Honest trees of the life-giving cross. How to get to the shrine

Honest trees of the life-giving cross. How to get to the shrine
Honest trees of the life-giving cross. How to get to the shrine

The origin of honest hands
The life-gloomy Cross of the Lord.

The feast of the honest cross is installed on August 1 (on August 14, in Greece, in Greece by Konstantinople Patriarch Luko at the Tsar Manuile, and in Russia, the Metropolitan of Kiev Konstantinomy Nesser, Bishop, Rostov, with Great Prince Andrei Yuryevich.

The reason for its establishment was the following. Tsar Manuilu and Prince Andrei, who were among him in the world and fraternal love, happened in the same day to go to war: the first of Constantinople on Saracin, and the second from Rostov on Bulgar. The Lord God gave them a complete victory over the enemies. When Andrei walked to war, he had a custom to take with the icon of the Blessed Mother of God, holding an ebony baby, the Lord of our Jesus Christ, and the image of the honest Cross of Christ, who was among the troops two Ieries. Before the speech, he raised to Christ and the Mother of God with diligent tear prayers and acquired the divine secrets of Christ. With this invincible weapon, he arrested more than swords and spears, and hoping more than on the courage and the number of his troops, good knowing the greener of David: he watches the horse, not to the speed of human feet favors; The favorably of the Lord to His fearful, to his grace (Ps. 146: 10-11). Prince also encouraged his warriors to prayers and an example of his own reverent prayers, and a direct command, and all, walked on her knees, with tears prayed before the icon of the Most of the Virgin and the Honest Cross of Christ. After a diligent prayer, the holy icon and an honest cross were moved and fearlessly walked on the enemies: the Lord promoted them by the power of the cross, and the Most of the Virgin rendered them to help them, applying for them before God.

Constantly holding such a custom before each battle, the Grand Duke did not change him and before the battle against Bulgarians: he came out, having, like the king of Konstantin in ancient times, ahead of the troops cross the Lord. Putting on the Russian Rail field turned the Bulgarian to flight and, having pursued them, captured five cities; Among them was the city of Bryakhimov on the Kame River. When they returned after the battle with the wrong mill, they saw that bright, similar fiery, rays, mantowing all the army, come from the icon of Our Lady with the infant Christ. It was on the first day of August of the month. The wonderful spectacle was even more opened in the great prince of courage and hope, and he again drew his shelves in pursuit of Bulgarians; He burned the majority of the cities of them, putting on the surviving tribute, and devastated all the earth, after this victory, the Grand Duke returned with the celebration home.

The Greek king Manuel, who came with his army against Saracin, also saw the same miracle in the same day - the insterior of the icon of the Major Virgin with the Savior of the rays, which bred the entire regiment, and on that day he defeated Saracin on this day.

The king and the prince reported, rewarding the glory to God, special messages about each other about the victories obsessed with God and about the wonderful shine, which emanated from the icon of the Savior. At a meeting with the oldest bishops, as a sign of Thanksgiving by Christ the Savior and his Mother Mother, they set the holiday on the first day of August. In the memory of the power of the godfather, armed with which they defeated the enemies, commanded the priest from the altar of an honest cross and to assume him among the church to worship and the lyobia of his Christians and to glorify the crucifier on the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ. In addition, the bishops commanded the sanctification of water on this day, why and the holiday received its name - the deployment of the honest cross, because an honest cross solemnly together with other holy icons is made on rivers, wells and sources.

Having become on a strictly defined historical soil, it should notice that on the first August of the Orthodox Church there are two celebrations, various in their origin: 1) the origin of the honest and life-giving Cross of the Lord, and 2) the festival to the all-aircraft sauce and the Most Holy Virgin. In Greek Chair, ed. 1897, so explains the origin of the first holiday: "By the cause of diseases, quite often in August, ancient times established in Constantinople Custom to wear an honest tree of the cross on the roads and streets to consecrate the places and disgusting diseases. On the eve (July 31, art. People for worship. This is the origin (prouodos) of the honest cross. " On August 14, the cross again returned to the royal chambers. "This custom in conjunction with another custom of Constantinople is to be consecrated in the court of the first day of each month (excluding January, when the sanctification takes place 6/19 of the number, and September, when it was accomplished 14/27) and served as the founding of the holiday in honor of St. and a life-giving cross and a solemn consecration of water on sources, which is performed on August 1 / August 14. Already in the IX century. There was this custom's belonging of an honest tree from the royal chambers to the church of St. Sofia before 1/14 August; The canon on the pretreatment of the cross on July 31, Art. Art., written for the present case (Canon begins with the words: The cross is a pregnant divine) attributed to Georgia, EP. Amastvdsky, who lived in the VIII century and twice former in Tsargrad. In the Emperor's Emperor's Porphyric Roof (912-959), there are detailed rules when to make a cross from the Chamber before 1/14 August, depending on what day the day this number falls. In Russia, until the end of the XV and the beginning of the XV centuries, when the Studios Studios, neither on July 31, did not have any service of the cross, which appears in the XIV-XV centuries. With the introduction of the Jerusalem Charter. The festival was installed in Greece and Russia in Greece and Russia. 1168 In memory of the signs from honest icons of the Savior and the Mother of God during the battles of the Greek King Manuel (1143-1180) with Sarcins and Prince of Russian Andrei Bogolyubsky with Bulgarians in 1164


Kondak 1.

Choose king of fame and the consecrated death of the world's reemer, the miraculous force of the internal tremor, to make up Vermina praise and joyfully reopen:

Ikos 1.

Angelskaya Power, Yako of God's servants, the surroundings of the Cross of the Lord is invisible to the upcoming, terrifying, and the death of Jesus donating to the earth in the skylessness; We bo, unworthy, the sign of the holy cross of the Lord consecrated, joyfully call:

Rejoice, honest tree, Blood Bogochloride consecrated;
Rejoice, honest tree, famous for the obedience of Christ.
Rejoice, honest tree, who has freed us from hell;
Rejoice, honest tree, low-depth diatling.
Rejoice, honest tree, the head of the power of Jesus;
Rejoice, honest tree, on it bo is the sacrament of the worldwide redemption.

Kondak 2.

We see, on the cross hanging, all the strength of heavenly, faces closing, puffing and chasing your greatness, exorbitant Christ; We bo, on the earth with fear and trepidation before the holy cross, they sing a joyful song: Allilouia.

Ikos 2.

The mind unreasonable, the sign of the honest and life-gloomy Cross of the Lord, who worships the Holy Tree with fear and lovingly and hesitates the siece:

Rejoice, honest cross of Christ, from the dead rising;
Rejoice, honest Cross of Christ, manifesting the truth.
Rejoice, honest cross of Christ, on him Bo Jesus Will Crucify and nails are sophisticated;
Rejoice, honest Cross of Christ, Boy Holy Sacrifice.
Rejoice, honest Cross of Christ, the Tree Allcomers;
Rejoice, honest tree, on it bo is the sacrament of the worldwide redemption.

Kondak 3.

The power of the honest and life-gloomy Cross of the Lord of the demons is dropped, cleared the unclean lives of our, sinful thoughts are distilled off, the purity of our heart is disturbed; For the sake of the sake with the faith, the cristed sign and with awe look at the image of the sufferings of Christ, we sing to God: Aliluia.

Ikos 3.

Having always before the purification of our cross holy cross, autumn and sanctifying the Holy Temples of Christianists, guarding the shrine of the Lord, and we are with tears of thanksgiving by Sita:

Rejoice, honest tree, source of eternal benefits;
Rejoice, honest tree, sanctified by the flesh and blood of the Godhead.
Rejoice, honest tree, miraculous tree;
Having rejoice, honest tree, the tree is checked.
Rejoice, honest tree, tree of life and salvation;
Rejoice, honest tree, on it bo is the sacrament of the worldwide redemption.

Kondak 4.

Strucks of passion powders strongly fade by the holy and all-way cross of Christ, the world's spiritual sword, the shield of loyal, weapon is an all-mixture and a sign of the all-standing, this is for the sake of the sake of and we are unworthy in the merry.

Ikos 4.

