Homemade wine from grapes without bones. Wine from grapes how to cook

Homemade wine from grapes without bones. Wine from grapes how to cook
Homemade wine from grapes without bones. Wine from grapes how to cook

Production of wine at home is a rather complicated technological process. From how it is conducted, the taste quality of the drink. Homemade wine can be made of different raw materials, but quality depends mainly from the correctness of the activities and compliance with the recipe. Of course, not everyone comes out of good homemade wine from the first time, but the ability comes with experience.


In general, wine is an alcoholic drink, obtained by fermentation of sugar-containing components. In addition to the water and ethyl alcohol, homemade wine includes organic acids, sugar, mineral salts, nitrogen and pectin substances, pantothenic acid, vitamins B1, B6, B12, PR, RR, C. fermentation with the formation of alcohol occurs when exposed to Sugar and some carbohydrate enzymes.

Homemade Red Wine

Homemade wine for raw materials from which it is "mined" is divided into grape, fruit (apples, pears, quince, etc.), berry (strawberry, raspberry, currants; here also include bone fruit - cherry, peach, plum, Apricot), fruit-berry (a mixture of berries and fruits), raisin (from dried grapes), vegetable (petals of flowers, juice of bulk crops or trees).

One of the main indicators of wine is its fortress, i.e. The content of alcohol and sugar. The following categories of wines are allocated for this indicator:

  • table (fortress 8-13 ° without sugar content);
  • dry (8-11 ° and sugar no more than 0.4%);
  • semi-dryer (9-12 ° with sugar to 3.5%);
  • semi-sweet (9-13 °, sugar - 3-8%);
  • dessert semi-sweet (6-12 ° in sugar to 15.5%);
  • dessert sweet (11-18 °, sugar - 12-18%);
  • liquor or saturated sweet (15-20 ° with sugar content 20-30%);
  • strong (up to 22 °, sugar - 11-15%).

Separately, sparkling or effervescent drinks with artificial gas production are noted.

The flavoring characteristics of the beverage are largely determined by the content of acids and their combination with the level of sugar. Home wines can be such species: fresh; Average (pronounced taste with normal acidity), tart, sour.

It's important to know!

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Wine preparation at home occurs in several stages. First of all, the preparation of the feedstock is carried out. Fruits, berries can be used in the form of mezgi, juice, syrup, jam, jam, caramel. In the preparation process, sugar, thermal processing, etc., if necessary, can be added.

Friction of grapes

The most important stage is the fermentation of pre-prepared wort. From the activity of this process, the Fortress of Beverage and its main characteristics depends. If there is a need, the seed elements are used to activate the reaction. The conditions necessary for such a process depends on the type of raw materials.

The taste of the drink is determined by the final stage. At this stage, sediment is getting rid of filtering, lightening of wine. The final stage also includes the degree of fermentation to the required indicator, i.e. The so-called rathering is carried out.


For a serious occupation, homemade winemaking requires a serious approach to the preparation of containers, containers and equipment. The most popular cooking capacity is the wooden (best oak) barrel (barrel), a glass bottle or enameled dishes (tank, bucket, pan). After draining the fault, the used containers before laying on the storage is recommended to be chopped in gray.

The equipment is needed to grind fruits and squeezing juice. During grinding, special crushers or a meat grinder can be used, and shredders to work with large fruits. The preparation of juice from mezgi is provided by a press or juicer. With small quantities, rationally apply a canvas bag.

Locking juice from berries

Raw materials for homemade wine is preparing from ripe (fully matured) berries and fruits. Large dense fruits are cut and free from the bones, and then crushed. Berry raw materials is washed using sieve, and after water drainage.

The first stage is the primary fermentation of the mezgi. The grape or raspberry mezga poured into the container, covered on top of gauze and stands for 30-50 hours. at a temperature of 24-29 ° C. Some types of raw materials after grinding (plum, cherry, currant) are supplemented with boiled water (by 20-22% of the mezgi), heated to a temperature of 55-65 ° and are kept for 25-35 minutes (with stirring).

The following preparatory step is the branch of the juice from the mezgi. A weathered mezga is pressed by any accessible way, allowing to separate the juice from the pulp. Schirts are flooded with warm water in proportion 1: 5 and insist 2.5-4 hours, and then, re-pressed. If necessary, sugar (1kg per 10 liters of mezgi) is used for this procedure, the exposure is 3.5-5 days at a temperature of no more than 22 ° C.


The basic process of fermentation occurs in Sousle, i.e. In finally prepared raw materials. The taste of the final product depends on the composition and quality of SUSL. It was at the stage of preparing the wort, a combination of sugar and acid is laid. And the most important thing is that the amount of sugar provides a drink fortress. The optimal alcohol content in the final drink is provided when the sugar content is at a level of 23-25%, which best provides grapes. If its content is missing, the juice is divorced by water and sugar is added in the desired quantity.

