Associate Professor - Who is this? The title of associate professor. The Ministry of Education and Science eliminates the scientists of associate professor and professor at the Department - Evgeny Savin

Associate Professor - Who is this? The title of associate professor. The Ministry of Education and Science eliminates the scientists of associate professor and professor at the Department - Evgeny Savin
Associate Professor - Who is this? The title of associate professor. The Ministry of Education and Science eliminates the scientists of associate professor and professor at the Department - Evgeny Savin

March 25, 2019, electric power industry: generation, power grid, electricity market On a pilot project for the creation of supply aggregators and supply in electricity markets Resolution of March 20, 2019 №287. The roadmap "Energy" of the National Technological Initiative provides for the creation of a new subject of electricity markets and capacity - supply and supply aggregators. The decisions taken will allow in pilot mode to work out the mechanism for the creation and development of such aggregators to ensure the combination of consumers of electrical energy, distributed generation objects and the accumulation of electrical energy in order to jointly participate in the wholesale and retail electricity markets.

March 25, 2019, cities economy. Urban environment Approved Methods for determining the quality index of the urban environment Order of March 23, 2019 No. 510-p. The federal project "Formation of a comfortable urban environment" of the national project "Housing and the City Wednesday" by the end of 2024 provides for an increase in the quality of the urban environment by 30%, the reduction in accordance with this index number of cities with an unfavorable medium is doubled. To determine the quality index, 36 indicators characterizing the state of the urban environment and the living conditions of people will be used.

March 25, 2019, emergency settlement About implementation in 2019-2021 regional resettlement programs of citizens from emergency housing stock Order of March 16, 2019 No. 446-P, RESOLUTION of March 16, 2019 №278. In order to monitor the implementation of the subjects of the Federation in 2019-2021, regional targeted programs for the resettlement of citizens from the emergency housing fund recognized as those as of January 1, 2017 approved targets for implementing such programs. For each subject of the federation, the total area of \u200b\u200bemergency housing foundation to be resettleged is established, the number of citizens to be resettled.

March 22, 2019, Higher, Postgraduate and Continuing Education Approved new rules for targeted education in higher and secondary educational institutions Resolution of March 21, 2019 No. 302. In connection with the entry into force of changes in legislation aimed at improving targeted learning mechanisms, a provision on targeted educational programs of secondary vocational and higher education, the rules for establishing a receipt quota for targeted education in universities at the expense of the federal budget, the standard form of the target agreement learning. The implementation of targeted learning mechanisms is designed to increase the motivation of applicants and students in choosing the future place of work, to strengthen the responsibility of employers for the selection of future workers, reduce the shortage of qualified personnel in those regions where specialists are missing for the most popular economies.

March 20, 2019, Railway Transport A long-term development program for the development of Russian Railways OJSC has been approved until 2025 Order of March 19, 2019 No. 466-p. As part of the implementation of the long-term development program, Russian Railways, in particular, the development of integrated service of shippers and improving the quality of freight traffic, improving the transport mobility of people inside and between agglomerations, the development of container transportation, expanding the network of high-speed highways, development of infrastructure to ensure promising transportation volumes , Go to the "digital railway".

March 20, 2019, labor productivity and employment support On the distribution of intergovernmental transfers for retraining and improving the qualifications of employees of enterprises in order to support employment and improve the efficiency of the labor market Order of March 19, 2019 No. 463-p. Intergovernmental transfers in the amount of 1.525 billion rubles are distributed 31 subjects of the federation. The state support will allow in 2019 18,443 employees to undergo advanced vocational training and get an additional vocational education that meets the needs of employers - participants in the national project and appropriate to improve productivity.

March 20, 2019, On the investment project for the construction of a marine transshipment complex of liquefied natural gas in Kamchatka Territory Order of March 14, 2019 No. 436-p. A comprehensive plan for the implementation of the investment project "Marine overload complex of liquefied natural gas in the Kamchatka Territory" was approved. The project implementation will allow to increase the volume of transportation on the Northern Sea Route from 9.7 million tons in 2017 to 31.4 million tons by the end of 2026, to ensure the transition of the Northern Sea Route on year-round loading, to create the largest regional LNG-hub in the region, attract about 70 billion rubles of private investment, create new jobs.

