Browser without advertising and pop-up windows. Methods that will help remove advertising in Yandex browser

Browser without advertising and pop-up windows. Methods that will help remove advertising in Yandex browser
Browser without advertising and pop-up windows. Methods that will help remove advertising in Yandex browser

I do not know how you, but I recently started using Yandex browser. I just didn't come out, sit, test him. The results are generally satisfied, it is quite short and there is no problem in use. I read the documentation, and in general the reviews on the forums, in many ways I agree that a copy of Google Chrome. But still Yandex went to such a step, and since people enjoy them, then the problem of advertising as always remains relevant.

All right, I will not pull, you probably already understood that we will say that today we will talk about

To begin withdrawing ways that can help us:

  1. Locking and protection against phishing and malicious programs.
  2. Using Adblock add-on.
  3. Using Adguard Supplement, to block pop-up windows, banners and various types of annoying elements.

Switching to viewing video, where the use of these methods is shown:

First you need to go to the browser itself. After that, in the upper right corner we find the "Configuration of the Yandex browser" button. Click on it and select "Settings" in the drop-down list.

After you have entered the settings, looking for personal data protection and put a tick "Include protection from phishing and malicious programs." It happens that this tick costs the default, it's good.

In order for the robot of your computer, you need to block the flash banners and video advertising to be blocked. Go to the settings, as already described above and find the add-ons tab. In additions, we are looking for such a name as "blocking flash banners and video" and click on.

Tepreyre Observer works on full and can fully interlock. In some cases, this method is enough with your head. The first possible way to protect against advertising, we used. Go to the next.

Using Adblock Add-on

If you want to use this add-on, then I recommend to disable the addition of "blocking of flash banners and video", which was written above.

To fully familiarize themselves with Adblock and how to install it on Yandex Browser, go to the article :. It is specifically that there was no many writing here allocated a full article under all browsers.

Using Adguard Supplement, to block pop-up windows, banners and various types of annoying elements

So we got to the third way, how can I remove advertising in Yandex Browser. On the Internet about this supplement, you can find a lot of interesting things. You can download both an addition and establish a whole program. By this method, namely, as I wrote a whole volume of becoming. Recommended to view and get acquainted

Since the Internet firmly entered our lives and advertising entered the Internet. Advertising is a sales engine, trade, so it is very much and it is diverse. Since a lot of annoying, viral advertising, then you have to look for ways to deal with it. And today we have considered such methods and dealt how to remove advertising in Yandex browser.

For a comfortable use of the Internet in this case, it must be disconnected by special ways.

Types of advertising

Depending on this, they interfere with a greater or lesser extent.

Where is the function of blocking such a material will be particularly comfortable?

For obvious reasons, the maximum obsessive advertising is posted on sites providing access to a free licensed content - so the owners of the resource pay off its value.

These are online cinemas, music catalogs for download.

Although the reasons for the placement by the creators of such content are clear, nevertheless, it sometimes interferes with the use of a resource. Therefore, you need to turn it off.


Why is it so important to turn off and block it if possible?

The presence on the site of a huge number of such content leads to:

Other negative aspects of the presence of a huge amount of advertising content in each user can determine for themselves.

Benefits of shutdown

What will happen if you still turn off advertising in the browser using special algorithms, functions and applications?

In addition, it is impossible to remove or block the advertisement located on the site legally, built into its code.

For example, we are talking about self-contained tapes on the edges of the screen, which are on many online cinema sites.

The activation of the blocker gives the following advantages:

  • More convenience of using the site;
  • Big protection against viruses (although, of course, not absolute);
  • Lower load on the browser and the central processor;
  • Accelerate page download.

Most importantly, blocking precisely semi-free advertising, which represents the greatest danger, as it often leads to sites containing malicious content. And with these blockers perfectly cope.

Types of disconnection

Depending on the algorithms of its work, the blockers operate in different ways. These are the most common:

In different cases, they can be combined and include additional elements for convenience.


Relief from it will help reset the browser settings.

With this method of use, plus in the fact that passwords, auto-complete forms, bookmarks and other are not lost - the features of the functioning of the browser, but not its contents.


