Which means the female name Inna. Meaning: What the name gives the owner

Which means the female name Inna. Meaning: What the name gives the owner
Which means the female name Inna. Meaning: What the name gives the owner

Our world is filled with multiple names, each of which is unique, uniquely and has its own energy. For example, the name of Inna is strong, solid, but at the same time it is flexible rod.

Women with this name have a reliable character, they are soft, bright and friendly, they can always be rejected at difficult times. Learn more about what the name of Inna, you can from our today's article, where we will try to understand all the features of the owners of this name.

It is impossible to explore the meaning of the name Inna, without contacting the story. Many know that it is the story that hides the answers to many questions. The origin of the name can tell you a lot about the character of a person.

So, as historians say, it is impossible to definitely say what kind of origin is the name of Inna, since at the moment there are three theories on this matter.

  • The first theory says that the name of Inna roots goes to the Scythians, and initially this name was male, but as a result of the mistress of chronicles was feminine.
  • The second theory says that this name comes from the Latin word "to swim", and it is translated as a "strong stream".
  • The third theory is one of the most beautiful, because according to her the name Inna comes on behalf of the ancient Goddess Ishtar, the symbol of fertility and female strength.

If we talk not only about what kind of name is origin, it is worth mentioning that it is represented in Christian salty, which means that it is Orthodox and can be given to your girl when baptism. But it is also important that the fact that this name is made in the saints as men's, as Inna was the Christian martyr and in the struggle for faith took a serious death.

A little about character

Of course, it is worth paying particular attention to the character of Inna, especially on how it changes from year to year. So, if you decide to give your daughter when baptized, you will grow up a kind, peaceful and active child. Inna will manifest itself, will be bright and noticeable, as well as curious and curious.

For this girl, it is important how they are evaluated by others, so she seeks to do something good, for which it is accurately praised and will be affected by her. At the same time, she has a good heart, it is distinguished by caring character and the ability to empathize to others.

Parents should be prepared for the fact that Inna will not be a "round excellent". For this girl, estimates are not important, it does not particularly like to learn, but some items will still completely capture her attention.

In adolescence, Inna closes a bit in herself, often manifests egoism and even egocentrism. But this is not bad - so she managed to better understand and explore himself, his character and personality features. In his youth, this girl is still indifferent to his studies, because it is more interested in communication with people. At the same time, it is characterized by good erudition, and it can definitely be called an excellent interlocutor.

Adult Inna open and easy in communication, she is kind and caring, but do not think that it can be easily "crawling around the finger," she feels well and always knows when they are trying to deceive.

Inna loves to have fun, likes to be at various events, arrange techniques, but all this is done not to be the center of attention, but in order to simply and have fun to spend time in a circle of good people. Inna never dips, she knows how to cope with any problems and adversity. Sometimes her fate is very difficult, but it belongs to her life not as a difficult path, but as an interesting and fascinating journey.

Exploring the meaning of the name Inna, it is important to explore not only the character of this woman, but also other parties to her personality affecting life:

  • Inna moral, she has a real women's understanding of values \u200b\u200band morality. She honors the law and respects the choice of other people.
  • Inna's character is difficult, so often all of its diseases have a psychological basis. As soon as this woman learn to accept and love himself, then it spreads most of his ailments.
  • This woman is perfectly thinking, it has logic and everything always understands with a half-clow. Also, its distinguished erudition is distinguished.
  • This girl does not really like to work in a team, but she perfectly copes with any work in which independence is necessary. It's best to engage in your business, where she can be her own owner and the main ideologue.
  • Inna thinly feels all people around, their desires and thoughts, she has a great female flair. Often it helps her both at work and in his personal life.

About love and relationship

The fate of a person is not only his character, but also the ability to build relationships with other people. Inna is a trusting woman, she is looking for a real man - good, sincere, courageous, responsible and honest. Sometimes she is inclined to trust the words, and not a degree that it may not be better to influence her relationship with men.

