Read comics Walking dead in chronological order. Comic "Walking Dead

Read comics Walking dead in chronological order. Comic "Walking Dead

Zombie. These are classic characters of horror genre. Artists, writers, directors and other creative brachia do not get tired of returning to the topic of a zombie apocalypse, once over time, seeking to dilute it with fresh ideas, but such attempts are rarely wrapped in success. The Walking Dead comic books did not invent a bike, making an emphasis on human relationships against the background of an unfolding catastrophe and slowly wandering zombies, thereby hitting the apple.

The first edition of the "walking dead" came out in 2003 and attracted not immediately. But new editions each month appeared on the shelves of thematic stores, gradually unfolding in front of readers the story of Rick Gilims, the former Sheriff's assistant who was injured and fell into someone else in the usual world, and came into consciousness after the catastrophe. The causes of the catastrophe itself are so fully and not found out, but there is every reason to believe that it happened due to the fault of the military who conducted tests of a certain virus and lost control over their own children. So coming to yourself, all that sees Rick is to launch, devastating and zombies.

Next, the story is unfolding in which Rica will have to become the main character. At first, he goes to the Atlanta in search of his family, and after - he heads the whole group of the spent the surviving people of the surviving people who seek all their might in the established conditions. But the main focus in the comic is made not on the confrontation with the living dead, but on interpersonal relationships. New conditions erased all the scope of morality and ethics, becoming fertile soil for the development of the lowest human qualities. As a result, other survivors are the main danger for survivors. And heroes constantly have to overtake through themselves, acting on the verge, because only this way it turns out to be powered.

In addition to Rica, the main characters are his wife and son, which he still finds, as well as a number of other characters who can claim the title of main ones only until the moment of their death, coming here more often than it could be assumed. The story in the comic is generally served quite rigidly, which can scare up a certain part of the audience, but many others loved the series for it. After all, if you know that every hero can die at any time - you begin to worry about them really.

The gloomy atmosphere complements the black and white visual style "The Walking Dead", the main vector of which was asked by one of the authors of the idea - Tony Moore, and to develop Kriff Ratburn and Charlie Adlardu. The publishing house of the series is engaged in Image Comics. Initially, it was planned to limit the hundreds of issues, but the mad success, which came with time, changed the initial plans of the creators. As a result, at the moment 139 issues and the authors are published, apparently, are not going to stop.

By the way about zombies. In the comic, they are presented in their "classic" form - unhurried, stupid, semi-defined. Every person is turned into a zombie after death, because the virus is transmitted by air-droplet, so that the heroes are enough to die for zombies in any way - they are all infected. Zombie bite does not turn into a man in a walking dead man, but in the saliva monsters, there is something that the person still dies, after which it is already resurrected in the form of undead. Zombies in the comic not eternal comics - they lose activity during the cold season, decompose over time until turning into the skeleton and loss of ability to move.

The corpses are killed, too, in the best traditions of the genre - it is necessary to break them the skull, damaging the CNS.

Read comic the walking dead is difficult, but fascinating. It is difficult - because the atmosphere of hopelessness, permanent Suspantly and emotional tension exhaust the reader itself. Fascinating - because the plot constantly presents new challenges and the desire to know what all this will end - does not retreat.

It is not wonderful that the series was transferred to the television screens, which the AMC channel was taken care of, who was not someone who was not anyone, and Frank Darabontta, who shot such paintings as a shoot from a show and green mile. As consultants, Tony Moore and Writer Comic Robert Kirkman were made as consultants, and the main roles were performed by Andrew Lincoln, Chandler Riggs, Norman Ridus and other actors. In general, the series also went to a bang - at the moment there is a 5th season, the first series of which has shown incredible ratings, collecting 17.3 million television viewers from the screens, which has become a record for AMC.

The computer game was made based on the comic book and if you are a fan of the series, then you will certainly be satisfied with it.

If you summarize, a series of comics "Walking Dead" has become one of the most popular in the 2000s, conquering its rigidity and tension. The authors, on the joy of fans, are not going to stop the release of new series, so the adventures of Rick Grams will continue. In Russia, the comic is officially printed by the publishing house "42", well, and your amateur translations you can download on the Internet or read online.

Copyright © 2011 by Robert Kirkman and Jay Bonansinga

© A. Shevchenko, Translation into Russian, 2015

© AST Publishing House, 2015


Robert Kirkman, Brendan Denin, Andy Cohen, David Elpert, Stephen Emery and all the good people from the "scattering circle"! Thank you very much!


Jay Bonansing, Elpert and the whole "Scattering Circle", cute people from the "Iimage Comic" and Charlie Edlad, our steering, - I take off your hat!

Rosenman, Rosenbaum, Simonian, Lerner and, of course, Brendan Denin - Please accept my deepest respect!


Hollow people

Horror fed it. It was hard to breathe. From fear, legs were drowned. Brian Blake dreamed of a second pair of hands. Then he could cover his ears with his palms so as not to hear the sound of crumbling human skulls. Unfortunately, he had only two hands, which he closed the tiny ears trembling from fear and despair a little girl. She was only seven. In the closet where they hid, it was dark, and outside the deaf crackling broken bones. But suddenly the silence came, which only someone's careful steps were broken on the puddles of blood on the floor and the sinister whisper somewhere in the hallway.

Brian coughed again. For several days, he was tormented by a cold, he could not do anything with it. In the fall in Georgia, it is usually cold and raw. Every year Brian spends the first week of September in bed, trying to get rid of the annoying cough and a cold. Thistle dampness pierces to bones, pulling all the forces. But this time it will not be possible to fly. He came a cough, harder squeezing the ears of a little penny. Brian knew that they would hear them, but ... what could he do?

I can not see anything. Although the eye is chilled. Only color fireworks exploding under closed centuries from each cough attack. In the closet, a close box of power width into a meter, a little more depth - smelled of mice, a means of moths and an old tree. The plastic bags with clothing were hung on top, then the case of the hung face, and it wanted to cough even stronger. In fact, Filip, the younger brother Brian, told him - cough, they say how much will fit. Yes, even though everyone's lungs scatter yourself to your dogs, but if you suddenly get the girl, the tricks on myself. Then it will crack another skull - Brian himself. When it comes to her daughter, it was better not to joke with Philip.

