Quotes of famous psychologists. Quotes of great psychologists

Quotes of famous psychologists. Quotes of great psychologists
Quotes of famous psychologists. Quotes of great psychologists

Harry Sullivan, psychoanalyst:

Love exists when the satisfaction and safety of another person becomes as significant as their own satisfaction and security.

John Gottman, Psychotherapist:

The greatest obstacle on the path of love is a sense of one's own greatness that makes people stop marriage, because they "deserve" an ideal partner.

Henry Dix, psychoanalyst:

The opposite of love is not hate at all. It coexists as long as the livelihood is preserved. The opposite of love is indifference.

Otto Kernberg, psychoanalyst:

In love relationships there is a desire to supplement itself - since the delight and satisfaction from the fact that the other accepts and even enjoying us that we ourselves did not take, and ending with overcoming the restrictions on our own sex in the "bisexual" unity with a partner.

Heinz Kokhut, psychoanalyst:

The more confidence with which a person is able to take himself, than definitely his understanding of himself, the more confident and more effective, he will express and offer his love, without experiencing excessive fear to be rejected and humiliated.

Karl Menninger, Psychoanalyst:

A huge number of people suffer from unrequited love for themselves.

Esther Pernel, Psychotherapist:

Love has a price, but should not require a refusal of himself. It is difficult to consider an attractive someone who completely renounced personal independence. Probably such a person can love, but it is definitely difficult to lies. There is not enough resistance and tension. Love each other without losing themselves - the greatest complexity of emotional intimacy.

Adam Phillips, psychoanalyst:

One way to love people is to admit that they have desires that exclude us that it is possible - to love and wish more than one person at the same time. Everyone knows that this is true, but we do not want those who love us, thought so about themselves.

Victor Frank, existential psychologist:

Love inevitably enriches the one who loves. And if so, there can be no such phenomenon as "unrequited, unhappy love." Love is the "experience" of another person in all its originality and uniqueness.

Erich Fromm, psychoanalyst:

If an individual loves only one person and is indifferent to others, his love is not love, but a symbiotic attachment or scorched self-love.

Karl Jung, Psychiatrist:

Where love dominates, there is no will to power; Where there is paramount to power, love is missing. One is not a shadow of another.

The collection presents the statements collected by the psychotherapist Konstantin Yagnyuk in the book "under the sign of Psi. Aphorisms of famous psychologists. "

I decided to issue a selection of aphorisms of great psychologists. Read these laconic, wise phrases are solid pleasure.

I think other people's thoughts are very easy to become yours if they perceive and recycle them. Conclusion: Read the great and thinking your raise!

Loneliness is due not the lack of people around, and the inability to speak with people about what it seems to be essential or the unacceptability of your views for others.

Karl Gustav Jung

The problem of "non-failure" quite often turns around the problem of its own dislike.

Irwin Yal.

If I love another person, I feel unity with him, but with such what it is, and not with the same way I would like it to be, as a means for my goals.

Erich Fromm

Psychotherapists are people who learned better than others to get along with their madness.

Karl Visiter

Where there is a proximity, there are no games.

Eric Bern.

People sometimes talk about a man "He has not yet found himself." But they are not found, but create.

Thomas Sorrow

Numerous problems arise when we are trying to justify the expectations of others, instead of identifying our own.

Karl Rogers.

Trying to be yourself, we call the alienation from many people, trying to give up the desires of others, we cause alienation from themselves.

Clarissa Estes.

Most of what is real inside us is not realized, and what is realized is unrealistic.

Sigmund Freud

The world is just perfect, so do not improve it, all your efforts are in vain. Leave the world alone, in the end, and at your leisure, do it yourself!

Nikolai Linde

Wish to someone lucky to meet you, and you will be lucky to meet someone.

Eric Bern.

At the heart of all our actions lie two motifs: the desire to become a great and sexual attraction.

Sigmund Freud

Each normal person is actually normal only in part.

Sigmund Freud

Illusions attract us to get rid of pain, and as a replacement we can enjoy. For this we must take without grinding, when, entering into a contradiction with a part of reality, the illusions are broken into smits.

Sigmund Freud

He, who from the guns only has a hammer, is inclined to watch any problem as a nail.

