Translation translation. The meaning of the name: history, origin

Translation translation. The meaning of the name: history, origin
Translation translation. The meaning of the name: history, origin

The meaning of the name is: This name for the girl means "Clear Sky".

The origin of the nameman: Staroslavansky.

Reduce form name: Yenya, Yesya, Esaenka, Senya, Shenya, Esi.

What does Name mean: The name of the name has several options of origin. One version says that previously the Slavs existed a male analogue - Esenia. In the explanatory dictionary V.I. Dahl also has information according to which "Esen" is translated as "autumn", and therefore it is quite possible, corresponds to the child who was born in the autumn period. Another option of the origin of the name completely contradicts the previous one. The name could appear from the Slavic word "Spring", when the girl was affectionately called the "Spring" girl.

Interestingly, there is even such a version according to which the name was invented during the NEP years in Russia. And it was formed from the surname of Sergei Yesenin - the famous poet.

Historians talk about the Greek origin of the name, which is translated as a "distant wanderer", "Guest". A history of the word education as an analogue of the male version of Hassan can meet - in translating it means "beautiful", "good." It must be said that in 1975 the film was released on the screens, after which this name was gaining great popularity.

Angel Day and Saint Patrons named: Name does not celebrate Names.

Zodiac: Capricorn, Aquarius

Characteristic namement

Positive features: The value can be determined by numerology. So, patronize the number 8, which "helps" the girl leads large affairs and receive big money.

Negative features: For ESI, a material question is very important. Moreover, even friends she chooses, given this fact. But at the same time, it is impossible to be called an insensible and mercantile. A girl with this name is always ready to come to the help of a person who fell into trouble. She is able to forgive mistakes and even betrayal. But at the same time she herself is quiet and practical.

Name of behalf: She loves animals, and therefore, often striving to make a cat, a dog. However, the care of the pet is trying to shift on the shoulders of other family members.

In friendship, she is careful. The girl is long and carefully chooses a girlfriend. However, if she finds it, even, being married, will always communicate and maintain a good relationship with a friend.

Even and her personal life

Love and marriage: As a rule, the Eye comes into early marriage, because it seeks independence from parents. By the way, she is usually happy with her husband. It has a special meaning of the family. A woman who is the name of the person leaves the job and devotes himself to children and her husband. At the same time, a man should be aware that the ability is touching, and it is easy to wander the word.

Talents, Business, Career

Choice of profession: Gives a huge career value. Such people tend to achieve success in one thing are accepted for the following. But it is very important not to disperse my attention to the little things - if you are holding a leadership position, it is worth passing minor instructions to your subordinates and concentrate on global issues. The character, and the power of will affect here. The girl with this name helps boldly trying his strength in politics, business and other similar spheres.

Business and Career: She is always fixed forward and achieves the goals. Obrarates and obstacles are always only inspired and motivated. A woman who is the name of the person is able to captivate any idea of \u200b\u200bother people and lead them behind them - she has perfectly developed administrative abilities.

Health and energy

Health and talents namesmanship: Much in the nature of the ESI depends on the day of her birth. For example, "winter" - more irritable and hot-tempered, and "summer" with the same name - fragile, timid, prone to depression.

Fate Even in history

What does the name of the person for women's fate?

  1. Eenia Volzhankina - Latvian athletes.
  2. Butorina is a young Russian gymnast.
  3. So called Gypsy, the main character of the Mexican film-melodrama of the same name.

This name sounds exotic. Nevertheless, many researchers consider him Russian! By calling so daughter, you are guaranteed to highlight it from the crowd ... But is it worth doing? What "dowry" gets a girl with this name, what kind of life is waiting for her?

It is a real riddle for lingules! There is a lot of versions of its origin, and not in any philologists are not 100% sure.

