Derik Web. Photos from the wedding Avril Lavigne and Derek Webi Endorser in Eminent company

Derik Web. Photos from the wedding Avril Lavigne and Derek Webi Endorser in Eminent company
Derik Web. Photos from the wedding Avril Lavigne and Derek Webi Endorser in Eminent company

In May 2014, when the frontman of the Canadian Punk Rock Group SUM 41, and part-time God Avril Lavin Derik Will came out of the coma, the first person he saw was his mother.

"I knew what happened something very bad, because she lives in Toronto," said the singer. - "And I guessed that it was something associated with drinking. When I came to my senses, the doctor explained that because of drunkenness I was refused kidney and the liver, and he does not know, they will be able to save me or not. I have already pumped out five times in resuscitation. He said so: "The guy, you can die."

"I used to reason this: Well, I work so hard, I can afford to rest in a difficult thing, how else to relax? It was normal - to drink every evening. And a little more, before going to the stage, for who speaks sober? I do not I sat down from 17 years old. We toured a lot, hung a lot, I drank every day, I did nothing on a sober head, even such an ordinary thing, as a call on the phone, demanded a preliminary glass or two. I descended a lot of money to alcohol, $ 1500 in Week, if you are accurate. "

Derik with a model Ariana Cooper, also amateur to drink

"Recently, I began to get drunk very quickly and often blurred. I was muttered even from the smell of strawberries, but I still drank a bottle of vodka every day, which I was brought right home. Once in the evening I decided to drink and watch the movie. I drank, fell, lost consciousness , I woke up in a week - in the Hospital Chamber. If there was no my girl nearby, who immediately called an ambulance, I would die within an hour. Doctors introduced me to artificially to whom the breaking of me does not finish me. I had internal bleeding, I blurred blood and survived Thank You to the miracle. The doctor said that another wineproof, and I was exactly the end.

I had the worst of all my feet: because of severe nerves damage, I would hurt even touch them, I'm not talking about walking. It seemed that they were burning. It is like walking hot coals. "

Derik Wiebles in the hospital

After a month of the unknownness and endless agony, Wiebles slowly went on amendment and soon he was released home.But in his first sober year, he could not stand on his feet for more than three seconds.

Now, when I became a sober, I no longer call the drinking companions. I became uninteresting for them and is useless.
Who wants to invite a sober guy to a party? The first thing I did for a sober head was sharply reduced my neighbor. Cut out those who should not be near. Do you know who showed me just incredible care? Iggy Pop. He gave me many delights, he himself through all this once passed.

"And Tommy Lee, the leader of the Motley Crue group. Tommy said what to expect to me now, explained that not everyone will understand me. Duff McCagan and Matt Sarams from Guns" n "Roses also supported me well. We just met, drank Coffee and talked about every nonsense. And, of course, I am very grateful to my fans who sent me flowers, letters, gifts, wrote words of support. I am very helpful music - I am writing a lot now. My fingers are hard, they do not listen to me, I like "He learning to play the guitar again, but this situation inspired me to new songs and I can't wait when I leave again on the scene."

Avril Lavin in his tweet supported the ex-spouse:
Today talked with a drick. I am so proud of them. He is a member of my family and always will remain. # Budsildirik

Derik after hospital with mom and girlfriend

"Now I pass a kind of study, because I don't know what it is - to live completely without alcohol. And I I do not know yourself at all - I have never met this person.In the period from 17 to 34 I had not so much sober days, you know. "

Despite the happening, Wills says that he doesn't regret anything: "It was the best that ever happened to me. I am glad that it went through these difficulties, because they made me better. I like my sober life. I am not preaching anything, but if you guys drink, at least do it responsibly. Personally, I can't, I see where it led me. "

A year after the happening Derek married his girlfriend Arian Cooper - a girl who aroused an ambulance in that fatal evening and remained next to him during rehabilitation - Ariana, too, had problems with alcohol and threw a drink with drick.

I am glad that it happened now, when I 35, not 50! Then my body would almost certainly be copied.Nevertheless, today I feel better than ever. Much healthier. I am in my best shape. And I became more productive. Well, I have always been quite productive - such a well functioning alcoholic.

I can't even imagine that I can want to eat again. If I didn't want to dream in the literal sense to death, I could still feel something that losing something, but I do not lose anything. It's finished. It is definitely enough for me, especially since it was not so fun.

Derik Wibbles last few years fought with alcoholism. In mid-2013, the frontman Sum 41 shocked the public after it appeared at one of the secular events, transformed beyond recognition.

After that, Wübles again did not appear in public for a long time. As it turned out, the problems with alcohol at the musician continued all this time. A few weeks ago, Derik landed to the hospital, in which there was a few weeks unconscious. As it turned out, because of many years of alcoholism, a 34-year-old musician began serious problems with the liver and kidneys.

The new photo of Rocker caused no less surprise than last year's picture.