March 20, 2019, state and municipal services On the expansion of the list of public services Resolution of March 19, 2019 №285. The list of state and municipal services is complemented by the state service of the Pension Fund of Russia "Informing citizens about the classification to the category of citizens of pre-mentioning age."

March 18, 2019, mining, transportation, gas exports. Industry LNG. Gasification On the use of foreign courts to implement projects for the production of liquefied natural gas Order of March 14, 2019 No. 435-p. To ensure the need for specialized courts-gas seals for the export of liquefied natural gas and gas condensate with the Yamal LNG projects and Arctic LNG 2, 28 foreign courts are used for these purposes.

March 16, 2019, Migration Policy The program of the Orenburg region to assist the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad Order of March 13, 2019 № 411-p. The program provides for a resettlement to the Orenburg region of compatriots in order to ensure the needs of the region's economy in qualified personnel in demand in the labor market. The implementation of the program will help to attract 4,200 compatriots to the Orenburg region until 2024.

March 16, 2019, Migration Policy The program of the Kostroma region to assist the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad has been agreed Order of March 13, 2019 No. 419-p. The program provides for the resettlement to the Kostroma region of compatriots in order to ensure the needs of the region's economy in qualified personnel in demand in the labor market. The implementation of the program will allow to attract more than 750 compatriots to the Kostroma region until 2020.

March 16, 2019, Migration Policy The program of the Stavropol Territory was agreed to assist the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad Order of March 13, 2019 №421-p. The program provides for the resettlement of qualified personnel for the development of the economy of the Stavropol Territory, including for the implementation of investment projects, the development of small and medium-sized businesses, the development of rural areas. The implementation of the Program will attract 1500 compatriots to the territory of the region until 2021.

March 16, 2019, Migration Policy The program of the Republic of Tatarstan to facilitate the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad has been agreed Order of March 13, 2019 No. 420-p. The program provides for the resettlement of qualified personnel, including specialists and scientists, leading topical research and technological developments, for the development of the economy of the Republic of Tatarstan. The implementation of the program will attract 450 compatriots to the territory of the republic until 2021.

March 15, 2019, Countering drug addiction On approval by the Government of the Russian Federation of the draft protocol on amending Agreement on cooperation between the CIS countries in the fight against illicit drug trafficking, psychotropic substances and precursors Order of March 9, 2019 №394-p. The protocol, in particular, it is proposed to introduce such new forms of cooperation of the parties to the Agreement in the fight against illicit drug trafficking and precursors, as the creation of joint investigative-operational groups in order to disclose and investigate the crimes of a transnational nature associated with drug trafficking and precursors, as well as the implementation of integrated coordinated and joint interdepartmental, preventive and operational-search activities, special operations.

March 15, 2019, Pension Provision On indexation of social pensions Resolution of March 15, 2019 №271. The coefficient of indexation of social pensions has been established from April 1, 2019 in the amount of 1.02.

Order of February 28, 2019 №348-p. In order to develop the Russian oil and gas complex, in particular, state support for the export supplies of domestic products of high redistribution, stimulating the investment activities of oil and gas produce products, reducing infrastructure restrictions, stabilization of tax conditions and customs and tariff regulation for a period of 15 years for organizations implementing large Oil and gas invested investment projects.

March 13, 2019, remuneration. Income population About improving the remuneration of employees of the budget sector Order of March 13, 2019 No. 415-p. From October 1, 2019, 4.3% will be improved by the work of workers of the budget sector of the economy employed in federal subordination institutions. The funds for these purposes are provided for in the federal budget for 2019.

March 11, 2019. On the rector of the Russian Academy of Painting, Scary and Architecture Ilya Glazunov Order of March 7, 2019 №380-p

March 11, 2019, Migration Policy The program of the Belgorod region agreed to promote the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad for 2020-2024 Order of March 7, 2019 №373-p. The program provides for the resettlement to the Belgorod region of compatriots in order to ensure the needs of the region's economy in qualified personnel in demand in the labor market. The implementation of the program will attract about 1900 compatriots to the Belgorod region in 2020-2024.


Regarding scientists of the titles very often, questions arise: what is it and how to get it? In this article we will tell you what a associate professor. This word can simultaneously denote several concepts, essentially similar. First, the Associate Professor is the scientist of a teacher of higher educational institutions. Secondly, the degree of employees of scientific institutions. Third, the position in universities. With the concept of "professor" everything is much easier - this is a person who is a highly qualified specialist in a certain field of science, an expert.

