Bruni Fedor Antonovichurtina and biography. Value Bruei Fedor Antonovich in a brief biographical encyclopedia masterpiece Bruni F.A.

Bruni Fedor Antonovichurtina and biography. Value Bruei Fedor Antonovich in a brief biographical encyclopedia masterpiece Bruni F.A.
Bruni Fedor Antonovichurtina and biography. Value Bruei Fedor Antonovich in a brief biographical encyclopedia masterpiece Bruni F.A.

Bruni Fedor Antonovich (1799-1875)

F. A. Bruni is the son of the Swiss Italian, the "masters of a picturesque and sculptural business", which in 1807 moved with his family to Russia. In 1809, Fyodor Bruni was adopted in an educational school at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, then studied in the class of historical painting at A. E. Egorova and V. K. Shebuyev; Finished Ah in 1818

In the spring of 1820, at the invitation of Princess 3. A. Volkonskaya went to Italy, there a lot and seriously worked and early acquired fame. A major success brought him a picture "Death Camillas, sisters Horace" (1824). In this samples of the rigor of the style of the work of classicism, some features revealed to the artist with the art of romanticism. The features of romanticism appeared in other works of Bruni - in the "Portrait of 3. A. Volkonskaya in the Tancreda costume" (1820s), and especially in the picture "Vakhanka, Saying Amur" (1828), who differed with joyful sensuality. The artist could move on along this path, enriched by the fact that she brought romanticism, but Bruni remained at the positions of Academism.

Professional achievements of a young artist were rated, and he received a responsible order for copying for Ah two Rapiel's paintings in the Vatican. Believing in your strength, Bruni removed himself to create a great work, choosing an episode from the Old Testament for him - the history of the copper serpent delivered by Moses.

However, in 1836 he had to interrupt the work launched and return to St. Petersburg, where he and K. P. Bullov were appointed by professors of the 2nd degree in Ah. For teaching, he took enthusiasm, and students paid him devotion.

In early 1837, he performed the "Portrait of A. S. Pushkin on the mortal apparent", multiplied by lithography and received broadly fame. Nevertheless, the need to continue the work began forced him in 1838 to go to Italy and spend two and a half years there. The finished "Copper Zmiy" in 1841 was taken to St. Petersburg, where he had a rude success, comparable except with the Triumph of the "last day Pompeii" K. P. Bryullov. The mastery of the painter, who managed to build an expressive multifigure composition on a huge (565x852 cm) of the canvas, subordinate the drama of the plot light and the color, was undoubtedly, and the raid of some exaltation acted on the imagination of the audience. However, the picture belonged to yesterday's day - a staring and degenerate academism, and this with fatal inevitability determined the further fading of the major talent of the artist.

True, the life path of Bruni lasted as exactly as it began. "Copper Zmiy" was acquired for 70,000 rubles for the Hermitage (now located in the MRR), and his author received an honorary order for painting in another reeble St. Isaac's Cathedral. He inherent in good faith went to the case, visited Rome twice, gaining experience in monumental art. By 1845, the artist did all 25 paints of paintings and part of them did himself, and the execution of the rest was supervised personally.

Gradually, Bruni reached a high position: from 1855 he became a rector of ah. He constantly ended in various honorary commissions. But the painting was engaged in weight less and less, and in the last decade of life almost did not take into the hands of the brush. The artist was increasingly distinguished from people, even from his own disciples, sometimes not seen his teacher for weeks. In addition, his positions of the zealous keeper of the basics of Academism gave rise to hostility to him in young people. In 1871, as a result of intrigue, he was forced to leave the post of rector and retained only the leadership of the mosaic workshop, they themselves organized. The last years of Bruni spent in the arrogant loneliness of a person who had long buried the best that he had in the soul.

Pictures of the artist

Self-portrait. 1810.