Abraham Masuel

I very seriously object to the desire for perfection, which some doctors and psychologists adhere to when working with people. I have never met a perfect human being and I do not count on it to meet him. Perhaps it is the imperfection that you are trying to take away from a person, just gives him the charm, which makes it possible to allocate this individual and remember it.

Milton Erickson

No effect on a person can be more obsessive and predetermining than what he is not aware.

Otto Kernberg.

These terrible crows are depression, despair and sense of unnecessaryness - will always be somewhere nearby, right behind our window. No matter how conscious we want to get rid of them, they will be to us

return again and again, and their hoarse carcage will interrupt our sleepy negation. We will think about them as a constant reminder of the task facing us. Even hearing their carcass, the noise of their wings, we still keep freedom of choice.

James Hollis

A person who experiences loneliness is experiencing a unique experience of the disaster and at the same time aware of his own inner essence with which he can enter into a dialogue. Thanks to this dialogue, an individual process begins.

James Hollis

We enter the world with lonely and lonely leave it.

Sigmund Freud

The task of making a person was not happy not included in the world's creation plan.

Sigmund Freud

In a certain sense, what we call happiness happens as a result (preferably unforeseen) satisfaction for a long time restrained needs.

Sigmund Freud

To truly close with the other, we must truly listen to the other: to discard stereotypes and expectations associated with the other, and allow them to form themselves with another answer.

Irwin Yal.

Relationships are unsuccessful when a person is partly - with another, and partly with someone fictitious.

Irwin Yal.

We are fully responsible for our lives, not only for their actions, but also for our inability to act.

Irwin Yal.

Love is, rather, the form of existence: not so much attraction as self-dedication, the attitude is not so much to one person as to the world as a whole.

Irwin Yal.

We are all alone ships in the dark sea. We see the lights of other ships - we do not have to get to them, but their presence and similar to our provision give us comfort.

Irwin Yal.

Life needs to live now; It is impossible to postpone it without end.

Irwin Yal.

Life does not mean anything yet there is no thoughtful person who could interpret its phenomena.

Karl Gustav Jung

Meeting with himself belongs to the most unpleasant.

Karl Gustav Jung

The meeting of two personalities is similar to the contact of two chemicals: if there is at least the slightest reaction, both elements change.

Karl Gustav Jung

Everything that annoys in others can lead to understanding of themselves.

Karl Gustav Jung

Your eye will be clear only when you can look into your own soul.

Karl Gustav Jung

We often face despair, originating from the inability to make a choice or unwillingness to be ourselves; But the deepest despair comes when a person chooses "be not himself to be different."

Karl Rogers.

A person can go to his own limits only relying on its own true nature, and not on ambitions and artificial purposes.

Frederick Perlz

The psychological growth leads the consciousness of the present without running away into the past or future. The experience of the present at any time is the only possible real experience, the condition of satisfaction and completeness of life, and is the adoption with the open-hearted heart of this experience of this.

Frederick Perlz

There is no worst lies than the wrong truth.

William James.

When you need to make a choice, and you do not do it, it is also a choice.

William James.

The art of being wise is in the ability to know what to pay attention to.

William James.

The greatest discovery of my generation is that a person can change his life, change his attitude towards her.

William James.

there is a definition that says that meanings and values \u200b\u200bare nothing more than reactive education and protection mechanisms. As for me, I would not want to live for my jet formations, and even less - to die for my protection mechanisms.

Victor Fracun

Happiness is like a butterfly. The more you catch it, the more it slips away. But if you take your attention to other things, it will come and quietly sit on your shoulder.

Victor Frank

The desire to find the meaning of life is the main motivating force in man ... I will not be afraid to say that there are no more effective assistance in the world to survive even in the most terrible conditions than knowledge that your life makes sense.

Victor Frank

Suffering its goal to protect a person from apathy, from spiritual stuffing.

Victor Frank

Let that of you who are deprived of neurotic manifestations, the first will throw a stone in me, whether he is a theologian or psychiatrist.

Victor Frank

Not the last of the lessons that I managed to bear from Auschwitz and Dakhau, was that the greatest chances to survive even in such an extreme situation had, I would say, those who were sent to the future, which was waiting for them, in meaning which they wanted to implement.

