Presentation on the history of "Knights of the Middle Ages" (Grade 6). Presentation on the topic "Knights" presentation for a history lesson (grade 6) on the topic Coat of arms of Richard the Lionheart

History presentation
Presentation on the history of "Knights of the Middle Ages" (Grade 6). Presentation on the topic "Knights" presentation for a history lesson (grade 6) on the topic Coat of arms of Richard the Lionheart

MBOU "Istimis secondary school" Klyuchevskoy district of Altai Territory

  • "Medieval chivalry"
Medieval chivalry A knight is a professional warrior, a heavily armed rider.
  • Knightly armor included up to 200 parts, and the total weight of military equipment reached
  • 90 kg; over time, their complexity and cost have grown.
The knight came from petty feudal lords and closed the hierarchical ladder of feudal high society. Knights for their service to the king - the supreme lord - were given land plots.
  • Knight
  • barons
  • The knight came from petty feudal lords and closed the hierarchical ladder of feudal high society. Knights for their service to the king - the supreme lord - were given land plots.
  • bishops
  • graphs
  • dukes
  • King
  • supreme lord king
  • Knights weapons
  • The main shrine of the knight is the sword
The knight had coat of arms- a distinctive sign of the genus and motto- a short saying explaining the meaning of the coat of arms. The coat of arms and the motto were located on the shield, which was a kind of hallmark of the knight. Knight's coat of arms
  • The knight had 2-3 horses: ordinary and combat, in armor. Such a horse could only be hit in the belly. The horse's head was covered with a metal or leather cap, the chest with iron plaques, and the sides with leather. In addition, the horse was covered with a blanket or saddlecloth made of velvet or other expensive material with embroidered coats of arms of knights. Horses "armed" in this way were called "plated".
  • In order to become a real warrior-knight, it took a lot of time and effort. Knights were preparing for military service from childhood. At the age of seven, boys became pages (personal servants) of noble feudal lords or the king. Then - squires. They were trained in fencing, wrestling, horse riding, javelin throwing. And only after that, the ceremony of consecrating them as knights was finally performed.
  • Knighting symbolized entry into a privileged estate, its introduction to rights and duties, and was accompanied by a special ceremony called accolade.
In the knightly environment, a set of ideas about the ideal knight gradually developed, which was considered mandatory to follow. This set of ideas was called the code of knightly honor. The knight was required to: - faithfully serve his lord and king; - be brave; - be ready for a feat in the name of knightly honor or for the sake of a beautiful lady; - fight against the enemies of the Christian faith; - protect the weak and offended; - be true to your word; - be generous, don't be stingy. The main occupation of a knight is war. In peacetime, the knights hunted and participated in tournaments. Tournament is a fighting competition of knights. The knights lived in fortified stone fortresses - castles. The castle was built on a hill, surrounded by a wide moat with water. A drawbridge was thrown over the moat. Powerful fortifications towered behind the moat: there could be several fortress walls. A donjon towered over all the buildings - the main tower of the castle, in which the owner lived with his family. Information sources
  • http://
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feudal society part 2

Paragraphs No. 11-13, Grade 6

Teacher of history and social studies, Goryutinskaya secondary school, Kalininsky district, Tver region

Trufanova Marina Nikolaevna


A knight is a rider, an equestrian warrior, usually the owner of a fief.

The main occupation is war.

Leisure - tournaments, hunting.

A knight was called an equestrian warrior, a rider.

In France - chevalier (from the word "cheval" - a horse).

In Germany - ritter (from the word "ritter" - a horse)




At 21 - knighted



Only after a long service distinguished themselves were knighted.

During a great feast, a warrior knelt before the most distinguished of the guests, and he struck a blow with his palm on the back of the head or with a sword blade on the back - this was the only blow that a knight could receive without repaying him.

  • Night in deep silence ;
  • The consecration of the sword ;
  • Oath of allegiance to the lord
  • Red Knight's Belt ;
  • Golden spurs.


  • Loyalty in the service of the king and lord
  • Courage, contempt for death
  • Protection of the weak and offended
  • Performing feats



  • Great sword or long spear
  • battle ax
  • Mace - a heavy club with a thickened metal end
  • Shield


  • Mail shirt woven from iron rings
  • Armor - armor made of steel plates
  • Helmet and visor - a metal plate with slits for the eyes

The castle is the home of a knight.

