Read the online "Maritime Tsar and Vasilisa to do. Russian folktale

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Read the online "Maritime Tsar and Vasilisa to do. Russian folktale

For the thirty lands, in the thirtieth of the state, there was a king with the queen; They did not have children. I drove the king on foreign land, on the far parties; For a long time at home did not happen; At that time, the queen of his son, Ivan-Tsarevich, gave birth to him, and the king does not know.

He began to keep the way to his state, began to approach his land, and the day was hot-hot, the sun and the bake! And attacked him the thirst for her; Nor give, just to drink water! I looked around and sees a big lake at the wrong lake; He drove up to the lake, tears from the horse, predicted on the belly and let's swallow the student water. Drinks and does not feel troubles; And the king marine grabbed him over his beard.

Let them! - asks the king.
- NOT IT, do not dare to drink without my knowledge!
- Which you want to take off - just let go!
- Come on what you do not know at home.

The king thought-thought - what does he not know at home? It seems, everything knows everything to him, - and agreed. I tried - no one holds a beard; I got up from the ground, sat down on the horse and drove the ravoisi.

So comes home, the queen meets him with Tsarevich, so joyful; And he learned about his cute brainchild, and he flooded bitter tears. He told the queen, how and what happened to him, they sworn together, but I don't have nothing to do, we will not correct things with tears.

They began to live in old age; And Tsarevich grows himself, it grows, as if the dough on the opara - not by day, but by the hour, and grew great.

"How much to keep with you," the king thinks, "and give it necessary: \u200b\u200ba matter of no one!" He took Ivan Tsarevich by the hand, led to the lake.

Look here, - says, my ring; I chose yesterday yesterday.

Left one Tsarevich, and he turned home himself. He began to seek the ring, walking along the shore, and the old woman comes across him.

Where are you going, Ivan-Tsarevich?
- Castle, do not buy, old witch! And without you annoying.
- Well, stay with God!

And the old woman went aside.

And Ivan-Tsarevich was thoughtful: "What did I cut an old woman for what? Give it to her; Old people cunning and gaudes! Avos as good will say. " And he began to grind the old woman:
- Spit, grandmother, yes forgive my word stupid! After all, I stepped out of the annoyance: I made me a father to search, I walk, I look out, but there is no perverse how not!
- You are not less than you here; The father gave you the Sea King: Maritime King will be released and take you with him in the underwater kingdom.

Gorky rocked Tsarevich.

Not tillage, Ivan-Tsarevich! There will be a holiday on your street; Just listen to me, old woman. Hide Vaughn for that bush currant and Tikhokhonko arrive. Twelve bluebits arrive here - all red maidens, and after them and thirteenth; will be swimming in the lake; And in the meantime, you believe in the last shirt and until we do not give it to you with your rings. If you do not understand this, you died forever; At the sea king, the circle of all the palace costs frequency high, for ten miles, and on each needle on the head stuck; Only one empty, do not get it on it!

Ivan-Tsarevich thanked the old woman, hid behind the currantine bush and waiting for pores-time.

Suddenly fly twelve bluebits; They hit the earth's cheese and turned around with the red girls, everything is unandoned with a single beauty of the unspecified: neither think of nor to spend nor to write! They grew the dresses and went to the lake: they play, they splash, laugh, sing songs.

After them flew to the thirteenth blueberries; I hit the earth's cheese, turned around with a red maiden, dropped a shirt from a white body and went swimming; And she was all the fitness, everyone is more beautiful!

Long, Ivan-Tsarevich could not take away from his eyes, he looked at her for a long time, I remembered that I told him the old woman, burst and buried the shirt.

A red maiden came out of the water, there was enough - no shirt, I blamed someone; They rushed to seek everything, I was looking for, I was looking for - not to see anywhere.

Do not look for, cute sisters! Fly home; I myself guilty - I misunderstood, I myself will answer.

Sisters - the Red Maiden hit the earth's cheese, became blueberries, waved the wings and flew away. One girl remained, looked around and said:
- Whoever this is, who has my shirt, come out here; If the old man - you will be my native father, by the middle aged - you will be a brother's favorite, if there is a smooth one - you will be a cute friend!

Only said the last word, Ivan-Tsarevich appeared. She filed to him the golden ring and says:
- Ah, Ivan-Tsarevich! What did not come for a long time? The sea king is angry at you. Here is the road that leads to the underwater kingdom; Speak on it boldly! There and you will find me; After all, I am the daughter of the sea king, Vasilisa to do.

Vasilis turned to the woven and flew away from Tsarevich.

And Ivan-Tsarevich went to the underwater kingdom; She sees - and there the light is the same as we have, and there are fields, and meadows, and green groves, and the sun warms.

He comes to the marine king. Shouted to him the maritime king:
- What did not happen for so long? For your guilt, here is your service: I have a waste of thirty miles and in length and across - Some Rips, Buaerai Yes, sharp stuck! In order to the club, it was like a palm, and there would be a satellian satellite, and grew up to the early morning so high so that in her a daw could be signed. If you do not do - your head is left with the shoulders!

Ivan-Tsarevich goes from the sea king, the tears is poured himself. He saw it in the window from his Tremem High Vasilis Wheel and asks:
- Hello, Ivan-Tsarevich! What do we want tears?
- How don't I cry? - answers Tsarevich. - Mold me the king of the sea in one night to challenge the Rips, Buaerai and the rustling of a sharp and falling down, so that by the morning she grew and could hide in her.
"It's not a misfortune, the trouble will be ahead." Lie down with God to sleep; Morning evening wisely, everything will be ready!

