Read the world classics. Russian and Foreign World Classics: Books (Best List)

Read the world classics. Russian and Foreign World Classics: Books (Best List)
Read the world classics. Russian and Foreign World Classics: Books (Best List)

Top Books Classic Autumn 2018

Our new rating The top 100 of the best books of the classics has undergone significant changes. The beginning of the new school system, and a school program, which clearly defines the tone in this category. Nevertheless, it was only really the best books of classics in it, not only Russian, but also overseas. After all, this list of best classics is compiled on the basis of your Internet requests and how it is impossible to reflect the interest of readers in our country.













































































Story "Sunny Blow" Author: Bunin I. A. Year of the story of the story: 1925 The story of the Bunin "Solar Blow" Many refer to the best works of the writer. It is included in the school curriculum, and also shielded more than once. The last film was released in 2014 and was very successful. It even more aroused the interest of the story "Sunflow" read, and also allowed Ivan Bunin to occupy [...]

Closer to mid-February it seems that even in the air is the love fluids. And if you have not yet felt this mood, gray sky and cold wind spoil all romance - You will come to the rescue Best Classic About Love!

Antoine Francois Preview "History of Cavaller de Grier and Manon Lesko" (1731)

This story takes place in the scenery of France of the Regency Epoch after the death of Louis XIV. The story is conducted on behalf of the seventeen-year-old young man, graduate of the Faculty of Philosophy in the north of France. Successfully powered exams, he is going to return to his father's house, but accidentally meets an attractive and mysterious girl. This is Manon Lesko, which parents brought to the city to give to the monastery. Arrow Amur pierces the heart of a young cavalier and he, forgetting everything, persuades Manon to run with him. So begins the eternal and beautiful history of the love of Kavalera de Grier and Manon Lesko, which will inspire entire generations of readers, writers, artists, musicians, directories.

The author of the love story - Abbot Preview, whose life rushed between monastic solitude and secular society. His fate is a difficult, interesting, his love for the girl of another faith is forbidden and passionate - the basis for the fascinating and scandalous (for his era) of the book.

"Manon Lesko" is the first novel, where against the background of reliable images of material and domestic realities, a subtle and heartfelt psychological portrait of heroes is drawn. Fresh, the winged prose of Abbot Abbot is not similar to the entire previous French literature.

This story telling about several years from the life of De Grier, for which the impulsive, sensitive, thirsty of love and freedom of the young man has time to turn into a man with extensive experience and difficult fate. Mattails and beautiful Manon: its immediacy and frivolity is replaced by the depth of feelings and a wise look at life.

"Throughout the most severe fate, I made my happiness in her eyes and in solid confidence in her feeling. Truly, I lost everything that other people honored and cherished; But I owned the heart of Manon, the only blessing that I was honored. "

Roman about clean and eternal love that arises from the air, but the strength and purity of this feeling is enough to change the heroes and their fate. But is enough of this power to change the life around?

Emily Bronte "Thunderstorm Pass" (1847)

Debuting in the same year, each of the sisters Bronte presented his novel on the world: Charlotte - "Jane Eyre", Emily - "Thunderstorm Pass", Ann - Agnes Gray. Roman Charlotte made a sensation (he, like any books of the most famous from Bronte, could be in this top), but after the death of the sister was recognized that the "thunderstorm pass" is one of the best works of that time.

The most mystical and closed of sisters, Emily Bronte, created a shrill novel about madness and hatred, about strength and love. Contemporaries considered it too rude, however, could not not get under his magical influence.

The history of generations of two families, unfolds on a picturesque background of Yorkshire fields, where the distraught wind ruins and inhuman passions. Central heroes are freedom-loving Catherine and impulsive heathcliff, obsessed with each other. Their complex characters, various social status, exceptional fate - all together forms the canon of the love novel. But this book is more than just a Rannevictorian novel about love. According to the modernist Virginia Wulf, "The idea that at the heart of the manifestations of human nature lie forces, towering it and raising the novels, and puts the novel Emily Bronte on a special, outstanding place in a series of similar novels."

Thanks to the "thunderstorm pass", the beautiful fields of Yorkshire became a reserve, and we were left in the inheritance, for example, such masterpieces, as the eponymous film with Juliets Binos, the popular Ballad "IT" Selin Dion, as well as Topping quotes:

"What is not reminded of her? I can't take a look at my feet so that it did not arise here on the floor plates her face! It is in every cloud, in each tree - at night fills the air, the day it occurs in the outlines of items - everywhere around me is its image! The most ordinary faces, male and female, my own features - everything teases me like. The whole world is a terrible palanch, where everything reminds that it existed and that I lost it. "

Lion Tolstoy "Anna Karenina" (1877)

There is a well-known legend about how in the circle of writers was discussed that there is no good novels about love in the literature. Tolstoy on these words was fixed and took a challenge, saying that he would write a good novel about love for three months. And wrote. True, in four years.

But this, as they say, history. And "Anna Karenina" - a novel who is included in the school curriculum. Such school reading. And here, every decent graduate at the exit is assimilating that "All happy families are similar to each other ...", and in the house of the Oblon "Everything was mixed ...".

Meanwhile, "Anna Karenina" is a valid great book about great love. Today it is considered (thanks, including the cinema) that this is a novel about the pure and passionate love of the Karenina and Vronsky, which became the salvation of Anna from boring husband-tyrana and her own death.

But for the author himself, it is, first of all, a family romance, a novel about love, which, connecting two halves, develops into something more: in family, children. In this, in Tolstoy, the main purpose of the woman. Because there is nothing more important, and most importantly, it is more difficult to grow a child, save a real strong family. This idea in the novel personifies the Union of Levin and Kitty. This family, which, in many ways, has written off from his union with Sofia Andreevna, becomes a reflection of the perfect connection of a man and a woman.

The kartines are "unhappy family", and analyzing the reasons for this misfortune Tolstoy and dedicated his book. However, the author is not started into the morality, accusing the sinful Anna in the fact that she destroyed a decent family. Lion Tolstoy, "Expert of Human Shower", creates a complex work where there is no rightful and guilty. There is a society that affects the heroes, there are heroes who choose their path, and there are feelings that heroes do not always understand, but which are given in full.

On this, I wrap my literary analysis, for this is already written a lot and better. I just express my thought: Be sure to reread texts from the school program. And not only from school.

Schedule Nuri Guntkein "Korolev - Poultry Poultry" (1922)

The question of which works from the Turkish literature became global classics, can put in a dead end. The novel "Bird Pevcha" deserves such recognition. The decades of Nuri Guntkein wrote this book at 33, she became one of his first novels. These circumstances are forced to be even more surprised by the skill with whom the writer depicted the psychology of the young woman, the social problems of provincial Turkey.

The fragrant and original book captures from the first rows. This is a lovery record of an excellent Feride, which recalls your life and your love. When this book first got to me (and it was at the time of my puberty period), on a bombing cover, "Chalykusha - the bird's bird" was concerned. I now seem to this translation name more colorful and lying. Chaliakusha is a nicknamed restless Feride. As the heroine writes in his diary: "... My genuine name, Ferida, has become official and used very rarely, just a festive outfit. I liked the name of Chaliakusha, it even got out of me. It was worth someone to complain about my tricks, I just shrugged, as if saying: "I have nothing to do with it ... What do you want from Chaliakush? ..".

