To check the child's readiness for school training. Socio - psychological readiness of children to school as

To check the child's readiness for school training. Socio - psychological readiness of children to school as

In the life of any child sooner or later, the moment occurs when it's time to go to school. The future first grader does not yet know that he is waiting for him. Carelessness, carelessness and immersion in the game will replace the many restrictions, responsibilities and requirements. Now we will have to go to classes every day, perform homework.

How can I define whether the baby is ready for a new life stage? There are special preparedness criteria for school: intellectual, motivational, psychological, social, physical.

Parents are not right when they think that their baby is ready to study, as it can read and write. The child, despite this, can hardly give the school program. The reason is the lack of intellectual preparation for admission to an educational institution. Intellectual readiness for school is determined by thinking, memory, attention.

1. Thinking

Before learning in school, the child should be given knowledge of the environment: about other people and about the relationship between them, about nature. The kid should:

  • know some information about yourself (name, surname, place of residence);
  • distinguish between geometric shapes (circle, rectangle, triangle, square);
  • know colors;
  • understand the meaning of the following words: "Less", "more", "low", "high", "narrow", "wide", "right", "left", "between", "about", "over", " under";
  • to be able to compare various items and find differences in them, summarize, analyze, identify signs of phenomena and objects.

2. Memory

It is much easier for schoolchildren to learn if he has a well-developed memory. To determine the readiness of the child to school, you can read a small text to him and ask for retell it in a couple of weeks. You can also prepare 10 different items and pictures and show their child. Then he will have to call those who remembered.

3. Attention

The effectiveness of future school training will directly depend on whether the child can listen to the teacher carefully, not to be distracted by other students. Attention and readiness of preschoolers to school can be checked by a simple task - to read out loud several couples of words and ask to determine in each of them the word that is the longest. If the baby is asked, it means that he has poorly developed, and he was distracted by something during the exercise.

Motivational readiness for school

Parents, preparing a child to a new period of life, should form him to make a motivation to study, because it is the key to future success. Motivational readiness for school is formed if the kid:

  • wants to attend classes;
  • seeks to learn new and interesting information;
  • wants to receive new knowledge.

Psychological readiness for school

In the educational institution to the child will be presented with strict requirements, differing from the requirements with which he introduced at home and in kindergarten, and all of them will have to do. Psychological readiness for school is determined by the following aspects:

  • the presence of such qualities as independence and organization;
  • ability to manage their own behavior;
  • readiness for new forms of cooperation with adults.

Social readiness for school

The child, ready to school, should be a desire to communicate with their peers. He must be able to establish a relationship with both other children and with adults. It is worth noting that the relationship between the child with others is a mirror of those relations that reign houses in the family. It is from his parents that the baby takes an example.

To assess social readiness for school it is recommended to check:

  • is the child easily turn on in the company of playing children;
  • can he listen to someone else's opinion without interrupting;
  • does it meet in situations when necessary;
  • whether he will be accepted in a conversation with several people, can they support the conversation.

Physical readiness for school

Healthy children are much faster adapt to the changes in their lives that are associated with the start of training at school. It is physical development that determines physical readiness for school.

Assess the development and determine whether the child is ready for a new life stage, as follows:

  • check his hearing;
  • check your vision;
  • rate the child's ability to sit for some time calmly;
  • check whether he has developed the coordination of motor skills (whether he can play with a ball, jump, rise and go down the stairs);
  • estimate the appearance of the child (whether he looks resting, vigorous, healthy).

Testing the future first grader

Children under admission to the school pass special testing. It is not aimed at learning only strong students and refuse weak. The legislation states that the school does not have the right to deny parents in taking the baby to the first class, even if he cannot pass an interview.

Tests are necessary for teachers to determine the weak and strengths of the child, the level of its intellectual, psychological, social and personal readiness for classes.

For determining intellectual readiness The following tasks may be given to school learning:

  • calculate from 1 to 10;
  • perform simple arithmetic actions in the task;
  • change nouns in terms of number, family;
  • come up with a story for the picture;
  • lay out figures out of matches;
  • decompose pictures in order;
  • read the text;
  • classify geometric shapes;
  • draw something.

For rate psychological readiness The teacher proposes to undergo testing on the assessment of the level of development of the fine motility of the hand, identifying the opportunity to work for a while, without distracting, the ability to imitate a specific sample. On testing, the following tasks may be given to determine the readiness of the child to school:

  • draw a person;
  • speak letters or group points.

Also in this block, the child may be given questions, on answers to which it can be determined, as it is focused in reality.

When evaluating social readiness The teacher proposes to draw a pattern on reflecting in the mirror, solve situational tasks, paint the figures according to a specific instruction, drawing the child's attention to what other children will continue the drawing.

Personal readiness Determined by the teacher during the conversation with the child. Diagnostics of the child's readiness to school is carried out thanks to the issues that crumbles are asked about the school, how would they enroll in certain situations, who would like to be at one desk with whom they would like to be friends with. In addition, the teacher will ask the baby to express an opinion about himself, tell us about his qualities or choose them from the proposed list.

The second time in the first class, or the willingness of the parents

Not only children should be prepared for school, but also their parents. It is important to understand that collecting your child in the first class is a fairly costly process. Mom and dad should be prepared for major expenses. The child will need stationery, clothing, shoes, briefcase. Perhaps it will be necessary to provide the School of Material Support. Monthly expenses will include the cost of paying for dinners, security services.

An important meaning is playing psychological readiness of parents for school. Many mothers and dads are often worried about their child, when there is absolutely no reason. It is necessary to understand that the baby has already matured and wondered, moved to a new stage of his life path. It is no longer necessary to treat him as a small one. Let him get used to independent life. If the child will face failure or it will be in some unpleasant situation, then it is worth recovering him to help.

What if the child does not meet the readiness criteria?

Many parents are currently faced with the problem of readiness for school, when the baby find the shortcomings and say that he is too early to learn. Inattention, scattered, the lack of adhesion is manifested by almost every 6-7-year-old child.

Parents should not be in panic in such a situation. If the baby is only 6 or 7 years old, then it is not necessary to give it to school at this time. Many children start learning only after execution of 8 years. By this time, all the problems that have noticed earlier may disappear.

Don't forget about classes. Parents are preferably to school to teach their son or daughter reading and writing. If Chad is identified in readiness for school that there are some problems with memory or thinking, then there is a huge number of different tasks and exercises that can develop it. If the baby has some deviations, then you can contact the specialists, for example, a psychologist or speech therapist.

Parents should know that today the child has 3 serious enemy: Computer, TV and food. Many children have all their free time spend on a TV or computer. Parents should pay attention to this and enter hard mode, allowing watching television programs or play computer games only 1 hour per day.

The rest of the time is better to spend on non-pie classes, more walking the fresh air. From the diet of the child you need to exclude all the harmful products containing chemical additives and carcinogenic substances. It is desirable that the diet has more natural products.

If the child is already 8 years old, and its characteristic readiness for school is not ideal, then it is worth understanding specific reasons and try to solve them. Additional at home, special exercises can be continued. If the child does not work out something, it is not worth putting it. It can only upset it, he will disappoin to study.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that an unprepared child is difficult to adapt to change. Admission to school is undoubtedly stress, because the usual life line is changing. Against the background of delight, joy and surprise arise a feeling of anxiety, confusion. Parents' help at this time is very important. Their duty is to prepare a son or daughter and conduct a diagnosis of readiness for school.


Social readiness for school Closely related to emotional. School life includes the participation of a child in various communities, entry and maintaining diverse contacts, connections and relationships.

First of all, this is a class community. The child should be prepared for the fact that he will not be able to follow only his desires and impulses regardless of whether he interferes with his behavior to other children or teacher. The relationship in the classroom community largely depends on how much your child will be able to successfully perceive and recruit learning experience, that is, to benefit from it for its development.

Imagine it more specifically. If everyone who wants to say something or ask a question, will immediately speak or ask, then the chaos will arise and no one will be able to listen to anyone. For normal productive work, it is important that the children listen to each other, would give another to finish to the end. Therefore, the ability to refrain from its own pulses and listen to others is an important component of social competence.

It is important that the child can feel a member of the group, the group community, in this case of the class. The teacher cannot contact each child separately, but turns to the whole class. In this case, it is important that every child understand and felt that the teacher, referring to the class, turns and personally to him. Therefore, feel a member of the group is another important property of social competence.

Children are all different, with different interests, impulses, desires, etc. These interests, impulses and desires must be realized in accordance with the situation and not to the detriment of others. In order for the heterogeneous group to be able to successfully function, serve various rules of shared life.

Therefore, a child's ability to understand the meaning of the rules of behavior and passage of people with each other and the willingness to follow these rules and readiness to follow these rules.

The life of any social group includes conflicts. The life of the class does not represent exceptions here. The point is not whether conflicts appear or not, but in how they are solved. Especially recently, reports about the ill-treatment of children with each other, about cases of physical and psychological violence. Children drag each other by the hair, beat, bite, scratch, throw them into each other with stones, tease and offend each other, etc. It is important to teach them to other, constructive models of solving conflict situations: to speak with each other, together to look for solutions to conflicts, attract third parties, etc. Ability to constructively solve conflicts and socially acceptable to behave in controversial situations is an important part of the social readiness of the child to school.

Social readiness for school includes:

The ability to listen;

Feel a member of the group;

Understand the importance of the rules and the ability to observe them;

Constructively solve conflict situations.






The high requirements of life to the organization of upbringing and learning are forced to look for new, more efficient psychological and pedagogical approaches aimed at bringing training methods in line with the requirements of life. In this sense, the problem of readiness of preschoolers for school training is becoming particularly significant. It is connected with its decision to define the goals and principles of organizing training and education in preschool institutions and in the family. At the same time, the success of the subsequent teaching of children at school depends on its solution.

The problem of readiness for school education was viewed by many foreign and Russian scientists, teachers - researchers (L.F. Burtsfai, L.I. Bogovich, L.A. Wenger, Vitzlak, V.T. Goretsky, V.V. Davydov, Ya. Jirazek, A. Kern, N.I. Nepomnyazh, S. Gidrebel, D. B. Elkonin, and others). One of the most important components of readiness for school, as noted by a number of authors (A.V. Zaporozhets, E.E. Kravtsova, G.G. Kravtsov, T.V. Purtova, G. B. Yaskevich, and others), is sufficient The level of arbitrariness in communication with adults, peers and attitudes towards themselves.

Preparing children to school - a multifaceted task, covering all the lives of the child's life. Psychological and social readiness for school is one of the important and significant aspects of this task.

In psychological and pedagogical literature, there is a wide variety of approaches to the consideration of the essence, structure, content, conditions for the formation of psychological and social readiness for school training. As fundamental aspects are allocated:

state of physical and mental health, the level of morphological maturity of the body;

the level of development of cognitive activity and speech;

the desire to take a more significant social position;

formation of arbitrary behavior;

impact communication with adults and peers.

Psychological and social readiness of a child for school training, and, therefore, the success of its further training is due to all the prior development. In order for it to join the educational process, in preschool age, a certain level of mental and physical development should be developed, a number of educational skills have been developed, a fairly wide range of ideas about the world has been acquired. However, it is not enough only to accumulate the necessary supply of knowledge, to learn special skills and skills, since the doctrine is activities that have special requirements for the individual. To learn, it is important to have patience, the power of will, be able to critically treat your own successes and failures, control their actions. Ultimately, the child must realize himself as a subject of training activities and to build their behavior accordingly. In this regard, a special study of the inner world of the child deserves special attention, his self-consciousness, which is reflected in the acts of self-standard and self-regulation of personality ideas about himself, about its place in a complex system public relations

In connection with the relevance of the study, the purpose of the work was as follows: to identify the peculiarities of the child's psychological readiness to systematic education at school.

Children of preschool children became the object of our study (6.5 - 7 years)

In connection with the above designated subject and object, the hypothesis of the study was the assumption that the non-formation of one of the components of psychological readiness may lead to the lagging in mastering educational activities.

The methodological significance of the study lies in the study and use of the results of the concept of formation of social and psychological readiness for school and separately its elements.

Research methods:

testing children to diagnose each of the components of psychological readiness;

comparative analysis of the results of the diagnosis of each of the components of psychological readiness;

analysis and summarization of literature.

Methods of research:

Methods of studying the level of readiness of children to study at school LA Yasyukov.

Methodological basis: Theories and concepts on the study of psychological readiness. (Leontyev A.N. "Activity Approach", Vygotsky L. S. "Cultural and Historical Approach", Personal Approach S.L. Rubinstein on the study of personality, description of the features of six-year-old children and younger students, guided by research by D. B. Elkonin, L.I. Bozovich, A.V. Zaporozhets, V.S. Mukhina, L.F. Obukhova, I.V. Shapovalenko et al.)

The theoretical significance of the study is to study each of the components of psychological readiness for school.

The practical significance of the work is that:

The general theoretical provisions of this study, guidelines for the organization of the pedagogical process can be used as the content of theoretical and practical course for teachers.

Specific techniques presented in the study can be used in the practice of teachers, psychologists, parents, as in order to develop children.

The results of experimental research can also be used by parents, educators, students studying age psychology.

Experimental research base:

Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution, Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 43 "Erudite" of the city of Stavropol ul. Popova, 16b.

Structure of the course work:

The work consists of introduction, two chapters, conclusion, bibliographic list, applications. Text material of the work is complemented by a table.

Chapter I. Scientific theoretical approaches in the study of the psychological readiness of the child to systematic education at school in age psychology

1 Psychological characteristic of the readiness of the child to systematic training at school

Preparation of children to school - the task is complex, covering all the lives of the child's life. "School maturity" (School Maturity), "School readiness" (School-readiness) and "psychological readiness for school". The term "school maturity" is used by psychologists who believe that the development of the child's psyche determines the possibilities of learning. Therefore, speaking of school maturity, basically mean the functional maturation of the psyche of the child.

In the works of A. Kern, several approaches to studying the psychological readiness of children to school are presented.

Traditionally, four aspects of school maturity are distinguished: motivational, intellectual, emotional and social.