  1. Slavic version number 1. This is the option of the male name Esenia, which meant "born in the fall", "autumn", since the word "autumn" in those days sounded like "Esen".
  2. Slavic version number 2. On the contrary, it is a reduced version of the Women's name of Spring ("Spring").
  3. Russian. At the beginning of the 20th century, in the flourishing of the communist innovation, many names were invented. Children were called in honor of the mechanisms and instruments of labor (gear), party leaders (Lenin, Vilen), loud slogans (Kim: "Communism, international, youth"). On this wave there could be a name created from the name of the poet Yesenin.
  4. Arabic. This is the women's version of the male name (translated as "Handsome", "good man").
  5. Turkic. This is an option of another name - Isania, deciphering as "Healthy", "Live".
  6. Greek. Some linguists believe that this is the name of the name, whose value is "alien".
  7. Mexico (Spanish). Despite the Slavic versions of interpretation, this name is considered popular in Hispanic countries. The proof of this is the film that came to Soviet rental in 1975. In the Mexican melodrama, it is told about Gypsy, who fell in love with the officer. After the release of this picture, the name has become especially popular in our country.

Friends may be called:, Seine, Ena, Yes, Yasya.

What character does it give his mistress?

Advantages that should be proud of. Evention is a good friend who will not betray and always help. She is inclined to mutual and compassion, can pick up a kitten or a welcome and bring home, always gives the beggar. She is practiced, calculating if necessary for business - with character. Senya can also be very religious. It is characterized by beauty and femininity.

Weaknesses of character, over which you need to work throughout life. In communicating with frivolous people, the girl behaves fromteningly - quickly forgives mistakes, we give the second and the third chance (for which it pays for more than once). Even a little banner (even an adult she does not throw out his children's toys).

Interestingly, the character of the girl largely depends on the season in which it appeared. Summer Senya is very tender, shy, diligent. "Winter" - quick-tempered, quickly "litter" from one curve of the word.

Fate Even

  • Early childhood years. This is a friendly baby who does not deliver a hassle. She does not climb on the fences, but knits the dolls of the bows, and in general, in everything he tries to be like her mother (and it turns out). Joy runs to the garden, there is friends with most children.
  • School. Friendly girls are only growing. She is very good, but does not like injustice - even with the teacher, it may argue if he believed that he intentionally understood her (or another student) an assessment. He studies perfectly, does not refuse to concert and organize school holidays. She loves both mugs, including active (dancing, where he managed to better than other girls, or sports).
  • Youth. A personal opinion is added to good nature and an exacerbid sense of justice. The girl knows exactly what she should strive for. And the surrounding notes that she thinks as an adult, serious person.
  • Mature years. As a rule, she comes to the university, who chose even at school, and having received a diploma, is arranged in the specialty, over the years I have improving her profession to her. To poison her life can only adventurers who use the gullibility of the girl. But it was understood that she was deceived and used, enemy removes scoundrels from themselves and stops him (or her) to help.

What will I bring good luck?

  • The ideal zodiac sign: Gemini (birth period from May 21 to March 20).
  • Planet Patron: Mercury.
  • The name of the name: There is no one, concrete. The sequence will suit any bright color - green, blue, scarlet, sunny yellow.
  • A lucky number: 8.
  • To become a talisman, the decoration of the Seni should be inlaid by emeralds or agaters.
  • Totem animal: This is a bird, a lark.
  • Happy Plant: Modest Suriable Celery.

Does the owner of this name of the Angel's Day (Name Day)? No, since in our sacrolrs there is no saint patroneal. However, when baptized, the father can offer you the church name of Ksenia. In this case, your birthdays will be February 6.