Attachment passed.

After a few seconds, heavy steps were heard from the outside. Brian tightly pressed a small niece when she shuddered from the next monstrous lady. "Crack of the split skull in re-minor," Brian thought with a gloom humor.

Once he opened his own store audio store. Business failed, but forever remained in his soul. And now, sitting in the closet, Brian heard music. Probably such plays in hell. Something in the spirit of Edgar Vaina or drum solo John Bonam under cocaine. Heavy breath of people ... Walking steps of the living dead ... A whistle of the ax, dissecting the air and linked into the human flesh ...

... and, finally, that disgusting tea sound, with whom the lifeless body rolled on a slippery parquet.

Silence again. Brian felt chill ran on his back. Eyes gradually got used to the darkness, and through the gap he saw a stream of thick blood. Looks like machine oil. Brian gently pulled the girl by hand, pulling her into the depths of the cabinet, in the pile of umbrellas and shoes in the far wall. There is nothing to look at what is happening there outside.

Still, blood managed to splash the baby on the dress. Penny noticed a red spot on the Podol and began to rub the fabric desperately.

Walking out after the next crushing attack, Brian grabbed the girl and gently pressed against himself. He did not understand how to calm her. What to say? He would like to whisper the niece something encouraging, but it was empty in the head.

Be here her father ... Yes, Philip Blake could cheer it up. Philip always knew what to say. Always said exactly what people wanted to hear. And always reinforced the words actions - like now. Now he is somewhere outside with Bobby and Nick: Does what should, while Brian is cowardly hiding in a closet, like a frightened hare, and tries to figure out how to calm the niece.

Brian has always been cluttered, although he was born the first of three sons in the family. Meter seventy growth (if you count the heels), black shabby jeans, torn t-shirt, liquid goat beard, unsony of dark hair in the style of Ikaboda Crane from the "Sleepy Hollow" yes wicker bracelets in their hands - he and thirty-five stayed by Peter Peter, forever Stuck somewhere between older classes and the first course.

Brian took a deep breath and looked away. Wet deer eyes of a little penny flashed in a beam of light that swam in a slot between the cabinet doors. She was always a quiet girl, similar to a porcelain doll, - small, thin, with the air features of the face and black, like Smin, curly, - and after the death of the mother and closed at all. She was hard, although she did not give her mind, - and yet the pain of loss was constantly reflected in her huge sad eyes.

Over the past three days, Penny barely rubbed a few words. Of course, it was very unusual days Yes, and children are usually faster from shocks than adults, but Brian was afraid, as if the girl did not climb on the rest of his life.

"Everything will be fine, the sun," Brian whispered, whispered.

Penny mumbled something in response, without raising the heads. By her discharged cheek, a tear rolled.

- What, Pen? - Rubian asked, carefully erased from the face of the girl wet traces.

Penny muttered something again, but it seemed not to Brian. He listened. The girl whispered again and again, as if some kind of mantra, prayer or spell:

- Never again will be fine. Never never never ...

- TS-S-C ...

Brian pressed the baby to his chest, even through a t-shirt feeling the heat of her face, fluttered from tears. Outside, again, a whistle of an ax lingering in the flesh, and Brian hurriedly closed her ears with her eyes. Before his eyes, a picture of buffet bones and a snack of gray pulp, splashing throughout the eyes.

The crash of an open skull was alive reminded Brian's hit by a baseball bat on the wet ball, and the blood splash was like a sound with which a wet rag was slipped into the floor. The next body with a deaf knock collapsed to the floor, and, oddly enough, at that moment Brian was most disturbed by the fact that the tile on the floor could break. Dear, clearly custom, with complex inlay and aztec pattern. Yes, the cozy house was ...

And again silence.

Brian barely suppressed the next attack. The cough rushed out, as a traffic jam from champagne, but Brian kept him from the last strength, so as not to miss the sounds of sounds from the outside. He was waiting for now, whose social respiration, screaming steps, wet chaucanium under their feet herself. But everything was quiet.

And then, in full silence, there was a quiet clock and the door handle began to rotate. Brian's hair stood on end, but he did not really have time to frighten. The door of the cabinet swung open, and a living person seemed behind her.

- All is clear! - told Filip Blake Chriclovat, smoky Bariton, peering into the depths of the cabinet. His heated face glittered from sweat, and a strong, muscular hand compressed a massive ax.

Robert Kirkman's The Walking Dead: Invasion

Printed with the permission of Publisher St. Martin's Press, LLC and Literary Agency Nowa Littera SIA

Copyright © 2015 by robert kirkman, llc

© A. Davydova, Translation into Russian, 2016

© AST Publishing House, 2016

* * *

James J. Wilson, a fellow who is a rejoice! - Gone too early.


Hasively thank you to Robert Kirkman for creating a starting point, seeing rosette stone in the world of horror comics, and for ensuring me to work until the end of life. Also in public, I thank the fans and the delightful organizers of the convement of the walking dead: you forced the modest writer to feel like a rock star. Special thanks to David Alpert, Andy Cohen, Jeff Ziegeel, Brendan Denin, Nicole Sol, Lee Ann Watt, T. K. Jefferson, Chris Mahta, Ien Vacheku, Sean Kirhhema, Sin Makuitsu, Dan Murray, Matt Candler, McCarthy Mike, Brian Ketta , as well as Stephen and Lena Olsen from the small shop of comics, Scotch Plains, New Jersey. And special thanks for what I was with whom to write Lilly Cole, my wife and best friend (and muse) Jill Norton: You are the love of my life.

Part one. Sheep behavior

The Lord will destroy all the church despots. Amen.

Miguel Servell.

Chapter first

- Please, for the sake of all saint, let this admissant abdominal pain cease at least one damn minute!

The tall man fought with a steering wheel of the battered "Cadillac", trying to keep the car on the highway, without losing speed, and do not hurt the broken trailers and the desult, the crowds wander around the edges of the two-band road. His voice hoarse from the scream. It seemed that every muscle of his body was burning with fire. The eyes poured the blood, combined from a long wound on the left side of the head.

