Black square original. Why is Malevich "Black Square" - is it an art? History of creation and possible theories

Black square original. Why is Malevich
Black square original. Why is Malevich "Black Square" - is it an art? History of creation and possible theories

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Casimir Malevich's famous canvas is a quarrel or encrypted philosophical message?

The famous picture divided into two periods not only the life of the artist, but also the history of artistic art.

On the one hand, it is completely optional to be a great artist to draw a black square on a white background. Yes, anyone can so! But here is the mystery: "Black Square" is the most famous picture in the world. Already 100 years have passed since its writing, and disputes and stormy discussions do not stop.

Why is this happening? What is the true meaning and value of the "Black Square" Malevich? website I tried to figure it out.

1. "Black Square" is a dark rectangle

Let's start with the fact that the "black square" is not at all black and not at all square: none of the sides of the quadrilateral is not parallel to any other side of it and not one of the sides of the square frame, which the picture is framed. And dark color is the result of mixing various colors, among which it was not black. It is believed that it was not the negligence of the author, but a fundamental position, the desire to create a dynamic, moving form.

Kazimir Malevich "Black Suprematic Square", 1915.

2. "Black Square" is a failed picture

For a futuristic exhibition "0.10", opened in St. Petersburg on December 19, 1915, Malevich was supposed to write several paintings. Time has already been pressed, and the artist either did not have time to finish the picture to the exhibition, or was not pleased with the result and having slept her, drawing her black square. At this point, one of his friends came to the workshop and, seeing the picture, shouted: "Brilliant!" After that, Malevich decided to take advantage of the case and invented a certain sense to his "black square".

Hence the effect of cramped paint on the surface. No mysticism, just did not work the picture.

Attempts have repeatedly performed to explore the cloth for finding the initial version under the top layer. However, scientists, critics and art historians believe that the masterpiece can be caused by irreparable damage, and in every way impeding further examinations.

3. "Black Square" is a multicolored cube

Kazimir Malevich repeatedly stated that the picture was created by them under the influence of the unconscious, some "cosmic consciousness". Some argue that only a square in the Black Square see people with a weak imagination. If, when considering this picture, you will go beyond the framework of traditional perception, beyond the visible, then you will understand that you are not black square, but a multicolored cube.

The secret meaning invested in the "black square" can then be formulated as follows: the world around us, only on the first, superficial, looks like flat and black and white. If a person will perceive the world volume and in all of the world, his life will change dramatically. Millions of people who, according to them, instinctively attracted to this painting, subconsciously felt the bulk and multicoloriness of the Black Square.

Black color absorbs all other colors, so see in the black square multicolored cube is quite difficult. And see the black white, the truth behind the lie, the life is more difficult for death repeatedly. But to the one who succeeds to do this, the Great Philosophical Formula will open.

4. "Black Square" is a riot in art

At the time of the appearance of the picture in Russia was the dominant of the artists of the Kubist school. Cubism reached its apogee, already fed to all artists, and new artistic directions began to appear. One of these directions was Malevich's Suprematism and "Black Suprematic Square" as his bright embodiment. The term "Suprematism" occurred from Latin suprem.What means "domination, superiority of color over all other properties of painting." Supramat paintings are impossible painting, an act of "pure creativity."

At the same time were created and exposured at the same exhibition "Black Circle" and "Black Cross", representing three basic elements of the spamatic system. Later, two more suprematic squares were created - red and white.

"Black Square", "Black Circle" and "Black Cross".

Suprematism became one of the central phenomena of the Russian avant-garde. His influence experienced many talented artists. It is rumored that Picasso cooled to the cubism after he saw the "square" Malevich.

5. "Black Square" is an example of a brilliant PR

Kazimir Malevich has crushed the essence of the future of contemporary art: no matter what, most importantly, how to file and sell.

Artists experimented with black "completely" starting with the XVII century. The first tightly black work of art called "Great Darkness" wrote Robert Fladd in 1617, Bertal followed him in 1843 and his work "View on La Hougue (under the cover of the night)." More than 200 years later. And then already almost without breaks - the "Twilight History of Russia" Gustava Dore in 1854, "Negro's night fight in the basement" Paul Bilhold in 1882, very plagiarism - "Battle of Blacks in the Cave of Deep At night" for the authorship of Alfons Alla. And only in 1915 Kazimir Malevich presented his "Black Suprematic Square" to the public. And it is his picture known to everyone, whereas others are familiar with the historians of art. Extravagant leakage glorified Malevich in centuries.

Subsequently, Malevich drew at least 4 versions of his "black square", differing in the pattern, texture and color in the hope of repeating and multiply the success of the picture.

