Whose words Repeat the mother of the teaching. The meaning of the proverb repetition Mother teaching

Whose words Repeat the mother of the teaching. The meaning of the proverb repetition Mother teaching
Whose words Repeat the mother of the teaching. The meaning of the proverb repetition Mother teaching

There are such golden words - "Repetition is the mother of teachings." And it is not just words. Our memory is arranged in such a way that if it is repeated to repeat the material, it is better absorbed, it remains longer in memory. And if necessary, it can be quickly removed from memory, in other words, remember.

Well, when a person learns. He acquires new knowledge, becomes smarter, more interesting for the interlocutor. For him, all the ways are opening in life. Want - Learn more, you want - work, and your work will be fascinating.

Literate and live much more interesting than a person with a scant luggage of knowledge. Learn good, with pleasure, with hobby - it is very important, only in this case the material is well absorbed and stored in memory for a long time. But it happens that something is forgotten. How to ensure that knowledge is entrenched, did not lose from our memory?

Consider an example. The student needs to learn a poem. When memorizing, it automatically repeats the same lines several times. And the next morning mom or dad ask to re-tell a poem. It is remembered.

How did this happen? The poem is learned by repeating poetic lines by repeating. But this happens with all information, not only with poetic.

All people, children and even adults, pass exams. Imagine that you need to answer any topic on the exam. And you once read it, once, well, maybe two. Something was remembered, but for a good answer this is clearly not enough. And if the material was absorbed, they understood, repeated several times, then at the right moment it will be taken out of the corresponding "cells" of memory.

The repetition of the material was previously learned - this is the most optimal way to remember.

Repetition is the mother of the teaching. No wonder in the kingdom of Russian folk proverbs "settled" this proverb. Folk wisdom is verified by centuries, and do not "invent the bike".

On the courtyard of the twenty-first century. Now the people are valuable, with great luggage knowledge, owning a huge amount of information. Such people are successful, their life is hiking to the key. Information is our everything. And you need to remember.

Lit - and forgot. What's interesting? The information was transit through our brain, and did not delay in it. In the case when we need it, we will not be able to use it.

Memory needs to train. Repetitions train memory. After repeated repetitions, the bought is placed in such memory cells that store information for a long time, the so-called long-term memory.

Repeat, because the repetition is the mother of the teachings!

Repetition is the mother of the teaching. He lived - there was one boy. His called Vanya. He loved to read books very much, but did not like to re-read them. And once the teacher asked everyone to read the book Mark Twain "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer". But Vanya already read it and did not want to reread. The next day, the teacher asked the whole class: "Did you read the" Adventures of Tom Sawyer "?" Everyone answered "yes." After that, there was a test work on the "adventure of Tom Sawyer". Everyone wrote on perfectly except Vanya. He got a two. And after this case, Vanya realized that "Repetition is the mother of the teaching"!

Works »Essay» Come up with a small story using one of the proverbs. - The root of the teaching of the town, and the fruit of his sweet. - Repetition-mother of teaching. - ...

"Magic Bird" - Soviet cartoon based on the Russian folk tale.

Natalia is famous from Ozersk not only by his beauty, but also needlework. And only the one who can compare with her in mastery, will present the scourge, the beauty will lead to the crown.

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Folk wisdom.

Collection of proverbs and sayings

Using well-known winged phrases, for example, from literary classics or popular films, we often do not even agree to the end. Firstly, most often in the face of the interlocutor we see that they read the books with him and watched the same films, and it was clear to us that we understood each other. Secondly, many phrases are so recognizable by everyone that the second half does not negotiate them for a long time. But another generation comes and will think that all wisdom only in this short phrase, not knowing about her inexpensive, losing its original meaning! This happened to many Russian sayings and proverbs. We say them, thinking that the meaning of them is understandable to us from the diaper, but ... Apparently, our ancestors also did not bother to catch up to the end, leaving us inheritance only the first half of their half ... Russian proverbs and sayings - centuries-old folk wisdom, sharply, sometimes Even evil. Sometimes the meaning of such a truncated saying is not only lost, but also at all is incomprehensible. And the Russian people in vain did not throw the words! It is only necessary to find and return these lost grains of wisdom and understand the beauty and sharpness of folk thoughts!
Let's try to search for the original meaning, returning finishing proverbs.

The morning is wiser than the evening, my husband's wife is deleted. Hunger is not aunt, the pupmy will not bring. On someone else's loaf, the mouth do not spoil, get up to get up yes. Small spool but precious; great stump, yes druming. Young grown - to the and the old people are worried - silent. Drunken sea knee- It is clear that in a drunk, a person is absent, but in fact? Drunk sea knee and the puddle - on the ears.

Mystery Chamber! So a very clever person, and to his opinion it is worth listening to it. And if you return the end?

Mystery Chamber, yes, the key is lost!

Repetition is the mother of the teaching! Well, what is there a different meaning? And you ask Ovid, this is his words:

"Repetition - Mother of Teaching and the refuge of Oslov (the consolation of fools) ".

The meaning of many proverbs without their lost part is generally unclear! What would this say that: "

Lucky, as a drowned man". But if you restore the whole text, then everything will be in place:

Lucky saturday drowned - you do not need to drown!

So luck only on the side of the sinking on Saturday - the baths will not have to trample, saving in the farm!

Chicken on the grain coars - that is, every thing I can get done

but return the end and everything will appear in a different light.

. Chicken on the grain peel , and the whole yard in litter!

As soon as the work appears a new boss and begins innovations, someone will definitely say:

"A new broom in a new way!". But the whole point is in the second half:

"The new broom in a new behave, and how it breaks - under the bench is lying down. "

When, for example, there are previously unfamiliar like-minded people who are passionate about one thing or people of one profession, they say

: "Birds of a feather flock together". And in fact it was:

"Birds of a feather flock together, because the side and bypass. "

After all, where one is already fishing, there is nothing to do!

Our language and wisdom of the people are great. Straight

miracles in Serete Yes, and only! More precisely:

Miracles in Serete: there are a lot of holes, but to jump out nowhere.