- I tell you, we will get to medical care at sunrise, immediately after the smashes of this damned herd!

- No offense, pre ... I'm very bad ... Looks like a light pierce! - One of the two passengers of the SUV leaned his head to the broken rear window and watched the car leaves behind the next group of black figures in rags. Those Brenels on the gravel of the curb, pulling out something dark and wet.

Stephen Pambri turned away from the window, often blinking from pain and breathing with a whistle, wiping tears. The bloodied flaps, cut off from the hem of his shirt, were scattered along the seat nearby. Through the smoke-gaping hole with the jugged edges, the wind was bursting, Vorosha Ragier and the hair merchants from the blood of a young man.

"I can't try to sigh - I can't do a sigh, a roar," you know? " I am to the fact that if we quickly do not find a doctor, I am a flush flush.

- Think I do not know?

A big preacher was still tightly squeezed the steering wheel, his huge knotted hands turned off from tension.

Wide shoulders, still-destroyed church apparel in battles, ground over the dashboard, the green lights of the indicators illuminated a long, angular face, exhausted by deep wrinkles. The face of the arrow, ripple and marked after a long difficult road.

- Well, listen ... I am guilty. I was angry with you. Listen, my brother. We are almost at the state border. Soon the sun will go, and we will find help. I promise. Just hold on.

"Please make it quickly, pretty," said Stephen Pamba between the attacks of a torn cough. He kept as if his insides were ready to fall out. She glanced on the trees moving behind the trees. The preacher took them already at least two hundred miles from Woodbury, but still the signs of the presence of the Super Stand pierced the surroundings.

Ahead, behind the wheel, Rev. Jeremiah Garlice looked into the rear-view mirror, made by small cracks.

- Brother Reese? "He carefully considered the shadows of the back chairs, studying the young man of twenty years with more than a year, which collapsed near the opposite broken window. - How are you, my son? In order? Talk to me. Are you still with us?

The boy's face of Riza Lee Hawthorna became visible for a moment when they drove past an orange fire away - whether the farm was burning, or the forest, or the little colony of survivors. The flames of the fire were visible throughout the kilometer, the flakes flew in the air. A second in the twinkling light of Reese looked as if he was not conscious - whether he was sleeping, or fainting. And suddenly he opened his eyes and jumped on the seat, as if on an electric chair.

"Oh ... I'm just ... oh, my God ... something terrible happened to me in a dream.

He tried to navigate in the space:

"I'm fine, everything is fine ... Bleeding stopped ... But, the Holy God Jesus, it was such a dirty dream.

- Go on, son.


- Tell us about sleep.

But there was still no answer.

For some time they drove in silence. Through the windshield, swung by blood, Jeremiah saw the headlights flash the intermittent white lines as if the lepers of the scaly asphalt, a mile for miles on a broken road, was covered with fragments - this is an endless landscape of the end, a deserted wasteland on the site of the destroyed rural idyll after almost two years of the plague. Skeleton-like trees on both sides of Highway broke down when looking at them, her eyes burned and got drunk. His own ribs periodically, with each turn of the body, pierced the sharp pain, from which the breath intercepted. Perhaps this is a fracture, and maybe that worse - during a rapid confrontation between his people and the people of Woodbury Rf, it was added.

He assumed that Lilly Cole and her followers died in the same invasion of the big crowd of walking, which was filled with the city of Chaos, leaking between the barricades, turning the cars, making her way into the house, gut the innocent and guilty without disaster ... They destroyed the plans of Jeremiah about his grand ritual . Is it really a great project of Jeremiah insulted the Lord?

- Speak with me, Brother Reese, - Jeremiah smiled at the reflection of the causative young man in the rearview mirror. - Why don't you tell us about nightmare? In the end ... listeners will always stay nearby, they will like it or not, isn't it?

But the answer was again awkward silence, and the "white noise" of the wind and the rustle of the tires was woven into their silent suffering hypnotic soundtrack.

After a deep long breath, the young man in the back seat finally felt a quiet creak voice:

"I don't know if there is any meaning in this ... But we were again in Woodbury, and we ... We were close to complete and go to paradise together, as planned.

- Ta-A-A-AK, - Jeremiah nodded cuddly. He saw in the mirror that Stephen tries to listen, not paying attention to his wounds. - Go on, Reese. Everything is fine.

Young man shrugged.

- Well ... it was one of the dreams, which happen once in life ... Such a bright, as if you could stretch my hand and feel it ... Do you understand? We were on that racing track - he was just like the one as last night, on the very thing, - and we all gathered to spend the ritual.

He looked down and swallowed with difficulty, or from pain, or from respect for the greatness of the moment, and maybe because of the fact, and because of the other.

- I and Anthony, we carried the sacred drink on one of the galleries to the middle, and we were already visible to the illuminated arch at the end of the tunnel, and we could hear your voice, everything is louder and louder to uttering that these gifts are the flesh and blood of the sole son God, crucial - so that we can live in a permanent world ... And then ... then ... We went to the arena, and you stood there on the elevation, and all the other brothers and sisters lined up before you, in front of the stands, frozen to drink sacred drink, which Send us all to heaven.

He is silent for a moment to bring himself out of the state of extreme tension, his eyes glittered from horror and experiences. Reese made another deep breath.

Jeremiah looked at him attentively in the mirror:

- Go on, my son.

"Well, here comes a little slippery moment," the guy sleeves his nose and shuddered from acute pain in the side. In Chaos, which came during the destruction of Woodbury, Cadillac turned over, and the passengers beat greatly. Riza has shifted several vertebrae, and now he gave him pain.

- They begin to swallow, one by one, what is nitally in the hiking circles ...

- What about them? - interrupted Jeremiah, and his tone was bitter and full of repentance. - This bob, the old village, he replaced the water fluid. And all in vain - I am sure that now he feeds the worms. Or turned into a walking along with his other people. Including that false jezebel 1
Jezebel is the wife of the Old Testament Israeli King Ahab, an arrogant and cruel tag. Subsequently, the synonym for all dishonesty and breaking. - Here and further notes. ed.

