Bob Marley who he is. Life history Bob Marley

Bob Marley who he is. Life history Bob Marley
Bob Marley who he is. Life history Bob Marley

Jamaica has never seen such funerals. People lined up in a long wide line to spend their idol to the tomb in a cemetery, located 100 km north of Kingston. Music, his music, rhythmic, smooth, is a bit sad, sounded throughout the path of the procession.

Jamaica says goodbye to his prophet

These were the rhythms of the Motherland, his people, whose blood and flesh he was. Conducted the deceased whole island, thousands of bold admirers flew to the funeral from around the world. The death of idol nation confused government plans. Important men for a week postponed consideration of the state budget, two prime minister attended the ceremony, one of them pronounced a farewell speech. The land was betrayed by the National Hero of Jamaica, whose creativity shocked the world. There was still young singer Bob Marley. What is the cause of the death of a 36-year-old musician, let's tell later, and now a few words about his biography.

Bob Marley - Son of a dark-skinned woman and a white man

Robert Nesta Marley was born in February 1945 in a small village near the ocean. He was not a purebred yamacea. The future singer and musician is the fruit of the 55-year-old Jew from the United Kingdom of the 18-year-old resident of the island. The officer from Liverpool in those edges brought the Second World War. He met the poetess, Beauty Sadelle Buker. They thought they would live together, but fate ordered otherwise. The British officer will leave the family without his will. He will be ordered to return home, but only one. Blacks must be where they were born. So claimed the bosses, he did not dare to disobey. Normal Marley will leave the island, wife and son, but will not forget about the family, as far as possible will help her financially.

Music, football and women

A few years later the family will move to Kingston, the capital of the island. Trenchtown district, where childhood and the youth of the future singer are passing. Poverty, antisanitary, theft, violence reigns here. Robert is studying for the welder, but his thoughts are far from seams on iron structures. Three things in the world he loves most - music, football and women. Marley left after himself 11 children from different girlfriends, although he was married only on one: charming Cuban Alfarite Anderson. They met in Trenchtaun in 1966, she was 20, he was 21 years old. A year later got married. Rita turned out to be a wonderful voice, she became a back-vocalist in the husband's group. Shared children and rita and bob four. However, he did not change anyone. For the island, love for everything is beautiful - like love for life. He himself is her musical embodiment: unusual flexibility, thin long fingers, eyes, voice, luxurious hair. All plastic body sounds like a guitar. We will be indulgent to women, to resist the charm of the singer is unthinkable.

The first joys of creativity and first failures

Bob realized that there was no live music, when he was handing the first guitar from incredibly poor girlfriends. He and friends play in the evenings in crowded barracks. Listeners smoke herbs and enjoy. They are becoming more and more, but Bob leaves for America in search of themselves and new music, but still you have to be content with the work of the collector at the Chrysler plant. It does not fold: trouble with the law, disassembly among their on the street ... Bob decides to return. At home, too, meet troubles, but suddenly he gains religion that is like. Her name is Rastafarianism. From now on, everything changes in his life.

Bob Marley: the cause of death, biography

If the Catholic, Protestant or Orthodox in the crowd, do not distinguish, then the raster can be seen from afar: pigtails Dreadlocks, a huge hat on the head of flowers (red, yellow, green). Rastafarianism preaches the global fraternity of black and unity of all nations of Africa. Symbol of freedom - Ethiopia, a country that has not conquered European colonizers. Grow call the West Babylon. Reggae - music of their religion. From now on, the music of Boba is no longer just good music. This is a preaching of lifestyle and philosophy to grow. The best song, considers the King Ruga Bob Marley, is the one in which the correct meaning is laid.