AA Larchik just opened
Maybe yes somehow do not bring
Amona Besa is not to fall
Appetite comes with eating
Arching (total) pot thick boils

(For now) Baba with a furnace flies, seventy-seven doom

Baba with WHO - mare easier
Grandma still said (I wondered) (either the rain, or snow, or will, or not)
Baba cities are short
Balca is not a nanny, but at least whom
Baryshu Patch Large (native) brother
Trouble (never) does not come (does not go) alone
Trouble on the village, Rough of the Swan on the table
Poor marry and night short
Poor cousin poor and song
Poverty is not a vice
Troubles are tormented, (yes) the mind teach
No money in the city - Himself the Body
Unnamed (s) Sheep Baran
No uterus bee - disapstaining kids
I married me without me
Do not die without death
Without salt table curve
Without salt, without bread thinning conversation
Without stupid and horse does not run
Without shame facial not wear
Without the Trinity, the house is not built (without four corners of the hut does not become)
Can not be easily (s) fish out of the pond
Without owner house orphan
The abyss of the abyss calls
Bei Sokok and Crow, you will achieve and to the White Swan
Take care (dream dress, a) honor by the Small
Pieces (and) God protects
Broken dishes two centuries live
Middle penger more expensive than long ruble
Middle straw is better than long-range sense
Near the king - near death
Close (close) elbow, do not bite
God is merciful
God (Lord) will not give out a pig Ei
God (Lord, Christ) suffered and ordered us
God yes city, damn yes village
God gave, God and took
God will give day, give and eat
God will give, (and) in the window will give
God fool, cook, feed
God fell, no one saw (and who saw, he did not offended)
God is not without grace (the Cossack is not without happiness)
God works Loves
God shelma (Plut) Metit
God is God, yes (and) himself do not be bad
Wealth Mind creates
Brilliant Cow God Horn does not give
Big ship - Big (s) Swimming
Beard with pomelo, and belly bare
Beard - Grass, Cat
Hard words break no bones
Brother for brother is not the defendant
Will be on our (on mine, on your) holiday street
Be a wife at least a goat (braid), just gold horns
Paper all tolerates
Was a horse, yes started
There was a husband, yes nursing pears
There would be a neck, (a) clamp
There were money in your pocket, there will be a aunt in a trade
There would be a bone, but the meat is growing (will)
It would be a swamp, but devils will be (will)
It would be trough, and there will be a pig (will be)
Friend is not a reproach (not a scream)
It is a resin, and there is no water
Be a bull on the rope

(At least) sees the eye (eye), yes tooth nemet

In April, the land is preferable (hurry to plow and sow)
In the thief, that in the sea, and in the fool, that in fresh milk
In the city (in Moscow), thick call, but we eat fine
Visiting Will Master
Being a guest is good, but being at home is better
In the rain, the horses do not cut, and in the vestro and not a drill
The honey house does not talk about the rope
In a healthy body healthy mind
In ash, yes at the time
In the stone shoot - only the arrows lose
There is no truth in the legs
In the vegetable vegetable garden, and in Kiev, uncle
In one feather and the bird will not be born
In the sun and pomelo - Bolshak
In the field two will: whose is stronger and will take
In the field and beetle meat
In an empty barrel ringing more
Every family has its black sheep
In the orphanhood live - (only) tears pour
In the dark and the peel shines
In crowded but not mad
In a quiet wet (swamp) devils are found
In other people's hands
In someone else's monastery, with its charter do not go
In someone else's eye, we see, and in its (s) logs we do not notice
In someone else's wife, a spoon of honey puts (put)
Web live, learning a century (and a fool will die)
The wind of the sea pegs, I always have people
He took a man, do not say that not a duzh
Sees a dog milk, yes sniff
Visible bird on the flight
Wosya, Faddia, My (His) Malane
Wolf legs feed
Wolves (wolf) fear - not to go to the forest
Free Will (Saved Paradise)
The thief of the thief was stolen
Raven Roron Eye does not turn off
Here (to you) God, (a) here (s) threshold
Here you, grandma, and yuriev day
Time is money
All (we) people, all (we) people
Everything is one that bread is that meakin
We go under God
All is well that ends well
All sisters on earrings
Everything has its time
All sorts (any) kulik in (for) your swamp is great
All sorts of ermes
There is nothing like leather
All to the truth is looking for, yes not all
Every pine to your borou noise
Everyone (all kinds) well done on his sample
All in his own way goes away
All vegetable one
Above the heads do not jump
Above forehead ears (eyes) do not grow

Where who was born "there and came in handy (it was suitable)

Where honey, there and flies
Where do not disappear
Where drink, there and pour
Where is thin, there and breaks
Eyes are afraid (fear), and the hands do
Voice of the people - Glass of God
Deaf pop two dinner (two lunique) does not serve
Gnet (arcs) - does not parait, breaks - does not fade
They say, (what) he is cheated
Naked oh, and for a naked God
Hunger is not aunt (the puppet will not appear)
Hungry chicken (all) millet dream
Gol on fictions of the cunning
Mountain gave birth to mouse
Mountain with a mountain does not converge, and a person with a man will come down
Humpback (one) grave will fix
Guest (s) not long (a little) hotel, but sees a lot
Sin steal, but you can not be alleged
Sin yes trouble for whom does not live
Thunder rattles not from clouds, but from the dung heap
Thunder is not born, man will not cross
Goose pig not comrade

(Summer) day year feed

Far to the village to Petrov's Day
Long (long) Wires - Extra Tears
They do not look at a given horse's teeth
Two bear in one burgher do not live (do not stay)
Two deaths will not be (and one not to power)
Things go, office writes
Causes like soot Bela
Do not do business, and do not run away from
Are you trying to longer from business?
Master's business is afraid
The point is not a bear (not a wolf), I will not leave the forest (I will not run away)
Business before pleasure
Day yes night - (s) away
Money (money) is loving. Cash account Loves
The money is nahivny
Hold your pocket wider)
For a friend (for a cute man) (and) Seven miles do not Ocean
For cute friend and earrings (earring) from the ear
To God highly, before the king far
Before the wedding heales
Kind of glory lies, and thin
Dobro Savva kind and glory
Touch the first knut
Debt good turn deserves another
Homes and walls help
Homemade Duma on the road is not suitable
Road (rich) alms in poverty (during poverty)
Expensive Egg to Great (to Light, To Christ) Day (holiday)
Friendship friendship, and service
Friendly - not cargo, and apart - at least throw
A friend in need is a friend indeed
The fool sleeps, and happiness in her heads stands (sits)
Fool (fools) learn that dead treated
Fools (fool) law not written
Fools (fool) and in the altar beat
Fools do not yell, do not sow, but they will be born. Fools do not sow, do not zaughty, you yourself
Bad (unbelievable) head feet rest does not give
Bad examples are infectious
Smoke without fire does not happen. No smoke without fire