This woman is afraid of treason, sometimes can exhaust themselves with fears and experiences. She tends to arrange checks for his beloved to be one hundred percent confident in his innocence. In the family, Inna is committed to excellence, it is important for it to become an exemplary wife of the exemplary husband. Therefore, it presents the overestimated demands not only to himself, but also to all households.

She is a good mother, children loved, treats them gently, but trying to raise them, relying on the norms of morality and morality. At the same time, she is still ready to accept and understand his child if he chose some "other" way.

It is important to say a few words about the compatibility of women who have this beautiful name, with men.

- This is not the best party for Inna, their union will have insufficient compatibility. Sergey is not inclined to strive for the ideal, so all the efforts of the spouse change it doomed to failure. Sergey loves freedom, and her marriage will notice it noticeably.

- Beautiful batch, compatibility with it above average. This man is ready to manifest himself as a real knight and gentleman and at the beginning of the relationship, and throughout life.

- A good option for Inna, the relationship with it will have excellent compatibility. This man has a good character, he is ready to be a real support for his wife, is ready to improve and grow, change and transform for the sake of common good.

Kostya is also an excellent partner, and compatibility with it will be above average. Inna and Kostya look in one direction and want from the life of the same, and therefore, they are waiting for complete mutual understanding.

- This is a person compatible with whom, unfortunately, will not be high. Andrei craves freedom and adventure, which makes it an unstable partner for Inna. Therefore, most often Andrei himself stops such relationships.

Also, all owners of this name will be useful to know the following:

  • Name Day, according to the church calendar, Inna celebrates on February 2.
  • Yaskovo this woman can be called so - Innochka, Walking, Inulo, Intusha.
  • Stone capable of becoming a talisman - opal.
  • Animal totem - Dingo dog.
  • Patron Tree - Lemon.

Integet to the names of the surrounding people, and you will learn a lot of new things about old friends and about new friends. After all, the world of names is an amazing treasury of answers to many questions. Posted by: Darius Potkan

Inna's name presumably has an old Slavonic origin and means " storm flow», « stormy" Next, we consider the full meaning of the name of Inna for the girl.


Since childhood, Inna shows the same quality of the fast mountain river, she is a barrette, the character is uncompleting, you can even say heavy. It can be very stubborn, parents can be hard with her. Natural power, energy and origin of the Inna is often manifested in unusually emotionality and excitability. It can not worry about it and hard to convince. A good solution to the upbringing of such a girl will give it to a sports or music school, so that this huge internal energy is sent to the constructive channel. Earlier, the passion for creativity is also positively affecting Inna.

Inna witty, is able to think fresh and original. Probably, it is already clear from the above that it is inclined to independent decisions on any issues, someone else's opinion perceives reluctantly.

Secret named after Inna: Excessive emotionality is able to spoil the mood as the Inna itself and its surrounding. And the surplus of excitation is capable of leading to the reverse reaction: instead of active actions in some situation requiring the Inna solution, it can be in prostration. However, this rarely happens if the emotionality of the girl is balanced by the sound logic and the good sense of humor. Inna demanding to people, the small weaknesses of others, she notes very well. Not avenge, but resentment remembers for a long time.

Mold, Inna, as a rule, remains a person with character, she seems to be a match, can ignite very quickly. With a large number of conflicts and clashes, its excitability becomes only stronger. The positive direction of its emotion is acquired during noisy guides and events when Inna will be able to become easy to become the company's coating and soul.


In relations with men, Inna is sensitive and gentle, is not deprived of their attention. She expects absolute honesty and openness from his fan. Jealous, but herself is not prone to treason. She needs a careful, sensitive and friendly partner. Contrary to his disadvascularity, Inna can give way to his chosen one. He must take it into account and evaluate properly. Inna requires a proper relationship and expects praise and warm words. She needs to reconcile her pride with the pride of the groom, if both want a happy family life.

Inna, it is necessary to listen more to the opinions of others, especially close people, and try to dry out their stormy stream sometimes, and even better - to send it to the right direction. Inna can become a good hairdresser, journalist, engineer, photographer, manager.

Interesting feature: Inna as if a stretched string. And how to touch it, so it will sound. Excessive emotionality of the girl can be aimed at a good attitude towards people and the manifestation of sympathy.