Ivan-Tsarevich lay down to sleep, and Vasilisa wisely went out on the porch and shouted with a loud voice:
- Hey you, my servants are faithful! Level-rhives deep, demolish the stroke, silent rose with a rhodeshoe, so that by the morning he looked like.

I woke up at the dawn Ivan-Tsarevich, I looked-enough ready: there is no RVov nor Buaerakov, it stands the field as a smooth palm, and sneaks on it - so high that the tank is so high.

I went to the marine king with a report.

Thank you, "says the sea king," that the service managed to worry. Here is another job: I have three hundred skirgov, in each skidstone on three hundred shop - all white wheat; Ommoty me to the breakthrough all wheat is purely clean, to a single grain, and the skincins do not break and the sheaves do not break. If you do not do - your head is with the shoulders of a share!
- Listen, Your Majesty! - said Ivan-Tsarevich; Again goes around the courtyard yes, tears is poured.
- What are you crying about? - asks his Vasilisa to do.
- How don't I cry? I ordered me the king of the marine in one night all the skirds to spin, the grains do not drop, and the skincins do not break and the sheaves are not broken.
- It's not a trouble, there will be ahead ahead! Go to bed with God, the morning of the evening is wiser.

Tsarevich went to sleep, and Vasilisa recreeded to the porch and shouted with a loud voice:
- Hey you, crawling ants! How many of you are on white light either - all go here and increase the grain from the Batyushkaya Skirdov purely completely.

In the morning calls the sea king Ivan-Tsarevich:
- Did the service served?
- served, Your Majesty!
- Let's go see.

They came to Khumno - all the skirds are intact, came to the residents - all the branches of full grain.

Thank you, brother! - said the sea king. - Make me another church from pure wax, so that the dawn is ready: it will be your last service.

Again, Ivan-Tsarevich goes around the yard, looked with tears.

What are bitten about? - asks him from the high Terem Vasilisa to do:
- How don't I cry, kind well done? Ordered the sea king in one night to make the church from pure wax.
- Well, it's not yet trouble, the trouble will be ahead. Little sleep, morning in the evening is wiser.

Tsarevich lay down to sleep, and Vasilisa recreeded to the porch and shouted with a loud voice:
- Hey You, Bees Drinking! How many of you are on white light either - all fly here and take the Church of God from pure wax, so that by the morning it was ready!

In the morning Ivan-Tsarevich stunned, she looked - there is a church from pure wax, and went to the marine king with a report.

Thank you, Ivan-Tsarevich! What servant I have neither, no one has managed so please as you. Be careful by my heir, the whole kingdom of the savings; Choose yourself any of the thirteen daughters of my wife.

Ivan-Tsarevich chose Vasilis wisely; Immediately they were married and on joys were singing for three days.

Neither a lot of time has passed, Ivan-Tsarevich woke up for his parents, wanted him to holy Russia.

What is so sad, Ivan-Tsarevich?
"Ah, Vasilisa Revinda, who spurred to his father, wanted to holy Russia wanted.
- That trouble came! If we leave, there will be a gracious chase for us; The king of the sea is angry and betray us death. We must manage!

I spoke Vasilis to lean in three corners, locked the doors in my Tereme and ran with Ivan Tsarevich to the Holy Rus.

The next day, Ranhonko comes sent from the sea king - young raise, to call the palace to the king. Knock on the door:
- Walking, awakened! You have a father's name.
- Still early, we did not get enough sleep, come after! - one saliva answers.

Here are the sent gone, waited for an hour - another and again knocking:
- It's not time to sleep, it's time to get up!
- Wait a little: stand up, dress! - answers the second salva.

For the third time they arrive: the king de sea is angry, why are they cool so long.

Now we will! - answers the third saliva.

Widdle-waited sent and let's knock again: no response, no reviews! Broastned doors, and in the terme is empty.

Reported to the king that the youngs were killed; He stumbled over and sent a great chase for them.

And Vasilisa recreed with Ivan Tsarevich is already far away! They jump on the greyhound horses without stopping, without retry.

Well, Ivan-Tsarevich, quit to crude land yes listen, is there a chase from the sea king?

Ivan-Tsarevich jumped off his horse, fell up to the ear to crude land and says:
- I hear the human prayer and horse top!

This is chasing us! Said Vasilisa to wisely and immediately turned her horses with a green meadow, Ivan-Tsarevich - an old shepherd, and herself became Smirny Sheep.

Runs chase:
- Hey, old man! Did you see if a good well done was gone with a red maiden?
- No, good people, did not see, - Ivan-Tsarevich answers. - Forty years, like a pass in this place - no bird past span, none of the beast past a passion!

Round chase back:
- Your royal majesty! I did not hit anyone on the road, I saw only: shepherd sheep grazing.
- Well, not enough? After all, they were! - shouted the sea king and sent a new pursuit.

And Ivan-Tsarevich with Vasiliso, a long time ago, long ago jump on the boroke horses.

Well, Ivan-Tsarevich, quit to crude land yes listen, is there no chase from the sea king?

Ivan-Tsarevich tears from the horse, fell out of the ear to crude land and says:
- I hear the human prayer and horse top.
- This is chasing us! - said Vasilisa to recover; He herself became the church, Ivan Tsarevich turned the old Pop, and horses - trees.

Runs chase:
- Hey, Batyushka! Did you see if the shepherd was held here?
- No, good people, did not see. Forty years old worrying in this church - not a single bird crateled by, none of the beast passed by!

Turn the chase back:
- Your royal majesty! Nowhere found a shepherd with a sheep; Only on the way and saw that the church is dap-old man.
- What did you break the church, the ass is not captured? After all, they were the most! - shouted the sea king and picked up by the Snogogo for Ivan Tsarevich and Vasiliso wischain.