(At least) there is nothing, yes (but, so) live fun

You go for a day, Bread take a week
Eat, yes your, and you're near
Yerem, Yerema, I would sit at home, sharpened my spruce
Eat pie with mushrooms, a (yes) keep your teeth

King complaints, but does not favor a psar

Wait yeah catch up - no worse
Marries - change
Female mind is better than anything
Alive (man) death is afraid
Alive (Live) Shower Kalachik wants
We live, (yes) boat bread
Life live (survive) - do not go

For (one) of the broken (scientist) of two non-body (unaccustomed) give (and do not take)

For the taste I do not take, and hotly (hot) yes wet
For two hares, you will not catch one
Behind the sea Tulka - half, yes ruble transport (transportation)
For yours (for him, for her) do not sleep with barefoot
Do not chase
What I bought, for sale
Testament (Tsey) Mount Rope
The law is that breathing: where turned (turn), there and came out
Sold down (hard) (as) forty Yakov (one about any)
Flare crow to high (in Boyars) choirs
The stock of the pocket (bag) does not tert (not torture)
The request in the pocket does not climb
Make a fool to God to pray, he and his forehead breaks (praises himself)
Knows (sew) cat whose meat ate
Know the cricket of your seals. Every cricket know your sixth
Know the edge, do not fall
Gold and in the mud shines

And wolves are full, and sheep are intact

And goat yourself hulit, nothing that stinks
And steep mountain, but forgetful (and Likha trouble, yelling). Cool slide, yes forgetful
And on the hard horse he lives (happens)
And the old woman happens
And our (mine) penny (money) is not scherbat
It is not worth it. The game is worth the candle
From the song the words will not throw out
Search wind in the field. Catch the wind in the field

Kaba knew where to fall, (so) straw would be subacted

To each his own
Posted goat (at least) for the tail hold - you can sew a fur coat (find)
How (how much) the wolf is neither feed, (a) he is all in the forest (looking)
How to fight with a bull, and all milk does not achieve
Like a dog on the hay (lies): (and) herself does not eat and other does not give
What to the cradle (in the cradle), such and in the grave (in the grave)
What pop, such and coming
What are these and sledge
A drop (s) is hammering (sharpening). Water (s) Stone sharpening
Porridge (porridge) butter will not spoil
Wedge wedge embroider (knock out)
Cognot stuck - the whole bird is abyss
Colos from the column (from the colossile) - not to hear (and) votes (voice)
End - (Everything) Case Crown
Cumshot case, walk boldly
Horse (s) about four legs, yes (and that) stumbles
The horse is recognized at grief, and a friend in trouble
Penny ruble coats
Which (what) finger neither bite, everything (one) (all, each) hurt
Cat toys, but the mouse of the tears
Red bird feathers, and man teach. Red Bird Feather, and man mind
Cry of the hut does not cut (it does not argue)
Who (that) Neither pop, that (then) and Batka
Who is not sin to God, the king is not to blame
Who in the sea did not have, that (fellow) god did not let
Who is a lot of literacy, this is not the abyss
Who took a stick, that and the cap
Who is happy to the holiday, he is drunk to light (to the light)
Who resigned, that two ate
Who will remember the old (remembrance),
Where is the needle, there and thread
Where horse with hoof, there and cancer with clashes
Wherever you kin, all the wedge. Like either kin, (a) all the wedge. Wherever you kin, everywhere wedge
Strike while the iron is hot
Chicken on the grain pecks, yes it happens

Ladil a peasant of the shuttle, and sucks on the designer.

Affectionate body (calf, calf) of two modules (two uterus) sucks
Forehead walls (wall, wall) do not write
Lay - curled, got up - shakeped
Easier (easier) on turns
Lying do not beat
Forest cabin - Slitty fly
Summer - Pripasikha, Winter - Privacy (Podper)
Either (or) breasts in crosses, or (or) head in the bushes
Either in the stirrup leg either in the head of his head
Either fish eat either stranded
Likha trouble Start (rein). Likha trouble Start
Spoonful in the barrel of honey
Spoon feeds, stem eye rolling
Better little fish than a big cockroach
It is better to see once than a hundred (ten) times to hear
Better late than never
Love do not love, and look more often
Love to ride, love and sosochos to carry. Love ride, love and sosochos to carry
Love is blind
Love is not a potato (you will not throw in (for) the window)
People lie and we are then

(And) Moscow is not immediately (not suddenly) was built

Mal Spool, yes Roads (Great Fedor, yes the fool)
Mala (Nurse) Bird, Yes Naver Easter (Oster)
Small dog to old age puppy
Mother Rye feeds all completely, and wheat - by choosing
Meli, Emelya, Your Week
Dead body at least pick up
Methyl in the crow, and got into a cow
Missing the case with idleness, live a century with fun. Missing the case with idleness, you can't go crazy
Cutely worry - only chop
Many (all) will be known, soon you will build up (make up)
Young, in Saxony I was
Well done against (among, for) sheep, and against (on) well done (and) sheep himself
Young - green (walk ordered)
Silent means consent
Moscow from a muster candle (candles) burned down (caught fire)
Moscow does not believe in tears
My hut (Izba) with the edge (I) (I do not know anything)
The man's husband does not navigate that his wife delivers the pot. That the husband does not navigate the husband, then his wife does the pot
Husband and (yes) Wife - One Satan
Husband loves his wife healthy, and brother sister rich
A man although it is gray, yes (a) his mind does not have a damn (not wolf)

