In addition, such instruments are divided into two types according to the formation of sound. These are membranophones (where the stretched membrane is the sounding element) and idiophones (where the entire instrument is the sounding element). Also percussion instruments include strings - piano and cymbals.

The timbre characteristics of drums may differ, depending on the shape, material and method of impact of the sounding element. If we talk about the volume of the tones of this group of instruments, then it depends on the force of impact, due to which it is possible to regulate the amplitude of vibrations of the sounding element and the dimensions of this element. Some models are equipped with resonators to enhance the sound power.

Audio recordings

    Oboe: wooden musical instruments / performer. G. Schmalfrus, T. Varga [and others]. - M. : Tweak-Lirik, 1998. - 1 star. cassette. - (Instruments of classical music).

    Clarinet: woodwinds / performer J. Lancelot, I. Kita [and others]. - M. : Tweak-Lirik, 1998. - 1 star. cassette. - (Instruments of classical music).

    Saxophone: wind musical instruments / performer. B. Marsalis, J. Harle [et al.]. - M. : Tweak-Lirik, 1998. - 1 star. cassette. - (Instruments of classical music).

    Flute: woodwinds / performer P. Meissen, H. Rucker, [and others]. - M. : Tweak-Lirik, 1998. - 1 star. cassette. - (Instruments of classical music).

Percussion musical instruments

Percussion musical instruments - a group of musical instruments, the sound of which is extracted by hitting or shaking (swinging) hammers, sticks, beaters, etc. over a sounding body (membrane, metal, wood, etc.). The largest family of all musical instruments. Due to the simplicity of the sound extraction principle, they were the first musical instruments (beats with sticks, bone scrapers, stones). Always associated with certain rhythmic alternations, they formed the first musical instrumental composition. Percussion instruments are used in modern orchestras, ensembles for meter-rhythmic, dynamic and timbre-colorful design of music.

From the point of view of acoustics, percussion instruments are characterized by the presence in their spectra of a wide range of overtones, in which there is noise. The inharmony of the sounds of percussion instruments is slightly greater than the inharmony of the instruments of the wind group. The spectrum (timbre) of the sounds of percussion instruments depends largely on the place and strength of their excitation; the degree of hardness or softness of the material from which sounding bodies are made; their sizes. The sound of percussion instruments is fading, with a different duration of sound.

The variety of varieties and forms of percussion musical instruments has formed several options for their classification. The same tool can belong to several groups.

According to the pitch, percussion musical instruments are divided into:

      percussion musical instruments with a certain pitch , which can be tuned to specific notes of the scale (timpani, xylophone, vibraphone, bells and etc. ) ;

      percussion musical instruments with indefinite pitch , which do not have a setting for certain sounds (big and snare drums, triangle, cymbals, tambourine, castanets, tam-tam and etc. ).

B araban - a percussion musical instrument with an indefinite pitch, which is a hollow body (or frame) that serves as a resonator, on which a membrane is stretched on one or both sides. The membranes at the drums are fixed with two rims and tension screws located around the circumference of the tool body. The body of the drum is made of sheet steel or plywood, lined with artistic celluloid. To give the drum a specific sound, special strings or spirals (stringer) are pulled over the lower membrane, which are driven by a reset mechanism. Sound is produced by striking the membrane (the most common method) or by rubbing. The use of synthetic membranes in drums has significantly improved their musical and acoustic capabilities, operational reliability, and service life. Distinguish drums small and large orchestral, small and big variety, tom-tenor, tom-bass, bongos.

big drum
sounds powerful. His voice is reminiscent of thunder or cannon shots. Therefore, it is often used for pictorial purposes. They play the bass drum with wooden sticks with soft mallets at the end, they are made of cork or felt.

snare drum has a dry and distinct sound, its fraction emphasizes the rhythm well, sometimes enlivens the music, sometimes brings anxiety. It is played with two sticks.

The composition of a symphony or brass band usually includes two drums - big and small, but in a jazz orchestra or pop ensemble, the drum set, in addition to these two, includes up to seven more tomtamov, the body of which is similar to an elongated cylinder. They have a different sound quality. The drum kit also includes bongs- two small drums, one slightly larger than the other, they are combined into a single pair and played on them most often with the hands. The installation can include congas- their body tapers downwards, and the skin is stretched on only one side.

