David - Sculpture Michelangelo, photo, history of sculpture. Statue of David in Florence - Masterpiece of World Sculptural Art Original David Michelangelo where

David - Sculpture Michelangelo, photo, history of sculpture. Statue of David in Florence - Masterpiece of World Sculptural Art Original David Michelangelo where
David - Sculpture Michelangelo, photo, history of sculpture. Statue of David in Florence - Masterpiece of World Sculptural Art Original David Michelangelo where

The statue of David in Florence is the largest sculptural figure of the famous sculptor Michelangelo Buonotti. This five-meter sculpture since the time of the Florentine Republic became a symbol of the art and genius of a person as a whole.

History of creation

The statue of the Jewish ruler was ordered by Buonotti in 1501 of the Wool Traders Guild, who were responsible for the decoration of the Florentine Temple of Santa Maria del Fiior.

Sculptor worked on her for quite a long time - 2 years and 4 months. Michelangelo then passed only 26 years, nevertheless, he was already quite famous sculptor. Having worked on the biblical David, he wanted to prove that it could stand on a par with other recognized masters of Florence. According to the memories of his contemporary, Georgeo Vazari, the master should have carved the statue of the secondly used material - a huge marble boulder, spoiled by the previous sculptor. Assistants from Michelangelo was not, so he himself created David, moving around her with the help of scaffolding. The sculptor is evidenced about the colossal plact of the sculptor, the fact that only the grinding and the final finishing of the statue of the brewer spent about 4 months.

Master's innovations

Biblical motifs and to Michelangelo inspired sculptors. However, in the case of David, the master showed it different from previous authors (Verokkjo, Donatello). Instead of the image of the winning man, the defeated Goliath, young man appears in proud, relaxed pose, with a swollen speech, ready for a decisive battle.

Already in 1504, after evaluating the statue by leading Florentine sculptors (including Leonardo da Vinci), marble David was installed right in the center of Florence at the entrance to Lanci's loggia in Signoria Square. Here he stood about 300 years, and in 1873, in order to avoid rapid destruction, was transferred to the Funds of the Gallery of the Academy of Arts.

Copies of masterpiece

The statue is so popular in the world that many countries, cities, institutions also want to see her somewhere nearby.

  • The most famous copy of the statue is on the same square in Florence, where the original was once stood.
  • At Michelangelo Square also in Florence in 1869 the bronze copy of the sculpture is installed.
  • Gypsum sculpture can be found in the London Museum of Victoria and Albert.
  • Russia can also be proud of his own "David". It is installed at the Moscow Museum of Fine Arts named after Pushkin.
  • After opening, the sculpture was delivered to Signoria Square on a bull-wagon. 4 days Florence witnessed this spectacle. Several curls of the sculptor even tried to throw the marble statue by stones, for which they were taken into custody.
  • David still suffered, but already in 1527, during political debate. Then, from the window of Palazzo Verokko flew the bench, which crashed and damaged the hands of Michelangelo. Her restoration was engaged in Vazari.
  • Florence tried to give Jerusalem the cast from the statue. However, the authorities refused to accept a gift, due to the fact that David was naked and not circumcised.
  • For the birthday of the masterpiece (500 years) in 2004, he was cleaned of dirt for the first time in 130 years.
  • Modern studies revealed underground shocks in the area where the marble figure is located. The Ministry of Culture Italy is going to highlight about 200,000 euros for the manufacture of seismic resistant pedestal.

Gallery of the Academy of Arts, where you can see the famous David, located at: Florence, Ricazoli Street, house number 66.

The cost of visiting: 8 euros, for European Union citizens (18-25 years old) - 4 euros. In order not to stand in the queues, it is recommended to buy tickets online or book them in advance.

The top of Micheel Angelus Bonarotius (MICHAEL Angelus Bonarotius) as a sculptor was the statue of David (David). Michelangelo created all his villages to the canons and thanks to this innovation they became famous in centuries. He did not rejoove the block, and carved the figure from the stone, as if released the image embodied in it.