I hear the doctrine of Christ, believe in the secret of the saving redemption, worship the passion of Christ, I will love the cross all the way and happily clarify Sita:

Rejoice, honest Cross of Christ, fading the flames;
Rejoice, honest Cross of Christ, struck by Godothesians.
Rejoice, honest cross of Christ, who won the hordes of the enemy;
Rejoice, honest Cross of Christ, who cut out the head of Zmiev.
Rejoice, honest Cross of Christ, the celebration of faith and hopes of Christians;
Rejoice, honest tree, on it bo is the sacrament of the worldwide redemption.

Kondak 5.

The Bogoty Source Healing Source to May Cross Miracle, on Him Boy Christ will be the will of our victim's sake of salvation, and the divine garbage of their sake, a loving step with Golgotum, the whole Universe, of course to him, to our God, Song: Aliluia.

Ikos 5.

Vsevshi VSI Lights The Glory of the Glory of the Cross of the Lord and the miraculous power of the image and the signs of His, I believe in the holy, the lifestyle and inseparable trinity and worship the cross the cross all the way, this is for the sake of joyful:

Rejoice, honest Tree, I will forcefully for good we are a mustlerant;
Rejoice, honest tree, I will force us from the disease healing.
Rejoice, honest Tree, I gley my whole entry of the forces to flight turning;
Rejoice, honest tree, I will glorify your vengeous kings glorifying.
Rejoice, honest tree, the greatness of their kingdom elevation;
Rejoice, honest tree, on it boats the sacrament of worldwide redemption

Kondak 6.

A preacher of the gavrugasy appeared to be a honest tree, the cross of Christ was built of him, the Cross fourth, tris-stuck, his Bo Earth is miraculously astounding with an imperishable and beer fragrant. The cross is the cover of the helpless, on him Boy Christ will be crushed into oblivion. He bo, the Savior of the world, bring a song: Alliluia.


Asia, Yako, the sun of the truth, the all-way cross of Christ, in the depths of the land of the earth, a few centuries are soulless stones of Yako Treasure saved and on the joy of everything around the world, it was redeemed by him: he was reopening:

Rejoice, honest cross of Christ, prayers and diligence of the pious queen Elena found;
Rejoice, the honest cross of Christ, to the height of Patriarch Macarius erected for the solemn worship by all lies.
Rejoice, honest Cross of Christ, picked idolatry and disbelief;
Rejoice, honest Cross of Christ, who called on the loans to repentance.
Rejoice, honest Cross of Christ, Yako you are a tree miraculous and Christ;
Rejoice, honest tree, on it bo is the sacrament of the worldwide redemption.

Kondak 7.

Although to show mercy of their Savior of the world to the genus of the human, will be a meant of renovation, awarded to shameful death, the Cross is prigid by the death of death, death tramples, the Bo and we sing to him: Aliluia.

Ikos 7.

Willingly spectacle is Mirrov: Bogochloves crucifies, the root and nose are privileged, the ribs are punishable, the wounds of the sinnow of humanity are cleared of it and humiliation. The Cross of Christ is a solemnly victorious sign of the glory of God; This is called Sita for the sake:

Rejoice, honest tree, humility image;
Rejoice, honest tree, apostles praise.
Rejoice, honest tree, reverend statement;
Rejoice, honest tree, martyrs crap.
Rejoice, honest tree, deserted fences;
Rejoice, honest tree, on it bo is the sacrament of the worldwide redemption.

Kondak 8.

Strange miracle! The shameful cross will turn into a tree of life and salvation, the BO will give himself, sanctifying and the diseases of spiritual and bodily heals with faith and love of illuminating God: Aliluia.

Ikos 8.

All sinful lives are purified by the miraculous cross of the Savior of the world, who served to reconcile the Divine with criminal mankind, because we are graciously reopening:

Rejoice, honest Cross of Christ, who is love and long-suffering of God;
Rejoice, honest Cross of Christ, they boat the calling of languages.
Rejoice, honest Cross of Christ, the phenomenon of goodness by adapting;
Rejoice, honest Cross of Christ, the depth of persistence of souls who love the Lord.
Rejoice, honest Cross of Christ, the strength and joy of all Christians;
Rejoice, honest tree, on it bo is the sacrament of the worldwide redemption.

Kondak 9.

All the life of the storm will defeat the power of the godpanis of the Godrogian of Jesus, who had redeemed the whole world, the Boings of the Holy Designer honorable cross, humbly bring the God of Love and Glory Joyful Song: Allilouia.

Ikos 9.

The wisit language cannot be sores worthy of the praise by a tree all the way, from him the miraculous cross of Christ, fragrant the loving of the sufferer of Jesus Christ, of course, and we, inappropriate, adequately praise with tears:

Rejoice, honest tree, the celebration of the Church of Christ;
Rejoice, honest tree, our medicine and joy.
Rejoice, honest tree, sanctifying all the ways of our life;
Rejoice, honest tree, all Christians alex.
Rejoice, honest tree, all weak power and reinforcement;
Rejoice, honest tree, on it bo is the sacrament of the worldwide redemption.

Kondak 10.

Save, although the world, Dlanni his prechistan Christ on the tree ascended and the tree of overweight replaced by the Tree of Synevnyago to God, Observing, the Hand of the Non-conference, Live Adam, Open His Hands of the Board combines his love all the ends of the world; Moreover, we solemnly call the victorious song: Allilouia.

Ikos 10.

The walls of the ESI, which enlightened us from all the troubles and misfortunes, the cross is allopeous, the whole, the source of all languages \u200b\u200bauthorized by the holy sign in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, this in the sake of fun with merry.

Rejoice, the honest cross of Christ, the blood of God called;
Rejoice, honest Cross of Christ, the colors of the paradise fragrant.
Rejoice, the honest cross of Christ, the rays of the faith of us are illuminating;
Rejoice, honest Cross of Christ, the rays of hope we are supporting us.
Rejoice, honest Cross of Christ, the rays of love enriches us;
Rejoice, honest tree, on it bo is the sacrament of the worldwide redemption.

Kondak 11.

The singing commendable bring, the Divine, the life-giving Tree of the Cross of the Lord, the faithful autumn, incorrectly impetuous and all of us enclosing the enemy and the sacrup, this bike for the sake of the sin: Allilouia.

Ikos 11.

Singing your wonders, the All-Fiscal Cross of Christ, and we love the knees of our hearts, with tears we love the holy nodies of the sufferer of Jesus, worshiping the Passion Christ and Taco Reophe:

Rejoice, honest tree, the scepter of the kings of Christian immutable;
Rejoice, honest tree, powered by the whole universe.
Rejoice, honest tree, the basis of piety;
Rejoice, honest tree, waters sanctification.
Rejoice, honest tree, fields and fertility gardens;
Rejoice, honest tree, on it bo is the sacrament of the worldwide redemption.

Kondak 12.

The grace of your omnipotent, Lord, there is a TRACK TRACK, that Bo donates our mind, he instructs and teaches Petit incessantly victorious song: Aliluia.

Ikos 12.

The scene is honest, and you, the creator of the world, will be ascended by the mirror of the world, the forefront of the Mirov, we, Vermina, will love your casualties, worship your honest crosses, called the sitsa:

Rejoice, honest Cross of Christ, intended by God for the sacrament of redemption;
Rejoice, honest Cross of Christ, Yako you are the joyful sign of our salvation.
Rejoice, honest Cross of Christ, the sign of our liberation;
Rejoice, honest Cross of Christ, the passions of our killing.
Rejoice, honest Cross of Christ, conscience of our calmness;
Rejoice, honest tree, on it bo is the sacrament of the worldwide redemption.

Kondak 13.

About the presence, divine and life-giving tree of the Cross of the Lord! Miraculously your power fence me, sinner, autumnaluly with the faith of man and Persia and the whole composition and the Uda, my holy sign in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the glory of the Trinity Holies, united, and thanks to the Song of the Victory: Aliluia .