Here's how to reveal in different aspects of life

  • Relations. If she gets a spouse who won't hurt her stupid jokes and jokes (Senya is very sensitive, a stupid comparison, a compliment with a hint can hurt her), she will be happy in marriage, as it can easily get along with most men. But no matter how she loved her husband, a woman will always try not to depend on it materially.
  • A family. She can jump married early - but not because of passion, but in order to quickly leave the parent nest and point their own. However, she can also postpone the marriage, striving first to learn, get a job and "stand on your feet." She loves his family and children, for the sake of them can throw a job. The farm does not have time to sleep, as it loves to sleep scary, but it prepares very tasty and her houses are always cleaned.
  • Friendship. She is very picky, whom the best girlfriend does not call. An important point for the girl will be the commonality of interests, and even a material question. However, starting to be friends with someone, it will keep the connection with the years - as they say, from the kindergarten pot to retirement.
  • Career. The girl can be a good entrepreneur. It will also succeed in medicine, cooking (especially they succeed in sweets) and teaching activities. A strong character helps her not to grasp the difficulties, reaching the desired. If the girl is prescribed by the head, it perfectly organizes subordinates.
  • Health. Due to activity, in childhood, Senya almost does not hurt (sports clubs are promoted especially strong health, which baby can visit almost from the first class).

Male name compatibility

The bright future is waiting for an extension and:, Alexey, Andrei, Anton, Dmitry, Denis, Vladimir, Ivan, Mikhail, Egor, Roman.

And these guys are simply not created for Seni:, (with the latter there may be bright, short love, but not marriage).

Famous Tests

  1. Events Volzhhankina (1983) - athletes from Latvia.
  2. Butorina (2003) is a gymnast from Russia.
  3. Eventy Sopeno Sashes (1971) - athletes from Cuba.
  4. Valencia - actress, Cuba.
  5. Hil Ernandez Escobar (1983) is a beauty from Chile who won the Miss Earth 2006 contest.
  6. Evention (1982) - a modern singer in the genre of Chanson, Russia.
  7. CENSE (1992) - Creative pseudonym its colleagues (real name Nana Arahamia). The girl was born in Abkhazia, lives and acts in Russia. Interestingly, at first she subscribed to how to eat, but then changed one letter in writing his name so that there was no confusion with another singer.

And at the end - three minutes for the soul. We suggest listening to the song that the modern performer wrote, inspired by this beautiful name with the Gypsy character. If your parents have already gave you the name of Eenia, consider that the song is written for you. If you want to call so your baby daughter, you can include it as a lullaby:

Walk to date with the development of Taro "Map of the Day"!

For proper divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about at least 1-2 minutes.

As you will be ready - pull the map:

The name (abbreviated either) is very beautiful and with a rich history. In Russia, it became known thanks to the film with the same name. This at birth, the name imposes a fingerprint for further life, opens special opportunities, affects fate. Of course, to use these knowledge, you need to know the exact characteristic that it means and what kind of secrecy stores.

There are several theories about the origin and the name of the name. According to one of them, so called girls born in the fall, because "Esenia" according to the dictionary Daly means "Autumn". Another version states that it takes its roots from the Slavic named after Spring. The historical version binds its origin with the Arab male name Hassan (beautiful) in a modified form, as well as Turkic Isani (healthy). The male form of the name (complete) - Eennia, denotes "Clear Sky". Short version - ECI, gentle - Esik, Yasik.

"Beautiful, autumn" is the Slavic designation name. The nature and fate of the owners of singeling names are always amazing. Names with lots of vowels, according to beliefs, carry the same smooth, melodic life from the small years and to deep old age.

Another fantastic version binds its origin with the poet Sergey Yesenin, whose name was formed by name.

The meaning of the name in Orthodoxy is not known, as it is absent in the saints. But there is a spoken rare, beautiful baptismal name of the ESIA. Unfortunately, there are few people known about the life of this Orthodox saint. Name Day (Angel Day) In the Church Calendar, the ESIA celebrates June 20. Gidden to baptize the baby, for baptism take the names of the saints of the patroness: Ksenia and Eenia. Abbreviated name for the girl - Yasya, Yes. Reductantly-ladies - Yasper, Esusha, Esenushka.

Little ash grows intelligent and independent girl. Cheerful and mischievous, does not naughty and shouts. In games with other guys, do not participate, but observes from the side. True Domoska, loves parents. Much time spends on the game, imitating family. She will save their adorable toys to adults. The girl grows fantasy, its fiction expresses in unthinkable drawings or stories. Workshops descriptions of what is happening fascinating and as if immersed in the invented world. If you wish, it can become a writer, but the world of paints is much closer to it.

