Goddess Venus - Heart - Love - Catalog of articles - Love is unconditional. Venus goddess in mythology and real life Venus in art

Goddess Venus - Heart - Love - Catalog of articles - Love is unconditional. Venus goddess in mythology and real life Venus in art
Goddess Venus - Heart - Love - Catalog of articles - Love is unconditional. Venus goddess in mythology and real life Venus in art

The name of the Scythian "Aphrodites of Urania" (the heavenly goddess of love) must be read as artpas. With this reading in it, the root of "art", "Artem" - the same as in the name of the Greek goddess Artemis. But ... Artemis because not Aphrodite?

Is Herodota hurt? Nothing like this. Just in the ancient times of the Greeks have already managed to forget that there was no time Aphrodite,., Also Artemida!

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Aphrodite ("penniform"), in the Greek mythology, the goddess of beauty and love penetrating the whole world. According to one of the versions, the goddess was born from the blood of uranium, looked at the titanium by the titanium: the blood fell into the sea, forming a foam (in Greek - Afros).

Aphrodite was not only a patroness of love, which was reported by the author of the poem "On the nature of things" titles of Lucretia Car, but also the goddess of fertility, eternal spring and life. According to legend, she usually appeared surrounded by their usual companions - Nymph, OR and HARIT. IN...

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>> Venus - Goddess of Love, Spring and Fertility

Venus - Goddess of Love, Spring and Fertility

Divine, beautiful, ever-young Venus (in Latin Venus) At the beginning of the formation of the Roman Pantheon, was considered the goddess of spring, the life-giving spring start, when everything comes to life in nature, begins to grow again, the goddess of the magnificent flowering spring garden. Already after it began to be compared with Greek Aphrodite. So, gradually, Venus acquired many qualities and attributes inherent in Venus, and became the usual goddess of love and beauty for us. Also, the Roman people consider to be Venus with their grandfather, the roots of this confidence leave again in the identification of Venus and Aphrodites. According to the ancient mythology, Eney's Son Aphrodite, as everyone knows - the descendants of Aenea, the miracle of the Troy burning from burning in the will, founded Rome. It is not difficult to hold a parallel, this is another of the fundamental factors of special reverence of the Romans of Venus. Of the most famous architectural masterpieces of the Roman era in honor of Venus - the Sicilian Temple. Her eternal satellites and symbols - hare and pigeon, the vegetation world gave up Venus Rose, Mak and Myrt.

Birth of Venus

Venus, QUOD AD Omnes Veniat, the famous Roman saying: "Venus - because it comes to everything." Mark Tauli Cicero in labor "about the nature of the gods" was used to substantiate his vision of the origin of the Venus. The assumptions of etymology named Venus is not one. In many Roman phrases, the name of Venus could use as a synonym for any fruit, the fact that they gave birth and gave the earth, this allegory is associated with the very first definition of Venus as the goddess of spring and flourishing gardens. One of the common literal translations named after Venus is the "mercy of the gods", isn't it true? If you deepen in linguistics and search for roots in distant history, you can find sources for the word in Sanskrit, on which Vanas will mark the desire, Vanita - Beloved. Both words are ideal for what to become etymological roots named Venus. Do not forget later by the Roman word Vinia - the mercy of the gods, which has already been said. All hypotheses are worthy, with a logical substantiation and constant delicate taste of femininity, charm and romance, philologists cannot give preference to one theory, so the issue of origin named Venus is still open, the mysterious goddess is in no hurry to open all their puzzles curious.

Not only is the story of the possible origin of the name, but also traditional for Roman, and then pan-European culture, constant epitles for Venus: freezing, cleansing, bald. Excess in the semantic row Lysyana ? Not! This epithet says about Venus, as a patroness of women of Rome, who for the victory of their husbands over the halm tremendous hair for the manufacture of the rigs for onions and ropes for the catapult. The classic idea of \u200b\u200bVenus in any of the types of art as a goddess of passion and love, hence the widespread opinion that the most young people were among the admirers: only Venus could share their enthusiastic admiration for their loved wives and help find the path to the hearts. Also, the Romans were afraid to Venus as ruthless in relation to those who reject love and do not want to reckon with the great power of a great feeling.