(This Kondak is read three times, then IKOS 1st and Kondak 1st)

Prayer first

Lord Jesus Christ's son of God Zhivago, the work of the sky and the earth, the Savior of the world! CE Az unworthy and more than the sinst one, humbly knees of my heart before the glorus of Majesty Your worship, I sang and my greatness, and thank you, the king of all and God, I will bring it to you who are fragmented by your breath of your throne and incarnate from the Mary of Virgin Mary, For the sake of salvation of mancago: Smya, the carnal nature of the Divine coincided. I am rich in the will, the will reached the Esu, and a man in the kingdom of your enrich. Proceedings and every way of human troubles, Yako, the person suffered from himself, and all in all sorts of cooking and the needs of the future. Four days have fun, everyone has shown the path to abstain. Multiple from the deserted sophisticated was, everyone, everyone from the temptations of all sorts of delighting. Wem, Issifornicist Vladyko, Jaco, the whole of you are not foreskin enough, but the sake of the sake of salvation all has undergone the ESI: I was devoted for the thirty Srebrenik, yes, a person is a meme for a man. From non-agile Jew, Yako, the innumerable lamb, was kidnapped by ESI, the human race from the absorption of the wolf thinkingly tortured; At the trillings, before Anna and Kaiafa, they appeared, of all from the condemnation of fire eternally disappearing; Related, Venigan, Opludov, from false witnesses, Oklevtan and on a stiff death was convicted, a person from everyone to attack, torment and from the eternal death of freedom; Pilate, Nico evil sodden, was devoted to Esu, and I was sent to Irod, and the Paki of Lagan, a person from zlago, the circumstances and the mistakes of the enemy batch. What we will pay to you, Vladyko humoring, about everyone, Laja has undergone the sake of sinners? Do not look, the soul Bo and the body and the whole good of the essence from you, and my whole essence, and Az Your Esm. Toeming on County Mercy, Lord's blessing, Hopefully, I sing your ineveral long-suffering, Major Intrusive Watching yours, I walked your immense mercy, I also bowed to the sake of the sake of convicts, and I will be acquainted. To the pillar, spas, tied and without grace Bien, graciously, allowing me, praying from my sins; Turning Veden, soul, sinful thoroughborn; The Bienn of Bien on the chapter, crushing the head of Zmia vulgarious Sin's stale; In the Bagryan, the Riza was offen and the tormentman was devoted, enlightening, the king of the Most Holy, the apparel of the soul, and in the abnormalist of your all-stock; With the robbers, the cross on the frame is yours suffered, the robber of the enemy, the soul of my soul, your kill, your cross. Vama, Jesus, long-suffering, Luce is vulnerable, from the top of the chapter of your holy, even to the foot of the foot, not in you the place of Czek. What is raised about the inadvertent humanity, Christ, the Savior? To the sharpening of my heart, persuaded by your preching passion and excretely of the Lobyezaya, yelling: a lot of sinning. On the cross, it's known for the original, naught by the commandment of your heart: erected with a cross on the mountain of Calvary, my thoughts erected to the sky, and always the mountainous frowning; bile with an ocea is beyond, the heart of my heart is distressed with the sin, and thirsty in the flood of sweetness of sweets; the hand of your prechures is common to the acceptance of all, and I will accept my sinning; Nosa is heard having, although always with sinners of life, wake up with a sinner, I have to take my legs from all the way Lukavago; The heart of the hole was imaginary, IVI to me grace your, sinful; The chapter of the mescling on the cross is a precloneware, hear is not satisfied with my prayer. Oh, stupid and immeasurable depth of mercy, Christ God! For the enemies of your god, the Father is praying, gaze and I am a sinful grace, love the enemies and pray for them; The robber in the gouring paradise is rejected, revision, my light, on my sinning, guess repentance, and tweeted mercy doors, and the obstacle is not destroyed in your kingdom. Finally, your spirit of the Most Holy Spirit in the Ruta to God Father, accept, the Creator, My Spirit during my death. From the cross, it was removed and in the coffin, it was dead, Savior, the crowd in the light of an impregnable, take a serious burden of sinful, and do not rush, manitally, instantly in the coffin of my hearts of my unworthy, to kill my merchant parlor. Yako and not to yourself, the brigar creature is yours, but you, the Mother of God and God, yours, yours, about the all-cons , the earliest, and with the best and life-giving and unique spirit, the kingdoms for the century, now and are also connected and forever.

Prayer Second

About the all-way and life-giving Cross of the Lord, the blood of Christ of our consecrated! You are the sign of victory to the enemies to our visible and invisible. You're imash to appear at the Hour of the Strashnago court of Christ. I remember humbly, honestly touch and kindly to Lyobovayy, the current prayer to crucifixed to you bring, and it will heal the power in you, I will have it from all the ailments of spiritual and bodies, and will save from the enemy visible and invisible, and it will be uncomfortable at the court. She, Life-giving Cross Holy! I saved on you, dying for the deceased sins of people, the Spirit of His man will eat, the blood and water of the plaintiff, and by Simy three, it's one that I will need everyone, the salvation has been preserved, to fame the source of water of the living God's father, to yourself, from the blood of the virgin embodied God of the Son, and God of the Spirit of the Holy Holy Spirit, an enlivent spirit of the Human, the Holy Treeh in the One Divine of Slaviti and I feel from the water of baptism to the perception of faithfully, in the communion of the flesh and the blood of the Lord's hope of hopefully, and in repentance with a scented spirit, and Love Nelitary , yes, tako is not a Tokmo in the life of this smoking, IKo Motionkeeper's water, but in the future, the Blessed Belot will glorify the Lord, the benefit of the strength of the Power, the Cross is cheerful, and worships him the most interested Selfless eyelids.

Prayer Third

Lord Jesus Christ, the son of God Zhivago, the work of the sky and the earth, the Savior of the world! CE AZ unworthy and more the sinful, humbly knee of my heart before the glory of Your Majesty of Your Deskloonov, I sing the cross and the sufferings of yours, and thank you for the king of all and God, I will prone, I bless me all the works and all sorts of misfortune All of us in all sorts of cooking, needs and angry competent assistant and the Savior of Women. Wem, All-Fivy Vladyko, Jaco, the whole of you are not required for you, but the sake of the sake of salvation, and all of us are a meme for the Lunting of the work of the enemy, the cross and suffering has undergone Esi. What we will pay to you, people's humanity, about everyone, I suffered for a sake of sinners? Do not look: the soul Bo and the body and the whole good of the essence from you, and all my essence, and Az Your Esm. Toeming on Countless, Lord's blessing, hoping with mercy, I hope, I sing your inexpressible long-suffering, my unmeasured depletion, I put your immeasurable mercy, who twisted with your preching passions, and your lovely love of your ulcers, yelling: yes I have a cross of your holy, but yes with the faithfulness of your zea communion, I will advise the video of Vychi and the glory of your kingdoms in the sky.

Prayer Fourth

Thank you, Lord the king of all, reigningly sky and earth and hell. Thank you, the wrong one, the All-Fivot King Almighty. I thank you, therefore, the all-air-fighter, tackle, to Earth from the heavens, and incarnate from the Virgin Mary, our for the sake of salvation, and the right one is God and a person is similar to me, except for passions and some sin, not by granting, but the truthless is unmanifest from the lawless Affected, yes without remand to me convicted of many sins of my feed. I sing your inevitable long-suffering, Lord. Major Intrusive Watch Your Major, I wonder your immense mercy, imagine to bow, Mene convicts justified ESI. We twist with your passion, IMIZH AZ is honestly premented passion. I love your cross, I wondered by my sin and the death of the condemnation of me freedom. I love the nails, Imya's image, I consumed the prohibition. Average ulcers, the image of my overwhelming withdrawing ulcers. A whole cane, Eyuzh signed the ESI Liberation and Eyuzh Schropivnago Zmia vulled the chapter. I have a whole copy, my own handwritten and the source of the source is rejected. The whole lip, carved by the Owl and the Muslims Brought by the Ist, the Emissance of My Gorky in Sweet Title. About the immeasurable depth of your mercy, our Savior Savior! Thank you, humbly with Thanksgiving, and in the life-giving your cross, I gave us to save us from the work of the enemy, are kindly causing. We confess, Yako, you are pleased to holy, one is strong and one of the life, and on all Imashi will be applied. To you, Lord, is given to the devil and on his military Fortress, and you are asked to you, with the original one, and with the Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and are also confessed and forever.