Shortly before leaving the life, the singer was baptized in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, he was given a new Orthodox name. He was in a hurry. Bob Marley (the cause of his death at first glance the most innocent) knew that the disease would not stop. He called for peace, good, his quotes and statements about the life of the revelation for many. He said that yesterday's mistakes eventually go to favor. He said: anyone can hurt you, but it is better to find those who are worthy. "While the skin color means more than the color of the eyes, there will be a war. I am against war. For each war, another one follows. I am nobody. I only have God. I wanted music to make the world of kind. "

Bob Marley (the cause of the death of a singer is shocking) Once during the game in a football piled a thumb. A small injury, at first, nobody paid attention. The leg continued to hurt, the doctors discovered a malignant tumor, an amputation was required. He categorically refused. "It is not allowed to break yourself to spare parts." It is believed that Melanoma is almost not found in people with black leather. Someone saw in this joof the fate. The prophet on his land, the singer of the Yamaican people and a fighter for his rights - Bob Marley. The cause of death is a disease of white people.

Bob Marley: Death Cause, Photo

He practically refused treatment. The world of people stopped disturbing the singer long before his death. Bob decided that if he was destined to die, then it is necessary to adequately meet his death, prepare for her. And he was preparing. And when the hour has come, the newspapers of the world were literally exploded with the headlines that Bob Milley died. The cause of death, the personal life of the singer was discussed in all printed publications. He wrote a lot about him and in different ways, but the tragedy of the fate of the singer was felt in each publication.

The singer received their main awards. In 1994, his name is entered into the American Hall of Glory Rock and Roll, in 2001 - a star on the Alley of Hollywood and Grammy. BBC will call the singer of the greatest Lyrics of the Earth, one of the songs is the best Millennium Song. And if we are interested in Bob Marley today, the cause of death does not matter, there is his music, and she will remain with us forever.

Bob Marley was born on February 6, 1945 in the north of Jamaica in Parish town. Its real name Robert is Marley. At birth, Robert Marlley was called him, but in the passport desk, due to an employee error, the names were changed in places.

His fifty-year-old father, Norwal Marley, by origin, served as an officer of the United Kingdom, then worked as a manager on one of the plantations of Jamaica. There he met the future mother Bob, a 17-year-old Yamaican girl Sedelle buoy.

The house in which Bob Marley spent his young years

Shortly after the birth of Bob, Norval under pressure from his previous family left Sadelle. Families in the traditional understanding of Bob did not have - the Father rarely appeared, although she provided financial assistance. When Bob Milley marks 10 years. Norval died.

Parents Bob Marley

At the end of the sixties, Bob Marley, along with her mother, with her mother, in search of a better life, Parish leaves and moves to the capital of Jamaica, the city of Kingston. In those years, in Jamaica in search of work, many moved to Kingston. After fast disappointment in the capital, many moved to slums. The most famous poor district is Tretentown.

Like all the other Marles and his mother eventually settled in Trenchtown. There, Boba has a friend Neville Livingston on nicknamed baths. Money has been catastrophically lack of. Bob decides to throw a school, and is arranged to work as a welder.

All free time, the guys spend listening to the radio. It was through the radio that Bob appeared a desire to become a singer. Therefore, he begins to practice singing by visiting free lessons of the famous Jamaician musician Joe Higgs. In the lessons, he meets Peter Macintoshe, another ambitious young man.

Bob Marley and Joe Higgs

In 1962, Boba Marley noted Leslie Kong, who had his own recording studio. Kong impressed his vocals, and he suggested Bob and his friends try to sign up in his studio. So in 19 years old Bob Marley debuted with a single called "Judge Not", which wrote with Joe Higgs.

Bunny and Tosh (left)

Then other songs appeared - "Terror" and "One Cup of Coffee", which did not attract much attention, but claim the thought of Bob Marley becomes a singer. At this time, he decides to create a group with Bunny and Peter.

A year later, in 1963, Higgs Bob Marli, Bani, Peter Makintosh, collect a group by calling her "The Wailing Waillers" ("Touching Plothers"). There was no irony in this - because the tradition of crying is strong in Negro culture. In addition to them, Junior Breituit, Cherry Green and Beverly Kelso. The Music Director of the Group was its bass guitarist Aston Barrett.