From early age, it is sensitive and warmth, which over the years is only enhanced. You can always rely on the girl, she will not refuse to help anyone. For this, I appreciate the comrades, and in the school years it has many faithful friends.

Even a schoolgirl is developing very quickly, seeks to find out everything, and its questions sometimes put teachers in a dead end. Young girl soberly looks at life, does not build air locks, purposefully goes to the goal. She studies, engaged in needlework, happy attending art school and other educational circles.

In the company of peers undoubted leader, can pass and lead. At the same time, any hooligan acts alien to her, she never draws her team in trouble.

Youth and love

Young Yeshya and here differs from peers. She is alien to teenage throwing, she does not be afraid of hysterics, does not swear, does not shout. Balanced and excerpt do not leave it even in difficult circumstances. With the composure inherent on it, immediately begins to look for a way out of the current situation, not spending time for useless torments.

Evention is a born psychologist, it helps peacefully solve conflict situations and the difficulties arising. At this stage, she chooses his girlfriends and does it with the inherent thoroughness. There may be a lot of them, but the beloved one, and the most intimateness will tell only her.

She does not seek to make a relationship, it is important for her to trust a person, to know his closer. Pullos and non-serious young people immediately get polite refusal. For a possible partner, the girl watches for a long time, weighs for and against. With his spouse, she wants to see a courageous person who can protect. The selected partner will keep loyalty to the whole family life.

Name compatibility:

  • successful Union with Paul, Sergey, Andrey;
  • unsuccessful - with Konstantin, Oleg, Ivan.

In marriage, she is happy, with approval leads a household, brings up children, in the house is always clean and tidy. Eventy loves to receive guests, but there are few of them, as the family and career take a lot of time.

Career is important for the girl. From an early Yennia, it understands the importance of the right choice of profession, it is tirelessly learning and developing. If desired, it will reach heights on any field.

Ideal specialties for ESI:

  • organization of holidays;
  • psychologist;
  • teacher choreography or drawing;
  • medicine.

Her soft character does not interfere with developing and moved along the career ladder. With the same success, the girl occupies senior positions and perfectly manifests itself as an ordinary employee. With colleagues, the relationship is smooth and pleasant. In the women's team, it is an example for imitation. The intrigue does not break the intrigue, does not gossip, does not provoke scandals. Men's half of the team respects the girl for light temper and willingness to help.

Whose word is always final in any dispute. Regardless of the position being held, the girl will take the right decision, after listening to the arguments and arguments. She is not from those who will benefit with dishonest way. It works honestly and openly, business partners trust the man-manager.

The meaning of the birthday of the birth

Depending on the month of birth (temporary season), the meaning of the name for the girl is slightly different.

Winter is kind, truthful, but slightly quick-tempered. Born in winter Esenka will be ready to discuss any questions that do not relate to it personally. In a personal space, she will not let anyone. At the same time, it has a huge heart and shares this heart warmth sincerely and disinterestedly.

Spring nature wounded and very faithful. Faced with betrayal, the girl cannot survive it and for a long time there is one, excluding all contacts. It is necessary since childhood to teach a girl to understand people - it will save her from mistakes.

Born in summer - air and fragile nature. They strive to surround themselves with beautiful things, are engaged in creativity. Of these, actors, musicians, artists grow often.

Autumn girls are tightly tied to the past. They are enhanced family secrets and stories, the search for the ancestors and the formulation of the family tree.

Evention is an excellent name with an amazing story, a unique mysterious world. But it is worth remembering that the non-name affects the course of life, and the person himself . It is important to listen to yourself surrounding and seeing prompts of fate.

Unresolved, unusual name. But I do not like. Gypsy some kind.

My name! But at home and at school is the name of Yesh, Esik, Yaska. About fantasy True! I love to draw!