And they left far.

Again tells Vasilisa to do:
- Ivan Tsarevich! Fucking the crude land - do not hear the chase?

Siele Ivan-Tsarevich from the horse, fell up to the ear to crude land and says:
- I hear the human sulfur and horse top the former.
- This is the king himself jumps.

Vasilisov turned his horses with the lake, Ivan Tsarevich - spleen, and herself was drunk.

The king of the marine to the lake came, immediately guessed, who are the duck and spleen, hit the earth's cheese and turned around the eagle. He wants an eagle to kill them to death, but not there was something: that it will break from above ... That's it, the spleen will blow, and the spleen will dive into the water; That is about to hit the duck, and the duck in the water will dive! Begg, beat, so could not do anything. Praised the king of the sea in his underwater kingdom, and Vasilisa recruited with Ivan Tsarevich walked good time and went to the Holy Rus.

Like a long time, they arrived in the thirtieth kingdom.

Wait me in this Leskka, "says Ivan-Tsarevich Vasilis Wolly," I will go, I will go to the Father, my mother.
- You will forget me, Ivan-Tsarevich!
- No, I will not forget.
- No, Ivan-Tsarevich, do not tell, forget! Remember me at least when you become two doves in the windows fight!

Ivan-Tsarevich came to the palace; They saw his parents, rushed to his neck and began to kiss-tolerate him. On joys forgot, Ivan-Tsarevich about Vasilis wisely.

Lives the day and the other with the Father, with the mother, and on the third he decided to wrap up to some kind of royal.

Vasilisa wisely went to the city and hired to the famine in the workers. Cookiers began to cook, she took two pieces of dough, blinded a couple of doves and planted into the oven.

Reling, the hostess that will be from these doves!
- What will happen? Let's eat them - that's all!
- No, I can't guess!

Opened Vasilisa to dispense the oven, opened the window - and at the same moment the pigeons were attached, flew right to the palace and began to beat into the windows; How many servant Tsarskaya did not try, could not drive them away.

Here, only Ivan-Tsarevich remembered the Vasilis wisely, sent the messengers to all the ends to ask Yes to search and found it in a seniority; He took the hands white, kissed in the mouth of sugar, led to his father, to the mother, and began to live together and live and wear it well.

Sea Tsar and Vasilisa Revinda - Russian Folk Tale - Russian Tales

Maritime Tsar and Vasilisa

For the thirty lands, in the thirtieth of the state, there was a king with the queen; They did not have children. I went to the king on foreign land, on far, did not have been home for a long time; At that time, the queen of his son, Ivan-Tsarevich, gave birth to him, and the king does not know.

He began to keep the way to his state, began to approach his land, and the day was hot-hot, the sun and the bake! And attacked him the thirst for her; Nor give, just to drink water! I looked around and sees a big lake at the wrong lake; He drove up to the lake, tears from the horse, predicted to the ground and let's swallow the student water. Drinks and does not feel troubles; And the king marine grabbed him over his beard.

Let them! - asks the king.

Not a mellow, do not dare to drink without my knowledge!

Which you want to take off - just let go!

Let's do what you do not know at home.

The king thought-thinking ... What does he not know at home? It seems, everything knows everything to him, - and agreed. I tried - no one holds a beard; I got up from the ground, sat down on the horse and drove the ravoisi.

So comes home, the queen meets him with Tsarevich, so joyful; And he learned about his cute brainchild, and he flooded bitter tears. He told Tsarevne, how and what happened to him, they sworn together, but there's nothing to do, we will not correct the tears.

They began to live in old age; And Tsarevich grows to herself, it grows, as if the dough on the opaire - not by day, but by the hour, - and grew great.

"How much to keep with you," the king thinks, and it is necessary to give it necessary: \u200b\u200bthe case is no one! " He took Ivan Tsarevich by the hand, led to the lake.

Look here, - says, my ring; I chose yesterday yesterday.

Left one Tsarevich, and he turned home himself.

He began to seek the ring, walking along the shore, and the old woman comes across him.

Where are you going, Ivan-Tsarevich?

Castle, do not buy, old witch! And without you annoying.

Well, stay with God!

And the old woman went aside.

And Ivan-Tsarevich was thinking: "What did I cut an old woman for what?" Give it to her; Old people cunning and gaudes! Avos as good will say. " And he began to grind the old woman:

Boot, grandma, yes forgive my word stupid! After all, I stepped out of the annoyance: I made me a father to search, I walk, I look out, but there is no perverse how not!

You are not overnight here: I gave you the father of the marine king; Maritime king will come out and take you with him in the underwater kingdom.

Gorky rocked Tsarevich.

Not tillage, Ivan-Tsarevich! There will be a holiday on your street; Just listen to me, old woman. Hide Vaughn for that bush currant and Tikhokhonko arrive. Twelve blueberries come here - all red maidens, and after them and thirteenth; will be swimming in the lake; And in the meantime, you believe in the last shirt and still do not give up, until it gives you to your rings. If you do not understand this, you died forever; At the sea king, the circle of all the palace costs frequency high, for ten miles, and on each needle on the head stuck; Only one empty, do not get it on it!

Ivan-Tsarevich thanked the old woman, hid behind the currantine bush and waiting for pores-time.

Suddenly fly twelve bluebits; They hit the earth's cheese and turned around with the red girls, everything is unandoned with a single beauty of the unspecified: neither think of nor to spend nor to write! They grew the dresses and went to the lake: they play, they splash, laugh, sing songs.