The first fortifications on the territory of England can be attributed to the 5th century BC. is Maiden Castle in Dorset. The first stone fortifications in England appeared already in the 1st century. These were Roman buildings of such high quality that the ruins still stand today. Of course, wooden buildings predominated at that time, but fragments of some of them have survived.

CASTLE - this is the dwelling of the feudal lord, his fortress. In the castle he hid from the attack of enemies

At first, castles were built of wood, and then they began to build from stone. .

Usually the castle was built on a hill or a high rock.

The castle was surrounded by a wide moat with water, so that it would be more difficult for the enemy to reach the inhabitants of the castle. .

Above all the buildings of the castle towered the main tower - donjon

In it, the feudal lord with his warriors and servants could withstand a long siege, even if other fortifications were captured.

donjon - the highest and largest tower of the castle, in which the feudal lord took refuge during the siege.

Lock- a knight's dwelling, a stone fortress.

What do these castles have in common?

Where were castles usually located?

Was it comfortable to live in a castle?

Was it easy to capture the castle?

What did it take to capture the castle?

The main functions of the feudal castle with suburbs were:

  • military (center of military operations, means of military control over the district),
  • administrative and political (the administrative center of the district, the place where the political life of the country was concentrated),
  • cultural and economic (handicraft and trade center of the district, a place of the highest elite and folk culture)

Customs and mores

Knightly tournament.

Feast in the knight's castle.

Falcon hunting


(from the French "court") - the art of court behavior, the ability to keep oneself in the company of ladies.


Tournament - This is a military competition of knights in strength and dexterity.

Tournaments were arranged by kings and noble feudal lords. They were attended by many spectators.

On the 1st day the knights

participated in personal

competitions. At full

the jump had to be knocked out

adversary from the saddle

special spear.

The winner chose

tournament queen. On day 2

knights participated in

team competition -

split into two groups in

led by the two strongest at the end of 1 day.


Coat of arms - a distinctive sign of the family

The motto is a short saying explaining the meaning of the coat of arms.

Knight's coats of arms

Coats of arms had several established forms.

Coats of arms were drawn up according to certain rules.

On the coats of arms there were images of animals.

The motto was placed on the coats of arms.

Components of the coat of arms:

  • Crown
  • crest
  • helmet
  • namet
  • shield holders
  • mantle
  • motto


The motto of all the knights was the following: "God, woman and king"; they were true defenders of the fatherland. The said motto shone at the luxurious and warlike festivities of the knights, in their military games, in the solemn gatherings of daring and beauties, in their imaginary battles, in magnificent tournaments, which more and more multiplied. Chivalry also contributed to the preservation of vassal fidelity and simplicity, which, of course, painted the soul of a person; at that time, one word was considered an inviolable pledge in the most important contracts. Lies and treachery were considered among the knights the most heinous crimes; they were branded with contempt. The brilliant feats performed by the knights earned them the most honorable distinctions. They were given different titles; knights had the right to sit at the same table with kings; only they alone had the right to wear spears, armor, gilded spurs, double chain mail, gold, helmets, ermine and squirrel furs, velvet, red cloth and put weather vanes on their towers.

Knights Punishments

The rights and privileges given to the knights also implied greater responsibility for not fulfilling oaths and violating the code of honor. Misdemeanors were followed by cruel punishment up to the death penalty. A warrior convicted of treason or another grave and unworthy of his title sin was subjected to demotion and shameful expulsion from the noble society and country, if he remained alive at all. At such a sad ceremony, as a rule, all representatives of the knightly class, as well as the church synod, were present. The convict was publicly erected on the scaffold, where an inverted shield of a knight was already hanging on a pillory. All the armor was taken off the criminal in turn, deprived of titles, awards and estates. Then the clergy betrayed him to eternal damnation and buried him alive, depriving him of his name and status. This was followed by the death penalty or, at best, exile. The shame that the demoted and cursed knight brought upon himself extended to several generations of his family. Lesser offenses were followed by less severe punishment. True, the seal of shame still remained for a long time on the whole family of the knight. Basically, the accusations were reflected on the coat of arms of the noble house, its pride. Often, the inverted shield of the offender was put on public display at the pillory. Then the entire coat of arms or individual parts were erased from it, sometimes it was simply repainted or certain symbols were added corresponding to the crime committed. By the way, a knight could be punished in this way not only for lying or unholy behavior, but also for drunkenness. In fairness, it should be said that the knight was almost always given the opportunity to justify himself by fighting with one of the accusers. The truth remained with the winner, and the loser was punished. If the outcome of the duel turned out to be fatal, then the fallen one was already posthumously demoted and cursed, and his body was sent to a cesspool.