Special norms help to navigate the sugar content. So, such sugar content in some grape varieties can be cited: Cabernet - 20-22%, white Muscat - 25%, Muscat black - up to 27%, Aligote - 16-20%, Tsimlyansky - 25-28%. For various berries and fruits, sugarity is less pronounced: Raspberries - 8-9%, blackberry - 8-11%, cherry - 7-15%, black currant - 7-14%, gooseberry - 6-11%, plum - 8-14 %, Apples - 7-22%, Pear - 9-15%.

To calculate how much sugar add, it is worth considering the following nuances:

  • the addition of sugar in the amount of 20 g / l increases the beverage fortress by an average of 1 °;
  • an increase in the wort volume with the addition of each kilogram of sugar is 500 ml;
  • excess sugar begins to slow down the fermentation process.

Supply of sugar is carried out according to such a scheme: dry wines - immediately for 1 occasion; Dessert varieties - equal parts by 1, 4, 7, and 10th days of fermentation.

It is possible to activate fermentation by introducing a swax, i.e. Wine yeast. The recipe for a grape starter: 200 g of grapes are mixed with 60 g of sugar, pour water (350 ml) and to withstand for 4-5 days. Raspberry soldering: Berry (2 glasses) mixed with sugar (120 g), poured with water (250 ml) and withstands 4-5 days.


The wort is poured in the tank and moves to a darkened room, where it is possible to maintain a temperature of 18-20 ° C. Excess temperature of more than 25 ° is not recommended. When fermentation, the container should be isolated from contact with air, but it is necessary to ensure the removal of gases. For these purposes, a water shutter is used - a hose passing through a hermetic tube (lid), and one end is located in the tank with wort, and the other in the water tank.

Wedding fermentation for wine

Storm fermentation occurs about 7-12 days, after which the period of "quiet" fermentation occurs lasting from 20 days to 2 months. After the fermentation is completed, you can taste the drink to taste.

If there is no sweetness and squash, the transparency of the fluid is good, then we can talk about the completion of the fermentation process.

6 Finishing Stage

After fermentation, the wine should be carefully pouring into another container using a siphon or through the edge, but not raising the sediment. The overflow drink is tightly plugged and maintained in a cool place (11-14 °) for 30 days, and then re-transfusion is carried out. It is at this time that the taste is estimated and sugar is added if necessary. Simultaneously with the introduction of sugar, the wine is a bit heated. Next is a storage tab. If desired, the drink is subjected to the reflection process. To do this, you can use gelatin, tannin, egg protein.

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Secrets of winemaking can be studied almost by years. Although everyone will easily learn to this art. The first time can not be worthy of the masterpiece of the masterpiece, but the homemade drink will not be worse than the store. Want to try? Then examine simple recipes with photos describing how to make wine from grapes at home.

How to cook

For cooking home wine, three main ingredients are required. With this list includes:

  • grapes;
  • sugar;
  • water.

The last component is not used in all recipes for cooking homemade wine. It is added if only grape juice is very sour and even reduces cheekbones. In other cases, dilution with water only worsens the taste of the drink. Preparation of wine from grapes at home begins from harvesting and processing. On the bunches, wild yeast must be left for fermentation. To do this, collect fruit you need after 2-3 days of dry weather. If the grapes are purchased, then the berries can not be washed.

Production of homemade wine after refining includes three stages. Step-by-step instructions, how to make a drink, can be described as follows:

  1. Getting mezgi. It is an intermediate product of winemaking and is a mass of crushed grape clouds. Combs at the same time not necessarily clean, but the wine with them will be a little bitty.
  2. Department of Sousla. This stage begins 3-5 days after receiving the mezgi. It is highlighted from it that the wort is distinguished - unrefined grape juice. It is already wine, but the young and not beginning to wander.
  3. Fermentation. At this stage, the wine drums multiply and proceed with fruit sugar from grapes in alcohol. The wort is separated from the mezgi here, overflow into the working glass container and close the plug with a hydraulic and a medical glove. At the same step, you can sweeten homemade wine.

Fermentation time

The fermentation of the beverage is affected by many factors - the temperature, quantity of sugar and the activity of yeast. Therefore, there is no accurate answer to the question of how many homemade wine playing. This process may take about 30-90 days. The fermentation is divided into three stages:

  1. Elementary. Yeast fungi begin active reproduction.
  2. Stormy. Bacteria finish multiply, occupying the entire volume of wort. The first couple of days it actively hits and foams. How many wine wanders on this phase? It can play from 0 to 100 days depending on the desired beverage fortress.
  3. Quiet. Sushlo calms down, bubbles stand out quite a bit. The foam is settled, and the fermentation goes in the lower layers. The duration of this phase is determined by the period of processing the fungi of all sugar in alcohol.