6. "Black Square" is a political course

Kazimir Malevich was a subtle strategist and skillfully adjusted to the changing situation in the country. Numerous "black squares", drawn by other artists during the Tsarist Russia, remained unnoticed. In 1915, Malevich's "square" acquired a completely new, actual meaning: the artist offered revolutionary art for the benefit of the new people and the new era.
"Square" to art in his usual understanding has no almost no relationship. The very fact of his writing is the declaration of the end of traditional art. The Bolshevik from Culture, Malevich went to meet the new government, and he believed him. Before the arrival of Stalin Malevich, he held honorable posts and successfully passed to the People's Commissar from the drug addict.

7. "Black Square" is a refusal of content

The picture marked the obvious transition to the realization of the role of formalism in visual arts. Formalism is a refusal of literal content in favor of artistic form. The artist, drawing a picture, thinks not so much the concepts of "context" and "content", how much "balance", "perspective", "dynamic tension". What Malevich recognized and his contemporaries did not recognize, is actual for modern artists and "just a square" for all others.

Art has heard themselves, and many critics agree that after the Black Square, nothing outstanding has already been created. Most artists of the twentieth century lost inspiration, many were in prisons, references or emigration.

"Black Square" is a total emptiness, a black hole, death. They say that Malevich, writing "Black Square", for a long time spoke to everyone that he could neither eat or sleep. And he does not understand what this did. Subsequently, he wrote 5 volumes of philosophical reflections on the topic of art and being.

10. "Black Square" is a quantity

Charlatans are successfully fascinated by the public, forcing it to believe that there is really no. Those who do not believe them, they declare stupid, backward and not understanding stupid, who is not available high and beautiful. This is called the "Effect of the Golly King". Everyone is ashamed to say that it is garbage, because you will learn.

And the maximum primitive drawing is a square - you can attribute any deep meaning, the space for human imagination is unreasonable. Not understanding what the great meaning of the "black square", many people find themselves before the need to think of themselves to be what to admire when viewing the picture.

The picture written by Malevich in 1915 remains perhaps the most discussed picture in Russian painting. For someone, "Black Square" is a rectangular trapezium, and for someone - this is a deep philosophical message that entertained the great artist. Similarly, looking at the slice of the sky in the square of the window, everyone thinks about her. What did you think about you?

Black Suprematic Square - The work of Casimir Malevich, created in 1915: 53, one of the most discussed and most famous paintings in Russian avant-garde art.

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    ✪ Why is art standing so expensive? | BLACK SQUARE

    ✪ Why is Black Square considered a masterpiece?


Russian Avangard: Exit to Suprematism

Preceded by the creation of the picture from 1910 to 1913 was decisive in the development of the Russian avant-garde. At this time, the movement of Cabobuturism reached its apogee and began to appear new artistic directions. Cubism and its "geometry" method already seemed to be one-sided artists. Some of the artists sought to the more subtle and complex coherence of art with nature. Another in cubism prevented his unchanged attachment to the "object" of the image. Thus, in Russian art, two ways of the starting movement towards "clean freeness" were formed. At the head of one of them, named by constructivism, became V. E. Tatlin. At the head of another movement, called Suprematism, stood K. C. Malevich.

Period 1910-1913 In the work of Malevich, it was similar to a test landfill: he worked simultaneously in cubism, futurism and in the "zaulse" (or "alogombism"). Alogism was implemented by Malevich in his new artistic system. Alogism did not denounce the logic, but meant that work is based on the logic of the highest order. Alogism " .. There is a law, and the design, and the meaning, and ... Having called it, we will have work based on the law Truly new, awake" - wrote K. S. Malevich.

Thus, in the work of Malevich, the trend towards freeness, to a plane organization of the painting, which led him to suprematism was described. The initial name of the name was the word "supranulism", which arose, probably, by analogy with the "Supramoralism" of Philosopher N. F. Fyodorova, highly valued K. Malevich [ ]. According to the historian of art E. F. Kovtun, the Suprematic Malevich method was that he looked at Earth as if from the outside. Therefore, in the suprematic paintings, as in outer space, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "top" and "bottom", "left" and "right", and an independent world arises, correlated as equal to universal world harmony. In this Malevich comes with the position of Fedorov, who seen the essence of artistic creativity in the fight against earthly burden. The same metaphysical "cleansing" occurs with the color, it loses the subject associativity, stains the local planes and receives a self-sufficient expression.

The history of creating a picture

The last step towards the suprematism was the formulation of the opera M. V. Matyushin "Victory over the Sun", put on 3 and 5 (18), 1913 K. S. Malevich worked on sketches of scenery and costumes to this formulation. In these sketches, the image of the "black square" appeared, which meant the plastic expression of the victory of active human creativity over the passive form of nature: the black square appeared instead of a sunny circle.