Motivational readiness - the presence of a child's desire to learn. In research A.K. Markova, TA Matis, A.B. Orlova shows that the emergence of a conscious child's relationship to school is determined by the method of filing information about it. It is important that children reported information about school were not only understood, but also felt them. Emotional experience is ensured by the inclusion of children in activities activating both thinking and feelings.

In motivational terms were allocated two groups of exercise motives:

Wide social exercise or motives related to the needs of a child in communicating with other people in their assessment and approval, with the desire of the student to occupy a certain place in the system of public relations available to him.

Motives associated directly with educational activities, or cognitive interests of children, the need for intellectual activity and in mastering new skills, skills and knowledge.

Personal readiness for school is expressed in relation to the child to school, teachers and training activities, also includes the formation of such qualities in children who would help them communicate with teachers and classmates.

Intellectual readiness suggests the presence of a circuit in a child, the stock of specific knowledge. The child should own the systematic and dismembered perception, elements of the theoretical attitude to the material studied, generalized forms of thinking and basic logical operations, semantic memorization. Intellectual readiness also implies the formation of the child of initial skills in the field of training activities, in particular, the ability to allocate the learning task and turn it into an independent goal of activities.

V.V. Davydov believes that the child should own mental operations, be able to generalize and differentiate objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, be able to plan their activities and exercise self-control. At the same time, it is important to be a positive attitude towards the teaching, the ability to self-regulation of behavior and the manifestation of volitional efforts to perform the tasks.

In domestic psychology, when studying the intellectual component of psychological readiness for school, the focus is made not on the amount of knowledge learned by the child, but to the level of development of intellectual processes. That is, the child should be able to allocate the essential in the phenomena of the surrounding reality, be able to compare them, to see similar and excellent; He must learn to reason, find the causes of phenomena, draw conclusions.

Discussing the readiness for school, D.B. Elkonin in the first place put the formation of the necessary prerequisites of educational activities.

Analyzing these prerequisites, he and his staff allocated the following parameters:

the ability of children to consciously subjugate their actions to the rules, generally determining the method of action;

the ability to focus on the specified system of requirements;

the ability to listen carefully to the speaker and accurately perform the tasks proposed orally;

the ability to independently perform the desired task for a visually perceived pattern. These parameters of the development of arbitrariness are part of the psychological readiness for school, they learned on their first grade.

D.B. Elkonin believed that arbitrary behavior is born in the game in the team of children, allowing the child to rise to a higher stage.

On intellectual maturity judged on the following signs:

· Differentiated perception (perceptual maturity), including the selection of the figure from the background;

· concentration of attention;

· Analytical thinking, expressed in the ability to comprehend the main links between phenomena;

· Logic memorization;

· Sensor coordination;

· Skill to reproduce the sample;

· Development of fine movements of the hand.

Intellectual maturity significantly reflects the functional maturation of the brain structures.

Emotional maturity suggests:

· Reducing impulsive reactions;

· Possibility for a long time to perform not a very attractive task.

On social maturity testify:

· The need for a child in communicating with peers and the ability to subjugate their behavior of the laws of children's groups;

· The ability to fulfill the role of a student in school school situations.

"School readiness" is presented in the works of psychologists who, after L.S. Vygotsky believes that "learning leads development." That is, training can be started when psychological functions involved in training have not yet matured, and therefore the functional maturity of the psyche is not considered as a prerequisite for learning. In addition, the authors of these studies believe that for successful training at school, it matters not the totality of knowledge of knowledge, skills and skills, but a certain level of his personal and intellectual development, which is considered as psychological prerequisites for school training.

According to L.I. Bozovic, psychological readiness for school, should be considered in two aspects:

Personal - the development of the motivational and arbitrary spheres of the child. Cognitive exercise motives are associated directly with academic activities. These include "cognitive interests of children, the need for intellectual activity and in mastering new skills, skills and knowledge." Social exercise motives, or broad social exercise motives are connected "with the needs of a child in communicating with other people, in their assessment and approval, with the desire of the student to take a certain place in the system of public relations available to him." A child who is ready for school wants to learn and because he already has the need to take a certain position in the society of people, namely the position that opens access to the world of adulthood (social exercise motive), and because he has a cognitive need that He can't satisfy at home.

Intellectual readiness, the second aspect of psychological readiness, also studied D. B. Elkonin. This component of readiness assumes the presence of a circle of a horizon, a stock of specific knowledge. The child should own the systematic and dismembered perception, elements of the theoretical attitude to the material studied, generalized forms of thinking and basic logical operations, semantic memorization. However, mainly the child's thinking remains shaped, based on real actions with objects, their substituents. Intellectual readiness also implies the formation of initial skills in the field of training activities, in particular, the ability to highlight the learning task and turn it into an independent goal of activities.

D.B. Elconin and his staff as prerequisites required for successful training by educational activities, consider the child's skills arising from arbitrary regulation of actions:

· The ability of children to consciously subordinate their actions to the rule, generalizablely determining the method of action;

· The ability to navigate the specified system of requirements;

· The ability to listen carefully to the speaker and accurately perform in the Denmark, proposed orally;

· The ability to independently perform the desired task according to a visually perceived pattern.

All of the above listed and there are parameters of the development of arbitrariness, which are part of psychological readiness for the school, to which learning is based in the first grade.

In the concept of E.E. The Kravtsovaya essential indicator of psychological readiness for school is the level of development of the child's communication with adults and peers from the point of view of cooperation and cooperation. It is believed that children with high indicators of cooperation and cooperation simultaneously have good indicators of intellectual development.

N.V. Nizhegorodtseva and V.D. Shadrikov pose psychological readiness for school training as a structure consisting of educational and important qualities (UVC). The structure of the UHC, which is available at the future schoolboy to the beginning of education, is called "startup readiness". In the process of learning, under the influence of training activities, significant changes occur in start-up readiness, which lead to the emergence of secondary readiness for school training, from which, in turn, begins to depend further child performance.

In recent years, more and more attention is paid to the problem of readiness for school learning and abroad. The decision of this problem was engaged not only by teachers and psychologists, but also doctors and anthropologists. Many foreign authors involved in the problem of the maturity of children (A. Getzen, A. Kern, S. Gidbel), indicate the absence of impulsive reactions as the most important criterion for the psychological preparedness of children to school.

The greatest number of research is devoted to the establishment of relationships between different mental, physical indicators, their influence and relationship with school performance (S. Bread, Ya. Yiraisek).

To the mental area, these authors include the ability of a child to differentiated perception, arbitrary attention, analytical thinking, under the emotional maturity means emotional stability and almost complete absence of a pulmonary reaction of the child.

Almost all the authors who studied psychological readiness for school recognize that effective school learning will be only if the first-grader is necessary and sufficient for the initial stage of learning qualities, which are then developing and improved in the educational process.

The psychological prerequisites for school education should include the quality of the speech development of the child, according to N. N. Podkakov. Speech - this skill is connected, consistently describe items, paintings, events; Transmit the course of thought, to explain this or that phenomenon, the rule. The development of speech is closely related to the development of intelligence and reflect both the overall development of the child and the level of its logical thinking. In addition, the student learning technique applied today is based on the sound analysis of words, which involves a developed phonderatic hearing.

Of great importance is good orientation of the child in space and time, which was studied by Poyarkova E.I. And Sadovaya E.A. As well as the physical readiness of the child to school, which determines the change in physical development, showing the biological maturity of the child necessary for the start of school learning. The child should be quite well physically developed (that is, all the parameters of its development do not have negative deviations from the norm and even sometimes somewhat ahead of it).

Emotional-volitional readiness for school, where, according to Mr.ginzburg, is also considered: the desire of a child to learn; ability to overcome obstacles, manage their behavior; the correct attitude of the child to adults and comrades; The formation of such qualities as hard work, independence, perfection, perseverance.

And so, socio-psychological readiness for school training is made up of four components, which in relationships provide further development of the personality and its adaptation to the new social situation of development. The child goes to a new stage of its development, acquires the neoplasms, such as Vygotsky L. S., the development of imagination, memory becomes the center of consciousness, the child establishes causal relations between objects, his thinking ceases to be clearly effective, the emergence of arbitrary behavior, Development of self-consciousness. All of these major neoplasms originate and initially develop in the leading activities of preschool age - a plot-role-playing game. The plot role-playing game has activities in which children take on those or other functions of adults and in specially created game, imaginary conditions are reproduced (or simulated) activities of adults and relations between them. Thanks to these neoplasms and successful formation of all four components, the preschooler will freely enter the new social development situation and will win a new leading activity for him.

2 Psychological characteristics of the child of preschool age

D.B. Elkonin writes that "in preschool children, in contrast to early childhood, there is a new type of relationship, which creates a special, characteristic social development situation for this period."

Senior preschool age is a transitional stage in development, when a child is no longer a preschooler, but also not a schoolboy. A.N. Leontyev, L. S. Vygotsky, D. B. Elkonin said that when moving from preschool to school age, the child changes dramatically and becomes more difficult in educational terms. Along with this, specific features are appearing for this age: discardness, absurdity, artificiality of behavior; Sketching, spill, clowning.

According to L.S. Vygotsky, such features of the behavior of seventels indicate the "loss of children's immediacy". The reason for such changes is differentiation (separation) into the consciousness of the child of his inner and external life. His behavior becomes informed and can be described by another scheme: "I wanted - I realized - I did." Awareness is included in all spheres of the senior preschooler.

In preschool age, the child communicates both with his family and with other adults and peers, as noted in their works L.S. Vygotsky, A.A. Leontiev, V.N. Meatishchev, M.I. Lisin, TA Repina, A.G. Ruza and others. Different types of communication contribute to the formation of the self-assessment of the child and the level of its socio-psychological development. Consider more of these relationships:

Family is the first step in the life of a person. The strength of the influence of the family is that it is carried out constantly, for a long time and in a variety of situations and conditions. Therefore, it is impossible to underestimate the role of the family in the preparation of children for school learning.

Adults remain a permanent attractive center around which the child's life is built. It gives rise to children the need to participate in the life of adults, act according to their sample. At the same time, they want not only to reproduce the individual actions of an adult, but also to imitate all the complex forms of its activities, his actions, its relationship with other people, in the word, to the whole way of life of adults.

The role of an adult in the development of children's self-consciousness is as follows:

· Message to a child of information about its quality and capabilities;

· Evaluation of its activities and behavior;

· Formation of personal values, standards, with the help of which the child will subsequently evaluate itself;

· Causes a child to analyze their actions and actions and compare them with the actions and actions of other people (LS Vygotsky).

A domestic psychologist M.I. Lisina, considered communication a child with adults as "peculiar activities", the subject of which is another person. Throughout childhood, four different forms of communication appear and develop, according to which with complete evidence, one can judge the nature of the occurrence of the child's mental development. With the normal development of the child, each of these forms consists at a certain age. So, the first, the situational personality form of communication arises in the second month of life and remains the only to six-seven months. In the second half of life, situationally business communication with adults is being formed, in which the main thing for the child is a joint game with objects. This communication remains the main thing about four years. At the age of four or five, when the child already has a speech well and can talk with adults to abstract topics, becomes possible incoming - informative communication. And at six years, that is, by the end of the preschool age, there is a speech communication with adults to personal topics.

According to Vygotsky L. S., the readiness of children to school is manifested in imitation of adults; Children carry various forms, ways to communicate in their children's teams. A huge impact on the features of the interpersonal relationships of children, has the nature of adult communication with the preschooler.

Communication with peers Children implement mainly in joint games, the game becomes a kind of form for them public Life. In the game you can allocate two types of relationships (D. B. Elkonin):

Role (game) - these relationships reflect relationships in the plot and roles.

Real is the relationship of children as partners, comrades who fulfill the common cause.

The role played by the child in the game is very much depends on the characteristics of the character, the temperament of the child. Therefore, in each team there will be "stars", "preferred" and "isolated" children.

In the educational aid, Smirnova E. O. It is said that during preschool age, the communication of children with each other, as with adults, is significantly changed. In these changes, three qualitatively peculiar phases (or forms of communication) preschool children with peers (emotional-practical (second - fourth years of life), situationally - business (4 -6 years), incoming (6 - 7 years)), can be distinguished.

A big role in the communication of children with others, the child's self-esteem (Sterkina R. B.). As a result of joint activities and communicate with other people, the child learns important behaviors. Thus, the adult gives the child a reference point to evaluate its behavior. The child constantly checks what he does, with what surrounding it. The estimates of their own "I" have the result of constant comparison of what he watches in itself, with what he sees in other people.

Self-assessment and level of child claims have a big impact on emotional well-being, success in various activities and its behavior as a whole.

Consider more details of the behavior of preschool children with a different type of self-esteem:

· Children with inadequately overestimated self-esteem are very moving, uncompressed, quickly switch from one type of activity to another, often not brought the work started to the end. They are not inclined to analyze the results of their actions and actions, try to solve any, including very complex, tasks with "plaque". This is usually externally attractive children. They seek leadership, but in the peer group may not be accepted, as they are directed mainly "on themselves" and are not prone to cooperation.

· Children with adequate self-esteem tend to analyze the results of their activities, try to find out the causes of errors. They are confident, active, balanced, quickly switch from one activity to another, persistent in achieving the goal. They strive to cooperate, help others, sociable and friendly.

· Children with understated self-esteem are indecisive, poorly accurate, incredulous, silent, fidgeted in movements. They are very sensitive, ready to break up at any time, do not seek to cooperate and are not able to stand up for themselves. These children are anxious, insecure in themselves, difficult to be included in the activity. They refuse to solve problems that seem complex to them, but with emotional support for adult, they can easily cope with them. These children, as a rule, have low social status in the group of peers, fall into the category of rejected, nobody wants to be friends with them. Externally, this is most often unavailable children.

Self-assembled formed by preschoolers is usually quite persistent, but, nevertheless, it can improve or decrease under the influence of adult and children's institutions.

It is important to promote the awareness of the child of their own needs, motivations and intentions, to teach it from the usual functioning, to teach control the compliance of the selected funds to the realizable intent.

The formation of adequate self-esteem, the ability to see their mistakes to correctly evaluate their actions - the basis of the formation of self-control and self-assessment in training activities. Socially - psychological readiness for school training is an important component of the education and training of the preschooler in kindergarten and family. Its content is determined by the system of requirements that the school makes a child. These requirements conclude the need for a responsible attitude towards school and studies, arbitrary management of their behavior, the implementation of mental work, providing a conscious learning of knowledge, the establishment with adults and peers of the relationship determined by joint activities.