Number of sugar

Approximately 1% of alcohol in the finished drink is provided by 2% sugar in Sousl. Sugarity of grape varieties common in the middle lane of Russia rarely exceeds 20%. Of these, it turns out a drink with a fortress of about 6-7%, a maximum of 10%. In addition, the sweetness of the drink will be zero, and the taste will turn out to be a sour-binding. The sugariness of the Susl should not exceed 15-20%, otherwise the yeast fungus will stop wander.

So how much sugar is needed in grape wine? The product is added fractionally after the juice taste became sour. Each liter requires 50 g of sugar sand. They are diluted in 1-2 liters of merged wort, then send back to the bottle. Make it once every 3-4 days on the first 2-3 weeks of fermentation. When the juice is no longer sour, it means sugar already enough and it is not required to add it more.


The classic version takes 10 kg of grapes. If each requires about 100-200 g of sugar, then in general it will be necessary 1-2 kg. In rare cases, water is necessary. It is taken at the rate of 500 ml per 1 liter of juice. At the end of the wine make semi-sweet, sweet or fastened. There is another option - a licer drink. The table contains the proportions of homemade wine from grapes relative to the content of alcohol and sugar sand.


The sugar and alcohol content in sweet home fault should be found within 12-18% and 16-20%. Acidity does not exceed 0.8%. This drink is better to do from the blue grapes or use nutmeg varieties. Sugar needs to be added at the rate of 50-100 g per 1 liter of juice. This is at the fermentation stage. Already at the end, you can make sweet homemade wine to your liking, adding some more sugar.


According to the traditional recipe, the fastened grape wine is prepared at home with the addition of sugar and alcohol or vodka. From their quantity and will depend on the Fortress of the drink. Adding fruits or berries to grape wort, you can get different types of fastened homemade wine - vermouth, port or sherry. The proportions for them are approximately following:

  • grapes - about 6 kg;
  • sugar sand for fermentation - 0.6 kg; for consolidation - at the rate of 100 g on L Sousla;
  • medical alcohol - 1 l.

To prepare homemade dry wine with your own hands, it is worth knowing that it is done completely without sugar or its amount does not exceed 0.3%. Fructose from wort is fermented only under the action of yeast. Sugar for this purpose is not added at all. For this reason, dry wines are considered the most natural, tasty and helpful. The grapes for their production are needed with sugar content 15-20%. It is better to take the grade Isabella:

  • from such grapes it turns out a wine of a pleasant ruby \u200b\u200bcolor;
  • this variety refers to the table.


Semi-sweet home wine is particularly popular. It is a more tender, pleasant taste and has a clear grape fragrance. As part of such a beverage, no more than 8% sugar is detected and up to 13% alcohol. The low content of the latter makes it ideal for an ordinary feast. The proportions of ingredients here are approximately such - by 1 kg of grapes about 800 g of sugar and 1.5 liters of water.


Before putting homemade wine with your own hands, you need to choose the correct grapes. Only ripe fruit are suitable. In the unripe of a lot of acid, and in the overripes already begins acetic fermentation. Padalitsa is not worth collecting, because she has an unpleasant earthen flavor. Wine grapes are suitable for winemaking. Their clusters are not very large, and the berries themselves are small and tightly fit to each other. Among these varieties are Isabella, Muscat, Riesling, Merlot, Chardonnay and Cabernet. Crystal, kishmish, friendship, Rosink and Regent are also recommended for homely winemaking.


  • Number of portions: 22 persons.
  • Calorie dish: 72 kcal.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

Wine from Isabella grapes at home is preparing very simple. This variety is unpretentious - berries of frost resistant, have a dense structure and pleasant taste. From this variety it is possible to make even white, if you use green uncooked fruits. A fastened drink is prepared on this recipe, so medical alcohol will also be required.


  • Isabella - 5 kg;
  • medical alcohol - 1 l;
  • sugar sand - 0.6 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Grapes to go through, then stretch with hands or pushes. Transfer the resulting mass into a glass jar.
  2. Leave Cashitz for 3 days, then add sugar.
  3. Next, cover the lid, send to the warm place to wander for 2 weeks.
  4. Take a dense gauze, fold it three times and straighten through it a drink, then send to a dark place for 2 months.
  5. After the specified time to pour into the container of alcohol. Leave the workpiece for another 2 weeks.
  6. Then the drink is pouring around the bottle, place them in a horizontal position for storage.

With water

  • Cooking time: 45 days.
  • Number of portions: 20 persons.
  • Calorie dish: 96 kcal.
  • Purpose: on a festive table.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

The grape wine with their own hands with the addition of water is fine and not so pronounced, but no less pleasant to taste. An unusual aroma beverage gives almond essence. If you do not like such a smell, you can add a little vanilla. An ordinary glove is involved in the technology. She does not miss oxygen to wort, but through a small hole produces outward carbon dioxide.