After them flew to the thirteenth blueberries; I hit the earth's cheese, turned around a beautiful girl, dropped a shirt from a white body and went swimming; And she was all the fitness, everyone is more beautiful!

For a long time Ivan-Tsarevich could not take away his eyes, he looked at her for a long time, he recalled that he said to him the old woman, sneaked quietly and buried the shirt.

A red maiden came out of the water, there was enough - no shirt, I blamed someone; They rushed to seek everything: I was looking for, I was looking for - not to see anywhere.

Do not look for, cute sisters! Fly home; I myself guilty - I misunderstood, I myself will answer.

Sisters - the Red Maiden hit the earth's cheese, became blueberries, waved the wings and flew away. One girl remained, looked around and said:

Whoever this is, who has my shirt, come here; If the old man - you will be my native father, by the middle aged - you will be a brother's favorite, if there is a smooth one - you will be a cute friend!

Only said the last word, Ivan-Tsarevich appeared. She filed to him the golden ring and says:

Ah, Ivan-Tsarevich! What did not come for a long time? The sea king is angry at you. Here is the road that leads to the underwater kingdom; Speak on it boldly! There and you will find me; After all, I am the daughter of the sea king, Vasilisa to do.

Vasilis turned to the woven and flew away from Tsarevich.

And Ivan-Tsarevich went to the underwater kingdom; sees - and there the light is the same as we; And there are fields, and meadows, and green groves, and the sun warms.

He comes to the marine king. Shouted to him the maritime king:

What did not happen for so long? For your guilt, here is your service: I have a waste of thirty miles and in length and across - Some Rips, Buaerai Yes, sharp stuck! In order to the club, it was like a palm, and there would be a satellian satellite, and grew up to the early morning so high so that in her a daw could be signed. If you do not do - your head is left with the shoulders!

Ivan-Tsarevich goes from the sea king, the tears is poured himself. He saw it in the window from his Tremem High Vasilis Wheel and asks:

Hello, Ivan-Tsarevich! What do we want tears?

How don't I cry? - answers Tsarevich. - Mold me the king of the sea in one night to challenge the Swips, Buaeraiki and the clock sharp and falling down, so that by the morning of the sleep he grown and could hide in it.

For the thirty lands, in the thirtieth of the state, there was a king with the queen; They did not have children. I drove the king on foreign land, on the far parties; For a long time I have not been home; At that time, the queen of his son, Ivan-Tsarevich, gave birth to him, and the king does not know.
He began to keep the way to his state, began to approach his land, and the day was hot-hot, the sun and the bake! And attacked him the thirst for her; Nor give, just to drink water! I looked around and sees a big lake at the wrong lake; He drove up to the lake, tears from the horse, predicted on the belly and let's swallow the student water. Drinks and does not feel troubles; And the king marine grabbed him over his beard.
- Let me! - asks the king.
- NOT IT, do not dare to drink without my knowledge!

- Which you want to take off - just let go!
- Come on what you do not know at home.
The king thought-thought - what does he not know at home? It seems, everything knows everything to him, - and agreed. I tried - no one holds a beard; I got up from the ground, sat down on the horse and drove the ravoisi.
So comes home, the queen meets him with Tsarevich, so joyful; And he learned about his cute brainchild, and he flooded bitter tears. He told the queen, how and what happened to him, they sworn together, but I don't have nothing to do, we will not correct things with tears.

They began to live in old age; And Tsarevich grows himself, it grows, as if the dough on the opara - not by day, but by the hour, and grew great.
"How much to keep with you," the king thinks, "and give it necessary: \u200b\u200ba matter of no one!"
He took Ivan Tsarevich by the hand, led to the lake.
- Look here, - says, - My ring; I chose yesterday yesterday.

Left one Tsarevich, and he turned home himself.
He began to seek the ring, walking along the shore, and the old woman comes across him.
- Where are you going, Ivan-Tsarevich?
- Castle, do not buy, old witch! And without you annoying.
- Well, stay with God!
And the old woman went aside. And Ivan-Tsarevich was thoughtful: "What did I cut an old woman for what? Give it to her; Old people cunning and gaudes! Avos as good will say. "
And he began to grind the old woman:
- Spit, grandmother, yes forgive my word stupid! After all, I crushed out of the annoyance: I made me the father of Parsty to search, I walk-I look out, but there is no perverse how not!

- You are not less than you here; The father gave you the Sea King: Maritime King will be released and take you with him in the underwater kingdom.
Gorky rocked Tsarevich.
- Not tuhu, Ivan-Tsarevich! There will be a holiday on your street; Just listen to me, old women. Hide Vaughn for that bush currant and Tikhokhonko arrive. Twelve bluebits arrive here - all red maidens, and after them and thirteenth; will be swimming in the lake; And in the meantime, you believe in the last shirt and until we do not give it to you with your rings. If you do not understand this to do, you have died forever: the sea king has a circle of all the palace, the frequency is high, on whole ten miles, and on each needle on the head stuck; Only one empty, do not get it on it!
Ivan-Tsarevich thanked the old woman, hid behind the currantine bush and waiting for pores-time.

Suddenly fly twelve bluebits; I hit the earth's cheese and turned around with the red girls, everything is unshakable to a single beauty: I don't think about it, nor to spend your penny! They grew the dresses and went to the lake: they play, they splash, laugh, sing songs. After them flew to the thirteenth blueberries; I hit the earth's cheese, turned around with a red maiden, dropped a shirt from a white body and went swimming; And she was all the fitness, everyone is more beautiful!