David Michael Angelus History (David Michael Angelus)

The Florentine Cathedral Temple, richly decorated with red Italian marble, was decided to additionally decorate in about the middle of the XV century. Donatello began this work, but managed to create only one sculpture. The giant marble lump, from which the statue of David was supposed to be made gradually collapsed. With the onset of the XVI century work decided to resume. The history of making the statue of David received a continuation. The authoritative commission, in which Leonardo da Vinci), was recognized that damaged marble can be used to make a statue. The implementation of the project was instructed by the young sculptor Michelangelo Buonarot. Works were started in September 1501.

Uniqueness of David.

The height of the sculpture was 547 cm. But, despite its huge size, Michelangelo coped with the task brilliantly. In the manufacture of sculpture of David, an iconographic innovation was applied. Previously, the hero was depicted at the time of his victory over the giant when the head of the chance was at the legs of the young man. Here the process of preparation for battle is also depicted. David's gaze is filled with anger and directed to the enemy, in his hand he squeezes the right, the wonderful head is turned left. The young man is most focused and targeted, confident in victory, despite the obvious physical superiority of his opponent. David Michelangelo is not a fragile teenager (so it was previously depicted), and an excellent athlete that causing admiration.

Why David became a symbol of Florence

An interesting story associated with the placement of the finished statue. Initially, it was planned to establish near the cathedral. But when the work came to an end, the general value of the work exceeded its religious meaning. The statue struck the Florentine so much that it was decided to place her in Lanz's loggia (at that time, the meetings of the city council were held in this place). Florence triumphed, and the opening of the monument in 1504 was a real popular holiday. The small city of the Republic of Florence was forced to constantly beat the attack of stronger opponents (in the north they threatened France, and in the south - the papal region). Residents interpreted the meaning of the sculpture as a call to the just management and protection of the city. Therefore, the young David who won the giant Goliath (Goliath) became a symbol of the Republic of Florence, defending his freedom.

Where you can see the original work

For more than three centuries, David decorated with Signoria Square (Piazza Della Signoria). But in 1873, the sculpture was replaced by a copy, and the original was moved to the Academy of Arts (Florence), where it is under today. The statue is open for a circular review. Florence has no metro, the bus here is the main transport. The Academy is located in the center of the city at the intersection of the main bus routes. The biography of Michelangelo is closely related to Florence, therefore it is natural that its most famous work is stored in this city.

Restoration of David.

In the manufacture of the statue, not very high-quality marble was used, and it began to collapse over time. In 2002, the statue was restored, subtracting it with a special solution (water and chemicals were not used), rice paper and subtle tassels. At the end of a two-year-old, a statue polished suede and matter flasks.

Several interesting facts

When the statue was investigated by experts on anatomy, it was an interesting picture. It turned out that for the sake of artistic expressiveness, Michelangelo distorted the proportions of some parts of David, and the muscle between the spine and the right blade was completely absent. Interestingly, when Florence decided to make a gift from the statue of the city of Jerusalem (to his 3000th anniversary), he received a refusal of the authorities. It was argued by the fact that the hero is naked and not circumcised. Most people at the form of the statue of David arises a sense of admiration and reverence. But not everyone has such emotions. At David several times attended. For the first time, the sculpture was damaged in 1527 during the uprising. The second attack was committed by a unlucky sculptor Pierre Kanat, who hit the hammer hit a finger from a marble on his left foot. The restless interest in this work of art served to create a variety of copies. The most famous of them are located in the Pushkin Museum of Moscow (Moscua) and the Victoria Museum and Albert (Victoria and Albert Museum) in London (London).

The description of the statue of David can be found on numerous Internet sites, many books are devoted to this topic. But it is better to look at this miracle yourself. Florence awaits you!

The statue of David, the work of the outstanding master of the Renaissance (Michelangelo Di Buonarroti, 1475-1564) is located in the gallery (Galleria Dell'Accademia) in Florence.

Sculpture made of monolithic blocks of valuable carrage marble, has a height of 5.17 meters and weight of more than 6 tons. "David" is recognized as standard of male beauty and one of the most significant masterpieces of world art.