Chaliakusu has lost her parents early. She is sent to raising to relatives, where she falls in love with the girl's son - Kamrana. Their relationship is not easy, but young people pull each other. Suddenly Ferida learns that its chosen one is in love with another. In the feelings, impulsive Chalykuchu twisted from the family nest to towards the real life, which met her hurricane events ...

I remember how, after reading the book, took the quotes in my diary, realizing every word. Interestingly, you are changing over time, and the book remains all the same piercing, touching and naive. But, it seems, in our 21st century, independent women, gadgets and social networks do not prevent a little naivety:

"A person lives and is tied by invisible threads to people who surround it. There comes separation, the threads are tensioning and rush as the strings of the violin, making dull sounds. And every time the threads are broken by the heart, man is experiencing the most acute pain. "

David Herbert Lawrence "Lady Lady Chatterley" (1928)

Provocative, scandalous, frank. Forbidden for more than thirty years after the first publication. The short-circuited English bourgeoisie did not suffer descriptions of sexual scenes and the "immoral" behavior of the main heroine. In 1960, a loud lawsuit took place, during which the novel "Lady Lady Chatterley" was rehabilitated and allowed to print when the author was no longer alive.

Today, the novel and his storyline hardly seem to us so much provocative. The young constant marries the chatterlee baronet. After their marriage, Clifford Chatterlery is sent to Flanders, where multiple injuries receive during the battle. He is forever paralyzed below the belt. Married life Connie (as affectionately calling her husband) changed, but she continues to love her husband, causing him. However, Clifford understands that the young girl is hard to spend all nights alone. He permits to make her lover, the main thing is that the candidacy is worth.

"If a man has no brains, he is a fool, if there is no heart - the villain, if there is no bile - rag. If a man is not able to explode, as a tight stretched spring - there is no male nature in it. This is not a man, and Pai-boy. "

During one of the walks in the forest, Connie gets acquainted with the new Events. It was he who will teach the girl not only the art of love, but also will awaken in it real deep feelings.

David Herbert Lawrence is a classic of English literature, the author of at least famous books "Sons and Lovers", "Women Loves", "Rainbow", also wrote an essay, poems, play, ways to prose. He created three versions of the novel "Lady Lady Chatterley". The last option, satisfied the author, and was printed. This novel brought him glory, but Liberenis's liberalism and the proclamation of the freedom of moral choice of a person, who came across in the novel, were able to appreciate only many years later.

Margaret Mitchell "Gone by Wind" (1936)

Aphorism "When a woman cannot cry, it's scary"Yes, and the image of a strong woman belongs to Peru American writer Margaret Mitchell, who became famous thanks to the only novel. Hardly there is a man who did not hear about the bestseller "Gone by the Wind".

"Gone by the Wind" - the history of the civil war between the Northern and Southern States of America of the 60s, during which cities and fate collapsed, but could not be born something new and beautiful. This is the story of growing young Scarlett O'Hara, who is forced to take responsibility for the family, learn how to manage their feelings and achieve simple female happiness.

This is the successful novel about love, when, besides the main and quite superficial theme, he gives something else. The book grows together with the reader: open at different times, it will be perceived every time in a new way. One thing in it remains unchanged: the hymn of love, life and humanity. And the unexpected and open finals inspired several writers to create a continuation of love story, the most famous of which are "Scarlett" Alexander Ripley or "People of Rett Batler" Donald McCaiga.

Boris Pasternak "Dr. Zhivago" (1957)

A complex symbolist novel Pasternak, written in an equally complex and rich language. A number of researchers indicate the autobiographicity of the work, but the described events or heroes weakly resemble the real life of the author. Nevertheless, it is a kind of "spiritual autobiography", which Pasternak characterized like this: "I am writing a big novel in prose about a person who is some relaxing between the block and me (and Mayakovsky, and Yesenin, perhaps). He will die in 1929. It will remain a book of poems, which is one of the chapters of the second part. Roman embracing is 1903-1945. "

The main theme of the novel becomes reflections on the future of the country and the fate of the generation to which the author belonged. Historical events play an important role for the heroes of the novel, it is the whirlpool of a complex political situation determines their lives.

The main actors of the book are the Doctor and Poet Yuri Zhivago and Lara Antipova, the beloved Hero. Throughout the novel, the paths were accidentally crossed and divided, it would seem forever. What really conquers in this novel is inexplicable and immentable as a sea love that heroes carried through their whole life.

The culmination of this history of love is becoming several winter days in the snow-lined estate Varykino. It is here that the main explanations of the heroes are taking place, here Zhivago writes its best poems dedicated to Lara. But even in this abandoned house, they do not hide from the noise of war. Larisa is forced to leave to save life to itself and children. And Zhivago, going crazy from loss, writes in the notebook:

A man looks from the threshold

Without recognizing at home.

Her departure was like escape

Everywhere traces of defeat.

Everywhere in the rooms chaos.

He is ruin measures

Does not notice because of tears

And the attack of migraine.

In the ears in the morning there is some kind of noise.

Is he in memory of Ile dreams?

And why his mind

All the thought of the sea climbs? ..

"Dr. Zhivago" - Roman marked by the Nobel Prize, a novel, the fate of which, as well as the author's fate, turned out to be tragic, the novel, who is alive today, as well as the memory of Boris Pasternak - is obligatory to read.

John Falez "Lover of French Lieutenant" (1969)

One of the masterpieces of Faulza, which is a spawning interlacing of postmodernism, realism, Victorian novel, psychology, alluzi on Dickens, Hardy and other contemporaries. The novel, which is the central product of English literature of the 20th century, is considered to be one of the main books about love.

Kanva history, like any plot of a love novel, looks simple and predictable. But FAulz is a postmodernist who experienced the influence of existentialism and enthusiastic historical sciences created a mystical and deep love romance from this story.

Aristocrat, a wealthy young man named Charles Smithson, together with his chief meeting on the shore of Sarah Woodraff - sometime "Love of French Lieutenant"And now - the maid, which will keep away people. Sarah looks unlike, but Charles gets contact with it. During one of Sara's walks, heothes a hero, telling about his life.

"Even your own past does not seem to you with something real - you are dressing it, you are trying to roll or fly it, you edit it, somehow Latase ... In a word, turn it into artistic fiction and remove the shelf - this is your book, your novelnized autobiography. We are all running from real reality. This is the main distinguishing feature of Homo Sapiens. "

There are difficult, but special relationships that will grow into a strong and fatal feeling are established between heroes.

The variability of the endings of the novel is not only one of the main techniques of postmodern literature, but also reflects the idea that in love, as in life, everything is possible.

And for lovers of the acting game, Meril Streep: In 1981, the director of director Carla Reisha came out, where the role of the main characters was performed by Jeremy Irons and Meryl Streep. The film, which received several kinonagrad, became a classic. But watch him, like any film based on the literary work, is better after reading the book itself.

Colin Maccalo "singing in the thorns" (1977)

Colin Maccalo for his life wrote more than ten novels, the historical cycle of "Vladyka Rome", a series of detectives. But she was able to take a prominent place in the Australian literature and thanks to only one novel - "singing in a thorns."

Seven pieces of fascinating history of a large family. Several generations of Clan Cleari, who are moving to Australia to settle here and from simple poor farmers to become a prominent and successful family. The central heroes of this saga - Maggie Clery and Ralph de Bricalsar. Their story, uniting all the heads of the novel, tells about the eternal struggle of debt and feelings, mind and passion. What will heroe choose? Or do they have to get up on different sides and defend their choice?