Lilly Cole. - Jeremiah snorted. "I know, not quite in Christian to speak so, but those people they got what they deserved." Panties, lovers to poke your nose in other people's affairs. Nearby, all without exception. The tablecloth is the road to this excretion.

Strennaya silence reappeared, and then Reese continued, quiet and monotonously:

"Nevertheless ... What then happened, in a dream ... I can hardly ... It's so terrible that I can hardly describe it.

- Then it is not necessary, - Stephen joined a conversation from the dark from the opposite side of the seat. His long hair was drowning the wind. In the dark due to a narrow person, similar to the face of a ferret, blurred with dark drilled blood flows, Stephen looked like a dickens pipeline, which spent too much time in the chimney.

Jeremiah sighed:

- Give young people to finish Stephen.

"I know, it's just a dream, but he was so real," the riz insisted. - All our people, many of whom have already died ... Each of them did a throat, and I saw the faces of them darkened, as if the shadows were descended from the windows. Their eyes closed. Their heads bowed. And then ... then ... - He could hardly get himself to say it: - Each of them ... asked.

Reese struggled with approximate tears:

"One by one, all those good guys with whom I grow together ... Wade, Colby, Emma, \u200b\u200bBrother Joseph, Little Mary Jean ... Their eyes swung open, and there was no longer human ... They were walking. I saw their eyes in a dream ... White, like milk, and shiny, like fish. I tried to scream and escape, but then I saw ... I saw ...

He again sharply silent. Jeremiah threw another look at the mirror. Rear in the car was too dark in order to consider expression on the guy's face. Jeremiah looked back over his shoulder.

- Are you okay?

Fastened nervous noddes:

- D-yes, sir.

Jeremiah turned away and looked again on the road ahead.

- go on. You can tell us about what I saw.

- I do not think I want to continue.

Jeremiah sighed:

- My son, sometimes the worst things lose force, if we speak out loud.

- I do not think.

- Stop behaving like a child!

- Rev. ...

- Just tell us that you saw in this damned dream!

Jeremiah disturbed from the piercing pain in the chest, awakened by the power of an emotional flash. He licked his lips and breathing heavily for a few seconds.

In the rear seat, Riz Lee Hawthorn was trembling, nervously licking his lips. He exchanged her views with Stephen, who silently translated his eyes down. Reese looked in the head of the preacher.

"Sorry, pretty, sorry," he swallows the air. - The one I saw it was you ... in a dream I saw you.

- You saw me?

- Yes, sir.

- You were other.

- Other ... You mean, did I add to the walking?

- No, sir, not convertible ... You were just ... other.

Jeremiah bites the inside of the cheek, thinking about what was said.

- How so, Reese?

- This type is difficult to describe, but you are no longer a person. Your face ... it has changed ... it turned into ... I don't even know how to say it.

- Just say it's sacrifting, my son.

- This is just an annoying damned dream, Reese. I'm not going to keep your evil for him.

After a long pause, Reese said:

- You were a goat.

Jeremiah was silent. Stephen Phambri raised, his eyes ran there and here. Jeremiah exhaled briefly, and it sounded half skeptically, half mockingly, but not like a meaningful answer.

- Or were you kozochielovek- continued Reese. - Something like that. Rev., it was just a hot dream, which means nothing!

Jeremiah looked at the reflection from the rear seats in the mirror, locking the look at the preceded shadow of the face of Riza. Reese was very awkward shrugged:

"Remembering this, I don't even think that it was you ... I think it was a devil ... For sure, this creature was not a man ... It was the devil - in my dream. Half a person, half a goat ... with these biggest horn, yellow eyes ... And when I raised my eyes to him in a dream, I understood ...

He stopped.

Jeremiah looked in the mirror.

- You understood what? .. ..

In response, it sounded very quietly:

- I realized that now Satan fills everything.

"And we were in hell," Reese quietly shuddered. " - I understood: the fact that now with us is life after death.

He closed his eyes:

- This is hell, and no one even noticed how everything changed.

On the other side of the seat Stephen Pambri froze, preparing for the inevitable emotional explosion from the driver, but everything he has heard from man ahead is a number of low sound sounds. At first, Stephen thought that the preacher was suffocating from the perturbation and, possibly, close to the head of the heart or apoplexic strike. Ozchovob crawled on hand and legs Stephen, cold horror fastened his throat when he realized that these puffs, whistling sounds - nascent laughter.

Jeremiah laughed.

At first, the preacher trampled his head and published squeezed chuckles, which was then switched to the shudder of the whole body and the good of such power that he forced both young people to lean back. And the laughter went on. The preacher shake his head in an unrestrained fun, clapping his palms on the steering wheel, buzzed, laughed and snorted with the greatest stiffening, as if he had just heard the funny joke from all that could be imagined. He began to fold in half in the attack of uncontrolled hysteria, when he heard the noise and raised his eyes. Two men behind him shouted: the headlights "Cadillac" highlighted the battalion of figures in the rags, wrapped right along the move. Jeremiah tried to drive around them, but the car was moving too fast, and the number of walking ahead was too large.

Anyone who clings is in a walking dead man on moving transport, tells you that the worst in all this is a sound. It is impossible to deny that being a witness to such a terrible spectacle is not too nice, and the stench that covers your car is unbearable, but it is noise It remains later in the memory - a series of "squalle", smugging sounds resembling deaf " bale»The ax that is chopped by the fibers of the rotting made by termites of the tree. The nightmare symphony continues, as the dead turns out to be on the ground, under the frame and wheels - a fast series of deaf clips and cotton accompanies the process of crushing the dead organs and cavities, the bones turn into a sliver, the skulls are bursting and flattened into the cake. At this painful journey of each monster comes the merciful final.

Exactly this Hell sound is the first thing that he noticed two young people on the passenger seat of the last "Cadillac Escalid" of the last model. Both, and Stephen Pamba, and Reese Li Hawthorne, let the screams of shock and disgust, tightly clutching into the back seat, while the SUV hungry, trembled and went to the Suskener on slippery rubbish. Most of the unsuspecting kadavrov scattered as domino bones, crushed by three tons of carrying metal from Detroit. Some pieces of flesh and protruding joints beat about the hood, leaving smoking traces of fermented blood and lymphs, as if leech-mutant was spinning on the windshield. Some of the parts of the bodies were filled into the air, rotating, and flew along the arc in the night sky.