There is no masters on the sin

On the poor macar, all cones are lying
On bellucling and cancer fish
On God Nading, and not the bad
On the belly (-th) silk, and in the belly (-th) click
On the thief hat burns
On any (for everyone) sage is pretty simplicity
For any sneezing (for any chole) are not recompatible
On the catcher and the beast runs
On the world (in humans, with people) and death of Krasnaya
No and no court
In one place (s), the stone is moss
To hunt - dogs feed
On the dishes that on a chair: sit and stand up and stand
On angry water carry
On you, god that we are not gag
On the pike in the sea to (so that) a crucian not dreamed
On someone else's (for any), the rotock will not throw a handkerchief. On someone else's mouth buttons do not find
On someone else's loaf mouth (mouth) do not spoil (and get up early yes
We do not get drunk
Moved the tit of Glory, and the sea did not care. Paved the tit of sea to light
Called Gruzny (Mushroom), FRETHING IN THE BUD
Forcibly MIL will not. Cruel no
He began for health, and sucks (cumshot) for rest
Our talker does not argue with God
Our regiment arrived. In our regiment arrived
Found braid on stone
Do not spit into the well (in the well), it is useful to get drunk
Not gods pots burn
Do not be afraid of the trial, (a) be afraid of the judge
There would be no happiness, but misfortune helped
There was no penny, yes (and) suddenly Altyn
There was no sadness (so (yes)) devils pumped
Money can not buy happiness
I did not execute, I learned the word to extract (pray)
Not all cat carnival (happens and great post). Departed (passed) Cottle Maslenitsa (the great post has come)
Not all that is gold that glitters
Not everyone (not everyone) Lyko in the string
Do not say gop, until you jump out (do not jump)
Without giving words, fastened, but asking, hold on. Given the word, hold on, and not let
Did not give the god pig horns (horn), and I would have grown
Not to fat, would live
Not a single bread (will) live a person. Not about bread alone (will) man
You do not know where you will find where you lose
I did not know the Baba grief, bought a baba pig. There was no trouble that bought scattering
Do not have (do not hold) a hundred rubles, (a) have (hold) a hundred friends
Not red hollow corners, but red cakes
Not buy yard, (a) buy a neighbor
Not anyone - do not listen, but do not bother
No place paints man, and man place
Not mine (not yours, not ours, not yours) WHO, not me (not to you, not for us, not you) him and take
Do not deceive - you will not sell. Do not lie, (so) do not sell
Not the first snow on the head
Not good mil, but good good
Not glancing in the sacraticles, yes (and) book in (large) bell (in bells)
Not caught, not a thief
Do not be born beautiful (beautiful), and born happy (happy)
Not to another pit (pits), you will come to her
Not from that foot, kuma, dance
Understanding (not knowing) brodes, do not fall into the water
Did not promise crane in the sky, (a) give a blue in the hands
Not so worried damn like his little
Did not praise beer in Sousle, and rye - in the winter
Did not poured, gouuchi (walking) to the ruins (and poured, Iduchi (walk) with rati)
I do not want to go to the gate, deal with the fence
Nedosol on the table, and the rear on the back
Uninvited guest worse than Tatar. Not on time (not at the time) Guest worse than Tatar
No thinness without good
New broom pure swelling
Nose pulls - the tail will fad (start)
Night cuckoo denin (daytime) smoke
Need jumps, the need is dancing (crying)
Need to teach Kalachi there

Died on milk blowing and water

Sheepbank is worth it
One in the field is not a warrior (not a warrior)
One for all and all for one
One head is not poor, but (and) is so alone
One swallow does not make spring
Some with a compartment, (a) seven with a spoon
One and the porridge is uncorporate. One and the porridge will burn
An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth
Do not seek goodness
From home (from his) thief
From fate you will not leave
From the Sumy, do not refuse from prison (do not count)
From the works of the righteous will not be cautious (not to nationalize) the chambers of the stone
From the hell of the cross, from pig in Pest, and from a dear person
Szonil - (yes) and from the bell tower
Out (respond) Wolf Sheep Learning (Tears)
Hunting in the forest
Hunting mortal, yes (a) Fate bitter.
Mistake in false not put

(All) swear, flour will

Either (or)) pan or (or) disappeared

Pany fights, and the hills (in flakes, in the drains) of the chucks crack
Couples bone not lomit
The first (winemaker (charca)) by a collate, the second sickness, the third (and then) small duashchki
First damn (always) com
While there is life there is hope
Hiking no one comrade
The breadwinner does not hesitate
Stretch legs
According to the dress (by clothes), they meet, in the mind they escort
On Senka (s) Hat (on Ereme Cap (caftan))
The opposite head (s) does not cross
Under the lying (under lying) stone (s) water does not flow
Go away, take closer
Focus Warmes of Flour. On business Warmer and Flour
Regretted the wolf mare, left the tail and mane
Wait and see
As long as the sun goes, dew eyes (eyes)
Love (like) Satan Forest (Better) Clear Falcon
An attempt is not torture (not a joke) (and the demand is not trouble)
After the wedding, everyone (everyone) is a thousand
The proverb fores (input) will not be broken.
The proverb is no wonder (not by) is piled
Hurry - people rush
You can sweat, catch a sin
True in (for) fire is not lit and in water is not sinking
True the eyes of the rod
Before the father (before the Bati) in the loop, do not fall (do not climb)
Habit - Second Nature (Nature)
Came trouble, revoke (dissolve, open) gates
About old (about one) yeast don't tell the couple
Easy worse than theft
Against heat (from heat) and stone crane
Needs must when the devil drives. It is difficult to give birth to Prati
Burnt child dreads the fire
Drinker crashes, and a fool never
Drunk and sea knee (knee)

And I will be happy to be in paradise, yes, sins are not allowed
Early bird sock (cleans), and late eyes (eyes) prejudges
Before (before) death do not die
Risk - noble business
Ruby tree in itself
Hand hand washes (and both white are)
Russian man's rear mind strong. Guy rear mind strong
Fish is looking for, where it is deeper, (a) a person - where better
Fish from the head rotes (stinks)
Birds of a feather flock together. Fisherman Fisherman away in the Plesa sees
Fish yes Ryabki - Loss Days

Live with wolves - Wolf

Out of sight, out of mind
With whom we will do, from that and get
With a dashing (with a lousy) dog at least a fur of a church. With a lubble sheep, though wool
From the face is not water to drink. Not from face water drink
With a cute paradise and in a halary
With the world on the thread - naked shirt (shirt)
From one oxen two skins (two skins) do not fight
With strong, do not bother, (a) do not judge with rich
With a cloth digging (yes) in a fire range do not fall