Prayer Fifties

God will resurrect, and the guise of him is growing, and it beats from his face hate him. Yako disappears smoke, yes will disappear; Yako melts wax from the face of fire, so will die demi from the face of those who love God and the marked congestion ( autumn himself cross sign), and in the fun of the verbols: rejoice, the precessive and life-giving cross of the Lord, running the demons to the power of the gentlemen of our Jesus Christ, in Hell Sedshago and Impressually, the power of diatling, and we have underwent your cross our honest to the forecast. Oh, the precessive and life-giving Cross of the Lord! Help with the sacred mistress, the girl of Virgin and with all the saints. Amen.


Tropar, voice 1

Save, Lord, your people and bless your doctrine, victory on the resistance granting and your drying with your residence.

Kondak, voice 4

Glory, and now: The victim ascended by the Wheem, the tesen of your gratua, His gadget, god's generoter, gods, gave us strength to your strength, I gave us the victory for the Sopalats, your allowance of yours, weapons of the world, invincible victory.


(On the origin of the honest trees of the life-to-face Cross of the Lord)

Glow 6.

Start canon

The prayers of the saints of our father, Lord Jesus Christ, God, have mercy. Amen.

Glory to you, God, glory to you.

The king of the Heavenly, comforter, the soul of truth, and everywhere and all of the executive, the treasure of good and life to the submitter, come and messed in us, and clean it from everyone is bad, and save, our souls.

Holy God, Saint Strong, Holy Seeless, nice us. (Read three times, with a congestion and waist bonds.)

Glory to Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and now and are confused and forever. Amen.

Most Holy Trinity, nice us; Lord, to clean our sins; Vladyko, forgive our lawlessness; Holy, visit and healed our essentials, the name of yours for the sake of.

Lord have mercy. (Three times) Glory, and now.

Our father, izh, at Heaven! Yes, your name will be hidden, yes your kingdom will come, and there will be the will of yours, Yako in the sky, and on the earth. Bread our urgent grandfather to us; And we leave us our debts, and we leave our debtor to our; And do not enter us in temptation, but you save us from Lucavago.

(Miry after "Our Father" creates Jesus Prayer: "Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, have mercy with us. Amen."

Lord have mercy. (12 times)

Glory, and now.

Purchase, bow to the prince of our God. (Bow)

Get, we will bow and fit Christ, Tsarevi to our God. (Bow)

Purchase, bow and fall in the most Christ, Tsareva and God to our. (Bow)

Psalm 142.

Lord, hear my prayer, inspire my prayer in the truth of your truth, hear in your truth, and do not take into court with your slave, I can not justify before you all the crowd. Yako wars the enemy of my soul, I got my stomach in the ground, I planted me in the dark, the dead century. And my spirit in me is my spirit, my heart has a confused. Poaming the days of the ancient, accustomed to all your deech, in the creations of the hand you are going. I will be reached to you, my hand, my soul is an anhydrous land. Soon hear me, the Lord, my spirit disappeared, do not disdain your face from me, and like faster in the ditch. I hear Schuati to me Sorrow mercy yours, Yako on the Upopa. Tell me, Lord, the way, in Ogej I will go, I can be soul to my soul. Among my enemy, Lord, to you. Teaching My Certificate Will Your, Yako, you are my God. The spirit of your good will instruct me on Earth right. Your name for your sake, Lord, ghivisha, I feel yours, hinds from soul my soul my and the worship of your consumer of my enemies and destroy all the soul souls of mine, Yako AZ Slave Your Esm.

Glory, and now.

Allilia, allyluia, allyluia, thank you, God. (Three times)

Lord have mercy (12 times) Glory, and now.

Verse 1: Confession of the Lord, Jaco Good, Yako in the age of his mercy.

Chorus: God of the Lord and come to us, Blessed Grocery in the name of the Lord.

Verse 2: Having made like the usual one and the name of the Lord oppose them.

God of the Lord and come to us, blessed Grocery in the name of the Lord.

Verse 3: I will not die, but I will be alive and we are the affairs of the Lord.

God of the Lord and come to us, blessed Grocery in the name of the Lord.

Verse 4: Stone, the Union of the Nemeless Radiochy, this to see the chapter of the corner, from the Lord to this and there is a diver in our skills.

God of the Lord and come to us, blessed Grocery in the name of the Lord.

Song 1.

IRSMOS: Jaco on Sukhu pursed Israel, according to the abyss of the footsteps, Pharaoh's persecutors seeing swimming, we will sing a victorious song to God, thereby.


The cross of the faithful salvation is twisted, and Ilage the warmth, and the volume of yelling: the tree is all-burned Christ, my soul and the mind of the enlightenment, praying.

Glory, Lord, your cruster is honest.

Victoriously appeared on passion and demons, the skeleton of the cross. Towel, Veria, WSI lightly enlightened the soul, now we will carry out.

Glory, Lord, your cruster is honest.

The radiant is indisposed by the shine, the cross is honest and enlightened to be true to herself, the consecration of our souls and Teles.

Glory: The vitality of the cross is preserved, and see, the light-like Zharya gates of the flaws; We will begin and aspect enlightenment, merry, and salvation, and leaving, the praise of the Lord is brought.

And now: Most Holy Devo, Like Christ the flesh of the birth, victims of us for the sake of the Cross, the fabulous, to be honest, save your molts.

Song 3.

IRSMOS: Straight, I am sainted, my God, God, the ascended Horn of your faithful, so, and the affirmative of us on Kamen's confession.

Glory, Lord, your cruster is honest.

The arms of the ancillary, the life of the blissful tree is given to keep, for the overwhelming of Adam's primordannago. The cross is the way of the way.

Glory, Lord, your cruster is honest.

Clean, orals and souls, facials and hearts, bow the Wsy, the Holy Cross of the Vital of Christ, guessing the world all consecrated.

Glory, Lord, your cruster is honest.

Temples to God prophetically fit the former, who persecutes the Tree of the Treats of the Holy Cross, and the hear of him, with the fear of Wsy, we kiss.

Glory: Pesnovym Tea, Cross, faithfully praying for your strength: Among our networks of enemy, and we manage us to our relief of all salvations singing.

And now: The virgin gave birth to the Son, before you born from the Father before the century, without Mother from God, crucifago flesh, and will save before sins.

Save away from the troubles of Rabi Your, Vladyko a multi-facing, the power of honestly and the life-gloomy cross of yours, Yako, we diligently for you, merciful Vladyza, Lord Jesus.

Lord have mercy. (Three times) Glory, and now.

Saddle, voice 6

The cross is yours, the Lord, consecrate, in it bes there are healing weselves to Greshe. The sake of the sake of the sake of you, nice us.

Song 4.

IRSMOS: Christ is my strength, God and the Lord, the honest church sings crupifying, scoring from the meaning of Chista, about the Lord celebrating.

Glory, Lord, your cruster is honest.

Yes, Kropyt is the whole land of joy, and the treavers are having fun, the day is condensed by an all-way cross shining down.

Glory, Lord, your cruster is honest.

The showing body of the killing, the lively world, the victorious weapons are invincible, the copper cross, our hearts enlighten.

Glory, Lord, your cruster is honest.

You are a divine victory, you are the prevention of our salvation, you are faithful to co-solid, and the divine sacrifice, about the all-way cross, sitting in consecration.

Glory: The sky of the whole land is sweeping: passion recorders, martyrs, apostles, the souls of righteous are joyful now rejoice, and everyone saves visibly preserving through the vitality tree, and Vernaya consecrates grateful.

And now: Investigated by the hell, they gave birth to Esi Son Vynyagov, on the Cross of the Ruta Sale, Devo Mati Marie, and the world called.

Save away from the troubles of Rabi Your, Vladyko a multi-facing, the power of honestly and the life-gloomy cross of yours, Yako, we diligently for you, merciful Vladyza, Lord Jesus.

Song 5.

IRSMOS: By God's light, the brightest, the Music Music, Musha's Music, Pray, Ward, the Word of God, the truth of God, from the darkness of the sinwhangigago called.

Glory, Lord, your cruster is honest.

We relate to the joy of the pre-planted cross, in churches and hails this proposed, and bow, and the debt we will exempt the leaving.

Glory, Lord, your cruster is honest.

Singing Zmiy Casty Now, the ultrasound of darkness, the boss, shining, not suffering, the Luxury Cross, the Divine Tsar Skeypro, honestly.

Glory, Lord, your cruster is honest.