Chapter II. Characteristics of the results of a pilot experimental study of the peculiarities of the psychological readiness of the child to systematic training at school

1 The composition of the subjects and stages of an experimental study

The study involved 10 preschoolers (6 years): 5 boys, 5 girls.

Experimental study took place in several stages:

)preparatory (September - October 2012) - included the definition of the relevance of the study, the construction of a scientific and categorical apparatus.

The purpose of the work was as follows: to identify the peculiarities of the psychological readiness of the child to systematic training at school.

In connection with the above designated goal, the following tasks were formulated:

Analyze scientifically pedagogical literature on the issue of research, to develop a scientific and categorical apparatus of research.

Choose methods and techniques to confirm the extended research hypothesis.

Conduct experimental research.

Analyze the obtained qualitative and quantitative results of the study, to conduct their interpretation.

The subject of experimental study was the psychological readiness of children to systematic education for school.

The object of study was the children of preschool age (6.5 - 7 years old), brought up in MBDOU CRR D / C No. 43 "Erudite" of Stavropol.

Due to the above-mentioned subject and object, the hypothesis of the study was the assumption that the non-formation of one of the components of psychological readiness can lead to the lagging in mastering educational activities.

Also at the preparatory stage, methods and techniques were chosen for the experimental stage and the theoretical, practical and methodological significance of the study was determined.

) Experimental (October - November 2012) - conducting a pilot experimental study.

) Processing (November 2012) is a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the results obtained on the stating stage of the study, formulation of conclusions on the research topic.

) Interpretative (December 2012) - the interpretation of the results obtained and their representation to protection.

The following methods were used: and techniques: observation; Methodology for studying the level of readiness of children to learn at school L.A. Yasyukov; Stating experiment.

Observation is one of the main empirical methods of a psychological study consisting of a deliberate, systematic and targeted perception of mental phenomena in order to study their specific changes in certain conditions and finding the meaning of these phenomena, which is not directly given. Observation includes elements of theoretical thinking (design, methodological methods, comprehension and control of results) and quantitative analysis methods (scaling, data factorization). The accuracy of observation depends on the state of knowledge in the area under study and the task. A significant extent affects the results of observation, the level of experience and qualifications of the observer. In the psychological interpretation of the behavior of people, the past observer experience is not limited to its scientific ideas, but includes its familiar stereotypes of judgments, emotional relations, value orientations, etc. Observation is characterized by some subjectivity - it can create an installation favorable for fixing a significant fact that generates Interpretation of facts in the spirit of observer expectations. Refusal of premature generalizations and conclusions, monitance of observation, control by other research methods allow to ensure observation objectivity. In conflictology, observation is used when working with conflict participants in the process of its settlement. The material consequences of the actions and actions of the conflicting parties may also be observed.

Methodology for studying the level of readiness of children to learn at school L.A. Yasyukov.

The study of the level of readiness of children to school for this technique is carried out in two stages.

The first stage is a group that consists of a Bender's test.

The Bender Test allows you to determine the Cash level of the visual and motor coordination of children.

The group stage of the study takes about 30 minutes.

It is necessary to prepare for each child a separate two-sided format format A4 (standard machine-visiting sheet). For work, the stopwatch will also be needed. (Appendix No. 1)

Instructions: "Guys, carefully look at the drawing at the top of the sheet. Here's the bottom on the free part of the sheet (show) Try to redraw this drawing so that it is very similar. Do not hurry, here the time is not measured, the main thing is that it looks like."

The analysis of the Bender test is qualitative. Poor visual motor coordination issues a picture made by a child without a detailed image analysis - sample, when the main proportions and interfaces of the elements are not met (there are unnecessary gaps and crossing lines), the number of circles does not match the sample, some elements are missing, there are essential images of the image. (Appendix No. 1)

Application of the preparedness methodology for school L. A. Yakyukova

Nothing to remind you:

before starting research, the child must relax; It is unacceptable to study readiness for school at that time when a child is sick; Before working, he should offer to visit the toilet. In the process of studying the readiness of children to school training, it is necessary to create a comfortable, friendly atmosphere for them. Do not forget to praise the child for the execution of each task, regardless of whether it coped with the task or not. You will need about 15 minutes to study.

Before his starting child, nothing in the hands is issued, only fixation in the forms of the replies occurs, the number of the task version of the task is noted.

Procedure for testing tasks:

Task 1. Short-term speech memory

Instruction: "Now I will speak words, and you listen carefully and remember. When I stop talking, immediately repeat everything that I remember, in any order." Clearly say all the words from any row (1-4) with an interval of half a second, at the end, nod the head and say quietly: "Say".

Everything is recorded that the child will say (the words he came up with the reintures, etc.), not correlacing, not criticizing and without commenting on his answers. Words are recorded as they pronounced by a child, marking distortions and defects of pronunciation. At the end of the work, it is necessary to praise the child, saying: "The task was difficult, and you are well done, I remembered a lot" (even if the child remembered only 2-3 words).

Words for memorization: (Choose one of the lines) 1. Horn, port, cheese, rag, glue, tone, fluff, sleep, rum, or 2. Sory, com, height, pain, current, whale, trot, run, salt , or 3. Cat, shine, moment, cream, bur, goose, night, cake, beam, or 4. oven, rain, grade, cake, world, bow, face, itching, house.

For each correct word, the word is calculated 1 point (maximum 9 points).

Before the child, a table with the 16th picture. (Appendix No. 2)

Instructions: "And here pictures are drawn. Look and remember. Then I will take these pictures with you, and you call me everything that I remember, in any order."

The time of presentation of the pictures is 25-30 seconds. In the answer form marked with a cross all that the child will call correctly. When a child silence, you need to say to him: "Try to mentally watch the picture, maybe you will see something else." Typically, children manage to remember something else. Be sure to write down the fact that the child will remember, and be sure to praise for work. For each faithful picture, 1 point is accrued (maximum 16 points).

Instruction: "Now I will speak to you. You have to find what word is superfluous. There will be five words, four can be combined, they are suitable for each other, and one - inappropriate, too much, and call it."

Clean the word sequence (see below three options for words sequences) and write down an excess word that the child calls. You do not need to ask the child to explain why he chose this or that word. If the child incorrectly performs the first task or does not understand how it is, to find an excess word, - Make an example with him: "Astra, Tulip, Vasilek, corn, violet". Let every word of the child say that it means. Help him choose an excess word and explain why it is it superfluous. Mark, whether the child could guess himself. If, when performing the first task, the child as unnecessary called the last word in the row, despite that before that he did not cope with the task of a short-term voice memory (see Task No. 1), ask him, whether he remembered everything. It is necessary to read the words again. If after that the child gives the correct answer, the next rows he needs to read 2-3 times. All repeated presentations of words are noted in the replies form in order to find out the reason, analyzing the rate of processing speed, attentiveness, speech memory, thinking, anxiety, while interpreting. For each correct response, 1 point is charged (maximum 4 points).

Option 1 3.1. Onions, lemon, pear, tree, apple. 3.2. Electromamp, candle, spotlight, firefly, lantern. 3.3. Santimeter, scales, clock, radio, thermometer. 3.4. Green, red, sunny, yellow, purple.

Option 2 3.1. Pigeon, goose, swallow, ant, fly. 3.2. Coat, pants, wardrobe, hat, jacket. 3.3. Plate, cup, kettle, utensils, glass. 3.4. Warm, cold, cloudy, weather, snowy

Option 3 3.1. Cucumber, cabbage, grapes, beets, onions. 3.2. Lion, starlets, tiger, elephant, rhino. 3.3. Steamer, trolleybus, car, bus, tram. 3.4. Big, small, medium, large, dark.

Task 4. Speech analogies

Instruction: "And now imagine a" table "and" tablecloth ". These two words are somehow connected with each other. You need to find a suitable word for the word" floor "so that the same couple like a" tablecloth table ". I'll call You have words, and you choose which of them will suit the word "floor" to work out as well as the "table-table". "Paul", - choose: "Furniture, carpet, dust, boards, nails." Record the answer. If the child answered wrong, not to tell him about it, and the next task is to disassemble with him as an example. Continued instructions: "pen-write" - how are these two words related? We can say that the handle is written, right? Then by the word "Knife" What word is suitable to get the same as the "handle-writing"? "Knife," - choose; "Running, cutting, coat, pocket, iron". Record the answer. If the child answered the wrong again, more examples do not understand. finish Tasks in accordance with the general instruction. Do not correct the child and do not make critical comments in the process of work.

Word Couples 1. Table: Tablecloth \u003d Gender: Furniture, Carpet, Dust, Boards, Nails. 2. Pen: write \u003d knife: run, cut, coat, pocket, iron. 3. Sitting: Chair \u003d sleep: book, tree, bed, yawning, soft. 4. City: Home \u003d Forest: Village, Trees, Birds, Twilight, Mosquitoes. For each correct answer, 1 score (maximum - 4 points).

Task 5.1. Correction of semantically incorrect phrases Instructions: "Listen to the offer and think, it is correct or not. If incorrect, say so that it is true." The proposal is read. If the child says that everything is true, it is written in the answer form and goes to the next sentence. At the request of the child, the offer can be repeated. This fact must be mentioned in the answer form. If a child, listening to the first sentence, begins to explain why the proposal is wrong, it is required to stop it and ask to say so that it was correct. Similarly accomplished with the second sentence.

Proposals 1) The sun rose, and ended the day. (Day began.) 2) This gift delivered me a big sadness. (Give me greater joy.)

Instruction: "And in this sentence in the middle of something skipped (word or a few words). Insert, please miss and tell the whole offer." The offer is read, there is a pause at the place of pass. The answer is recorded. If a child calls only the word that needs to be inserted, you should ask him to say the proposal entirely. If the child makes it difficult, you should not insist. Similarly, with the second proposal.

Offers 1) Olya .... your favorite doll. (took, broke, lost, dressed, etc.); 2) Vasya ... red flower. (Thug, presented, I saw, etc.).

Instruction: "And now I will start an offer, and you are finished." It is pronounced the proposal so that it is intonationally sounded unfinished, and then the answer is expected. If the child makes it difficult to answer, it should be told to him: "Invent something, what could be finished - this is an offer." Then the proposal is repeated. This fact must be mentioned in the answer form. Answers should be recorded literally, while maintaining the order of words and their pronunciation. It is not recommended to correct the child.

Offers: 1) "If on Sunday there is a good weather, then ..." (we will walk and so on) or "if on the streets of the puddles, then ..." (you need to wear boots, it rained, etc. .); 2) "The child goes to kindergarten, because ..." (he is still small, he likes there, etc.) or "We are warmly dressing, because ..." (cold and so on. ); 3) "The girl hit and cried, because ..." (she began to hurt, very rushing, etc.) or "the children love ice cream, because ..." (it is delicious, sweet, etc.) ; 4) "Sasha still does not go to school, although ..." (already going, already grown, etc.) or "Dasha is still small, though ..." (already goes to the garden, etc.). For each impeccable addition, 1 point is accrued. If you contain small errors, 0.5 points (maximum 8 points).

The child demonstrates pictures designed to perform this task. (Appendix No. 3) Instruction: "Look at these pictures. Who is excess in the upper row? Show. And in the next row what picture is superfluous?" (etc). Write down the answers. If the child is medleet with the answer, ask him: "Do you understand what is painted in pictures?" If he does not understand - call yourself. If the child says that there is no superfluous pictures (this can happen after consideration of the fourth row of pictures), it is required to note this in the replies' form. Then ask a child to look at a number of pictures and find different from others. The answer form is fixed, which picture will be reused. If the child refuses to search, do not insist.

Right answers: 1. Dog (a number of pictures number 1) 2. Flowers (a number of pictures No. 2) 3. Baton (a number of pictures No. 3) 4. Paper (a number of pictures No. 4) for each correct answer, 1 score (maximum - 4 Point).

The child demonstrates pictures designed to perform this task. (Appendix No. 4)

Instructions: "Look, here have already combined the" kitty "and" kitten "(show). Then to the church here (show) What kind of these pictures (show the pictures of below below) should be added to get the same couple? If the kitty and Kitten ", then" chicken and ... "? Show". The answer is recorded. Show the following pictures. The instruction is repeated, but is no longer called what is drawn in the pictures, but only shown. All answers are accepted and recorded without criticism, for the correct answers, you must praise the child. For each correct answer, 1 score (maximum - 8 points).

Right answers:

Chicken (picture 3).

Briefcase (picture 2).

Eye (picture 4).

Paper (picture 3).

Hedgehog (picture 4).

Electric stove (picture 2).

Ice cream (picture 1).

Face (picture 4).

Task number 8.1.

Instructions: "Look, a refrigerator is drawn. You know why the refrigerator is used? On which of these pictures (show on the pictures on the right) something that is used not for what the refrigerator is needed, but on the contrary? Show this picture" . The answer is recorded, without the requirement of explanations. Then transition to the next task. (Appendix No. 5)

Correct answer: Power plane - picture 2.

Task number 8.2.

Instructions: "These two pictures (show two top pictures) there is something in common. Which of the lower pictures (show) it is necessary to add to them so that it will simultaneously come to this (show shores), and to another picture ( Show on owls), and so that this happened to happen? Which of the lower pictures is best suited to the other top? Show ". Record the answer; If the child points to "berries", ask: "Why?" and write down. The correct answer: two berries - picture 2.

Task number 8.3.

Instructions: "What is the word longer than" cat "or" kitten "?".

The answer is recorded. In this task, the instruction cannot be repeated.

Task number 8.4.

Instructions: "Look, here are the figures recorded (show): 2, 4, 6, ... here (show on the ellipsis) What figure should I need to add: 5, 7 or 8?".

Record the answer. It is required to praise the child and say that the work is completed.

In the form of fixing results, the total amount of points scored from the first to the eighth task is calculated. If a child be able to perfectly fulfill all the tasks offered to him, he will get 57 points in the amount. However, the practice shows that a normal result for 6-7-year children who are preparing for admission to school is the amount of 21 points.

High total result for preschooler- more than 26 points,

low- less than 15 points.