From someone else's horse among dirt

Myself slave beats, if (Kohl, that) unclean
The light (peace) is not without good people. In the world, not without good people
The light was not a wedge. The land is not a wedge
His people to think (succeed)
They gnaw their dogs, someone else's not stick. Two dogs gnaw (fighting), the third does not stick
Your eye -Almaz and someone else's glass
His own to the friend (brother)
Your shirt (shirt) closer to the body
His own not know
Holy place will not be empty
Gray in the beard (in the head), (a) demon (damn) in the rib
Seven one do not expect
Seven troubles - one answer
Seven times for example (death), once a rejection
Power of straw lomit
Said word silver, (a) unspeakable - gold
No sooner said than done
Factory fold, and the song is
Soon the fairy tale affects, yes (a) it does not soon be done
Poorness is not stupid
Slavs (calls) Bubnes beyond the mountains (and we will come to us like Lukoshko)
Tears of sorrow will not help
The word is not a sparrow, departs (let's get) - don't catch
Hearing Earth is full
Heard the ringing, but do not know (does not know), where he
Bold peas are bread, and a fierce (robust) and (empty) (radish) do not see
Having removed the hair, do not cry
Dog barks, wind is wearing
Dog dog (s) death
Solovya bass do not feed
Forty on the tail brought
Summer (yes) in the forest on raspberry (do not go)
The old sparrow will not hold on the punch (do not deceive)
Old old old (age), (a) young grows. Old old old, (a) young grows
Old age is not joy (not red days)
an old friend is better than two new ones
Old horse (old mare) furrow will not spoil (not spoil)
Cuts, wink
Fearless sleep, yes gracious God
Strong girl braids will not block
Shame not smoke, eyes did not pick up (does not eat)
Narrowed (and) horse (on horse)
Dry spoon mouth man
Fast hungry does not understand
Sit row yes Let's talk like a swing

There (everywhere) well where we are not

Terepi, Cossack, Ataman (Ataman) you will
Same, yes eager to
The quieter you go, the further you'll get
Involve the patient with a naughty
Sound - the ax was Sulil, and how they pulled out - and the axes sorry (it became)
You are on the mountain, (a) hell
Treip-Lump (Treape Da Lyap) - (yes) and ship

(And) The walls have (happen) ears. Walls have ears

Baba hair Log, yes (a) the mind is short
Rich (rich) calves, (a) at the poor (poor) guys
At seven nannies child without an eye (without eyes)
Fear has big eyes
Powered more expensive (better) money
Digitized (left, washed) Sivka (Burka) cool slides
Street rides, (yes) will once be
The mind is good, (a) two better (Togo)
Smart (good) speeches nice and listen
Immelied (and) for the straw grabs
The morning is wiser than the evening
Learning is light and ignorance is darkness

Fedot, yes not that

And I want to prick and Mother (Momka) does not make
Humped rye into stack, and a barrina in a coffin
Pretty (good) little by little (little by little)
Crap radish is not sweeter
Lucky world is better than good quarrel
Houdua (bad, weed) grass from the field. Lucky (bad) Grass from the field

Do not count your chickens before they are hatched

And through gold tears pour (flow)

Drink tea - not firewood chop
Man suggests, and God has
Than rich (rich), topics and glad (pleased)
Whatever the child either overwhelmed, just not to cry
What the hell is not joking (as long as God sleeps)
What to be, that (for) not to power
What is in the furnace, all on the table of swords
What is the honor (that our honor), if there is nothing. Great honor, if there is nothing
What is written in pen, not to cut down the ax
That neither the city, then Iorov (that (AI) the village, then the custom)
What goes around comes around
That with the car (from the war) fell, then disappeared
What hurts, the one that says. Who has a hurt, the one that says
That sober on the mind, (TO) is drunk in the language
Alien soul - Potmon. Alien soul - Dark Forest
Someone's trouble with the hands of the study, but I do not apply to my mind
Whose cow would be so silent

Sewed (awl) in the bag do not hide

Sea seer do not heal

A little pot yes big

Yes, porridge - our food. Yes porridge - our mother

This (still) forks on the water written

These are still flowers, and berries ahead
This number will not pass

I'm not me, (and) The horse is not mine (and I'm not a cab driver)

Apple (apple) from the apple tree (from the apple tree) not far drops
Language without bones
Tongue to Kiev will bring
My tongue is my enemy (before the mind of the verchole)
Teach your grandmother to suck eggs

colossi.us - repetition Mother of the exercise: meaning of the proverb, meaning

Write direct I. mother figurative sense. Revolution - mother of teaching 4. Friends are familiar with the trouble.

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The story on the proverb "Repetition Mother of the Teaching" quotes when something happens to repeat the mother of the teaching is. What is repeated
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Proverbs and sayings about the teaching
Proverbs about the teaching
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This memory method is known since a long time, when writing were still unknown.

In those times of knowledge, they were able to orally from one generation to another, from the Father to the Son, from the teacher to the student. The disciples were able to repeat huge texts without changing and not missing a single word.

Philosophical, religious writings and even laws were indulging in this way for many centuries, not being recorded. With the invention of typography, when it became already obvious that you can print a thousand copies of the same book, and therefore the possibility of losing it has decreased, the need for an integral transmission of exercises, and with it - and the ancient art of repetition.

[email protected]: how the second part of the proverb sounds: the repetition, mother of exercises

Many people know how much time and effort it takes this ungrateful occupation and how quickly forgets the information learned in this way. Cobbling always caused and will cause a protest in humans and at his memory. Especially exactly described by K.

Stanislavsky in his diaries. And you still need to take away several pages.

Repetition is the mother of the teaching? Why words lose meaning

If not, then ahead of a cry, a bad score, maybe the punishment, but, most importantly, horror in front of the teacher with his humiliating attitude towards a person! Therefore, in front of the exams, they are forced almost to memorize again. Ebbighauza, which showed that for completing 36 meaningless syllables requires an average of 55 repetitions, while to memorize the poetic text from words - repetitions. Study is a process, akin to the construction of a new brick building. Here and the folk wisdom will come in handy.

Repetition Mother of Education - Tramvat.ru

Brick walls are sustainable and durable, provided that each subsequent brick is stacked on firmly and correctly laid out the previous one. And in study.

Not in vain well-learned knowledge is called durable. Sometimes, most often schoolchildren, proverbs understand too literally, one-sided. Repetition is a multiform process, it can be carried out by different methods and methods. It is important to compose them, not to stop on some one.

Total 4 comments.

03/10/2018 Valeria: Chapter 1. Repetition is the mother of the teaching if you ask many of you about what kind of memorization you use, most will answer without thinking.