Horoscope named

Next, we will look at what the name of Inna in astrology means:
  • Zodiac matching name: Aquarius.
  • Planet Patron: Sun.
  • Character traits: emotionality, impulsiveness, sensuality.
  • Colors named: brown, green, red, orange.
  • Stone-talisman: amber, carnelian, jade ..

If you translate from the Latin language, then the meaning of the name of Inna - This is a crying, stormy stream, a raging river. This beautiful female name carries many contradictions and stubbornness. Choosing this name for the girl, parents must prepare for the fact that it will always behave in advance their desires.

In childhood, Inna is very tied to his mother, he constantly follows her as a tail, climbs into all the homework and asks to interpret all the actions that Mom makes.

Thanks to such affection, it grows smart and erudite, as parents have to occupy it all possible ways, whatever she would give them a minute of peace.

The origin of the name of Inna

Ancient part of Europe - the area from where the name of Inna happened. By the way, it used to be purely male, and only in our time began to be used for representatives of weak gender. It is possible that that is why in the nature of Inna is there so much perseverance, which is rather characteristic of men.

Etymology, or, differently, the meaning of the name Inna through the prism of time leads us to the Latin translation, which means a stormy stream, a mountain river, in general, something spontaneous, irrelevine.

The story of the first, or rather the first called so men very sad, and begins in the first century of our era. He, together with two adherents of the Christian faith, was frozen in the thicker of ice on the river. This is a holy martyr, whose name will forever remain in the memory of believers.

A woman named Inna is characteristic of such qualities as lightness, simplicity, reliability, it seems to radiate light. She is rather a sanguine, but not able to be energetic, but on the contrary, always a cheerful and frivolous. Inna is positioning himself an independent woman who always has its own opinion.

Inna is able to adapt to changing circumstances. She is not inclined to hone offense, and this, as a rule, helps her avoid extra difficulties and problems.

Inna is often a fundamental and even stubborn, it always strives to be punctual and will definitely make what promises or outlined. She never spends on time, as it does not want to miss anything important and interesting in his life.


Having matured Inna retains many of the features of a childish character, which means that in her chosen one appreciates honesty, openness, full sincerity.

Also, it gives loyalty, it is always afraid to become a victim of treason, and therefore before buming jealous, and if something thought up to himself, then the young man will have to make a maximum effort to prove to her the opposite.

Love for long-term caresses, kisses, love games - the great mystery named after Inna, but no matter how skillful in caresses, she will first listen to his words, and to attribute them a somewhat overestimated meaning. Because of this, the innochka is very easy to deceive, so it should not be blindly trusted with eloquent tempter.

A family

Family life for the owner of this name is a permanent self-improvement in which it requires participation from the spouse, he simply obliged to support it, to encourage in every way, praise, and sometimes it passes all the framework. Therefore, a man with this demanding woman will be very difficult.

Because of this difficult character, her marriage is short-lived, but she will marry the second one, and maybe for the third time, and every time it will go to his ideal of relationships, a campaign, correcting the errors of previous marriages.

For children, she will become an excellent mother. This indicates that Inna will be somewhat strict, but because of this no less caring. She will bring in them decency and strict moral foundations. With a special trepidation, she will treat daughters who at least sometimes will be frustrated, but will remain hotly loved by the mother.

Business and Career

The owner of this name is very attracted to its kind of activity, which means that it will only work with what she likes, and at another work, even from under the stick, but nothing can do nothing. Therefore, during the search for your beloved business, it can very often place work, not even time to delve into all subtleties.

But when she finds a lesson in the soul, then it will come her rush hour. Inna will work without donating hands, quite independent in the material plan, it can easily start your business, and do not ruin.

The number 5 means freedom and independence. The "fives" rarely listen to the Soviets from the part, they are used to relying on their own experience. They tend to try, rather than think.

"Five" love adventure and travel, sit still not in their character! They are players and adventurers, thirst for risk and excitement accompany all their life paths. The native element of the "five" - \u200b\u200bbargaining, in any trading affairs few people compare with the "fives". It is worth remembering that the "fives" all forces avoid responsibility.