The first single of the SIMMER DOWN group (1964) was headed by the Hit Parade of Jamaica and sorted by a circulation of more than 80 thousand copies. The album was recorded in Studio One. It was a real breakthrough. Very quickly, the "The Wairers" group is gaining popularity and becomes famous on Jamaica. After the dizzying success, "The Wailing Wailers" began to constantly sign up from Kokson Dodd in his studio, looking for new topics for their songs, one of which was the topic of the street ore of the battle.

After a while, the band records the Single "I" M Still Waiting "in the studio" Studio One ". Despite the popularity of the group, there was not enough money on all participants. In 1965, The Wailyers reduced the composition to Trio (the group leave Junior Braimitate, Beverly Kelso and Cherry Smith). And in 1966 the group decays.

Bob Marley and Rita Anderson (Left)

February 10, 1966 Bob Marley marries Anderson Rita. At the same time, Bob Malley's mother gets married the second time and moves to the United States, where he made money for her son on flights, whatever he flew to her. She wanted he would start a new life in a new country. In the hope of a better life at 21, Bob moves to the USA to the mother. But the stay of Bob in the United States was short-lived. For some time he worked as a loader, a waiter, then a utilized worker at the automotive factory. And after 8 months it returns to Jamaica. While Bob Marley was in America, Jamaica visits Emperor High Selasie the embodiment of Almighty Jag - God Rastafarian. This contributed to the raster's rapid development.

High Selasie (left)

During this boom, Marley is again justified in Kingston. Bob is increasingly begins to believe in the Rasta religion, reflecting his beliefs in new songs.

Together with friends, Bob Marley reiterates a group, and gives it a new name - "The Wairers". And includes a female vocal trio in it. His wife, Rita, also begins to sing in this team.

In 1970, Bob Marley is trying to conclude contracts with some sound recording firms. But these attempts were unsuccessful, since the musician was not famous outside Jamaica.

In 1971, the musicians organized their own gramzapism "Tuff Gong", but this enterprise did not have success.

Johnny Nash (left)

In 1971, in the Rastafarian religious ceremony, Elder Mortimo Planno introduces Bob Marley with the American singer Joni Nash. This acquaintance plays an important role in Bob's life. At the end of 1971, under the guidance of Johnny Nash, the group records two songs "Stir IT Up" and "Guava Jelly" became hits. On Jamaica to Bob is pricked by fame. He becomes the voice of the movement of Rastamanov, who have signed popularity at that time.

In the summer of 1971, Bob Marley takes the invitation of Joni Nash to accompany him to Switzerland, where the American singer gave several concerts. In Europe, Bob signs a contract with CBS owned by Nash.

In the spring of 1972, the whole team "The Wairers" comes to London to promote the "Reggae On Broadway" single, which belonged to CBS, but ultimately they find themselves in a distinguished position.

In the desperate step, Bob Marley is sent straight to the English department "Island Records" and asked for help from its founder and the owner of Chris Blackwell.

Chris Blackwell

Blackwell already knew Bob Marley and knew his reputation on Jamaica and offers "The Wairers" a unique contract for the Yamaican performers, they give 4,000 dollars to record their first album.

In 1972, The Wailyers produces a Debut Album "Catch a Fire", which became their first products, which went beyond the limits of Jamaica. This album was warmly greeted by the public. And was the first step towards world fame.

Album - Catch a Fire

Also in the development of popularity, Eric Clapton helped the musicians, which included the composition of The Wairers "I Shot The Sheriff", which became an international hit in his album.

In 1973, the group took a tour of the United States. Soon, Tosh and Livingston left the group, starting the solo career.

Album - Natty Dread

In 1975, the "The Wairers" group produces its new album "Natty Dread". The composition "No Woman, No Cry" from this album was of great popularity. The album "Natty Dread" seeks stunning success. Included in the British Top-40 and Top 100 America. The popularity of the group and Bob Marley in particular is growing. Bob Marley successfully performs on the London scene of Lyceum Ballroom.