01/30/2018 Samuel: Repetition is the mother of teachings and refuge for lazy people. Latin: Repetitio Est Mater Studiorum Ancient Latin Proverb.

02/12/2018 Liliana: Proverb: Repetition is the mother of the teachings. Interpretation of meaning, meaning: Teaching gives us knowledge and skills, opens up new ways and opportunities.

02/16/2018 Juvenali: Repetition is the mother of teachings. REPETITIO EST MATER STUDIORUM.GO Codex Torah ("Repetition of Teachings") - one of the Read more.

01/25/2018 DURERIKENN: Repetition is the mother of the teaching. Not in vain in the kingdom of Russian folk proverbs "settled" this proverb. Advance, because the repetition is the mother of the teachings!

01/30/2018 Meufihosdaa: with Tarin Latin expression, very loved and respected teachers - & Repetitio Est Mater Studiorum & ("Repetition - Mother of Teaching").

  • 10.12.2016
  • Literature

The meaning of the proverb repeating - mother learning

  • Repetition previously learned-best teacher, the best way to remember something.
  • I think so: the repetition is the mother of the teachings, it means that without repeating certain knowledge, there will be no excellent teachings. Without repetition, it will be difficult to learn and the like. I think so.
  1. Mother and daughter did not see each other (did not see her daughter from 4 years old his mother) mom gave birth at 23 years old question how old mother
  2. Write proverbs about the certificate that exist
  3. Explain the meaning of the proverb: Take care of the land is a godmith, like a mother's love
  4. Write the missed letters of writing in brackets Test words of the homeland we call () Our country () Because we were born here () And everything here is Rada for us () as a mother, I sooned () Motherland with our bread, rebuilt with its waters as a mother, She protects and protects us
  5. Three guys, among whom was the 14-year-old Igor, were stolen from the Cabinet of Mathematics of his school Video recorder boys Attracting criminal liability "Yes, however, Igor's mother was crying in the office of the investigator, - he is still small, he even has no passport and there is only a passport. In 18 years, it means that you cannot attract it to criminal responsibility "Is Igor's Mother's right


Option 1:The repetition of the teaching, why do they say so?

Because the most important thing in the teaching is a repetition, because if you learned, for example, verse once and did not repeat it alone, that you will forget it for example, for example, you go to school, and if you repeat well, or at least read something like something else: do not worry about 100% will not forget

Another task:

Algebra: Help find the meaning expressing. 2x ^ 2 - 4XY ^ 2 + 3XY- 6Y ^ 3 If x \u003d 1 // 4 (one fourth) y \u003d 1 // 6

Option 1:
2x²-4xy² + 3xy-6y³ x \u003d 1/4 y \u003d 1/6
2x²-4xy² + 3XY-6Y³ \u003d (2x² + 3XY) - (4xy² + 6y³) \u003d x (2x + 3Y) -2Y² (2x + 3Y) \u003d (x-2y²) * (2x + 3Y)
(x-2y²) * (2x + 3Y) \u003d (1/4-2 * 1/36) * (2 * 1/4 + 3 * 1/6) \u003d (1 / 4-1 / 18) * (1 / 2 + 1/2) \u003d 1/4-1 / 18 \u003d

Another task:

Mathematics: Task in investments. with first please decide on actions

Option 1:
4)0.012 * 350=4.2
eTO To first Pak I need to flee I did not write ary further

Other items

FROMtarine Latin expression, very loved and respected by teachers - "Repetitio Est Mater Studiorum" ("Repetition is the mother of the teaching"). Folding and simple proverb concretely explains one of the principles of the learning process. And yet, why does this phrase sound like that? It would be more logical: "Repetition is a memorization mother."

Study is a process, akin to the construction of a new brick building. In order for the knowledge to do not accumulate the "shapeless bunch" need to be systematized. Here and the folk wisdom will come in handy. Brick walls are sustainable and durable, provided that each subsequent brick is stacked on firmly and correctly laid out the previous one. And in study. Not in vain well-learned knowledge is called durable.

Sometimes, most often schoolchildren, proverbs understand too literally, one-sided. Repetition is a multiform process, it can be carried out by different methods and methods. It is important to compose them, not to stop on some one.
Very productive repetition, when a person himself, without any help recalls learned. For example, the retelling helps to remember the story than repeated reading.

The repetition of his new knowledge passed, by "mixing" to new knowledge, trains memory, facilitates the learning process, teaches to build logical connections, think. The ability to briefly and heat reproduce the essence of the dreaded material is a true knowledge indicator.
Although sometimes you should not be neglected and the bang.

Exhaust by heart is often the only way to remember a large number of terms, foreign words, any other unsystematic information.

Repeat the passed - the indispensable condition of the qualitative memorization, without which the training is impossible. "Knowledge, not replenished daily, decrease with each day" - French proverb.

Proverbs and sayings about teaching (study)

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On this page: the meaning (interpretation) of the proverbs "Repetition is the mother of the teaching".

39 chose

Using well-known winged phrases, for example, from literary classics or popular films, we often do not even agree to the end. Firstly, most often in the face of the interlocutor we see that they read the books with him and watched the same films, and it was clear to us that we understood each other. Secondly, many phrases are so recognizable by everyone that the second half does not negotiate them for a long time. But another generation comes and will think that all wisdom only in this short phrase, not knowing about her inexpensive, losing its original meaning! This happened to many Russian sayings and proverbs. We say them, thinking that the meaning of them is understandable to us from the diaper, but ... Apparently, our ancestors also did not bother to catch up to the end, leaving us inheritance only the first half of their half ...

Russian proverbs and sayings - centuries-old folk wisdom, sharply honed, sometimes even evil. It turns out that they are not all carrying the grain that our ancestors have invested in them - either it is less or another variety. And all because of the lost ending!

Sometimes the meaning of such a truncated saying is not only lost, but also at all is incomprehensible. And the Russian people in vain did not throw the words! It is only necessary to find and return these lost grains of wisdom and understand the beauty and sharpness of folk thoughts!

Let's try to search for the original meaning, returning finishing proverbs. Let's start with the proverbs that have lost only part of the meaning: everything seems to be right, but something is missing, something is underwent.

Hunger is not aunt, the pupmy will not bring.

On someone else's loaf, the mouth do not spoil, get up to get up yes.