Interpretation of the value of the letter name

AND - Thin spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Externally, a person shows practicality as a screen for concealing a romantic soft nature.
N. - protest sign, the inner force does not take everything, without parsing, a sharp critical mind, interest in health. A diligent worker, but does not tolerate "Martish labor".
BUT - The symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement, thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.

Sexuality named after Inna

Inna is sensitive, affectionate, sexy, gentle in communicating with men and very jealous sexually erotic terms. She deeply and is very worried about love sweetness, but it is almost no manifest.

Because of its natural shyness, Inna is somewhat fidgeted in sexual behavior, so prefers men of experienced sex technicians.

Inna loves long love affairs, kisses, causing sexual excitement, strong irritants for her are not so many hands of a man as those hot love words that he whispers to her during erotic games.

Some men expect an immediate response to their caresses, so if it does not happen to this, she believes that Fiasco suffered and starts nervous. She is just impatient, no wonder Inna is a "stormy stream", therefore it needs a friendly, attentive and sensitive partner.

Listening to her own feelings and caring more about not to remain unsatisfied, Inna often forgets about a man, is not able to understand that he prevents his sexual well-being.

If Inna learn how to flow sometimes with his interests in order to better know the desires of a partner, she can become an unrivaled mistress.

In the family life of Inna - a man is very difficult. She is too jealous, adamant, wants to dominate everything, including in intimate relations. Her marriage is often short. Running with her husband, she no longer binds himself with marriages.

Translated from Latin - "Storm Stream". Initially a male name.

Inna since childhood is characterized by a difficult character. It happens stubborn to tears, can bring to tears and mother. Do not forgive even small, weakness to your friends, and evil caused to her, never forgets, although herself is not aventer.

It has a living mind, able to surprise bold and original thoughts. In the actions of independent, it does not adapt to the opinion of others. Having matured, Inna is able to give way to her a pleasant person if necessary, but she will make it contrary to his principles.

Inna can be a good journalist, hairdresser, engineer, photo reporter, shop director.

Marriage with innocent for any man will be difficult. From his elect, Inna is waiting for absolute honesty and openness. She is jealous, but in her loyalty and loyalty of doubts will never arise.

He loves children, and their upbringing is very responsible. Trying to arrange your children in the sports section, music school. Inna since childhood is able to cook well, she likes to experiment with all sorts of recipes. Cares her husband and constantly waiting for him praise.

Meaning name inna for life

Sociable, can not be alone. As every person with a strong will, Inna is indulgent to weaker, but does not want to see them among his acquaintances. Friends more with men or volition, purposeful women. She is smart, striking those surrounding courageous and original judgments.

Does not be influenced, always has its opinion, does not go to the friends. Everything belongs to creative. Marriage with this woman is complicated - she is jealous and incredulous. Only absolutely honest and to the end, a frank man can make it happy.

Inna herself is very devoted spouse, only an excessively demanding and temperamental. Very neat, skillfully leads a household, cooks well, cares for the replenishment of grocery reserves. He loves her children, will try to study in a good school, they were engaged in prestigious sections, received a musical education.

Inna is sensitive, gentle, sexy and very jealous. She deeply and is very worried about love sweetness, but it is almost no manifest.

Because of its natural shyness, Inna is somewhat fidgeted in sexual behavior, so prefers men of experienced sex technicians. She loves long love affairs, kisses, strong irritants for her are not so many men's hands as the hot words he whispers to her during erotic games.

Positive features name

This soft name symbolizes passionality and honesty. Inna - the protector of the right case and those who cannot stand up for themselves.

Negative features name

Inna requires attention to himself, needs to be supported by loved ones, in the soul it is offended by the absence of due attention.

Psychology named

Inna always stands on the guard of the interests of his family, wants everything to be at the best level, and for the sake of this, inclined emotionally to respond to any noticed shortcomings in the behavior of family members.

If Inna is irritated, it should not object to it and contradict: in such a state, she perceives any criticism as a direct challenge and rushes off the offensive.