Based on the drawings taken during the work on the "victory over the Sun" in 1913, the artist dated the emergence of the square 1913: It was this date that was put by the artist on the turnover of the canvas depicting the square. The artist did not give any importance to the actual date of creation of the picture. He rearranged the focus at the date of birth of the plan of Suprematism itself. The author invariably commented on his work: "The main suprematic element. Square. 1913 ": 10-11.

The picture was written during 1913-1915, among the whole cycle of other suprematic paintings. According to the researcher A. S. Shatsky, the picture was completed by Malevich 8 (21) June 1915: 53.

Supramatics were written by Malevich for the final futuristic exhibition "0.10", which opened in St. Petersburg on December 19, 1915 (January 1) in the "Art Bureau N. E. Droinchina". Artists participating in this exhibition were given the opportunity to set a lot of work. Male Malevich, artist Ivan Puni wrote to him: "We must write a lot now. The room is very large, and if we, 10 people, write pictures 25, then it will be only-only. " Thirty-nine suprematic paintings occupied a separate exhibition hall.

Among them, in the most prominent place, in the so-called "red corner", where icons are usually hanging in Russian homes, hung "black square", like the main module of the new plastic system, the styreacing potential of the suprematism.

Three major suprematic forms - a square, a circle and cross were reference, stimulating the further complication of the Suprematic system, giving birth to new supramatics. "Black Circle" and "Black Cross" were created simultaneously with the "Black Square" and were exhibited at the same exhibition.

Attempts by convinced fans of the figurative art, who believe that the artist misleads them, investigate the cloth for finding a different initial version under the top layer of painting was repeatedly performed. In the fall, research results were published (by X-ray), which confirmed the presence of two other color images below the image of the "black square". The initial image is a cubaceuturistic composition, and under the "black square" is a proto suprematic composition. Also, scientists have deciphered the inscription in the picture, which is considered the author. The phrase sounds like " Battle of blacks at night"And refers to the well-known monochrome canvas Alfons Alla" Battle of Blacks in the Cave of Deep At Night ", created in 1882. Art historians consider this information "Finds during research, thanks to which we must see the process of creating this picture in a new way." But Malevich has four "black squares", and under the rest of the "squares" no "blacks" was not found.

In the title of the exhibition, according to the plan K. S. Malevich, the number 10 - an estimated number of participants, as well as "zero forms", as a sign that exhibiting the "black square", the artist "is going to bring everything to zero, and after zero".

Gap with objectivity

Malevich rose to the position of a complete break with the subject, supported by the declaration of a black square as the "first step of pure creativity as a whole." The artist was important to divide the "yesterday's art" and a fundamental novelty of its opening. He, what was characteristic of him, put forward the slogan, proclaiming the square "zero forms": "I was transformed into zero forms, and went out for zero to impregnable creativity."

Black square on a white background in the suprematic theory meant "zero", firstly, because he meant the beginning of freeness, secondly, because he meant the end of the traditional objective thinking of the artist. The square became a sign form of suprematism - and a point of zero reference, as a traditionally mathematical concept. The zero absolute plastic form did plastic laconicism. At the same time, he was also a "zero" expression - black "non-color" on a white, understood by the artist as the "desert of non-existence."

Three squares: black, white and red

The initial name of the "Black Square", under which he was in the catalog, was a "quadricle". Without having strictly straight angles, from the point of view of clean geometry, he really was a quadrilateral, it was not the ability of the author, but a principled position, the desire to create a dynamic, moving form ": 8.

There are two more basic suprematic squares - red and white. Red and white squares were part of the artistic and philosophical triad defined by Malevich.

« Among the critics Malevich prevailed those who were not ready to take seriously his picturesque and written prophecies. Many simply rejoiced by an infinite Happening of the Russian avant-garde ... So far, even people associated with the art and literature, who know the history of the 20th century, allow themselves to think that the author of the "black square" could be any: even the child is imperfold, although simply marasing paper slacker ..." :eleven . However, the first professional feedback for the appearance of a "black square" testified that Malevich's thought was immediately deciphered. Art critic, the founder of the Association "World of Art" Alexander Benua written in the newspaper "Speech" dated January 9, 1916: " Undoubtedly, this is the icon that Lord Futurists offer instead of Madonn and Shameless Venger. " .


Subsequently, Malevich, with a different goal, performed several copyright repeats of the "black square". Four variants of the "black square" are known, differing in pattern, texture and color. Also known numerous Malevich drawings with a black square (many of them have comments that emphasize the role of the square as a nodal element of suprematism). The square turns on to the Suprematic Multifigure compositions of Malevich.