Bogman with a baby. Raising on the way to Egypt

Vakhanka, Singing Amur

Bruni, Fyodor Antonovich

Russian artist on historical and religious painting; Rod. In Moscow in 1800, † in 1875 in St. Petersburg. His father Antonio B., Italian, who moved to Russia, in the reign of Paul I, was a restorer of paintings and painter on the ceiling. His works performed in the Mikhailovsky Palace belong to the reign of Paul I; Subsequently, he was engaged in work in Moscow, commissioned by Prince Kurakina. There, June 23, 1800, his son was born, named Fidelio. At the eleventh year, a boy who has found great love for drawing, was defined at the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg, where he was under the guidance of Egorova, Ivanov (senior) and especially Shebuyev, who was his professor, actually in painting. For the first successes of the young B. was awarded a silver medal, and in 1818 he graduated from the course and received the title of the artist with the right to the Chin XIV class. His father, finding that the artistic education of the nineteen-year-old Fidelio was not enough, decided, on the advice of Shebuyev, send the Son to further improve in painting in Italy. The study of the exemplary works of old artists finally determined the direction of the young Fidelio renamed in Russia in Fedor, just as Brulyllow was named Broullov. Having written several pictures, B., who had not reached another 22 years, began for the first big picture ("Death of Camillas, Sisters Horace"), which in 1824 was exhibited in the Capitol and delivered its considerable fame to the author; In St. Petersburg, she appeared only after 10 years, and for her B. received the title of academician. The works of the first stay B. in Rome include: "St. Cecilia", "St. Family", "Vakhanka, Saying Amur", "Dating T. Tasso with Sestroy", "Our Lady with an eating baby", "Sleeping Nymph" and A few more paintings and portraits. In addition, B. wrote copies from two frescoes of Raphael: "Exile or Iodore from the Jerusalem Temple" and "Galatia". In addition, the period of activity B. includes four large images: "Our Lady with a baby in the hands of", "Savior in Heaven", "Annunciation" and the famous "prayer about the bowl" - a picture in the Hermitage. At the beginning of the thirties, B. began writing a colossal picture: "Erecting Moses Copper Zmia", but before it had time to finish, was called from Rome to Petersburg for works in St. Isaac Cathedral and for teaching at the Academy of Arts. He arrived in Petersburg in 1836, wrote several images for two years and made a large picture of the "cover of the Most Holy Virgin" for the altar of the Kazan Cathedral. In 1838, he found it possible to return to Rome, and wrote there "Pokrov" and graduated in 1840 his great work: "Copper Zmiy", which produced an unusually strong impression in Rome. Next year, this picture was transported to Petersburg and exhibited in one of the hall of the Winter Palace. All printed reviews of the time about this painting were filled with almost limitless praises to this work, in fact, the wonderful composition and arrangement of groups, according to the typical and expression of figures and individuals, according to a common color, although far from brilliant, but the corresponding content of the Terrible Biblical Event. In this picture B. showed all its deep, academic knowledge of the drawing in full strength. In one of the hall of the Russian school in the Hermitage "Copper Zmiy" is located next to the picture K. Bryullova - "Last Day Pompeii".

Going to the third time in Italy, B. Engaged in the cardboard of those pictures that he had to subsequently write on the walls of St. Isaac's Cathedral. In 1845, he brings 25 cardons to St. Petersburg, which were in Rome the subject praise of art connoisseurs; Some of them were filled with Fresco in Isaac. Cathedral themselves B., other various artists under his personal leadership. At the Attika Cathedral are: "Creation of the World", "World Flood", "Savior, Handing the Apostle Peter the keys from the kingdom of heaven," "The phenomenon of the Lord Apostles on Sunday." In the middle of the attic: "Creator, blessing everything created", "St. Spirit in the Sonsommon Angels"; At the ceiling: "Introduction of the original son in the universe", "The Second Coming of the Son of God", "Properties on the bone" and "Faughters created by the blesses of the star, praise the whole angels." The execution of the listed works was completed in 1853, but, besides them, B. managed to write an iconostasis for the Orthodox Church in Stuttgardt. Being appointed in 1849 by the Keeper of the Art Gallery of the Hermitage, he made her with love; Twice it was sent abroad to buy paintings served to replenish the Hermitage Gallery. In 1855, B. took the place of the rector at the Academy of Arts on the Academy of Painting and Sculpture, and in 1866 passed to his maintenance and mosaic department at the Academy. B. was extremely hardworking and fruit, which contributed, of course, and permanent support to orders from the government and individuals. In addition to historical and religious paintings, B. also wrote portraits, - the latter, however, a little. His main force was in the composition and correctness of the drawing; In his paintings there is a lot of academic knowledge, which was replenished with the artistic content, and often feeling. His "prayer about the cup" depicts Christ, complete grief and the foregoing of waiting for his suffering and produces a strong impression; The repetition of this painting made by B. is located in the Church of the Academy of Arts. His "Vakhanka and Amur" carries out at all in another world and full of passionate ballasts; This picture is written and gently. It is very worthy of regret that its often grand compositions located in St. Isaac's Cathedral suffered greatly from time to all other, written there on the walls. In the last years of his life, B. was engaged in writing cardboard for the images of the Savior Temple in Moscow. To the list of his work given above, it is necessary to add three more thirty-sheets of drawings from Russian history, engraved with strong vodka (etching). Generally Activity B. It occupies an honorable place in the history of Russian painting, and the emergence of his works and K. Bryullov was the era in Russian art. Although in the life of B., other and new trends in Russian art began, but what he did was needed and taught a lot. The engraving was little popularized by Bruni's paintings. "Copper Zmiy" in the wood engraving was placed in various illustrated editions; "Death of Camilla" is reproduced only by contour engraving; "Praying about the bowl" lithographs goat and engraved Zakharov; "The Mother of God, sleeping with the baby's awake on her knees" was engraved on steel and placed in the book: "Pictures of Russian painting" V. Kupuller (St. Petersburg, 1846).