For a long time Ivan-Tsarevich could not take away from his eyes, he looked at her for a long time, but he remembered that he told him the old woman, crept quietly and buried the shirt.
A red maiden came out of the water, there was enough - no shirt, I blamed someone; They rushed to seek everything, I was looking for, I was looking for - not to see anywhere.

- Do not look for cute sisters! Fly home, I myself guilty - I misunderstood, I myself will answer.

Sisters - Red Maiden hit the land of the earth, became rude, waved the wings and flew away. One girl remained, looked around and said:
- Whoever this is, who has my shirt, come out here; If the old man - you will be my native father, by the middle aged - you will be a brother's favorite, if there is a smooth one - you will be a cute friend!

Only said the last word, Ivan-Tsarevich appeared. She filed to him the golden ring and says:
- Ah, Ivan-Tsarevich! What did not come for a long time? The sea king is angry at you. Here is the road that leads to the underwater kingdom; Speak on it boldly! There and I won't you After all, I am the daughter of the sea king, Vasilisa to do.

Vasilis turned to the woven and flew away from Tsarevich. And Ivan-Tsarevich went to the underwater kingdom; sees: And there the light is the same as we; And there are fields, and meadows, and green groves, and the sun warms. He comes to the marine king. Shouted to him the maritime king:

- What did not happen for so long? For your guilt, here is your service: I have a wastewhere for thirty miles and in length and in across - Some rivers, Buaerai yeah sharp! In order to the club, it was like a palm, and there would be a satellian satellite, and grew up to the early morning so high so that in her a daw could be signed. If you do not do - your head is left with the shoulders!
Ivan-Tsarevich goes from the sea king, the tears is poured himself. He saw it in the window from his Tremem High Vasilis Wheel and asks:
- Hello, Ivan-Tsarevich! What do we want tears?

- How don't I cry? - answers Tsarevich. - Molding me the king of the sea in one night to challenge the Rips, Buaeraiki and a stone sharp and falling down, so that by the morning she grown and could hide in it.
"It's not a misfortune, the trouble will be ahead." Lie down with God to sleep; Morning evening wisely, everything will be ready!
Ivan-Tsarevich lay down to sleep, and Vasilisa wisely went out on the porch and shouted with a loud voice:
- Gay you, my servants are faithful! Level-rhives deep, demolish the stone sharp, silent with a rhodeshoe, so that by the morning he looked like.

I woke up at the dawn Ivan-Tsarevich, looked - everything is ready; There is no RVov nor Buaerakov, stands the field as a palm smooth, and sneaks on it - such a high, that the daw will be shown. I went to the marine king with a report.
"Thank you," says the sea king, "that the service managed to worry." Here is another job: I have three hundred sirods [put a hay or bread], in every skidstone on three hundred shocks - all wheat Beloyariya; Ommoty me to the breakthrough all wheat is purely clean, to a single grain, and the skincins do not break and the sheaves do not break. If you do not do - your head is with the shoulders of a share!

The fairy tale of Maritime King and Vasilisa to read:

For the thirty lands, in the thirtieth of the state, there was a king with the queen; They did not have children. I went to the king on foreign land, on far, did not have been home for a long time; At that time, the queen of his son, Ivan-Tsarevich, gave birth to him, and the king does not know.

He began to keep the way to his state, began to approach his land, and the day was hot-hot, the sun and the bake! And attacked him the thirst for her; Nor give, just to drink water! I looked around and sees a big lake at the wrong lake; He drove up to the lake, tears from the horse, predicted to the ground and let's swallow the student water. Drinks and does not feel troubles; And the king marine grabbed him over his beard.

Let them! - asks the king.

Not a mellow, do not dare to drink without my knowledge!

Which you want to take off - just let go!

Let's do what you do not know at home.

The king thought-thinking ... What does he not know at home? It seems, everything knows everything to him, - and agreed. I tried - no one holds a beard; I got up from the ground, sat down on the horse and drove the ravoisi.

So comes home, the queen meets him with Tsarevich, so joyful; And he learned about his cute brainchild, and he flooded bitter tears. He told Tsarevne, how and what happened to him, they sworn together, but there's nothing to do, we will not correct the tears.

They began to live in old age; And Tsarevich grows to herself, it grows, as if the dough on the opaire - not by day, but by the hour, - and grew great.

"How much to keep with you," the king thinks, and it is necessary to give it necessary: \u200b\u200bthe case is no one! " He took Ivan Tsarevich by the hand, led to the lake.

Look here, - says, my ring; I chose yesterday yesterday.

Left one Tsarevich, and he turned home himself.

He began to seek the ring, walking along the shore, and the old woman comes across him.

Where are you going, Ivan-Tsarevich?

Castle, do not buy, old witch! And without you annoying.

Well, stay with God!

And the old woman went aside.

And Ivan-Tsarevich was thinking: "What did I cut an old woman for what?" Give it to her; Old people cunning and gaudes! Avos as good will say. " And he began to grind the old woman:

Boot, grandma, yes forgive my word stupid! After all, I stepped out of the annoyance: I made me a father to search, I walk, I look out, but there is no perverse how not!

You are not overnight here: I gave you the father of the marine king; Maritime king will come out and take you with him in the underwater kingdom.

Gorky rocked Tsarevich.

Not tillage, Ivan-Tsarevich! There will be a holiday on your street; Just listen to me, old woman. Hide Vaughn for that bush currant and Tikhokhonko arrive. Twelve blueberries come here - all red maidens, and after them and thirteenth; will be swimming in the lake; And in the meantime, you believe in the last shirt and still do not give up, until it gives you to your rings. If you do not understand this, you died forever; At the sea king, the circle of all the palace costs frequency high, for ten miles, and on each needle on the head stuck; Only one empty, do not get it on it!