Yako led the star, and Yako Beads sprayed, and the happily sun, the whole illuminates the Ends of the Ends, the Cross of the Lord, I will carry it out.

Glory: Exclaim languages, take, play the knee, and go to God who gave the crosses an unbreakable statement, it's going to be at the time: Wsy Belnie is rejoicing, who is for the sake of good acceptance.

And now: Salvation to the beginning of the Wsy Vince is leading, please, clean: you borrowed a burden of gloomy flesh, the wants of your designer on the cross.

Save away from the troubles of Rabi Your, Vladyko a multi-facing, the power of honestly and the life-gloomy cross of yours, Yako, we diligently for you, merciful Vladyza, Lord Jesus.

Song 6.

IRSMOS: The life of the Sea, erected in vain the victim of Bureu, to the quiet shelter of your priest, yelling: it is erected by my belly, a multi-facing.

Glory, Lord, your cruster is honest.

Yako Divine Vessel, Yako lamp leveled in churches, and in temples and hails, the cross is preserved, and I understand it.

Glory, Lord, your cruster is honest.

Death is killed, and the drainage is being cleared, and the inesens of the polls are running off the victorious and terrible visit to the pretext of the Cross of Christ, not dumbway touch him.

Glory: Sinkingly by God, and the king, and gentlemen, Yako gave us a cross, the wall of unbreakable. Now we have a joy, and the people run away.

And now: Yade Zamiin, Prababa food, Like in eager, acknowledged: Deva, the birth of the chief of life, the beginning of the world. Inspectorate and resurrection.

Save away from the troubles of Rabi Your, Vladyko a multi-facing, the power of honestly and the life-gloomy cross of yours, Yako, we diligently for you, merciful Vladyza, Lord Jesus.

Lord have mercy. (Three times) Glory, and now.

Kondak, voice 4

Will ascended to the cross, the tesen of your garadi, Christ, God, the victory, gave us to the power, giving us to Soposts, the benefit of your own, world weapons, invincible victory.


In addition, the third heaven would be admired to heaven, and the verbs of hearing inevitable and divine, they do not fly the languages \u200b\u200bof human verbati, that Galat writes, Jaco's scriptures read and know. To me, the verbolete, it will not be praised, Tokmo in the Unified Cross of the Lord, on the less, suffering from passion. Togo and we are well known, the cross of the Lord, the praise of DSI, there is a saving tree of this tree, the weapons of the world, an invincible victory.

Song 7.

IRSMOS: The saved sealer was signed by an angel by the reverend, Haldey, the Outrigious Oblae of God, the reserves of Wheel: Blessed, Yeah, God's Father.

Glory, Lord, your cruster is honest.

The Saving Tree will bow, the Cross of the Holy, Jelly serve the angelic whole of the military, to prepay the wonderful, belonging, exuded us with sanctification and life.

Glory, Lord, your cruster is honest.

The victorious appearance of the Most Holy Cross of the Obligation of Christ, over the same demons of all the many distinguishing barbaric tents, and the winner is the military of our.

Glory, Lord, your cruster is honest.

Yako animated to you seek you: the cross is my messenger, you will enlighten the soul, and the mind, and hearing, and mouth, and the language, and breath, and the eyes, by the kingdom of Christ.

Glory: We sing and sang and pay, and your greatness, Christ, Power, I will give us, our slave, the cross is divine, the sweetness is inexhaustible and storage of souls and our body.

And now: The young men did not fall, the christmas is written yours, for the divine lights did not fall, instilled in the things, and all the taught petition: God's father is blessed.

Save away from the troubles of Rabi Your, Vladyko a multi-facing, the power of honestly and the life-gloomy cross of yours, Yako, we diligently for you, merciful Vladyza, Lord Jesus.

Song 8.

IRSMOS: We are terribly afraid of the sky, and yes the founding of the Earth moves: Be Bo in the dead is imputed in the highest, and in the coffin, it is small in the coffin. Jegende, bless, priest, drink, people, exal over all times.

Glory, Lord, your cruster is honest.

Your cross is practicing Jacob sometimes, on the grandchildren to put a ladies premented, and by blessing them, the grace in the town of Languages: Oddens, blessing, priests, weave, people, exalt him forever.

Glory, Lord, your cruster is honest.

On the inexpensive name of your, Christ, reducing, and inhaulous good! Frank, and crucified former. Death of reception, and decide the people from the oath, to express the volatory on the ultimate tree, the welcome cross of this forever.

Glory: The Most Holy Cross, the Divine Victory, the Life of the Chief, Folding the Consumer, will be praised the cross all the Merril, the demons of the destroyer, and the Varvarov Charmany, the Kings of the Victory Timor and the patron.

And now: The nails are nodded by Christ, a copy of the ribs in the unprecedented ribs, the chapter in the chapter of the Biema, bile bile in vain, the Virgin of Oblast: Where is your kindness of the emergence, a wonderful word, the declared fellow of the sons of human?

Save away from the troubles of Rabi Your, Vladyko a multi-facing, the power of honestly and the life-gloomy cross of yours, Yako, we diligently for you, merciful Vladyza, Lord Jesus.

Song 9.

IRSMOS: God is impossible for Vostya man, you don't dare to buy angelism of the angelism; To you, the word is immobally, the word embodied by a person, the Eagle greater, with heaven, we chew.

Glory, Lord, your cruster is honest.

Tlenni from resining by the killer, God's commandments of the criminal prisoners, of course, for the sake of death by a person. The darkness of the victorious cross of Christ is the darkness of the victory cross, I kiss.

Glory, Lord, your cruster is honest.

CE Tree Most Holy, strong hope is faithful to appear, oath Relief, man joy, will be offered by managing the chief. Some will bow to Virnia with merry.

Glory: The beginning of the blessing, and the approval of Christians, and the wall, and the solid intercession, and the oaths delivered to us the tree was desirable, the weapon is invincible, enlighten and consecrates us who have picked up.

And now: The temple and the door of consecration, the throne of God, the closure and the candidate, and the argument of grace, the wonderful, honestly crossed by the form of an honestly beefnegago of your son, face and save.

Save away from the troubles of Rabi Your, Vladyko a multi-facing, the power of honestly and the life-gloomy cross of yours, Yako, we diligently for you, merciful Vladyza, Lord Jesus.

Ending canon.

Vladychitsa, accept the prayer of his slave and save us from all kinds of needs and sadness, you are, the Virgin Mary, weapons of our and the wall, you are an intercession, and we encourage you, and now they call for a prayer, but you will save us from our enemies. I will be exalted by WSI, the Warm Mother of Christ of God, the souther of the autumn of the Holy Spirit. ( Bow.)

Pochihir for the worship of the cross to the upstream, a week is a cross-plane and the origin of the honestree crosses of the Lord


Your cross is paying yours, Vladyko, and the Holy Resurrection is yours.

Glow 2.

Get, Vermina, the life-giving tree will bow, on the most Christ the king of glory will spread to the Ruta, ascend us to the first bliss, Liberately, the enemy of the Schomati is expelled from God. Get, Vermina, the tree will bow, giving the invisible enemy to the chapter. Prick, all the father's languages, the cross of the Lord's song almost: Rejoice, Cross, Padshago Adam Perfect Relief! It is now confusing with the fear of Christian, we have a privacy of God to God, verbally: Lord, on that naughty, have a lot of us, IKO good and humans.

Glow 5.

Prick, people, the most wicked miracle seeing, the cross force will bow, Yako Tree in Rai Death to Merchant, this life is flourished, the prisoner is sorted by the Lord. From the challenging of the DSI languages, the nonsense is cake, call: ilk the cross the death of the abolish and us freedom, thank you.

The voice of Your Prophet, Isaiah and David, will be performed, God, the verbal: will be introduced by DSI languages, Lord, and worship before you; Beco people, more likely, you are so good, grace filled with your courtyard of Yerusalem. The cross is pretended for us and the resurrection of your life-giving, save and save.

Glow 6.

The fourth-door world is consecrated, the four-sighted erection of your cross, Christ, God, and the horn of faithful Christians comphese. To those enemies crushing the horns. Velue Esi, Lord, and Diven in Your Delee, thank you.