Who is awarded the title of associate professor?

To be on the standpoint of the associate professor at the university - does not mean possessing which is assigned by the scientific council of the scientific institution (or the highest educational institution) and is approved by the Federal Service for Supervision in the field of education and science. This degree is awarded for life.

Criteria for the assignment of position and title "Associate Professor":

  • the position is assigned to teachers of universities, as a rule, having a title after a competitive election on the Scientific Council;
  • scientists are assigned a degree of associate professor in a specialty (earlier - "Senior Researcher");
  • lecturers and teachers who have 5 or more years, who have worked at least one year in the post of associate professor and have scientific work, can also receive this title.

What does the associate professor?

Thus, the Associate Professor is a post in a university or a scientist, to get that lecturers, researchers and persons, with a degree of "Candidate".

What is included in his duties?

  1. Associate Professor of Sciences conducts methodological and academic work.
  2. Exercises leadership over his own student research and scientific research.
  3. He reads lectures, conducts classes and introducing their results into national economy.
  4. Prepares scientific and pedagogical shots.

Who is the "professor"?

Translated from the Latin "Professor" indicates the "teacher." He is engaged in what teaches in universities, conducts scientific research, introducing their results to the national economy, prepares pedagogical and scientific personnel, manages scientific student research and its own activities. Professor is a title, and a position in the higher educational institution. To obtain the first it is necessary:

  • To have a degree "doctor of science", its own inventions or scientific works. Being a contest elected to the post "Head of the Department" or a year to successfully work in this position.
  • Work as a professor's posts for at least a year, have a large scientific and teaching experience, our own works.
  • Being without any scientific title, with a large production experience. The position may be assigned to the scientist council on a competitive basis.

From this article we learned that the word "professor", like the "Associate Professor", is at the same time a title, and the position. Only in the first case is assigned to life, and in the second - for the period of work. Associate Professor and Professor's titles are similar in their meaning. It is quite difficult to earn them, you need to really understand in your area and be a specialist.

Many people are confused in positions, degrees and titles of teachers and researchers working in the university. And it is not surprising ...

Let's deal with this.

The fact is that universities are characterized immediately by four directions :

1. Academic office.

2. Administrative position.

3. Scientist.

4. Scientific title.

Table 1

List of academic posts

Full title


Full title


1. Aspirant


8. Researcher


2. Assistant


9. Teacher


3. Leading Researcher


10. Professor


4. Main Researcher


11. Senior teacher



12. Intern


6. Associate Professor


13. Senior Researcher


7. Junior Researcher


14. Student


Positions are listed in alphabetical order. They give different rights and obligations to participate in the educational (academic) process. For example, a student can learn, but can not teach. The assistant may teach, but cannot independently develop its own training course, etc.

table 2

List of administrative posts

Full title




Graduate student




Leading Researcher


Leading Specialist


Vice President




General Designer

gen. Const

Chief Researcher


Chief Editor


Chief Specialist








Assistant professor


Head of the Department

head. Cafe

Head of Station


Deputy. Academician Secretary

deputy Aakad.-Secre.

Deputy. General Director


Deputy. chief editor

deputy Gl.

Deputy. Dean


Deputy. Directors


Deputy. Chairman


Deputy. leader


Deputy. Head (Head, Chief) of the Group


Deputy. Head (Head, Chief) Laboratory


Deputy. Head (Head, Chief) Department


Deputy. Head (Head, Chief, Chairman) Department


Deputy. Head (Head, Chief) Sector


Deputy. leader (head, chief, chairman) of the center (scientific, educational, etc.)

deputy.Ruk. Center





Junior Researcher


Scientific consultant

scientific Cons.



Head of Department


Head of Expedition




The president












Leader (Head, Head) of the Group


Leader (Head, Head) Laboratory

hand. Babe.

Head (Head, Chief) of the Department

hand .OTDel

Head (Head, Chief, Chairman) Department


Head (Head, Chief) Sector


Head (Head, Head, Chairman) Center (Scientific, Educational, etc.)

hands Center



Specialist (zoologist, programmer, geologist, engineer, etc.)


Senior specialist (geologist, zoologist, engineer, etc.)