There is only one more or less complete biography of Bruni; She was written by A. I. Somov and was placed in an illustrated magazine "Bee", ed. A. Prahova (St. Petersburg, 1875, 35). The portrait of B. engraved on the tree is attached to the tree, very resembling a serious and thoughtful face of this talented artist. At the Academy of Arts there is a gypsum cast from his bust, winged in 1862 by F. Kamensky, and a portrait written by oil paints, Yakovlev's work. From Pupils B. Especially talented was K. D. Flavitsky, the author of the painting "Princess Tarakanova", now located in the gallery of P. I. Tretyakov in Moscow. Premature death did not give well to determine this processive artist.

F. Petrushevsky.


Bruni, Fyodor Antonovich

(Fedelio Bruni) - Son of the Swiss Floor Painter; Rod. In Moscow on June 23, 1800. Pupil Acad. art.; At the end of the course went to his account in Rome. In 1834, for the picture: "Death Camilla", made academician. In 1840, he cumshot "Copper Zmia", from 1845 he performed an image for the Isacievsky cathedral. From 1855 to 1871, consisted by a rector of painting and scratching; From 1866 he headed the mosaic department. Mind. 1875 in St. Petersburg. Bruni was engaged in engraving with a strong vodka in a cardboard manner (Cartonstich), i.e. with a semi-man. Portraits F.A. Bruni are engraved: they themselves, Kozlov, Shevchenko, Shamshinov and the method of collars. Writished Yakovlev is located at the Academy of Arts. There is also a gypsum bust of it, the work of Kamensky. - His work engravings:

1. St. Family and St. Elizabeth, with its own drawing. Figures generated; Grav strong vodka (without any signature), in Rome in 1824. The board is Y G. Bruei (Son); In 1879, they made new prints from her. 8 x 7.10½ *.

2. St. Family; Another sheet smaller. Baby xp. Standing and stroking the Lamb, the Mother of God supports Christ, John stands, caclining the knee, Joseph reads away; In the clouds of 5 angels. 3.7 x 5.3½. On the instance of E. Tevyashov in the left corner of the monogram F.A. Bruni, A in the instance of E.E. Reiter not against her in the right corner the entire signature of it is visible.

3. Trinity; On the instance of E.N. Tevyashova, in the right corner of the board made a signature with pen of Bruni (F. Bruni). 7.11 x 9.6.

4. Two Roman warrior; The first in the helmet, standing on one knee, the right hand throws up the core, and the left is covered with a shield; Another warrior, in a simple cap, is also standing on the knees, supports the hands of the first. Grav strong vodka, without any signature; 7.7½ x 7.6½.