In 1976, the group "The Wairers" awarded the title of the best group on the results of the survey of the magazine "ROLLING STONE". They become recognized reggae leaders, successfully touring worldwide.

The Album "Rastaman Vibration", which is coming out in 1976, hacked all the charts. The main songs of the album were Crazy Baldhead "," Johnny Was ", as well as" WAR ", verses for which were taken from the speeches by Hail Selassi.

On Jamaica, Bob Marley becomes a real cult figure, his political and religious speeches. The public perceived as the Holy Revelations.

In 1976, Boba Marley, who was involved in a depreciation turned into local politics, was committed attempt. Despite the hard wound, the concert was not canceled. To the question why he decided not to cancel the concert Marley replied:

"Madness, trying to make our world worse, never rest, as well as I can ... Light the darkness!"

Bob Marley adored to play football

This concert was the last advent of Bob Marley on Jamaica during the year. After the concert Bob Marlley leaves to live in London, where in early 1977 he records the new album - "Exodus".

In July 1977, Marley found a malignant melanoma on the thumb. It refuses amputation, due to religious beliefs:

"Rasta does not accept amputation. I do not allow a person to disassemble parts. "

In 1978, Bob Marley was awarded the medal of the world established by the UN.

On May 4, 1980, Bob Marley was baptized in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church in Kingston and took the name of Berkhan Sellusie (in Amharic - the light of the Holy Trinity). Then he was awarded the Jamaican Order of Honor.

In the same 1980, the Government of the liberated Zimbabwe invites the Wairers to the Ceremony of Independence Day Celebration - Takovo was the recognition of the merit of Marley before the countries of the Third World.

After some time, the health of Bob Marley begins to deteriorate rapidly.

Bob Marley is a course of treatment in Munich at the Specialist in the cancer diseases of Josef Issels, but attempts to treat were not crowned with success. As a result of the disease, Marley begins to fall out dreads, and they have to be condensed.

Feeling a close death, Bob wanted to return home, but due to the state of health, the flight from Germany had to be interrupted in Miami. On Monday, on May 11, 1981, Bob Marley dies in the Miami Hospital, at the age of 36. The last words that were said were:

"Money cannot buy life."

Bob Marley was buried on Jamaica. The day of the funeral was declared the Day of National Mourning. The body of the Great Musician Jamaica was still in a mausoleum. The funeral was held in all the traditions of Rastafarianism. In the crypt next to him, the guitar "Gibson Les Paul", a soccer ball, a beam of marijuana, the Bible and the ring, which he wore constantly (the gift of the Ethiopian Prince, the eldest son Hail Selassy I).

Then the rings on the hand of Bob

Bob Marley was and remains an outstanding musician of modernity. For his short life, he achieved a lot: he won world fame, created a special style of music, became a symbol of the struggle for the equality of races.

In 2012, the screens appeared the documentary "Marli".

Quotes Bob Marley

"I have only one dream so that all people live in the world."
"I believe that you can heal racism, evil and hatred - music."
"I myself am nobody. Everything that I have is God."
"In each of us there is God, so we are not alone."
"Free your mind from anger and wake up for life."

All quotes \u003e\u003e\u003e Bob Marley

  • curious
  • Once, not yet revealed during reggae, a very young Bob Marley was ore. RUD-POI people emphasizing their contempt for hazards.
  • Boba Marley can not be called an exemplary family man. And in family relationships with Rita, Bob Marley was not everything smoothly. In the first years of their livelihood, Bob Marley worked a lot, because of which he rarely seen with Rita. When popularity came to him, Marley constantly toured, and Rita with children remained at home.

Children Bob and Rita Marley

On November 23, 1964, the youngest Sharon was born. Bob Marley was not her biological father, he accepted the daughter of Rita from previous relations, and raised her as his own. He was a member of the Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers group.

Sharon (left), saddella (right)

On August 23, 1967, Sedelle was born (named after the mother of the woman, their first common biological child. Began to the career in the remaining group Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers, as well as the general director of Tuff Gong International. In addition, it is the author of children's books as well actress and clothing designer).