The prophets of the part of the Tree Holy, the prevention, guess of the ancient freedom of an oath of the Mortal of Adam; The creature is the same asking the voiced by the voice, the rich mercy is coming from God. But the unmeasured vendy in the flavorships, the cleansing wake us and save our soul.

Glow 8.

Vice of the Prophet Your Moses, God, will be verbal: Jollize the belly of your hanging before the products of yours. The trip the cross is erected, and the world from the flattery is free, the dream of Christ is updated, and the ends of the earth are rejoiced, in Kimvali David, the song is brought to you, and verbulantly: I did the Salvation by the Earth, God, Cross and Resurrection, and the sake of us, Hummifier, the All-Fivot Lord, thank you.

Vladyka Tyari and the Lord Glory on the Cross is prigidized and the rib is trying, bile and whale comes, the sweetness of the church, the crown from Turning, the covering sky clouds, the rugs are dug, and it is assumed by the imaginary hand, the hands of a creative man, The sky clouds, snewing and wounds accepting, renovation and exacerbation, and all of me to the sake of convicted to the delightman of my and God, and will save the world from charms, Jaco Protectogen.

Glory, and now: It happens that the inviolable creature happens to me, and the passion will be sent to me from passion; Light feeding blind, from the defaults, it is overlooked; And gives the shoulders for the captive on the wounds. This clean Virgin and Mati on the cross in vain, painfully broadcast: Alas to me, my child! What did this work out? The red friend of all the man, lifeless, soreless being, not having a kind, below kindness; Alas me, my light! I can not sleep Ripetta, wobble, and my heart is my heart passes. I sneeze your passion, we twitten the lattice of yours, the long-life of Lord, thank you.

In some monthly celebration "The origin of the tresh of the honest and life-giving cross of the Lord" is identified with the "festival to the all-consant stay and the Blessed Virgin Mary." This most is given an occasion to think that both festivities have no its features and are essentially the same celebration known under two different names. But such a thought is completely wrong. It will become clear and undoubted for us if we consider the essence and reason to establish these two different festivals.

Let us turn to the holiday of the origin of the honest trees of the Lord Cross. " We say: "The origin of the tresh of the honest and life-giving cross of the Lord." However, the word "origin" is not completely correct and represents the inaccurate translation of the Greek word προοδος, which literally means "predition", "carrying ahead" of the tree or part of the Genuine Cross of the Lord. Already in the very name of this festivity there is a hint of its content. On the origin of this holiday in the Greek part-time of 1838, the following is said: "Due to diseases, quite often in August, has long been in Constantinople. On the eve, on July 31, departing him from the royal treasury, believed in St. The scenery of the Great Church (Sofia). Since the present day, further, before the Assumption of the Virgin, lithium over the entire city and the cross offered the people to worship. This is a preload (προοδος) of the honestly cross. " With this custom, the other was connected - to sanctify the first number of each month in the court Constantinople church, with the exception of January, when the sanctification of water was committed to the 6th, and September, when it had 14 numbers. These two customs and formed the basis of the celebration of August 1 of the "origin of the honest trees of the Cross of the Lord" and the solemn consecration of water.

On the first of August, the celebration of the All-Food Sava, Christ, of God, and the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother, Mother, established in Russia, in Russia, during the Metropolitan of Kiev Konstantin, and in Greece, is also made. The reason for the establishment of this celebration in Russia was the victory, obsessed with the Great Prince Andrei by the Bogolyubsk Russian troops over Volzhi Bulgarians on August 1, and in Greece - the victory in the same day of the Greek emperor Manuel over Magometans-Arabs or Saracin.

Whenever he had ever had the pious Russian prince Andrei Bogolyubsky to go on a campaign to the enemies, he took with him the icon of the Blessed Virgin and the honest cross the Lord. He also had another pious custom, closely related to just specified. Before you enter the bloody battle, he endured him. The icon of Our Lady with an honest cross to their troops and together with them, surfactant to the ground, raised a tear prayer to God:

- Oh, Vladychitsa, who gave birth to Christ's God! Every hopeful will not die for you; And I, the slave of yours, I have you at the bose wall and the cover, and the cross of your son - the weapon on the enemies is sharp. The mind of Hasive to you on the hands of the Savior of the world, and there will be the power of the godfather as the fire, the falling faces of resistance, and your omnipotent representation will help us to defeat our enemies.

After this prayer, the prince of Andrei himself, and for him and all his warriors were lying to the holy icon of Our Lady and the honest cross the Lord. Then only with a firm hope for the rescue of God and the intercession of the Major Mother of God, they rushed to the enemies together.

So it was the first of August 1158. The troops of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, an animated prayer of his beloved leader and supported by heavenly help, bravely rushed at the Volga Bulge and soon won a complete victory over them. The view of the dead associates did not dare their joyful thoughts caused by such a favorable outcome of a bloody collision. When Russian warriors returned from the battlefield to their camp, they were amazed by a wonderful vision: Fiery rays that came from the honest cross and St. The icon of the Mother of God, their brilliance was illuminated by all the army. Then the Russian shelves delivered by this wonderful sign, and with great courage and courage began to pursue their enemies: they burned and devastated to the five of their cities who had resisted and did not wish to voluntarily surrender, imposed tribute to residents, and after that Returned with the celebration to their homeland.

With this rather major event in the life of Russia coincided with another equally important event in Greece. In the same 1158, Greek emperor Manuel was forced to speak with his troops against Saracin, intending to conquer Greece under his power. The exercise of this intention would have led numerous disasters for the Greeks: besides the fact that they would lose their political independence, they would have suffered a greater loss - would lose their holy Christian faith, instead of which they would have to confess the Moometan faith of their winners. On the first of August, the emperor Manuel saw from the honest cross and the icons of Our Lady, which he took with him camping, a miracle similar to the above-fiery rays, illuminated by their glitter all the army. And when after this was won by the enemy, the Greek emperor Manuel fully attributed her wonderful help of God.

Between the Greek king and Russian prince, written intercourse did not stop at that time. Therefore, Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky soon learned about the wonderful event in Greece, and the Greek emperor Manuel - about the similar miracle in Russia. Both of them glorified God for both the miraculous industrialism of it, and then after the Council with their bishops and dignitaries, decided to establish August 1, the festival to the Lord and his Mother's Mother.

So, from the brief description of the occasion and contents of the first August of the two festivals made, it is clear that both of them are different in nature and are established on completely different reasons: one festival is established in connection with the propagated deadly epidemic, and the other - about the wonderful vision and Victory over the enemy. Therefore, in "lives", compiled by the Metropolitan of Moscow phylaret, these two festivities are not identified, but one of them is called the "origin of the tresh of the honest and life-giving Cross of the Lord", and the other "the festiveness of the all-air vehicle, the God of God, and the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of him. "

On August 14, on the first day of the Assumption post, the origin of the honest trees of the life-giving Cross of the Lord is celebrated.

This holiday was installed in Constantinople due to diseases that were often there in August. The beginning of this holiday belongs to the IX century, and from the 19th-XIII centuries, he established himself in all local churches. In Konstantinople, there was a custom for which one year of the life-giving cross of the Cross, stored in the house church of Byzantine emperors, was worn into the temple of St. Sofia, where the water department was committed. Then, starting from the first of August, two weeks, this shrine was worn around the city, while lithium served "to consecrate the places and disgusts of the disease." On August 28, the life-giving tree of the cross was transferred back to the royal chambers.

The Russian name of the holiday "Origin" is the wrong translation of the Greek word, which means a solemn ceremony, a procession. Therefore, the word "Ice" is added to the name of the holiday.

In the Russian Church, this festival was connected with the memory of Rus's baptism on August 14, 988. In the "Talking of the effective ranks of the Cathedral and Apostolic Martying Church of Assumption", compiled in 1627 on the command of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia's Patriarch, is given such an explanation of the holiday on August 14: "And on the origin on the day of the honest cross, there is a progress of sanctification for the sake of water and enlightenment for the sake of Human, in all hazards and weigh. "

The news about the bottom of the Baptism of Russia was preserved in chronographs of the XVI century: "Breasting Prince Great Vladimir Kievsky and all of Russia August 14." In this holiday in the temples, the crossover is relying and worshiping him. According to the currently adopted in the Russian Church, the small sanctification of water is accomplished on August 14, before or after liturgy.