5-14. Ten sheets performed on the order of the Society for the Promotion of Artists, with a capital sheet: "Essays of events from Russian history, and engraved by the professor of painting F. Bruni, with an explanatory text of Op. M. Rawdow. Published by the society of the promotion of artists. In St. Petersburg 1839 ; Two notebooks of 5 drawings are devoted to the emperor Nicholas I; The text is applied on 10 separate sheets; Pictures in a large length length, engraved in essays, with light shadows (Cartonstich). Copper boards with engraved Bruni themselves were transferred to the former treasurer of the company of promoting artists Savin, to cut signatures on them; After the death of Savina, they disappeared unknown where (Vaulin).

Notebook 1st: 1. The title picture depicts the Brune himself sitting on a chair reading a book that lies on his knees; Left open folder and Karamzin bust; Events and heroes are racing in front of him "air regiments." - 2. The vocation of the Varangian princes. - 3. The death of the Russian fleet near the tsoregraph. - 4. Arrival in Kiev bishop. - 5. The death of Askold and Dira.

Notebook 2nd: 6. The campaign of Oleg to Tsargrad along the Dnieper River. - 7. Oleg nails its shield to the gates of the Tsarope. - 8. Concent Oleg. - 9. The action of the fire of Greek during the deposition of Konstantinople Igor. - 10. The mission of Olga against the ambassadors of the Dawn.

The next 18 sheets of this series remained not published:

15. First Military Feat Svyatoslav II.

16. Killing Igor Drevlyans (Karamz. Per. Ch. Vi).

17. The young Kievian is notified by the pretice on the danger of Kiev, deposited by Pechenegs (T. I, Ch. VII).

18. Date of Svyatoslav with imp. Tsimischius (T. I, Ch. VII).

19. Baptism Olga (T. I, Ch. VII).

20. Epiphany Rus (T. I, Ch. IX).

21. "Vladimir, to kill Borislav diluted with a dusty, throws his sword with a touching action of his son (T. I, Ch. IX). Brun. Rome. This inscription is made by Brune's personnel on the etch.

22. The first Christian martyrs in Kiev (T. I, Ch. IX).

23. Killing Boris (T. II, Ch. I).

24. Favorite Congress by Prince chaired by Vladimir Monomakh (T. II, Ch. I).

25. Nestor Chronicler (Same).

26. Dazzliva Vasilka (Same).

27. Killing Andrei Bogolyubsky (T. III, Ch. I).

28. Failure of Igor Seversky.

29. Igor Seversky and Vsevolod Trubchevsky on Kaivere River.

30. Battle on the Sale, where Vladimir Monomakh broke Polovtsy.

31. The death of Oleg, crowded by the horses of Vladimir and

32. Beating a Polovtsy Embassy during Monomakh.

All these sheets without signature and without legends. Litography Bruni:

33. A.S. Pushkin. His sulfur image on a mortal apparent with a chest icon. Without a signature; Made in 1837; Printo on a large sheet (List of works of Bruni made by E.E. Reuter).


Bruni, Fyodor Antonovich

(Fedele Giovanni Baroffi Bruni) is a historic and portrait painter and engraver. Rod. In Milan in 1799, the mind. In St. Petersburg in 1875. Father B., Native of Italian Switzerland, Antonio Barofofio B. (Rod. 1767; Mind after 1826), he was educated in the Roman Academy of Arts and performed orders on decorative painting at home. Political unrest and war forced B. leave Switzerland and settle with family in Russia. Antonio B., consisting (from 1808) under the Tsarskoil Palaces as the "master of the stucco, picturesque and sculptural workshop," also taught the visual arts in the Tsarskoil Lyceum. In 1815, he received the title of academician. In 1817, he retired, and in 1820 he moved to Moscow, where he was engaged in teaching activities, worked in the Kremlin and KN. Kurakina. At home, in Mandriomo, his reliable pictorial work has been preserved. The only well-known work in Russia is the "Court of Paris" - a drawing, compounded in Puszynovsky style (Tretyakov Gallery).