Each of the parts of the novel is dedicated to one of the members of the Clery family and subsequent generations. For fifty years, during which the novel occurs, not only the surrounding reality, but also the vital ideals. So daughter Maggie - FIA, whose history opens in the last part of the book, no longer seeks to create a family, continueing a kind. So the fate of the Cliri family turns out to be threatened.

"Singing in the thorns" - subtly made, filigree work about life itself. Colin McCalow managed to reflect the complex overflows of the human soul, thirst for love that lives in every woman, passionate nature and the inner power of a man. Perfect reading by long winter evenings under the plaid or hot days on the summer veranda.

"There is such a legend - about the bird, which sings only once for all his life, but it is more beautiful in the world. One day she leaves his nest and flies to look for a black bush and will not calm down until it finds. Among the prickly branches, she sinks a song and rushes his chest on the longest, most acute spike. And, towering over the unspeakable flour, she sings, dying that the larks and nightingale would envy this journal song. The only, incomparable song, and it gets the price of life. But the whole world freezes, listening, and God himself smiles in heaven. For all the best is bought only by the price of the great suffering ... at least, so says the legend. "

Gabriel Garcia Marquez "Love during the Plague" (1985)

Interestingly, when a famous expression appeared, that love is a disease? Nevertheless, it is this truth that becomes a push in understanding the work of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, which proclaims that "... Love symptoms and the same plague". And the most important idea of \u200b\u200bthis novel is enclosed in another quote: "If you meet your true love, then it will not go anywhere from you - after a week, no in a month, no one after a year."

It happened to the heroes of the novel "Love during the Plague", the plot of which unfolds around the girl named Fermin Dasa. In her youth, Florentino Arisa was in love with her, but, having considered his love only temporary hobbies, she marries Hoenal Urbino. The profession of Urbino is a doctor, and the matter of life is the fight against cholera. However, Fermina and Florentino are destined to be together. When urbino dies, the feelings of long-stayed lovers flashes with a new force, painted into more mature and deep tones.

The article is updated and supplemented in July 2018. We present a selection of 65 books that have become a classic world literature, and 10 online libraries, where you can find a lot of artistic, scientific, historical and journalistic literature in free access.

1. "One hundred years of loneliness" - Gabriel Garcia Marquez ("Cien Años de Soledad" - Gabriel José de La Concordia "Gabo" García Márquez)

"One hundred years of loneliness" is one of the most characteristic and popular works towards magical realism.

2. "Moby Dick, or White Kit" - Herman Melville ("Moby-Dick, Or The Whale" - Herman Melville)

The narrative is conducted on behalf of the American Sailor Ishmael, who went to the flight on the whaler "Pekod", whose captain, Ahab, obsesses the idea of \u200b\u200brevenge the giant white whale, the killer of the Kitoboe, known as Moby Dick.

3. "Great Gatsby" - Francis Scott Fitzgerald ("The Great Gatsby" - F. Scott Fitzgerald)

The action of the novel takes place near New York, on the "gold coast" Long Island, among the villas of rich. In the 1920s, after chaos, the First World American Society entered into an unprecedented prosperity lane: the US economy was rapidly developed in the "roaring 20th" economy.

At the same time, the "dry law" made many bootleggers millionaires and gave a significant impetus to the development of organized crime. Admiring the rich and their charm, Fitzgerald at the same time hurts unlimited materialism and the lack of morality of America of that time.

4. "Breaks of Wrath" - John Steinbeck ("The Grapes of Wrath" - John Steinbeck)

The effect of the novel occurs during the time of the Great Depression. The poor family of tenant farmers, Jound, are forced to leave their home in Oklahoma because of drought, economic difficulties and changes in the principles of agriculture. In a practically hopeless situation, they are sent to California together with thousands of other Oki families, hoping to find livelihoods there.

5. "Ulysses" -james Joyce ("Ulysses" - James Joyce)

Roman tells about one day (June 16, 1904, currently this date is celebrated as Blumsdi, Bloom's Day) Dublin Oil and Jew for Nationality - Leopold Bloom.

6. Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov ("Lolita" - Vladimir Nabokov)

Lolita is the most famous of all novels of Nabokov. The theme of the novel was unthinkable for his time - the history of an adult man, passionately carried away a twelve-year-old girl.

7. "Noise and Rage" -Uleam Falkner ("The Sound and The Fryy" - William Faulkner)

The main storyline tells about the fading of one of the oldest and most influential families of the American south - componsons. For about 30 years described in the novel, the family faces financial collapse, loses respect in the city, and many family members tragically finish their lives.

8. "On the Lighthouse" - Virginia Wolfe ("To the Lighthouse" - Virginia Woolf)

In the center of the novel, there are two visits of the Ramzi family in a removable country house on Sky Island in Scotland in 1910 and 1920. "On the Lighthouse", and expands the tradition of the literature of Modernism of Marseille Proust and James Joyce, where the plot is moving into the background, giving way to the philosophical self-analysis.

9. "Anna Karenina" - Lion Tolstoy

"Anna Karenina" - the novel of Lion Tolstoy about the tragic love of Married's ladies Anna Karenina and a brilliant officer of the Vronsky against the background of the happy family life of Konstantin Levin's nobility and Kitty Shcherbatsky.

10. "War and World" - Lion Tolstoy

"War and World" - Roman-epic, describing Russian society in the era of wars against Napoleon in 1805-1812.

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11. "Adventures Geclberry Finn" - Mark Twain ("The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" - Mark Twain)

"The Adventures of Geclberry Finn" is the continuation of the novel "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer". Geclberry Finn, who escaped from a cruel father, together with a ragless black jim, is fused on the raft along the Mississippi River.

12. "1984" - George Orwell ("1984" - George Orwell)

Roman "1984", along with such works as "we" Evgenia Ivanovich Zamytina (1920), "On the wonderful new world" of Oldhos Huxley (1932) and "451 degrees Fahrenheit" Ray Bradbury (1953) is considered one of the most famous works In the genre of antiutopia.

13. "Above the abyss in rye" - Jerome D. Sallinger ("The Catcher In The Rye" - J. D. Salinger)

In the novel on behalf of the 16-year-old young man named Holden in a very frank form, it is described about its aggravated perception of American reality and the rejection of common canons and morality of modern society.

14. Invisible Man - Ralph Ellison ("Invisible Man" - Ralph Ellison)

"Invisible man" is the only finished Roman Ralph Ellison, an African American writer, literary criticism and literary critic. The novel is devoted to the search for identity and place in society.

15. "Trick-22" - Joseph Heller ("Catch-22" - Joseph Heller)

1944 year. On the island of the pianosa in the Tyrrhenian Sea, the bomber regiment of the US Air Force (Flying on North American B-25 Mitchell bombers), in which Captain Jossarian, the main character of the novel, and his colleagues.

The command of the air strike time at time increases the norm of combat departures, thereby extending the service of pilots flying out its norm after which they have the right to return home. Thus, it becomes almost impossible to fly the norm.

16. "Children of midnight" - Salman Rushdi ("Midnight" s Children "- Salman Rushdie)

Multiple, fantastic, "magical" story covers the history of India (partly and Pakistan) from 1910 to 1976. Political events submitted brightly and predestoned are not exhausted by a whimsical reality of the novel.