Together with the sanctification of water, honey is being consecrated (so this holiday is called in the people "First Honey Savior", "saved on the water", "wet saved").

From this day it is blessed with the taste of his new collection.

The festival to the all-aircraft sauce and the Most Holy Theotokos, celebrated on the same day, was established on the occasion, signs from the icons of the Savior, the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Honest Cross during the battles of the Holy Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky (1157-1174) with Volzhsky Bulgarians. In 1164, Andrei Bogolyubsky made a campaign against the Volga Bulgarians who have crowded the oppressed residents of the Rostov and Suzdal Land. Things to help the queen of heaven, the prince took her miraculous icon with him, which was brought from Kiev and later received the name of Vladimir. Two priests in the closure carried in front of the army of the holy icon and the honest Cross of Christ. Before the battle, a pious prince, joining the holy secrets, turned with a hot prayer for the Virgin: "Everybody migrated, Mrs. will not die, and I have a sinful wall in you and cover." Following the prince, the orders and warriors fell on his knees and, attached to the image, went against the enemy.

Bulgarians were broken and turned to flight. According to legend, on the same day, the Greek emperor Manuel was won by Saracin. Impropulating proof of wonderiness of both these victories served huge fiery rays, which were from the ex-forces in the troops icons of the Savior, the Mother and Holy Cross. These rays covered the shelves of the burgher rulers of Greece and Russia and were visible by all the fighting. In memory of these wonderful victories, with the mutual consent of Prince Andrei and the emperor Manuel and on the blessing of representatives of the highest church authority, and a holiday was installed by the guests of the All-aircraft Sava and the Most Holy Virgin.

One day, Tsaritsa Elena, Mother of Emperor Konstantin, dreamed of sleep - someone commanded her to go to Jerusalem and bring divine places, closed with wicked. It was primarily about Calvary, which by the time they equalized the Earth on the orders of the Emperor Adrian and put the pagan idols here - Venus and Jupiter. The idea was Coupled: Adrian wanted Christians to worship their shrines, looked like idolaters. He was confident that the followers of Christ would forget this place.

But it was not there! 75-year-old Tsarina Elena did everything to return the shrine to Christians. In 325, its efforts in Jerusalem began excavations. Three crosses were found on Calvary - the one on which Jesus was crucified, and the other two on whom the robbers were hung, one of them, as we know, was subsequently the first to enter Paradise.

But how to determine the true cross? The Bishop of Macarium Jerusalem, who led the excavations came to the rescue. He turned with a hot prayer to God, asking for a sign. And the Lord sent ... a dying woman. The sufferer began to bring one cross after another, believing that as soon as she would touch the true tree, healed immediately. At the first two crosses, the dying did not respond in any way, but when the third was brought to her, she suddenly recovered. So learned the cross of the Savior.

Here four nails were found, as well as Title INRI (Jesus Nazaryan, King Jewish) and the cave, where Jesus was buried. At the place of amazing finds, Emperor Konstantin ordered to build a temple of magnificent all temples, anywhere existing ones.

Cross your worship, Christ!

To this day, thousands of believers daily come to the temple of the Merry Coffin to worship the cross installed on the site of the Great Victim for all of humanity. Total 18 steps up, and you before crucifying.

Calvary Temple is a small, almost square room, divided into two equal parts. The left is the crucifixion of Christ, belongs to the Orthodox, on the right side - a Catholic chapel with a tummy heart with a mosaic depicting the Jesus tree.

At the place where the Cross of the Redeemer of the world was erected, - the Marble Orthodox throne for the commitment of a blood-hearted sacrifice. Under it a hole in the rock, framed by silver, in which the cross was omnuted. Being the knees, can be touched to that very cliff. To the right of the throne under the glass is visible to the stone in the stone, formed with the last sigh of the dying Savior. Under Altar Golgotha \u200b\u200bis the chapel of Adam, where you can also see the cleft in the rock, according to which the blood of Jesus, descending, reached the skull of Adam, buried in this place, and washed his sins.

Delivering from disease

The strength of the cross was so great, so many cases of healing were recorded that in the 9th century in Constantinople established a holiday in honor of the origin (meal) of honest trees of the life-giving cross. Initially, it was noted only as the local on August 1 to the old style. But in the XII-XIII centuries, it was established in almost all Orthodox churches. The history of the holiday is so described in the Greek part-time of 1897: "Due to diseases, quite often in August, since ancient times established in Constantinople Custom to wear a honest tree of the cross on the roads and streets to consecrate the places and disgusting diseases."

On the eve of the holiday, he was taken out of the royal treasury and believed in the Holy Destroy of the Church in honor of the Hagia Sophia of the Wisdom of God. Before the audit of the Blessed Virgin Mary throughout the city, Lithium served, offering a cross to worship everyone.

In Russia, this holiday began to celebrate from the end of the XIV century, in the Russian Church he was connected with the memory of Rus's baptism on August 1, 988.

According to the currently adopted rank on this day (August 14th, Art.) Before or after the liturgy, a small sanctification of water and a new collection of honey is committed, which is coming by the people of the holiday called honey spas.

Tropear Cross Lord:

Save the Lord, your people, and bless your doctrine, the victory by an Orthodox Christian on the resistance granting and keeping your cross to your residence.

Prepared Galina Digtyarenko

Saves (abbreviated form from the word Savior, Jesus Christ) call three summer holidays dedicated to Christ: Honey saved, apple saved and the third saved.

Honey saved - 14 (1) August. On this day, the Orthodox Church makes the festival to the all-air-fighter sauce and the Most Holy Virgin. Also begins the Assumption post - the shortest, but strict almost as a great post. The post precedes the feast of the Assumption of the Mother of God. And his first day is the origin (or meal: the word origin means the procession) of honest trees of the life-giving Cross of the Lord. A cross is taken to the center of the temple on the uterus: until Saturday evening service, all believers can bow to him.


The feast of the origin of honest trees of the life-friendly cross of the Lord was installed in the 9th century in Constantinople: each year a part of the life-giving cross, which was kept in the houses of the Greek emperors, brought into the temple of St. Sophia and sanctified water to heal diseases. The first day of August was chosen precisely because there was a disease in this very hot month, people were applied to the cross, on which Christ was crucified, drank water consecrated andreceived long-awaited health .

The festival was established on the occasion of signs from icons of the Savior, the Blizzard and Honest Cross during the battle of St. Andrei Bogolyubsky (1157-1174) with Volzhsky Bulgarians (1157-1174).

In 1164, Andrei Bogolyubsky made a campaign against the Volga Bulgarians who have crowded the oppressed residents of the Rostov and Suzdal Land. Things to help the queen of heaven, the prince took her miraculous icon with him, which was brought from Kiev and later received the name of Vladimir. Two priests in the closure carried in front of the army of the holy icon and the honest Cross of Christ. Before the battle, a pious prince, joining the Holy Taine, turned with a hot prayer for the Virgin: "Everybody migrated on the things, Mrs. will not die, and I have a sinful wall and cover in you." Following the prince, the orders and warriors fell on his knees and, attached to the image, went against the enemy.

Bulgarians were broken and turned to flight. According to legend, on the same day, the Greek emperor Manuel was won by Saracin. Impropulating proof of wonderiness of both these victories served huge fiery rays, which were from the ex-forces in the troops icons of the Savior, the Mother and Holy Cross. These rays covered the shelves of the burgher rulers of Greece and Russia and were visible by all the fighting. In memory of these wonderful victories, with the mutual consent of Prince Andrei and the emperor Manuel and on the blessing of representatives of the highest church authority, and a holiday was installed by the guests of the All-aircraft Sava and the Most Holy Virgin.

In the Russian Church, at the same time with the celebration of the All-Food Sava, the memoir of the Baptism of Russia committed on August 1, 988, in the memory of which a small sanctification of water is established on this day. Therefore, in the people, this holiday is sometimes called "wet saved."

Finally, the third holiday of the day - the memory of the Holy Old Testament Martyrs of Maccalevian, who strengthened the sacredness of faithfulness and, undergoing short-term torment, was encountered by salvation and eternal blissful life in the kingdom of God.