Commonly "medium" preschooler remembers about 5 words and 5-6 pictures; In 3, 4, 6, 8 tasks dials 2-3 points, in 5 m taste - 5-6 points, and in 7m - only 2 points.

At the final stage of the study, a statement experiment was also applied. The stating experiment is an experiment establishing a non-immutable fact or phenomenon. The experiment becomes stating if the researcher puts the task of identifying a cash condition and the level of formation of some property or the parameter being studied, in other words, the actual level of development of the studied property of the test or group of subjects is determined.

The purpose of the stating experiment is to measure the cash level, obtaining the primary material for the organization of the forming experiment. Forming (transforming, training) experiment aims to actively form or educating certain parties to psyche, levels of activity, etc.; Used when studying specific ways to form a child's personality, providing a compound of psychological studies with pedagogical search and the design of the most effective forms of educational work.

2 Analysis of the results of the stateing step of the experiment

For experimental research, methods were used: observation, a stating experiment, as well as the Yasyukov technique.

An experimental study was held on the basis of MBDOU CRR D / C No. 43 "Erudite" of the city of Stavropol.

The study involved 10 preschoolers (5-6-7 years): 5 boys, 5 girls.

Results of the study "Methods L. A. Yakyukovova, revealing the level of readiness of children for school learning"

.stage - group consisting of Bender's test. It is qualitative. Poor visual motor coordination issues a drawing made by a child without a detailed analysis of the sample image, when the basic proportions and interfaces of the elements are not met (there are unnecessary spaces and crossing lines), the number of circles does not match the sample, some elements are missing, there are essential images of the image. According to the results of the study, such results were obtained:

Name / Har-Cadeni A. Tasy D. Danil K. Kirill V.Artsu B.Nesti F. Mallad T.Figra A.8 B.2 B.8 B.2 B.8 B.3 B.2 B.2 B.2 B.4 B. Figure 14 b.0 b.2 b.0 b.4 b.2 b.4 b.0 b.0 b.2 B. Figure 25 B.4 B.4 B.3 B.5 B.5 B.4 B.4 B.3 B.4 B. Figure 32 B.2 B.2 B.6 B.2 B.4 B.6 B. .2 B.2 B.4 B. Figure 411 B0 B.7 B.3 B.5 B.7 B.7 B.0 B.0 B.11 B. Figure 52 B.0 B.4 B .4 b.2 b.2 b.4 b.0 b.0 b.2 B. Figure 64 B0 B.4 B.2 B.4 B.4 B.4 B.2 B0. 4 B. Figure 715 B.4 B. 11 B.4 B. 11 B.9 B.7 B.4 B.4 B.9 B. Figure 813 B.4 B.10 B.4 B. 11 B. 9 B.5 B.4 B.4 B.7 B. Support Trends5 B.2 B. 11 B.2 B.7 B.7 B.7 B.2 B.2 B.5 B. Nonishing Orientation and Character Cooperation3 B.1 B.3 B.1 B.3 B.2 B.2 B.3 B.3 B.1 B. Space of Arbitration2 B.2 B.2 B.2 B0 B.1 B.0 B.2 B.2 B.1 B. Nitsie and Character of Control2 B.3 B.2 B.3 B.1 B.1 B.1 B.2 B.2 B.1 B. Princess Tasks2 B.2 B .2 B.2 B.1 B.1 B.1 B.2 B.2 B.1 B.Planry Performance2 B.1 B.2 B.1 B.0 B.2 B.1 B.1 B. 1 B.0 B.Control and correction2 B.1 B.2 B.1 B.0 B.2 B.1 B.1 B.1 B0 B.Ozenka2 B.2 B0 B.1 b. 0 b.1 b.0 b .1 b.1 b.1 B.Thodnio Success / failure2 b.2 b.2 b.2 b.2 b.2 b.2 b.2 b.2 b.2 b.

Total scores

Danya A. - 76

Lera M. - 32

Lesya E. - 72

Dasha D. - 43

Danil K. - 66

Kirill V. - 64

Arthur B. - 58

Nastya F. - 34

Lisa B. - 31

Vladik T. - 59

The Bender Test allows you to determine the Cash level of the visual and motor coordination of children. Of the above results, it should be concluded that most subjects have a medium level of development. This is explained by the fact that children relatively recently changed game activities on the study and moved to a new stage of development. The study was conducted in November, the tests only begin to study in the preparatory for school a group, and they still do not quite formed the necessary skills, such as letter, reading, drawing, and also parameters of cognitive processes - preferabity, switching, distribution, election, quick change and activities.

The second stage is an individual interview of the child. It is structured by special tasks to study the volume of visual and verbal memory of the child, mastered by the thinking operations and speech skills. All children are subject to the same tasks that allows you to determine the level of success in performing both a separate exercise, and the entire complex as a whole.

Research results:

.Short-term speech memory

The following words for memorization were used: (Select one of the lines)

Horn, port, cheese, rag, glue, tone, fluff, sleep, rum, or

Sor, com, growth, pain, current, whale, lynx, run, salt, or

Cat, Glitter, Mig, Cream, Bur, Goose, Night, Cake, Light, or

Oven, rain, grade, cake, world, bow, edge, itching, house.

.Daniel A. - 5 points;

.Lera M. - 7 points;

Lesya E. - 4 points;

.Dasha D. - 7 points;

.Danil K. - 4 points;

.Kirill V. - 4 points;

.Arthur B. - 5 points;

.Nastya F. - 6 points;

.Lisa B. - 5 points;

. Vladik T. - 5 points.

Task 2. Short-term visual memory

Before the child - a table with 16 pictures (Appendix 1). The task of the subjects is that for 25 - 30 seconds to remember as many items depicted on the table as possible. For each correct image, 1 point is accrued. (Maximum - 16 points).

.Danya A. - 9 points;

.Lera M. - 14 points;

.Lesya E. - 6 points;

.Dasha D. - 11 points;

.Danil K. - 7 points;

.Kirill V. - 8 points;

.Arthur B. - 9 points;

.Nastya F. - 10 points;

.Lisa B. - 10 points;

Vladik T. - 9 points.

Task 3. Intuitive Speech Analysis - Synthesis

The test is offered a set of words where they have to find what word is superfluous. Only five words, four can be combined, they are suitable for each other, but unfortunately, too much, they should call him. The word sequence is read (see below the three options for words sequences) and is written too much that the child will call. For each correct response, 1 point is charged (maximum 4 points).

Option 1

1. Onions, lemon, pear, wood, apple.

2. Electrollamp, candle, spotlight, firefly, lantern.

3. centimeter, scales, clock, radio, thermometer.

4. Green, red, sunny, yellow, purple.

Option 2.

1. Pigeon, goose, swallow, ant, fly.

2. Coats, pants, wardrobe, hat, jacket.

3. Plate, cup, kettle, dishes, glass.

4. Warm, cold, cloudy, weather, snowy

Option 3.

1. Cucumber, cabbage, grapes, beets, onions.

2. Lion, Skzorter, Tiger, Elephant, Rhino.

3. Steamer, trolleybus, car, bus, tram.

4. Big, small, medium, large, dark.

As a result, the following points were obtained:

.Daniel A. - 1 point;

Lera M. - 3 points;

Lesya E. - 1 point;

Dasha D. - 2 points;

Danil K. - 1 point;

.Kirill V. - 1 point;

Arthur B. - 1 point;

.Nastya F. - 2 points;

Lisa B. - 2 points;

Vladik T. - 1 point.

Task 4. Speech analogies

The tests are offered a pair of words "table - tablecloth", the task is to understand the relationship between these words. Then the subject must be found to find a suitable word to the word "floor" so that the same couple as a "tablecloth" appears. The researcher reads words - "Furniture, carpet, dust, boards, nails."

Couple words

Table: tablecloth \u003d gender: furniture, carpet, dust, boards, nails.

Pen: write \u003d knife: run, cut, coat, pocket, iron.

Sitting: Chair \u003d sleep: book, tree, bed, yawning, soft.

City: Houses \u003d Forest: Village, Trees, Birds, Twilight, Mosquitoes.

For each correct answer, 1 score (maximum - 4 points).

As a result, the following points were obtained:

.Daniel A. - 4 points;

Lera M.- 4 points;

Lesya E. - 4 points;

Dasha D. - 4 points;

.Danil K. - 4 points;

.Kirill V. - 4 points;

.Arthur B. - 4 points;

.Nastya F. - 4 points;

Lisa B. - 4 points;

Vladik T. - 4 points.

Task 5. Arbitrary speech hold

Task 5.1. Correction of semantically incorrect phrases


) The sun rose, and ended the day. (Day started.)

) This gift delivered me a big sadness. (Give me greater joy.).

Task 5.2. Restoration of proposals


) Olya .... your favorite doll. (took, broke, lost, dressed, etc.);

) Vasya ... red flower. (Thug, presented, I saw, etc.).

Task number 5.3. Completion of proposals


) "If on Sunday there is a good weather, then ..." (we will go walk, etc.)

or "if on the streets of the puddles, then ..." (you need to wear boots, it was raining, etc.);

) "The child goes to kindergarten, because ..." (he is still small, he likes there, etc.) or "We dress warmly, because ..." (cold and so para) ;

) "The girl hit and cried, because ..." (she began hurt, very rushing, etc.) or "the children love ice cream, because ..." (it is delicious, sweet, etc.);

) "Sasha still does not go to school, although ..." (already going, has already grown up, etc.) or "Dasha is still small, though ..." (already goes to the garden, etc.).

For each impeccable addition, 1 point is accrued. If you contain small errors, 0.5 points (maximum 8 points).

As a result, the following points were obtained:

.Daniel A. - 5 points;

Lera M.- 7 points;

Lesya E. - 4 points;

.Dasha D. - 7 points;

.Danil K. - 4 points;

.Kirill V. - 4 points;

.Arthur B. - 4 points;

.Nastya F. - 5 points;

.Lisa B. - 5 points;

Vladik T. - 4 points.

Task 6. Intuitive Visual Analysis - Synthesis

The subjects are offered pictures to perform this task (see Appendix No. 2). For each correct answer, 1 score (maximum - 4 points).

As a result, the following points were obtained:

.Daniel A. - 4 points;

Lera M.- 4 points;

Lesya E. - 4 points;

Dasha D. - 4 points;

.Danil K. - 4 points;

.Kirill V. - 4 points;

.Arthur B. - 4 points;

.Nastya F. - 4 points;

Lisa B. - 4 points;

Vladik T. - 4 points.

Task 7. Visual analogies

The subjects are offered pictures designed to perform this task (see Appendix No. 3).

For each correct answer, 1 score (maximum - 8 points).

As a result, the following points were obtained:

.Daniel A. - 6 points;

Lera M.- 8 points;

.Lesya E. - 5 points;

.Dasha D. - 8 points;

.Danil K. - 4 points;

.Kirill V. - 6 points;

.Arthur B. - 5 points;

.Nastya F. - 7 points;

.Lisa B. - 7 points;

Vladik T. - 6 points.

Task 8. Abstract thinking

The tests are offered pictures and words designed to perform this task.

For each correct answer, 1 score (maximum 4 points).

As a result, the following points were obtained:

.Daniel A. - 3 points;

Lera M.- 4 points;

Lesya E. - 3 points;

Dasha D. - 3 points;

.Danil K. - 3 points;

.Kirill V. - 3 points;

.Arthur B. - 3 points;

.Nastya F. - 4 points;

Lisa B. - 4 points;

Vladik T. - 3 points.

The results of the Methodology of L. A. Yakyukov, not including the Bender's test.

Daniel A. - 36 points;

Lera M.- 51 score;

Lesya E. - 31 points;

Dasha D. - 46 points;

Danil K. - 33 points;

Kirill V. - 34 points;

Arthur B. - 35 points;

Nastya F. - 42 points;

Lisa B. - 41 score;

Vladik T. - 36 points.

Thus, the results of the stating experiment are that the tests raised in MBDOU CRR D / C No. 43 "Erudit" of Stavropol, have an average - high level of readiness for school. With the help of the L. A. Yakyukov technique, the main components of the social and psychological readiness of the child to school (motivational, intellectual, emotional and social) were analyzed. According to the received points, we state that the subjects do not have high results for all components, which can lead to universal learning universities. The motivational component of socio-psychological readiness should be distinguished, which was analyzed using the method of observation and conversation with the subjects - many are not motivated for school training and do not find it interesting (some children do not understand the meaning of learning, memorizing and inventing, with "reluctant" proposed tasks); This factor may not serve as successful school training. The recommendation can serve as a role-playing game ("School"), psychological assistance and role of parents. Their task is to maintain the interest of the child to everything new, to answer his questions, give new information about familiar subjects, to organize excursions to schools, to acquaint with the main attributes of school life, to practice the parishes of schoolchildren in kindergartens, use riddles on the school theme, select Developing Games like "Gather yourself a portfolio to school", "planted everything in order", "what is superfluous?".

Thus, the main task of an adult is to show the child that a lot of unknown and interesting it can learn at school.

In general, the tests have high school readiness and these indicators should lead to successful future education.


The concept of "socio-psychological readiness of a child for school learning" was first suggested by A.N. Leontiev in 1948. Socially - psychological readiness includes such components as motivation, intellectual development, emotional coloring and social level, as well as formed in children in qualities, thanks to which they could communicate with other children, teacher. The presence of flexible ways to establish relationships with other children needed to enter the children's society (actions together with other children, the ability to give up and defend). This component implies development in children's needs, the ability to obey the interests and customs of the children's group, developing the ability to deal with the role of a schoolchild in schoolchild situations.