These arters whose skill is not challenged to this day, the Romans were in the creation of statues. It is no secret that the many samples of magnificent sculptures have come to this day, on one of their first places among them the statues of Venus. Paris Louvre has a priceless copy of the Venus Milos. Second birth, if you can say so He found in the Renaissance era, firstly, in Europe of that time was carried away and revived (from here and revival) an antique heritage, secondly, the image of Venus was always considered a classic of a naked female body, which the state of nudity only adds naturalness and beauty, is in some The meaning of the necessary manifestation of feelings. It is worth noting that even the Puritan UK did not condemn the nudity only the image of Venus. So, since the time of the boundless power of Rome, the name of Venus became nominative for all images of a beautiful naked female body.

The mystery remains the myth of birth of the goddess Venus . In the tradition of the Roman mythological arch, Venus daughter of Jupiter and Diodes, the beautiful Chado of the Love Union of the Supreme God and the goddess moisture. Greek myths represent Venus-Aphrodite, born from the sea snow-white foam. Most likely, you often encountered the second option of the origin of Venus, it is more often found on book pages and artists canvas, and certainly I know the brilliant masterpiece Sandro Botticelli.

Rituals associated with the worship of Venus were worn in ancient Rome an unusually sensual and at the same time festive character. In the days of her reverence, the beautiful marble statue was put in the chariot, made in the form of a sea shell. They have been harnessed in this wondrous wagon were white pigeons, the beloved birds of the goddess and the symbol of her divine grace. On the road of the procession, the Romans gave Venus magnificent wreaths of flowers, not forgetting to include in the composition of a rose, poppy and miter, and jewelry, most often from pearls, to become her skin. Young people, passionate and temperamental, always walked at the head of the procession, their presence pleased the goddess especially because they are given to love and passion with a truly Venusian madness. Most often, Venus appears before the eyes of the delighted viewers of the naked or in the clothes called "Venus belt", which only gives Sharma and femininity naked figure of the beauty of the goddess. The "Venereal Belt" was a common option for clothing among the Romans of various social status, as the feminine began to unites both women of noble origin, and commoners, and Venus gives them infinite love and beauty.

Among the many talents of the goddess, the Romans allocated the ability of Venus to command animals, such a fragile goddess is able to pacify even angry lion. Spouse Venus - Volcano, God of Fire, all-consuming raging flame and the patron of the masters of a blacksmith. The volcano is serious, even gloomy God, he chrome on one leg. Venus is the opposite of the spouse - flirting, playing, caprious, fast and frivolous. Despite the differences, they perfectly understand and complement each other, the volcano of the greatest cruise creations always gives his wife to decorate the goddess the most beautiful in Roman Pantheon. Venus windy, so while the spouse volcano is busy in the cousin, she gives her love to other men, especially since its "Venereal Rock" is endowed with a magical property - to generate a passion for Venus in every man. Venus forever conquered the militant Mars, from the Union with whom Cupid was born, the eternal little heavenly archer, separating the archers of love without mishai. Among the victories of Venus is also Adonis and Angeis - Father Enaia. One day, a timelled and proud Junon asked Venus her witch belt to return the location of Jupiter.

The constant tradition of any Roman holiday, arranged in honor of Venus, was a huge number of living colors. The priests have always appeared in lush. Rich flower wreaths that symbolized eternal spring. Venetians believe that their city is named after the goddess, so every year in the spring they throw the ring in the sea, as if by marrying the city of Venice and the goddess Venus.

Not only the Earth boasts the presence of names in honor of Venus, the second planet of the solar system, the mysterious morning star also carries its divine name - .

Venus ... The name of this beautiful goddess is known to everyone - even those who are far from ancient history and cultural studies. Immediately remember Venus Miloskaya (which actually it would be more correct to refer to Aphrodite Milosian - the statue of Greek, and not Roman), one of the greatest masterpieces of the Renaissance - "Birth of Venus" Sandro Botichelli, or something less poetic - sexually transmitted diseases By the way, it is also customary to refer to the "venereal" ...

Its name comes from the word Venia - "the mercy of the Gods", this is an abstract concept and personifies the goddess. Since for an ancient person, the mercy of the gods was primarily connected with the fertility of the Earth, the Venus was originally the goddess of fruits and gardens. But later "grace" was rethought as mercy, a given Rome and its founders. According to the legend, Rome founded two brothers - Romul and Rem, the ancestor of which was Trojan Eney - the son of Goddess Aphrodite. This hero was indeed marked by the grace of the gods (no wonder his descendants founded the great state!) - It is not surprising that the goddess "grace" eventually identified with his mother. So Speaking about the Roman Venus, we mean Greek Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. Moreover, in Western tradition, speaking of this goddess, prefer to use the word Venus, even when it clearly goes about Greece (this is not surprising: after all, Western civilization "inherits" to a greater degree of Rome than Ellad) - That's why the statue is called "Venus Miloso," and Botichelli called his picture "Birth of Venus", not "Aphrodite".