17. "On the road" - Jack Keroac ("On The Road" - Jack Kerouac)

The book, which is considered the most important sample of the literature of the bit generation, tells about Jack Keroaca travels and his close friend Nile Cassidy through the United States of America and Mexico.

18. "In Search of Lost Time" - Marcel Proust ("à La Recherche Du Temps Perdu" - Marcel Proust)

"In search of the lost time" - Magnum Opus of the French writer, the modernist of Marseille, semi-autobiographic cycle of seven novels. Published in France in the interval between 1913 and 1927.

19. "Pale Fire" - Vladimir Nabokov ("Pale Fire" - Vladimir Nabokov)

"Pale Fire" - Roman V. V. Nabokova, written in English in the United States and first published in 1962. The novel, designed even before moving to the United States ("Ultima Thule" and "Solus Rex" excerpts were written in Russian in 1939), built as a 999-line poem with abundant literary alluzia comment.

20. "Mrs. Bovari" - Gustave Flaubert (Madame Bovary - Gustave Flaubert)

The main heroine of Roman - Emma Bovarie, the wife of a doctor who does not live for funds and ridiculous extramarital connections in the hope of getting rid of the voids and the usualness of provincial life.

21. Middlmarch - George Eliot ("Middlemarch" - George Eliot)

Midlmarch is the name of the provincial town, in which the effect of the novel is unfolded. A lot of characters inhabit its pages, and their fate is intertwined by the will of the author.

22. "Higher Hope" - Charles Dickens ("Great Expectations" - Charles Dickens)

The Hero of the novel "Higher Hope", the young man Philip Piprip, seeks to become a "true gentleman", to achieve a position in society, but he is waiting for disappointment. The money, taken in blood, can not bring happiness, and the "Gentlemen world", to which Philip laughed so much hopes, turned out to be hostile and cruel.

23. Emma - Jane Austin ("Emma" - Jane Austen)

The daughter of a wealthy landowner and a big dreamer, Emma is trying to diversify his leisure, organizing someone else's personal life. Being confident that she will never marry, she acts as a matchmaker for their girlfriends and acquaintances, but life presents a surprise for her surprise.

24. "And destruction has come" - China Achebe (Things Fall Apart - Chinua Achebe)

"And destruction has come," this is a story about the warrior of a tribe, which cannot adapt to a new society in the conditions of the colonization regime. The book was translated into 45 languages \u200b\u200band today is the most readable and translated African writer's book among contemporaries.

25. "Pride and Prejudice" - Jane Austin ("PRIDE AND PREJUDICE" - JANE AUSTEN)

Young girls who dream of marriage, respectable mothers who do not gline, selfish beauties thinking that they are allowed to dispose of the fate of other people, is the world of heroes Jane Austin - the English writer, significantly outlined his time and ranked the subsequent generations to the classics of world literature.

26. "Thunderstorm Pass" - Emily Bronte ("Wuthering Heights" - Emily Brontë)

"Thunderstorm Pass" - This complete love and hatred is the story of the fatal passion of the Hishklif, the adoptive son of the owner of the estate "Thunderstorm Pass", to the daughter of the Katherine owner

27. "Nostromo" - Joseph Conrad ("Nostromo" - Joseph Conrad)

The novel tells about the liberation struggle of the fictional South American state of Kostaguan. The author occupies the problem of imperialism and its decomposing action, even on the best people, what is the main character of the novel by the sailor Nostromo.

28. "The Karamazov Brothers" - F. M. Dostoevsky

"Brothers of the Karamazov" - the last Roman F. M. Dostoevsky. Three brothers, Ivan, Alexey (Alyosha) and Dmitry (Mitya), "are engaged in resolving questions about the root causes and the endful goals of being", and each of them makes his choice, in its own way trying to answer the question of God and the immortality of the soul.

29. "Kill Mockingbird" - Harper Lee ("To Kill A Mockingbird" - Harper Lee)

The events of the 1930s of the 20th century were transferred to the novel, the period of the Great Depression, which took place in Alabama. The story is conducted on behalf of the child, but the acuteness of interracial conflicts, social problems does not lose their strength.

30. "Process" - Franz Kafka ("Der Prozess" - Franz Kafka)

"Process" is the unique book of Franz Kafka, which actually "created" his name for the culture of the world postmodern theater and cinema of the second half of the 20th century, more precisely, "fell" is the name in the idea of \u200b\u200bpostmodern absurdism.

31. "Loaf number five" - \u200b\u200bKurt Vonnegut ("Slaughterhouse-Five" - \u200b\u200bKurt Vonnegut)

"Savory number five" - \u200b\u200bthe autobiographical Roman Kurt Vonneguta on the bombardment of Dresden during World War II.

32. Mrs. Dallowway - Virginia Wolfe (Mrs Dalloway - Virginia Woolf)

Roman tells about one day of the fictional heroine of Clariss Dellowway, a secular woman of post-war England. One of the most famous writer novels.

33. "Jane Ayr" - Charlotte Bronte ("Jane Eyre" - Charlotte Brontë)

The book tells about the difficult fate of orphans with a strong, independent character, about her childhood, growing, searching for its path and overcoming obstacles that get up on this path.

34. "The Lord of the Rings" - J. R. R. Tolkin ("The Lord of the Rings" - J. R. R. Tolkien)

"The Lord of the Rings" - the novel-epic of the English writer J. R. R. Tolkina, the most famous work of the genre of fantasy.

35. "Trip to India" - Edward Forster ("A Passage to India" - E.M. Forster)

In the center of "Trip to India" - the relationship between the Indian Aziz and the Englishman of the Filding. Scene Peripetias, who are addressed by themselves, contribute to the fact that these relationships are reliable, revealed in their extreme opportunities.

36. "All Royal Rail" - Robert Penn Warren ("All The King" S Men "- Robert Penn Warren)

The main character of the novel - Politician Willie Stark. The born leader from the bottom of society has sincerely believed that the world can make better. However, the truth that opened before him turns it into a cruel unprincipled policy. His motto: "Good can only be done out of evil, because more of it is just nothing to do."

37. "On the wonderful new world" - Oldhos Huxley ("Brave New World" - Aldous Huxley)

"On the wonderful new world" - an anti-astope satirical novel, whose action unfolds in London of a distant future (about 26th century of the Christian era, namely, in 2541). People across the land live in a single state, whose society is a society of consumption, the symbol of the consumer God speaks Henry Ford, and instead of the sign of the sign of the signs, people "autumn themselves are familiar to".

38. "When I died" - William Falkner ("As I Lay Dying" - William Faulkner)

Roman W. Falkner "When I was dying" unique. There is no author's speech at all, the book is broken on the chain of monologues, sometimes long, sometimes short, and even fit in one or two phrases, and they lead their fourteen characters - mainly Bandene, and next to them neighbors, the same farmer poor.

39. "Deep Sleep" - Raymond Chandler ("The Big Sleep" - Raymond Chandler)

"Deep Sleep" - the first of the series of novels about the private owner of Philip Marlow. Classic "cool detective".

40. "Stories" - Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Collection of stories Classic world literature.

41. "Crime and Punishment" - F. M. Dostoevsky

"Crime and Punishment" is considered one of the most philosophical books in the world, in which the problems of good and evil, freedom and necessity, crimes and moral responsibility, revolution, socialism, the philosophy of history and the state are set.