The socio-psychological readiness of the child for school education is one of the most important results of mental development during the preschool childhood, but the readiness of the child to school is not in the fact that he already has psychological traits that distinguish the schoolchildren. They may only develop in the very course of school education under the influence of living and activities inherent in him. Especially high demands graduation in school, systematic learning knowledge to the child's thinking. The child should be able to allocate significant in the phenomena of the surrounding reality, be able to compare them, to see similar and excellent; He must learn to reason, find the causes of phenomena, draw conclusions. Another side of the mental development, which determines the readiness of the child to school to school is the development of his speech - mastering the skill is connected, consistently, understandable to others describe the subject, picture, event, pass the course of their thoughts, to explain this or other phenomenon. Finally, socio-psychological readiness for school includes the quality of the identity of a child who helps him enter the class team, find its place in it, to engage in overall activities. These are public motives of behavior, those assimilated by the child the rules of behavior towards other people and the ability to establish and maintain relationships with peers, which are formed in the joint activities of preschoolers. In the socio-psychological training of children to school, a considerable role is played by special educational work, which is conducted in the senior and preparatory groups of kindergarten. In this case, children receive generalized and systematic knowledge. They are trained to navigate in new areas of reality, organize mastering skills on this wide basis. In the process of such training, children are produced by those elements of the theoretical approach to reality, which will give them the opportunity to consciously absorb any knowledge. Preparation of children to school - the task is complex, covering all the spheres of the child's life and the components of socio-psychological readiness. In the course of the study, scientific and pedagogical literature was analyzed on the problem of the relationship of the components of socio-psychological readiness for school training, a scientifically categorical was developed - the study apparatus; Methods and techniques are selected to confirm the extended research hypothesis; An experimental study was carried out; The quantitative and qualitative results are analyzed. As a result of an experimental study, the relationship between the components of socio-psychological readiness for school training was revealed: the non-formation of one of the components of psychological readiness can lead to the lagging in mastering educational activities. Thus, the goal of our study is achieved, the tasks are implemented, the hypothesis is confirmed.


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. # "Justify"\u003e Appendix number 1

Bender-Gestalt test has a wide range of applications:

It is used as a scale of determining common mental development.

Sensitive to determine the delay of mental development and mental retardation. It is used to determine the readiness to school and identify the causes of failure to speak at school.

It is applicable to the diagnosis of children with hearing impairment and speech.

Very prompt. According to its results, you can define a program of further research.

The test does not cause voltage and can be used at the beginning of the survey.

Apply as diagnostics, as a rapid screening procedure for children who have disorders in visual and engine coordination.

There is experience in using the test in the diagnosis of psychopathic deviations.

There are attempts to use the test in the quality of the diagnosis of emotional and personal violations as a projective technique.

It can be applied to children from 4 to 13 years old and adolescents with the same mental level.

Research procedure.

The subject is offered to copy 9 figures. Figure A, which is easily perceived as a closed figure on a homogeneous background, consists of contacting circles and put on the top of the square located along the horizontal axis. This figure is used to familiarize yourself with the task. Figures with 1 to 8 are used for diagnostic testing and are presented to the subject consistently. For copying, sheets of white unrecognized paper measuring 210 to 297 mm are used (standard A4 format). Cards need to be submitted by one, putting each table close to the top edge of the paper sheet in the right orientation, and you need to say the subject: "There are a number of pictures that you need to copy. Just redraw them as you see." It is necessary to warn the subject that the cards cannot be moved to some new position. Palleal estimation system of Gestalt test Bender (software O.V.Lov, V.I. Belopolsky).

Each drawing is rated for three parameters:

) Corners performing (exception is Figure 2)

) orientation of elements;

) Mutual location of items.


0 points - four corners direct;

2 points - corners are not straight;

3 points - the figure is significantly deformed;

4 points - the shape of the figure is not defined.


0 points - Figures are horizontally located;

2 points - the axis, along which the figures are located, tilted, but

no more than 45 degrees, or not passes through the Roma Center;

5 points - "Rotation" - Composition of figures are 45 degrees

or more.

0 points - figures in contact with accuracy in accordance with


2 points - figures almost come into contact (no more than a millimeter clearance);

4 points - figures intersect;

5 points - figures differ significantly.


0 points - points are located along the horizontal straight line;

2 points - pattern somewhat deviate from the horizontal or direct

3 points - a variety of points is a "cloud";

3 points - points are located along the line that, however, deviates from horizontally by more than 30 degrees.

Mutual location of the elements:

0 points - points are at the same distance from each other or are organized into pairs;

2 points - points are significantly more or less than on the sample;

2 points - points reproduced as small circles or


4 points - points are played as large mugs or dashed line.


0 points - all the columns save the right slope;

2 points - from one to three columns do not preserve the correct orientation;

3 points - more than three columns have incorrect orientation;

4 points - the picture is incomplete, that is, six or less columns or columns are reproduced from two elements instead of three;

4 points - levels are not stored, one or several columns strongly protrude up or "failed" down (so the average circle of one column is at the level of the upper or lower different);

5 points - "Rotation" - the whole composition is deployed by 45 degrees or more;

5 points - "Perselevation" - the total number of columns are more than thirteen.

Mutual location of the elements:

a) horizontal arrangement of rows of circles;

b) equal distance between the elements;

c) three mugs in each column lie on one straight line;

0 points - all conditions are completed;

1 point - two conditions completed;

2 points - circles come into contacts or intersect more than in one column;

3 points - one of the conditions is performed;

5 points - two conditions completed.

2 points are added if there are dates or dashes instead of the circle.


0 points - three angle reproduced;

2 points - two corners reproduced;

4 points - one corner reproduced;

5 points - no corners.


0 points - axis connecting vertices of three angles, horizontal;

2 points - axis inclined, but less than 45 degrees;

2 points - the peaks of the angles are connected by a broken line of two segments;

4 points - the peaks of the corners are connected by the broken of three segments;

4 points - the peaks of the angles are connected by inclined broken pin, consisting of two segments;

5 points - "Rotation" - turning the entire composition at least than 45 degrees.

Mutual location of the elements:

0 points - the increase in the number of points from the angle to the corner is observed;

2 points - instead of points, circles or dashes were played;

3 points - "straightening", that is, one or two rows form a vertical line instead of an angle;

4 points - an additional row is drawn;

4 points - the line is drawn instead of a row of points;

4 points - the picture is deficient, that is, there is no row of points;

5 points - "Inversion" - a change in the direction of the corners.


0 points - the corners are correct and two arcs are the same;

2 points - one corner or one arc did not work;

3 points - two corners or two arcs, or one corner and one arc did not work;

4 points - only one corner and one arc retired.


0 points - the axis crossing the arc forms an angle of 135 degrees with the adjacent side of the square;

2 points - asymmetry of the arc;

5 points - arc rotation, if the axis forms 90 degrees or less;

5 points - rotation, if the base of the square deviates 45 degrees or more from the horizontal or arc is connected to the square at a distance of about 1- s from the desired location;

10 points - the base of the square is deflected by 45 degrees or more from the horizontal and the arc is connected to the square at a distance of about 1/3 from the desired location.

Mutual location of the elements:

0 points - figures correctly come into contact;

2 points - figures slightly diverge;

4 points - bad integration if the figures intersect or distinguished from each other.


0 points - the corner is correct, symmetric arc;

3 points - the angle is significantly different from the sample;


0 points - the line concerns the arc at the right angle in the place corresponding to the paragraph;

2 points - the previous condition is not fulfilled, but this is not a rotation;

2 points - the symmetry of the arc is broken;

5 points - "Rotation" - the composition is rotated at 45 degrees or

Mutual location of the elements:

0 points - the line concerns the arc, the number of points corresponds to the sample;

2 points - the line is not straight;

2 points - played circles or dashes instead of points;

4 points - the line is played instead of a row of points;

4 points - line crosses the arc.


0 points - sinusoids are performed correctly, there are no sharp corners;

2 points - sinusoids are reproduced as garlands or sequence halfway;

4 points - sinusoids are reproduced as direct or broken.


0 points - sinusoids intersect in the right place at an angle corresponding to the sample;

2 points - sinusoids intersect at right angles;

4 points - lines do not intersect at all.

Mutual location of the elements:

0 points - the amount of waves of both sinusoid corresponds to the sample;

2 points - the number of waves of inclined sinusoids is significantly more or less than on the sample;

2 points - the number of waves of horizontal sinusoids is significantly more or less than on the sample;

4 points - more than two separate lines were played in the picture.


0 points - all angles (6 in each figure) are made correctly;

4 points - extra corners, that is, more than 6 in the figure;


5 points - "Rotation" - angle of inclination is 90 and 0 degrees

relation to another figure (correctly 30 degrees).

Mutual location of the elements:

0 points - the intersection of the figures is correct, that is, two angle of the inclined figure are inside the vertical, and one angle of the vertical figure is inside the inclined;

2 points - the intersection is not quite correct;

3 points - one figure just comes into contact with the other;

4 points - the intersection is wrong;

5 points - Figures are distant from each other.


0 points - all angles are correct;

2 points - there is no one corner;

3 points - no more than one corner;

4 points - extra corners;

5 points - "deformation" - figures of an indefinite form.


0 points - the orientation of both figures is correct;

2 points - the orientation of one of the figures is incorrect, but this is not a rotation yet;

5 points - "Rotation" - the angle of inclination is 90 and 0 degrees relative to another figure (correctly 30 degrees).

Mutual location of the elements:

0 points - the intersection of the figures is correct, that is, the inner figure concerns the external above and below; The relative proportions of the figures are reproduced correctly;

2 points - the intersection is not entirely correct (the inner figure has one gap with external);

3 points - disturbed relative proportions of figures;

5 points - the inner figure crosses the external in two places or does not come into contact with it.

General trends

2 points - drawings do not fit on a sheet or take less than one third of the sheet;

2 points - drawings are not located in the correct sequence, but by random (the child chooses the first visiting free place);

3 points - in the figure there are more than two corrections or erasure;

3 points - the tendency to increase or decrease pictures is clearly manifested or a sharp difference in the sizes of the pictures is noted;

4 points - each subsequent picture is less thoroughly previous;

4 points - pictures overlap each other;

6 points - when performing the test, at least one failure, motivated by the difficulty of tasks, fatigue or boredom.

In addition to the table normative age and / or total score, with the interpretation of the results of the implementation of the Gestalt test, Bender should also take into account the time spent on the task in general, the peculiar behavior features, and a number of formal characteristics of the pattern, like that: Push Pressure, smooth lines, the amount of erase or corrections, a tendency to deteriorate to improve the results during testing, etc.

The interpretation of the latter is subject to the principles common to all patterning techniques. So, weak, intermittent, barely distinguishable line testifies usually on the low energeticness of the child or its asthenization, while fat, with even, strong non-sensible - about high ergicity and activity; significant exaggerations of the dimensions of the reproducible figures are highly likely indicated by overestimated self-esteem, and significant understatement of the underestimated; The imposition of drawings on each other, the random location on the sheet, exits beyond the boundaries of the sheet, reducing the quality of execution during testing - the inability to continue to concentrate attention, underdevelopment of the planning and control skills.

However, it should be carefully related to the imposition of such a kind, if they are not confirmed by the results of other techniques. As for the time spent on the gestalt test as a whole, it is normal, it is 10-20 minutes in children from 4 to 8 years and 5-10 minutes from older children and adults. Exceeding this time more than twice is an unfavorable feature and requires a separate interpretation. In addition to the foregoing, it is important to observe how the surveyed is running. For example, a long and slow performance may indicate a thoughtful, methodological approach to execution, the need to control the result and compulsive trends in person, or on depressive condition. Fast test performances can talk about impulsive style. Qualitative criteria and levels of development of regulatory actions:

Approximate part:

The presence of orientation (whether the child analyzes the sample obtained by the product relates to the sample);

Cooperation nature (co-regulation of action in collaboration with adults or independent orientation and planning).


the degree of arbitrariness.

Control part:

the presence of control;

character of control.

Structural analysis is based on the following criteria:

task adoption (adequacy of the task as a goal given in

defined conditions, the maintenance of the task and the relation to it);

execution plan;

control and correction;

evaluation (the statement of achieving the goal or measure of approaching it and causes failure, the ratio of success and failure);

attitude towards success and failure.

Approximate part:

availability of orientation:

there is no orientation for the sample - 0 b;

the correlation is inorganized episodic, there is no systematic correlation - 1 b;

the beginning of the performance is preceded by careful analysis and the correlation is carried out throughout the task - 2B.

the nature of cooperation:

there is no cooperation - 0 b;

co-regulation with adults - 1b;

independent orientation I.

planning - 2 b.


the degree of arbitrariness:

chaotic samples and errors without taking into account and analyze the result and correlation with the conditions for performing action - 0 b;

support on a plan and means, but not always adequate, there are impulsive reactions - 1 b;

arbitrary performance action in line with a plan - 2 b.

Control part:

availability of control:

no control - 0 b;

control manifests episodically - 1 b;

control is always 2 b.

character of control:

deployed (that is, the child controls each step in performing the task, for example, pronounces the laid out of each cube, which color is needed, how to rotate the cube when laying out, etc.) - 1 b;

rolled (control is carried out in the inner plan) - 2 b.

Structural analysis:

Task acceptance:

the task is not accepted, adopted inadequately; not saved - 0 b;

the task is accepted, preserved, no adequate motivation (interest in the task, desire to fulfill), after unsuccessful attempts, the child loses interest to it - 1 b;

the task is accepted, saved, causes interest, motivationally provided-2 b.

The execution plan (estimated on the basis of the child's responses about the patterns found by him, asked by a psychologist after performing each matrix. If a child can explain the method of performing a task, i.e. revealed the necessary pattern, the psychologist concludes that the child performs preliminary planning):

no planning - 0 b;

the plan is, but not quite adequate or not adequately used - 1B;

the plan is, adequately used - 2b.

Control and correction:

no control and correction, control only on the result and erroneous - 0 b;

there is adequate control on the result, an episodic anticipating, the correction of the delayed, not always adequate - 1 b;

adequate control on the result, episodic in the method, the correction is sometimes delayed, but adequate - 2 b.

Evaluation (evaluated on the basis of a child's responses about the quality of the task. The question is asked by a psychologist, after making a child's task):

evaluation is either absent or erroneous - 0 b;

only the achievement / disadvantage of the result is estimated; Causes are not always called, often - inadequately called - 1B;

an adequate assessment of the result, episodically - measures of approximation to the target, are called causes, but not always adequately - 2b.

Attitude towards success and failure:

paradoxical reaction, or there is no reaction - 0 b;

adequate for success, inadequate - on failure - 1 b;

adequate for success and failure - 2 b.

Appendix No. 2.

Appendix number 3.

Appendix No. 4.