I like this singered, melodic name. Waiting for twins, girls! One of the princesses name Yesenia.

ATTENTION, only today!


The name of Slavic origin on the main version. Could have happened from the male name Esenia (Even in modern times), which in turn occurred from the worldly word "Esen". Translation sounds like "Autumn". The literal interpretation can mean "born in the fall".

The female name is today is one of the rarest Russian names. But this name is very strong energy, promulits carriers a lot of good, has a good compatibility and is considered one of the oldest Russian names of modernity ...

Popularity: Today, the name is occupied from 65 to 67 positions in the ranking of Russian women's names and account for statistics on 2-4 girls from 1000 newborns.

Conversational options: Ena, Yes, Esa'e

Modern English analogs: Hese, essay, hession

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name of the name of the carrier is a lot of good qualities and extremely unusual. According to the main version, the carrier of this name will be a good and balanced representative of the gentle half of humanity. It will have an amazing beauty character, will become a stand, calm, wise and reliable woman, and will be endowed with a huge amount of advantages.

Regardless of which season belongs to, it will be sociable, and therefore will not experience shortages in terms of communication or friends. It will be surrounded by caring others.

Advantages and Positive features: The main advantage of all the girls named after the names, these are their sociability, eloquence, the ability to make friends even there, it would seem impossible. Plus, these girls always emit positive and spiritual heat ...

Enenia does not apply to People with overwhelmed self-esteem, to those who use their own power for the sake of dominance over weakness, and to those people that they do not respect other people's opinions.

In fact, there are quite a lot of versions of the origin of the female name. There is even an opinion that this name came to us from ancient Greece.

National name

The character of the name is one of the most mysterious factors from existing ones. But the character of the name of the person and is complicated at all, because as a parameter, it has been studied by too small the number of specialists. Nevertheless, there are still a few moments known to everyone, and one of them suggests that the nature is always distinguished by tolerance, benevolence, sociability, unprincipledness, infinity, cheerfulness, kindness, optimistic, positive attitude and perseverance. The character named so the girl allows it not only to be popular, but also to achieve incredible peaks in his career. Yes, of course, the boss is such not to be, but the leader, at least the unlawful, it may well become. However, all this is only the theory ...

The nature of the names in itself is theoretical factors, and in the named variation of the girl, it also depends on the many different factors, among which the sign of the zodiac, and the initial education, and the influence of various astrological symbols, and even birth time.

Early childhood

Early childhood Girls with namemennamia, this is the time when parents have really many reasons for pride. The girl who patronizes the meaning of the name of the name of the name, quite a tolerant nature, especially in early childhood - she is good, friendly, attentive, eloquent, knows how to communicate and have people to themselves, it is easy to contact and will be easily diversified by various games and subsidiaries. .

The only thing that is not enough called so the baby is a sense of responsibility and prudence - often, even at such a small age, it makes the rapid acts, it does not know how to be responsible, forever does what it should not be. At the same time, it should not be noted that all its rapid acts in their essence do not bring anyone to anyone - it is not capable of something bad. Another value gives it incredible curiosity - this can not sit still, everything around it needs, everything is interesting, there is no minute. So that another idea did not come to her head.

In general, the value of the Girl, called the name of the name and a bunch of other important advantages, but more importantly, is that they are all great to each other in her difficult nature. Parents will have to constantly be on guard - every new day before them will be new feathers, and every time in a new appearance, such that is unpredictable, non-permanent ...


The girl has a teenager who has decided to choose the female name at birth, the nature is even more unpredictable and is inconsistent. It is a changeable nature, a girl with an excellent sense of humor, optimistic and friendly, cheerful and positive, brave and decisive, but too lack of imprint. To guess what her next step will be, it is practically unrealistic, for she constantly has a bunch of ideas in her head, and which one of them will once again want to embody into reality, it is impossible to guess. Effective, active, energetic, restless, claying, ideological, cheerful - these features for which she will be a respected and welcome person in society, but they will also play a negative role, in particular, in their studies. The fact is that all these features give rise to a complete absence of a concentration that it extremely negatively affects study and as such relations with teachers.