  • wine yeast - 10 g;
  • sugar - 400 g;
  • grapes - 2 kg;
  • water - 3 l;
  • almond essence - 1 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. First, overgrow grapes, then spin and dissolve filtered water.
  2. Next to put in a warm place, leave for 4 days so that the wort is separated from the cake.
  3. Then the juice is strain, from the cake to squeeze the liquid, everything is pouring into a glass container.
  4. After pressing, add half of the sugar, almond essence and yeast, mix.
  5. Top to put on a glove with a small hole in the finger, insist 4 days.
  6. Take a little wort, add 100 g of sugar sand to it, pour back.
  7. When the glove stops to inflate, remove from the sediment with the help of a thin hose.
  8. Cover the caproic lid, give to stand another week.
  9. Remove the wine from the sediment again, it is possible to drink it after full ripening 1 to 12 months.

From grape juice

  • Cooking time: 76 days.
  • Number of portions: 30 persons.
  • Calorie dishes: 133 kcal.
  • Purpose: on a festive table.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Preparation complexity: Easy.

The surprise of some gourmets can make wine at home. In addition to punctuality and patience, nothing will be needed here. But the drink is very tasty, and the fragrance is simply awesome. Together with pressed juice, you can use grapes itself. Sugar proportions can again be adjusted to their taste, making semi-sweet or sweet dessert wine. As for varieties, it is recommended to use several minutes. For example, a very tasty wine is obtained from Merlot and Cabernet.


sugar - 1.5 kg;

grape juice - 5 liters.

Cooking method:

  1. Pressed juice together with grapes to lay the container in the size of the size.
  2. Leave the mixture in a warm place for 3 days. Twice a day to mix.
  3. Next, squeeze under the press or hands, then strain into the glass container, put on it a glove with a small hole.
  4. Insist 40 days in a well-ventilated room.
  5. If a part of the wort is not entered, then pour it every 2 days.
  6. When carbon dioxide ceases to go out, enter sugar in the specified quantity.
  7. Follow the drink to filter, pour on bottles and insist at a temperature of 11-14 degrees for a month.

Secondary from mezgi

  • Cooking time: 48 days.
  • Number of portions: 20 persons.
  • Calorie dish: 56 kcal.
  • Purpose: on a festive table.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Preparation complexity: Easy.

According to the classic recipe in the process of fermentation, only wort is involved, i.e. Cake, which remains after the filping, is not used for cooking wine. Although it has a separate recipe. Learn how to cook "Second Wine". It will not be so saturated as a drink of the first grade. This is a matter of taste - someone even like this wine very much. The aroma is not worse, it just has another shade. The secondary wine wine from the mezgi is obtained with a smaller fortress.


  • purified water - 5 l;
  • dark grapes - 5 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Cake shifting into clean dry dishes.
  2. Next, add a mixture of sugar with water.
  3. Pour the resulting mixture of 3-liter banks.
  4. Top on them to wear rubber gloves. On one of the fingers to make a small puncture needle.
  5. Leave the drink to wander before the moment the mezga does not extract and will not lose the initial color. This will require about 40-45 days.
  6. Next, strain wort, removing all the cake.
  7. Leave wine for another 3-4 days.
  8. If the taste of the drink is suitable, then pour the bottle. Otherwise, leave to wander back for a couple of days.


  • Cooking time: 4 months.
  • Number of portions: 15 persons.
  • Calorie dish: 128 kcal.
  • Purpose: on a festive table.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Preparation complexity: Easy.

Having studied the recipe for wine from white grapes, you will learn how to prepare a unique drink with exceptional aroma and taste. The process will take several months, so you have to be patient. But the result will please not only you, but also guests. The connoisseurs of noble drinking will accurately appreciate such wine. Sweet Beverage You can adjust yourself. On this recipe, the wine is semi-sweet.


  • sugar - 3 kg;
  • grapes - 10 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Grapes thoroughly go through, imagining berries removed, and the rest to shift into the enameled bucket.
  2. Pretty stretch the product. When the juice is highlighted, cover gauze.
  3. Insist 5 days in a warm place. Several times a day to mix the contents with a wooden blade.
  4. Next the pulp to lean on the colander, and the juice strain into the glass container, fill it with only 75%.
  5. Add sugar, Top to put on a glove with several punctures, fix it with rubber band.
  6. After 3 weeks, fermentation will almost end. At this stage, you can add more sugars to your liking. In this case, leave the drink for another 1-2 weeks.
  7. Then strain the juice in the bottle, clog plugs, send to the cellar to be for 3 months.

Recipes with glove

  • Cooking time: 3 months.
  • Number of portions: 12 persons.
  • Calorie dish: 112 kcal.
  • Purpose: on a festive table.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Preparation complexity: Easy.

Very fragrant is a homemade wine from grapes with a glove. According to this recipe, Lydia and Isabella varieties are prepared. More precisely, the juice of this grape is taken. A special taste of a drink gives a mixture of elderberry, oak bark and sage. It is added to a bottle with wort in a gauze bag. At the end of fermentation, it is just getting, and the wine thanks to this acquires an unusually fragrant fragrance.