Appendix No. 5.

psychological Child School Training


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1.1 Character readiness for school

1.4 Development of self-consciousness, self-esteem and communication

1.4.2 Family as a favorable environment for the development of the child's self-consciousness and self-assessment

2.1 goal, tasks

3.2 Analysis of the results of interviews of pedagogues of the orphanage


List of used literature



Focusing on the intellectual preparation of the child to school, parents sometimes lose sight of emotional and social readiness, including such training skills that future school successes substantially depend. Social willingness implies the need for communicating with peers and the ability to subjugate their behavior of children's groups, the ability to accept the role of the student, the ability to listen and fulfill the instructions of the teacher, as well as the skills of communicative initiative and self-testing.

Social, or personal, readiness for school training is the readiness of the child to new forms of communication, a new attitude towards the environment and oneself, due to the situation of school learning.

Often parents of preschoolers, telling children about the school, try to create an emotionally unambiguous image. That is, they talk about school only in a positive or only negative key. Parents believe that thereby they instill a child concerned about the study activities that will contribute to school successes. In fact, the student configured to joyful, exciting activities, having experienced even minor negative emotions (insult, jealousy, envy, annoyance), can lose interest in their studies for a long time.

Neither definitely positive nor unambiguously negative image of the school does not benefit the future student. Parents should focus their efforts on a more detailed acquaintance of the child with school requirements, and most importantly - with himself, with their strong and weak parties.

Most children fall into kindergarten from the house, and sometimes from the orphanage. Parents or guardians usually have more limited knowledge, skills and opportunities for the development of children than employees of preschool children's institutions. People belonging to the same age group possess many common features, but at the same time and many individual features - some of them make people more interesting and distinctive, some prefer to be silent. The same applies to preschoolers - there are no ideal adults and ideal people. Children with special needs come increasingly into an ordinary kindergarten and the usual group. Modern teachers of kindergartens need knowledge in the field of special needs, ready to cooperate with experts, parents and teachers of orphanages, in skills to form a child's growth environment based on the needs of each particular child.

The goal of the course work was to identify the social readiness of children with special needs for school training on the example of the Liikuri kindergarten and the orphanage.

Course work consists of three chapters. The first chapter provides an overview of the social readiness of preschoolers for school training, about important factors in the family and in an orphanage affecting the development of children, as well as children with special needs living in an orphanage.

In the second chapter, the tasks and methodology of the study are specified, and in the third chapter, the analysis of the research data is analyzed.

The course work uses the following words and terms: children with special needs, motivation, communication, self-esteem, self-consciousness, readiness for school education.

1. Social readiness of the child to school

According to the law on preschool institutions of the Republic of Estonia, the task of local governments includes the creation of conditions for primary education by all children living on their administrative territory, as well as support for parents towards the development of preschool children. In 5-6-year-old children should have the opportunity to visit the kindergarten or participate in the preparatory group, which creates a prerequisite for a smooth, unhindered transition to school life. Based on the needs of the development of preschool children, it is important that acceptable forms of collaboration of parents, advisors on social issues and issues of education, defectologists / speech therapists, psychologists, family doctors / pediatricians, educators of kindergartens and teachers appear in the city / parish. Equally, it is equally important to identify families and children who need, given the peculiarities of developing their children in additional attention and specific assistance (Kulderknup 1998, 1).

Knowledge of individual characteristics of students Helps the teacher to properly implement the principles of the system of educational training: the rapid pace of the material, a high level of difficulty, the leading role of theoretical knowledge, the development of all children. Not knowing the child, the teacher will not be able to determine the approach that will ensure the optimal development of each student and the formation of his knowledge, skills and skills. In addition, determining the readiness of the child to school makes it possible to prevent some difficulties in learning, to significantly smooth the process of adaptation to school (child readiness to school as a condition for its successful adaptation 2009).

Social readiness includes the need for a child in communicating with peers and the ability to communicate, as well as the ability to fulfill the role of a student and fulfill the rules established in the collective. Social willingness consists of skills and ability to come into contact with classmates and teachers (readiness for school 2009).

The most important indicators of social readiness are:

· The child's desire to learn, receive new knowledge, motivation to the beginning of academic work;

· Ability to understand and carry out orders and tasks that adults give a child;

· Skill of cooperation;

· The effort to bring the work done to the end;

· The ability to adapt and adapt;

· The ability to solve your simplest problems yourself, to serve yourself;

· Elements of volitional behavior - to put a goal, create a plan of action, to realize it, overcoming obstacles, assess the result of its action (neara 1999 b, 7).

These qualities will provide a child painless adaptation to a new social environment and contribute to the creation of favorable conditions for its further education at school. The feet of the schoolboy should be ready for the social position of the student, without which it will be difficult for him, even if it is intellectually developed. Social skills, the parents need to pay special attention to the school. They can teach a child with peers relationships, create such a situation at home so that the baby felt confident and he wanted to go to school (readiness for school 2009).

1.1 Character readiness for school

School readiness means the physical, social, motivational and mental readiness of the child to the transition from the main game activity to a directional activity of higher level. To achieve readiness for school, an appropriate favorable environment is needed and a child's own active activity (Neare 1999 A, 5).

The indicators of such readiness are changes in the physical, social and mental development of the child. The basis of the new behavior is the readiness to fulfill more serious responsibilities for the example of parents and the refusal of anything in favor of another. The main feature of the change will be related to work. The premise of mental readiness for school is the ability of the child to perform a variety of tasks under the leadership of an adult. The child should also appear mental activity, including cognitive interest in solving problems. As a manifestation of social development, the appearance of volitional behavior. The child places goals and is ready to achieve them to make certain efforts. In readiness for school, a psycho-physical, spiritual and social aspect can be distinguished (Martinson 1998, 10).

By the time of admission to the school, the child has already passed one of the essential stages in his life and / or, relying on the family and kindergarten, received the basis for the next stage of the formation of his personality. School readiness forms both congenital deposits and abilities and the environment of the child in which he lives and develops, as well as people who communicate with him and direct its development. Therefore, children who go to school can be very different physical and mental abilities, characteristics of character, as well as knowledge and skills (Kulderknup 1998, 1).

Of the children of preschool age, the majority attend kindergarten, and about 30-40% are so-called home children. A year before learning in grade 1 - the right time to find out how the child developed. Regardless of whether a child is visited by a kindergarten or stays at home and go to the preparatory group, it is advisable to spend twice a survey of readiness for school: in September-October and April-May (IBD.).

1.2 Social aspect of child readiness for school education

Motivation is the system of arguments, arguments in favor of something, motivation. A combination of motives caused by one or another deed (Motivation 2001-2009).

An important indicator of the social aspect of school readiness is the motivation for learning, which is manifested in the desire of the child to learn, assimilate new knowledge, emotional predisposition to adult demands, interest in knowledge of the surrounding reality. In its field of motivation, significant changes and shifts must occur. By the end of the preschool period, subordination is formed: one motive becomes the leading (main). With joint activities and under the influence of peers, the leading motive is determined - a positive assessment of peers and sympathy for them. Stimulates both a competitive moment, the desire to show its resourcefulness, intelligence and the ability to find the original solution. This is one of the reasons why it is desirable to even before school, all the children gained the experience of collective communication, at least the initial knowledge of the ability to learn, about the difference in motivation, comparing themselves with other and independent use of knowledge to meet their capabilities and needs. It is also important to form a self-assessment. Success in study often depends on the ability of the child to correctly see and evaluate oneself, put the sink goals and objectives (Martinson 1998, 10).

The transition from one stage of development to another is characterized by a change in the social situation in the development of the child. The system of connections with the surrounding world and social reality changes. These changes are reflected in the restructuring of mental processes, updating and changing connections and priorities. Perception is now a leading mental process only at the level of reflection, much more primary processes are put forward - analysis - synthesis, comparison, thinking. The child is included in the school in the system of other social relations, where it will be presented with new requirements and expectations (Neare 1999 A, 6).

In the social development of a child-preschooler, communicative abilities play a leading role. They allow you to distinguish between certain situations of communication, to understand the state of other people in various situations and on the basis of this adequate to build their behavior. Considering in any situation of communication with adults or peers (in kindergarten, on the street, in transport, etc.), a child with developed communicative abilities will be able to understand what the external signs of this situation and what rules it needs to be acting in it. In the event of a conflict or other intense situation, such a child will find positive ways to transform it. As a result, the problem of the individual characteristics of partners on communication, conflict and other negative manifestations (diagnosis of child readiness for school 2007, 12) is largely removed.

1.3 Social readiness for school children with special needs

Children with special needs are children who are based on their abilities, health, language and cultural background and personal properties with such development needs, to support which it is necessary to introduce changes or adapts to the growth environment of a child (means and premises for the game or study, educational -the patient methods, etc.) or to the Group's plan. Thus, the special needs of the child can only be determined after a thorough study of the child's development and, taking into account its specific growth environment (Heykand 2008, 42).

Classification of children with special needs

There is a medical and psychological and pedagogical classification of children with special needs. The main categories of impaired and deflecting development include:

· odarity children;

· Delay of mental development in children (CPR);

· Emotional disorders;

· Violations of development (disorders of the musculoskeletal system), violations of speech, impairment of analyzers (violations of vision and hearing), intelligence disorders (mentally retarded children), severe multiple disorders (special pre-school pedagogy 2002, 9-11).

When finding out the readiness of children to school, it becomes obvious that part of the children to achieve this needs classes in the preparatory groups and only a small part of children has specific needs. In relation to the latter, timely assistance, the direction of the child's development by specialists and family support (Narest 1999 b, 49).

At administrative territory, working with children and families is under the jurisdiction of an adviser to education and / or social advisor. Education Advisor, receiving data on preschoolers with specific development needs from a social adviser, is aware of how to in-depth to examine them and then the need for social development, and then involves the mechanism for supporting children with specific needs.

Special pedagogical assistance for children with specific needs is:

· Speech therapy assistance (both the general development of speech and correction of speech deficiencies);

· Specific special pedagogical assistance (surdo- and typhalplopedaging);

· Adaptation, the ability to behave;

· Special technique for the formation of skills and preferences read, write and count;

· Ability to cope or domestic training;

· Training in smaller groups / classes;

· Previously intervention (IBD., 50).

Specific needs may still be:

· Increased need for medical care (in many places in the world there are hospital schools for children with severe somatic or mental illness);

· The need for assistant - teachers and technical means, as well as indoors;

· The need to draw up an individual or special training program;

· Obtaining an individual or special training program;

· Obtaining an individual or in groups of at least two times a week, if the child for the formation of school readiness is enough to correct the processes developing speech and psyche (Naure 1999 b, 50; Heykinnd, Kuusik 2009, 32).

When readiness for teaching children to school, you can find that children will be with special needs and the following points appear. It is necessary to teach parents to how to develop their child-preschooler (horizon, observation, motility) and it is necessary to organize parental training. If you need to open a special group in kindergarten, then you need to teach educators, find for a teacher's specialist group (speech therapist), which can support both children and their parents. The organization of teaching children with specific needs for administrative territory or within several administrative units is necessary. In this case, the school will be able to prepare in advance for the accurate training of children with different readiness for school (Nare 1999 b, 50; Neare 1999 A, 46).

1.4 Development of self-consciousness, self-assessment and communications from preschoolers

Self-consciousness is awareness, assessment by the person of his knowledge, moral appearance and interests, ideals and motives of behavior, a holistic assessment of himself as a leader as a sensitive and thinking creature (self-consciousness 2001-2009).

In the seventh year of the child's life characterize independence and increased sense of responsibility. For a child, it is important to do everything well, it can be self-critical and sometimes he has a desire to achieve perfection. In the new situation, he feels insecure, careful and can get into my senses, but in his actions a child is still independent. He speaks of his plans and intentions, is able to mostly respond for his actions, wants to cope with everything. The child acutely perceives its failures and assessments of others, wants to be good (Märtnamaa, Marats 2009, 48-49).

From time to time you need to praise the child, it will help him learn to appreciate himself. The child should get used to the fact that praise can follow a significant delay. It is necessary to encourage the child to appreciate its activities (IBD.).

Self-assessment is an assessment of the personality of itself, its capabilities, qualities and places among other people. Referring to the core of the personality, self-esteem is the most important regulator of its behavior. From self-esteem dependes the relationship of a person with others, its criticality, demandingness to themselves, attitude towards successes and failures. Self-assessment is related to the level of human claims, i.e. the degree of difficulty achieving the goals that he sets itself. The discrepancy between the claims of man and its real capabilities leads to the wrong self-assessment, as a result of which the behavior of the person becomes inadequate (there are emotional breakdowns, an increased anxiety, etc.). Self-assessment gets an objective expression and in how a person assesses the possibilities and results of the activities of other people (self-esteem 2001-2009).

It is very important to form an adequate self-esteem in the child, the ability to see your mistakes and correctly evaluate your actions, as this is the basis of self-control and self-esteem in training activities. Self-assessment plays an important role in organizing the effective management of human behavior. The features of self-esteem depend on the peculiarities of many senses, personal relationships to self-education, the level of claims. The formation of an objective assessment of its own capabilities is an important link in the education of the younger generation (Vologadin 2003).

Communication - The concept describing the interaction between people (subject-subject attitude) and characterizing the basic need of a person - to be included in society and culture ( Communication 2001-2009).

By six-seven years, the goodwill to peers and the ability to mutual aid is significantly increasing. Of course, a competitive, competitive start is preserved in the communication of children. However, along with this, the ability to see in a partner not only his situational manifestations, but also some psychological aspects of its existence - his desire, preferences, moods appears in the communication of senior preschoolers. Preschoolers are no longer only talking about themselves, but also addresses to peer: what he wants to do what he likes, where he was, that he saw, etc. Their communication becomes incoming. The development of incoming in communication of children occurs in two directions. On the one hand, the number in bear taution Contacts: Children tell each other about where they were and what they saw, share their plans or preferences, give assessments to the qualities and actions of others. On the other hand, the image itself becomes more stable, independent of the specific circumstances of interaction. By the end of the preschool age, steady electoral attachments arise between children, the first friendship sprouts appear. Preschoolers are "going" in small groups (two to three people) and have an obvious preference to their friends. The child begins to allocate and feel the inner essence of another, which is not presented in situational manifestations of peer (in its specific actions, statements, toys), but it becomes more and more significant for the child ( Communication of a preschooler with peers 2009).