Take, yes put; rhodes, yes feed.

Small spool but precious; great stump, yes druming.

Young grown - to the and the old people are worried - silent.

With these proverbs, everything is clear - they only have some non-evidence, and the returned part increases the meaning of folk wisdom. More complicated with those proverbs and sayings, the meaning of which with the loss of their second part has completely changed!

How often we heard from adults in childhood: "In a healthy body healthy mind!"? It seems that the meaning of doubt does not cause, and we repeat the same to our children, for example, forcing them to do the morning gymnastics. But initially it sounded like this: "In a healthy body, a healthy mind is a rare phenomenon."That is what I wrote Dezima Yuni Yuvenal, Roman Satir poet, in his "satire". That's what it means to pull out words from the context than in our time, many are abused. The meaning, has it was embossed absolutely another!

Drunken sea knee- It is clear that in a drunk, a person is absent, but in fact? Drunk sea knee and the puddle - on the ears.

Mystery Chamber! So a very clever person, and to his opinion it is worth listening to it. And if you return the end? Mystery Chamber, yes, the key is lost!

Repetition is the mother of the teaching! Well, what is there a different meaning? And you ask Ovid, this is his words: "Repetition - Mother of Teaching and the refuge of Oslov (the consolation of fools) ".

The meaning of many proverbs without their lost part is generally unclear! What would this say that: " Lucky, as a drowned man".But if you restore the whole text, then everything will be in place:

Lucky saturday drowned - you do not need to drown! So luck only on the side of the sinking on Saturday - the baths will not have to trample, saving in the farm!

Chicken on the grain coars -that is, every thing I can get done , but return the end and everything will appear in a different light. . Chicken on the grain peel , and the whole yard in litter!

As soon as the work appears a new boss and begins innovations, someone will definitely say: "New broom in a new behavior!".But the whole point is in the second half: "The new broom in a new behave, and how it breaks - under the bench is lying. "

When, for example, there are previously unfamiliar like-minded people who are passionate about one thing or people of one profession, they say : "Birds of a feather flock together".And in fact it was: "Birds of a feather flock together, because the side and bypass. " After all, where one is already fishing, there is nothing to do!

Our language and wisdom of the people are great. Straight miracles in SereteYes, and only! More precisely: Miracles in Serete: there are a lot of holes, but to jump out nowhere.

Using well-known winged phrases, for example, from literary classics or popular films, we often do not even agree to the end. Firstly, most often in the face of the interlocutor we see that they read the books with him and watched the same films, and it was clear to us that we understood each other. Secondly, many phrases are so recognizable by everyone that the second half does not negotiate them for a long time. But another generation comes and will think that all wisdom only in this short phrase, not knowing about her inexpensive, losing its original meaning! This happened to many Russian sayings and proverbs. We say them, thinking that the meaning of them is understandable to us from the diaper, but ... Apparently, our ancestors also did not bother to catch up to the end, leaving us inheritance only the first half of their half ...

Russian proverbs and sayings - centuries-old folk wisdom, sharply honed, sometimes even evil. It turns out that they are not all carrying the grain that our ancestors have invested in them - either it is less or another variety. And all because of the lost ending!

Sometimes the meaning of such a truncated saying is not only lost, but also at all is incomprehensible. And the Russian people in vain did not throw the words! It is only necessary to find and return these lost grains of wisdom and understand the beauty and sharpness of folk thoughts!

Let's try to search for the original meaning, returning finishing proverbs. Let's start with the proverbs that have lost only part of the meaning: everything seems to be right, but something is missing, something is underwent.

Hunger is not a aunt, the puppet will not bring.

On someone else's loaf, the mouth do not spoil, get up early, yelling it yourself.

Take, yes put; Rhodes, yes feed.

Small spool but precious; Great stump, yes druming.

Young grown - trembling, and the old people are worried - silent.

With these proverbs, everything is clear - they only have some non-evidence, and the returned part increases the meaning of folk wisdom. More complicated with those proverbs and sayings, the meaning of which with the loss of their second part has completely changed!

How often we heard from adults in childhood: "In a healthy body healthy mind!"? It seems that the meaning of doubt does not cause, and we repeat the same to our children, for example, forcing them to do the morning gymnastics. But initially it sounded like this: "A healthy mind is a rare phenomenon in a healthy body."That was what Dezim, Yuvenal, Roman Satiri poet, in his "satire" wrote. That's what it means to pull out words from the context than in our time, many are abused. The meaning, has it was embossed absolutely another!

Drunken sea knee- It is clear that in a drunk, a person is absent, but in fact? Drunk Sea of \u200b\u200bKnee, and a puddle - on the ears.

Mystery Chamber! So a very clever person, and to his opinion it is worth listening to it. And if you return the end? Mind Chamber, yes the key is lost!

Repetition is the mother of the teaching! Well, what is there a different meaning? And you ask Ovid, this is his words: "Repetition is the mother of the teachings and the refuge of Oslov (the consolation of fools)."

The meaning of many proverbs without their lost part is generally unclear! What would this say that: " Lucky, as a drowned man".But if you restore the whole text, then everything will be in place:

Lucky as a Saturday drowned - you do not need to drown a bath!So luck only on the side of the sinking on Saturday - the baths will not have to trample, saving in the farm!

Chicken on the grain coars -that is, every thing I can get done to return the end and everything will appear in a different light. . The chicken in the grain coars, and the whole yard in litter!

As soon as the work appears a new boss and begins innovations, someone will definitely say: "A new broom in a new way!".But the whole point is in the second half: "The new broom is in a new behavior, and how it breaks - under the bench is lying."

When, for example, there are previously unfamiliar like-minded people who are passionate about one thing or people of one profession, they say : "Birds of a feather flock together".And in fact it was: "Birds of a feather flock together, because the side and bypass. " After all, where one is already fishing, there is nothing to do!

Our language and wisdom of the people are great. Straight wonders in Seret, and only!
More precisely: Miracles in Sere: Much a lot, but to jump out nowhere.

A sourceetoya.ru.

There are such golden words repetition Mother of teaching. And it is not just words. Our memory is arranged in such a way that if it is repeated to repeat the material, it is better absorbed, it remains longer in memory. And if necessary, it can be quickly removed from memory, in other words, remember.

Well, when a person learns. He acquires new knowledge, becomes smarter, more interesting for the interlocutor. For him, all the ways are opening in life. Want to learn more, you want to work, your work will be fascinating.