The image of the biblical king inspired masters and earlier, but all the predecessors of Michelangelo (Donatello,) depicted his winner, to the legs of which Goliath's head fell. The artistic innovation of Buonarroti was that he first captured the hero at the time of preparation for the decisive battle. The statue depicts the naked young man in a powerful physique ready for battle with a dangerous enemy. His proud head with a drain hair, frowny eyebrows and firmly compressed lips talk about a disabilities.

The body lines are anatomically perfect, a relaxed pose testifies to confidence and strength, the rush, percked through the left shoulder, promises the enemy a deadly lunch.
The sculptural image of the Jewish king was ordered by Michelangelo in 1501 of the guild of wool traders. It was this union that answered the decoration (La Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore). Florence was rightly proud of a temple, worthy of his design was a matter of honor for shop marriage. The statue should have become part of a sculptural ensemble consisting of twelve characters of the Old Testament. It was not destined to come true.

During the period of work on David, not only the creative biography of the Tuscan sculptor, but also the political life of the republic. Originally, the order had only religious character. But during the creation of a sculpture, Florence expelled Tiranans Medici and David Michelangelo became a symbol of republican freedom and the protection of the Fatherland from the power of the Tiranans.

History of creation

The history of the Florentine Republic worked closely with the creation of a global masterpiece. The painting of the medieval world had little shades of freight, Italian cities-states were a unique phenomenon of that time. Never Florence was subordinate to Papal Bullami and the Duccian decions, only the human genius was its immutable law.

The work lasted two years and four months. The master at that time was 26 years old, but he managed to become famous as a great sculptor, eclipsed by Leonardo. Michelangelo kept the most difficult exam in his life, for any artist of the arts of that time it was important, whether Florence recognizes his skill.

The history of the birth of a masterpiece is unusual. An interesting description of the work of Buonaroti over the statue gives his contemporary Georgio Vazari (Giorgio Vasari). According to his records, the master received marble blocks already tied with notches and chips. The form of future sculpture had to choose so that these defects were not noticeable.

Assistants were not, Michelangelo worked alone, moving around a giant block on the construction forests. The work took place in full secret, the place where the statue was created was fenced with a wooden fence. When it was almost completed, the master spent four months on the final finish and polishing.

In January 1504, the sculpture saw and appreciated the leading Florentine masters. The authoritative group with headed her decent decorate the heart of the city - Signoria Square (Piazza Della Signoria). At the insistence of Leonardo and with the consent of Michelangelo "David" found at the entrance to Lanzi Lanzi (Loggia Dei Lanzi), where the meetings of the city council were held. There he stood more than three hundred years and only in 1873, in order to avoid the negative impact of precipitation and weathering, was moved to the main hall of the Gallery of the Academy of Arts.


  • The most famous is located on Signoria Square in Florence, where the original was originally installed.

  • Another one is also in Florence, on the Square Michelangelo (Piazzale Michelangelo), made of bronze. The area was built on the left bank of Arno in 1869, interesting for tourists, as it opens a luxurious city view from there.

  • Plaster Copy is in the Victoria & Albert Museum (Victoria & Albert Museum) in London. A funny story is associated with her: in case of the visits of Queen Victoria, the causal statue was covered with a removable fig leaf.

  • The Italian courtyard of the Pushkin Museum in Moscow also boasts his "David".

  • The statue of "David" from the place of work to Signoria Signain was delivered on a specially designed bull-wagon in 4 days. All Florence witnessed an amazing spectacle. Miscellaneous Michelangelo enviously tried to throw sculpture by stones, for which they were in prison.
  • In 1527, David suffered from political debate - a bench, flying out of the Palazzo Vecchio window (Palazzo Vecchio), damaged his left hand. The restoration was performed by vazari.
  • Florence gave Jerusalem to the cast of sculpture. The gift was not accepted, the authorities of Jerusalem were outraged by the fact that David goal was not cut off.
  • In 2004, Florence celebrated the 500th anniversary of the creation of a masterpiece. In honor of this event, the sculpture was washed for the first time in 130 years.
  • A recent study revealed a threat to the destruction of a statue from underground jolts. According to the Minister of Culture of Italy, Dario Franceni, 200 thousand euros will be allocated to the installation of seismic resistant euro.