  • isabella juice - 0.8 l;
  • sage, oak bark, elderberry flowers - to taste;
  • sugar sand - 320 g;
  • lydia grape juice - 1.2 liters.

Cooking method:

  1. The grapes are good to smoke, and after a couple of hours, squeeze his hands and strain the juice through the gauze into the glass container.
  2. Next, dissolve sugar sand, after which it is to install a glove with punctures. Leave the drink until it falls.
  3. Then remove from the sediment, pour into a clean bank.
  4. Enter a gauze bag with additives.
  5. Close again, leave for 1 month.
  6. Remove the drink from the sediment, take the bag with additives.
  7. Insist about 2 months.

From red grapes

  • Cooking time: 73 days.
  • Number of portions: 15 persons.
  • Calorie dish: 147 kcal.
  • Purpose: on a festive table.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • The complexity of cooking: average.

The benefits of homemade wine manifests itself when it is moderate. , hemoglobin increases and radioactive substances are removed. From the homemade red grape, the drink is stronger, fragrant and tart. All through bones, which in large quantities contain tanning substances. Wine is bright and fragrant due to mixing pigments isolated by peel, with transparent juice.


  • red grape variety - 10 kg;
  • sugar sand - 2 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Berries go through, crush them with a pusher or clean dry hands.
  2. Cover marley, give to stand three days. Periodically mix content.
  3. Maison layer gather, squeeze, and the juice itself is filtering with gauze. Pour everything into a glass container.
  4. Next, within 10 days, we gradually enter the entire sugar.
  5. Purify the bottle with a pharmacy glove with punctures.
  6. Send capacity to a warm place for 60 days.
  7. When the glove is blown away, you can blast the juice on the bottle.
  8. Next, send to storage in a cool place.


Wine sincere is considered a noble drink. A good drink is a rarity, the price for it is consistently high. Yes, and fakes, with chemical additives and unpleasant taste, more and more. If you know how to make homemade wine, you can get a divine drink with a harmonious taste and pleasant aroma. People who produce wine over long have their own seventures of cooking. We make the wine homemade no worse, production.

Types of homemade wine

Homemade wines are several types:

Homemade fruit wine

  • Fruit. It is prepared from a pear or apple juice.
  • Grape. From wine varieties of grapes. In such wines it is impossible to use any ingredients, except grapes, sugar and wooden barrels. Professionals consider only this drink by real wine.
  • Berry wines. Material for such a type of wine is all types of berries, both garden and forest.

Wines are also classified by color and quantity of sugar and alcohol:

  • Red - from red grape varieties
  • White - from white grape varieties
  • Pink - manufactured from grapes without peel, as well as by mixing different varieties of wine.
  • Multi-stitch wines. These are combined wines. There are two types. Bathing - when it is already mixed ready, the winned wine is mixed, with each grape variety wandering separately. Sequence - when different grape varieties roam in one container.

By the number of sugar:

  • Dry - Wine without sugar
  • Semi-dry - sugar to 3%
  • Semi-sweet - up to 8% sugar
  • Fastened Wines - Wines with an alcohol content of more than 17%

Best homemade wine recipes

Most experts tend to believe that true wine is prepared only from grapes. So it is or not, but there are several wine making recipes at home.

  1. Currant wine. It will take:

In the berries you need to fall asleep sugar and then follow the recipe

Black currant - 2 parts

Water - 3 parts

Sugar - 1 part

Thoroughly go through all berries and remove immature and bad .

Important! You can not wash currants, otherwise all natural yeast will disappear.

All berries are thoroughly crushed with a tool or meat grinder. Half sugar dissolve in water, boiled and cold. For fermentation, a glass bottle will be needed, which makes the currant and water with sugar is poured. Since the fermentation process is very intensively, the capacity should not be filled more than 2/3. The fermentation occurs in a dark warm room for 4 days. So that the blank does not proceed, the contents of the bottle must be mixed several times a day. After 4 days, after the appearance of the signs of fermentation, the mixture is filtering. From the separated berries, the liquid is pressed, it adds a shelter to it, stir and add to juice. This juice pour out into the bottle and put on the latex glove with a hole in the thumb. Again, put the bottle into a dark warm room for 3-4 weeks. To the end of fermentation add remaining sugar, 2-3 times. After the end of the fermentation period, a light precipitate appears. We transfix the future of wine into another container and put in a cooler room for 2 months. Every 20 days overflow to another clean container. After 2 months, pour wine around the bottle.

How to prepare homemade wine from red currants can be read in this article.

  1. Apple wine. It is best suited for sour varieties of apples, while the wine does not acidic, you can add water if desired.