By the way, about birth ... This myth is widespread: the goddess was born from the marine foam. Less known details of this story ... We warn: they are "not for the faint of heart", although we will try to set out them in exceptionally soft expressions. Kronos (Father Zeus) sawed his father of uranium - God of the sky - and threw the bloody ... In general, the sliced \u200b\u200bpart of the body in the sea, in the "fertilized" thus forged the sea of \u200b\u200bwater, from which Aphrodite was born (whose name is interpreted as "pennogenic" ) ... is scary? What to do, myths came to us from deep antiquity - and studying them, you need to be prepared for a meeting with "primitive wildness" ... By the way, the giants were born with her (the creatures are no less strong than Titans - but mortals, and also opponents of the Olympican gods ) And Erinnia (called in Rome Furias) - the formidable goddesses of revenge ... Well, love has always been an unbridled force, but who at least once saw the abandoned woman - will not surprise the relationship of the goddess of love with Eriniami!

Lovely Aphrodite went to the spouses chromonogo god-blacksmith Hephasto - apparently, the work of artisans were still respected ... but not so much so that the goddess keeps him loyalty! She changes him with the patron of more respected in the ancient society classes - with God of war Ares. True, Once Hephasta managed to catch the wrong spouse at the crime scene - and Poseidon promised that Ares would pay a redemption, but it was not possible to force him to force it (it was clear who "asked the tone" in society!).

However, Ares is not the only lover of Aphrodite. As it should be the goddess of love, she falls in love, and seduces to the left and right, including mortals - for example, in the young Hunor Adonis (whose name has become synonymous with beauty). Alas, the novel was short: during the hunt, the young man kills the Wear - this accident was made up with the same Ares of Jealousy. From the blood of Adonis, roses are born, and from the tears of Aphrodites, spilled over it - anemones.

Note that in this myth as a jealous Avenger, a lover is a lover, and not a legal spouse ... Whether Hepesty is already accustomed to the permanent treason of the goddess - and they do not touch him, or Hephaest and Aphrodite are initially represented as "combination of incompatible" ... and indeed , Aphrodite and craft, work seems incompatible: Making one day Aphrodite for a spicy, Athena comes in anger! Probably, this is because the lovers are inclined to forget about everything in the world, but about work - first of all.

However, Aphrodite is able to be angry - especially on those who reject her love (this and the death of a woman is unsafe, and with the goddess - all the more) - or just rejects love as such, whose ... so, Narcissa, rejected the love of Nymph Echo, Aphrodite punished in love with his own reflection. In addition, it does not tolerate rivals: Mirra's mother, the daughter of the Cypriot king, boasted that her daughter was more beautiful than Aphrodite - and the unfortunate girl was punished with an unnatural passion for his own father. Like all the gods, Aphrodite does not like to be forgotten to worship: Pacifae, who has not done this for several years, the cruel goddess inspired passion ... to the bull (then the Minotaur was born).

And yet - despite all the scary features of their appearance - Aphrodite-Venus remains beautiful and charming. This is the only "divine woman", in honor of which the planet of the solar system is named (all the rest are the names of the Male gods).

True, the beautiful "Morning Star", felt by poets, turned out to be a trial hell ... But this is a completely different story.

Venus's kind and perplex goddess was a symbol of fertility, sacred unions and the main thing - love. Her life was full of shocks and gloomy events, but it did not prevent her to give birth to a beautiful son, the descendants of which were the founders of the famous city of Rome.

Venus goddess - who is she?

According to legends, the goddess Venus (in the Greek mythology of Aphrodite) personified beauty, love, carnal desires and fertility. She was attended on every wedding and kept family happiness already applied. She helped to restrain the insults and grief, taught patience and gave many children. It was believed that the external beauty of a person is to appeal to him of his goddess look. In addition, Venus - the goddess of love was a guide between the worlds of gods and people and its additional destinations were:

  1. Support right Romans in wars and battles.
  2. Help with slitty girls to gain their happiness.
  3. Direction of people to build temples to appeal to the gods.

What does the goddess Venus look like?