But the value may be plus to all with excellent organizational potential - respectable in society, desired, and people listen to her opinion, and this will definitely play a hand. It certainly does not bring success in studying, but respect for peers, self-confidence, and determination will definitely add. True, in the future everything can change, in particular, to achieve maturity ...

Adult woman

If a girl with such a name is excellent, cheerful and optimistic, but very unpredictable character, then the girl who has reached the maturity, women, he can be endowed with prudence, and responsibility, which in a small age obviously lacked. Adult, the meaning of this name is patronized, this is already a more responsible, executive, mandatory and permanent person.

In addition, it can still be a winner and such qualities as kindness, sincerity, ambition, freedomism, friendliness, goodwill, respectfulness, self-wiring, honesty, erupiousness and charming - all this in aggregate turns the beneficiary of the woman in unique in all parameters. As for relations with people - such easily goes to contact, always ready for new acquaintances, never reject the attention and care of a man, even if she does not like or repel it. In other words, this is a sociable and friendly woman, always surrounded by attention and friends. True, there will be few like-minded people among them.

Professional activity - everything is much more difficult. The value believes adulgement by all data for a successful and rapid career growth, but does not give up the most important - leadership qualities, without which it is almost unrealistic to climb to the top of Olimpa.

Interaction of nature with the time of year

Summer - if the name of the name is named the girl born under the influence of the value of summer, it will grow up with the owner of fragile nature. It is a wounded woman stretching only to one - the goal, make the world more beautiful in every sense of the word. Envy and negative thinking not to face, not hypocritical, not lying, faithful and good.

Winter - it is erected by hot-tempered and impulsive, self-confident and self-sufficient. With preferred pleasure, it will begin to be scandaling to evict the correctness of your own point of view - will be deprived of communication with friends. With ease will conquer the authority and love of others, but rarely will need them.

Spring - the girl will grow by purposeful, cheerful, friendly and independent of the origin of the soul and mind, the current concepts of friendship and love, fragile and light person, the future highlight of any company. She is lucky in everything that concerns human feelings and relationships, and will never insul a person even deserved it.

Autumn - the newborn will be demanding and moral, principled and harsh, responsible and honest. Any trick from a person can be regarded by her as a betrayal, and family life will be the goal to which all his life will go - such is her character.

Fate named

The fate of the name in relations with representatives of the opposite sex is such. What suggests the introduction of a woman named named in such a way. Fate In this case, if you believe the facts provided by the researchers, this is that it will not allow the girl named by this namedorphorus early to build a personal life, and there are many reasons for it.

One of the reasons is its desire to initially become on his feet, to acquire a favorite job, to ensure ourselves to all necessary and achieve material well-being, in order not to depend on anyone, and even more so from her husband, in no case depend. Only becoming a full-fledged person, a successful lady, she will be able to devote themselves to relationships, and that, only if the fate climbs up with a man, ready to take the first step and meets all its requirements, which, too, by the way, quite a few.

But fate also implies the formation of this woman a real, true, ideal mother, caring, responsible, attentive. Yes, and the wife from such a good, but only to appreciate it that man that is ready to go to the meeting, to give up, and show it in every way to appreciate. Otherwise, it is rapidly ruining the relationship even with that. Who truly loves.

Love and marriage

Eenia is not exchanged for fleeting relationships and feelings, she lives the expectation of big and bright love. She loves truly, sincerely, precisely, gently, to his chest pain. Having found my soul mate, she does not think it will create with a loved one happy family. However, not every man can get her love. Choselitan will be educated, smart, reliable, honest and sincere young man with no less strong feelings towards her. Due to the long expectation of his ideal, she quickly get married.