- Percussion instrument. One of the oldest, it appeared in a symphony orchestra in the 19th century. The device of this instrument is very simple: as a rule, it is a narrow wooden or (more rarely) metal hoop (shell) on one side tightened with a membrane of leather or bubble, the other side is open. Diameter - 400–500 mm. The membrane is either glued to the shell, or stretched with the help of "wings" and screws. On the inside of the shell, rattling rings and plates are suspended; in some species, small metal "plates" are inserted into the slots on the pins. Sometimes, even inside the hoop, small bells and rings are strung on stretched strings or spirals. All this from the slightest touch to the instrument tinkles, creating a peculiar sound. Impacts on the membrane are made with the ends of the fingers or the base of the palm of the right hand. Tambourines are used for rhythmic accompaniment of dances and songs. In the East, where the art of playing the tambourine has reached virtuosity, solo playing on this instrument is common. Azerbaijani tambourine is called def, daf or gaval, Armenian - daf or hawal, Georgian - daira, Uzbek and Tajik - doira.

During the game, the performer freely holds the instrument in his hand with his fingers, palm, fist of the other hand, strikes the membrane in the center and closer to the shell, extracting sounds of different pitch and timbre, runs the moistened finger of his right hand over the skin, causing a characteristic vibrato, shakes, producing ringing . Sometimes they hit the instrument on the knee, elbow, head, etc. They use the tambourine as a rhythmic instrument to accompany dances, solo and choral singing. He is a member of folk and professional ensembles, orchestras.

- (Spanish) castanetas, the name "castanets" in Spanish means "little chestnuts"- a percussion musical instrument with an indefinite pitch, belonging to the family idiophones Mauro-Andalusian (Spanish) origin. Castanets are most common in Spain and Latin America. Interestingly, despite the widespread belief that castanets are a purely Spanish invention, similar musical instruments are also found in many other cultures. The prototypes of modern castanets existed in ancient Egypt about 3 thousand years BC. e. In those days they were used during religious ceremonies. Later, this instrument fell in love with the ancient Greeks and Romans. Today castanets (or similar instruments) are found in India, Switzerland, Turkey and Japan, as well as in several other countries. However, despite such wide popularity, most of us still associate castanets with the image of Spanish music, especially with the music of Spanish gypsies, the flamenco style, etc. Therefore, this instrument is often used in classical music to create a “Spanish flavor”.

Castanets also consist of two or three shell-shaped plates made of hard wood, which are loosely connected to each other at one end by a cord. When playing, the performer taps one of the records in the required rhythm, thus creating a specific bright clicking sound.

- (Spanish) clave, literally - “key”) - a Cuban folk percussion musical instrument of African origin: two round sticks 15–25 cm long each, carved from very hard wood, with which the main rhythm of the ensemble is set. The performer holds one of them in a special way (so that the clenched palm is a resonator) in his left hand, hitting it with another stick.

The sound is sharp, high, loudly clicking like a xylophone, but without a certain height.

If necessary, two or even three pairs of such sticks can be selected, differing in size and, accordingly, the height of their sound relative to each other (higher or lower).

Individual strokes are possible in any rhythmic sequence, as well as tremolo. To do this, the performer holds both sticks side by side, pushing them alternately with their upper and lower ends.

It is widely used in Cuban music, as well as in such styles of Latin American music as mambo, salsa and etc.

- (ital. Xylofono, fr. Xylophone) is a percussion self-sounding musical instrument, which is a set of wooden blocks of different sizes, corresponding to sounds of different heights. Bars are made of rosewood, maple, walnut, spruce. They are arranged in parallel in four rows in the order of the chromatic scale. The bars are fastened on strong laces and separated by springs. The cord passes through the holes in the bars. During the game, it is placed on a special table, which is equipped with resonators - copper sleeves of various sizes, brought under the bars, while the sound becomes more melodious.

To play, the xylophone is laid out on a small table on the share rubber pads located along the cords of the instrument. The xylophone is played with two wooden sticks with a thickened end. The xylophone is used both for solo playing and in the orchestra. Xylophone range - from si small octave to before fourth octave.