The browser is well protected from the problem, but it also appears in the annoying content.

Make the following:

  • In the upper right corner, find the button with the image of three horizontal strips and click on it;
  • In the dropping menu, find the settings item and go to it;

  • The page will be updated - click on the free place and scroll down it downwards;
  • Find button Additional settings and click on it;
  • In the list of optional custom settings that opens, locate the settings reset and click on it;
  • Give confirmation by your actions in the pop-up window that opens;

  • Click the Reset button and wait for the procedure.
  • Restart the browser.


Since it has a motion, almost completely similar to chrome, the principle of disabling malicious extensions through resetting the settings here is the same:

  • Press the button with three vertical stripes and go to the setup item in the drop-down menu;

  • Scroll down and click on Show Advanced Settings;

  • At the bottom find the button Reset settings and click on it;

  • Give confirmation by your actions, wait for the end of the discharge.
  • Now restart the browser.


Firefox is protected from such a much lesser extent, because when using it, reset the settings - step primary importance.

Make the following:

  • Press the button with the image of three horizontal strips;
  • In the drop-down menu, click on the issue icon to call Certificates;
  • The help window opens - find the link in it Information to solve problems and open the section;

  • In the open section, find item Adjusting Firefox.;
  • Find the Clear Firefox button and click on it;
  • Give confirmation by your actions;
  • Wait until the end of the process and restart the browser.

Now the problem must be solved.


The principle is significantly different in the opera:

  • In the upper left corner of the program window, click on the menu button;
  • In the drop-down list, select Settings and go to it;

With a small speed of Internet connection, annoying advertising, popping up after each click, can strongly affect the speed of the user on the network. The transition to advertising sites and subsequent dozens of pop-ups annoying many owners of personal computers, tablets and smartphones.

Some users continue to travel via the Internet, without even thinking about how to block advertising in browsers, in the "Android" system and so on. In fact, in ten minutes you can forever get rid of pop-up windows, accidentally opening sites and similar interference.

How to block advertising?

The first way is how to block advertising in various browsers using internal program settings.

The second method is the use of extensions and additions for browsers.

The third way is to install specialized programs on a personal computer, tablet or telephone.

If the user has no desire to go into the details of how to block an advertisement by each of four ways, you can also stop at the first and second paragraphs. Built-in browser settings and additional extensions allow you to almost completely protect yourself from transitions to unwanted sites. It is also worth noting that for each of the configuration browsers are individual.

How to remove advertising in "Chrome"?

The user will be redirected to the browser settings page. Then, to understand how to block advertising in "Chrome", you must invoke the page to the end and click on the "Additional Settings".

The next step is to search for "personal data" on the page. Then you need to click on the "Content Settings" button. After clicking, the list will drop out where it will be necessary to mark the item blocking pop-up windows in the browser. Then it remains only to save the changes and restart the browser. So you can cope with such a task, how to block the pop-ups of advertising in "Chrome" without additional programs.

How to get rid of advertising in Yandex. Browser "?

The Russian browser is increasingly gaining popularity among network users. And here, as in "Chrome", you can block advertising using regular settings. Like in "Yandex. Browser "do it? Quite simple.

First you need to open the browser settings, the icon of which is in the upper right corner. Then go to the basic settings of the program.

Next, to understand how to block advertising in Yandex.Browser, just go to the "Personal data" tab. And the last step is to install the checkbox at the point that allows you to block advertising in the browser. Then you need to save the settings and restart the browser.

"Mozilla" without advertising

"Mozilla" is one of the most popular browsers in the world. It uses millions of network users. A chanterelle can work both on a personal computer and on a tablet and even smartphones. The data is easily synchronized using a single account.

But, like all the browsers, Mozilla is not protected from pop-up advertising. How to block annoying advertising in the browser without additional programs? This question is asked by many users.

The first step is to switch to the program settings through a specialized icon in the upper right corner. Then you need to click on the "Settings" button. Next, the browser will open before the user a new dialog box and with various parameters.

Here the user needs to go to the "Content tab" and set the checkbox at the point blocking the pop-up windows in the browser. After it remains only to save the changes and restart the program.