However, a man can scare away such features of her character, as her desire to be a leader in relationships or the inability of a woman correctly show the power of his feelings. Only the most sensitive man will understand that the modesty is not a sign of coldness and indifference. Only with such a man, she will be able to build a truly harmonious relationship. For Eenia, spiritual relationship with his spouse is extremely important, but its financial situation, its level of income is not important for it. She sacred believes that in the family the main thing is love, and everything else can be achieved together. However, even with a secure spouse, it does not want to depend on the finance of the spouse, her personal freedom and independence is extremely important for it.

Gentle, faithful, caring and lovingness will be not only a wonderful wife, but also understanding, devoted to another. It is also important and validation, respect, dedication, attention and patience of the husband himself are also important. Even is always confident in the correctness of your choice when looking for a husband, so the divorce is unlikely.

Evention as a mother

The person's name has a huge influence on his fate, but his character, life principles and positions depend on a variety of factors. It is impossible to ensure that people with the same names in all important points will behave equally. However, the common features of the character of a woman named Eenia and her responsible approach to life allow us to make an assumption that it is definitely not to be like a mother.

In the soul, so much caress and warmth that children will just swim in her love. As a good mistress and a clean woman, she will carefully monitor that her children always looked essentially and neatly, he drone only homely and fresh food. Ksyusha monitors the order and cleanliness in the house, but she has a weakness, which in the consequence will like the children. As a rule, it stores its own children's toys and dolls, so that children will have a chance to play rare toys and learn more about their mom's childhood.

It easily finds an individual approach to the upbringing of his children. But she already has clearly established moral and moral principles for which it was brought up. It is very important for her so that the children were polite, intelligent, highly oral, good, honest and responsible people. In educational purposes, it often uses rigor and motivation as the main weapons in the struggle for gaining knowledge.

Compatible with male names

It is believed that the best pair in terms of feelings can be created with Dinasius, Sergey, George, Maximilian, Mikhail.

Strong and happy marriage will be able to build only with such as Timur, Demyan, Danil, Yaroslav, Timofey.

And there is no combination and in general any connection, with such as Luka, Svyatoslav, Denis, Arsen, Mark.

Women's names are in themselves secrets with which the representatives of beautiful sex are successfully used. The name, which won its popularity thanks to the melodramic of the same name is no exception, since it is connected with a lot of mysteries and secrets.

The meaning and origin of the name

This name has become popular in the USSR after the release of the Mexican film "Ention" (dir. Alfredo B. Kresenna). However, his origin, most likely, Slavic. Scientists put forward a variety of versions, and until they came to a single opinion, you can choose the one you like more than others.

The first point of view: Eania dates back to the word "Esen" - so our ancestors called autumn. It turns out that the name is "autumn", in other words, the girl who was born in the fall.

Curiously, but the other point of view is completely the opposite: it is assumed that the name was formed from the word "spring", and then it means "Spring" - that is, born in the spring.

Popular view, which was formed in the Soviet years on behalf of the poet Sergey Yesenin, but, despite the external evidence, this version is not the main one.

The fourth hypothesis proposes to relate names and Ksenia. If they really happened from one root, it can be interpreted as "alien".

Finally, the latest version of the origin of this name is from the Arab name Hassan - then it means "good" or "beautiful." And along with the "seasonal" (spring-autumn) hypotheses, this version is still considered scientists from one of the main. Also elevated to the value of the "Flower of Jasmine".

Despite such conflicting each other, the versions and various meanings attributed to the name, it is still considered rare and exotic in its beauty.

Fate and character name

Evention belongs to the type of people who immediately want to trust and open. She knows how to place an interlocutor, usually she has a wide range of communication, but there are few friends - and all of them proven time and reliable.

Nature is not delivered by the kindness and softness, the ability to reconcile opponents and find compromises: even in the dispute she tries to listen to the opposite point of view. At the same time, in nature, there is a place for quick-temperance, and for racing. But these features manifest themselves, for example, when Eennia protects her dear person. This is a solid nature in which different qualities get along without contradictions, complementing each other.