The first picture "Black Square", 1915, the original, from which the author's repeat was subsequently made, according to tradition, is considered the very work that Hung at the exhibition "0.10", is stored in the Tretyakov Gallery. The painting is a cloth of 79.5 to 79.5 centimeters, which shows a black square on a white background. The image of this painting appeared on the cover of K. Malevich's book "from cubism and futurism to suprematism: new picturesque realism" (M., 1916, edition of the third). In the book itself, the picture is depicted separately between p. 28 and 29.

The second "Black Square", 1923, became part of Triptych (together with him created a duplicate "Circle" and "Cross"), filled around 1923 to be exhibited on Biennale in Venice. The size of the second option is 106 to 106 cm. All parts of Triptych of 1923 were different from the original 1915 and the size, and proportions; These were brand new "square", "Circle" and "Cross". It is believed that the picture is written by the closest students of Malevich - Anna Leporskaya, Konstantin Christmas and Nikolai Suetin, under the leadership of Casimir Malevich. In March 1936, together with the other 80s, Malevich's paintings, these three works were transferred to his wife, N. A. Malevich, to the Russian Museum.

The third version of the picture, 1929, is an accurate copyright repetition of the main work - the first "black square" (also in size 79.5 by 79.5 cm). He was written by K. S. Malevich in 1929 for his personal exhibition who was preparing in the Tretyakov Gallery. " According to the legend, this was done at the request of the then deputy director of GTG Alexey Fedorov-Davydov because of the poor state of the "black square" of 1915 (crackers appeared in the picture) ... The artist wrote it directly in the halls of the museum; And during work allowed himself minor changes in proportions.» .

The fourth version could be written in 1932, its size is 53.5 by 53.5 cm. It became known significantly later, in 1993, when a person whose name remains not named, and only Incombank, I brought a picture to the Samara Branch of Inkombank As a collateral for a loan. Subsequently, the owner did not claim the picture, and she became the property of the bank. After the ruin of Inkombank in 1998, the Malevich's painting became the main asset in calculations with creditors. The President of the Auction House "Geelos", Oleg Stadzur, argued that he had several applications for the purchase of a "black square", and if "the picture came to the international market, the price would have reached $ 80 million." By agreement with the Government of Russia, the "Black Square" was removed from open bidding and was acquired by the Russian billionaire Vladimir Potanin in 2002 for $ 1 million (about 28 million rubles), and was then transferred to them for storage in the State Hermitage. There a picture and hanged to view. Thus, the "black square" has become a kind of unit of measurement of financial success.

All copyright repeats are stored in Russia, in state meetings: two works in the Tretyakov Gallery, one in the Russian Museum and one in the Hermitage.

Black Square and Suprematic Renovation

"Suprematism is so strict, absolute, classic, solemn, that only he can express the essence of mystical sensations," he wrote one of the student artist.

Malevich wrote that art makes an effort with the help of ritual stand up with death"; What can only be suprematism, which " so absolute .. that he can express the essence of mystical sensations. He is completely next to death and wins it": 617. The essence of the Suprematic ritual is to approve the secret of death, its greatness and incomprehensibility, its high meaning. The basis of the new rite was supposed to be established on the grave " cube as a symbol of eternity "," white cube with a square. He does not argue with either nature, nor with the forest, nor with heaven<… > Found an absolute form that cannot develop, move" The Suprematic sense of space binds together the perfect static Cuba with the same nature in its eternal basis - earth and sky. Therefore, Malevich bequeathed to bury his dust surrounded by nature, among the open space.

Sappramatic sarcophagus was made, with the image of a black square and a circle. From the image of the Black Cross, artists who painted the coffin - Nikolay Suetin and Konstantin Christmas - refused: " We painted it, put a square and a circle, and the cross did not do, because it would sound like a funeral too definitely like a religious symbol.": 303,506,510,512.

Malevich wanted to be buried in the coffin of a special sample, he mentioned " northern Cross", about " the gesture of open hands, with which you need to take death, sprain on the ground and opens the sky so that the figure takes the shape of the cross" But the joiner, who manufactured the coffin on a special order, refused to be carried out due to technical difficulties: 303,617.

K. S. Malevich believed that the best thing he wrote in his life is a "black square." It is not surprising that this work took the most important place at the funeral of the artist. Mourning procession Malevich's funerals emphasized the unconditional meaning of the "black square" in his life. On a civil servant in Leningrad in the head of the coffin on the wall hung "Black Square" (option 1923). The Malevich's body was covered with white canvas with a black square on it. On the cover of the coffin on the head of the head was drawn "Black Square". During the funeral procession, in the Nevsky Prospectus from the sea street to the Moscow railway station, the Sarcophagus was installed on an open truck platform with an image of a black square on the hood. On the train car transported Malevich's coffin to Moscow, a black square was drawn, on a white background, with a signature - K. S. Malevich. In a civil servant in the Don Monastery in Moscow, "Black Square" was reinforced on the podium, among the colors: 23-24.