For the development of communication skills, you need to teach a child to cope with different situations, use role-playing games (Myanamaa, Marats 2009, 49).

1.4.1 Effect of Wednesday for Social Development of the Child

In addition to the environment, the development of the child is undoubtedly affected by congenital properties. The growth environment at an early age gives rise to further development of a person. The medium can both develop and brake various sides of the development of children. The home environment of the growth of the child is essential, but an important role is also played by the Environment of the Children's Institution (Anton 2008, 21).

The impact of the medium per person can be trojakim: overloading, shorter and optimal. In the overloading environment, the child does not cope with the processing of information (significant for the child information goes past the child). In a short-sufficient environment, the situation is the opposite: here the child threatens the lack of information. Too simple medium for a child is more likely tedious (boring) than stimulating and developing. An intermediate option, between specified is the optimal environment (KOLGA 1998, 6).

The role of the environment as a factor affecting the development of a child is very important. Four mutual impact systems are defined that affect the development and role of a person in society. This is a microsystem, a mesosystem, an exisomy and macro system (Anton 2008, 21).

The human development is a process during which the child first recognizes its loved ones and his home, then a kindergarten environment and only after that society in wider than plan. Microsystem is the nearest environment of the child. An early child's microsystem is associated with a house (family) and a kindergarten, with the age of these systems. The mesosystem is a network between different parts (IBD., 22).

The home environment significantly affects the relationship of the child and on how he copes in kindergarten. The exosystem is a life environment of adults acting with the child in which the child is not directly involved, but which, nevertheless, significantly affects its development. Macrosystem is a cultural and social environment of society with its social institutions, and this system affects all other systems (Anton 2008, 22).

According to L. Vygotsky, the environment directly affects the development of the child. It undoubtedly affects everything that happens in society: laws, status and skills of parents, time and socio-economic situation in society. Children, like adults, are fixed in a social context. Thus, the behavior and development of the child can be understood by knowing his habitat and social context. The medium acts on children of different ages in a different way, since the consciousness of the child and the ability to interpret the situations are constantly changing as a result of new experiments obtained from the environment. In the development of each child, Vygotsky distinguishes the natural development of the child (growth and maturation) and cultural development (the absorption of cultural values \u200b\u200band tools). Culture in understanding Vygotsky is a physical framework (for example, toys), installations and value orientations (TV, books, and in our days, for sure the Internet). Thus, a cultural context affects thinking and assimilation of various skills, that and when a child will begin to absorb. The central idea of \u200b\u200bthe theory is the concept of the nearest development zone. The zone is formed between the levels of actual development and potential development. It is dealing with two levels:

· That the child is able to do on its own when resolving the task;

· What a child does with an adult (IBD.).

1.4.2 Family as a favorable environment for the development of self-consciousness and self-assessment of the child

The process of human socialization occurs throughout life. During the preschool childhood, the role of "social conductory" plays an adult. It transmits the child a socio-moral experience gained by previous generations. First, this is a certain amount of knowledge about the socio-moral values \u200b\u200bof human society. On their basis, the child is formed by the ideas about the social world, moral qualities and norms that a person must have to live in the society of people (diagnostics ... 2007, 12).

Mental abilities and social skills are closely interrelated. Congenital biological prerequisites are implemented as a result of the interaction of the individual and the surrounding medium. The social development of the child should ensure the assimilation of social skills and competencies necessary for the public coexistence. Therefore, the formation of social knowledge and skills, as well as value installations is one of the most important educational tasks. The family is the most important factor in the development of the child and the primary medium that has the greatest impact on the child. The effect of peers and other media appears later (Naare 2008).

The child learns to distinguish its own experience and reaction from experience and reactions of other people, learns to understand that different people can have different experiences, have other feelings and thoughts. With the development of self-awareness and I am a child, he learns to appreciate the opinions and evaluation of other people and reckon with them. He has an idea of \u200b\u200bsexual differences, sexual identity and typical for different behaviors (diagnostics ... 2007, 12).

1.4.3 Communication as an important factor in the motivation of preschoolers

With peer communication, the real integration of the child in society begins. (Märtnamaa, Marats 2009, 7).

The child at the age of 6-7 years old needs social recognition, it is very important for him that other people think about him, he is experiencing for himself. The self-confidence of the child rises, he wants to demonstrate his skills. The feeling of protecting the child supports the presence of stability in everyday life. For example, at a certain time to go to bed, gather at the table of the whole family. Self-consciousness and development of the image of Y. Development of general skills in preschool children (Kolga 1998; Mustayev 2001).

Socialization is an important condition for the harmonious development of the child. Already from the moment of birth, the baby is a social being requiring to meet his needs of the participation of another person. The development of a child of culture, universal experience is impossible without interaction and communicating with other people. Through communication, the development of consciousness and higher mental functions occurs. The ability of the child positively communicate allows him to live comfortably in the society of people; Thanks to communication, it not only knows another person (adult or peer), but also itself (diagnosis ... 2007, 12).

The child likes to play both in the group and one. Like to be with others and do something with peers. In the games and classes, the child prefers children of their sex, it protects the younger, helps others, and if necessary, refers to help. A friendly relationship has already formed at a seven-year child. He is pleased with the belonging to the group, sometimes he is even trying to "buy" friends, for example, invites his new computer game and asks: "Now you will be friends with me?" At this age, there is a question of leadership in the group (Myanamaa, Marats 2009, 48).

No less important is the communication and interaction of children with each other. In the society of peers, the child feels "among equals". Thanks to this, it develops independence of judgments, the ability to argue, defend its opinion, ask questions, initiate receipt of new knowledge. The appropriate level of development of the communication of the child with peers, laid down in preschool age, allows him to act adequately in school (Myanamaa, Marats 2009, 48).

Communicative abilities allow the child to distinguish between the situations of communication and on this basis to determine their own goals and goals of partners to communicate, understand the states and actions of other people, choose adequate ways of behavior in a particular situation and be able to transform it in order to optimize communication with others (diagnostics ... 2007 , 13-14).

1.5 Education program for the formation of social readiness for school

Basic education in Estonia Preschool children's institutions offer both for children with a normal (appropriate age) development and for children with special needs (Heykand, Kuusik 2009, 31).

The basis for organizing studies and education in each children's preschool institution is the educational program of a children's preschool institution, which comes from the framework training program for pre-school education. Based on the framework curriculum, the children's institution makes up its program and activities, taking into account the species and originality of kindergarten. The curriculum defines the goals of educational work, the organization of educational work in groups, regimes of the day, work with children with special needs. An important and responsible role in the creation of a growth environment belongs to the Personnel of the kindergarten (RTL 1999, 152, 2149).

In the children's preschool institution, the intervention and associated teamwork can be organized in different ways. Each kindergarten can coordinate its principles within the framework of the educational program / plan of the activities of the institution. In wider plan, the preparation of the curriculum of a certain kindergarten is considered as teamwork - teachers, the Board of Trustees, Guidelines, etc. are involved in the program (NEARE 2008).

To identify children with special needs and planning a curriculum / action plan, the Group employees followed at the beginning of each academic year, after acquaintance with children, organize a special meeting (Heykand 2008, 45).

An individual development plan (IPR) is drawn up by the decision of the team of the group of those children, the level of development of which in some areas is significantly different from the estimated age level, and in connection with the special needs of which it is necessary to make the most changes to the NEARE 2008 environment.

The IPR is always compiled as a team work in which all kindergarten workers involved with children with special needs, as well as their cooperation partners (social worker, family doctor, etc.). The main prerequisites for the implementation of the IPR are the willingness and training of teachers, and the availability of a network of specialists in kindergarten or in the nearest environment (Heykinind 2008, 45).

1.5.1 Formation of social readiness in kindergartens

In preschool age, the place and content of learning is all that the child surrounds, that is, the environment in which he lives and develops. From the environment in which the child grows, it depends on what his value orientations will have, attitude to nature and relationship with the surrounding people (Laasik, Liilik, Tyakht, Varava 2009, 7).

Study and educational activities are considered as a whole due to topics covering both the life of the child and the environment. When planning and organizing educational activities, hearings integrate, speaking, reading, letter and various motor, musical and artistic activities. Impact, comparison and modeling are important integrable activities. Comparison occurs through systematization. Grouping, enumeration and measurement. Modeling in three manifestations (theoretical, game, artistic) integrate all of the above-mentioned activities. Such an approach is a sign of teachers since the 1990s (CurrentknUP 2009, 5).

The goals of educational activities of the direction "I and Wednesday" in kindergarten is to the child:

1) understood and know the world around him holistically;

2) formed an idea of \u200b\u200bhis role, his role and role of other people in the life environment;

3) appreciated the cultural traditions of both Estonian and their people;

4) Valid his own health and health of other people, tried to lead a healthy and safe lifestyle;

5) appreciated the style of thinking based on caring and careful environment;

6) noticed natural phenomena and changes in nature (Laasik, Liilik, Tyakht, Varava 2009, 7-8).

The objectives of educational activities of the direction "I and Wednesday" in the social environment is to:

1) The child had an idea of \u200b\u200bthe very and role of other people in the life environment;

2) The child appreciated the cultural traditions of the Estonian people.

As a result of the passage of the curriculum, the child:

1) knows how to introduce themselves, describe yourself, its qualities;

2) describes its home, family and family traditions;

3) calls and describes various professions;

4) understands that all people are different and that they have different needs;

5) knows and calls state symbols of Estonia and the tradition of the Estonian people (IBD, 17-18).

The game is the main activity of the child. In the Games, the child reaches certain social competence. It enters various relationships with

children on the game. In joint games, children learn to reckon with the desires and interests of their comrades, set common goals and act together. In the process of exploring the environment, you can use all kinds of games, conversations, discussions, reading stories, fairy tales (language and game are interrelated), as well as the viewing of pictures, viewing slides and videos (deepen and enrich the understanding of the surrounding world). Acquaintance with nature allows you to widely integrate various types of activity and themes, so with nature and natural means you can connect most training activities (Laasik, Liilvik, Tyakht, Varava 2009, 26-27).

1.5.2 Socialization program in the orphanage

Unfortunately, in almost all types of institutions where the orphans and children devoid of parental guardianship are brought up, habitat, as a rule, orphans, Priest. Analysis of the problem of orphanhood led to an understanding that the conditions in which these children live, their mental development inhibit their mental development, distort the development of the personality (Mustayev 2001, 244).

One of the problems of the orphanage is the absence of a free space in which the child could have a break from other children. Each person needs a special state of loneliness, separation, when internal work occurs, self-consciousness is formed (IBD, 245).

Admission to school is a turning point in the life of any child. It is associated with significant changes in his life. For children growing outside of the family, this usually means a change of children's institution: from preschool orphanage, they fall into children's school-type institutions (parishioners, thick 2005, 108-109).

From a psychological point of view, the arrival of a child to school marks primarily a change in its social development situation. The social situation of development in the younger school age is significantly different from the one that was in early and preschool childhood. First, the social world of the child is significantly expanding. It becomes not only a member of the family, but also comes into society, mastering the first social role - the role of a schoolboy. Essentially, he first becomes a "social person", achievements, successes and failures of which are estimated not only by loving parents, but also in the person of the teacher by society in accordance with the publicly developed standards and the requirements for the child of this age (parishioners, Tolstoy 2005, 108-109 ).

In the activities of the orphanage, the principles of practical psychology and pedagogy, taking into account the individual characteristics of children, are particularly relevant. First of all, it is advisable to involve pupils in activities that are interesting for them and at the same time ensuring the development of their personality, that is, the main task of the orphanage is the socialization of pupils. For this purpose, family modeling activities should be expanded: children must take care of the younger, to be able to show respect for the elder (Mustayev 2001, 247).

From the above, it can be concluded that the socialization of the pupils of the orphanage will take place with greater efficiency, if in the further development of the child seek to increase caringness, goodwill in relations with children and each other, conflicts are avoided, and when they are trying to extinguish them with the help of negotiations and mutual fasciance. When creating such conditions, it is formed by orphanage preschool children, including children with special needs a better social readiness for school training.

training School Social Readiness

2. Objective and research methodology

2.1 Objective, Tasks and research methodology

The purpose of the course work is to identify the social readiness of children with special needs for school education on the example of the Liikuri kindergarten city of Tallinn and orphanage.

To fulfill this purpose, the following tasks are put forward:

1) give a theoretical review of social readiness for school in normal children, as well as children with special needs;

2) to identify the opinion on social readiness among pupils to school from teachers of the pre-school institution;

3) distinguish the features of social readiness in children with special needs.

Research problem: how much children with special needs are socially prepared for school.

2.2 Methods, sample and organization of research

The course work method is reference and interview. The referencing method is made up the theoretical part of the course. Interviewing is selected for writing the research part of the work.

The selection of the study is formed from the teachers of the children's kindergarten Liikuri of the city of Tallinn and educators of the orphanage. The name of the orphanage is left anonymous and this is a famous author and head of work.

The interview is conducted on the basis of a memo (Appendix 1) and (Appendix 2) with a list of mandatory issues that do not exclude discussions with the respondent of other, but related to the topic of research. Questions are compiled by the author. The sequence of questions can be changed depending on the conversation. Answers are fixed using records in the study diary. The average duration of one interview on average is 20-30 minutes.

The sample of the interview was formed by 3 children's kindergarten teacher and 3 pedagogs of the orphanage, which work with children with special needs, which is 8% of Russian-speaking and mainly Estonian-speaking groups of the orphanage and 3 teachers working in Russian Liikuri kindergarten in the city of Tallinn.

For interviews, the author of the work consent from teachers of children's preschool institutions. The interview passed individually with each teacher in August 2009. The author of the work tried to create a trust and relaxed climate, in which respondents would have revealed the most fully. For the analysis of the interview, teachers are encoded as follows: teachers of kindergarten Liikuri- P1, P2, P3 and educators of the orphanage - B1, B2, B3.

3. Analysis of research results

Below are the results of the interview with teachers of the children's kindergarten Liikuri Tallinn city, only 3 teachers and then the results of an interview of the orphanages of the orphanage.