The Roman people knew exactly what Venus looks like, and beauty. Its appearance is captured in many scriptures and architectural buildings, sculptures were found with her outlines. Young beauty with long and lush hair, pale skin and round face. Its permanent satellites were hare and dove - symbols of spring and peace. The most famous work of painting is the picture of Botichelli "Birth of Venus". The great artist offers its vision of the goddess of beauty, love and fertility.

Husband goddess Venus

The peace-loving goddess Venus gave birth to his only son from the patron woman in militant affairs and called him Mars. He was the exact opposite of a beautiful girl. Externally, the beloved Venus was not very beautiful, unlike her other fans, but it did not prevent them from creating a family and give the Romans of an excellent archer to Erota. Playful and coquetty beauty easily packed the wild dust of her husband and even living with such a destination he was gentle and gentle with his beloved.

Children of Venus

In her fate was one of the only child of Ero. He perfectly owned archers and onions and became the founder of the Great City of Rome. Therefore, many nations consider her ancestor of the city's population. The son of Venus was able to remember the ancestors to the following actions:

  • swimming with Troy in Italy;
  • the founder of dozens of temples dedicated to the name of their mother;
  • the birth of Julia Caesar.

He was a good and peace-loving child. He spent all his childhood and youth near his mother and it was very hard to part when the boy decided to go to the people. Mars even jealous him to his beloved, as he took his time he could spend with his wife. On this topic, there is even a written picture on which the whole family is depicted. The husband's view is very sad there, because the spouse was engaged only by a child, forgetting about his duties, like a wife.

What talents give the goddess Venus?

The Romans were well known what talents gives her daughters Venus goddess. Each girl is methala about her patronage, because in return, she could get love for art, artistic abilities, the ability to draw beautifully. She could deliver the talent of soft managing people, eloquence and flirt. It was believed that if the patroness of the girl became Venus, then she will definitely have a lot of fans and suggestions and union.

Goddess of Love and Beauty Venus - Myths

The myth of the birth of the goddess was the most beloved among the inhabitants of Rome, and they gladly told him to their children and grandchildren. It was believed that the goddess was borne from the marine foam and was before the fragile and gentle, which attracted the oceanic nymphs. They took her to their caves from coral reefs and raised her there as a native daughter. When an ancient Greek Venus grew and learned to take care of herself, the nymphs decided to convey its gods.

Having lifted it to the surface of the sea, they instructed her concern to the Major, a light southern wind, to carry it on the island of Cyprus. There she met four choirs, daughters of Jupiter and the goddess of justice. Everyone who saw her rather wanted to lean the heads before the beauty of Venus and escort her to Olympus. I waited for her own throne there, and when he sat in him, the remaining gods could not hide their admiration. All the gods offered her her hand and heart, but she rejected them, wanting to be free and live for themselves.

Adorable Venus granted tender feelings and marital happiness to the Romans. She was worshiped as a goddess of fertility and heart passions - from the Latin word "veneris" translates as "carnal love."

The loyal satellites of Venus were considered the pigeon and hare (the animal, as is known, prolific), and the floral symbols were Mirt, Rose and Mac.

History of origin

Venus launched roots in Roman's religion in the 3rd century BC. The goddess was especially read in the Italian region Lazio - the first temple was erected here, and also established the holiday of Vinalia Rustica. With the course of history, the patroness of lovers began to identify with the beautiful of the belief of the ancient Greece, which was considered Mother Eney, whose descendants founded Rome (the warrior managed to escape from the deposited Troy in Italy). Therefore, Venus was revered also as a progenitian of Romans.

The goddess was called on the weddings, and then the spouses asked her family happiness and well-being. The Romans believed that Venus helps to restrain the insults, bitterness of disappointments, learn to tolerate adversity and the difficulty of married life. And another deity, of course, blessed the birth of offspring.

For attractive appearance, people thanked the goddess of beauty, it was believed that this kind woman from the top of Olympov gave the gaze of his handsome at birth. Over time, Venus gained additional features: the goddess endowed talents to arts, oratorical abilities and the ability to seduce, gently control people.

Rituals associated with Venus, wore a very sensual shade. In the festival, the statue of marble was seated in the chariot, similar to the sink. The pigeons were tied to the wagon, which Parii in the sky, and when the procession was moving through the city streets, people threw out floral wreaths and even jewelry with natural stones. Ahead of the wagon definitely marked young people, because the crazy passion and love in the power to test only young, considered in antiquity.