Fedor Ant. Bruni was brought by the Father to Russia of Nine and a year later he was admitted to the Academy of Arts. After graduating from Shebueyev's class in 1818, went to Rome, where he got close to numerous. Colonia Rus. Pensioners' artists, as well as the KN family. PER. Volkonskaya(See), the portrait of which in the Tancred costume was one of the first time on his work. In 1824 B. put a huge picture in Capitol "Death Camillas, Sisters Horatiyev" (Rus. Museum). In 1826, she began overhaul - "Copper Zmiy", while working on copies from Rafael's frescoes. In 1834, the death of Camilla was exhibited in St. Petersburg, where the Academy of Arts was acquired, who won B. academician. In the spring, 1841 was completed by B. Picture "Copper Zmiy" and brought by the author to Petersburg. Working in Italy from late 1841 to 1845, the artist wrote a "prayer of the bowl" (Rus. Museum) and prepared a series of cardboard for painting St. Isaac Cathedral (ibid.). Returning to St. Petersburg, B. until 1858 is engaged in ungrateful work in St. Isaac's Cathedral, where dampness has eaten all painting. At the same time, B. actively works in the Hermitage, being appointed Guardian of the picture branch. In order to replenish the Hermitage Assembly, he traveled abroad twice (1850 and 1852). In 1845-53 B. fulfilled the plaffers for the Hermitage. In 1855 he was appointed Rector of the Academy of Arts. In 1858, the artist received an order for the painting of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, fulfilled by his students in Venig and Pleshanov and the rewritten by Sorokin. From 1866 B. Headed the Mosaic Department of the Academy. In addition to the listed works, his "Vakhanka" is used by fame (Rus. Museum) and Madonna of the Spanking Meeting (Tretyak. Gal.) B. - the first and only rus. Prerafaelit. His creativity is connected with the early Florentine: Fra Beato Angeliko and Signorelli influenced the formation of his talent. B. Created a truly monumental style that did not receive in Rus. The art of further development. Talent B., Ch. arr., plastic. He built the architecture of his picturesque compositions from the bodies draped by folds. Landscape with trees and clouds is only a necessary background. The overall mood of compositions is expressed not so much by the facial expressions of persons, how much movement, underlined folding fabrics, mercye or calm. B. Museum Activities imposed a deep seal to the entire Hermitage Organization. The choice of paintings for art galleries, as well as composed by B. and his students "Description of the Hermitage" (1861) paint it as a large connoisseur of old painting. The influence of Bruni affected the early works of A. Ivanov, on the religious compositions of the GE and, to the strongest degree, in the works of Lomtev. From the immediate students closest to Him Flavitsky.

Encyclopedic YouTube.

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    ✪ Fedor Bruni Copper Fri

    ✪ Federico Bruni.



Fedor Bruni (actually his present name was Fidelio) Born on June 10, 1799 in Milan, in the family of the Swiss Italian, artist and restorer Antonio Bruni, who later, in 1807, arrived in Russia from Italy. Antonio Bruni in the reign of Paul I was a restorer of paintings and painter on the ceiling. There are his work performed in the Mikhailovsky Palace; Subsequently, he was engaged in work in Moscow, commissioned by Prince Kurakina.

Fedor at the age of ten entered the educational school at the Academy of Arts, was engaged in the direction of A. E. Egorova, A. I. Ivanova (senior) and V. K. Shebuyev.

For the first successes of the young Bruni was awarded a silver medal, and in 1818 he graduated from the course and received the title of the artist with the right to the Chin XIV class. His father, finding that the artistic education of the nineteen-year-old Fidelio was not enough, decided, on the advice of Shebuyev, send the Son to further improve in painting in Italy. The study of the exemplary works of old artists finally determined the direction of the young Fidelio renamed Russia in Fyodor, just as Brulyllow was named Broullov.

Having written several pictures, Bruni, who has not reached the age of 22 years, began for the first big picture ("Death of Camillas, Sisters Horace"), which in 1824 was exhibited in the Capitol and delivered its considerable fame to the author; In St. Petersburg, it appeared only after 10 years, and for her Brune received the title of academician.

The works of the first stay of Bruni in Rome include:

  • "St. Cecilia",
  • "St. Family",
  • "Vakhanka, Saying Amur",
  • "Date T. Tasso with sister",
  • "Our Lady with an eternal infant"
  • "Sleeping Nymph"
  • "Our Lady with a baby in the arms",
  • "Savior in Heaven",
  • "Annunciation" and the famous "prayer about the bowl" - a picture located in the Hermitage and a few more paintings and portraits. In addition, Bruni wrote copies from the two frescoes of Raphael: "The exile of orodore from the Jerusalem Temple" and "Galatia".