3.1 Analysis of the results interviews for pedagogues of kindergarten

For the beginning of the author, the study was interested in how many children in the Liikuri kindergarten groups of the city of Tallinn. It turned out that in two groups of 26 children, which is the maximum number of children for this educational institution and in the third 23 child.

To the question, whether children have a desire to study at school, group teachers answered:

Most children have a desire to learn present, but by the spring children get tired of 3 times a week classes in the preparatory class (P1).

Currently, parents pay a lot of attention precisely the intellectual development of children, which very often leads to strong psychological tensions, and this often causes fear of children before studying at school and in turn reduces the immediate desire to know the world.

The two respondents agreed and affirmatively answered this question that children go to school with pleasure.

These answers show that in kindergarten, the pedagogical team makes every effort and its skills, to instill the desire for children to study at school. Form the correct idea of \u200b\u200bschool and study. In the preschool institution through the game, children are studying all sorts of social roles and relationships, developing their intellect they learn to manage their emotions and behavior, which positively affects the child's desire to go to school.

The above-mentioned opinions of the teachers confirm the same in the theoretical part of the work (Kulderknup 1998, 1), that the readiness for school depends on the environment of the environment in which he lives and develops, as well as from people who communicate with him and direct its development. One teacher also noted that the readiness for the school of children largely depends on the individual characteristics of the pupils and the parental interest of their trainee. This application is also very correct.

Physically and socially children are ready for the beginning of school training. Motivation can decrease on the load on the child of the preschooler (P2).

Teachers expressed about physical and social readiness methods:

In our garden, in each group we carry out tests for physical training, the following work methods are used: jumping, running, in the pool, the coach checks on a specific program, the overall indicator of physical training for us is the following indicators: how active, correct posture, coordination of eye movements and Hands, as it can dress, stick buttons, etc. (p3).

If you compare the given teacher with the theoretical part (Neare 1999 b, 7), it is nice to notice that teachers in their daily work consider important activity and coordination of movements.

Social willingness in our group at a high level, all children know how to get well and communicate well among themselves, as well as with teachers. Intellectually children are well developed, the memory is good, read a lot. In motivation, we use the following methods of work: work with parents (we give advice, recommendations What approach is needed to each specific child), as well as benefits and conduct classes in the game form (P3).

In our group, children are well developed curiosity, the desire of children to learn something new, a fairly high level of sensory development, memory, speech, thinking, imagination. Assess the development of the future of the first grader helps special tests for diagnosing the readiness of the child to school. Such tests check the development of memory, random attention, logical thinking, general awareness of the environment, etc. For these tests, we define as far as our children are developed physical, social, motivational and intellectual readiness for school. I believe that in our group, work is carried out at the proper level and in children they are upbred by the desire to study at school (P1).

Of the above teachers, it can be concluded that the social readiness of the children at a high level, intellectually children are well developed, for the development of children's motivation to use various methods of work, attracting parents to this process. A physical, social, motivational and intellectual readiness for school is regularly held, which makes it possible to learn the child better and to educate children to learn.

On the question of the ability of children to fulfill the role of a student, respondents answered the following:

With the role of the student, children cope well, easily communicate with other children and teachers. Children are happy to tell about their experience, tell the listened texts, as well as by pictures. A great need for communication, high ability to learn (P1).

96% of children are able to successfully build relationships with adults and peers. 4% of children who were brought up outside the children's team to their weak socialization. Such children simply do not know how to communicate with themselves. Therefore, at the first time of the peers, they do not understand and sometimes even fear (P2).

The most important goal for us is to concentrate the attention of children for a certain amount of time, be able to listen and understand the tasks, execute instructions of the teacher, as well as the skills of the communicative initiative and self-sustaining, which is safe for our children. The ability to overcome difficulties and refer to errors as to a certain result of its work, the ability to absorb information in the situation of group training and change social roles in the team (group, class) (P3).

These answers show that mostly children raised in the children's team are able to fulfill the role of a student and socially ready for school, as teachers contribute to this and train. Education of children outside the kindergarten depends on parents and their interest, activity in the future fate of their child. Thus, it can be seen that the opinions of Liikuri kindergarten teachers are coincided with the author's data (readiness for school 2009) who believe that preschool institutions learn preschoolers for communication and apply the role of a student.

Children's teachers were invited to tell how the development of self-consciousness, self-esteem and the ability to communicate with preschoolers. The teachers agreed that a child for better development should be created a favorable development environment and told the following:

Socialization and self-esteem is supported by a friendly medium of communicating in a kindergarten group. We use the following methods: we give the opportunity to independently try to evaluate the work of preschoolers, test (ladder), draw yourself, the ability to negotiate (P1).

Through creative games, trainings, casual occupations (P2).

In our group there are its own leaders, as well as in each group they are present. They are always active, they all turn out, they like to demonstrate their abilities. Excessive self-confidence, unwillingness to reckon with others does not bring benefit for them. Therefore, our task is to recognize such children, understand them and help. And if the child is experiencing an excessive rigor of the house or in kindergarten, if the child is constantly scolding, there is little prases, make comments (often in humans), then he has a sense of insecurity, the fear of doing something wrong. So children we help increase self-esteem. The child of this age is lighter than the correct estimates of peers than self-esteem. Here you need our authority. So that the child understood his slip or at least accepted the remark. With the help of the teacher, the child at this age can objectively analyze the situation of its behavior than we do, forming self-consciousness in children in our group (P3).

From the responses of teachers, it can be concluded that the most important is to create a favorable environment for the development through games and communicating with peers and adults that surround them.

The author of the study was interested in how much the favorable environment is important in the institution for the development of the child's self-consciousness and self-esteem. All respondents agreed that, in general, a favorable environment in kindergarten, but one of the teachers added that a large number of children in the group prevents seeing the difficulties of the child, and also to pay enough time to solve them and eliminate.

Favorable environment for the development of the child's self-consciousness and self-assessment, we will create. Praise, in my opinion, can bring the child to benefit, increase his confidence in your abilities, form an adequate self-esteem, if we are adults to praise the child sincerely, express approval not only in words, but also with non-verbal means: intonation, facial expressions, gestures, touch. They praise for specific actions, do not compare the child with other people. But it is impossible to do without critical comments. Criticism helps my pupils to form realistic ideas about their strengths and weaknesses, ultimately contribute to the creation of adequate self-assessment. But in no case do not admit to reduce the already low self-esteem at the child to prevent the increase in its insecurity and anxiety (P3).

From the above answers it can be seen that teachers of kindergartens make every effort to develop children. Create a favorable environment for preschoolers, despite even a large number of children in groups.

The teachers of the kindergarten were invited to tell, whether the readiness of children in groups is checked and how it happens, respondents answers were the same and complemented each other:

Always checked the readiness of children for school training. In kindergartens, special age-related levels of assimilation of software content of preschoolers have been developed (P1).

School readiness is checked in the form of testing. And also collect information, both in the process of everyday activity and analyzing the crafts and work of the child, watching the games (P2).

The readiness of children to school is determined using tests, questionnaires. Filling out the "School readiness card" and make a conclusion about the readiness of the child to school. In addition, the final classes are pre-conducted, where children's knowledge are revealed by different types of activities. The level of development of children is assessed on the basis of the pre-school education program. There are quite a lot about the level of development of the child "they say" the work-drawings performed by them, work notebooks, etc. All works, questionnaires, tests are collected in the development folder, which gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe dynamics of development and reflects the history of the individual development of the child (P3).

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At the present stage, preparation for school learning from psychological and pedagogical has grown into the problem of great social significance. In this regard, special attention is required to solve the problem of the formation of social traits of the personality of the future schoolboy necessary for a successful adaptation to school, strengthening and developing an emotional positive attitude of a child to school, the desire to learn that, ultimately, forms a school position.

Analysis of the pedagogical heritage showed that at all times of teachers and psychologists expressed thoughts on training for schooling. It should be in the right organization of the life of children, in the timely development of their abilities, incl. Social, as well as awakening sustainable interest in school, teaching.

The topic studied is one of the most relevant problems throughout the history of preschool and general pedagogy. Currently, it is becoming increasingly acute in connection with the modernization of the entire education system. The school solves the complex tasks of the education and education of the younger generation. The successes of school learning in a large extent depend on the level of child's preparedness in preschool years. With the arrival of the child, the lifestyle of the child changes, a new system of relations with the surrounding people is established, new tasks are put forward, new forms of activity are added.

In psychological and pedagogical studies, issues of special and general psychological readiness of the child to school are considered. According to scientists, one of the parties to the psychological readiness of the preschooler for upcoming training is social willingness, which is expressed in the motives of the teachings, against children to school, to the teacher, to the upcoming school duties, to the position of the schoolboy, in the ability to consciously manage their behavior. The high level of intellectual development of children does not always coincide with their personal readiness for school. Children did not have a positive attitude towards a new way of life, the upcoming changes to the conditions, rules, requirements, which is an indicator of attitude towards school.

So, general willing suggests the emotional development of the child, the engine and physical, cognitive and socio-personal.

Let us dwell on the social readiness of the child to school. School life includes the participation of a child in various communities, entry into a variety of contacts, communications and relationships and maintaining them. First of all, this is a class community. The child should be ready for the fact that he will not be able to follow only its desires and impulses, regardless of whether he interferes with his behavior to other children or teacher. The relationship in the class community largely depends on how much the child can successfully perceive and recycle learning experiences, i.e. Extract from it benefit for your development.

Imagine it more specifically. If everyone who wants to say something or ask a question, will speak at the same moment or ask, chaos arises, and no one can listen to anyone. For normal productive work, it is important that children listen to each other, would give the interlocutor to finish to the end. therefore ability to refrain from their own pulses and listen to others - This is an important component of social competence.

It is important that the child can feel a member of the group, in the case of school-class. The teacher cannot contact each child separately, but turns to the whole class. In this case, it is important that every child understands and felt that the teacher appeals to him personally. therefore feel a member of the group -this is another important property of social competence.

Children are different, with different interests, impulses, desires, etc. These interests, impulses and desires must be realized in accordance with the situation and not to the detriment of others. In order for the heterogeneous group to be successfully operating, various rules of shared life are created. Therefore, a child's ability to understand the meaning of the rules of behavior and passage of people with each other and the willingness to follow these rules and readiness to follow these rules.

The life of any social group includes conflicts. The life of the class does not represent exceptions here. The point is not whether conflicts appear or not, but in how they are solved. It is important to teach children to other, constructive models of the resolution of conflict situations: to speak with each other, together to seek resolutions of conflicts, attract third parties, etc. Ability to constructively solve conflicts and socially acceptable to behave in controversial situations is an important part of the social readiness of the child to school.

If a child does not go to kindergarten, communicates only with his parents, does not know the rules of communication with peers, then the smartest and most developed child may be outcast in the classroom and therefore the task of social development - the formation of communicative skills and ethical values \u200b\u200bin gaming, training activities, In everyday situations.

If this is not, then the first-grader may face, first, with rejection of peers, secondly, with a misunderstanding situation of communication with the teacher. Already the first school day can end with a complaint that the teacher does not like him, does not pay attention to him, and he cannot work otherwise. So the writing, reading, but socially not adapted to the group, nor to interact, the problems begged for anyone else's adult child. Moreover, one problem in school does not pass without a trace - one always pulls the other.

The positive concept of "me" is very important here, which involves confidence in itself, is considered as a sense of confidence in the effective and appropriate behavior situation. Socially confident child believes that it will act successfully and correctly, will achieve a positive result in solving difficult tasks. If a child trusts himself, then confidence is manifested in his actions as a desire to achieve a positive result.

Theoretical analysis and these practices convinced us to conduct targeted work on education of a positive attitude towards school in children of senior preschool age. It is a system of diverse forms and methods within the framework of the project cycle. To implement these tasks, it is necessary to discuss various situations from life, stories, fairy tales, poems from the life, stories, fairy tales, poems, to consider the attention of children to feelings, states, actions of other people; Organize theatrical performances and games. As an example, consider one of the projects.

Preparatory to school group

Project "Journey to the School Country"

Project Characteristics:

Project Type: Game.

By number of participants: Group.

By duration: short-term (entertainment).

According to the nature of the contacts of the participants: among children of one group.

Problem: What do you teach at school?

Purpose: Creation of game space for the socialization of the child.

  • enrich the impressions of children about the social world;
  • consolidate the knowledge of children about school life;
  • develop mental activity, intensify thinking, speed of reaction;
  • bring up in children a sense of partnership, mutual arms;
  • call interest and desire for your future - school training.

Estimated result: drawing graphic models "What is taught at school".


  • reflection in the drawings of his impressions;
  • compilation of stories: "Journey to the school country."

Description of the implementation of the main stage of the project

Educator: Today I want to invite you to an exciting and informative journey. But where we will go, I will not say. You yourself must guess.

Song recording "Our School Country" Muz. K.Ibryaeva

Educator: What is this for the country about which comes in a song?

Children: School Country.

Educator: We will go to the school country to find out what is taught at school. For more interesting things to travel, we split into two teams and let's see whose team will successfully get to the school country.

Educator: On the way, we will have to make a stop several times, where commands will have to perform the task, without which we will not be able to continue the journey: music sounds.

1. Intelligent stop: warm-up - questions teams.

2. Mysterious stop.

3. Theater stop.

Dramatization of scenes

Folk Stop - Proverbs, sayings about the book

4. An alphabet stop.

Look at the letter W, the letter is very good.

She lives in such words: school, mouse, cat, Shah.

The letter "sh" invites us to play the game. Whenever you hear in the word "sh", you will need to slam your hands.

At the beginning of the word In the middle of the word

5. Mathematical stop.

"PE" walked along the road, her legs were tired,

She gave us a task, you need to express the effort.

We must come up with words that indicate actions and begin to sound [P]. I will show the figure, and you will perform this movement so many times: jump, sit down, pull, step over, go through, raise your hands, bow. Music sounds, children perform movements.

We have successfully reached the school country, it consists of classes.

We will go to class ( sit at the tables)

We are meeting Petrushka ({!LANG-32bff1b30f33ac57faf33173cc4f3568!}

{!LANG-530e8e8b55ee0340a5c374c7f145ad90!} {!LANG-6f192b75cefef8827cb1a4a9a8e95c82!}



















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