42. "Molla", "Malon dies" and "Unnamed" - Samuel Beckett ("Molloy", "Malone Dies", "The Unnamable" - Samuel Beckett)

MOLLA, "Malon dies" and "Unnamed" - three works that make up the trilogy and representing a separate milestone in the creative biography of Beckett.

43. "Strying" - Albert Cami ("L" Étranger "- Albert Camus)

The narrative leads a 30-year-old Frenchman. Its name remains unknown, but the surname is casually mentioned - Merso. Three key events in his life are described - the death of the mother, the murder of the local resident and the court, as well as a brief relationship with the girl.

44. "Tin drum" - Günther Grass ("Die Blechtrommel" - Günter Grass)

"Tin drum" - the first Roman Gunter Grass. It is this work, in the grotesque form that reflected the history of Germany of the 20th century, brought world fame to his author.

45. "Sons and Lovers" - David Herbert Lawrence ("Sons and Lovers" - D. H. Lawrence)

The book describes the life of a young man named Paul Morel, born in the family of carbon in the small town of the Church of the County of Notemshire. Red thread through the novel is the love of children to his mother. The gender is most attached to it: unlike his brothers and sisters, he will not leave the mother's house until her death.

46. \u200b\u200b"Golden Notebook" - Doris Lessing ("The Golden Notebook" - Doris Lessing)

Anna Wolfe, a talented writer and convinced feminist, which, balancing on the verge of madness, records all his thoughts and experiences in four multicolored notebooks: black, red, yellow and blue. But over time, the fifth, golden, notebook appears in which the recordings in which they become a real revelation for the heroine and help her find an exit from a dead end.

47. "Magic Mountain" - Thomas Mann ("Der Zauberberg" - Thomas Mann)

Immediately after the release of "Magic Mountain" received recognition as a key philosophical novel of the German Literature of the New Century. It is believed that on the example of a closed microcosm, Mann sanatorium gave a panorama of the ideological life of the European Society on the eve of World War.

48. "Beloved" - Tony Morrison ("Beloved" - Toni Morrison)

"Beloved", the most famous novel Tony Morrison, was awarded the Pulitzer, and then the Nobel Prize. Based on the book Real events that happened in the state of Ohio in the 80s of the XIX C.: The story of the Black Slave, which kills his daughter, saving her from slavery.

49. "Blood Meridian" - Kormak McCarthy ("Blood Meridian" - Cormac McCarthy)

John Benville, Winner of the Booker, called this novel "a kind of mixture of Dante" Hell "," Iliad "and" Moby Dick ". The main hero of the "Blood Meridiana", a fourteen teenager of Tennessee, known only as "Malts", becomes the hero of the newest epic, based on the real events and circumstances of the Texan-Mexican borderline of the middle of the XIX century, where the market of Indian scalps is rapidly developing.

50. "No Property Man" - Robert Muzil ("Der Mann Ohne EiGenschaften" - Robert Musil)

An ironic panorama of Austria-Hungary on the eve of the First World War, partly the autobiographical "novel of ideas", written by one of the most brilliant European intellectuals of the first half of the 20th century, is a phenomenon, a grand intention and execution.

51. "Fiesta (and rises)" - Ernest Hemingway ("The Sun Also Rises" - Ernest Hemingway)

"And the sun rises" - Roman Ernest Hemingway, written in 1926. Based on the real events that took place in the life of the author.

52. "Gone by the Wind" - Margaret Mitchell ("Gone With The Wind" - Margaret Mitchell)

The novel of American writer Margaret Mitchell, the events of which occur in the southern states of the United States in the 1860s, during (and after) of the Civil War. Roman came out on June 30, 1936 and became one of the most famous bestsellers of American literature.

53. "Alice Adventures in Wonderland" - Lewis Carroll (Alice "S Adventures in Wonderland" - Louis Carroll)

"The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland" is a fairy tale written by an English mathematician, the poet and writer Charles Lutvija Dodzhson under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll. It tells about the girl named Alice, which falls through the Rabbit Nora into an imaginary world inhabited by strange, anthropomorphic creatures.

54. "Heart of Darkness" - Joseph Conrad ("Heart of Darkness" - Joseph Conrad)

"Heart of Darkness" is an adventure story of the English writer Joseph Conrad, published in 1902. The story is conducted on behalf of the main character, the sailor Marlow, who recalls his journey to Central Africa.

55. "The command calls the bell" - Ernest Hemingway ("For Whom The Bell Tolls" - Ernest Hemingway)

The novel tells the story of Robert Jordan, the young American fighter of international brigades sent to the rear of Frankists, to partisans, during the Civil War in Spain. As an expert demolition, he is instructed to blow up the bridge to prevent the approach of Frankist reinforcements when attacking Segovia.

56. "American tragedy" - Theodore Driver ("An American Tragedy" Theodore Dreiser)

In the novel "American tragedy", the driver depicts the tragedy of Clive Gripits - a young man who tasted the whole charm of the life of the rich, so eager to establish themselves in their society, which is for the sake of this for a crime.

57. "The Adventures of the OG MARCH" - Sol Bello ("The Adventures of Augie March" - Saul Below)

An exciting, touching, multifaceted, full of philosophical meaning the story of a boy who fell fate to grow, make discoveries, love and look for its place in the world in the most dramatic moments of history.

58. "Call of ancestors" - Jack London ("The Call of The Wild" - Jack London)

The effect of the novel occurs in Yukon (Canada) during the Golden Fever. The main character of the dog backflow (Mix of Scottish Shepherd and Senbernar), brought from a shepherd ranch in California, enters the harsh reality of the life of the riding dog. The novel tells about the difficulties that the back is trying to survive, despite the harsh appeal of the owners, other dogs and the cruelty of nature.

59. "American Pastoral" - Philip Roth ("American Pastoral" - Philip Roth)

The main character - Swede Levoou - married the beauty "Miss New Jersey", inherited the father's factory and became the owner of an old mansion in Old Rymock. It would seem that the dreams came true, but one day a gravestone American happiness turns into the dust ...

60. "Relomination" - James Dickka ("Deliverance" - James Dickey)

Four go on a trip to the wild and deserted terrain in Appalach. They descend down the river on two boats. In their intention, it is easy to relax, disperse and see picturesque places ... But they did not know that they would fall into the ambush to the nearby local mountaineers, thugs and sadists.

61. "Lucky Jim" - Kingsley Emis ("Lucky Jim" - Kingsley AMIS)

The young teacher on the probationary period in a provincial university.
The only "live soul" in the world of sad snobs and senseless rules of behavior.
Jim Dickson is sick of this, but I want to get to the staff! So you have to be like everyone else. But once in the life of Jim invades love, and all his conform beginnings are flying over to all their traps ...

62. Cancer Tropic - Henry Miller ("Tropic Of Cancer" - Henry Miller)

The effect of the novel occurs in the 1930s in France (mainly in Paris). The novel describes the life of the wisest writer Henry Miller in Paris.

63. "Lord of Muh" - William Golding ("Lord of the Flies" - William Golding)

Strange, the terrible story of boys who fell by the will of fate on the uninhabited island. Boys who won in cruelty, hunt, war. The book is about the secret corners of the human soul and the desire of power.