The preacher was snugged and silent, his jaws were squeezed, the eyes focused on the road. His muscular hands fought with a steering wheel in an attempt not to give a massive car to go a yuz. The engine screamed and roared, responding to the weakening of thrust, and gigantic radial tire squeaks was added to this Cactony. Jeremiah sharply twisted the steering wheel towards driving, so as not to lose control over the move of the car, when he noticed that something was stuck in the hole that gaped in the glass on his side. Discarded from the body of a walking head with a fractional, deafly tapping jaws was caught a serrated glass mouth in some inches from the left ear of the preacher. Now she rotated and crossed the blackened cutters, staring at Jeremia with silver luminescent eyes. The appearance of the head was so unpleasant, terrible and at the same time surreal - the creaking jaws clicked as if it was an empty doll who had escaped from the celevative, - that the preacher emptied another slaughter, but this time he sounded evil, "darker", sharper Madness shade.

Jeremiah stared away from the window and at the same time saw that the "revived" skull was cut off from the body when a collision with an SUV, and now his owner, still not damaged, continues to break in search of a lively flesh along the path of devouring, absorption, exhaustion ... And never find saturation.

- Beware!

The cry began the flickering darkness in the back seat, and, staying in extreme excitement, Jeremiah could not understand who screaming - Stephen or Reese. In addition, the exclamation is not obvious. The preacher made a serious mistake, misinterpreting the meaning of the cry. In this share of a second, while his hand, taking off to the passenger seat, rummaged among cards, candy wrappers, the twine and tools, feverishly trying to add a 9-millimeter "Glock", he assumed that the cry was warned about the climbing jaws of a torn head.

In the end, he groped the "Glock", clung to him and, not spending time, with one mp3ge movement, the weapons rushed to the window, focusing in the focus and targeting the grotesque face attached to the fragments - right between the eyebrows. The head exploded the cloud of pink fog, collapsed as a ripe watermelon, and spattering the hair of Jeremiah before the remains had to be blown away by the wind. The air flow is noisy buzzed in a broken glass.

From the moment of the initial impulse, it took less than ten seconds, but now Jeremiah understood the real reason, which made one of the men reprimand in alarm. She had nothing to do with a torn head. What was shouted from behind, and then what was followed by Jeremiah, it was dark on the opposite side of Highway, approaching the right, having approached as they slipped in the footsteps of the dead bodies, without controlling the course of the machine.

Jeremiah felt how the car was dangerous at the moment when he devoted from the course to avoid collisions with the folkswagen-beetle disgusting, as he slid sideways on a gravel on the side of the sidelines, and then dives down the embankment - in dark trees. Pine needles and paws scratched the windshield and walked off her slap, while the car rumbled and growled, flying down the stony slope. Voices from behind turned into an aggregate howl. Jeremiah felt that the slope was smoothed, and he managed to keep control over the machine - sufficient to not go into the dirt. He let go of gas, and the car rushed forward, driven by the power of his own inertia.

The massive grill of the radiator and the giant tires broke the path through the thickets, the comic trees, making the undergrowth and breaking through the shrub, as if it were not obstacles, but only smoke. At these moments, which seemed endless, shaking threatened Jeremiah with a spinal fracture and spleen break. In a trembling reflection, which flashed in the mirror, he saw two wounded young men clutching in the back of the seats to stay and not fall out of the SUV. The front bumper jumped on the log, and the teeth of Jeremiah were clamped, almost unfolding.

Even with a minute or so "Cadillac", neither Shalko either rode through the forest. And when I drove out on an open area in the clubs of dust, in the mud and leaves, Jeremiah saw that they accidentally got on the other two-band road. He hit the brakes, because of which the passengers threw forward in the stretched safety belts.

Jeremiah for a moment, making deep breaths to return the air back into the lungs, and looked around. Men in the backseat emitted collective moans, leaning back and bite themselves with their hands. The engine noished at idle, the rattling sound was woven into the low hum - perhaps during their improvised off-road adventure, the bearing split.

"Well," the preacher said quietly, a good way to cut the road.

In the back seat - silence, humor did not find a response in the soul of the followers of Jeremiah. Above their heads, in the black opaque sky just began to flare up the purple dawn defill. In the dim phosphorescent light of Jeremiah, it was now possible to see that they stopped at the forest road and the forest gave way to wetlands. In the east, he saw the road arguing on the rusty, filled with mist, - perhaps this is the edge of the swamp of Okifinoki, - and in the West, the rusted road sign was visible with the inscription: "3 miles to the motorway 441." And not a sign of walking around.

"Judging by the sign out there," said Jeremiah, "we just crossed the border of Florida and did not even notice it."

He turned on the transmission, neatly turned around and sent the car on the road in the western direction. His initial plan is to try to find shelter in one of the large cities of Northern Florida, for example, in Lake City or Gainesville, - still seemed viable, despite the fact that the engine continued to rattle, complaining of life. Something was smashed during their "Forest Throw". Jeremiah do not like this sound. Soon they will need a place to stop to look under the hood, inspect and tear away the wounds, it may be possible to find some food and gasoline.