Senior Assistant


Senior Lecturer


Senior technician




Senior Researcher






Scientific sequence


Other posts


Positions are listed in alphabetical order. It is in accordance with administrative posts, university employees receive a salary, or rather, the salary. The higher the position - the higher the salary. These posts are of particular importance for personnel and accounting department. They also build all employees in the hierarchy of chiefs and subordinates.

List of academic degrees

Two introduced in Russia Scientific degrees:

1. PhD - primary. For example, Candidate of Medical Sciences - Cand.Med.Nuk - Ph.D.

2. Ph.D - Higher . For example, Doctor Biological Sciences - Dokt.Biol.Nuk - D. BN

In order to get such a degree, it is necessary to create a special scientific work called "the thesis for the degree of candidate of such as sciences" or "the thesis for the degree of doctor of such as sciences." In addition, this dissertation is still required to "protect" in a specially reserved place - the dissertation council. Specialists in the near scientific field will be solved there, whether the dissertation of the desired degree is true. So the scientist can award, and may not to aperture. Writing and defense of the thesis is not easy and difficult work, so the scientific and organizational value of candidates and doctors of science is clearly higher than they have, but before the protection of their scientific degree.

True, we are threatened with the appearance of several more degrees, according to the sample of Western, but, naturally, the Russian Federation.

Bachelor "In essence, this is the same our graduate of a technical school or a student-depreciation of the university with" unfinished higher ", but defending his thesis, for which he receives a" degree "bachelor. This is the lowest of possible scientists degrees.

master - In the recent past, this is just a graduate of the university who defended the graduation graduation work, and not just surrendering state exams. But now the student diploma work began to be called WRC ("Grade Qualifying Work") and ceased to give a master's level. Now 2 years will have to be additionally (for extra money) to serve in the university and make a substantially, the second graduation work, now Master's. Only then will be referred to as "Master". And this work will be called "Master's Dissertation", like the candidate or doctoral. The master's degree is an academic degree reflecting the corresponding educational level of a graduate, readiness for research and scientific and pedagogical activities. The master's degree is awarded according to the results of the protection of the master's thesis.

"Doctor of Philosophy" or "Pi-Eich di" (PhD) - A popular extent of scientific departure is something intermediate between the graduation diploma and the classical Soviet candidate dissertation. True, the pessimists fear that over time they will require a higher-level hybrid - something among the candidate and doctoral dissertation. Life will show that it will actually hatch from this gilded eggs: chicken or crocodile ...

The approximate analogue of the tech degree of the doctor of science in countries with a "single-stage" system of academic degrees is the degree of Doctor of Science (D.Sc.), in countries with a "two-stage" system (for example, in Germany) - a habilitated (gabitated) doctor. After passing the hubic procedure, i.e. Protection of the second doctoral dissertation (more weight than the first), the challenger is assigned the title of a coagitated doctor (Doctor Habilitatus, Dr. Habil.)

There is also a system of academic degrees for "professional", and not research work. For example, the degree of the Doctor of Law (DL), Medicine (DM), Business Administration (DBA), etc. In many countries, they are treated as a component of a professional, not academic / research doctor, that is, it is assumed that the owner of such an extent It is engaged in appropriate practical activities, not science. Since the receipt of such degrees does not require an independent scientific research, therefore a professional doctorate is usually not considered a degree. The attribution of a particular degree to a professional or research doctor depends on the country and even from a particular university. For example, in the United States and Canada, the degree of doctor of medicine is professional, and in the UK, Ireland and many countries of the British Commonwealth.

There is still a workaround for a scientific degree without scientific work. This is the so-called "honorary degree" of the Doctor of Science (Honor Doctor or Honor Degree or Doctor Honoris Causa). It is issued by universities, academies or the Ministry of Education without passing a course of study and without registration of mandatory requirements (on publications, protection, etc.), but who have achieved great success in the case and gained fame in any field of knowledge (artists, jurisprudence, Religious figures, businessmen, writers and poets, artists, etc.). Such people are involved in teaching and lectures in the best universities of many countries of the world. Honorary diploma of Doctor of Science is not issued in medicine. The honorary degree can be as awarded and removed.

So, the scientific degree confirms the scientific qualifications of its owner and its ability to fruitful scientific activities.