64. "At the foot of the volcano" - Malcolm Lauri ("Under the Volcano" - Malcolm Lowry)

"At the foot of the volcano" - the novel whose action takes place in a small Mexican town during the November 1939 day - the day of remembering the departed. This day is the last in the life of Jeffrey Fermina, in the past British Consul, who is asylum from life in a disobedic drunkenness. Fermina Ivonna's former wife, Hugh and friend's consolidated brother and a friend, film director Lyaruel, are trying to save the consul, persuade him to quit drinking and start a life again ...

65. "Return to Brydshead" - Ivlin in ("Brideshead Revisited" - Evelyn Waugh)

Fragment of the film on the book "Return to Bridgeshead."

In the novel, published at the end of World War II, the characters of the outgoing era of the prosperity of the English aristocracy are subtle. The main character of the novel Young artist Charles Rider gets acquainted during training in Oxford with Sebastian Fleet - a representative of a famous aristocratic name. After his arrival in Brideshmed, the family estate of Fleotov, Charles enters the whim of bohemian life, and over the next years, his fate is inextricably linked with this family.

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Books are one of the greatest heritals of mankind. And if only the elected caste of people were available until the invention of the book printing of the book, then the books began to spread everywhere. In each new generation, talented writers were born, who created world masterpieces of literature.

Great works reached us, that's just we read the classics and less. Bite's literary portal presents to your attention 100 best books of all times and peoples that need to read. In this list you will find not only classic works, but also modern books that left their mark in history quite recently.

1 Mikhail Bulgakov

A novel that does not fit into the usual literary framework. In this story, philosophy and life, theology and fiction, mystic and realism, mystic and lyrics are mixed. And all these components are intertwined by skillful hands in a solid and bright story, which is able to turn your world. And yes, this is a favorite book book!

2 Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

The book from the school program, which is difficult to understand in a tender adolescence. The writer showed the duality of the human soul when black is intertwined with white. The story of Raskolnikov, who is experiencing an internal struggle.

3 Antoine de Saint-Exupery

A small story in which enormous life sense is concluded. The story that makes something different look at the usual things.

4 Michael Bulgakov

Surprisingly thin and sarcastic story about people and their vices. The story of the experiment, which proved that a person can be made from the animal, but it is impossible to bring an "animal" from a person.

5 Erich Maria Remarque

To tell about what tells this novel is impossible. Roman needs to read, and then understanding that this is not just a story, but confession. Confession of love, friendship, pain. History of despair and struggle.

6 Jerome Salinger

The story of a teenager, who shows his perception of the world with its own eyes, the point of the worldview, renunciation from the usual principles and maintenance of morality of society, who do not fit into his individual framework.

7 Mikhail Lermontov

Lyric-psychological novel, which tells about a person with a complex character. The author shows it from different sides. And the violated chronology of events, makes it completely immersed in the story.

8 Arthur Conan Doyle

Legendary investigations of Sherlock's great detective, which reveal the meanness of the human soul. Stories that tell me and assistant detective Dr. Watson.

9 Oscar Wilde

The story of pride, egoism and durable soul. A story that clearly shows that it can happen to a human soul suffered by vices.

10 John Ronald Ruel Tolkien

Fantastic trilogy about people and nonhumans who fell under the power of the ring of all-in-law and his lord of Sauron. The story of those who are ready for the sake of friendship and salvation of the world, sacrifice the most expensive and even their lives.

11 Mario Puzo.

Roman about one of the most powerful mafia families of America last century - the family of Corleon. Many is known for the film, so it's time to take reading.

12 Erich Maria Remarque

After World War I, many emigrants were in France. Among them and the talented German surgeon Ravik. This is the story of his life and love against the background of the war.

13 Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

The history of the Russian soul and nonsense. And an amazing style and tongue author causes proposals to play with paints and shades that fully reveal the story of our people.

14 Colin Maccalo

A stunning novel, which tells not only the love of men and women and complex relations, but also about feelings for the family, to native places and nature.

15 Emily Bronte.

A family living in a secluded estate, who has a tense atmosphere in the house. Complex relationships have deep roots that are hidden in the past. Hitclyf's history and Catherine will not leave any reader indifferent.

16 Erich Maria Remarque

Book of war on behalf of a simple soldier. The book about how the war breaks and cripples the soul of innocent people.

17 Herman Hesse

The book simply turns all the ideas about life. After reading it is already impossible to get rid of the feeling that you have become one step closer to something incredible. This book has answers to many questions.

18 Stephen King.

Paul Edgecomb Former prison officer, which served in a block for convicts for the death penalty. He tells the history of the life of suicide borneers who were destined to pass a green mile.

20 Victor Hugo

Paris 15th century. On the one hand, he is full of greatness, and the other is similar to the waste hole. Against the background of historical events, the story of love - Quasimodo, Esmeralda and Claude Frollo unfolds.

21 Daniel Defoe

Sailor's diary of the cracked ship and lived alone on the island of 28 years. He had to survive too much trials.

22 Lewis Carroll

A strange and mysterious story about a girl who in pursuit of a white rabbit turns out to be in another and wonderful world.

23 Ernest Hemingway

On the pages of the Book of War, but even in the world full of pain and fear, there is a beautiful place. An excellent feeling called love that makes us stronger.

24 Jack London

What can love make? Martin's love to the wonderful ruff forced him to fight. He overcame the many obstacles to become somehow big. The story of the spiritual development and formation of a person.

25 Arkady and Boris Strugatsky

A fantastic and fascinating fairy tale in which magic is intertwined with reality.

26 We Evgeny Zamyatin

Roman Anthutopia, in which the perfect society is described, where there is no personal opinion, and everything happens on the schedule. But even in such a society there will be a place for freezers.

27 Ernest Hemingway

Frederick voluntarily went to war, where he became a doctor. In the sanitary part, where even air is saturated with death, love is born.

28 Boris Pasternak

The beginning of the twentieth century. The Russian empire has already embarked on the path of revolutions. The story of the life of the intelligentsia of that time, as well as the book raises the issues of religion and affects the mystery of life and death.

29 Vladimir Nabokov

An instructive story about people who betrayed their ideals. The book about how light and beautiful feelings evolve into something dark and disgusting.

30 Johann Wolfgang Goethe

The greatest work, which delays in the story of Faust, who sold the soul to the devil. Reading this book can be passed on the path of knowledge of life.

31 Dante Aligiere

The product is three parts. First we fall into hell, so that the dates are all 9 circles. Then we are waiting for a purification, passing which you can redeem your sins. And only reaching the top you can get to heaven.

32 Anthony Burgess

Not the most pleasant story, but it shows the human essence. The story, as from any person you can make an obedient and silent doll.

33 Victor Pelevin

A difficult story, which is difficult to understand the first time. The story about the life of the decadene poet, who is looking for his way, and Chapaev leads to the enlightenment of Peter.

34 William Golding

What will happen to children if they are quite alone? In children, a subtle nature, which is pronounced quite strongly. And pretty good children turn into real monsters.

35 Albert Kama

36 James Clarell

The history of the English seaman, who will be the will of fate in Japan. Roman-epic, where there are historical realities, intrigue, adventures and secrets.

37 Ray Bradbury

A collection of fantastic stories telling about the life of people on Mars. They almost destroyed the land, and what awaits another planet?

38 Stanislav Lem.

There is an ocean on this planet. He is alive and he has a mind. Researchers have a difficult task - to convey the knowledge of the ocean. And he will help embody their dreams ...