At the beginning of the thirties, the painter began writing a colossal picture: "Evidence of Moses Copper Zmia", but before it had time to finish, was called from Rome to Petersburg for work in St. Isaac Cathedral and for teaching at the Academy of Arts.

He arrived in Petersburg in 1836, wrote several images for two years and made a large picture of the "cover of the Mostly Mary" for the altar of the Kazan Cathedral.

Painting of St. Isaac Cathedral

Work in the Hermitage

In general, Bruni's artistic activities occupy an honorable place in the history of Russian painting, and the emergence of his works and K. Bryullov was an era in Russian art. Although in the life of B. began other and new trends in Russian art, but what he did was needed and taught a lot. The engraving was little popularized by Bruni's paintings. "Copper Zmiy" in the wood engraving was placed in various illustrated editions; "Death of Camilla" is reproduced only by contour engraving; "Praying about the bowl" lithographs gantry and engraved Zakharov; "The Mother of God, sleeping with the baby waking on her knees" was engraved on steel and placed in the book: "Pictures of Russian painting" V. Kupuller (St. Petersburg, 1846).

More or less complete biography of Bruni was written by A. I. Somov and placed in the illustrated magazine "Bee", ed. A. Prahova (St. Petersburg, 1875, 35). The article is attached engraved portrait B. Portrait, very resembling a serious and thoughtful face of this talented artist. At the Academy of Arts there is a gypsum cast from his bust, winged in 1862 by F. Kamensky, and a portrait written by oil paints, Yakovlev's work. In addition to others, Fedor Kamensky trained, especially the talented was K. D. Flavitsky, the author of the painting "Princess Tarakanova", now located in the gallery P. I. Tretyakov in Moscow. Premature death did not give well to determine this processive artist.

Childhood and family Karla Bruni

Full maiden name to marriage - Karl Gilbert Bruni Tedeski.

The future first lady of France, model, singer and actress Karl Bruni Sarkozy on December 23, 1968 in the city of Turin (Italy) was born. Charlya family was musical. Mother Marisa Borini was a concertmester, Father Alberto Bruni Tedeski, Italian by origin, - an opera composer, and part-time industrial. The girl had a fairly warm relationship with her mother, and that his father was not her own, she found out only after his death. Karly's blood father - Businessman Maurizio Remert, with whom her mother had a rather long-lasting novel.

Also, Karla has a sister who became a popular actress, and brother, now he is busy in artistic activities.

Carla Bruni - Miss You

There lived the entire artistic family of Bruni in Turin, in the castle Piedmont, as long as it was safe there. Starting from 1974, the terrorist group that was engaged in the abduction of children appeared in Italy. Fear of the lives of their children, Brune's family moved from Italy to France. There, Charles went on his studies to the Swiss school, and also mastered the game on the guitar and the piano. After school, Charles Bruni entered the Faculty of Art's History to the Institute in Sorbonne, where he studied quite a bit, as the girl captured the model business.

Karl Bruni in the fashion world

In order to earn some money, the girl, not particularly counting on good luck, appealed to the advertising agency. An unexpected success was not long to wait. Thanks to the contract with City Models, Karl Bruni is on top of glory and is recognized as the highest paid model of the world. The first advertising campaign for which Karl starred was a photo session for the house of fashion Guess in 1988. And here he is, dizzying success. From customers there were no abundance. Everyone wanted to see Karl on their covers of magazines, photographic photographs, commercials. Proposed offers from the world's leading companies in Italy and France, working in the field of high fashion.

Experience came to Carlery, she was improved, and in his foot with time. Nobody managed to take the palm of the championship in her. Her photo first appeared on the cover of the VOQue magazine. There were also many years of contracts with companies such as Dolce & Gabbana, Prada, Givenchy, Cesare Paciotti, Christian Dior, Chanel, Maxmara. For 1994-1995 Karl Bruni received fees for a total of $ 7.5 million, which by the right assigned to it the status of the highest paid model of the world.