List of scientists

In Russia, according to the unified register of degrees and titles approved in 2002, the following are providedscientific titles:

1. Assistant professor in the specialty according to the nomenclature of specialties of scientists or the department of an educational institution.Scientific title associates Assigns to employees of scientific organizations for research activities, and employees of higher educational institutions - for scientific and pedagogical activities.

2. Professor in the specialty or by the Department.Academic title of professor Assigns to employees of higher educational institutions and scientific organizations for scientific and pedagogical activities and preparation of graduate students.

3. Correspondent member (Corr.) Academy of Sciences.

4. Valid member (academician) of the Academy of Sciences.

System scientists more confusing than the system scientists degrees . So, distinguish the titles by specialty and by the department. In addition, extent there are only scientific (scientists), and the titles - and scientific, and pedagogical (teaching). Scientific degrees officially registers WAK (Higher Attestation Commission), and all sorts of scientists - and WAK, and the Ministry of Education, and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

How do we distinguish the concepts of "scientific degree" and "scientific title" to reduce the frequently observed confusion in this regard?

Speaking about scientists, you should distinguish title by position or just a referred position from scientific titlewhich can be kept without taking a similar position. So, you can take position professor or associate professor, but not have the same titleconfirmed by the presence of a certificate. And it is possible, on the contrary, possess titleprofessor or associate professor, have a corresponding official certificate, but not to work as a professor, but, for example, a manager, and even not work at all. So the professor with the title of professors can work, alas, not professors at all.

The case is still complicated by the fact that people working as a professor, but not having the same scientific title, to refer to themselves precisely by professors, although in reality they only occupy professor's position. It is curious that the military in this regard is more modest: for example, a colonel who occupies the general position, does not call himself as a general as long as the general rank.

So, title "Associate Professor" or "Professor" Support official certificates. Purely official names "Associate Professor" or "Professor"are not related to the official assignment of the same scientist.

At the same time, to hold a decent position in the university or in a research institution, preferably (and sometimes necessary) scientist degree. The presence of a scientific degree, posts and laid activities in this post give the right to receive scientific title.

Scientific degrees awarded as a result of the protection of dissertations, and scholars assign according to the results of scientific and pedagogical activities.

About availability scientific degree testifies diploma candidate or doctor science, and about availability scientific title - certificate Associate Professor. So official confirmation documents for degree and title called differently.

Non-state degree and titles

And another curious detail should be known. In Russia, a lot appeared Non-state Educational institutions: Academies, universities, institutions, at which there are sometimes their own non-state dissertation councils. Some of them are drunk at the full separation from the state in the face of the Higher Attestation Commission and begin to award scientists not the fact that the candidate, but even the doctors of science without the participation of Vak Just as it is accepted abroad, but in completely different conditions. After protection, such "Non-state" Scientists are immediately issued by sealing diplomas, referred to as the "crusts" people, whose forms produce or buy is not much difficult. The question of their legal force is caused by reasonable doubts ...

According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 30, 2002 No. 74, as documents on the award of scientific degrees provided for by the state certification system, only diplomas issued by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation or other authorized state bodies are valid.

Academicians and Corre

Now in Russia scientific Academy with their academicians and correspondent members form a whole pyramid.

On the first levelAt the top of this academic pyramid, located still by Peter first in 1724 Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) which includes about a thousand corresponding members and valid members (academics). This is the Holy Holy Patriotic Science.

On the second level Academic pyramid are located state sectoral academies , such as the Academy of Medical Sciences (RAMS), Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, Academy of Architecture and Construction, Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Academy of Arts and to some extent Academy of Natural Sciences (Raen). Their composition also includes valid members (academicians) and correspondent members, but the state academic "scholarships" on one and a half, and even two times lower than in the Russian Academy of Sciences, and only the Academy itself is entitled to pay State support.

On the third level Already so much non-state , public academia and in them"Public" Academicians and corresponding members, what to count it is not easy. But in these"Academy" The state academic scholarship does not pay at all, and even, on the contrary, in order to become their participant, it is necessary to introduce an entrance fee - as a kind of fee for the right to carry the title of a corresponding member or a valid member of such non-state publicAcademy.

Similar " public Academy»Quite quickly organized also abroad Our former compatriots. They tear the titles, diplomas and certificates, making money on it, and not on science. And the number is growing in Russia"Foreign academics "Having beautiful"Fantiki ", With records in a foreign language, as if confirming their mythical international scientific status ...