Forms name

For the name, Inna, it is easy enough to come up with a diminutive-smear. For example, Innochka, Innush, we wish. In the same way, it can be called an aunt and anal, by analogy with Anna. If you want to call my daughter with a bias on Europe, then you can use the options for foreign sound, such as Inessa.

Another short pronunciation that can be used to the owner of this name - Nyuska, mommies often so much their daughters, putting on a special meaning.

Of course, this abbreviated word will not be able to replace complete, but its use is quite acceptable in a circle of family and close friends. The declines on cases are subject to the usual rules of the Russian language, and similar to the declinations of Anna, Yana.

According to the church, this name remains, because in Orthodoxy it is connected with the Great Martyr Inna Novodunskaya, so it will not change Orthodox and when baptism will not change.

d.R: 1926-07-28

soviet and Russian actress, People's Artist of the USSR

Version 1. What does Inna mean

Inna - man
with complex character; Too stubborn and excessively principled. Can not put together
With the optional and non-package of friends, the negligence of colleagues.

No explanations
Inna does not take into account, it is easy to lose her good location. Achieve
Authority in her eyes is very difficult. Inna does not forgive the offense to her,
Although it will not be revenge, considering it below its dignity.

Marriage with Inna
Foldable, except, she is also very jealous. Only a person is absolutely honest and
Until the end, sincere can achieve her complete trust and make it happy. IN
Devotion of the same Inna can not be doubted.

Inna loves in the morning
sleep longer, but so self-disciplined that is able to overcome
This sweet habit. Very hardworking, demanding. Inna tries
Do not miss anything in life, seeks to have time everywhere. Knows what he wants seriously
Suitable for the choice of profession, already with school bench prepares itself to the selected specialty.
Inna is purposeful and in everyday life will definitely achieve. Will be able to scoop
Money and car, and to the country, and the education of children. Inna is fond of non-traditional
medicine always browsing special literature, makes cuts from periodic
Editions, knows a lot of recipes for healthy vegetation food, the diet sticks.
Her special passion is a car. Better than many men can drive the car, Inna
Disassembled in the subtleties of its device, is able to determine the breakdown. She repaired
Would he herself, be it for her. However, in childhood, Inna has repeatedly received from his father
Call for the disassembled bike, as it could not collect him.

d.R: 1943-10-05

soviet and Russian actress Theater and Cinema, People's Artist of the USSR

Version 2. What does the name of Inna mean

Sonya: I shoot a gun in the morning - you will not wake up. Active in the afternoon, not
Love physical labor.

The girls do not get married long, but "closed" on sex. Interest in this issue
Improved since childhood.

Good hostesses, love to create comfort, cook tasty and beautiful. Nature is very contradictory.

d.R: 1934-06-30

soviet and Russian actress Theater and Cinema, Honored Artist of the RSFSR

3 version of the meaning of the name Inna

(Inessa) - Stormy (Lat.).

Name Day: February 2 - Holy Martyr Inna, Slavyan, the student of the Holy
Andrei Apostle; Martyr dies in the first century.

Zodiac sign
- Calf.

Planet - Moon.

Color - lemon.

Favorable tree
- Lemon.

Cherished plant
- Lemon tree flower.

Patron name
- Dingo dog.

Stone talisman
- opal.


very stubborn, self-confident; if it goes on concessions, then only overcoming strong internal
resistance. Inna is not afraid even with small weaknesses of his friends,
Calm, although not avengeon. Inna intelligent, striking surrounding bold
and original statements. Very independent and on any issue has its own

4 version of interpretation name inna

Inna translated from Greek means a "stormy stream", and from Latin - "floating".
Since childhood, Inna spends a lot of time with mom in the kitchen, with interest
Learn to cook, keep household. Very prominent to yourself and others.

However, those surrounding cannot not recognize a person of an interesting person who can safely
And think original. Publishing and hardworking, smart. Independent, has its opinion
And never goes on. Everything belongs to creative. If Inna has
Amenities and money.

The color of the name is lemon.

Favorable tree
- Lemon.

Covenate plant - lemon tree flower.

Patron name - Dingo.

Stone-talisman - opal.