October 17, 1968 David Ziggy appeared on the Tarsh Son Bob and the Frontman Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers. The fivefold winner Grammy, Ziggy began a solo career in 2003. Also is a wrestler for the legalization of marijuana.

David (left), Stephen (right)

April 20, 1972 was born Stephen. He is the fourth member of the Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers group. Singer, songwriter and producer.

In 1974, the girl Stephanie was born. He is the director of the Bob Marley Foundation, the Bob Mulley Museum, Tuff Gong International, Tuff Gong Records, Urgen and Foundation Rita Marley.

Bob is the father of at least 12 children born from different women:

Stephanie (left), Robert (right)

Robert Marley is his mother Pat Williams. Robbie lived with Bob and Rita. Engaged in a tricky ride on a motorcycle).

Rohan Marley - His Mom Janet Hunt was a friend Bob. Professionally played football in Canada. Also is the co-founder of Marley Coffee Corporation.

Rohan (left), Karen (right)

Karen Marley - Mother Girlfriend Bob Janet Bowen.

Julian Marley - Mother Lucy Pouner. Engaged in music

Julian (left), Caymani (right)

Caimani Marley - Mother World Table Tennis Champion Anita Benevis. Engaged in acting skills.

Damian (left), Bob and Cindy Bracksprik (right)

Damian Marley - Mother - Cindy Breixpir, owner of the title "Miss World 76". Ruga Singer.

So far there are people who claim that they are children Bob.


Major doctrines
Jä · Afrocentrism
Aytal · Zion · Panaforkanism
Key scriptures
Bible · Kebra Nagast
The Promise Key. · Holi Pibie

My life and progress of Ethiopia
Creeped black superiority

Main Persons

Bob Marley was one of the most prominent supporters of Panaforkanism and Orthodox Rastafarian; Many other followers of this religion even consider Marlly to the Prophet.


early years

Bob Marley was born in the village of Nain Miles, Jamaica. His father, Norval Marley, by origin, the White European, served as an officer of the Navy of the UK, and then served as a manager at one of the plantations of Jamaica. There he met his future wife, an eighteen-year-old African American Booker. Shortly after the birth of Bob, he left Sadelle under pressure from his previous family, but continued to provide her financial support and sometimes visited the Son.

In the late 1950s, Marley, like many other Jamaican provincials, moved together with the mother in the capital of Jamaica Kingston, where she settled in the poor Trenchtown district. There he met Neville Livingstone on nicknamed Bunny, with whom he began to make his first steps in music. After graduating from school, Marli got a job as a welder, and in his free time improved his musical skills. Help in this was provided to him by the famous Jamaican musician Joe Higgs, who gave Marley and Bunny free vocal lessons. Soon the acquaintance with Peter Makintosh, who later will become known as Peter Tosh.

Carier start

At 16, Bob Marley debuted with the Single "Judge not", which wrote with Joe Higgs. In 1963, with the same Higgs, Bob Marley organized the Wairers vocal group, in addition to him, Peter Tosh, Bunny Livingston, Junior Breituit, Cherry Green and Beverly Kelso. The first single of the SIMMER DOWN group () was headed by the Hit Parade of Jamaica and there was a circulation of more than 80 thousand copies. In 1965, The Wailyers reduced the composition to a trio and, despite the success of songs (for example, Rude Boy entered the local Tor 10), in 1966 they broke off.

For some time, Bob Marley worked as a subsidiary worker at the automotive factory in the US, where his mother moved, but soon returned to Jamaica and recreated the Wairers. The group worked in a variety of genres - SKA, Calypso, Fusion, but beyond the limits of the island, its popularity did not spread. In 1971, the musicians organized their own gramzapism "Tuff Gong", but this enterprise did not have success.