Literate and live much more interesting than a person with a scant luggage of knowledge. Learn good, with pleasure, with hobbies is very important, only in this case the material is well absorbed and stored in memory for a long time. But it happens that something is forgotten. How to ensure that knowledge is entrenched, did not lose from our memory?

Consider an example. The student needs to learn a poem. When memorizing, it automatically repeats the same lines several times. And the next morning mom or dad ask to re-tell a poem. It is remembered.

How did this happen? The poem is learned by the repeated repetition of poetic lines. But this happens with all information, not only with poetic.

All people, children and even adults, pass exams. Imagine that you need to answer any topic on the exam. And you once read, once, well, maybe two. Something was remembered, but for a good answer this is clearly not enough. And if the material was absorbed, they understood, repeated several times, then at the right moment it will be removed from the corresponding memory cells.

Repetition of the material previously learned is the most optimal way to remember.

Repeat mother teaching. No wonder in the kingdom of Russian folk proverbs settled this proverb. Folk wisdom is tested for centuries, and should not be inventing a bike.

On the courtyard of the twenty-first century. Now the people are valuable, with great luggage knowledge, owning a huge amount of information. Such people are successful, their life goes the key. Information is our sun. And I need to remember.

Lit and forgot. What's interesting? The information was transit through our brain, and did not delay in Nm. In the case when we need it, we will not be able to use it.

Memory needs to train. Repetitions train memory. After repeated repetitions, the bought is placed in such memory cells that store information for a long time, the so-called long-term memory.

Repeat, because the repetition is the mother of the teachings!

  • 10.12.2016
  • Literature

The meaning of the proverb repeating - mother learning

  • Repetition previously learned-best teacher, the best way to remember something.
  • I think so: the repetition is the mother of the teachings, it means that without repeating certain knowledge, there will be no excellent teachings. Without repetition, it will be difficult to learn and the like. I think so.
  1. Mother and daughter did not see each other (did not see her daughter from 4 years old his mother) mom gave birth at 23 years old question how old mother
  2. Write proverbs about the certificate that exist
  3. Explain the meaning of the proverb: Take care of the land is a godmith, like a mother's love
  4. Write the missed letters of writing in brackets Test words of the homeland we call () Our country () Because we were born here () And everything here is Rada for us () as a mother, I sooned () Motherland with our bread, rebuilt with its waters as a mother, She protects and protects us
  5. Three guys, among whom was the 14-year-old Igor, were stolen from the Cabinet of Mathematics of his school Video recorder boys Attracting criminal liability "Yes, however, Igor's mother was crying in the office of the investigator, - he is still small, he even has no passport and there is only a passport. In 18 years, it means that you cannot attract it to criminal responsibility "Is Igor's Mother's right

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To the question of the explanation of the proverb repeating mother Katerina. The best answer is It means that if you repeat worse again from this will not
on the contrary, only better!

Answer from Vrown[newcomer]
You will repeat - strengthen in memory.
For example, when the poems are taught - they are more than once and do not repeat two to remember.

Answer from Masha Klimenko[master]
let's start with the fact that the proverb in your performance suggests that you are tugged with the Russian language. So repeat it once again, so that you probably remember.
Repeat - mother teaching!

Answer from Sit[guru]
the same is the shortest sister of talent
the first came up with stupid, second - telepaths
also, the presence of the mother implies the father, well, and who is a father of teaching, everyone knows, in any case, the Marxistrichenian teaching, hence - learn, learn and study again
i will say Nadya - I'll go to the saint
issse will say - getting down to the monks - to Nadya
and I myself go to Chaidachek to learn to learn and learn

Answer from freshprosol[guru]
I explain - the repetition of the mother learning is a saying, under which it is meant that the repeating is in study. Without repetition, the study is unfulfilled. Hence the word the word mother - the beginning, the sprout of all teaching, without repeating there will be no teachings. Although without teaching will not be repeated.
And taper in simple language: the repetition is a figure, consisting in repetition of words, expressions, a song or poetic string in order to attract special attention to them.
But this is not related to this issue.
Attempting N 3: If you do not repeat what you learned, I will soon forget everything soon. Hence the outstanding that it is necessary to repeat something.

Answer from Maks Solo.[newcomer]
major Doll Doll

Answer from Mikhail Karnukhov[active]
There are such golden words - "Repetition is the mother of teachings." And it is not just words. Our memory is arranged in such a way that if it is repeated to repeat the material, it is better absorbed, it remains longer in memory. And if necessary, it can be quickly removed from memory, in other words, remember.
Well, when a person learns. He acquires new knowledge, becomes smarter, more interesting for the interlocutor. For him, all the ways are opening in life. Want - Learn more, you want - work, and your work will be fascinating.
Literate and live much more interesting than a person with a scant luggage of knowledge. Learn good, with pleasure, with hobby - it is very important, only in this case the material is well absorbed and stored in memory for a long time. But it happens that something is forgotten. How to ensure that knowledge is entrenched, did not lose from our memory?
Consider an example. The student needs to learn a poem. When memorizing, it automatically repeats the same lines several times. And the next morning mom or dad ask to re-tell a poem. It is remembered.
How did this happen? The poem is learned by repeating poetic lines by repeating. But this happens with all information, not only with poetic.
All people, children and even adults, pass exams. Imagine that you need to answer any topic on the exam. And you once read it, once, well, maybe two. Something was remembered, but for a good answer this is clearly not enough. And if the material was absorbed, they understood, repeated several times, then at the right moment it will be taken out of the corresponding "cells" of memory.
The repetition of the material was previously learned - this is the most optimal way to remember.
Repetition is the mother of the teaching. No wonder in the kingdom of Russian folk proverbs "settled" this proverb. Folk wisdom is verified by centuries, and do not "invent the bike".
On the courtyard of the twenty-first century. Now the people are valuable, with great luggage knowledge, owning a huge amount of information. Such people are successful, their life is hiking to the key. Information is our everything. And you need to remember.
Lit - and forgot. What's interesting? The information was transit through our brain, and did not delay in it. In the case when we need it, we will not be able to use it.
Memory needs to train. Repetitions train memory. After repeated repetitions, the bought is placed in such memory cells that store information for a long time, the so-called long-term memory.
Repeat, because the repetition is the mother of the teachings!