Supplies apples and sugar at the rate of 800gr. On each bucket of apples. Water at will. Juice with flesh need to be pouring into the tank and add sugar 200-300g per liter of pure juice. Mesu remove in three days. Suffer to pour into a bottle with glove and put roam into a warm room. The fermentation occurs for about a month, then it will be noticeable on the glove that the process is over. If the young wine has a sharp taste, therefore, he must be trimmed. Separate from the sediment, pour over the bottle and put in the basement.

This is not all the recipes of home wines, but the most popular, true wine, of course, remains grape wine. Recipes and secrets of cooking home wines are very diverse. The result depends on the grape variety, and from the year of its collection, and from other numerous factors.

Harvesting for grape wine

Preparation of grapes for processing

Considering the technology at which the manufacture of homemade wine is placed, it is worth noting the process of collecting grapes. If the year turned out to be solar, the amount of sugar can be reduced. With rainy and cool summer, the wine will require a larger amount of sugar. It is important to catch the moment of maturity. If the raw material for wine is unloaded, the wine will turn out to be low-quality, and overwhelmed grapes will lead to a zero skewing up to the formation of vinegar. The most suitable grape varieties - Isabella, Cheyber, Moldova, Lydia, Golden Beam, Aligote, Chardonnay, Cabernet - Sauvignon. The main characteristics of all wine varieties - brushes and berries in wine varieties are less than that of the canteens. Wine grapes are more juicy and has more coloring substances. Collect grapes needed on a warm sunny day, preferably the lack of rains for two to three days before collecting. Berries go through. There should be no rotten and unhealthy, as well as leaves and garbage. Catch out very carefully, there are cases when several rotten berries have been dismissed by a barrel of wine. From the moment of the last chemical processing, it should be enough time to wash the grapes and add artificial yeast for fermentation. Grapes should not stand after collecting. The faster it will begin to crush, the less chances to spoil the wine. Wash grapes can not. If the grapes are small, the berries are preferably separated from the brush. They give the blame unnecessary bitterness. That is why it is bad for wine to use grape varieties with a bone.

Tara for wine

To prepare wine at home it is desirable to have a basement, and in it a wooden barrel. This container in which the wine is stored for a long time and does not change the taste. In the extreme case, a stainless steel is suitable, but, in no case, not rust metal. In the process of oxidation, there is a change in the taste of wine and its quality. Before use, any barrel (even from the stainless steel) should be washed from past use, and then pour boiling water and sketch leaves. The leaves of the nut will remove the smell of last year's wine.

Cooking various types of grape wines

The wine can be in the basement

Red wine at home is prepared from dark grape varieties. They give the drink a characteristic color. For the preparation of dry wine, without adding sugar, certain varieties of grapes are required (there should be sugar enough in them). For the preparation of dessert wines, Muscat use nutmeg varieties. Water is categorically not recommended. The more water, the worse the quality of wine. After harvesting, you immediately start doing homemade wine. At the heart of a simple homemade recipe. First of all, in a soft way, give grapes. It can be done by hand or legs (naturally clean), can be a special crusher, but, in no case, not a meat grinder or blender, because if there are bones, they must remain integer. The resulting product together with the face to leave for two days, while covering marley from insects. A few days later, the Soca will rise on the juice. During these days, the wort is prevented preferably several times. After raising the "caps" we drain the juice and separate it from the cake. I do not throw out the cake, but we put in the tie to squeezing the juice. This juice is added to the main and placed in a barrel in the basement. Ideal if the barrel is oak, as the porous structure of the tree will give a unique aroma to your guilt and will not affect the final taste of the product. Play wine should 40 days. At this time, a gas-conductive design should be installed in the basement. Otherwise, carbon dioxide can exhibit oxygen, and a person risks in this room to suffocate. The end of the gas feed tube is placed in a jar with water. So it will be seen when the wine ceases to "play". After the wine ceased to play, if desired, it can be separated from the sediment. They drag very carefully, so as not to mix with the sediment and do not spoil. If the wine is manufactured in large quantities, and there are several barrels in the basement, it is usually not done. If water is added, it should be done after the juice is drained. Water is added for grapes, which grew up in a cold climate or if the juice is very sour. Real professionals who know how to prepare this drink with their own hands, are not recommended to pour water. In this case, the cakes are not squeezed, and water is added to it. It should be as much as juice. We are waiting for the "cap" again and merge the "wine water". In it, sugar sugar about 1kg per bucket. Heat up to about 40Gradusov. Pour into the main juice. Further, everything is as in the first version.

Important! The recipe for white wine is characterized by the fact that the cake is removed immediately. It does not participate in the fermentation process. For the preparation of pink wine there are varieties of grapes, with a specific color. Also get pink wine when removing the peel from grapes. This process is very laborious in domestic conditions, therefore, this kind of hand is made not often.

If the wine is preparing for long storage, it is desirable to pour it from the barrel on the bottle and clog. Keep homemade red wine in the cellar. The fact is that in the barrel of a non-grid wine can continue to play, and as a result, acetic skew will occur. You can store homemade wine only in a hermetic container!