From the 1st century to our era Venus gained unprecedented popularity. Sulla, who considered himself a kissing goddess of love and beauty, took the nickname of Epaphs. Pompey built a lady of the Divine Blood Church of the Winner, and was sure that Venus was Ramateria Yuliyev.

Sculpture "Venus Milos"

In Russia, an excellent goddess of love is customary called Aphrodite, whereas in the West she strengthened as Venus - this name is sculptures, it is used in artistic works and names of paintings. The most famous statue is Venus Milos (adjective - derived from Milos, where they found sculpture in the early 19th century) - appeared in 130-100 years before our era. The marble goddess lost his hands in the confrontation of French and Turkish nautical seats, which defended the right to take a valuable find from Greece to their lands.

Artists and sculptors give an accurate idea of \u200b\u200bthe appearance of the Roman Goddess of Love. It is eternally young beauties with long blond hair, which framed a round face.

Picture "Birth of Venus"

They portrayed a girl either naked or in the seductive "belt belt". The bright and sensual picture "Birth of Venus" dedicated to the goddess. And Gottfried Muller described the deity like this:

"Venus is the most beautiful of all the goddesses, forever young, forever captivating, the beautiful eyes of the goddess are alone, one bliss, it has a magic belt, in which all the spells of love are concluded, and even proud Junon, wanting to return the love of Jupiter, asks Goddess Venus to lend her to her belt. Golden decorations of the goddess Venus burn brighter fire, and beautiful, crowned with a golden wreath, hair fragrant. "

Myths and legends

The interlacing of Greek and Roman mythology led to two variants of the birth of Venus. It is believed that the goddess appeared, like Aphrodite, from the marine foam. In other legends, this is the fruit of love of the Supreme God of Jupiter and the goddess of moisture of Diona.

The newborn girl liked the oceanic nymphs who brought her in coral caves. Hasproof Venus, good patrons decided to submit to the gods. When the residents of Olympus saw unearthly beauty, bowed heads and expressed admiration.

Venus was provided in the monastery of the gods throne. As soon as she took it, the men's Olympians immediately wondered her to marry her. But freedomizing beauty with disgust refused to hand and the heart, deciding to "live for themselves."

Once the goddess of beauty predicted, and he punished a crazy girl, issued married for the ugly, chrome blacksmith volcano (in the Greek tradition). Unfortunate in the family life of Virgo rushed to change the right and left. Among the lovers of Venus, even the God of War was listed - heavenly archer (Eros) was born from the love of gross guards and frivolous, gentle goddess.

Beautiful legend talks about the sufferings of Venus because of love for a simple mortal. The goddess found a lover among people - they were the Hunter Adonis, the son of King Cyprus and Mirra. And she herself became the initiator of the birth of a young man. The Cyprus Ruler's wife was offended by a shameful gossip that Mirra's daughter is beautiful Venus. Miscellaneous patroness of lovers in anger lowered by Mirra Passion to Father. After learning that it was a daughter in his bed, Kinier decided to kill the heiress, but Venus came to the aid in time - turned the girl to the tree by Mirr. From the crack of the plant fell a baby, which was called by Adonis.

The boy brought up the Queen of the dead, making the lover in the future the lover's outlook. Venus also fell in love with his handsome man, but the percepton was not going to share. The dispute allowed the muse of Calliopa, who made the verdict that Adonis would be two thirds of the year to share between the beds of the goddesses.

However, the tricky Venus lured the young man on the bed more often than it followed. Persephone was angry and told her husband of the goddess of love about treason. He turned into a wild jerry and killed Adonis during the hunt. Day and night awesome Venus mourned a young man. Finally, the Supreme God cleared and asked to let adonis on Earth. Since then, the hunter lives one half of the year among living people, another - in the company of the dead. The colorful history of love described in "Metamorphosis", and other authors returned to the plot.

The Goddess of Love conquered the hearts and the soul of fans with the help of a "Venereal belt", woven from passion and lust. No one was able to resist his spell. And somehow even asked Venus to give this magic thing for a while to return the location of Jupiter.


In 1961, the film "Abduction of Sabinets" directed by Rishar Pottier was released on the screens. The plot is based on ledge about how Roman men suffered from lack of women. The problem was solved by a noble Romulus, organized by the walls of the Olympic Games. Look at the puzzled young young men, of course, the residents of the surroundings came, among which there were a lot of girls. The Pantheon of the Gods gathered in the picture, Venus was among them. The goddess of love playing the actress Roseanna Skiaffino.