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The Walking Dead # 72 The Walking Dead # 73
The Walking Dead # 74
The Walking Dead # 75 The Walking Dead # 76 The Walking Dead # 77 The Walking Dead # 78
The Walking Dead # 79
The Walking Dead # 80
The Walking Dead # 81
The Walking Dead # 82
The Walking Dead # 83
The Walking Dead # 84 The Walking Dead # 85 The Walking Dead # 86 The Walking Dead # 87 The Walking Dead # 88 The Walking Dead # 89 The Walking Dead # 90 The Walking Dead # 91 The Walking Dead # 92 The Walking Dead # 97
The Walking Dead # 98 The Walking Dead # 99 The Walking Dead # 100
The Walking Dead # 101 The Walking Dead # 102 The Walking Dead # 103 The Walking Dead # 104 The Walking Dead # 105 The Walking Dead # 106 The Walking Dead # 107
The Walking Dead # 108 The Walking Dead # 109 The Walking Dead # 110 The Walking Dead # 111 The Walking Dead # 112 The Walking Dead # 113 The Walking Dead # 114 The Walking Dead # 115 The Walking Dead # 116 The Walking Dead # 117 The Walking Dead # 118 The Walking Dead # 119 The Walking Dead # 120 The Walking Dead # 121 The Walking Dead # 124 The walking Dead The Walking Dead) is a long release of comics, which created Robert Kirkman and illustrated Tony Moore. He tells about the police Rick of Greims, who is awakened from the coma during the zombie apocalypse period. He finds his wife and son, and meets other survivors, gradually taking on the role of the leader in the group, and later and the whole community.

The first edition of the walking dead (The Walking Dead) was carried out in 2003, it was Tom 1: the days last (No. 1 - 6) and Volume 2: Miles behind (No. 7 and Further). Moore continued to make covers for all 24 issues.
In 2007 and 2010 received the long-awaited and well-deserved Award Eisner for the best prolonged series. The premium was solemnly awarded to Comic-Con International in San Diego.
Comic continues its release until December 2015. There were 149 issues.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bcomic

In the comic "Walking Dead" tells about the world, which is formed after a zombie apocalypse. The exact reason was not established, which was the appeal of people in Zombies. The source of the epidemic itself was also not detected.

The basis of the plot is that people who are not susceptible to zombie apocalypsis are in constant struggle for survival.

The basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe comic is to show all the human essence and evil, which is inherent in many ways. The survival of the characters in conditions with limited resource reserves, minimal social connections and the conditions of usual life, while people forget about moral norms, and another side of people opens, real human evil. Not everyone can transfer such changes, as a result of which they go crazy, change in the character, the psyche or go to extreme measures - suicide.

Footage comics Walking dead

Rick Gheims is the main hero of comic, who later becomes the leader of the surviving people from the zombie invasion. Rick was in a coma when zombies begins - apocalypse. After leaving the coma, Rick and his wife Laurie and Son Carl joins the group of other survivors. In this group were the former best friend Shane, who secretly met with Laurie, when Rick was in a coma, young man Glenn - Courier, Graduate College Andrea and her sister Amy, Mechanic Jim, Seller Dale, Seller Shoe Allen and his wife Donna, as well as their children - Ben and Billy other.

Zombies are described in the comic as very "slow zombies", which after their death was resurrected. Zombies do not know how to disassemble the human language and react only to sound. The main way of recognition of zombies and yourself similar to each other is a specific terrible smell. However, if you move the smell on human clothes, it immediately becomes invisible for them. You can only kill zombies only with a strong blow to the head of a heavy item so that it breaks down. A person can be infected with a zombie with the help of a bite, after which after some time he turns to zombies.

Volume 1: Days that are leaving goodbye

Rick Grahims, the deputy sheriff from Georgia, was injured in official duties and appears from the coma to find the world in flooded inadmissal. He returns home to find that his house rushed and his wife and son, whom they lead. Rick goes to the military zone of Evacuation in Atlanta to find his family, but finds that Atlanta was also flooded. He saved Glen Ri, who takes him to his small camp of survivors. Among them is Rick Laurie's wife and his son Karl. Zombies (called "walkers" in most rows) ultimately attack the group. After the attack of Shane Walsh, a friend of Rica and a former police partner, trying to kill Rick, because he became an obsessed wife Rick Laurie. Carl shoots in Shein. The walking dead comic read in Russian

Volume 2: Miles behind us

Rick becomes the leader of the group. He and remaining survivors leave Atlanta and travel through hostile territory in search of safer asylum. The group meets Tyreese, his daughter and her boyfriend. Everyone was found asylum in Wiltshire Estates, guarded by the residence, but forced to leave when they stumble upon its invasion zombies. The group ultimately finds housing on a small farm after Karl will be shot. The owner of the farm, Herchel Green and his family are in denial about the nature of the walkers and kept the deceased loved ones and their neighbors in their Saraj. Rick's group is asked to leave the farm and delays on an abandoned prison, which they decide to make their home.

Volume 3: safety behind bars

The group begins to clean the prison yard and one prison case for residential premises. They meet some surviving inhabitants when they rush into the prison cafeteria. Rick invites Hershel and his family to come alive in prison, and they take. Two of the members of the group commit suicide, and someone begins to kill other members of the group. This inhabitant, a convicted serial killer, ultimately captured and killed. Other inhabitants organize uprising. Comic on the walking dead men online in Russian.

Volume 4: Heart Desire

The group manages to suppress the uprising of the inhabitants and provide prison. Owning a roller woman named Mikonn arrives in prison, looking for refuge and causes tensions among some surviving rica. When another participant is bruiting in his leg, Rick is trying to save him, ammically the bite legs; However, despite receiving treatment from Hershel, a person dies. Rick and Tiris are in the fight, and the community decides to have a Council with four referee instead of Rick as the only leader.

Volume 5: Best Protection

Rick, Mikonn and Glenn watch the wreck of the helicopter at a distance and leave the prison to look for it. They find a small town named Woodbury, where a numerous, well-armed and organized group of survivors found asylum. Woodbury leader - a man called the governor. The governor captures the Rick group and polls them. He cripples Rick, squeaks his right hand and rapes and torments Mikonna.

Volume 6: This sad life

Rick, Glenno and Mishonna manage to escape from Woodbury with others from the city. Mikonn is tormented by the governor before she leaves. They return to prison safely, but find the hordes zombies broke. The survivors of the living Rica beat them off. Rick informs the inhabitants of the prison of what happened in Woodbury and tells them to prepare for the battle.