The Suprematic coffin was sent by train to Moscow, where K. S. Malevich was cremated. Malevich in the act of cremation of the dead saw the embodiment of one of the principles of Suprematism - savings, but above all - "cosmic spectacle", confirmation of the idea of \u200b\u200bfreeness: 617. His dust burned in the field, next to the village of Nemchinovka. In the field above the grate of the artist, according to "Suprematic rituals", a suprematic white wooden cube with an image of a black square was supplied: 513. In the Great Patriotic War in 1941-1945 The grave disappeared, but photographs of 1935 were preserved. Currently, the residential complex is built on the site of the artist's burial.



Throughout the XX century, a whole building of works was created, one way or another sending to the "black square". Black square appears in the pictures and pictures written by artists who made up Malevich's circle working in his system: Ivan Kluz, Olga Rozanova, Nadezhda Udaltsova, Lyubov Popova, El Lisitsky, Lev Yudin, Tatyana Glebova, Konstantin Christmas, Nikolay Suetin, Vladimir Sterligov and Alexander Rodchenko; as well as in the works of Vasily Kandinsky.

In the second half of the 20th century, the square is cited in the works of Ivan Chuikova, Edward Steinberg, Leonid Sokova, Viktor Pivovarova, Yuri Zlotnikova, Oleg Vasilyeva, Vladimir Viderman, Vitaly Komara and Alexander Melamim, Vladimir Nemukhina, Vadim Zakharov, Timur Novikov and many other Russians and Foreign artists: 29-39.

The influence of Malevich after his death turned out to be more visible in the West, and not in the Soviet Union, where abstractionism and formalism were crowded under the leadership of the Communist Party. As Stalin's power strengthened, the Avangard lost all the support of the authorities, preference in the visual arts was given to the direction called in 1932. Socialist realism. After the death of I. Stalin, there were some signs of more free self-expression in the artistic environment, but visiting N. S. Khrushchev exhibitions of avant-garders on December 1, 1962 in Maneza, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Moscow Department of the Union of Artists of the USSR, with All the consequences showed that time for abstract art in the USSR did not come. "Art refers to the sphere of ideology. And those who think that socialist realism, and formalistic, abstract flows can peacefully be resting in the Soviet art, and formalistic, abstract positions of peaceful coexistence in the field of ideology, "wrote Comrade N. S. Khrushchev in the Soviet Culture newspaper April 16, 1964.

In such harsh conditions, from the thirties to the end of the seventies in the USSR, no work was put on the show by K. Malevich. It is not by chance that the exhibition Paris-Moscow 1979 and Moscow-Paris 1981 with a show of some works by K. Malevich from museum stoves produced Furore. The Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU L. Brezhnev himself was visited by the exhibition in Moscow, and many Soviet people saw Chagal, Kandinsky, Malevich, and others. Avangandists in the original could compare them with French artists. The works of Western abstractionists Soviet artists and lovers of fine arts could earlier could be viewed only in foreign magazines and albums that hardly fell into their hands. Obviously, many have become that K. Malevich inspired the avant-garde in the West, not only did not lag behind, but largely anticipated him. Malevich as an artist was partially rehabilitated in their native country, the ideological ban was gradually filmed from him. True, after the death of L. Brezhnev, a short-term stay as of the Secretary General Y. Andropov, and then K. Chernenko was marked by the twisting of the nuts, including in the field of art. Only during the years of Gorbachev "Perestroika" the first large retrospective of Malevich took place, an exhibition called "Kazimir Malevich. 1878-1935 "- Fuck in Leningrad (10.11.-18.12.1988) and in Moscow (29.12.1988-10.02.1989), and then in Amsterdam (5.03.-29.05.1989). The large-scale show of the "Black Square" and other works by Malevich became a sign of the publicity policy of the Gorbachev Perestroika, which actually began in the sphere of public and cultural life.

Although Malevich knew in the West, many of his original paintings had fallen into foreign exhibitions only after the collapse of the USSR. The first "black square" (1915) from the Tretyakov Gallery went to the Western Exhibition only in 2003. Then the exhibition took place in Berlin, New York and Houston Kazimir Malevich: Suprematism . In 2006, Barcelona held a retrospective exhibition of Kazimir Malevich with more than 100 works, including the Black Square, Black Cross and Black Circle. In 2007, the exhibition was held in Hamburg, entirely devoted to the influence of the "Black Square" Malevich. Cm.: Das Schwarze Quadrat. Hommage An Malewitsch. . In addition to the work of Malevich himself and its contemporaries, the works of Western European and American artists were widely represented there, which had an influence of the CC Malevich after 1945. In 2008, an exhibition in Luxeburg took place " Maleewitsch und sein einfluss "(" Malevich and his influence "). In October 2013, an exhibition was opened in Amsterdam Kazimir Malevich and The Russian Avant-Garde With the use of the image of the Black Square in the installation of the exhibition 1915. This exhibition in 2014 was also shown in Bonn and London. It was possible to look at the originals of the "black square" of 1923 and 1929 the exhibitions were associated with the catalog publishing, were captured by other ways, for example, Germans went with the chairs. The century of CC Malevich was devoted to the exhibition Adventures of the Black Square: Abstract Art and Society 1915-2015 which took place in London, in the Whitechapel Gallery Gallery 15.I.2015-6.iv.2015.