39 Herman Hesse

A book about the inner crisis that can happen to each. Internal emptying can destroy a person, if one day the person will not meet, who will give only one book to his hands ...

40 Milan Kundara

Immerse yourself in the world of sensations and feelings of a libertine Tomasha, who used to change women, just no one dared to pick up his freedom.

41 Boris Vian

Each friend has their own fate. Everything goes easily and easy. Friendship. Love. Conversations. But one event can change everything and destroy the usual life.

42 Ian Banks.

Frank tells the story of his childhood and describes the present. He has his own world who can collapse at any time. Unexpected turning points in the plot, give a special taste of the whole story.

43 John Irving

This book climbs the themes of family, childhood, friendship, love, treason and betrayal. This is the world in which we live with all the problems and disadvantages.

44 Michael Ondatja

There are many topics in this book - war, death, love, betrayal. But the main leitmotifs is loneliness, which can acquire a variety of forms.

46 Ray Bradbury

Books our future, and what will happen if they are replaced by TV and one opinion? The answer to this question gives a writer who was ahead of his time.

47 Patrick Zyuskind

The story of a crazy genius. All his life is smell. He will go to everything to create the perfect fragrance.

48 1984 George Orwell

Three totalitarian states, where even thoughts are controlled. The world of hatred, but there are people who else can resist the system.

49 Jack London

Alaska late 19th century. The era of the gold fever. And among the human larding lives a wolf named White Fang.

50 Jane Osten

In the family of Bennet there is only daughters, and the heir is a distant relative. And it is worth the head of the family, like young girls will remain with nothing.

51 Evgeny Petrov and Ilya Ilf

Who does not know the Ostap Bender and Kisu Vorobyaninov and their eternal failures that are associated with the search for ill-fated diagrants.

52 Fedor Dostoevsky

53 Charlot Bronte.

Jane has become an orphan early, and life in the house of aunt was far from happy. And love for a strict and sullen man is far from romantic history.

54 Ernest Hemingway

A small story of the life of the most ordinary person. But reading this work, penetrate the amazing world, which is full of emotions.

55 Francis Scott Fitzgerald

A magnificent novel that is filled with feelings. On the pages of the book waiting for the beginning of the 20th century, when people were full of illusions and hopes. This story about life values \u200b\u200band real love.

56 Alexandr Duma

We are all familiar with the adventures of D'Artagnan and his closest friends. Book of friendship, honor, devotion, loyalty and love. And of course, as other works of the author did not cost and without intrigue.

57 Ken Kizi.

This history will tell the patient of a psychiatric hospital. Patrick McMurphy enters the psychiatric department. That's just some think that he simply simulates his illness.

59 Victor Hugo

Roman describes the life of a runaway convict who is hidden from the authorities. After the flight, he had to survive a lot of tight, but he was able to change his life. That's just the Maver Police Inspector is ready to go to everything to catch the criminal.

60 Victor Hugo

The actor-philosopher met on his way of a worried boy and a blind girl. He takes them under his custody. Against the background of physical disadvantages, the perfection and purity of souls are clearly visible. And also this is an excellent oppression of the life of the aristocracy.

61 Vladimir Nabokov

Roman delays her unhealthy web of passion and unhealthy love. The main characters gradually go crazy, subject to their lowland desire, as well as their world around. In this book, I will definitely not be a happy end.

62 Arkady and Boris Strugatsky

A fantastic story that describes the life of Stalker Radric Shukhart, which extraterrestrial artifacts extract from the abnormal zones on Earth.

63 Richard Bach

Even a simple seagull can bother gray life, and the routine has come. And then the seagull dedicates his life to a dream. The seagull gives all his soul on the way to the cherished goal.

64 Bernard Verber

Michel got to the court of Archangels, where he would have to go through the weighing procedure of the soul. After the trial, he stands before the choice - to go to the ground in a new embodiment or steel angel. Angel's way is not simple as the life of ordinary mortals.

65 Ethel Lilian Wagoney

The story of freedom, duty and honor. And about different types of love. In the first case, this is the love of his father to his son, which survived many tests and passes through generations. In the second case, this is the love between a man and a woman who looks like a bonfire, he swears, then flashes again.

66 John Falez.

He is a simple town hall, lonely and lost. He has a passion - collecting butterflies. But one day he wanted to his collection of a girl who conquered his soul.

67 Walter Scott

The story of the novel will lead the readers in the distant past. At the time of Richard, the lion's heart and the first crusades. This is one of the first historical novels, which is obliged to read each.

68 Bernhard Slink

The book has a lot of questions that remain unanswered. The book makes thinking and analyze not only what is happening on the pages, but also your life. This is a story about love and betrayal that will not leave anyone indifferent.

69 Ayn Rand

Socialists come to power and take a course on equal opportunities. The authorities believe that talented and rich should impose the well-being of others. But instead of a happy future, the familiar world is immersed in chaos.

71 Somerset Maugham

The story of the actress, which all his life works in the theater. And what is the reality for her play on stage or a game in life? How many roles do you have to play every day?

72 Oldhos Haxley

Roman Antiutopia. Roman Satire. The world where Henry Ford became God, and the beginning of time is the creation of the first Ford T car. People are simply grown, and nothing about feelings do not know anything.

75 Albert Kama

Merso lives a removed life. It seems that his life does not belong at all. He is all indifferent and even his actions are impregnated with loneliness and renunciation.

76 Somerset Maugham

The history of the life of Philip. He is an orphan and throughout his life he not only seeks the meaning of life, but also himself. And most importantly understand the world and people.

77 Irwin Welsh

History of friends who once discovered drugs and euphoria. Each character is unusual and quite a smart. They appreciated life and friendship, but exactly until the moment when Heroin rose to first.

78 Herman Melville

Ahav Captain Whaling Ship set the purpose of his life - to the revenge of Whale named Mobi Dick. Wit Pueby too many lives to leave him alive. But it is worth the captain to start the hunt, how mysterious, and sometimes terrible events begin to occur on his ship.

79 Joseph Heller

One of the best books about World War II. In it, the author was able to show the meaninglessness of war and the monstrous absurdity of the state car.

80 William Falkner

Four characters, each of whom tells its version of events. And to understand what we are talking about, you need to read to the end, where the puzzles will be in a single picture of life and secret desires.

82 Joanne Rowling

83 Roger Zelazny

Classic fantasy genre. The chronicles are divided into two volumes of 5 books. In this cycle, mono find travel in space and time, war, intrigue, betrayal, as well as loyalty and courage.

84 Angey Sapkovsky

One of the best fantastic series. The series includes 8 books, while the latter is the "season of thunderstorms" is better to read after the first or second book. This is a story about the Witcher and his adventures, his life and love, and more about the girl Cirins, which can change the world.

85 Honore de Balzac

An amazing story about the infinite and sacrificial love of the Father to the children. About love that has never been mutual. About love that destroyed Father Gorio.

86 Gunter Grass

The story of the boy named Oscar Macerat, who, with the arrival of the National Socialists in Germany, refuses to grow in protest. Thus, he expresses his protest changes in the German society.

87 Boris Vasilyev

Piercing story war. About real love for parents, friends, and homeland. This story must be read to feel the entire emotional component of this story.

88 Standal

The story of Julien Sea and the soul, in which the confrontation of two feelings is coming: passion and ambition. These two feelings are so intertwined that they are often impossible to distinguish.