Sweeverability and tendency to weigh "for" and "against" helping the establishment of their career. She becomes an executive officer and a friendly soul for his work as a leader. Often, it finds his vocation in charity, he is engaged in philanthropy, may be captivated by volunteer activities. In the team, she simply find both associates, and unfriendly: with the first one may later make friends, and the second bypass by side, not to inflate conflicts, but preparing if necessary to defend their interests.

Marriage is usually not immediately entering by making sure the reliability of the partner and have time to stand on their feet financially. She appreciates independence and, despite the seeming obstacle, is a very freedom-loving girl. She will not tolerate pressure on her nature and with an authoritarian husband, most likely, will be unhappy. She needs a person who will support it and understand.

The meaning of the name for a child: choose the name of the girl

Evention is growing with an obedient girl who pleases parents, educators and teachers. She loves animals and probably ask to make a pet for her. It is important to explain to the girl that this is a responsible step, and then the little entia will come to the point with all seriousness. But if it is regularly instead of cleaning a parrot cell or wash aquarium for fish, a girl can grow a capricious. Joint affairs that adults will perform with her, on the contrary, will give an confidence in themselves.

You can cut the name in different ways: it is both, and Senya, and Sonya. Like the full name, its abbreviated forms sound sufficiently softly, so the daughter with the same name will grow graceful, perhaps even like a doll - the real decoration and the joy of parents.

In order to be comfortable in the children's team (and in the future and simply in life), it is important for her to instill not only independence, but also enough faith in itself. Then the softness and poetry of the ESI will not turn against it with the complexes, and she will not help themselves.

Characteristic namement

Energy: Fluent, leisurely, similar to water and air at the same time. Sometimes it is necessary to rest from the entire outside world to restore its energy protection. But you should not climb into the shell and raise hostility to the world.

Name Day: In church sacraticles of this name you will not find. But this does not mean that entia will lose the name: When baptized, you can choose a suitable name (for example, Ksenia) and celebrate the name days in the days corresponding to this chosen name.

Which patronymic suits: This name is well consistent with strong male energy, so if the father is called Alexander, Victor, Nikita, Nikolai, Igor, Martin, the combination will come out good. The names of Slavic origin are approached, for example, Yaroslav, Bogdan, Svyatoslav, Vladimir. With them, the energy of the name of the name will also find a balance.

Lucky number: eight.

Zodiacality: This name is suitable sign of the zodiac Taurus; If you pick up the name of the daughter, and she was born under the sign of the Taurus, the name of the manner will suit her as no other. Also, the earth will be a good option, firmly standing on the wings of Virgo or air, autumn scales.

Element: Air.

Stone-charm: Agat, helping to strengthen physical health and awakening female attractiveness. Emerald will also beneficial effects.

Metal:iron - not so exquisite, as expensive metals, but it is the giving hardness and strength of the Spirit.

Color: It is better to show its qualities to be helped by energy-charged, even tough colors, like black or red. The same effect is provided by motley combinations, helping to strengthen all the qualities. Pastel and inappropriate shades, on the contrary, give softness and mysteriousness, but can greatly "repay" personality.

Planet patron: In Eenia, two celestial patrons are Saturn and Mercury.

Totem animal: Lark.

Plant Whether: It is useful to use celery; This plant is considered to be a faith at the physical level - he awakens the vital forces to action.

Famous representatives: Athlete from Latvia Evention Volzhankin (Athletics), actress Adam and, of course, the Gypsies, the heroine of the same name melodrama, thanks to which this name became known.

Learning the secrets of your name, you can solve other secrets - for example, pick up the key to loved ones or strengthen your strengths, bringing them to perfection.

Numerology of the feminine name

Eight, the number of behalf of the person, speaks of decisiveness in the actions and incredible susceptibility, the ability to grab everything on the fly. She loves everything in life to go clear, on the schedule, although it knows that improvisation is also useful. If we talk about the qualities, then this name gives a strong nature, which is able to achieve all the goals set if there is a person who can support ... a more detailed numerological analysis of the name can be.

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