In 2014 (1.III-22.VI), an exhibition was held in the Swiss city of Basel KASIMIR MALEWITSCH - Die Welt Als Ungegenständlichkeit. A 4.x.2015-10.I.2016 in Rien (adjacent to the Basel and part of Paiselle Basel) held an exhibition that repeats the St. Petersburg exhibition "0.10" in 1915: AUF DER SUCHE NACH 0.10 - Die Letzte Futuristische Austellung Der Malerei . True, out of 154 objects exhibited in 1915, the Swiss managed to collect only part, but these are not copies, but the real originals! In total, 58 facilities are displayed in Rien. Malevich, however, only in the 1929 version of 1929, due to a fragile state in Moscow, they decided not to send a temporary exposure. For more information, see: Zurück Zur Geburtsstunde der Abstrakten Malerei, to Basel, to Malevich | A Bâlet, Chez Malevitch and other posts in the press. Part of the pictures of the Swiss exhibits were on the Internet, including the archival photograph of K. Malevich, together with Olga Rozanova and Ksenia Boguslavskaya at the exhibition "The Last Futuristic Exhibition of Pictures" 0.10 "", made in 1915. The original photo is in the Russian state archive of literature and art, and the picture shows how Malevich looked exactly when the public first met his black square. The newspaper "Neue Zürcher Zeitung", in turn, published in the network of 13 paintings of the Riena exhibition. In parallel in the halls nearby there was an exhibition called Black Sun. devoted to the influence of Malevich and the century of his "Black Square". The exhibition featured the work of 36 artists 20 and early 21st century, mainly western.

About 70 works K. Malevich were presented in the exhibition Malevič , held 2.10.2015-24.01.2016 in the Italian city of Bergamo. Some of his work also hung in the exhibition WIE LEBEN? - Zukunftsbilder Von Malewitsch Bis Fujimoto which took place in Ludwigsgafene (Germany) 5.XII.2015-28.III.2016. A 26.II.2016 in Vienna (Austria) an exhibition opened Chagall Bis Malewitsch. Die Russischen Avantgarden. . The exhibition with a similar name 12.VII.2015-06.IX.2015 has already been held in Monaco: De Chagall à Malévich, La Révolution Des Avant-Gardes . In turn, 9-11.VI.2016 took place for Malevich's days in Kiev with a statement that Kazimir Malevich is the most famous Ukrainian in the world. Received a proposal, which was reported through the mass media: the main airport of Kiev wants to name in honor of the author "black square".

Famous fakes

In the 1990s, the American collector and gallery player Boris Gribanov, in the 1970s condemned in the USSR for 10 years for trafficking fake paintings, made an attempt to sell the Minsk Museum "Copyright" "Black Square". The museum applied for advice to art historian Milda Vikturina, the expert conclusions of which in his time became the basis of the evidence base for the condemnation of Gribanov, and refused to have funganov in the purchase.

see also

  • Alfons Alla, a picture "Battle of blacks in a cave of deep at night."