Victor Frank

How seductive popular conversations about the self-effectiveness and self-realization of a person! As if the person is intended only in order to satisfy their own needs or himself.

Victor Frank

It is not significant our fears and not our anxiety, but what we treat them.

Victor Frank

Life either makes sense, and in this case, the meaning cannot disappear from anything that can happen. Either it does not make sense - but then this also does not depend on the events.

Victor Frank

The person has become a product and considers his life as capital that it should be attached to. If he succeeded in this, then his life makes sense, and if not, he is a loser. Its value is determined by demand, and not his human advantages: kindness, mind, artistic abilities.

Erich Fromm

The unfortunate fate of many people is a consequence of their choice. They are not alive, nor dead. Life turns out to be a burden, aimless occupation, and things are only a means of protection against the MUK of Being in the kingdom of shadows.

Erich Fromm

The task of a person is to expand the space of his fate, to strengthen what promotes life, as opposed to what leads to death. Speaking about life and death, I mean not a biological state, but methods of being of a person, his interaction with the world.

Erich Fromm

The main life task of a person is to give life to itself, to become what it is potentially. The most important fruit of his effort is his own personality.

Erich Fromm

Home In life, the danger consists in excessive caution.

Alfred Adler

  • № 12479

    Do not imagine that your case is extremely difficult. Even those who became the most eloquent representative of his generation over time, at the beginning of their career suffered from such a non-charge fear and shyness.

    Dale Carnegie
  • № 12419

    Everyone is firmly convinced of its objectivity, and no one believes in someone else's

  • № 12323

    When psychosis, the world of fantasy plays the role of the pantry, from where the psychosis draws material or samples to build a new reality.

    Sigmund Freud
  • № 12322

    In our dreams, we always have one foot in childhood.

    Sigmund Freud
  • № 12320

    Dreaming is a dream guard, and not his violator.

    Sigmund Freud
  • № 12305

    If here (in the art of relationships between people) and there is any secret of success, he lies in the ability to understand the point of view of another person and look at things with him, and from his point of view.

    Henry Ford
  • № 12299

    A person has two motive behavior - one real and second that sounds beautifully.

    Henry Ford
  • № 12081

    The psychologist is a man who looks at all the others when a beautiful girl comes into the room.

  • № 10754

    Normal people are only those you know little.

    Alfred Adler
  • № 10736

    Separate the incident from the underlying problem. The problem is not the behavior, but the impossibility of changing the situation, have tears and mixed feelings.

    Gordon Newflad.
  • № 10733

    If a child, experiencing irritably, could not change the situation and could not span the tears of filthy, could not pass the way from anger to grief, then the energy of frustration goes on, to the last mechanism of protection against aggression manifestation.

    Gordon Newflad.
  • № 10722

    Invite your older child to you, it is to convince the child that he can rely on us, count on us, can entrust our problems to us and we will decide them, he expects our help. We as if we say the child that we are here for the sake of him and that it is normal if he needs us.

    Gordon Newflad.
  • № 10719

    Invitation to depend on and consent is the choreography of two people who love and trusting each other.

    Gordon Newflad.
  • № 10717

    The accusation of psychotherapy in missionary seems to me justified. It is strange to argue about the development of psychotherapy, except for the expansion as a property of life. Psychotherapy in her present understanding arose as a proposal in response to a socio-cultural request. But, arising, it - like every other area of \u200b\u200bactivity - can not not form demand. Logic, within which the formation of demand for medicine is called enlightenment, and on psychotherapy - missionary, there is a logic of preissandic subjectivity, double standard.

    Viktor Kagan.
  • № 10716

    My task as a therapist is not to penetrate into the meanings of the patient and the causes of their occurrence, but to create conditions in which the patient has the opportunity to live and survive these meanings himself fully and otherwise change them so that in some Cases, they ceased to generate or maintain symptoms, and in others they led to optimization of coping strategies and maintaining the quality of life with persistent symptoms.