Where is the time of work, tickets

  • The Gallery of the Academy of Arts is located on Ricazoli Street, 66, Florence (Via Ricasoli, 66, 50122 Firenze).
  • The museum works from Tuesday to Sunday from 8:15 to 18:50, the checkouts close at 18:20, Monday - the day off. The cost of the ticket - 8 euros, for the citizens of the European Union countries by age 18-25 years to provide an identity card - 4 euros.
  • Official gallery website: www.polomuseale.firenze.it. In order to avoid queue at the cashier it is recommended to book or buy tickets online.
  • The collection of exhibits deserves attention, and other works of Michelangelo are also presented: Piestrina Piettrina (Palstrina Pieta), "Four Slave" (Prigioni), "Saint Matthew" (San Matteo). Photographing in the gallery is allowed without flash.

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Many consider the statue of David the most beautiful and impressive work of the "Renaissance". Now the original statue is established in Florence at the Academy of Fine Arts. The last restoration of this creation by Michelangelo Buonarot was held in 2003 and now you can see by visiting the Academy building.

In this article we will tell about the statue itself, how to get to the Academy of Fine Arts and why it was the biblical David that became one of the symbols of Florence.

1504th, when the work was completed, the statue turned out to be so beautiful that disputes arose about where to establish it. Initially, it was planned to establish next to the Florentine Cathedral, but many realized that it was wiser to put it in the central square. The statue had not only religious, but also political importance.

David, who struck the warrior Giant Goliath with just one shot of the Parable, was very close to the inhabitants of Florence. The city-republic Florence was small in size, but a proud country that was constantly under threat of invasion of much stronger rivals. France threatened from the north, and from the south the papal region. Now you understand why the image of David was so popular in the works of art of Florentine authors.

A lot of adventures took place with the statue, it took several restorations, which we will tell at the end of this article.

How to get to the Academy of Fine Arts, where the statue of David is located.

Unfortunately, there is no metro in Florence, and the main transport in the city is the bus. The Academy is located in the very center of the city, right at the intersection of the main routes. It is very likely that one of the buses going to the Academy stops close to your hotel.

Look for buses with numbers 6, 14, 19, 23 and 31, they need to go to the stop "SS. Annunziata - Istituto Degli Innocent. Or on buses 1, 11, 17, 19, 52, 54, 82, C1 or G, you need to go to the stop "Ricasoli - Gran Caffe" San Marco ".

A ticket at the box office is (at the time of writing the article) 6.5 euros, which for Italy can be considered a very "democratic" price.

What to pay attention to when you examine the statue of David.

The first strong impression that you get and without our advice will occur on the size of the statue. Of course, the impressions of the inspection of works of art have different, we understand that all this is very subjective. The statue has a height of 5.16 meters and another stand elevates it by 20 centimeters. Looks like a biblical hero majestically.

Agree, not all large-size items produce a strong impression on people, there is a difference between something simply large, and what seems ambitious. The statue of David's work Michelangelo Buonarota is just a good example of a second case, it does not possess the gigantic sizes, but it looks impressive.

The second thing to pay attention to is the look of David. He is tense, because he is preparing for battle with a mighty goliath.

According to legend, Goliath was not just big, but just a huge warrior. His growth was 2.7 meters. Most likely this is the error of the translation of the ancient lengths of the length or simply the intentional embellishment of the victory, which in the ancient world did not disappear.

Recall that David came out the winner of this fight, striking Goliath the only shot of his power. In a statue, he is just depicted with this weapon. This sculpture is different from many other depicting this plot. Usually, David is depicted after the victory, and Michelangelo showed a hero before the fight.

And do not forget that at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence, there is still a lot of interesting things, except for the famous Creation Michelangelo.

"Adventures" and restoration of the statue of David.

The first "adventure" happened to the statue at the time of its carriage to Palazzo Vecchio. The group of supporters of the overthrown dynasty of the Medici tried to damage the sculpture, but they did not come out worthwhile. The second danger threatened the statue already in 1512 when lightning hit the base, fortunately, there was no damage to the statue itself.