"Hello everyone! I just wanted to thank everyone for gifts and all the support you provide me. This is all very important to me. Especially during recovery. Very soon I will get better. And I will return to the scene even earlier than you imagine. Soon see you, "wrote Derik Webi on his official website.

We also note that the doctors seriously threatened the frontman SUM 41 - if the musician even once will take alcohol, it will just die.

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Famous Canadian performer Avril Lavin Announced a divorce with Test Kruger - the leader of the popular Nickelback group. By the way, about it Avril Lavin Notified fans through their account in Instagram.
In his appeal Avril Lavin He admitted that she was very difficult to declare a divorce. At the same time, she added that despite the rupture of the relationship, they will still be good friends with good friends and continue to take care of each other.
"All our relatives, friends and fans we sincerely thank to support," wrote a singer.
It should be reminded that Ched Kruger made a proposal to the singer in August 2012. Altern a year, they played SPI ..... Read news ...

Representative of a 27-year-old American singer Avril Lavin Reaffirmed that the girl is engaged with a soloist of the Nickelback group by Kruger.
Recall that Avril Lavin It is found with a 37-year-old frontman Nickelback for half a year. The couple even together wrote a song that will appear in the next fifth album of the famous singer.
As far as is known, Chad Kruger made an offer Avril Lavin Another 8 August, giving her a ring with a 14-carat diamond.
It should be noted that it will be the first marriage of Chad Kruger and the second for Avril Lavinwhich in 2009 went to the frontman of the Sum41 group Derekoh. Wibl.
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The popular rock performer Avril Lavin decided to leave Derika Will's husband. The couple met 6 years ago, when the girl was 17 years old. After 3 years, Derik made her an offer and Avril, not thinking, agreed. However, happiness, this marriage union did not bring any of them: very soon the singer realized that Derik Will was not the person she wants to see next to him, and filed a divorce application.

Such an act Avril became a complete surprise for her husband, who was shocked and strongly upset by the decision of the avalanche. According to Derik, they planned to have a child in a short time and nothing could prove such a scandalous divorce. Even though recently, the girl behaved strangely and often preferred to spend time alone, Will hoped that the cause of apathy and the depressive state of his wife was overworking and problems at work.

Commenting on this situation, Avril himself said that he just wants to go ahead, despite all the difficulties that accompany her today. She wants to develop, both in terms of career and in personal qualities. Derik, on the contrary, her "constantly pulled to the bottom" and was content with what he had. Ambitions and strong character did not give avalanger to fold their hands and stop at what. Marriage with Webli, "As if swamp", sucking her every day deeper and deeper, and in the end, the singer gathered her husband's things and put it out of the door.

Derik Will himself prefers not to spread on his personal life and the divorce with the rock singer does not comment. After three years stayed, he still loves Avril and was sincerely surprised by her decision to disperse. However, the avalante's husband is not ready back and, judging by its optimistic mood, is not going. But once this couple looked pretty happy.

"Incomparable disagreements" - such a reason most often indicate the documents on the divorce of celebrities. What is actually hiding under this phrase, it is known only to them by himself, but we would like the star divorces as small as possible. It is no secret that disagreements are even for those who live in marriage 20 years old, but not everyone can reconcile with them.

  1. In the world of music, Derick is more famous as Bizzy Dee (Bizzy D): this nickname was given to him in school years, but the reason for the occurrence of such a name remains a mystery.

  2. Willi's music career began in the 90s under the influence of the famous Nirvana group, playing grunge style, however, Derik preferred a punkey.

  3. Derik's musical creativity was influenced by Elvis Costello, The Beatles and South California punk groups. However, in SUM 41, the effect of Beastie Boys, Iron Maiden, The Offspring, Metallica and Oasis is also clearly traced. The latter, in turn, always said that Sum 41 hate.

  4. The history of SUM 41 began with Kaspir team, where Derik was a vocalist; After a series of transformations, the group changed the composition and was renamed SUM 41.

  5. Derik was noticed on the acting field: he played dirty love in films (the role of Tony) and the King of the Hill.

  6. Derik Will collaborated with FENDER, which in 2007 released a Dryck Whibley Telecaster name guitar. The musical instrument was decorated in two colors - black and white. As a distinguishing feature of this guitar, you can mark the red "crosses" on the housing.

  7. Derik Will is also known for its production activities. In particular, it is the producer of We Have An Emergency albums (The Operation M.D.), Underclass Hero (Sum 41), The Best Damn Thing (Avril Lavin).

  8. Outside of work in Sum 41 Derik participated in other music projects. So, for example, he collaborated with Tommy Lee (Motley Crue) on a guitar and back-vocal for his album Tommyland: The Ride and Iggy Pop in his album A Million in Prizes: The Anthology.

  9. In 2004, Derik began to meet with the Canadian singer Avril Lavin. Two years later, their wedding took place, but in 2009 a couple divorced. Now Wills is married to Ariana Cooper.