Karl Bruni really evaluated their capabilities and knew its price. She also understood that the world of fashion is very cruel and adamant, the slacks will not miss. To meet high quantities, she always kept himself in shape, led a healthy lifestyle, was engaged in swimming, it was always running 3 km every day, strictly followed the nutrition. The discipline was for Carla in the first place.

Karl Bruni - actress and singer

At the age of 29, having tried all the charms of glory and success in the model case, Charles Bruni makes the decision to leave it. And she did it in favor of a solo career. In 2003, Carl released his first debut album, in which most of the songs were written by Karla himself. The plate was called "Someone told me," and brought great success and popularity. Louis Bertinyak became producer of the release of the record. The popularity was stunning. Only in one France, the record broke up with a circulation of 800 thousand copies, and world indicators call the figure of 1 million copies! In this regard, in 2004, the singer Karl Bruni was awarded the title "Best Singer of the Year", the highest award on the sound recorder of France. A few years later, the second and third plates of Carla Bruni, in which the authorship of most compositions belonged to the ex-model. Music critics celebrated lyrical moods in Karla's music.

Also Karl Bruni tried herself as an actress, starring in 17 films. Among them, the Comedy "Paparazzi" (directed by Alain Berberian, Paparazzi, 1998), Fantasy "Midnight in Paris" (Director Woody Allen, Midnight in Paris, 2011).

Personal life Karla Bruni

The personal life of Carla Bruni, like any famous person, was also not ignored from the press and the public. Moreover, it sounds such names like Mick Jagger, Kevin Costner, Eric Clapton, and even Donald Trump, construction tycoon. And this is not a complete list of Karla's connections, there were also the names of famous French politicians, businessmen, professors. In 2003, Karla Bruni had the son of Orelian. His father, a beginner philosopher Rafael Entroven, younger than Karla for 10 years. She has started a novel after she interrupted the relationship with his father, the writer Jean-Paul Entroven.

It so happened that despite the birth of the Son, in 2007 a pair of Bruni Entroten broke up. And by the end of the same year, information about the novel of Karla Bruni and President of France Nicolas Sarkozy began to appear in the press. By that time he was already divorced with his second wife. In February 2008, a marriage was officially registered between them, which was the first in the life of Charlya and the third for Nicolas Sarkozy.

The presence of a stamp in the passport and the status of the first lady of France did not change the lifestyle of Karla Bruni. She continues to engage in solo and model career. Participates in advertising campaigns, filmed in for the covers of fashionable publications, produces albums. The only restriction in connection with the new status was for Karla's refusal of concert activities.

At the end of 2010, Father Father's Father officially confirmed the first lady's pregnancy information, and in November 2011, Charles Bruni gave birth to Daughter Julia. This event is still significantly the fact that for the first time in the history of France, a child was born from the current president of the country.

Little French Song Carly Brune - Lemag

Karl Bruni now

In 2012, Nicolas Sarkozy ceased to be president of France, losing Francois elections from the Socialist Party. Together with this Karl Bruni removed the responsibilities of the first lady. She again leads active activities in the world of show business and fashion, headed the Foundation for the Assistance to students and socially unprotected segments of the population. At the end of last year, again appeared for the cover of WOQUE, and in March 2013, he concluded a contract by the House of Fashion and Jewelry Bulgary, becoming a brand face.

Fedor Antonovich Bruni (1799-1875) - Russian artist of Italian origin, a representative of academic style.

Biography [ | ]

Fedor Bruni (actually his present name was Fidelio) Born on June 10, 1799 in Milan, in the family of the Swiss Italian, artist and a restorer, which later, in 1807, came to Russia from Italy. Antonio Bruni in the reign of Paul I was a restorer of paintings and painter on the ceiling. There are his work performed in the Mikhailovsky Palace; Subsequently, he was engaged in work in Moscow, commissioned by Prince Kurakina.

F. Bruni. Self-portrait, 1810th

Fedor at the age of ten entered the educational school at the Academy of Arts, was engaged in the direction of A. E. Egorova, A. I. Ivanova (senior) and V. K. Shebuyev.