In 1527, during the uprising, the statue suffered greatly, as supporters of the republic were hidden in Palazzo Vecchyo and threw stones on the enemy and even furniture. The sculpture suffered the left hand and the rush. After the unrest subsided, the statue was restored.

In 1843 it was decided to renovate the statue, since 350 years of its outdoor finding strongly spoiled appearance. The methods of the 19th century restorers were just terrible. Acid and cutting tools were used, the top layer of marble was simply removed.

In 2003, a comprehensive restoration was held, and now in Florence you can look at David at the best.

Have a successful visit to Florence and read our materials about Italy to the site ( links can be found below).

Wonders of Florence: David sculpture.

Michelangelo - Italian architect, painter, poet and sculptor, known for the whole world thanks to its unique creations. The statue of David in Florence became the brightest and recognizable work of the master. About the history and description of this masterpiece, as well as interesting facts and other impressive works of the master, you will read in the submitted article.

History of the statue of Michelangelo

In the XV century, the Florence walked construction work on the construction of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore. In the years of completion of construction, the question of decorating the internal interiors of the building. This case was engaged in a successful and enterprising wool traders guild. They were the customer, and the sponsor of the construction of the temple, as well as its internal design. Members of the Company agreed that to give the building of special beauty and sophistication, it is necessary to decorate it with 12 statues of the prophets from the Old Testament.

In 1464, 2 statues were created by the sculptor Donatello and his student of Agrostino di Duchcho. Guilds liked the work of the masters, and they ordered another statue from them - David. To do this, Florence was delivered a large piece of marble, mined in Carrara. After Donatello's death in 1466, his subset refused to fulfill the contract. The creation of David passed into the hands of Antonio Rosselyino, however, he could not fulfill this order to him.

Local inhabitants called "giant". Due to the change of weather and temperature, marble decreased in size, cracks and chips appeared on it. At the beginning of the XVI century, the servants of the Cathedral were consulted with Leonardo da Vinci, who recognized the stone suitable for creating sculpture.

The next master, which was entrusted with the execution of the statue of David, was the 26-year-old Michelangelo Buonaroti. In August 1501, he signed a contract, and in a month began to process the shapeless marble into the masterpiece of the perfect human body. Sculptor worked alone days long. The boulder stood under the open sky, so in the process of creating his creation Michelangelo, pouring rains and heavy rains, and winter strumbs, and a summer heat.

In January 1504, the "show" of the finished statue of David was scheduled. The Cathedral came such Florentine masters as Andrea Business Robbia, Botticelli, Juliano and Antonio Sangallo, Perugino, Andrea Sovino and others. They had to assess the creation of a young and ambitious Italian. After eliminating the fence that protects the sculpture from prying views, the ideal David Michelangelo appeared the gate of the gathered critics. All those who came the masters admired his creation, and the present Signoria offered to make a sculpture with a symbol of the new Republican Florence.

David was posted on Signoria Square in May 1504, on the site of the "Yudithi" statue, performed by Donatello. In 1527, the Board of Florence was again in the hands of the kind of Medici. As a result of the defense of one of the buildings of the city, David's hand was divided into smaring. Shardings gathered a sculptor Vazari, and after 16 years (1543) restored the masterpiece at the trimming of Kozimo I Medici.

Several centuries stood David in the open sky. Due to weather impereness, the material came into disrepair. In the XIX century, the sculpture underwent 2 restorations, but they were conducted extremely unsuccessful. In 1873, David was moved to the Gallery of the Academy, where he took the place specifically allocated for him - a large stand. The place on Signoria Square also did not remain in the launch. In 1910, there was a great copy of the Old Testament Character.

In 2003-2004, the statue of Michelangelo was cleared of accumulated dust and dirt layers. Work was carried out by professional restorers. Unfortunately, some guests of the Florentine Museum harm the majestic sculpture. In 1991, one of the visitors managed to sprinkle from the fingers of the left feet of David several pieces of marble.