However, at the end of 1971, Bob Marlley signed a contract with the American singer Johnny Nast and wrote two songs for him, who became hits: "Guava Jelly" and "Stir IT Up". In 1972, "The Wairers" finally received a contract with the international company ISLAND RECORDS and released the Album "Catch a Fire", which became their first products, which went beyond Jamaica. The popularity of the group grew, and in many respects the musicians helped Eric Clapton, who included the composition of the Wairers "I Shot The Sheriff" on his album, which became international hit in his performance. In 1973, the group took a tour of the United States. Soon, Tosh and Livingston left the group, starting the solo career.

Bob Marley & The Wairers


Year Name Notes
Soul Rebels. Studio album
Catch a Fire Studio album
1973 Burnin " Studio album
Rasta Revolution Studio album
1974 Natty Dread. Studio album
Live! Record concert in Lyceum Theater, London, July
Rastaman Vibration Studio album
Kaya. Studio album
1978 Babylon by bus. Records from concerts in Europe
Survival Studio album
Uprising Studio album
Confronation Studio album
Legend. Compilation; Due to his popularity, repeatedly later went out in various supplemented versions
Talkin "Blues. Record a concert in Record Plant, San Francisco,
Live at the Roxy Record concert in Roxy, Hollywood, May


Album Year Label
The Wailing Wairers. 1966 Studio One.
The Best of the Wairers 1970 Beverley's.
Soul Rebels. 1970 Upsetter / Trojan.
Soul Revolution 1971 Upsetter / Trojan.
SOUL REVOLUTION PART II 1971 Upsetter / Trojan.
African Herbsman. 1973 Upsetter / Trojan.
Rasta Revolution 1974 Upsetter / Trojan.
Catch a Fire 1973 Island / Tuff Gong
Burnin " 1973 Island / Tuff Gong
Natty Dread. 1974 Island / Tuff Gong
Rastaman Vibration 1976 Island / Tuff Gong
EXODUS. 1977 Island / Tuff Gong
Kaya. 1978 Island / Tuff Gong
Survival 1979 Island / Tuff Gong
Uprising 1980 Island / Tuff Gong
Confronation (POSTHUMOUS) 1983 Island / Tuff Gong
Concert albums
Live! 1975 Island / Tuff Gong
Babylon by bus. 1978 Island / Tuff Gong
Talkin "Blues. (recorded in 1973) 1991 Island / Tuff Gong
Live at the Roxy (recorded in 1976) 2003 Island / Tuff Gong
Legend. 1984 Island / Tuff Gong
Reggae Greats. 1984 Island / Tuff Gong
Rebel Music. 1986 Island / Tuff Gong
Songs of Freedom 1992 Island / Tuff Gong
Natural Mystic: The Legend Lives ON 1995 Island / Tuff Gong
Bob Marley: Reggae Legend 1999 St. Clair
One Love: The Very Best Of Bob Marley & The Wairers 2001 Island / Tuff Gong
Bob Marley and The Wairers: Trenchtown Rock (Anthology 69 - "78) 2002 Trojan Records.
GOLD. 2005 Island / Tuff Gong
Africa Unite: The Singles Collection 2005 Island / Tuff Gong
Compilation of song records in Studio One 1963-1966
One Love at Studio One (Double CD) 1991 Heartbeat Records.
SIMMER DOWN AT STUDIO ONE 1994 Heartbeat Records.
Wailing Wailyers at Studio One 1994 Heartbeat Records.
The Toughest. - Collection of Peter Tosh's Studio One Recordings 1996 Heartbeat Records.
Destiny: Rare Ska Sides from Studio One 1999 Heartbeat Records.
Wailer and Friends. 1999 Heartbeat Records.
Climb The Ladder. 2000 Heartbeat Records.
Greatest Hits AT Studio One 2003 Heartbeat Records.
Compiling songs of songs 1966-1971
Best of the Wairers 2004 Jad / universal
Soul Rebels. 2004 Jad / universal
SOUL REVOLUTION PART II 2004 Jad / universal
Universal Masters Collection 2004 Jad / universal
Original Cuts. 2004 Jad / universal
127 King Street. 2004 Jad / universal
Ammunition Dub Collection 2004 Jad / universal
Wail'N Soul'm Singles Selecta 2005 Jad / universal
Grooving Kingston 12. (3-CD BOXSET) 2004 Jad / universal
FY-AH, FY-AH (3-CD BOXSET) 2004 Jad / universal
Officially issued remixes
Chances Are 1981 Wea.
Black Progress: The Formative Years Vol.2 1997 JAD.
Dreams of Freedom: ambient translations in dub 1997 Island
Shakedown: Marley Remix 2001 JAD.