89 Lev Tolstoy

Roman-epic, which describes a whole epoch, deepening in the historical realities and the artistic world of that time. War will replace the world, and the peaceful life of the characters depends on the war. Many heroes with unique characters.

90 Gustave Flaubert

This story is recognized as the greatest work of world literature. Emma Bovarie dreams of a beautiful secular life, but her spouse, a provincial doctor, cannot satisfy her requests. She finds lovers, but can they fulfill the dream Madame Bovarie?

91 Chuck Palanik

No matter how they scold the work of this author, it is impossible to deny that his book "Fight Club" is one of the characters of our generation. This is a story about people who decided to change this dirty world. The story of a person who was able to resist the system.

92 Marcus Zusak

Winter Germany is 1939, when death is too work, and after six months, work will be added somewhat. The story of Lizel, about fanatical Germans, about the Jewish Drachun, about the theft and the strength of words.

93 Alexander Pushkin

Roman in verse tells a story about the fate of the noble intelligentsia with their vices and egoism. And in the value of history, a love story without a happy end.

94 George Martin

A fantastic story about another world rule the kings and dragons live. Love, betrayal, intrigue, war and death, and all for power.

95 David Mitchell

The history of the past, present and future. Stories of people from different times. But these stories make up a single picture of the whole world.

96 Stephen King.

Fantastic cycle of horror lords. In this series, weave the genres. In the books are closely neighboring horrors, western, science fiction and other genres. This is the story of the Roland Arrow, who is looking for a dark tower.

97 Haruki Murakov

The story of human destinies in Japan in the 60s of the twentieth century. History of human losses. Memories of the torus who will introduce a reader with different people and their stories.

98 Andy Weyr

By the will of the case of an astronaut remain one on the space base on Mars. He has a limited number of resources, but there is no connection with people. But he does not give up, he believes that he will return.

100 Samuel Bekket.

Amazing play, where everyone itself determines the mysterious personality year. The author makes it possible to find the answer itself to the question "Who is he?". Concrete person? Strong personality? Collective image? Or God?

In this top, I want to include many more books. Therefore, dear readers, write in the comments about those books that you consider the best. We will add books to the top and with your help to expand it to 1000 best books of all times and peoples.

On Monday, I'll throw smoking. Next week I will begin to run and sign out in the gym. At the weekend, I will put order in the room and find a job. It would be necessary to do it, right?

Our shoulders dropped 2019. It's time to tear your ass from the sofa, to produce eyes, drink minerals and finally start. I made up 2 list of books of world and Russian literature for you, to familiarize yourself with whom at least in 2016, if you did not earlier. Let's start, perhaps, with the "boring" Russian classics. Short!

Fedor Dostoevsky "Sleep of a Funny Man"

Did you think about suicide at least once in your life? If not, this is not a reason to bypass the story of Dostoevsky side. Everyone knows this author purely on the book "Crime and Punishment", however, in my opinion, in order to fully understand the essence of Dostoevsky, it should begin with the story of the "sleep of a funny person." How before the last shot to understand the essence of the human existence? How to exchange paradise to world wars and hatred of your neighbor? And most importantly - how not to pull the trigger. The end of the story can be entitled with the expression "Cherchez La Femme", if you understand why, everything was not in vain.

Anton Chekhov "Chamber number 6"

What do you think the Russian classic under the stack of vodka is better? I have a subjective opinion on this, but how are things going with the views of Comrade Gromov? How to combine reading books, a glass of vodka, a psychiatric hospital and two ingenious people with absolutely different and at the same time identical views on existence in this world? Such an oxymmer permeates the whole story about the sad truth of Merry Chekhov. Have you already understood how to drink literature?

Evgeny Zamyatin "We"

The founder of the great genre of anti-nightopias can safely be considered Evgeny Zamytina. I am sure if you choose on it, then they simply must know such great anti-dietaryists as Orruell and Huxley. If these surname tell you about something, I don't even think that you can't make yourself a jam and begin to absorb it with cutlets. Building system, talon relationships and solid capital letters. Instead of people. Instead of names. Instead of life.

Lion Tolstoy "Death of Ivan Ilyich"

On the cover of this book, I would write huge red letters: "Caution! Causes disappointment, pain and awareness. Sentimental stupid people are strictly prohibited. " Forget about the book "War and Peace" book, you have a completely different side of Lion Tolstoy, which costs all the volumes of a huge novel. Trying to find in the story "Death of Ivan Ilyich" a deep semantic subtext, you will miss the most important thing lying on the surface. Banal, simple truth that is available to everyone, whether escaping from us. If you found it in the story, and also learned to live on her, my bow and white envy you.

Ivan Goncharov "Oblomov"

That is what, and in the novel "Oblomov" find yourself easier than simple. Alas. As a beautiful contemplation of this life from the side, when the stupid bustle of this world is bypassing you. The first love that for some reason makes climb from the sofa, obsessive friends, forever trying to pull your lazy back into the light - as absurdly all this "boiling life". Bypassing her face, contemplate, think and dream, dream, dream! If you are like-minded this statement - congratulations, your soul soul was found in the main hero of the novel "Oblomov".

Maxim Gorky "Passion-Mordesta"

The work of Gorky did not accidentally receive such a symbolic name "Passion-Mordesti", because the story is impossible to read without trembling in the knees. If you are overly like children - do not read. If you are impressionable and emotional - do not read. If the girls with syphilis call you a purely disgust - do not read. In general, do not listen to me now, open the book and begin to scare the brutal realities of this life. Social bottom, dirt, vulgarity and still truly happy, "clean" people in children's and adult swords about impossible happiness.

Nikolay Gogol "Shinel"

A small person against a huge scary society or how to lose everything that is expensive to you, even if it is a simple sinel. The miser official, an unnecessary environment, a little happiness of the gazeman on great disappointment and death as the only logical conclusion. It is for example, Akakia Bashmachkina will consider a large significant and significant problem of society - theft of overcoats.

Anton Chekhov "Man in the Case"

How do you support relationships with your work colleagues, classmates or friends? Speaking one great way to enhance your sociability - come to visit them and silent. I give a one hundred percent warranty, society will be delighted with you. Umbrella in a case, clock in a case, face in a case. A kind of shell for which a person is trying to hide, protect against the outside world. A man who even his sincere love managed to shove into the cover and protect it not only from the object of love, but also from himself. So what about supporting relationships? Silem?

Alexander Pushkin "Copper Horseman"

And again we encounter a large problem of a small person, only this time in the work of Pushkin "Copper Horseman". Evgeny, Parasha, Peter and Love Story, would seem to be more ideal for the plot of a romantic drama? But no, it's not you "Eugene Onegin." Love love, break the city, lying a person, add to this a drop of the symbolic image of the copper rider and we get the perfect recipe for one of the best Pushkin's poems.

Fedor Dostoevsky "Notes from the underground"

And the closure list of Russian classics will be the one who we, in fact, began - the great beloved Dostoevsky. It's not by chance that the "notes from the underground" I put on the final place. After all, this work is not just an exciting, it is wild, if you can express it. Enhanced awareness of being - deadly disease. Activities - the lot of limited and stupid. If you like these interpretations, then Dostoevsky to your taste, and if you also have a prostitute, at least once in your life, they humiliated, so the "underground" will become a favorite place of your stay.

Read about the top 10 foreign classic books in the second part of the book list for 2016. Love Russian classics.