The word "associate professor" with Latin translates as "learning" or "teach". Considering all sorts of titles, which are assigned to scientists, often have to face a number of issues. Associate Professor is a position or a degree? With this question we will read more in more detail in the article.

What is associate professor

Under the word "associate professor", such concepts are hiding as "position in universities" and "scientific title". Any interpretation option assumes that the associate professor is engaged in pedagogical labor and has achievements in a certain area of \u200b\u200bknowledge, being a researcher. It is worth noting that in foreign universities such a concept as a "associate professor" is practically no. In the Russian Federation it appeared in 1863, then this title fell out of scientific terminology for some time.

How to get a doctrine

The worker must be involved in the pedagogical and research sector of labor. Often he has a scientific degree of candidate of science, which is not a prerequisite for obtaining a post, which, in fact, is confirmed only by the record in the employment record. The teacher becomes an associate professor after accepting a positive decision on the Scientist Council.

To become an associate, only two conditions must be observed:

  • Have a diploma of university
  • Work teacher at the university - at least 3 years

Among the duties of the associate professor you can allocate the organization of administrative and research work. He participates in the development of textbooks and benefits, as well as in scientific research, reads lectures and prepares graduate students. An employee directly subordinate to the Zaverroy. Associate Professor is a scientific specialty, an intermediate link between the teacher and the professor.

Many assistants seek to become associate professors not only by position, but also by rank, because his receipt is very prestigious. But how do they become and what is required for this?

How to Get a Scientist Associate Professor Vak

To do this, you will need to go through several important stages, have research abilities and invest a lot. Requirements for the applicant: conducting pedagogical or scientific activity, good knowledge, possession of a degree, achievement in science.

Based on Verdict Vaca (Higher Attestation Commission), the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation shall be made an order for the assignment of the title to the title. Attestation case is seen within six months (sometimes up to 9 months). Thus, assign the title to the applicant has the right only to VAC.

Requirements for the candidate for the title

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1139 established conditions, subject to which the applicant may become the owner of the scientist. Requirements for the applicant for the academic title of associate professor:

  • The presence of a candidate degree (Doctor of Sciences) and a diploma about the end of the university
  • Work in a teacher in the university of the Russian Federation - at least 5 years, at least 10 years - to obtain the title of professor
  • Not less than 3 years - experience in the teacher in scientific specialty
  • 2 years of continuous experience as an associate professor, professor, Zavdroydroy, Director, Deputy Director and other senior positions (Resolution, paragraph 10, "B")
  • Work in a teacher (from 0.25 bets), including additional vocational education
  • Print 3 scientific papers and 2 textbooks in peer-reviewed editions for the 3-year period (only 20 for the entire period). Exceptions are scientific works that have classified information
  • The presence of an employment contract with the nomination organization, as well as the replacement of the post
  • Performance of the duties of the lecturer

Assignment of title in the field of art without a degree

  • Availability of a document on the end of the university
  • It is necessary to publish scientific works and teaching aids
  • Reading the lecture course
  • Having the Honorary Honor of the Russian Federation (USSR) in the field of art or the title of a diploma (laureate) of 2 All-Russian events in a certain form of art
  • Conclusion of the employment contract and the replacement of the post in the nomination organization (the list in the Resolution, paragraph 14)

If the presence of the following requirements:

  • Work teacher - 5 years, according to the declared area - at least 3 years
  • Continuous experience for 2 years in certain positions (resolution, p. 14, "d")
  • Work in a teacher (0.25 bets)
  • Preparation of two persons with the title of a diploma (laureate) under the declared area
  • Must be published at least 2 scientific papers and educational publications and at least 7 works on the image of art, which is indicated in the certification case

For example, in the field of art and sports, the presence of a honorary title, the title of the laureate (champion) of the competition is also required. The applicant has to prepare at least two students who will also receive honorable places.

List of documents for ha

The applicant must provide a package of documents to the Secretary of the Academic Council of the Advanced Organization. Then she sends a certification case in the WAK for 14 days.

  • Service letter
  • Document with information about the employee of Jurlitsa
  • Copy of part of the meeting of the meeting of the Department and Council of the Faculty
  • List of educational publications and scientific works in form 16
  • Confirmation of work experience - a copy of the pages from the employment record
  • Extract from the order (Competition)
  • Inventory
  • Registration card
  • reference
  • Information on the preparation of students as a supervisor (consultant). List of persons and information about the work done
  • Copies diplomas

Important: In 2014, an order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 81 was published on approval of the forms of documents provided by a candidate for the title.