Currently, keyboard-like instruments with bars arranged in two rows like a key are more often used. The sound is extracted by two sticks carved from wood with thickenings at the ends - the so-called. goat legs. The timbre is sonorous and piercing, clicking, in the upper register - dryish. Xylophones come in a variety of sizes, with a range of 1.5–3.5 octaves. Xylophone - very virtuoso instrument. Great fluency in fast movements is possible on it. passages tremolo and special effect glissando(rapid movement of the stick along the bars).

L itaurians is a very ancient musical instrument. Many peoples have long had tools consisting of a hollow vessel, the opening of which is covered with leather. It is from them that modern timpani originated. The timpani has a huge range of sound power - from imitation of thunder to a quiet, barely perceptible rustle or hum. Structure: metal case in the form of a boiler. The body has certain, strictly calculated dimensions, which allows you to achieve a strict pitch. In order not to interfere with the free vibration of the membrane in the center of the boiler, there is a hole at the bottom for air movement. Timpani are a set of two, three or more copper cauldrons with leather or plastic stretched over them, which are installed on a special stand. The case of the timpani is made of copper, brass or aluminum, they are mounted on a stand - a tripod. There are screw, mechanical and pedal timpani. Pedal ones are the most common, since with one click on the pedal, you can rebuild the instrument to the desired key without interrupting the game.

They play standing or sitting with sticks with spherical or disc-shaped heads made of felt (felt, or felt).

At the direction of the composer, sticks with heads made of rubber, sponge, wood, and other materials may also be used in sheet music. The timbre of the sound largely depends on the size of the head and the degree of their elasticity (hardness or softness). The sticks are held in both hands equally, they are struck by an energetic downward movement of the hand.

Maracas - a percussion paired musical instrument with an indefinite pitch from idiophone families of Hispanic origin. Maracas came to European music from Cuban dance orchestras, where they used d quite often as an instrument emphasizing sharp syncopated rhythm. Now maracas are an integral part of Latin American dances, such as salsa, cha-cha-cha, rumba, meringue and samba. They balance the passionate movements and burning music of these works.

Original Cuban maracas are made from a dried hollow coconut, inside of which small pebbles and olive grains are poured. A handle is attached to the bottom. When moving in a circular motion, the maracas makes a muffled hissing sound, when shaken, it makes a characteristic noise. Modern maracas are handled balls made of thin-walled wood, plastic or metal material filled with pebbles, shot, peas or sand. Maracas are held by the handle and shaken while playing, thus creating a ringing and rustling sound, reproducing various rhythmic patterns.

Varieties: Abves, Atchere, Ericundi- in Cuba, kashishi, adja, ague, shere, ganza- in Brazil wada- in Chile.

- a percussion musical instrument (of African origin), the sounding elements of which are wooden plates (from 4 to 20), reinforced horizontally (with leather or fiber cords) on two metal or bamboo slats, parallel or at an angle to each other. Playing plates are made of rosewood wood, which provides high musical and acoustic properties of the instrument. The plates are arranged on the frame in two rows. The first row contains the fundamental tones, the second row contains the midtones. Mounted on a frame in two rows resonators(metal tubes with plugs) are tuned to the sound frequency of the respective plates. The main components of the marimba are fixed on a support trolley with wheels, the frame of which is made of aluminum, which ensures minimum weight and sufficient strength.

The sound is extracted by blows of two wooden straight or curved sticks with rubber tips. In musical usage, the marimba is also called marimbafon.

Marimba has a soft, juicy timbre, has a sound range of four octaves: from note before small octave to note before fourth octave.

Marimba can be used both by professional musicians and for educational purposes.

( ital. piatti, fr. cymbals, German Becken, English cymbals)- a percussion musical instrument with an indefinite pitch, which consists of two slightly concave metal disks with flat edges (made of brass or nickel silver). From the outside, the plates have bulges called cups, in the center of which holes are drilled for attaching the straps necessary for holding in the hands.

Plates were already known to the ancient world and the Ancient East, but the Turks were famous for their special love and exceptional art of making them. In Europe, plates became popular in the 18th century, after the war with the Ottomans.