Remove advertising in Opera

Protect against pop-up advertising in "Opera" and without installing additional programs and extensions. To do this, you will need to open the browser menu by clicking on the "Opera" icon in the upper left corner. Then, from the proposed list, select the "Settings" item.

After that, in the window that appears, click on the "Websites" item and scroll to the Pop-up Popup Group. Next, set a tick at the item fully blocking pop-up windows in the browser. Save the settings and restart the browser.

It is also worth noting that Opera released a browser version in which the advertising blocking function is already built.

Adblock - Best Extension for Locking Advertising in Browsers

They annoy Internet users not only pop-up windows, but also advertising, throwing on third-party sites. To cope with this problem, the staff capacity of browsers, unfortunately, can not. In such cases, external expansion and additions, designed specifically for blocking advertising of this kind come to the rescue.

One of the most common extensions for browsers to get rid of advertising is Adblock. Find this supplement for any of the browsers is quite simple.

The user needs to open extension store for a specific browser. Enter the Adblock search string. Then open an add-on card, click on the Installation button and agree with all the requirements.

After that, the extension will be automatically downloaded and installed in the browser. The next step is to restart the browser. Next, you can notice a new icon that appears on the program settings row.

The main advantage of the expansion is the possibility of its disconnection, without complete deletion. Just click on the supplement icon and temporarily suspend its work.

Adguard for Personal Computer

But what to do if several browsers are installed on the computer, and I don't want to look for an extension for everyone. The answer is simple - install the program on a personal computer that will block advertising in all browsers immediately.

Adguard is a multifunctional program that combines all the necessary functions for quick and secure page viewing on the network. The program not only blocks hated advertising, but also gives the user many more pleasant additions.

You can download the program on the official Adguard website. Then you need to install it. Make it just - just follow the intuitive installation menu. And after a successful installation, enjoy safe surfing on the network.

Thanks to Adguard, the user can:

  • Do not worry about advertising, pop-up windows, banners and so on. Pages will be processed in the background, and before the user will appear in its pure form. At the same time, the download speed will be even faster than before installing the program.
  • Do not think about phishing online. Adguard will fully protect the user's personal data.
  • Install parental control. The personal computer will be blocked access to all undesirable sites.
  • No time to spend time on watching promotional videos on the most popular video hosting. The program will fully relieve the user from advertising on many sites of this kind.

Browsers without advertising

In addition to the methods of deliverance from advertising, you can download and install a browser that is already protected from it.

One of the most popular browsers without advertising is the brainchild ucoz. The "uranium" browser is distinguished by high data download speed, it does not spend the computer's prompt memory and blocks all types of advertising in open references.

The external interface is very similar to "Google Chrome". The same view of the menu and tabs. But the search algorithm is borrowed from Yandex. This product has not yet to the end relief from errors, but frequent updates suggest that the project is not abandoned. And, perhaps, soon he will take place next to the titans.

Another browser, fully blocking advertising - Avant. Developers argue that the program has a high speed of downloading pages already delivered from unwanted windows. Also, the program does not eat a lot of RAM. Users are given the opportunity to add pages and sites to the blacklist that are sent too much spam.

Below is a list of the best free adbokers. But none of them is ideal, therefore, it is most effective to use several solutions at once.

Types of advertising

When choosing the best blockers, we adhered to the following criteria:

  • Fully free;
  • Good user ratings;
  • You do not need to register an account for use;
  • Recently updated (over the past 12 months);
  • Implementation in the form of a plugin at least for one browser or operating system;
  • Blocks "media ads" (pop-up windows, banners, video, static images, wallpapers, text ads);
  • Blocks advertising in video (for example, on YouTube).

For testing blockers, we used several sites with various types of advertisements. Among them:,, YouTube and
At Orlando Sentinel, we found aggressive promotional formats that could not block most adbokkers. In fact, only a few of them effectively blocked all ads shown on ORLANDO SENTINEL.

We checked each of these free tools based on the specified criteria and put the evaluation. In addition, the adbockers listed below, with the exception of Stend Fair Adblocker, are open source software.

The best adambals - browser plugins and applications

The best option for blocking advertising is the installation of a specialized plug-in or using a browser with a built-in blocker. They interact with sites much more accurately than offline programs running on a computer in the background.