Ivan-Tsarevich thanked the old woman, hid behind the currantine bush and waiting for pores-time.

Suddenly fly twelve bluebits; They hit the earth's cheese and turned around with the red girls, everything is unandoned with a single beauty of the unspecified: neither think of nor to spend nor to write! They grew the dresses and went to the lake: they play, they splash, laugh, sing songs.

After them flew to the thirteenth blueberries; I hit the earth's cheese, turned around a beautiful girl, dropped a shirt from a white body and went swimming; And she was all the fitness, everyone is more beautiful!

For a long time Ivan-Tsarevich could not take away his eyes, he looked at her for a long time, he recalled that he said to him the old woman, sneaked quietly and buried the shirt.

A red maiden came out of the water, there was enough - no shirt, I blamed someone; They rushed to seek everything: I was looking for, I was looking for - not to see anywhere.

Do not look for, cute sisters! Fly home; I myself guilty - I misunderstood, I myself will answer.

Sisters - the Red Maiden hit the earth's cheese, became blueberries, waved the wings and flew away. One girl remained, looked around and said:

Whoever this is, who has my shirt, come here; If the old man - you will be my native father, by the middle aged - you will be a brother's favorite, if there is a smooth one - you will be a cute friend!

Only said the last word, Ivan-Tsarevich appeared. She filed to him the golden ring and says:

Ah, Ivan-Tsarevich! What did not come for a long time? The sea king is angry at you. Here is the road that leads to the underwater kingdom; Speak on it boldly! There and you will find me; After all, I am the daughter of the sea king, Vasilisa to do.

Vasilis turned to the woven and flew away from Tsarevich.

And Ivan-Tsarevich went to the underwater kingdom; sees - and there the light is the same as we; And there are fields, and meadows, and green groves, and the sun warms.

He comes to the marine king. Shouted to him the maritime king:

What did not happen for so long? For your guilt, here is your service: I have a waste of thirty miles and in length and across - Some Rips, Buaerai Yes, sharp stuck! In order to the club, it was like a palm, and there would be a satellian satellite, and grew up to the early morning so high so that in her a daw could be signed. If you do not do - your head is left with the shoulders!

Ivan-Tsarevich goes from the sea king, the tears is poured himself. He saw it in the window from his Tremem High Vasilis Wheel and asks:

Hello, Ivan-Tsarevich! What do we want tears?

How don't I cry? - answers Tsarevich. - Mold me the king of the sea in one night to challenge the Swips, Buaeraiki and the clock sharp and falling down, so that by the morning of the sleep he grown and could hide in it.

It does not matter, the trouble will be ahead. Lie down with God to sleep; Morning evening wisely, everything will be ready!

Ivan-Tsarevich lay down to sleep, and Vasilisa wisely went out on the porch and shouted with a loud voice:

Gay you, my servants are faithful! Level-rhives deep, demolish the stroke, silent rose with a rhodeshoe, so that by the morning he looked like.

I woke up at the dawn Ivan-Tsarevich, looked - everything is ready: there are no RVov, no Buurakov, stands the field as a smooth palm, and sneaks on it - so high that the daw will be so high.

I went to the marine king with a report.

Thank you, "says the sea king," that the service managed to worry. Here is another job: I have three hundred skirgov, in each skidstone on three hundred shop - all white wheat; Ommoty me to the breakthrough all wheat is purely clean, to a single grain, and the skincins do not break and the sheaves do not break. If you do not do - your head is with the shoulders of a share!

Listen, Your Majesty! - said Ivan-Tsarevich; Again goes around the courtyard yes, tears is poured.

What are bitten about? - asks his Vasilisa to do.

How don't I cry? I ordered me the king of the marine in one night all the skirds to spin, the grains do not drop, and the skincins do not break and the sheaves are not broken.

It's not a trouble, the trouble will be ahead! Go to bed with God; The morning is wiser than the evening.

Tsarevich went to sleep, and Vasilisa recreeded to the porch and shouted with a loud voice:

Gay you, crawl ants! How many of you are on white light either - all go here and increase the grain from the Batyushkaya Skirdov purely completely.

In the morning calls the sea king Ivan-Tsarevich:

Has served served?

She served, Your Majesty!

Let's go see.

They came to Khumno - all the skirds are notaconed, they came to the resident - all the branches of full grain.

Thank you, brother! - said the sea king. - Make me another church from pure wax, so that the dawn is ready: it will be your last service.

Again, Ivan-Tsarevich goes around the yard and tears washed.

What are bitten about? - asks him from the high gram of Vasilisa to do.

How don't I cry, kind well done? Ordered the sea king in one night to make the church from pure wax.

Well, this is not a misfortune, there will be a trouble in front. Go to sleep; The morning is wiser than the evening.

Tsarevich lay down to sleep, and Vasilisa recreeded to the porch and shouted with a loud voice:

Gay You, Bees Drinking! How many you are on white light either, all fly here and blind from the pure wax the Church of God, so that by the morning it was ready.

In the morning Ivan-Tsarevich stunned, she looked - there is a church from pure wax, and went to the marine king with a pre-coolness.

Thank you, Ivan-Tsarevich! What servant I did not have, no one had managed so please as you. Be careful by my heir, the whole kingdom of the coach; Choose yourself any of the thirteen daughters of my wife.

Ivan-Tsarevich chose Vasilis wisely; Immediately they were married and on joys were singing for three days.

Neither a lot of time has passed, Ivan-Tsarevich woke up for his parents, wanted him to holy Russia.

What is so sad, Ivan-Tsarevich?

Ah, Vasilisa Persudya, waved at the Father, for the mother, wanted to PA Holy Rus.