The sound height of the cymbals depends on the size, brand of the metal alloy and the method of their manufacture (forging, casting). Plates come in various diameters. In a brass band, cymbals with an average diameter of 37–45 cm are usually used. The sound quality is affected by the methods of their excitation, dimensions, and the material from which they are made.

Cymbals are usually played standing up so that nothing interferes with their vibration, and so that the sound is freely distributed in the air. The usual method of playing this instrument is an oblique, sliding strike of one cymbal against another, after which a sonorous metallic splash is heard, which hangs in the air for a long time. If the performer wants to stop the vibration of the cymbals, he brings them to his chest, and the vibrations subside.

Available on cymbals tremolo, which is achieved by rapidly alternating strikes on the cymbals with sticks from timpani or a snare drum. In orchestral practice, playing on a cymbal (or cymbals) suspended on a special stand is also used. Issued orchestral cymbals, Charleston cymbals, gong cymbals.

- percussion instrument high tessitura. It is a steel bar bent in the form of an incomplete triangle with a diameter of 8–10 mm of different sizes, respectively, of different pitches (albeit indefinite). When playing, it is held in the hand or suspended on a sinew string. They play the triangle with a metal stick without a handle, if necessary (as a performing technique) they muffle the sound with the left hand that holds the triangle. The sound is high, bright, clear and transparent. Orchestral triangles with two steel sticks are produced.

T rech label - a percussion wooden musical instrument designed for rhythmic or noise accompaniment of singing, dancing, rituals and magical rituals. In the musical instruments of various peoples, there are many rattles of a wide variety of shapes and devices. Whether this instrument was used in Ancient Russia as a musical instrument, there is no written evidence. During archaeological excavations in Novgorod in 1992, 2 tablets were found, which, according to V. I. Povetkin, were included in the set of ancient Novgorod rattles in the 12th century.

Rattles were used in the wedding ceremony when singing praise songs with dancing. The choral performance of a laudatory song is often accompanied by the playing of a whole ensemble, sometimes numbering more than 10 people. During the wedding, rattles are decorated with ribbons, flowers, and sometimes bells. The use of rattles in the wedding ceremony suggests that in the past this instrument, in addition to the musical one, also performed the mystical function of protecting the young from evil spirits. In a number of villages, not only the tradition of playing is still alive, but also the tradition of making rattles.

In a symphony orchestra, a ratchet is a box rotated by the performer around a gear wheel on the handle, while an elastic wooden plate, jumping from one tooth to another, makes a characteristic crack. The most effective sharp dry tremolo in nuance forte or fortissimo- quiet sonority is generally impossible; rhythmically not too complex sequences of individual “claps” are also obtained.

Chocalo (tubo) - percussion musical instrument maracas according to the principle of sound generation. It's metal (chocalo) or wooden (cameso) cylinders filled, like maracas, with some kind of bulk material. A feature of some chocalo models is the presence of a leather membrane that makes up one of the side walls. Like cameso, chocalo, held with both hands, shaken vertically or horizontally or rotated. Both instruments sound louder and sharper than maracas. Tapping on the body with your fingers also gives a brighter sonority than on maracas.


Music-making (ensemble), takes place in unity with the development musicaltool and included in the uniform annual requirements. The main ... of the opera "War and peace"(6); A. Rybalkin. Skomoroshyna (14)*. Character dance (5); G. Sviridov. musical drawer (16 ...

  • "musical instrument - ratchet"


    Ratchets. Do musicaltool. Story musicaltool- ratchet. The history of the emergence of Russians musical folk tools goes far ... it is much easier for children to learn this peace through the loud, ringing sounds of the ratchet...

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    Theme 1 Wooden ambient sounds peace 3 Theme 2 Metal musicaltools 3 Topic 3 Sounds of autumn nature... for children musicaltools and singing songs. performance of the repertoire. 2nd year of study Section 1 "In world sound...

  • Musical Arts Work Program

    Working programm

    5. Estonian folk song “Everyone has their own musicaltool” 2.6. Musicaltools Repetition of songs. Acquaintance with the timbres of the piano... has not gone out! Songs of different nations peace. Musicaltools Russia. Variety of folk songs. ...