Features of the preparation of fastened wine

Fastened - wine with an alcohol content is more than 17%. Homemade wine can be made with two ways. First - due to sugar. 1 degree fortress add every 20g sugar. The second is a simple medical alcohol. It is added during fermentation at the rate of 1 liter of Susl 200ml alcohol. Preferably the first method, since the addition of alcohol worsens the quality of the drink.

Young wine to give it a unique taste should be withstanding. To do this, the finished wine is clocked in a bottle and bury in the sand. Store it necessarily in a horizontal position. Place to choose very carefully so that it is not flooded with groundwater. According to the rules of production, the wine is maintained for 25 years. But wine made at home, rarely withstand longer than six months. In the process of excerpt, the main thing is to prevent air from entering. If there is no wax or drong at hand, it is possible to use simple plasticine to lubage all risky places around the plug.

In compliance with all the rules and with high-quality raw materials, the wine cooked at home and with their own hands is no different, and in some parameters the industrial product exceeds.

How to make homemade wine: Simple recipes

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If the ordinary grapes are growing at home, and you do not even know what this variety is called, I congratulate you! From this simple variety, you can make a beautiful grape wine at home, the main thing is to comply with the recipe and not violate the technology.

When grapes matures, but you will know only about it, because the varieties are all different and the ripening time is all different, collect it. Of the two large buckets of grapes, approximately 10 liters of wine.

To go through, remove the garbage, leaves, but in no case wash because the skin of fruits are useful wild yeast causing alcohol fermentation.

If you leave the twigs, the drink will acquire an aroma inherent in this class, we make the grape wine at home by observing all the rules. I never clean the twigs !!

The borders should be carefully suppressed. Do this in different ways. With special devices or hands (if there is little grapes). We prefer to put down the legs, the old grandfather's way. It is a favorite experience of my grandson from the smallest years, winemaking also splits the whole family.

The crushed berries (mezga) is folded into the container, filling it about two thirds. In wooden, glass, enameled or food plastics. Now such containers sell any size. All with regard to wine must be forgotten about metal. It is very important to interfere with a wooden shovel, just, break several times a day. This is to highlight the useful substances from the skins.

On the fourth day, it is necessary to merge the victorious juice (wort). If this is the late autumn and in the room cool - you can merge on 5 days. But if you did not merge on the fifth day, you can safely pour into the sewer, or make a wine vinegar.

That day, when you merge, it is not necessary to interfere. Let the cap rises upstairs. To remove it and distort through the press. If there is no press - hands. When the grapes are not enough, it is possible to separate the wort from the mezgi by handwritten means: gauze, colander. But if you have a large amount of grapes, it is better to purchase a press.

It is necessary to immediately measure the exact amount of extruded wort. I add to 1 liter of liquid 200 grams of sugar. I put on fire and heated to 45 - 48 degrees constantly stirring so that sugar does not remain undisputed. The future grape wine immediately comes to life and starts playing.

Pour into bottles, close with a water shutter with a lid and write a date directly on the tank. So more reliable! It is worth and bouffags our wort 21 day. More can be less - in no case.

At the right time, the liquid must be drained through the tube. At the bottom of the bottle there will be a lot of sediment. Everything is already young wine, but we will still have to work on it.

We close tightly covers and put in a cool place for forty days. But, as practice has shown, the first forty days do not tightly cover with covers, but it is better with water shutter covers. Because it can break the lid, the replay of the remaining yeast continues. Then we gently drain. At the bottom there will be a soft precipitate, but already a little.

Again, we put on 40 days, during this time there is a solid precipitate on the bottom of the bottle (almost a stone that is postponed in the kidneys, if drinking bad wine). Gently drain and close for the third time and forget about it for another 40 days. Three times 40 days.

Now we merge a wonderful drink, the grape wine made at home can stand for decades and every year just improve, acquire a noble color and a kind of fragrance (remember, I said not to break the twigs). In the wine that I do, I will definitely add one cap, from the bottle, by 0.5 liters of iodis - a concentrate that retains it from all kinds of wine diseases.

I have a bottle of wine harvesting 2000 - Millennium. I will open it when the grandson will be 18 years old. Wine will be 15 years old! This is my homemade wine recipe. And I will never refuse him.

PS. The answer to the reader's question, I am writing for everyone. For the first time I add 200 or 250 grams of sugar when I separated the mezgu from the wort. I pour all the wine into a large container, I put on fire and mix the sugar hand. I put on 21 days, under water shutter. After 21 days, or a little more (less impossible), I remove with yeast, that is, I drag with a precipitate and try. If there is little sugar, add another 100 or 50 grams per liter of wine. Consider how many liters do you have. Take the desired amount of sugar. In a separate container, mix a little wine and, as well as solvent sugar on fire. Then pour wine with dissolved sugar into a common capacity and place for 40 days under water shutter. Then drain and let it be the second time 40 days, then the third time 40 days. Read the article attentively. Now you will realize and remember, because you already have practice and experience. Yes, I want to say that in 2013, wine does not require a lot of sugar. (

The range of wine products is rich enough. But its consumers are deserved separately from white grapes - lightweight drink with a pleasant smell and gentle taste. Depending on the number of sugar nested sugar, the product is obtained dry, semi-dry or dessert.