This trouble came! If we leave, there will be a gracious chase for us; The sea king is angry and betray us death. We must manage!

I spoke Vasilis to lean in three corners, locked the doors in my Tereme and ran with Ivan Tsarevich to the Holy Rus.

Another day, the victims of the sea king are sent from the maritime king - young to raise, to call the palace to the king. Knock on the door:

Locked, awaken! You have a father's name.

Even early, we did not get enough sleep: come after! - one saliva answers.

Here are the sent gone, waited for an hour - another and again knocking:

It's not time to sleep, it's time to get up!

Wait a little: stand up, dress! - answers the other saliva.

For the third time sent sent:

Tsar de Maritime is angry, why so long they are cool.

Now we will! - answers the third saliva.

Widdle-waited sent and let's knock again: no response, no reviews! Broke the door, and in the terme is empty.

Reported to the king that the youngs were killed; He stumbled over and sent a great chase for them.

And Vasilisa recreed with Ivan Tsarevich is already far away! They jump on the greyhound horses without stopping, without retry.

Well, Ivan-Tsarevich, quit to crude land yes listen, is there a chase from the sea king?

Ivan-Tsarevich jumped off his horse, fell up to the ear to crude land and says:

I hear the human pray and horse top!

This is chasing us! Said Vasilisa to wisely and immediately turned her horses with a green meadow, Ivan-Tsarevich - an old shepherd, and herself became Smirny Sheep.

Runs chase:

Hey, old man! Did you see if a good well done was gone with a red maiden?

No, good people, did not see, "Ivan-Tsarevich replies," forty years old, like a pass in this place, "no bird passed by any bird, none of the beast passed by!

Round chase back:

Your royal majesty! I did not hit anyone on the road, I saw only: shepherd sheep grazing.

Well, not enough? After all, they were! - shouted the sea king and sent a new pursuit.

And Ivan-Tsarevich with Vasilisa wisely wisely long ago jump on Borzy horses.

Well, Ivan-Tsarevich, quit to crude land yes listen, is there no chase from the sea king?

Ivan-Tsarevich tears from the horse, fell out of the ear to crude land and says:

I hear a human prayer and horse top.

This is chasing us! - said Vasilisa to recover; He herself became the church, Ivan Tsarevich turned the old Pop, and horses - trees.

Runs chase:

Hey, father! Did you see if the shepherd was held here?

No, good people, did not see; Forty years old worrying in this church - no bird passed by, none of the beast passed by.

Turn the chase back:

Your royal majesty! Nowhere found a shepherd with a sheep; Only on the way and saw that the church is dap-old man.

What do you dislike the church, the ass is not captured? After all, they were the most! - shouted the marine king and picked up by Snogogo for Ivan Tsarevich and Vasilisa wigble.

And they left far.

Again tells Vasilisa to do:

Ivan Tsarevich! Fucking to crude land - do not hear the chase!

Siele Ivan-Tsarevich from the horse, fell up to the ear to crude land and says:

I hear the human prayer and the horse top of the former.

This king himself jumps.

Vasilisov turned his horses with the lake, Ivan Tsarevich - spleen, and herself was drunk.

Skazed King Sea to the lake, immediately guessed, who are the duck and spleen; I hit the earth's cheese and turned around the eagle. He wants an eagle to kill them to death, but not there was something: that he would not break from above ... That's it, the spleen will blow, and the spleen will dive into the water; That is about to hit the duck, and the duck in the water will dive! Begg, beat, so could not do anything. Praised the king of the sea in his underwater kingdom, and Vasilisa recruited with Ivan Tsarevich walked good time and went to the Holy Rus.

Like a long time, they arrived in the thirtieth kingdom.

Wait me in this Leskka, "says Ivan-Tsarevich Vasilis Wolly," I will go, I will go to the Father, my mother.

You will forget me, Ivan-Tsarevich!

No, I will not forget.

No, Ivan-Tsarevich, do not tell, forget! Remember me, at least, how to become two doves in the windows fight!

Ivan-Tsarevich came to the palace; His parents saw, rushed to him on the neck and began to kiss him; On joys forgot, Ivan-Tsarevich about Vasilis wisely.

Lives the day and the other with the Father, with the mother, and on the third he decided to wrap up to some kind of royal.

Vasilisa wisely went to the city and hired to the famine in the workers. Steel Celebrates to cook; She took two pieces of dough, blinded a couple of doves and planted into the oven.

Right, hostess, what will be from these doves?

What will happen? Let's eat them - that's all!

No, I can't guess!

Opened Vasilisa to dispense the oven, opened the window - and in the one minute the pigeons were attached, flew right to the palace and began to fight into the windows; How many servant Tsarskaya did not try, could not drive them away.

Here, only Ivan-Tsarevich remembered the Vasilis wisely, sent the messengers to all the ends to ask Yes to search and found it in a seniority; He took the hands white, kissed in the mouth of sugar, led to his father, to the mother, and began to live together and live and wear it well.

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For the thirty lands, in the thirtieth of the state, there was a king with the queen; They did not have children. I drove the king on foreign land, on the far parties; For a long time I have not been home; At that time, the queen of his son, Ivan-Tsarevich, gave birth to him, and the king does not know.
He began to keep the way to his state, began to approach his land, and the day was hot-hot, the sun and the bake! And attacked him the thirst for her; Nor give, just to drink water! I looked around and sees a big lake at the wrong lake; He drove up to the lake, tears from the horse, predicted on the belly and let's swallow the student water. Drinks and does not feel troubles; And the king marine grabbed him over his beard.
- Let me! - asks the king.
- NOT IT, do not dare to drink without my knowledge!