As for less serious crimes, then for them the knights were punished according to with the importance of their misdeed. So, for example, as punishment, the shield of the guilty knight was tied upside down to a pillory with the designation crimes, then they erased the coat of arms or some parts of the coat of arms from the shield, sometimes they drew symbols of dishonor, or even broke it. If the knight was magnified by his exploits, and on actually did nothing, then such a braggart was punished as follows: on his shield, the right side of the head of the coat of arms was shortened. If any knight dared to kill prisoner of war, then for this they also shortened the head of the coat of arms on the shield, rounding it from below. If the knight lied, flattered and made false reports to draw his sovereign into the war, then the head of the coat of arms on his shield covered in red, erasing the signs that were there. If someone recklessly embarked on a fight with enemy and by this caused loss and even dishonor to his compatriots and even to his homeland, he was punished by drawing below in a crowd. If the knight was convicted of perjury or but he came across drunkenness, then on both sides of his coat of arms two black purse. If a knight was convicted of cowardice, then his coat of arms was messed up on the left side. Whoever did not keep this word, a quadrangle was drawn in the center of the coat of arms. If the knight who was suspected of crime, was defeated in a duel that was supposed to prove him innocence, or was killed and confessed to his crime before his death, the army officers laid his body on a black wicker grate or tied him to the tail of a mare, and then gave him to the executioner, who threw the corpse of the criminal knight into the garbage pit. His shield was tied upside down for three days to a pillory, and then it was broken at the confluence of a large crowd, and the half-caftan was torn to shreds.

  • Why did feudal lords build fortified castles?
  • Who was called a knight?
  • Why did the education of a knight begin at the age of seven?
  • What were jousting tournaments for?
  • What is a knighthood?

  • http://www.scottsabbotsford.
  • .png

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A knight is a professional warrior, a heavily armed rider.

slide 4

Knightly armor included up to 200 parts, and the total weight of military equipment reached 90 kg; over time, their complexity and cost have grown.

slide 5

Knight armor

  • slide 6


    1. Knight;
    2. barons;
    3. bishops;
    4. graphs;
    5. dukes;
    6. King.

    The knight came from petty feudal lords and closed the hierarchical ladder of feudal high society. Knights for their service to the king - the supreme lord - were given land plots.

    Slide 7

    Supreme Senior King

  • Slide 8

    Knights weapons

  • Slide 9

    The main shrine of the knight is the sword

  • Slide 10

    Knight's coat of arms

    The knight had his own coat of arms - a distinctive sign of the family and a motto - a short saying that explained the meaning of the coat of arms. The coat of arms and the motto were located on the shield, which was a kind of hallmark of the knight.

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    knight's horse

    The knight had 2-3 horses: ordinary and combat, in armor. Such a horse could only be hit in the belly. The horse's head was covered with a metal or leather cap, the chest with iron plaques, and the sides with leather. In addition, the horse was covered with a blanket or saddlecloth made of velvet or other expensive material with embroidered coats of arms of knights. Horses "armed" in this way were called "plated".

    slide 13

    In order to become a real warrior-knight, it took a lot of time and effort. Knights were preparing for military service from childhood. At the age of seven, boys became pages (personal servants) of noble feudal lords or the king. Then - squires. They were trained in fencing, wrestling, horse riding, javelin throwing. And only after that, the ceremony of consecrating them as knights was finally performed.

    Slide 14


    Knighting symbolized entry into a privileged estate, its introduction to rights and duties, and was accompanied by a special ceremony called accolade.

    slide 15

    In the knightly environment, a set of ideas about the ideal knight gradually developed, which was considered mandatory to follow. This set of ideas was called the code of knightly honor.
    The knight was required to:

    • faithfully serve your lord and king;
    • be brave;
    • be ready for a feat in the name of knightly honor or for the sake of a beautiful lady;
    • fight the enemies of the Christian faith;
    • protect the weak and offended;
    • be true to your word;
    • be generous, don't be stingy.
  • slide 16

    Occupations of the knights

    The main occupation of a knight is war. In peacetime, the knights hunted and participated in tournaments. Tournament is a fighting competition of knights.