Volume 7: Calm before

Life in prison continues in what passages for normal in this apocalyptic world. Glenn and Maggie are married. Several residents are looking for deliveries and participate in a shootout with men from Woodbury. Laurie is in labor, and Judith is born. The valley is absent on the gas pumping gas, when he is bruoked in his leg. The friends of the valleys amputly leg, and he survives. Carol commits suicide, allowing zombies to bite it. The volume ends the arrival of the governor with his army and tank. Comic on the walking dead men online in Russian

Volume 8: Made to suffer

The arc begins with a retrospective frame, which shows how the governor cured and prepared Woodbury for the battle. The governor's army attacks the prison, but removed. Several of the surviving rica decide to escape from prison in RV to avoid the expected retaliation of the governor. Prison is restored after his initial attack, but the governor's overgrowns. RV participants arrive to strengthen the inhabitants of the prison. Many of the Rica group are killed, including Lori, Judith and Hershel. The governor killed one of his own soldiers after she understands that he killed a woman and her child on his orders. With prison burning and in dragging legs, a group of Rica is scattered and runs.

Volume 9: Here we remain

After the destruction of the prison and his groups, Rick and the search for Karl housing in the neighboring town, and reunite with surviving friends. The physical and mental state of Rick begins to unravel, while Karl is becoming more and more independent and indifferent. They ultimately manage to reunite with their other survivors and end on the horsel farm. Three new people arrive and inform the group that they are on the missions in Washington District Columbia to cure the plague. Ricka Group decides to join their trip. Read comics Walking dead in Russian

Volume 10: what we become

Maggie is trying to hang on the way to Washington. Rick holds Abraham, who thinks she is dead, under the sight and prevents him to shoot her head. Rick, Abraham and Karl are sent to the native city of Rica to find a weapon. They discover Morgan, who met Rick when he woke up from his coma, and he joins the remaining rica.

Volume 11: Fear hunters

Rick and the company continue their trip to Washington and begin to suspect that they are persecuted by someone in the forests. They meet pastors and join him in his church. The valley is kidnapped from the church overnight by the group of cannibals. The valley is reunited with his friends before he dies. Rick and the company track cannibals and torment them to death.

Volume 12: Life among them

The band continues to Washington, where they discover that Eugene lied about the presence of treatment to stop the outbreak. They stumble upon a friendly person named Aaron, who claims that he deserves confidence and can accompany them to a large, surrounded - from the community of survivors called the Alexandrian safe zone. Alexandria Safe Zone is a community around the community head led by a man named Douglas Monroe. The tired group of Rica considers the stability of Alexandria with a long-awaited change, although they remain suspicious. Read comics Walking dead in Russian

Volume 13: Too far talked

The Rick group settles in the Alexandrian safe area, and make a job in the community. Rick, like constable, is trying to increase safety and stability when it stops a dangerous person in the community. Grovers arrive and threaten the community. Alexandria wins the battle, but warn a large herd of hundreds of zombies to their presence. Rick accepts community management.

Volume 14: no way out

Rick and the company are suitable as local leaders despite the objections from some of its inhabitants. Residents of Alexandria discover that they have big problems when they find a zombie Horde, breaking the fence. Walkers violate the walls of Alexandria and begin to put the community. Residents of Alexandria won the Horde and save their city. Karl is shot in the face during the battle.

Volume 15: We turn out

Alexandrian safe zone recovers from the attack of herd, and Rick makes decisions that will lead to long-term sustainability of Alexandria. Karl in a coma after his wound, and his survival is unclear. Some residents are questioned a bold choice, which Rick does for their community and attempt to capture Alexandria's control. Rick cancels the uprising. Carl wakes up with amnesia.

Volume 16: Large World

Alexandrians face a man named Paul Monroe, looking for waste disposal. Monroe claims that he is a recruiter for a neighboring group of 200 or more people called the colony on the top of the hill. Rick and others go to the colony on the top of the hill and find that her appearance seems to be even safer than that of Alexandria, although it has a dangerous enemy called the Savior. The saviors require half the food and supply of the colony, in exchange for killing the neighboring walkers. The walking dead comic read in Russian
Volume 17: Something to fear

Rick and the team oppose the enemy of the colony on the top of the hill, the Savior. Savior - a brutal gang led by a man named Nean. Rick underestimates the Savior and rejects their threat level while his best friends begin to die with cruel, wild ways. Alexandria is forced to start giving tribute - half of their supply - Savior. In rage, Rick swear to kill Negan.

Volume 18: What arrives after (the walking dead who killed Nigan in the comic book)

A group of Rica studies what really means accommodation according to the rules of Negan. Rick develops a new strategy to deal with the Savior, but the member of his group disappears after the Saviors charge their fee with Alexandria. Rick is forced to stop his plan. Paul takes Rica to ask for help from an exotic person named Ezekil, the community leader called the kingdom. The kingdom is based in Washington, District of Columbia, where one of the Savior makes an independent proposal to help fight Negan. The walking dead comic read in Russian

Rick, Paul and Ezekil decide to trust the Savior, Dwight, and start their attempt to finish the domination of the Savior. These three communities are combined to formulate an attack, but NEGEN is found early to pick it up with a tribute from Alexandria. The Union uses a favorable moment to kill Negan, but Nean retreats and declares war.

Volume 20: All War - Part One

Rick heads his united army, with a top and kingdom, in an attack on the sanctuary, the base of the Savior. Rica's strengths capture early advantage and know how to lure Negan to a trap in the sanctuary, but their attack on the Nethanga outpour hesitates as many closest friends of Ricks fall. They are wondering if their initial victory was simple luck. Negan organizes a possible counterattack on Alexandria, and its situation comes from badly to the worst.

Volume 21: All War - Part Two (Releases 121-126)

With the war at her peak, Nean attacks Alexandria and the top and destroys the defense capability former. At the edge of the defeat Rick offers Negane truce as a trap. Nean comes across the trick of Rica. Rick cuts the throat of Negan and demands that the war stops. Nean is experiencing an attack of Rick. The walking dead comic read in Russian

Volume 22: New Start (Releases 127-132)

Two years have passed since the war with Negan. Civilization was restored, and the community has established a successful trading network. Karl moves to the top. The new group arrives in Alexandria, and meet the Negan prisoner.

Volume 23: Whispering in screams (issues 133-138)

The new threat appears as living people masked as an attack of hots, calling themselves secret informants. Tense relationships arise at the top after Karl comes out of itself. Some question about the inhabitants and his and their leader. Meanwhile, the floor captured a member of secret informants and discovers the complete consequences of this new threat of top.