  1. Malevich Kazimir Severinovich. Black suprematic square. 1915 canvas, oil 79.5 x 79.5 (Neopr.) . State Tretyakov Gallery. Caption date on May 24, 2017.
  2. Shatski A. S. How many "black squares"? // Problem copying in European art. Materials of the Scientific Conference 8-10 December 1997 / Russian Academy of Arts. - M., 1998.
  3. Goryacheva T. Picture Malevich car and lady. Colorful masses in the fourth dimension. "Birth of a sign." // Russian avant-garde. Personality and school. - St. Petersburg., 2003. - P. 22.
  4. Kazimir Malevich. Letters to M. V. Matyushin. Text preparation and introductory article E. F. Kovtuna. // Yearbook of the handwritten department of the Pushkin House for 1974 L.: 1976. - P. 177-196.
  5. Kovtun E. F. The victory over the Sun is the beginning of Suprematism // "Our Heritage". - № 2. - 1989
  6. Victory over the Sun // Encyclopedia of Russian Culture.
  7. 98 years ago Malevich wrote a picture "Black Square" // Chelny Ltd, 06/21/2013.
  8. Goryacheva T. Almost everything about the "black square". / Adventures "Black Square". - St. Petersburg: State Russian Museum, 2007.
  9. The word "Suprematism" first appeared on the cover of the Brochure K. Malevich "from the cubism to suprematism. New picturesque realism "1916
  10. Extract from PUNI Malevich's letter
  11. It is known that Malevich called one day "Naked Icon Without Frame" Ichin Cornelia. Suprematic reflections Malevich about the subject world // Questions of philosophy, 11/10/2011
  12. On the fate of the painting "Black Cross" see Mikhail Mailah. Theft of the century, or the perfect crime: Hardzhiev against Yangfeldt //, 12.04.2012.
  13. Chernyshenko A. V. Parallels. Black on white. - M.: Zhard, 1979. - P. 159.
  14. (Neopr.) . Meduza. Candle date February 29, 2016.
  15. "The work of Almons himself Alla is a kind of joke. As for this inscription, I'm not at all sure that Malevich seen directly and knew this picture of Alfons Alla. Maybe he heard about her from someone from his friends, especially there are some indirect data on what Larionov knew about her in 1910. Malevich in those years, in particular in the 10th year, communicated with Larionov and, maybe he could hear something about her. It is unlikely that he could see her, because I'm not sure that she was generally published at all. Maybe in France she was printed in some newspaper or in a magazine, but the 80s of the XIX century were, and it was unlikely to be reproduced somewhere in decent quality. In any case, in the Russian press she was not published. Therefore, maybe Malevich heard about her from Larionov, but did not see her. "
  16. Under the "Black Square" scientists found a color image (Neopr.) . Culture. Caption date November 13, 2015.
  17. Scientists found out that Malevich added to the "Black Square" chalk // The Art Newspaper RUSSIA
  18. Goryacheva T. Almost everything about the "black square". / Adventures "Black Square". - St. Petersburg: State Russian Museum, 2007. - P. 9.
  19. Ibid, pp 9.
  20. Malevich K. S. Sob. Og 5 t. M. 1995. T. 1. C.187- 188. See also Commentary by D. S. Likhacheva: "... (Malevich) wanted to create some picturesque alphabet, starting it from a black square, then gradually her complicated by color (red, yellow, etc.) Then expanding the experiment with a violation of a square shape: pulling one of the corners "
  21. Malevich about himself. Contemporaries about Malevice: in 2 tons / comp., Intr. Art. I. A. Vakar, T. N. Mikhenko. - M.: RA, 2004. - ISBN 5-269-01028-3.
  22. Footnotes error: wrong tag ; For footnotes

The painting "Black Suprematic Square", located in the Tretyakov Gallery since 1929, hung upside down. Only after 86 years, art historians managed to find out. /website/

An ambiguous picture of Kazmeir Malevich "Black Square" for 100 years already is the subject of the dispute of art historians. Now she was also in the center of the scandal.

Research and discovery

Museum staff conducted a study of the picture using X-rays and microscopic analysis and found out that under the image of the square there are two other pictures.

While the researchers cannot determine what is drawn on the first two pictures. It also remains unclear why the artist wrote his images on top of each other. Art historians believe that he could have no canvas. According to another version, the artist created a black square based on the previous composition, gradually reworking it.

In the study of the painting of scientists was waiting for another discovery. It turns out that the picture had an inscription. It turned out to be elated, but with the help of a microscope managed to see part of the letters. Art historians are also confident that the handwriting in the picture without doubt belongs to Malevich.

The inscription reads the "Battle of Black Night". "Battle" is read perfectly, in the word "blacks" you can disassemble two letters in the middle, only the "Yu" is clearly read.

What makes ambiguous art

When deciphering the inscription experts, another sensation was waiting - all this time "Black Square" hung upside down. This is the location of the inscription.

The mysterious inscription is a reference to the most famous picture of the Frenchman Alfons Alla, which was called the "Battle of Blacks in the Cave of Deep At Night". Also, the Frenchman wrote an absolutely white picture "Malokrovnoe girls, going to the first part in the snowstorm" and the Red "Apoplexic Cardinals, collecting tomatoes on the banks of the Red Sea." Previously, art historians did not associate directly Malevich and Alla.

Total Malevich is written four "black squares" - original and three repetitions. The original hangs in the honorary center of the Suprematic Hall in the Tretyakov Gallery. At the same time, the museum staff noted that the art of the XX century is visited very badly. About 4,500 people per day come to this building to look at the other artist - Valentina Serov.

The third "square" is also located in the Tretyakov Gallery. The second is exhibited in the Russian Museum, the fourth - in the Hermitage. The success of this primitive and non-original work is shrouded in secret. However, now the picture has been the popular and discussed and estimated at $ 20 million.