Stands Fair Adblocker
It is only available for Google Chrome browser. With this plugin you can block all types of advertising. But it is only available as an addon for a Google Chrome browser.
Stands Fair Adblocker is not intended to block promotional blocks, although it can be used for this. The developer company believes in fair advertising and encourages users who form white listings of ads shown on sites.

Fortunately, Stands perfectly copes with the blocking of the rest of the advertisement. Including aggressive advertising formats, demonstrated on ORLANDO SENTINEL. As well as media ads, video with automatic playback and ads on YouTube.

Rating: 7/7

Main advantages: Lock advertisements on Facebook and in Google search.

Works with: Google Chrome

Adbuard Adblock.
Adguard Adblock could block all types of ads. But the biggest disadvantage of this adboker is that all functions are available only in the premium version. At the same time, the difference between the versions of the blocker is explained only in reference documentation.

Many users have appreciated AdBuard Adblock. It was loaded over 4 million times and received high marks.
When we spent tested, it turned out to be one of the adbokers, which not only effectively blocked advertising, demonstrated on the Orlando Sentinel website, but also did not miss promotional frames with the word "Advertisement".

Rating: 7/7

Main advantages: Ability to transfer a white list to the blacklist.

Works with: Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Microsoft EDGE, Yandex.Browser.

Opera Browser.
One of the fastest and most productive browsers. He was one of the first who offered its users a built-in ad bocker.

After turning on the adblector in the settings, it blocks almost every advertisement with which you encounter. But the browser could not block the interdanish ads on the Forbes website (blocks of quotes that are displayed before the articles). Most other advertising blocks were blocked.
In addition, the Opera Adjoker, successfully blocked advertisements, demonstrated on Orlando Sentinel.

Rating: 7/7

Main advantages: Built into a popular browser, simple work with a white list.

Works: C Opera.

Adblock Plus.
It is the most popular software for blocking advertising with more than 10 million downloads only in the Google Chrome browser. This is a free open source project. Adblock Plus is the basis for many other free blockers.

By default, Adblock Plus is designed to block only those advertisements that are considered obsessive or potentially dangerous. Therefore, it requires additional configuration.
If you want to block most of the advertisement (including automatic playback of videos), in the settings you need to disable the "Allow some non-intrusive ads" parameter. But even in this case, ABP blocks not all.

Adblock Plus was one of the tools that could not do anything with an advertisement demonstrated on Orlando Sentinel. Unfortunately, even the "blocking of elements" function could not help. ABP is good and popular, but far from being perfect.

Rating: 6.5 / 7

Main advantages: The presence of anti-lock filter.

Works with: Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari, Yandex.Browser, IOS, Android.

ublock Adblocker Plus.
Unlike other Ublock Adblocker Plus tools is convenient in operation. Nevertheless, there are some things that the developer could have improved. For example, the site of the blocker is just a page with the title name and no additional information.

Block Adblocker Plus effectively blocks most advertisements, but still misses some of them. For example, it has not blocked automatic advertising playing on one of the sites.

When some advertisements were loaded, I used the "Locking" feature to block specific ads on the web page. For example, on ORLANDO SENTINEL, the blocking of the elements worked perfectly. And its use did not lead to a reboot of the page (as it was in the case of other adbokkers).

Rating: 6.5 / 7

Main advantages: Easy to use, the ability to block items.

Works with: Google Chrome.

ublock Plus Adblocker
The biggest drawback of this plugin is that it has an uncomfortable interface. There are several settings that are activated using switches. But most of the work is related to the digging in the parameters. Nevertheless, Ublock Plus Adblocker effectively blocked all advertisements, including video with auto start.

The main advantage of the plug-in - the presence of a large library of third-party filters. The tool also includes extended user settings that allow you to create your own content filters.
During testing, Ublock Plus Adblocker blocked most advertisements. But I could not do anything with the banner advertisement shown on Orlando Sentinel.

Rating: 6.5 / 7

Main advantages: Filters of elements and unsafe advertising.

Works with: Google Chrome.