Seven Holy Martyrs Maccabyev: Avim, Antonin, Guri, Eleazar, Euseevon, Adim and Markell, as well as their mother Solomonia and teacher Eleazar suffered in 166 to n. e. From the Syrian king Antioch Epiphana. Antioquia Epiphan, conducting the policies of the humanization of the population, introduced Greek pagan customs in Jerusalem and the whole Judea. He desecrated the Jerusalem temple, putting a statue of Zeus Olympic, to worship who forced Jews.

The ninety-year old man is the legister of Eleazar, who for commitment to Moses was judged, with hardness went to the torment and died in Jerusalem. The same courage was shown by the disciples of St. Elyazar: seven McCaveev brothers and their mother Solomonia. They, fearlessly recognizing themselves with the followers of God of the true, refused to bring the victim to the pagan gods.

Senior of the boys, who gave the first answer to the king on behalf of all seven brothers, was devoted to terrible tortures in front of the rest of the brothers and their mother; The remaining five brothers one after another underwent the same torments. The seventh brother remained, the youngest. Antioch offered Saint Solomonia to lean him to renunciation, so that she remained at least the last son, but the courageous mother strengthened him in confessing the true God. The boy also faded the flour, like his older brothers.

After the death of all children, Saint Solomoni, standing above their bodies, made hands with a grateful prayer to God and died.

The feat of the holy seven Brothers McCaveev was inspired by the priest Mattafia and his sons, who raised the uprising against Antioch Epifan, which lasted from 166 to 160 BC. e. And, having won, cleared the Jerusalem temple from idols.


The name "Savior" indicates that all the memorable events are somehow connected with the Savior of the world, the Lord Jesus Christ and remind us of the need for faith in him and hope for His mercy. But the Savior can only be called the Lord only the one who realizes their position as dangerous, disastrous. And if we forget this genuine position, then it is helped by it to comprehend dramatic events and circumstances, superior our forces and threatening with many deprivances and evendeath.

Halfing the honestree for us - this is not only a rite of worship of the life-giving cross, not only the manifestation of reverence, but also a reason to confess their impact before the greatness and complexity of this world, in which a person without God's assistance is similar to Dyllin in Hurricane Vortex.

We remember that whose force of an instrument of execution became a tree of life for a believer. And then even fires, drought, heat - can become a source of life, repeated understanding of the vanity of this world, awareness of the highest calling of the soul, can be the beginning of a real appeal to God for us.

At the day when we remember and honor the events, the beginning of the Assumption post is confined. This post, two-week and strict, prepares us to celebrate the Assumption of the Major Master of the Virgin 28 (15) of August.

The life of the Major Ladyman was full of adversity and deprivation, she was destined to transfer the flour of a mother, seeing the torment of a crucible son, and not only the Son, but the eternal God, the sinless human nature suffering innocently for the sins of the whole world.

Of course, this pain, these sufferings of the Calval opponation were the main sorrow of the Major Master in her earthly life. And the memories of this event again raises us to the trembling contemplation of the incomprehensible mystery of the redemmerSavior's sacrifice The victims that transformed the death weapon into the life-giving victorious Tree of the Cross of the Lord. SelfAssumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Remote Christians asholiday permissions From multiple ultrasound of terrestrial life, the holiday of complete reunion of the Major Mother with his beloved son.

But the period preceded by this celebration was full of everyday chases, the sorrow of the biggest, the greatest righteousness was the Most Holy Mother of God. In a reminder of the sorrow of the Major Mother, about the need for a lean and strict life and this post is installed.

Sermon Archbishop Chelyabinsk and Zlatoust Faofan at the beginning of the Assumption post


Why are these holiday in the people called the honey spas? By this time she slepthoney of the new collection and this, of course, the gift of God, which is why it is taken to bring to consecrate into the temple, thanks to God and No longer just as a treat, but as an obvious, tangible embodiment of God's grace, mercy to us worthy of "all condemnation and flour." On the same day, a small consecration of water, medicinal herbs and poppy is performed on the long tradition.

After the consecration of honey, on this day, they treated them all wishing and first of all distributed honey to the poor. In the old days they even said that "the first saved and a poor nurse will try."

Nevertheless, it must be remembered that the sanctification of honey on this day is just a pious tradition. Such traditions (as, for example, the consecration of apples for the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord) are quite natural for the consciousness of an Orthodox person. Earth and all living on it produce fruits in the fishery of God, and a person who participates in the production of these fruits, as a sign of thanksgiving God for help in this case brought the first grown fruits into the temple.

Therefore, by itself, the tradition of sanctification of honey on this day is in no way connected with the celebration of the All-ESSA. And, of course, this piety tradition should not eclipse that holiday, which is celebrated by the Orthodox Church on this day.


As a good owner, the festive table, the arrival of guests and the believers are waiting for church blessing to blessing honey, especially since honey is one of the most delicious and usefullenten products . It is very useful for health: normalizes the work of many internal organs, improves blood composition, increases immunity.

Before sanctifying honey, make sure of it. Specialists talk about two ways to determine the quality of honey.

The first is transfusion. It is necessary to jump out honey with a spoon and pour it into another container, holding a spoon higher. If honey is poured fine, smooth, unlucky "thread" or tape, then it is quite well prepared. You can also turn the spoon several times: good honey does not flow from a spoon, and "wounded" on it.
The second way is to dip in a drop of honey simple soft ("M" or "2M") pencil. If it darkens from graphite, it means that honey is not high quality.
The real honey is easily rubbed between the fingers and absorbs into the skin, which you will not say about the fake, which, when rubbing, leaves on the skin of lumps.

When honey is chosen and consecrated, you can proceed to the preparation of lean products to the joy of home.

Lenten honey rug:

1 cup of sugar sand, 1 glass of water, 2 pt spoons of honey, 1 hour spoon, 0.5 h bustle spoons, 2 st pellets cocoa or coffee, 0.5 glasses of raisin, 0.5 cups of crushed nuts, 0,5 glasses Vegetable oil, 1.5-2 cups of flour, by a pinch of cinnamon and coriander.

Pour sugar in a bowl, pour water and vegetable oil, heat a little, add honey. Stir so that sugar and honey are dissolved. Mix in a separate dish soda, cocoa or coffee, spices, then add it in a mixture of oil, water and honey and thoroughly knead the lumps.
Add nuts, raisins and flour with a bustle. Flour need so much that the dough resembles a thick sour cream. Bake in the form lined with bakery paper or lubricated with oil and sprinkled with flour, 30-35 minutes at 200 degrees.

Can be found in this form or cut across and pretend to be any jam or jam.

Merentga Honey

Wheat flour is well mixed with sugar powder, add a grated zest 1 lemon, crushed cinnamon and carnation to taste, some soda and honey (so much that the dough is not very cool, but not liquid).

From the test to roll out the pellets with a thickness of 5 mm, cut the mugs and the furnace on the smeared butter. When the cookie is cooled, sprinkle with white icing.

Honey kvass

800g. Honey, 2Limona, 25g. yeast, 5l. water.

In boiling water put honey and stir well.
When the liquid cools up to 20 ° C, introduce yeast, lemon juice or citric acid and leave to stand for 10-12 hours.
Cool, pour into bottles and clog them.

Salad honey

2 carrots:
2 apples;
8 - 10 walnuts;
0.5 lemon juice,
2 tablespoons of honey.

Get marked with carrots and apples on a large grater, add crushed nuts and fill with honey and lemon juice.

Monastic medical

1 kg. Honey, evil. Water, 2 h Hmel spoons.

Honey stirring with water and boil on low heat for 3 hours. In the gauze, put hops, a little pebble, and tolding it a knot, omitted into a pan with honey (the pebbles are necessary in order that the hops do not pop up). Honey with hop boil 1 hour, periodically, as it booms, adding hot water.

Honey take off the fire and still warm strain through the gauze into a glass or wooden dishes. In this case, the capacity must be filled out by no more than 4/5 volumes. Cooking to leave in a warm place (in the stove, battery) for honey fermentation. As a rule, it begins every other day after honey weld.

When honey fears (stop hiding), pouring a half-table of well-brewed tea (1 h. Welding spoon for 1 cup of boiling water). Then honey, not interfering, strain through the flannel (better than several times).

Feruced honey is ready for use. However, superb taste it will acquire after the year of storage in a cool place.