Experts revealed the secret of the famous artwork, finding two hidden paintings under the work of Casimir Malevich "Black Square".

The artist himself was puzzled by the final result of his work. " I could not sleep or eat, and tried to understand what I did - but could not", - he said.

The meaning of the picture "Black Square" Malevich

The meaning of the "Black Square" was also revealed. Researchers stated that they were finally able to decipher the inscription in the picture, which is believed to be made by the artist's hand.

She says: " Battle of blacks in a dark cave"However, they added that they were practically confident in this, despite the fact that there were uneashed three letters between" H "and" OB ".

Apparently, this is a reference to an earlier work of a black square " Battle of blacks in a dark cave deep at night"French writer and humorist Alfons Alla, written in 1897. If so, then Malevich's picture is a kind of painting. dialogue with french painting.

Casimir Malevich, who was the founder of geometric abstract art at the beginning of the 20th century, founded the direction in the art known as suprematism In 1913.

The picture "Black Square", which is presented in the Tretyakov Gallery, was written in 1915. Later Malevich created another two versions.

The second "black square" is triptych, which also has a "black circle" and "Black Cross".

The beginning of the twentieth century, France. World War I. Scientific and technical progress. In such a radical time, avant-garde appears - a set of currents, which change the essence of art radically, produce a revolution in it, in parallel to the complete change of traditions in society. Culmination of the vanguard reaches in Russia through abstractionism.

Abstractionism is the avant-garde course, the most ambiguous among the others. Henri Matisse, a French artist and sculptor, somehow uttered the phrase, which became the key to understanding impressionism and avant-garde to the question: "Accuracy is still not true".

If you explain abstractionism briefly, it is painting without recognizable images. It is color and geometric and strives for a certain idea - the liberation of color and form from subject reasonableness, motivation. Just look around and understand that the abstraction is everywhere. Pure blue sky. We look upstairs and see only color. Sunset. Glare and shadows are color and geometry. Sea. Forest. Even wallpaper, table. All this abstraction.

Classic artists, such as Ilya Repin and Ivan Shishkin, color and geometry attracted things to the world, depicted them in objects, objects. Abstract painting is created by another principle, on the principle of color harmonization and form as they are.

It all started with Vasily Kandinsky and Casimir Malevich, we will talk about them today and talk.

In 1910, Kandinsky drew a picture « Cossacks » . Before the abstractionism remains half a step.

Later, Kandinsky decides, on the example of this plot motive, finally break away from the imagery and draws a picture « Improvisation 26. » . He not only removes the image of the Cossacks, at home, rainbow, but also removes a label from the picture - now it is not the Cossacks, it's just improvisation. Tips who and what can be in the picture is not.

The name is now blurry, blurred and categories. Why is it going on? Because the name usually interferes to understand the picture, pursues the search for images, associations. And the artist-abstractionist is trying to go away from the image. It is necessary to see only color.

Kandinsky wrote a brochure "On spiritual in art", reading which, abstractionism, as a phenomenon, will become more understandable.

Malevich Abstractionism called in his own way - Suprematism (from Lat. Supremus - « the highest "). Before the famous Black Square, he went by minimizing objects in his paintings.

79.5 cm for 79.5 cm - absolute square. Malevich's picture is an avant-garde icon.

The biggest mistake in communicating with this picture - we look at it with the eyes that we look at the paintings by William Torner or Theodore Zherik (approx. Artists of the Romantic Epoch). « Black square "is not a picture, it is a manifesto enclosed in the shape of a black square. Here the admiration must be called the act of the artist - what he called this picture in 1915. After all, he painted absolutely nothing. The main thing is neither color, no paint, nor drawing, but the idea is the collapse of traditional art. « Black Square "sled the minds of the artists and rebooted art.

By the way, in music, too, there is a kind of "black square" - this is the famous play of the 20th century, which was written by John Cage and named "4:33". He went on stage, declared a work, sat down and exactly 4 minutes 33 seconds was silent. Many believe that this is anthem silence, but it is not. "4:33" is the natural sound of the surrounding world, the sound is in pure form, since the silence in the hall was constantly interrupted by rustling and shaking, some squeak, and even breathing. Cage thus told people that the sound should not be folded into the melody.

The art of abstractionism perceive is quite difficult, because it is very often you can hear exclamations from the series: "I can also draw a black square!". Yes, they can, but at that time Malevich made a huge and bold step forward, calling his ill-fated "black square" picture. It was a breakthrough, no one did before him. In the Black Square, you should not seek deep philosophical meaning. It's just "not a picture", which turned upside down the world of art from the legs, made a revolution and led the new generation of artists.