5 version of the meaning of the name Inna


- "Floating"

I wonder, but we turn to the little Inna parents. Can
Being the predominance of sounds "Well", "Nu" or double "NN" make this girl so stubborn?
Many times paid attention to the fact that Inna and in childhood and becoming
Adults are characterized by a difficult character.

Little Inna, for example, perfectly oriented
In its surrounding home Mirka. Never give the thing that belongs to her, arrange
The scandal, if he sees that Mom gave her friend a beautiful plastic bag.
Little Inna is not able to overcome his stubbornness. Collision
on this soil almost always ends with tears - its own, and often
Mamina. Misgrim, Inna, if necessary, can yield to a pleasant
She is some kind of a person, but remember, it will cause her heavy stress.

Since childhood Mint
Favorite, Inna spends a lot of time with her in the kitchen, with interest
Learn to cook, keep house. She likes to try out all sorts of culinary recipes.
Or invent something delicious. She has no tendency to do with her needlework. He likes to sleep.
Very prominent to yourself and others. Lies, fiction - not her role. It is stock I.

Inna is smart, striking surrounding courageous and original solutions and statements.
Independent, has its own opinion and never goes on. Everything applies creative
Her fantasy is inexhaustible - and in the waste of money, and in jealousy, and in work. If it has
talent, then, most likely, devote his life to him, abandoning the family, life,
Amenities and money. If the talent will have to be combined with family life, then husband and children
Will be on the second plan. Husband will have to unconditionally inne
And praise it, in addition, perform almost all the work on the house. It may not like
mother-in-law, so Inn is better to live from his parents or have a separate

She is born to her daughter, whom she loves. To upbringing them applies
Inspired. Her children usually learn in prestigious schools, she seeks to give them musical
Education, teach languages.

Especially difficult
Inn's characters with Charaging Dmitrievna, Borisovna, Vladimirovna,
Nikolaevna, Vyacheslavovna.

Often suffers
Allergies, has a weak nervous system.

"Winter" Inna is self-confined, hot-tempered, cutting.

- inquisitive, serious,
Length. Can work as director of the store or cafe, accountant, engineer, operator,
programmer. She is suitable for senior positions. The name combines well with the patronymic:
Valerievna, Grigorievna, Mikhailovna, Lazarevna, Egorovna, Bogdanovna.

- intrigan, conflict,

- Sadden, unpredictable.
It can work journalist, photo reporter, translator, guide, hairdresser.
The name comes to the patrons: Vyacheslavovna, Olegovna, Ivanovna, Ruslanovna,
Romanovna, Filippovna.

6 version of the name of the name Inna

- From Lat. crying or stormy stream; European version of the name - Inessa.

Innush, Innush, Inujus, Inulo, Inez, Ineska, Inura.

The name was once male, because in the saints mentioned
SVT. Martyr Inna.

Folk signs.

The second day of February predicts the spring: if sunny
- To the Red Spring, overcast - wait late blizzards.


Inna is straightforward, stubborn, orthodox.
Practically not capable of compromises. And if in rare cases it will encounter someone
Present, it costs her huge soulful efforts. But nevertheless others do not
May not recognize in it a person of an interesting, able to threaten and originally thought.

9 version of the name of Inna

Old-Russian male name, consumed at the moment as a female1,
Just like the name of Rimma.

Wearing, nyuska
- So add to the little Inn parents. Maybe the predominance of sounds
"Well," nude or double "NN" make this girl so stubborn?

Inna and in childhood, and, becoming
Adults are characterized by a difficult character. Stubbornness little inna almost
Always turns into tears - its own or, which is also not uncommon, moms.
Misgrim, Inna, if necessary and give way to a pleasant person some kind of
Its thing, however, will do it, overcoming internal resistance. She is not afraid
Even with small weaknesses of their friends, and the evil caused to her remembers all his life,
Although herself is not avenge. She is smart, striking those surrounding bold and original
statements. Independent, has its own opinion and does not go to the girlfriends. Loves
Testing all sorts of recipes, and since since childhood - Mine Friend and a lot of time
Conducts with mom in the kitchen, it is quite well mastered with culinary art.