Volume 24: Life and death (issues 139-144)

Karl continues to learn more about secret informants, and the fate of the breadwinst is decided, while the other leaves. Rough mistakes are made and a deadly promise, considering that too real. The lines counteract that the desire affects everyone. The walking dead comic read in Russian

Volume 25: No Return (Issues 145-150)

Rick shows the survivors who died in the hands of Alpha and secret informants. Community residents require retaliation and some rick leadership. Rick declares the war of secret informants and must use the former enemy as the last refuge.

Volume 26: Call for arms (releases 151-156)

With a conflict against the approaching secret informants, Rick should guarantee the readiness of the newly formed community militia, also dealing with various conflicts in the walls of each community, including the salvation of a dangerous prisoner. Read comics Walking dead in Russian

Volume 27: Gossip War (releases 157-162)

In other media

In the plot of comic, he was removed by the named television series "The Walking Dead", the premiere of which was held in 2010. The series is freely followed by the plot line of the book of comic. The rights to remove the eponymous series, bought the AMS channel. Franchise also gave rise to many additional properties of the media, including video games, the series "Fear Walking Dead" ("Fear The Walking Dead"), webcode series: The Walking Dead: Spanted, The Walking Dead: Cold Storage, and The Walking Dead: oath, as well as various additional publications, including the books of The Walking Dead: the uprising of the governor.

When the television series came out, Image Comics announced the release of "The Walking Dead Weekly". The first 52 releases of the series began to print from January 5, 2011, one by one news release per week during the year.

Comic is periodically reprinted in the shopping books in the soft cover, which contain six episodes, each hardcover of books with twelve lots and sometimes bonus material. Read comics Walking dead in Russian

In October 2003, American writer Robert Kirkman (English Robert Kirkman) As part of the publishing house, Image Comics creates its first comic of the Walking Dead Series series, the release of which continues. Comic in 2010 receives the Aisner Prize as the best series, as well as on his plot begins the shooting of the series with the same name. The series serves as an impetus to the creation of a series of computer games and the release of books.

The author represents the reader of the walking dead in their classical image of the 1970s of the Romero created from the films of the 1970s. The infected person dies, and then resurrect and in the first hours of his life after death shows the greatest activity and speed. Over time, becomes slow and less active. Also, zombies appear before the audience in varying degrees of decomposition at all up to almost complete skeleton creatures. The main stimulus and stimulus to action are loud sounds. The specific smell of zombies is the only way to distinguish its dead relatives from living people than the main characters periodically and enjoy for survival, having failed the blood of the dead to merge with the crowd of zombies. In the basic diet of the walking dead, not only people, but also various animals (which for inexplicably reasons cannot turn into zombies). The only way to the final murder of the walking dead is the damage to their central nervous system by breaking the skull with a heavy object. Clearing the head does not guarantee their final death. Initially, a bite was considered to be a bite, but later it becomes apparent that the virus (biological weapon developed by the military) transmitted by air-droplet is becoming obvious. And for what any death leads to a subsequent resurrection.

With the South Comics line revolves around the main character, the former policeman, Rick of Gramas who, together with the group of survivors after the zombie apocalypse, is trying at least to survive and establish their lives. As by the walking dead, the group collected by him has to confront as other survivors.

N and currently a series consists of 28 volumes in which 168 comic release issues include 8 special issue. Available in black and white, which does not prevent the reader all the horror and the pain of heroes. Frank scenes of violence and cruelty, put a comic in section 18+.

  • Arch 1: The days of the past (eng. Days Gone BYE) issues from 1 to 6;
  • Arch 2: Miles behind (eng. Miles Behind US) Editions from 7 to 12;
  • Arch 3: safe behind bars (eng. Safety Behind Bars) issues from 13 to 18;
  • Arch 4: Heart Travel (English. The Heart "S Desire) Releases from 19 to 24;
  • Arch 5: Best Defense (English. The Best Defense) issues from 25 to 30;
  • Arch 6: This Surprising Life (English. This Sorrowful Life) issues from 31 to 36;
  • Arch 7: Put in front of ... (eng. The Calm Beore) issues from 37 to 42;
  • Arch 8: doomed suffer (eng. Made to Suffer) issues from 43 to 48;
  • Arch 9: Life continues (eng. HERE WE REMAIN) Editions from 49 to 54;
  • Arch 10: what we became (eng. What We Become) issues from 55 to 60;
  • Arch 11: Fear of Hunters (Eng. Fear The Hunters) Releases from 61 to 66;
  • Arch 12: Life among them (eng. Life Among Them) Releases from 67 to 72;
  • Arch 13: Nowhere went further (eng. Too Far Gone) issues from 73 to 78;
  • Arch 14: No way out (eng. No way out) Releases from 79 to 84;
  • Arch 15: We have gained yourself (eng. We Find Ourselves) issues from 85 to 90;
  • Arch 16: Huge World (English A LARGER WORLD) Editions from 91 to 96;
  • Arch 17: reason for fear (eng. Something to FEAR) issues from 97 to 102;
  • Arch 18: What will follow further (eng. What Comes After) issues from 103 to 108;
  • Arch 19: War Path (Eng. March to War) Editions from 109 to 114;
  • Arch 20: Universal War Part 1 (Eng. All Out War - Part One) Releases from 115 to 120;
  • Arch 21: Universal War Part 2 (English All Out War - Part Two) Releases from 121 to 126;
  • Arch 22: New Beginning (English A New Beginning) Releases from 127 to 132;
  • Arch 23: Sleeping, turning into a cry (eng. Whispers INTO screams) issues from 133 to 138;
  • Arch 24: Life and death (English Life and Death) issues from 139 to 144;
  • Arch 25: No way back (eng. No way back) Releases from 145 to 150;
  • Arch 26: Call for arms (eng. Call to Arms) Releases from 151 to 156;
  • Arch 27: War with whispering (eng. The Whisperer WAR) issues from 157 to 162;
  • Arch 28: Releases from 163 to 168.

Trailer for the 6th season of the series The Walking Dead.