Which you want to take off - just let go!
- Come on what you do not know at home.
The king thought-thought - what does he not know at home? It seems, everything knows everything to him, - and agreed. I tried - no one holds a beard; I got up from the ground, sat down on the horse and drove the ravoisi.
So comes home, the queen meets him with Tsarevich, so joyful; And he learned about his cute brainchild, and he flooded bitter tears. He told the queen, how and what happened to him, they sworn together, but I don't have nothing to do, we will not correct things with tears.

They began to live in old age; And Tsarevich grows himself, it grows, as if the dough on the opara - not by day, but by the hour, and grew great.
"How much to keep with you," the king thinks, "and give it necessary: \u200b\u200ba matter of no one!"
He took Ivan Tsarevich by the hand, led to the lake.
- Look here, - says, - My ring; I chose yesterday yesterday.

Left one Tsarevich, and he turned home himself.
He began to seek the ring, walking along the shore, and the old woman comes across him.
- Where are you going, Ivan-Tsarevich?
- Castle, do not buy, old witch! And without you annoying.
- Well, stay with God!
And the old woman went aside. And Ivan-Tsarevich was thoughtful: "What did I cut an old woman for what? Give it to her; Old people cunning and gaudes! Avos as good will say. "
And he began to grind the old woman:
- Spit, grandmother, yes forgive my word stupid! After all, I crushed out of the annoyance: I made me the father of Parsty to search, I walk-I look out, but there is no perverse how not!

You are not overnight here; The father gave you the Sea King: Maritime King will be released and take you with him in the underwater kingdom.
Gorky rocked Tsarevich.
- Not tuhu, Ivan-Tsarevich! There will be a holiday on your street; Just listen to me, old women. Hide Vaughn for that bush currant and Tikhokhonko arrive. Twelve bluebits arrive here - all red maidens, and after them and thirteenth; will be swimming in the lake; And in the meantime, you believe in the last shirt and until we do not give it to you with your rings. If you do not understand this to do, you have died forever: the sea king has a circle of all the palace, the frequency is high, on whole ten miles, and on each needle on the head stuck; Only one empty, do not get it on it!
Ivan-Tsarevich thanked the old woman, hid behind the currantine bush and waiting for pores-time.

Suddenly fly twelve bluebits; I hit the earth's cheese and turned around with the red girls, everything is unshakable to a single beauty: I don't think about it, nor to spend your penny! They grew the dresses and went to the lake: they play, they splash, laugh, sing songs. After them flew to the thirteenth blueberries; I hit the earth's cheese, turned around with a red maiden, dropped a shirt from a white body and went swimming; And she was all the fitness, everyone is more beautiful!

For a long time Ivan-Tsarevich could not take away from his eyes, he looked at her for a long time, but he remembered that he told him the old woman, crept quietly and buried the shirt.
A red maiden came out of the water, there was enough - no shirt, I blamed someone; They rushed to seek everything, I was looking for, I was looking for - not to see anywhere.

- Do not look for cute sisters! Fly home, I myself guilty - I misunderstood, I myself will answer.

Sisters - Red Maiden hit the land of the earth, became rude, waved the wings and flew away. One girl remained, looked around and said:
- Whoever this is, who has my shirt, come out here; If the old man - you will be my native father, by the middle aged - you will be a brother's favorite, if there is a smooth one - you will be a cute friend!

Only said the last word, Ivan-Tsarevich appeared. She filed to him the golden ring and says:
- Ah, Ivan-Tsarevich! What did not come for a long time? The sea king is angry at you. Here is the road that leads to the underwater kingdom; Speak on it boldly! There and I won't you After all, I am the daughter of the sea king, Vasilisa to do.

Vasilis turned to the woven and flew away from Tsarevich. And Ivan-Tsarevich went to the underwater kingdom; sees: And there the light is the same as we; And there are fields, and meadows, and green groves, and the sun warms. He comes to the marine king. Shouted to him the maritime king:

What did not happen for so long? For your guilt, here is your service: I have a wastewhere for thirty miles and in length and in across - Some rivers, Buaerai yeah sharp! In order to the club, it was like a palm, and there would be a satellian satellite, and grew up to the early morning so high so that in her a daw could be signed. If you do not do - your head is left with the shoulders!
Ivan-Tsarevich goes from the sea king, the tears is poured himself. He saw it in the window from his Tremem High Vasilis Wheel and asks:
- Hello, Ivan-Tsarevich! What do we want tears?

How don't I cry? - answers Tsarevich. - Molding me the king of the sea in one night to challenge the Rips, Buaeraiki and a stone sharp and falling down, so that by the morning she grown and could hide in it.
"It's not a misfortune, the trouble will be ahead." Lie down with God to sleep; Morning evening wisely, everything will be ready!
Ivan-Tsarevich lay down to sleep, and Vasilisa wisely went out on the porch and shouted with a loud voice:
- Gay you, my servants are faithful! Level-rhives deep, demolish the stone sharp, silent with a rhodeshoe, so that by the morning he looked like.

I woke up at the dawn Ivan-Tsarevich, looked - everything is ready; There is no RVov nor Buaerakov, stands the field as a palm smooth, and sneaks on it - such a high, that the daw will be shown. I went to the marine king with a report.
"Thank you," says the sea king, "that the service managed to worry." Here is another job: I have three hundred sirods [put a hay or bread], in every skidstone on three hundred shocks - all wheat Beloyariya; Ommoty me to the breakthrough all wheat is purely clean, to a single grain, and the skincins do not break and the sheaves do not break. If you do not do - your head is with the shoulders of a share!