Adblocker Genesis Plus.
If you used Ublock Origin or Adblock Plus, this plugin will suit you. Adblocker Genesis Plus is a form of other popular plugins. It uses the same basic source code, but it realizes the set of eigenfunctions.

Its user interface is slightly different, but the functionality of blocking ads is the same. The developer of the plugin claims that specially deleted the tracking code from the source code Ublock / Adblock Plus to ensure greater confidentiality.

This adblector has a high rating (4.34 of 5) based on more than 100,000 estimates. But I found that Genesis Plus blocks not all advertisements. On one of the sites, this plugin blocked simple media ads (, but could not block the media advertisement on ORLANDO SENTINEL.

Rating: 6/7.

Main advantages: No tracking code, simple button "White List", "Locking Item" button.

Works with: Google Chrome.

Adblock Ultimate.
Open source project. The tool allows you to fight most advertisements. When testing, he was able to block ads on YouTube and most media ads on sites. This adblector has high marks: 4.84 out of 5 from Google Chrome users and more than 600,000 installations.

The plugin could not cope with ads demonstrated on Orlando Sentinel. He did not block ads broadcast on this site. But for those who need to cut off only most of the advertisement, this is a good option. Unfortunately, the plugin has not been updated for more than a year. Because of this, his assessment was reduced.

Rating: 6/7.

Main advantages: Quick feature "blocking elements", allowing you to instantly block any advertisements.

Works with: Google Chrome.


This tool is suitable only for Firefox and is more like a script blocker, not an adbox. Noscript prevents download on the web pages of all types of scripts: JavaScript, Java, Flash and others. You can enable download certain types of scripts. But by default, the tool applies a rather "hard" filter.

As a result of his work, most media ads are blocked. Including aggressive advertising on ORLANDO SENTINEL, with which other tools did not cope. But Noscript does not block advertising in the video at all.

Rating: 5.5 / 7

Main advantages: Full blocking of scripts.

Works with: Firefox.

Why is there no Privacy Badger and Ghostery in this list?

You may have heard about popular Adbokers Privacy Badger and Ghostery. The fact is that these plugins are not designed to block advertising, but to refuse advertising and other elements of sites that violate the privacy of users. As a result, they both block certain types of advertisements. But first of all, the tools are aimed at protecting privacy.

This means that using any of these plugins, you will not see that advertisement in which you may be interested. In addition, they provide limited control over that advertising what type need to be blocked. And considering their "good advertising" policy, you cannot block a certain part of the ads at all.

Google Chrome AD Blocker

Despite the loud statements by Google developers, the built-in Chrome Adjoker is not capable of much. During his testing, we found that he misses almost all advertisements.
At the same time, the management of the built-in blocker is strongly limited. Even find a website on which advertisements have been blocked, turned out to be a problem. And since the Chrome Adjoker is designed to block certain types of advertisements, most of them are not intercepted.

Adjoker from Google looks like a fake. Perhaps his appearance forced some sites to remove especially obsessive advertising. But you will not be able to use this tool for a full blocking.

Note on the blocking of advertising and income sites

Users hate advertising for several reasons:

  • It can slow down the page load;
  • Many ads are intrusive and annoy;
  • Advertising often does not meet the interests of users;
  • Ads can interrupt view content (in particular, on streaming video sites, such as Hulu or Crunchyroll);
  • Many advertisements contain tracking code, which sends information about the behavior of the user to third parties.

The quality of the demonstrated advertising has become so bad that even Google began to use the Adbokker chrome in its browser. But Google's intentions. The company owns a large advertising unit and, most likely, Chrome does not block ads from Adsense.
The advertisements demonstrated by us have various disadvantages. And they can be used to distribute computer viruses with hackers.

Before installing any of the blockers, keep in mind that the sites that you attend are often relying on advertising income to survive. The profit received from the broadcast of advertising remains the main source of income for many Internet resources. In recent years, the use of adambalkers has led to a loss of income sites in the amount of $ 15.8 billion.
The "White List" is a good way to secure the sites that you like, getting an income from advertising. Even if you never click on ads, they all early receive income for watching advertising.