    Viktor Kagan.
  • № 10715

    I have a big doubt the thesis about the need to expose psychotherapeutic techniques "serious scientific analysis" - at least until this analysis is associated with "scientific worldview", on the basis of which, the psychotherapeutic techniques are not likely to act, and for now It is not defined that it should be a "serious scientific analysis", which they allegedly do not want to be exposed. It is appropriate to remember the anecdote: to a person standing in a long-line taxi, a private driver drives up: "Sweet?" - "But you are not a taxi" - "What do you need - checkers or go?". I have already become a winged phrase: "I don't know why it works, but it works" reflects the situation in psychotherapy much more accurate than allegedly scientific "checkers".

    Viktor Kagan.
  • № 10714

    Psychotherapy is often reproached in the fact that it is represented by many closed sects with his beliefs, its "bird language". Indeed, each of its directions forms its own theories, of which, allegedly, followed methods, although, with impartial examination, it turns out that these theories themselves are the essence of mythology, under individual perception and empirical finds.

    Viktor Kagan.
  • № 10713

    With regard to psychotherapy, it can be said that a person today lives in the culture of change, and not canons, this culture itself is deprived of the former psychoregulating traditions that helped cope with changes. And if the scientific and industrial revolution XIX c. By changing the life stacked, naturally, on "scientific psychotherapy" with its laboratory and medication, today emphasis are increasingly displaced fromsciences to Humanities.

    Viktor Kagan.
  • № 10712

    Psychotherapy is primarily an icon of culture. Especially I want to emphasize the nonostilability of psychotherapy: just like in the theater every performance of the same play uniquely - the same thing is not the same, each session is unique in psychotherapy even when using the same method or technique. Dialogue - and psychotherapy is a dialogue, and not an impact - inhibit.

    Viktor Kagan.
  • № 10711

    Term psychotherapy Indicates various principles (secular, that is, the secular) ethics and their use in practice. Thus, each method and each school of psychotherapy is a system of applied ethics, expressed in idiom of treatment. Each of these methods and each of the schools carries an imprint of the singularities of their founders and adherents, their aspirations and values.

"We choose not by chance each other ... We meet only those who already exist in our subconscious." Sigmund Freud

"Our life comes joy when we have something to do; there is someone to love; And there is something to hope. " Victor Frank

"Having a specific goal, a person feels able to overcome any problems, as his future success lives in it." Alfred Adler

"We are the fact that they inspired themselves and what others inspired us about us." Erich Fromm

"You can truly understand only that you try to change." Kurt Levin.

"Each person has the desires that he does not report other, and the desires in which he does not even confess his own." Sigmund Freud

"The art of being wise is the ability to know what to pay attention to." W. James.

"By changing our thoughts, we are able to change our lives." Dale Carnegie

"If a person can not live forced, not automatically, but spontaneously, then he is aware of himself as an active creative personality and understands that there is only one sense in life - life itself." E. Froch

"The presence of anxiety testifies to viability." Rollo May.

"After a period of happiness, joyful excitement and feeling of the completeness of life, the perception of what happened as itself will inevitably come and anxiety will arise, dissatisfaction and the desire of greater!" Abraham Masuel

"Not our fears are significant and not our anxiety, but we treat them." Victor Frank

"Loneliness is due not to the lack of people around, and the inability to speak with people about what it seems to be essential or the unacceptability of your views for others." Karl Gustav Jung

"If I love another person, I feel unity with him, but with such what it is, and not with the same way I would like it to be, as a means to achieve my goals." Erich Fromm

"People sometimes talk about a man" He has not yet found himself. " But they are not found, but create "Thomas Pok

"The world is just perfect, so it is not necessary to improve it, all your efforts are in vain. Leave the world at rest, in the end, and at your leisure, do it yourself! " Nikolai Linde

"At the heart of all our actions, there are two motifs: the desire to become great and sexual attraction", "Every normal person is actually normal only in part" Sigmund Freud

"The task of making a person was not happy in the plan of the creation of the world." Sigmund Freud

"Meeting with himself belongs to the most unpleasant." Karl Gustav Jung

"All that annoys in others can lead to understanding of themselves." Karl Gustav Jung

"When you need to make a choice, and you do not do it," this is also a choice. " William James.

"Happiness is like a butterfly. The more you catch it, the more it slips away. But if you take your attention to other things, happiness will come and quietly sit on your shoulder. " Victor Frank

"The suffering of its goal has to protect a person from apathy, from spiritual stuff." Victor Frank