May be good
journalists, photo reporters, often work directors of shops, hairdressers,
engineers. Many Inna try themselves in poetic creativity.

Inna loves
sleep in the morning, but with this sweet habit successfully fights, since hardworking
And it does not allow yourself idle pastime.

Marriage with Inna
Folded - she is also jealous. Only a person is absolutely honest and fully frank
Can make her happy. In devotion, the Inna itself can not be doubted.

In marriage in Inna
More often girls are born. Children love, to their upbringing applies inspired, except
Schools will try to train their children in prestigious sections, give musical education.
If she has a talent, then most likely dedicate his life to him, refusing
from family, life, amenities and money. If the talent will have to be combined with family life,
That husband and Inna's husband will be in the second plan. Husband will have to be unconditionally
Inna and praise her, in addition, almost all the work on the house. Is not
May be pleased with the mother-in-law, so Inn is better to live separately from it.

Especially difficult
Inn Characteristics of Dmitrievna, Borisovna, Vladimirovna, Nikolaevna,

Inna Rather
Total luck with Alexander, Vladimir, Konstantin, Felix, Yakov.
A less successful may be marriage with Nikolai, Ivan, Vasily, Vadim.

1 L. Asspensky - in ancient sources: a storm stream, without
Indications of origin.

Softness and piercing, beauty and energy movement, the desire for the purpose and submission to strong flow - such sensations create the name of Inna. The value is easy to intuitively catch just at the sound. Women, named so at birth, are quite rare, just one per thousand. The originality of the elegant name is usually reflected on the character of people who closely associate him with their own personality. Before you call the daughter of Inna, it is worth learn how to affect her fate.

As names affect the character

In antiquity, there was a special ritual of adventures. The acquisition of the name is a serious step, which is largely determining the fate that shakes the reality in front. Our distant ancestors knew perfectly well that the constant utterance of the word could materialize any intention, and also affects consciousness, feelings, desire. The sound of a name that is truly suitable for a specific personality is able to help achieve greater success.

As itself, the importance of this main word for humans and associations, emotions from his pronunciation, impressions when listening are some key that opens the door to a new fate. Any name of anyone hears, feels vibrations from his sound, hesitating constantly. Usually this information is perceived exclusively by subconscious, affecting deep inside. So, thanks to, it would seem, goals, expectations, personal features are adjusted to the daily set of sounds.

Name Inna: Origin and meaning

The researchers did not come to a single opinion about why Inna's name firmly entered the daily use. Sometimes it is mentioned by Innana, or Innin, Lady of Heaven, Morning and Evening Star, from the ancient mythology of Sumerians. She was revered as a goddess fertility and love, justice.

In Russia, Inna's name was considered for a long time for men, only in the last century began to use it for adoption of girls. Some argue that it was mistakenly made by Christian chroniclers to the list of women thanks to a typical end. So called one of those Scythians who had to take cruel death in the depths of ice of the winter river for their beliefs.

To understand what the name of Inna means, it is worth contacting the Latin language. The literal translation will sound like "water endowed with force", which can be deciphered as a "stream", "stormy river", "rapid flow". It is an element with adequacy, softness, some obedience and at the same time power, perseverance, uncontrollability.

A little astrology

Gemini, dual and always hurrying, firing, moving and multifaceted, virgin, adaptable and practical, scorpion, deep and emotional, very suitable meaning of the name Inna. For the girl born under these signs of the zodiac, its energy will be excellent support, reinforcing inborn quality. Taurus with his fear of change This name suits little.

The soft but movable, stubborn and purposeful character of the name of Inna was consonant with vibrations of Mercury, Jupiter and the Moon. Color - gray-blue, brilliant, like water in a turbulent river, which perfectly reflects the reality around and at the same time quickly worn on.

Inna: Name of name, character

This girl adequately evaluates its own abilities. In the event of the emergence of the difficulties with which she cannot cope with, it is not in a hurry to climb. Inna, as the movement of water, first stops to gain strength, and then any obstacle successfully overcomes. But this happens if the girl does not have explicit pressure.