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    Castles of the knights

    The knights lived in fortified stone fortresses - castles. The castle was built on a hill, surrounded by a wide moat with water. A drawbridge was thrown over the moat. Powerful fortifications towered behind the moat: there could be several fortress walls. A donjon towered above all the buildings - the main tower of the castle, in which the owner lived with his family.

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    Slides captions:


    MIDDLE AGES - the historical period from the 5th to the 16th century with the fall of the Roman Empire. The formation of medieval culture took place as a result of a dramatic and contradictory process of the collision of two cultures, ancient and barbarian, accompanied, on the one hand, by violence, the destruction of ancient cities, the loss of outstanding achievements of ancient culture (for example, the capture of Rome by vandals in 455 became a symbol of the destruction of cultural values ​​- "vandalism"), on the other hand, - the interaction and gradual merging of Roman and barbarian cultures. Medieval literature was of the traditionalist type. Medieval man found in literature a universally recognized, traditional model, a ready-made universal formula for describing a hero, his feelings, appearance, and so on. (the beauties are all golden-domed and blue-eyed, the rich are stingy, the saints have a traditional set of virtues, etc.) In the episcopal schools of the early Middle Ages, students read "exemplary" works of ancient authors (Aesop's fables, the writings of Cicero, Horace, etc.), assimilated the ancient topic and used in their own writings.

    KNIGHTS Since the 10th century, a chivalric movement has been taking shape in medieval culture. KNIGHT is a medieval noble title of honor in Europe. Chivalry, as a military and landowning estate, arose among the Franks in connection with the transition in the 18th century from the people's foot army to the horse army of vassals. The nobles taught their sons military affairs from a very early age, and most of all they cared about making the young man strong and dexterous. KNIGHTS are riders of noble birth. Over time, the knights formed a special estate, a special class of people, like a military brotherhood. Knights of different nations did not consider each other strangers. They were connected by knightly rules, binding on everyone. Knights lived in castles.

    During the period of the Classical Middle Ages, in artistic creativity, the knightly literature was developing. Her hero was a feudal warrior performing feats. The most famous are “THE SONG ABOUT ROLAND” by Gottfried of Strassburg (French epic), the chivalric verse novel “TRISTAN AND ISOLT” (Germany. The story of the path of a fearless knight, through many dangers and struggles, who came to understand the meaning of his existence. Tristan is a hero unparalleled , the pride of the kingdoms and the refuge of glory. Isolde is the daughter of the king or duke of Armorica. Western European literature also includes the widespread chivalric lyric Poetry, which sang examples of fidelity to the Lady of the Heart, for the sake of which the knights subjected themselves to a possible test.

    In its most mature form, chivalric literature developed in the south of France from the 11th century, in one of the most ancient Roman provinces - Provence. At this time, knightly lyric poetry and music arose. In the Middle Ages, poetry became the Queen of literature, even chronicles were clothed in poetic form. Knights poets sang the beauty of the Beautiful Lady. The Provençal poets-singers were called TROUBADOURS. The poetry of the troubadours was based on the richest poetic tradition. Its sources were: folklore, folk songs - ritual, wedding. The names of 460 troubadours have been preserved in the memory of generations. The most famous Troubadours were Bernart de Ventadorne, Gieraut de Borneil. The most common forms of poetry were: canson, alba, ballad, pastorela, lament. Kansona - a song in a narrative form set out a love theme.

    (Giraut de Borneil) The ballad at that time meant a dance song: Everything blooms! Around spring! - Hey! - The queen is in love, - Eya! - And, depriving the jealous man of sleep, - Eya! - She came to us here, Like April itself, beaming. And we give the order to the jealous: Away from us, away from us! We started a frisky dance. (Untitled songs)

    Crying is a song in which the poet yearns, mourns his share or mourns the death of a loved one: No, I will not return, dear friends, To our Ventadorn: she is harsh to me. There I waited for love - and I waited in vain, I can not wait for another lot! I love her - then all my fault, And now I am banished to distant lands, Deprived of my former favors and shelter ...