For the first successes of the young Bruni was awarded a silver medal, and in 1818 he graduated from the course and received the title of the artist with the right to the Chin XIV class. His father, finding that the artistic education of the nineteen-year-old Fidelio was not enough, decided, on the advice of Shebuyev, send the Son to further improve in painting in Italy. The study of the exemplary works of old artists finally determined the direction of the young Fidelio renamed Russia in Fyodor, just as Brulyllow was named Broullov.

Having written several pictures, Bruni, who has not reached the age of 22 years, began for the first big picture ("Death of Camillas, Sisters Horace"), which in 1824 was exhibited in the Capitol and delivered its considerable fame to the author; In St. Petersburg, it appeared only after 10 years, and for her Brune received the title of academician.

The works of the first stay of Bruni in Rome include:

  • "St. Cecilia",
  • "St. Family",
  • "Vakhanka, Saying Amur",
  • "Date T. Tasso with sister",
  • "Our Lady with an eternal infant"
  • "Sleeping Nymph"
  • "Our Lady with a baby in the arms",
  • "Savior in Heaven",
  • "Annunciation" and the famous "prayer about the bowl" - a picture located in the Hermitage and a few more paintings and portraits. In addition, Bruni wrote copies from the two frescoes of Raphael: "The exile of orodore from the Jerusalem Temple" and "Galatia".

At the beginning of the thirties, the painter began writing a colossal picture: "Copper Zmiy", but before it had time to finish, was summoned from Rome to Petersburg for works in St. Isaac Cathedral and for teaching at the Academy of Arts.

He arrived in Petersburg in 1836, wrote several images for two years and made a large picture of the "cover of the Mostly Mary" for the altar of the Kazan Cathedral.

Since 1836, Bruni - Professor of the 2nd degree at the Academy of Arts. Among his students M. P. Botkin and Arseny Ivanovich Meshchersky.

In 1838, he found it possible to return to Rome, and wrote "Pokrov" there and graduated from 1840 his great work: "Copper Zmiy", which produced an unusually strong impression in Rome. The following year, this picture was transported to St. Petersburg and exhibited in one of the halls of the Winter Palace. All printed reviews of the time about this painting were filled with almost limitless praises to this work, in fact, the wonderful composition and arrangement of groups, according to the typical and expression of figures and individuals, according to a common color, although far from brilliant, but the corresponding content of the Terrible Biblical Event. In this picture, Bruni showed all its deep, academic knowledge of the drawing in full strength. In the Russian Museum "Copper Fri" is located next to the picture K. Brullova - "Last Day Pompeii".

Painting of St. Isaac Cathedral[ | ]

Vision of Ezekiel about the Valley of Bones

Work in the Hermitage[ | ]

In general, Bruni's artistic activities occupy an honorable place in the history of Russian painting, and the emergence of his works and K. Bryullov was an era in Russian art. Although in the life of B. began other and new trends in Russian art, but what he did was needed and taught a lot. The engraving was little popularized by Bruni's paintings. "Copper Zmiy" in the wood engraving was placed in various illustrated editions; "Death of Camilla" is reproduced only by contour engraving; "Praying about the bowl" lithographs gantry and engraved Zakharov; "The Mother of God, sleeping with the baby waking on her knees" was engraved on steel and placed in the book: "Pictures of Russian painting" V. Kupuller (St. Petersburg, 1846).

More or less complete biography of Bruni was written by A. I. Somov and placed in the illustrated magazine "Bee", ed. A. Prahova (St. Petersburg, 1875, 35). The article is attached engraved portrait B. Portrait, very resembling a serious and thoughtful face of this talented artist. At the Academy of Arts there is a gypsum cast from his bust, winged in 1862 by F. Kamensky, and a portrait written by oil paints, Yakovlev's work. In addition to others, Fedor Kamensky trained, especially the talented was K. D. Flavitsky, the author of the painting "Princess Tarakanova", now located in the gallery P. I. Tretyakov in Moscow. Premature death did not give well to determine this processive artist.

Gallery [ | ]

    Head of Christ in a ternswent.

    Head Madonna. Second floor. 1830s - 1840s. Hermitage

    Our Lady with a baby. 1823. Hermitage

    Our Lady with a baby. 1840-50. GRM

    Our Lady with a baby in roses. 1843. GTG

    Our Lady with a baby. 1858. Ivanovo Association of Art Museums

Notes [ | ]

  1. Rkdartists