People, far from professional winemaking, think that white wine can be prepared only from grapes with light skin berries. However, it is not. Sorts with dark and pink fruits are also suitable for the production of white wine. The main conditions for raw materials - its juiciness, moderate acidity and sufficient sugarity. Juice embedded from colored grapes should be light.

From red "relatives" white wine is characterized by manufacturing technology: it wanders in its own juice and is not saturated with natural dyes. The coloring substances are contained in the skin of the berries and do not paint juice.

You can make white wine from fresh grape juice. Dilute it with water and sugar should not be sweeten. We will master several wine recipes from white grape varieties, the preparation of which is available at home.

How to make grape juice for white wine

White grapes are assembled in overrum. Such raw materials gives a drink soft taste, a pleasant aroma and a strength of real alcohol. But the inhabitants of the hot regions should collect harvest in a slightly unreliable form so that the berries ensure the product with the listed qualities. Tear cluster in sunny weather or a few days after the rain. The moisture is washes off wild yeast, so it is necessary to wait for the emergence of new strains that run the fermentation process.

Juice for white grape wines is obtained as follows:

  • The fruits are removed from the brushes and sort, throwing raw crops and spoiled by insects.
  • In the unwashed form of berries are broken with a wide wooden rolling pin.
  • Bones are not removed and not crushed.

The resulting juice is wort. 1 kg of grape gives approximately 650 - 750 ml of juice (quantity depends on the quality of berries and varieties of the plant). If the owner wants to add sugar to it, the amount of sweetness should not exceed 27% of the total Susl volume.

White grape wine on the juice

This wine recipe is considered classic. Additional ingredients it does not require. The main raw material will grape grapes of Chardonnay, Sauvignon, Aligote or other technical. Highly smelling muscats for the production of table wines are not suitable.

It is believed that exquisite wine from white grapes at home is obtained only from that juice, which is expired independently without human intervention. The mezu is better not to squeeze, since it turns out good secondary wine. Fresh juice must be withstanding in a glass or enamelted dishes for 6 - 12 hours so that the slightest particles fall into the precipitate. The sparkling fluid is drained with a siphon or thin hose. Fill the clean ferment bottle by 2/3.

To improve the quality of drink and protection against diseases, sulfur dioxide is added. The proportion is 0.5 - 1 g of substance per 10 liter of juice. Sulfutation is carried out at will, because at home the volume of alcohol production is most often insignificant.

The fermentation of white grape wines should occur at room temperature without change conditions. Capacity is covered with water gate and observe the fermentation process. If it harvested, it does not wander, it is important to prevent its whisening. To do this, a little raisa is thrown into the bottle or add a special start.

Natural sugar Wild yeast is processed for 1.5 - 2 months and give the original dry homemade wine. If you need a white semi-sweet drink, fermentation is interrupted by increasing / lowering the temperature of the wort or sulfication.

The young wine is removed with yeast and put in a cool room with a temperature of air 5 - 10 ° C. The remaining yeast will fall in 1 - 2 weeks. The product is again removed from the sediment and transfers to another container. When stored in a dark cool basement, wine will be covered due to the accumulation of the sediment. During the year it needs to be periodically merged with thickness. Blooming, but the wine will turn out to be transparent, fragrant and flawlessly delicious.

With sugar

Consider the steps of creating wine from white grapes with the addition of sugar. There will be no other ingredients in the drink. If you need a large part of alcohol, repel from the initial proportion of 5 kg of berries at 1.5 kg of sugar-sand.

Recipe for wines from grapes of white variety and sugar:

Ice white wine from grapes

Recently, the dessert wine of Eiswein is in high demand, which ordinary people call "Ice". From other white wines, the drink is distinguished by a saturated aroma and a soft light taste. The technology of its preparation does not coincide with the classic recipes, but with their own hands make fashionable ice wine quite real.


The winemaking begins with freezing the berries in the freezer, where they lie 1 day. Under the influence of low temperatures, the raw materials acquire other qualities that make the future of wine in unique.

On the second day, the fruits lay out in a bowl, kneading and pressing juice. Further complies with the general principles of wines. Sugar is added to wine at the final stage of production when the drink is filtered and ready for storage.

Store white grape wines in dark cold rooms with high humidity and good ventilation. In such conditions, traffic jams do not dry and do not oxidize with alcohol contact.

Dry wine is preferably used in the first two months after ripening. Strong white wines experts advise to withstand up to 12 - 15 years. An important condition for the safety of the qualities of the Crimson is the horizontal location of the bottles.