Any attempts to manipulate it usually end with a hidden or explicit protest. Inna will still do in its own way, it is not used to change its own solid solution. Such a girl is always in the most thick of incredibly fast-taking events. It easily adapts to any innovations and misses a little if life suddenly freezes.

Rutin, monotony of existence, gray commonness is contraindicated to the one who wears the female name Inna. Its value largely determines the habits, reactions to events, the dynamics of fate. This is a real stream of energy that will easily demolish someone who dares to stand on the way.

Interaction with others

Inna is usually quite sociable, has quite a few buddies and friends. It impresses a soft, light man. Such a girl is always attentive to the interlocutor, knows how to listen. She is really wondering that she can tell others. The image of the lung, the contact person she "wears" in the company of unfamiliar people, with the closest behaves somewhat differently.

Inna is able to truly be friends. A close circle of communication she picks up very carefully, guided by its own criteria. The girl is needed to make sure that a person can be trusted before calling it to his friend.


Usually the name of Inna, whose value is "Stormy flow", determines the temper of this woman. She quickly reacts to events, new circumstances can get something positive from any situation for himself. Inna is often quite cheerful, easily perceives life, it is not able to save the resentment.

Such a girl is almost not inclined to lose heart or for a long time to be sad. A positive attitude is very helpful to cope with difficult situations, take a right decision, but Inna is sometimes more patient. She more appreciates his inner sensations, quite rarely showing them. External circumstances are usually simply sailing by, without affecting its whole personality.


Very often, such a girl has all the qualities necessary to the writer, a real literary talent. The erudition and intellectuality of Inna cause unchanged respect. It has rapidly logical thinking, which allows you to successfully study the exact sciences.


A little piercing name Inna, whose value is "stream", often gives its owner with excellent quality to guess the possible development of events, upcoming incidents. Such a woman is capable not only to adapt to rapidly changing conditions, but also choose the desired direction of flow.

Inna's attentiveness to what is happening, excellent observation usually help soberly determine the chances of the success of an important enterprise, and the ability to catch the mood of the flow of events - do not interfere with obtaining the result.

Career, self-realization, profession

The girl who carries the name of Inna, the value when choosing a profession clearly gives the opportunity to open the most. Stability or material benefits are not so important for it. The girl is painless about changing the place of work, for a long time to engage in dull activities solely for the sake of earnings, it will not.

Inna's energy has a hidden source - its hidden desire to become the best. It does not tolerate constant need to obey. Inna does not feel very well as a performer, but conscientious. She needs to choose this sphere of activity where it can show independence, perseverance, the ability to achieve even complex goals. Monotonous work with a clear Schedule Inna is not very suitable.

Marriage and family

In relations, the carrier of this name appreciates first of all honesty, loyalty, understanding of the partner. Inna easily forgives his beloved small weaknesses of character, understanding that there are no ideal people. But the betrayal she will definitely never forget. The girl is rather demanding to themselves, often in the emerging family problems unreasonably accuses himself. Usually, having a negative marital experience, Inna is not solved on the second marriage.

Love causes her feeling of happiness, Inna likes to show this feeling. She is a very affectionate, gentle partner. The girl's marriage often folds not easy. A huge need for attention can satisfy the few spouses.

Usually Inna strives to occupy the main place in the relationship, which is not very pleasant to conservative men, but in this matter it remains adamant. The meaning of the word "compromise" such a woman is understood very foggy. Quite often, all this leads to a rupture, but the girl will not support the marriage, where she will depend on someone.


Native Inna often faced her exorbitant desire for independence and some stubbornness. Argued with her or try to make anything absolutely useless - it's how to stop the mountain river. Usually it is painfully referring to the lack of understanding of their point of view by household and perceives harshly negatively any disagreement with her opinion.

Heavy temper often makes it difficult to suffer both others and Inno himself, but she really needs understanding and love. The secret named after Inna is hidden deep inside the vulnerability. Such a girl needs sensitive support for all its undertakings. Inna is really important faith of loved ones in her ability to put increasingly difficult tasks. The participation of relatives will help her gain success.