    In the 12th century, a new literary genre arose - the chivalric novel. The authors were Most often scientists. The first novels appeared in France. One of the creators of the chivalric novel was Chrétien de Troyes. The famous novel "Ivein, or the Knight with the Lion" CONCLUSION The structure of knightly culture was complex. Under the influence of knightly culture, several new trends in Western European culture were formed - courtly literature appeared. KNIGHTHOOD - a phenomenon of the Middle Ages, one of the most striking signs of that era.

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    Objectives: Find out who the knight is? What is his weaponry? How did the knights fight? Where did the knights live?

    The purpose of the work: to study the lifestyle of the knights of the Middle Ages.

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    The knight is a professional warrior. But not just a warrior. Knight, rater, chevalier, etc. means "horseman" in all languages. But not just a rider, but a rider in a helmet, armor, with a shield, spear and sword. A knight is a real fearless warrior who gave rise to a culture called chivalry.

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    Everything knightly was very expensive, anyone who had enough funds to buy a war horse, weapons and armor could become a knight. A complete set of the simplest knightly weapons was very expensive - at least 45 cows or 15 mares had to be paid for it. And this is the size of the herd or herd of the whole village. Only the son of a knight could become a knight and be sure to undergo the rite of passage.

    History of chivalry

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    Ritual of knighthood

    The future knight was struck on the back of the head or cheek (or with a sword blade on the back). This was the only blow the knight could receive without returning

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    Knight armor

    For protection, the knight carried a shield. The main weapons of the knight were the sword and spear. Attached to the shell were: gloves and metal pants, a bib and chin rest, as well as parts that protected the face.

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    On his head, the knight put on a chain mail hood or a forged iron helmet of a pointed shape with plates to protect the cheeks and nose. The helmet is the most responsible and important element of armor: if you lose your arm, you can still sit in the saddle, but if you lose your head...

    1 - Italian 2 - German 3 - French 4 - French 1310 5 - German 1318 6 - French 1340 7 - German 8, 9, 10 - French 1370 11 - English 12 - Flemish 13 - French 1380 14 - Bishop's helmet 15 - French 1400

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    leather armor

    The armor of the first European knights was leather. The positive features of a leather shell are its availability and lightness. But in general, he often did not justify himself - the level of protection bestowed by him did not pay off the decrease in mobility. They were of little help against arrows and spear blows, but, being hard, they effectively prevented the cutting of armor.

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    chain mail

    Leather armor was replaced by chain mail with sleeves and a hood, additionally equipped with chain mail stockings. The armor completely covered the body, weighed about 10 kg, and almost did not hamper movements. However, the protection provided is very dubious. Mail armor was easily cut with a saber, pierced with a spear and cut with an ax.

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    The shield was the standard hand-held means of protecting a warrior from various enemy weapons. The original shields were made of light wood and sometimes covered with fur, usually wolf's.

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    Plate armor

    Full articulated armor not only provided a high level of protection in hand-to-hand combat. Most importantly, they performed the function of a kind of exoskeleton, and thereby dramatically increased the survivability of a warrior.

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    Well, how did the knights fight? Before the battle, the knight gathered an army of squires and foot soldiers. When the army was on the battlefield, the knights began to build, there were about 5 knights in the first row, then 7 knights stood in the next row and their number increased with each row. After the formation of the knights, the formation of the cavalry took place. The fight itself consisted of hundreds or even thousands of fights and could last for hours, without a break.

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    Knight Tournament

    Military skills were honed in tournaments-competitions of knights in strength and dexterity. Thanks to tournaments, knights, in peacetime, could gain high prestige in the eyes of representatives of their class.

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    Knightly code of honor

    Knightly code of honor - certain rules of conduct in your estate. The knight is the hope of the weak and humiliated. The knight had to be generous. The knight was supposed to be alien to cunning. The knight had to be gallant with the ladies, the lady of the heart had to be faithful until the end of his days.

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    If a knight was magnified by his exploits, but in fact did nothing, then such a braggart was punished as follows: the right side of the head of the coat of arms was shortened on his shield. If any knight dared to kill a prisoner of war, then for this they also shortened the head of the coat of arms on the shield, rounding it from below. If a knight lied, flattered and made false reports in order to draw his sovereign into the war, then the head of the coat of arms on his shield was covered in red, erasing the signs that were there. If a knight was convicted of perjury or drunkenness, then two black bags were drawn on both sides of his coat of arms. If a knight was convicted of cowardice, then his coat of arms was stained on the left side.