  • Among all musical instruments, the percussion group is the most numerous. And this is not surprising, because percussion musical instruments are the most ancient on earth. Their history dates back almost to the very beginning of mankind. The most primitive of them are either very simple to manufacture, or do not require any processing at all. In fact, every object of the surrounding world can serve as such a tool.

    So the first percussion instruments in the world were animal bones, tree branches, and later, for music-making, a person began to use kitchen utensils that had appeared by that time - boilers, pots, and so on.

    Percussion musical instruments of different nations

    Due to the circumstances listed above: ease of manufacture and a history dating back to ancient times, percussion instruments have become so widespread that they have penetrated literally into every corner of our planet. Each nation has its own instruments, the sound of which is extracted with the help of blows of one kind or another.

    Of course, the number of percussion instruments for each individual nation depends on the nature of its musical culture. For example, in the countries of Latin America, where ethnic music is distinguished by a variety of rhythms, the complexity of rhythmic patterns, there are an order of magnitude more percussion instruments than, for example, in Russia, where folk song art often does not involve any instrumental accompaniment. But still, even in countries where the melodic principle prevails over the rhythmic one in folk music, there are still their own unique percussion instruments.

    percussion instrument

    Some drums eventually formed a single whole, which now bears the name of a drum kit. Drum kits are usually used in various varieties of pop music: in rock, jazz, pop music and so on. Instruments that are not included in the classical composition of the drum kit are called percussions, and the musicians who play them are called percussionists.

    Such instruments, as a rule, have a pronounced national character. The most widespread today are percussion musical instruments of the peoples of Latin America and Africa.

    Name history

    The very name of the musical instrument "percussion" has Latin roots. It comes from a root meaning "to hit, hit". Interestingly, this word is familiar not only to musicians and music lovers, but also to doctors. Percussion in the medical literature is called a method of diagnosing diseases by tapping on the tissues of the body and analyzing the sound emitted by them. It is known that the sound of a blow to a healthy organ differs from the sound of a blow to an organ that is in a diseased state.

    Musical percussion is also associated with beats that resonate with a person, albeit not through direct impact, as in medicine.

    Classification of musical instrument percussion

    A great variety of percussion instruments that do not belong to the set of a classical drum kit, over time, began to need to be systematized. Instruments of this kind are usually divided into tuned to certain musical notes and noise instruments - that is, those whose sound does not have a certain height. The former include the xylophone, metallophone, timpani and others. All kinds of drums are percussions of the second variety.

    According to the sound source, percussion musical instruments are divided into:

    1. Membranophones - that is, those in which the sound comes from the vibrations of a membrane stretched over some kind of base, such as in a tambourine.
    2. Idiophones - where the sound source is the entire body of the instrument, or its integral parts, such as a triangle, glockenspiel and the like.

    In turn, idiophones are divided into those made of wood and wood.

    An interesting fact is that the piano also belongs to the musical instruments of the percussion type, since in this instrument the sound is obtained by striking the strings with hammers. The string percussion also includes such an ancient musical instrument as cymbals.

    exotic instruments

    Percussion in modern music

    Despite their national roots, percussion instruments are used not only in ethnic music. In many modern jazz orchestras and rock bands, in addition to the traditional drummer, there is also a percussionist.

    Thus, the rhythmic section of the ensemble is noticeably enriched due to the saturation of the percussion parts. Samples of percussion musical instruments are also used in various areas of electronic music. The drum set in a symphony orchestra is called orchestral percussion.

    Percussion kits

    For those who want to try playing percussion as an amateur musician for the sake of interest, or for those who are professionals in this field, both individual percussion instruments and ready-made sets are available for sale.

    For the youngest musicians, you can find sets of children's percussion in music stores, and they are often sold in ordinary toy stores. Sometimes these instruments are completely identical to real percussions, except for their reduced size.

    Famous percussionists

    • Airto Moreira - Famous for his collaboration with Jazz classic Miles Davis. His solo projects are also known. Contributed to the spread of small noise percussion instruments in European jazz.
    • Karl Perazzo is the percussionist of the famous band Santana.
    • Arto Tunçboyaciyan - vocalist, composer and percussionist. Known for his ability to get first-class sound from any item at hand.