Jamaican artist Bob Marley was not only a first-class singer and guitarist who had his own songs. He made the Jamaican style of reggae by international heritage, thanks to its popularity. In addition, Marley contributed to the victory of PanForkanism in their own country and contributed to the world movement for the equality of the Black population of the planet. The cause of death Bob Marley has become an oncological disease.

Bob was born on Jamaica, in 1955, from the communications of Europeans with a 16-year-old Yamaica girl. He grew up in a poor province and began his acquaintance with the world as an ore battle: an aggressive and despise danger of a representative of the youth subculture. Having moved with his mother in 1950 to the capital of Jamaica - Kingston, he began to be worn out to be interested in music and began to take lessons from the famous singer Joe Higz. In 1963, they wrote together the first single for Marli "Judge Not". Later Bob, together with friends, organized a vocal group. Their first song became a hit on Jamaica and diverged the circulation of 80 thousand copies.

After several failures, the group was able to create his own album, released outside the island. In 1973, their musical team left for his first tour to America. After part of his colleagues-musicians took up a solo career, Bob gathered a new group with a female vocal trio, in which his wife Rita sang, and went with them in Tour in Africa, Europe and the entire American continent. Already in the mid-1970s, the group has become a recognized authority of reggae style and his face.

After that brilliant voyage, Bob was recognized in Yamaica a cult figure, and his performances, as well as political and religious views, became an example for imitation. In December 1976, he even turned out to be a victim of political attempt. Marley was injured in the chest and hand, but held a concert-action, in support of the Prime Minister Michael Manley, stepping for the reconciliation of the fighting forces. It was a performance for a 80 thousandth audience, lasting in an hour and a half.

A similar concert of Bob was pleased with his fellow citizens and in 1978, when he achieved a handshake of the leaders of two opposing parties directly on his scene, to prevent civil war. At this time, he was already a convinced Rastaman - a follower of the religious movement -Subkulture of the descendants of black slaves, which includes a system of views, like behavior and music. This choice may explain why Bob Marley died.

According to the concepts of ras, a person has no right to ammputation, and the doctors found a malignant melanoma at Bob on the thumb - the result of the old football injury. Marley continued to live as before, but when he became ill after a concert in Madison Square-Garden, his tour stopped. As a result of treatment in Munich, in 1980, the improvements did not come. In May 1981, the singer died in the hospital, at the age of 26 and was buried on the rite of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. After his death, his wife, 7 sons, 4 relatives, and 2 - receiving daughters were orided. Most of them subsequently became musicians.


Robert Nesta Marley appeared in 1945, in February. Birth's place was a small village near the ocean. Bob was not a purebred yamacea. The popular musician and the singer became the fruit of love of a local resident and the Jew from the UK (Mama was 18 years old, and Father - 55).

The officer came to Jamaica because of the Second World War, where he met his love - Sadelle Buker. They were confident that they would live together for many years, but the service forced her father to go home alone. As his authorities declared, blacks need to be where they were born. Therefore, the Normal left the island and his family, but helped her materially. From this, the biography of the Prophet.

Poverty, hobbies and first victories

A few years later, Bob together with Mom move to Kingston, right to the capital of his native island. Childhood and youth Bob passed in slums, where there was violence, poverty and other bad conditions. The future singer studied at the welder, but his main hobbies were football, music and women.

The future legendary singer realized that he could not live without music when he created the first guitar from what was at hand. He together with his friends playing barracks at parties. Listeners smoked herbs and enjoyed music. Gradually, the listeners became more, but Bob went to America in order to find himself and music. However, at first he just worked as a collector at the Chrysler plant.