Description of the statue of David.

The sculpture of David, created by Michelangelo, is considered to be the best work of the art of Italian revival. The marble young man from the languages \u200b\u200bof the Old Testament is recognized as a perfect creation and ideal male beauty.

The original statue of David has a height of 5 m 17 cm. It depicts a naked young young man who is preparing for the upcoming fight with Goliath. The statue of Michelangelo is a kind of innovation, because The predecessors of the masters created the sculptures of the hero, triumphant over the fallen giant. In Posa, David can notice concentration and calm. The facial expression suggests that the young man is not afraid of Goliath. David's muscles are tense: the left hand holds the right to hand over the shoulder. From the bottom of the weapon picks up the right hand, in her hero holds a stone. The figure of David says that he is ready for battle with a strong enemy and prepared a deadly blow for him.

Today, the original statue of David is located at the Academy of Florence Fine Arts.

  1. David is the character of the Bible. According to the biblical legend, the young man is thrown by Goliath with the help of stone and the power, although the naked body of the hero contradicts the polls of the religious book.
  2. David in Florence exceeds human growth almost 3 times.
  3. The right hand of the young man is asymmetric, and does not suit the proportions of the remaining parts of the body. Many experts believe that this "lack" was made specifically to emphasize the nickname of David - a strong hand.
  4. Due to the fact that the rush is located in the left hand of David, the hero is considered to be left. However, the position of the body of the sculpture speaks of the opposite.
  5. Originally, the statue of Michelangelo was planned to post on the dome of the cathedral. Seeing the masterpiece created by the master, he was decided to place on a more prominent place - Signoria Square.
  6. Before creating the famous David, Michelangelo managed to declare himself as a talented sculptor. Fame Master brought the work of "Roman Pieta". Later, the Italian created the frescoes of the Sicastic Chapel, and was recognized as an outstanding painter of that time.
  7. Pose David has obvious similarities with Hercules sculptures.
  8. David has many copies. The most famous of them are located on Signoria Signaine and Michelangelo in Florence, in the London Museum of Albert and Victoria, as well as in the Moscow Pushkin Museum.
  9. In 1857, a copy of David was presented in the English queen Victoria. The queen did not like the nudity of the hero, and she ordered to cover his sexual organ with a fig leaf, made of plaster.
  10. In the XX century, the power of Florence wanted to give the castle of the sculpture of the Old Testament Character Jerusalem. The authorities of the Israeli city refused a gift, justifying that David is depicted in the image of the Italian, and not the Jew. According to the country's religion, men-Jews should be cut off the extreme flesh of the penis.

Other works Michelangelo

For his life, Michelangelo created a lot of valuable works of art. In addition to David, Roman pedestal and frescoes of the Sistine Chapel, the master created the following masterpieces:

Sculptures and bas-reliefs:

  • Madonna in the stairs;
  • Battle of centaurs;
  • Crucifix;
  • Holy cross;
  • St. Peter;
  • Angel;
  • Saint Paul;
  • Bakhus (the first creation of Michelangelo);
  • Saint Pei I;
  • St. George I;
  • Venus and Amur;
  • Holy Matthew;
  • Moses, etc.


  • Position in the coffin;
  • Madonna Donnie;
  • Madonna with a baby;
  • Terrible court;
  • Type;
  • Cleopatra;
  • Crucifixion of St. Peter;
  • Epiphany, etc.


  • tombstone Juliano Medici;
  • lobby, staircase and reading room of the Library of Laurentzian;
  • palace of conservatives in Rome;
  • tomb Julia II;
  • Palazzo Farnes in Rome;
  • Pius Gate in Rome;
  • Santa Maria deli Angeli-E dei Martiri in Rome, etc.

Some works of the Italian wizard eventually lost. In addition, several creations do not have evidence of the authorship of Michelangelo.

The famous David, whose statue is in Florence, is recognized as an outstanding masterpiece not only Michelangelo Buonaroti, but also the whole era of the Italian revival. If you are in this region of Italy, then be sure to visit the Academy of Fine Arts, and look at the famous 5-meter sculpture with its own eyes.