In their example, you can prepare in compliance with all rules and rules those documents that should receive HAC from the applicant. He approves a new form of reference and a list of published educational publications.

The list of documents is sent to the WAK in the folder. In the paper pocket put registration cards and 4 postal cards with stamps.

It is useful to know: the list of publications in form 16 is based on the order No. 1756 (Regulation No. 3). You need to make a list only those work that have passed the editorial and publishing and replication, and also have output. This list can not, for example, include newspaper articles.

ORDERS OF VAK about the assignment of a scientist

On the resource of the VAC you can find all the orders on the link The column "Diplomas, Certificates and Certificates" indicates the relevant orders. For example, you can find here information about issuing evidence. According to the results of the inspection of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the verdict makes the assignment of the scholar title or refusal to it, information will be available on the site within 10 days.

This is fixed in the new position on the procedure for assigning scholars, which is planned to be introduced from January 1, 2014. (The project is posted on the website He comments on the head of the WAK:

As for the title of associate professors and professors in the departments, they, according to the draft Regulation on the procedure for awarding scientists of degrees, will go to the past. Scientists of the titles will be awarded only by scientific specialty:
"The issue of" care "of the titles of the associate professor and professor at the department was repeatedly raised by the staff of universities and the Academy of Sciences," the head of the WAK explained. - The previous system led to the fact that, since the names of the department are established by universities independently, and quite often they cease their existence, the associate professor or professor has to be a scientist on this emerus to the country. Since the nomenclature of scientific specialties is regulated by the Government Decree, the introduced system of scholars in scientific specialty becomes more understandable.

There are certain explanations for those who are far from university life. The fact is that the system of academic degrees (candidate-doctor) and the scholars system (associate professor) have still been parallel trajectories of movement. Promotion within the first of them was associated with scientific achievements, and assumed the protection of relevant work (candidate or doctoral dissertation). Promotion over the second trajectory was connected not so much with scientific, but with educational and methodological achievements (that is, success in teaching). These titles were called Associate Professor and Professor "The Department" and are the majority of assigned titles (the title "in the specialty" was awarded much less frequently, in mainly scientists). Two these different trajectories although they corrected, but still theoretically did not depend on each other. Thus, the title of associate professor could be assigned and not a candidate, and the title of professor is not a doctor (such cases were relatively rare, but not exceptional). In addition, when appropriating ranks were viewed primarily for the presence of educational and methodological works, and the requirements for actually scientific were not so significant. A new position in essence eliminates the described parallel system, and eliminates it by means of a kind of merge and strengthening requirements. On the one hand, a large scientific activity is now required to get the titles (requirements for scientific publications are tightened, three protected candidates are required for professor, etc.), and on the other, the requirements for methodological activity are increasing. For example, for the associate professor now requires authorship or co-authorship in the benefits published under the "vulture", and not any, as it was before (this condition, however, can be replaced by co-authorship in a collective monograph). In fact, this provision is fixed by the linear sequence "Candidate-Associate Professor-Doctor-Professor" and makes the system of the Russian "table of scientific ranks" by fourhurovnev, rigidly and unequivocally tieting a movement in levels to scientific achievements.

There is both pros and cons. The advantages are that the acquisition of the title is facilitated for those people who lead more or less active work in the area that does not quite coincide with the profile of the department on which they teach. Moreover, the departments are often referred to as quite arbitrarily and, in the limit, the name may not meet any of the scientific specialties at all (for example, the Department of Valeology may well exist). The situation is not so rare: only from my friends, three people were faced with such difficulty over the past year and a half. The disadvantages are that the adoption of such a situation finally closes the possibility of at least some "rank" growth for pedagogical workers - people who are engaged in scientific work, but succeed in teaching. There are a lot of such people and this is not always bad teachers. (We will be realistic: Many of those who work will say at the departments of higher mathematics in regional universities lead some significant scientific work in this area?) Previously such people, for any reason who have not defended her dissertation or defended it enough for a long time, could Expect to get the title of associate professor on the basis of their educational and methodical work. Now this feature seems to be closed finally.

UPD. As for the previously assigned ranks, they are as follows from