The near future did not work out - problems with the law, street disassembly. Therefore, Bob returned, where they also were trouble. But it was there that he gained religion - rastafarianism. It was a turning point.

Orthodox, Catholics or a supporter of Protestants are difficult to learn, but you can always see the rasta from afar. This is a big hat with the colors of the flag of Ethiopia and Dreada.

Religion preaches the fraternity of all blacks, as well as the unity of African peoples. The symbol of religion is Ethiopia, who has been abandoned to subjugate Europe's colonizers. Music of this religion - reggae. And from now on, the music of Bob Marley was not just music. She was making a musician religion.

Last years of life and the cause of death

Shortly before his death, the singer was baptized in the Orthodox Ethiopian Church, where he was given an Orthodox name. Bob Marley was in a hurry, taught people to be kind and believed that any mistakes would still go to a person to benefit.

The cause of death was buried where no one was waiting for her - during one of the games in football, he coughed his finger, but did not pay attention to such a small injury. When the leg continued to hurt, the doctors discovered in the singer and the prophet Melanoma. Only amputation could save. However, Bob abandoned the operation, as they do not understand themselves into parts.

Interesting fact: Melanoma is practically not found in black. Some fans have seen in such a disease, the mockery of fate - a fighter for the rights of black, whose personal life was full of love, died of a white man's disease.


Most of the awards Bob got posthumously. For example, in 1994, his name was listed in the Hall of Glory Rock and Roll. And after 7 years he had a star on the Alley of Hollywood and the Grammy Prize. BBC called the singer one of the best lyrics of the planet, and songs are the best in history.

Tip 2: Marley Shelton: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Marley Yves Shelton is an American actress that is filmed in adolescent films and appears in independent cinema. She has many works in films and serials, where it demonstrates fans their bright appearance and talent multifaceted.


Marley was born in Los Angeles in the spring of 1974 and became the second child in a large family of Shelton. Father, Christopher, director and producer, and Mama Carol - singer and dancer. Marley has three sisters - Samantha, Koren and Erin. All four daughters from childhood were engaged in creativity under the supervision of their caring mom.

Having graduated from Eagle School of Roca, Los Angeles district, Shelton entered the University of California at the Department of Theater and Cinema. It was here that her career began on the screen.

Career Actresses

Marley debuted in the American Dram of 1990 "Big Canyon", while playing a friend of one of the central characters. Then there were shooting in several not too popular TV shows, and in 1993 the film "Playground" came out on the screens, thanks to which the young actress received fame and acquired the army of loyal fans.

This celebrity helped her later, and Shelton did not have to sit without work, she annually took part in several projects, the most popular of which is the "Trojan thing", "Bachelor", "Sugar and Pepper", "City of Sin" and others. In the early 2000s, Sheldon often appears in independent cinema, decorating even the most low-budget works by its appearance. Perhaps the most loud work actresses became the "ideal escape," where she starred with Mila Yovovich and "Psychics" with Anthony Hopkins.

On the account of Marli, forty work in the cinema and 25 in the series, and it continues to work on another role at this time, justifying the opinion of itself, as one of the most hard-working and versatile actresses of modernity.

Personal life

Marley Shelton met with a popular American actor Nikolas Brendon even when he studied at school. To the graduation evening of his beloved, the actor bought a hundred roses, put on the best tuxedo and came to meet Marlli on the black cabriolet to make an impression on her. But this beautiful novel lasted for a short time.

In 2000, Shelton got acquainted with the producer of Bo Flyn on the set of the next film. After a year, the stars became her husband and wife and soon they had two daughters with a difference in three years - West and Ruby. Shelton loves a family, leads a healthy lifestyle and seriously fond of yoga.

True, it was not without scandals in her biography. In the spring of 2010, the actress was arrested for drunk drunk, and although he quickly freed himself on bail, having received a penalty of a fine, this spicy case was for a long time for a long press - before this Marli was considered a model of decent behavior.