Translation of the article " 10 Best Free AD Blockers to Remove Ads and Popups"Was prepared by a friendly team team

The demand of plugins, "cutting" annoying Internet advertising, is steadily growing. According to the recent report of Adobe and Pagefair, more than 200 million people around the world are used by special expansions for browsers - 41% more than in 2014. On the five best browser add-ons that will help hide annoying banners, pop-up windows and another annoying advertising - in the selection of Westa.hi-tech.

Not every advertisement is bad. Unambiguous blocking deserve "Internet bugs", collecting information about the user's activity without its knowledge, flashing and pop-up windows that impede or distract from reading, as well as banners with a "bad" code that are embedded in the cookie browser to track movements Visitors from the site to the site. However, sometimes an advertisement show is the only way to earn an independent resource. So, if ads are harmless and do not interfere, it will not be superfluous to support the authors of your favorite sites and include them in the white list.

Before installing the blocker, we recommend Turn on the DO NOT Track (DNT) function in the browser. So you will give the site to know about your unwillingness to be tracked behavioral cookies that collect information about visited pages, purchases in online stores in search engines, etc. The inclusion of this parameter, however, does not mean that sites will immediately stop bothering you "aimed" advertising. While DNT is a recommendation. It only informs the sites about the desire of users to stop the surveillance, but does not give any guarantees that advertisers will execute this request.

Chrome.: Open the "Settings" → On the screen that opens, click on the "Show Advanced Settings" link (below) → In the "Personal Data" section, check the checkbox in front of the "Send Prohibition of Tracking with Outboard Traffic".

Firefox.: Go to "Settings" → Select the "Privacy" tab and place the switch opposite the item "to inform the sites that I don't want to track me."

Internet Explorer.: "Settings" → "Security" → "Send DO NOT TRACK requests" → Press the "Enable" button.

Opera.: "Settings" → Section "Privacy and Security" → Check "Send request" Do not track "with data".

Safari.: "Settings" → Click the "Privacy" → and check the donkey opposite "Prohibit Websites Track Me".

Adblock Plus.

ABP is the most popular and omnipresent AD-blocker with versions for both stationary and mobile devices. According to the statistics of the very startup Eyeo, based in Cologne (Germany), more than 60 million people around the world are regularly used by their product. ABP can block anything: banners and pop-ups, "hidden" cookies and other surveillance tools, suspicious domains, buttons and social networking widgets, as well as video advertise on YouTube or Facebook.

It is also possible to create your own lists of filters and permitted domains. ABP is available as an extension in all popular browsers: Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Internet Explorer, Safari, Maxthon, also in Yandex.Browser and Android devices.

After installing ABP, asks what other content, in addition to ads, must be blocked. If desired, the extension can prohibit access to potentially malicious domains, "cut" spyware-files and buttons of social networks that can also follow the behavior of the user.

ABP has one feature - the so-called "acceptable", or "permissible advertising". Developers do not hide that they receive from large partners (among them - Google, Amazon, Ehow, Yandex and others) fee for hitting the white list. In addition, to support independent authors, ABP can skip advertising on minor sites and blogs. However, filters are allowed to bypass "no more than 10% of companies", and users always have the opportunity to completely limit any ad. This can be done by removing the daw next to the item "Allow some unobtrusive advertising" in the adjustment settings.


Ghostery plugin specializes in deliverance not least from advertising, how many from "Internet bugs". By today's expansion day (the developers themselves call it a "privacy tool") aware of the existence of over 2 thousand trackers that can secretly collect information about user activity.


The DISCONNECT audience is relatively small (about a million users), and the addition itself has a not too beautiful interface, but it copes with its tasks. He has a number of unique features. For example, Disconnect clearly shows in the form of an interactive card, which sites receive notifications that you have visited an affiliate resource.

In addition, the plugin displays how many Internet traffic has been saved, and how much the web pages have grown. In general, Disconnect refers to the type of programs that can be simply "enabled and forget." If any elements stopped working (video on YouTube, Flickr photos), or the site is displayed incorrectly, you can always click on the icon with the letter D and remove the blocking of individual scripts.

Such flexible settings like Ghostery or Ublock does not have disconnect. For example, it is impossible to see the black list of all bugs - the company itself is formed. Extension is available in Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera.