Biography Daniel Defo briefly. Biography Daniel Defo Daniel Defo Biography Brief out of 6 proposals

Biography Daniel Defo briefly. Biography Daniel Defo Daniel Defo Biography Brief out of 6 proposals
Biography Daniel Defo briefly. Biography Daniel Defo Daniel Defo Biography Brief out of 6 proposals

Born either in 1660, or in 1661. From an early age, the boy was fond of reading, and she preferred books telling about historical events or fantastic adventures. It raises serious concerns from his mother, but his father, working butcher, gives hope for a great future son. At twelve years, Daniel goes to school, which he ends at sixteen years, and then at the insistence of his father enters the office of one rich merchant. He conscientiously fulfills his duties, but his career is not interested in trading.

A few years later, Daniel is fond of journalism and begins to write articles on political topics. In his youth, twenty years, Daniel had the negligence to join the army of the duke of the monastery against Yakov, and after the cruel repression of the uprising was forced to hide from persecution. He managed to return to literary activities only when Wilhelm Orange was asleep at the throne. With his satirical poem "True British", Defo defended Wilhelm from the attacks of the people about the fact that the alien rose to the throne. After climbing the throne in 1702, the Queen of Anna, the last of Stewarts, Daniel Defo writes a satirical brochure "the most reliable tool to get rid of the Discovers," for which he is recognized as a rebel and sentenced not only to the fine, but also to imprisonment, as well as to exhibit shameful post. However, people sleep with flowers to the shameful post for their idol ...

Two years later, freed from prison, Daniel brilliantly shows itself in the role of a diplomat during negotiations with Scotland. But, after the arrival of the Hannover House, Daniel writes a poisonous article, for which he again sentenced to fine and imprisonment. It makes it forever to part with the idea of \u200b\u200ba political career. Freed from prison, Daniel publishes its famous "Robinson Cruzo." This is happening in 1719. The novel is based on the real history of the sailor from Scotland named Alexander Selkirk, who lived on a desert island alone 4 years and 4 months, and only then he picked up by a passing ship.

Robinson Kruzo acquires striking popularity around the world, and the defio continues to love the readers a genre in several more works: "Colonel Jack", "the political history of the devil", "Travel around the world", "Sea Robber". Alas, more than 200 written books and brochures, a huge success of contemporaries did not bring Daniel Wealth: until the end of the days he lived in need. Writer Daniel Defo died on April 24, 1731 in London. They say that a concise inscription was conquered on his tombstone: "Daniel Defo, the author of Robinson Cruzo.

Daniel Defo (1660-1731) - a versatile and fruitful English writer and publicist. It is believed that it was he who made such a literary genre popular in the UK as a novel. In the world, the most famous hero of his works is Robinson Cruzo. In total, the defo wrote more than 500 books, magazines and pamphlets to the most different topics, ranging from policies with economics and ending with religion, psychology and family. He laid the foundations of economic journalism, is considered the founder of English intelligence.

Children's and Youth Years

Daniel Defo was born around 1660 near London in a small town of Kriplegate. His father was called Jay Fo, he was a rather wealthy trader, sold meat and, in addition, there was still a small candle factory. And the Father, and the mother were Yary Puritanine dissidents, that is, opposed the English dominant church.

Parents prepared Daniel to Presbyterian pastors, so at the age of 14 gave it to the spiritual seminary. After her, the young man graduated from the Morton Academy in Stoke Newington. He, as an exemplary student, well studied the Greek, Latin and classical literature, but all this was not interesting for a young man. He was fascinated by commerce and trading, this Daniel was ready to do all his life. Although he always remembered Newington school with warmth for giving him a lot of necessary knowledge.


At the nineteenth age, the defo learning completed and, as his father advised him, began commercial activities. In London, there was a wholesale stock company who worked with abroad. Father sent to this office Daniel to study trade practices and accounting, the young man's studies combined with the work of a drawer at a duftor.

Training in the office of Defo graduated in 1685 and immediately engaged in the wholesale stock trade in Cornhyl. Opened firm existed until 1695. Then he engaged in brick and tiled, wines and tobacco. In debt, he had to be in Portugal, France and Spain, where he got acquainted with European life, studied foreign languages.

Very often, Daniel took into risky transactions, repeatedly visited the verge of bankruptcy, but always found a way out of the current situation.


In addition to the commerce, Daniel has always been interested in religious and political struggle. For example, in 1685, he was a member of the uprising of the Duke of Monmaut, who opposed the policy of Yakov II Stewart. On July 6, 1685, a battle of Sedazhmore took place, the rebels lost him, the authorities even strangled the uprising, the Duke executed, and the defo himself barely managed to hide from persecution.

Back in 1681, he began to get involved in poetry, wrote poems on religious topics. And in 1687, he wrote his first pamphlet, which argued about the freedom of conscience and turned to his royal high. The recent recently signed declaration on the termination of punitive laws belonged to religion was served. This is his first literary performance described defo as a good writer and a mature political figure, although he was just 26 years old. However, many of his friends did not accept such a performance against the Royal Declaration. It disappointed the defo and he threw his literary intentions, took up exclusively by trading again.

But after a few years, Daniel returned to the literature. He wrote satirical poems and essays, pamphlets and treatises, in which unfair laws exposed and called for reforms. His satire was very popular among the people, and soon the defo became a noticeable political personality.

When Queen Anna came to power, the defo came to prison for his pamphlets and was put up for a shameful post.

To get rid of prison, Daniel had to go to cooperation with the authorities, he became a secret agent and for several years carried out government assignments.


The age of Defo was approaching by 60, when he heard a real story about how the sailor from Scotland Alexander Selkirk hit the uninhabited island of Juan Fernandez in the Pacific Ocean. He lived there for 4 years, until he discovered him and did not pick up the ship who commanded Woods Rogers. Captain Rogers then described these events in the book "Swimming around the world." And soon the sketch of the style of the style of the style of Alexander Selkirk also got on the eyes of the defense. Daniel seriously became interested in this Scottish sailor, and the creative consciousness of the defio turned a unique story in a large-scale artwork.

Well, who of us, being quite at a young age, did not read the "adventures of Robinson Cruzo", where the main character for 28 years lived on a deserted island and managed not only to survive, but also to create his own world.

The success of this novel was so phenomenal that Daniel Defo soon took his continuation. In 1719 he saw the light Roman "Subsequent Adventures of Robinson Cruzo", and another year later the writer composed "serious reflections during the life and the amazing adventures of Robinson Cruzo with his vision of the Angelic World." But, I must say that in popularity with the first novels, the next two cannot be compared, they did not have such reader success.

Now the defense has already dedicated all his time, and you can say, and the life of only creativity. One after another comes out of his feather:

  • 1720 - "Captain Singleton", "Kavalera Memoirs";
  • 1722 - "Colonel Jack" and "Moll Flenders", "The Diary of the Plague Year";
  • 1724 - "Roxana";
  • 1726 - "Travel of England and Scotland".

In his writings, the genre of adventurous novels, historical and adventure topics prevailed. He also wrote a lot of meamarov's novels.

Last years of life and death

Defo was married to Mary Tauffley, a woman gave birth to the writer of eight children, but it turned out that he died alone.

The last year of the life of Daniel Defo was terrible and gloomy. His brutally, although quite deservedly, tried to punish the publisher deceived by them, he pursued him, called him with a sword, but the defense, despite the old age, could then disarm the enemy.

These constant threats and persecution eventually broke a painful elder, and he was distraught. A deceived person threatened to be revenge, and Daniel ran away from his family, began to hide, was called someone else, he constantly moved from place to place in different cities of England.

Widow, having soldered, in 1731, the defo returned to England and settled in Murfield, the most distant area of \u200b\u200bthe city. Here, the famous creator of Robinson Cruzo died in old age and loneliness on April 26, 1731.

None of his relatives knew about his death, the apartment hostess was engaged in the funeral. The things that remained from the defo, she sold at auction to repay himself funeral expenses.

birth name Daniel Fo ; English Daniel Foe

english Writer and Publicist

short biography

Daniel Defoe - English writer, publicist, journalist, founder of economic journalism, popularizer of the genre of Roman in the UK, the author of the novel about Robinson Cruzo - was born around 1660 near the English capital, in Cryptgate. Father, meat trader, prepared his career of the Presbyterian pastor and gave to the spiritual seminary, the Morton Academy in Stoke Newington, where his son studied classical literature, as well as Latin and Greek. However, the defo-younger attracted a completely different path - commercial activities, trade.

After graduating from the Academy, he went to work against the Claudist's Breaker, repeatedly made business trips to Spain, Portugal, France, Italy. In the future, he acquired his own stocking, was in his entrepreneurial biography and possession of a large plant that produced bricks and tiles. In this sense, the defo was a man of his time: then such merchants-adventurers were quite a few, and he was among those whose commercial activities in the end ended with bankruptcy.

However, entrepreneurship was far from the only interest of Daniel Defo; He lived a bright and rich life. As a young man, he took an active part in political life, was one of the rebels against the king Yakov II Stewart, then hid in different cities to avoid imprisonment.

The activity on the field of literature began with pamphlets and satirical poems, as well as prosaic treatises devoted to entrepreneurial activities. In 1701, Defo wrote Pamflet "Purebred Englishman", having risening aristocracy. He acquired incredible popularity: they were sold on the street, and all 80 thousand copies were immediately bought. For the pamphlet, the authorities sentenced him to a shameful pillar, a giant penalty and put in prison before the execution of punishment. When the defense stood at a shameful post, London's residents came to support him, but a lot of damage was caused, and while he was in prison, his commercial enterprise - who produced the tile of the plant - in essence, collapsed.

The prison sentence could be very long, and prospects - unclear if Daniel Defo did not rescue Robert Harley, Speaker of the House of Commons, Minister. After that, DEFO worked on him as a secret agent, collected in England and Scotland a variety of patronware of the information. Harley in 1704 arranged him at the civil service - in the well-known periodical edition of the Review, where he was charged writing and editing articles. The publication existed to 1713, the Comments of the defo period of work in the "Revolution" became the most famous of its writings of a political nature.

Do not bother working on the field of journalism, Daniel Defo writes and literary works. In 1719, the light of the Life and Amazing Adventures of Robinson Cruzo saw the light - a work included in the treasury of world literature and brought a stunning success to the author. At his wave, the defo wrote in the same year "Further Adventures of Robinson Cruzo", and a year later - another story-continuation, but the glory of "life and adventure ..." was inaccessible. It is with this work that challenges the power of the human spirit, his indestructible will to life, is primarily associated with the name of Daniel Defo, although his creative heritage was very rich and diverse on topics, genres, scale.

His Peru belongs to more than half a thousand writings, among which the novels "joy and sorrow Mol Flenders" (1722), "Happy Kurtizanka, or Roxana" (1724), "Life, adventure and pirate feats of the famous captain of Singleton" (1720) and "History" Colonel Jack "(1722), Proceedings" Perfect English Trader "," Sea Trade Atlas "," Universal Piracy History "," Journey throughout the island of UK ". Daniel Defo died in April 1731 in London.

Biography from Wikipedia

(Name at the birth of Daniel FO; about 1660, Kriplegate district, London - April 24, 1731, District Sprindfel, London) - English Writer and Publicist. Known mainly as the author of Robinson Cruzo. The defo is considered one of the first supporters of the novel as a genre. He helped to popularize this genre in the UK, and some consider it one of the founders of the English novel. Defo is a prolific and diverse writer, he wrote more than 500 books, pamphlets and magazines for various topics (politics, economics, crime, religion, marriage, psychology, supernatural, etc.). He was also the founder of economic journalism. In journalism, bourgeois sanity promoted, defended the versoity and freedom of speech.

In the continuation of the novel about Robinson Cruzo, which is not well known to the Russian-speaking reader, the DEFO, in particular, described his adventures in the Great Tartaria and states partly located on its lands, is the Chinese Empire and Muscovia, as well as life and morals inhabiting its peoples.

Born in London in the family of a meat store Presbyterian James Fo (1630-1712), he received a spiritual education and prepared in pastors, but he refused the church career. Engaged in commercial activities. In 1681 he began writing poems on religious topics.

He took part in the uprising of the Duke of Monmut against Yakov II Stewart and the battle at Sedzmore on July 6, 1685, lost rebels.

After graduating from Newington Academy, where he studied Greek and Latin languages \u200b\u200band classical literature, became a clerk at a wholesale carot. Trading cases were often in Spain, Portugal and France, where she met Europe and improved in languages.

Subsequently, he himself was at the same time the owner of the stocking production and then first the manager, and then the owner of a large brick-tiled plant, but broke. In Defo, the spirit of the businessman-dolza lived with an adventuristic vest - the type covered in that era. He was also one of the most active politicians of his time. A talented publicist, a pamphletist and publisher, he, who does not officially occupy any state office (he was the head of the British intelligence service), one time had a great influence on the king and government.

In 1697 he wrote his first literary work "experience about projects." In 1701, he wrote a satirical work "Purebred Englishman" ("The True-Born Englishman"), ridicule of xenophobia. For pamphlet "The shortest way to dissensterns" ("Shortest Way with the Dissenters") in 1703 was sentenced to a shameful post and imprisonment.

In the prison conclusion, the DEFO continued his literary activities by writing a "hymn shameful post." In the same year, he came out to the will on the condition that will perform secret instructions of the government, that is, it will become a spy.

In 1724, the writer under the pseudonym Charles Johnson published a work entitled "Universal History of Piracy."

His Peru belongs to more than half a thousand writings, among which the novels "joy and sorrow Mol Flenders" (1722), "Happy Kurtizanka, or Roxana" (1724), "Life, adventure and pirate feats of the famous captain of Singleton" (1720) and "History" Colonel Jack "(1722), Proceedings" Perfect English Trader "," Sea Trade Atlas "," Journey throughout the UK Island ".

Daniel Defo died in April 1731 in London.

"Robinson Crusoe"

At the age of 59, in 1719, Daniel Defo published the first and best novel for his entire creative life - "Life and amazing adventures of Robinson Cruzo, a sailor from York, who lived twenty-eight years in full alone on the uninhabited island off the coast of America near the mouth of the river Orinoco, where he was thrown by a shipwreck, during which the entire carriage crew besides him died; With the presentation of his unexpected liberation with pirates written by them. " The Russian reader is a product known as Robinson Cruzo.

The design of the novel was suggested by the writer by a real incident: in 1704, the Scottish sailor, Alexander Selkirk, after a quarrel with the captain landed on an unfamiliar coast with a slight margin of provisions and weapons. Four more than a year, he led an acclaimal lifestyle, as it turned out, on the island of Juan Fernandez in the Pacific Ocean, until he was taken to the ship who commanded Woods Rogers.

Defo spends through the novel, the educational concept of history. So, from barbarism (hunting and gathering) Robinson on the island proceeds to civilization (agriculture, cattle breeding, craft, slavementism).



  • Robinson Cruzo (Robinson Crusoe) - 1719
  • "Further Adventures of Robinson Cruzo" (The Farther Adventures of Robinson Crusoe) - 1719
  • "Life and Pirate Adventures of Nice Captain Singleton" (Captain Singleton) - 1720
  • "Memoirs of a Cavalier" (Kavalera Memoirs) - 1720
  • "Diary of the Plague Year" (A journal of the plague year) - 1722
  • "Joy and sorrow famous Moll Flenders" (Moll Flanders) - 1722
  • "Happy Kurtizanka, or Roxana" (Roxana: The Fortunate Mistress) - 1724
  • "The King of Pirates" (King of Pirates)
  • "History of Colonel Jack" (Colonel Jack)
Other in prose
  • "A truthful story about the phenomenon of a ghost of a certain Mrs. the day after the death of some Mrs. Bargres in Canterbury on September 8, 1705" (A True Relation of the Apparition of One Mrs. Veal The Next Day After Her Death to One Mrs. Bargrave at Canterbury The 8th of september 1705) - 1706
  • "The Consolidator Or, Memoirs of Sundry Transactions from The World in The Moon" (Consolidator, or memories of the arrival operation from the light of the moon) - 1705
  • Atlantis Major (Main Atlantis) - 1711
  • "A Tour Thro" The Whole Island Of Great Britain, Divided Into Circuits Or Journies "(directory tour of the United Kingdom) - 1724-1727
  • "THE FAMILY INSTRUCTOR" (Instructor Family)
  • "Universal history of piracy" The Pirate Gow) - 1724
  • "The Storm" (storm)
  • "A NEW VOYAGE ROUND THE WORLD" (New World Travel) - 1725
  • "The Political History of The Devil) - 1726
  • "System of Magic" (Magic System) - 1726
  • "The History of the Remarkable Life of John Sheppard" (History of the remarkable life of John Sheppard) - 1724
  • "A Narrative Of All The Robberies, Escapes, & C. Of John Sheppard "(narration of all robbery, shoots) - 1724
  • "The Pirate Gow" (Pirate GOU) - 1725
  • "A Friendly Epistle by Way of Reproof From One of the People Called Quakers, to T. B., A Dealer in Many Words" (friendly message by reproach from one of the people called quakers) - 1715


  • "CONJUGAL LEWDNESS" (Sophisticated Depravity)
  • "Serious Reflections of Robinson Crusoe" (Serious Reflections Robinsone Cruise) - 1720
  • "The Complete English TradeSman" (Full English Trader)
  • "An Essay Upon Projects" (Essays about projects)
  • "An Essay Upon Literature" (essay on literature) - 1726
  • "MERE NATURE DELINEATED" (simple distinction of nature) - 1726
  • "A Plan of English Commerce" (British Trade Plan) - 1728
  • "Essay On The Reality Of Apparitions" (Essays about the reality of ghosts) - 1727


  • "The True-Born Englishman" (purebred Englishman) - 1701
  • "Hymn to the Pillory" (hymn shameful post) - 1703


  • Moubray House (Maubray House)

Edition of the defo in Russia

  • "Abbey Classics" Series. Translations and publications in Russia: Robinson Crusoe, in two parts, translation. with Franz., SPb., 1843;
  • Robinson Crusoe, in two tt. 200 drawings of Granville, engraved on the stone and printed in two tones, a new translation. with Franz., M., 1870;
  • Robinson Cruzo, Trans. P. Konchalovsky, M., 1888;
  • translate M. Shishmareva and Z. Zhuravskaya, St. Petersburg., 1902;
  • translate L. Murachina, ed. Sytin, M., 1904, ed. 4th, 1911 and mn. Dr.
  • Joy and mountain famous Mall Fladders, Transl. P. Konchalovsky, "Russian wealth", 1896 її 1-4, Depth. ed., M., 1903, with art. V. Leshevich, G. Gettner, Tan, P. S. Kogan, V. M. Friece;
  • Universal. The history of literature, ed. KORUSH AND KRIPICHNIKOV;
  • Kamensky A. Daniel Defo, his life and activity, St. Petersburg., 1892 (in biographical. Series Pavkova);
  • Zloshupin A., English Publicist XVII century, "Observer", 1892, ї 6;
  • Leskevich V., Daniel Defo as a person, writer and public figure, "Russian. wealth ", 1893, їїї 5, 7, 8;
  • His, about the "Mall Fladders" D. Defo, "Russian. wealth ", 1896, ї 1;
  • Alferov A. et al., "Ten readings on literature", M., 1895, ed. 2nd, M., 1903. Biographies D. (eng.): Chambers, 1786; Lee, 1869; Morley H., 1889; Wright, 1894; Whitten, 1900.
  • Charles Johnson (Daniel Defo). Universal Pirates / Translation from English, Preface, Notes, Applications I. S. Melsky // Day and Night. - 1999. - № 3. (In 2014, entitled "Universal Piracy History", SPb.: ABC, ABC-Attikus)

Other materials related to defo

  • Lamb, Hazlitt, Forstel, Leslie Stephen, Minto, Masefield, W. P. Trent (Cambridge History of English Literature). On Franz. Yaz.: Dottin, 3 VV., 1924. On German. Yaz.: Horten F., Studien Über Die Sprache Defoe's, Bonn, 1914;
  • Schmidt R., Der Volkswille Als Realer Faktor des Verfassungslebens Und D. Defoe, 1925;
  • DIBELIUS, DER ENGLISCHE ROMAN. In English. Jaz.: Secord A. W., Studies in the Narrative Method of Defoe, 1924. Slavping in the field of text - Lannert G. L., 1910. On the sources of "Robinson Cruzo": Nicholson W., 1919; Lucius L. Hubbard, 1921;
  • Lloyd's Catalogue of Edition of Robinson Crusoe and Other Books by And Ref. To Defoe, L., 1915.
  • G. H. Moynadier, 16 VV. 1903;

It is known that the writer was born in 1660 in London in a meat trade family. The father wanted to see him by Pastor (the family was a priesthood), and the future writer even studied in the spiritual seminary, but, for incomprehensible reasons, Daniel had to refuse the spiritual career, like his father, took up trade.

Since 1681, he begins to write poems on religious topics. In 1685, he took part in the uprising of Monmut against Yakov II Stewart, then he entered the Newington Academy, where he studied Greek and Latin, and after her ended, he again took up trade and traveled a lot in Europe, studying languages, absorbing life and morals of people.

Trader, Writer, Spy

In 1697, he wrote his first major literary work and scientific treatise, then published several satirical works in which Ksenophobia ridicued. For one of them, even sentenced to a shameful post and imprisonment. After some time, he was released and continued to engage in entrepreneurship.

It is known that Defo did not just engage in trade, but also spying for the English king; Some even believe that for some time he was the head of the "intelligence" of Britain (did not officially be officially on the state service, but he had a huge influence on the king and the government, he was listening to his opinion; most likely, he was released from prison only because they took With him promises to start actively spying in favor of the state).

In 1719, Defo wrote and published his best Roman "Robinson Kruzo". As a basis, he took the real events that occurred in 1704. This novel is not only about a simple person survival in the wild, this novel is the anthem of civilization and a peculiar retrospective of the path made by mankind: from barbarism (gathering and hunting) to progress (farming, cattle breeding, craft).

Other biography options

  • In 1724, the writer under the pseudonym Charles Johnson published a work entitled "Universal History of Piracy" (first published in Russia in 1999). This is an incredibly interesting work based on documents that were kept in the ministry of Britain's colony. This book contains the highest possible description of the life and adventures of such pirates as Bartolomew Roberts, black beard, Styd Bonnet, John Rekham.
  • Few people know that Daniel Defo wrote the continuation of the adventures of Captain Cruzo. Moreover, the actions of the novel-continuation occur in the so-called Great Tataria (modern Russia, Mongolia and Tatarstan). The author not only describes the nature of the Great Tataria, but also trying to disclose the history, life, morals of peoples, its inhabiting (Russian, Siberian Cossacks, Tatars, Mongols, Chinese).
  • A brief biography of Daniel Defo is usually studying in grade 5, when the literature lessons get acquainted with such a work as "Robinson Cruzo".
  • The defo, known to most readers as the author of Robinzon Kruzo, wrote a large number of a wide variety of works (some experts are more than 500): Pamphlets and scientific essays, novels to satirical stories, poems and essays from the first person. The writer is considered the founder of such a direction as economic journalism.
  • It is known that in their journalistic work, the defo promoted a kindness, freedom of speech and bourgeois sanity, which was extremely unusual for that time.

English literature

Daniel Defoe


Defoe, Daniel (Defoe, Daniel) (1660-1731), English Writer. Born in London in 1600 in the family of merchant Salna Candle and Disement James Fo. About 1703 Daniel changed the surname to the defio. He studied at the school J. Fisher in Dorking, then at the Academy of Ch. Morton in Stoke-Newington, who was preparing pastors for the Presbyterian Church. In 1681 began to compose religious poems, but soon it took commercial activities. Some time traded in Spain, a lot went to Western Europe. It is known that (until 1685) on the way between Haridge and Holland, he captured Algerian pirates, but soon he was supposedly bought. In 1684, Defo married Mary Tauffley, who gave him eight children. The wife brought the dowry for 3,700 pounds sterling, and for some time he could be considered a relatively wealthy person, but in 1692 and the dowry wife, and his own savings swallowed bankruptcy, which took 17 thousand pounds sterling. From such a commercial failure, which happened due to the fact that the defense had a negligence to subscribe under the fleet of insurance obligations for the period of war with France, he never managed to recover.

In 1701, DEFO wrote a poem of a purebred Englishman (The True-Born Englishman), having riselled fiction about racial superiority, and the King Wilhelm III found this essay of the valuable service, but the monarch died in a year and hit the defense hit from all sides. Tori put him in the guilt of the Council to the king to dissolve the Profaręzus Parliament, the zealous adherents of a high church were vulneted by ridicule in his eccentric essay how to rip the Inactive (Shortest Way with The Dissenters, 1702), and the judges of the London urban control, in front of which he appeared on accuses to political He restored against himself the exposure of their personal defects. Ultimately, by the sentence, announced in July 1703, he had to endure a shameful pillar three times, pay a huge penalty and find guarantors in his existent behavior for seven years, and before the execution of the sentence he should remain in prison. Although the deposit of the shameful post turned into a demonstration of enthusiastic support, his reputation suffered and the prosperous business for the production of tiles during the time, while the owner was in prison, came to a perfect disorder. He could be in conclusion until the end of the days if it were not for the interference of the Speaker of the House of Communities R. Harley, who knew the price of a defo journalist. In November 1703 Harley achieved the release of the defense, and then arranged him in public service. Defo began to edit "Review" ("Review"), the periodical edition, which was emitted from 1704 to 1713, most often just every three weeks. Of all the political essays of the defio, his comments in RIVEY are known best. From 1691 to 1730, books, pamphlets, poems were published almost continuous flow, and his performances were heard in support of the government. In 1719, not stopping active journalistic work, the defio begins to engage in prose. Following the life and amazing adventures of Robinson Cruzo (The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, 1719) leaving notes of Cavalier (Memoires Of A Cavalier, 1720), Captain Singleton (Captain Singleton, 1720), good luck and misfortunes Mall Flenders (The Fortunes And Misfortunes of Moll Flanders, 1722), Diary of the Plague Year (A Journal of the Plague Year, 1722), History of Captain Jack, 1722) and Roxana (Roxana, 1724). They were written and such important works as a journey throughout the island of United Kingdom (A Tour Through The Whole Island of Great Britain, 1724-1727), a general history of piracy (a General History of the Pirates, 1724-1728), a perfect English Trader ( The Complete English Tradesman, 1725-1727) and sea sales atlas (Atlas Maritimus et Commercialis, 1728). Defo died in London on April 26, 1731. Roman Robinson Kruzo was first published in 1719, and then two continues appeared. In life and amazing adventures (only this part of the trilogy has gained an overwhelming success from readers) Cruise tells about how he ran away from home to become a sailor, as he was captured to the Berberian pirates, as his ship was crashed and threw it to a uninhabited island. near the coast of Venezuela, where he saved Saviar Friday from cannibals. In further adventures (Farther Adventures, 1719), Cruzo returns to its island and travels around Africa and Asia. Serious reflections (Serious Reflections, 1720) are written for the sake of familiarizing the public with thinking of Cruise, which he indulged alone. Description of life Cruise on a uninhabited island, unique for all world fiction, partially founded on the case with A. Selkirk, landed for one of the uninhabited Isles of the Juan Fernandez Archipelago (1704-1709), partially - on the stories about the captivity of R. Noks on Ceylon (1660-1680), but first of all this is a story about the struggle of a person with nature. Cruzo in grains adds civilization from the girlfriend. Roman Molle Flenders was first published in 1722. Mall talks about his life since birth in Newgate prison and the next thing about how she went to the maid in Colchester, as she was seduced, as she was married five times, as she was a pocket thief And a prostitute, as she managed to escape from the gallows, agreeing on the link to Virginia, and about her last husband, with whom she lives his life in England. Malla Flenders informs the reader the vitality of the truth, not swept away by sentimentality, and the presentation is so detail that the book was quoted as a documentary source.

Daniel Defo (1660-1731) was born in London in a family family. Its real surname FD. He graduated from J. Fisher's school in Dorking, then he studied at the Academy of Ch. Morton in Stoke-Newington on the pastor of the Presbyterian Church. In 1681 he began to write religious poems, but in the end, preferred trade. Some time was engaged in commercial activities in Spain, I washed all Western Europe.

In 1684, the defense was combined with marriage with Mary Tauffley. They had eight children. The giving wife made it quite a secured person, but in 1692 he broke.

In 1701, the defo wrote a pamphlet "Purebred Englishman", in which the English nationalistic prejudices ridiculed and defended King Wilhelm, the Dutchman by origin. For this, he deserved a special location of the monarch, which, however, died in a year, and the defense for political stems appeared before the court and was put in prison. He could have to hold the rest of his life in conclusion if he were not for the intercession of the Speaker of the House of Communities R. Harley. In November 1703, DEFO was issued to freedom and received the position of the editor in the Periodic edition of RIVEY. Of all the works of DEFO, dedicated to politics, his comments in "Reeve" are most famous.

In 1719, continuing to actively engage in journalistic work, the defense tries himself in prose. In 1719, he writes "the life and amazing adventures of Robinson Cruzo" and its two continued, and then 14 of the novels. Defo died on April 26, 1731 in London.


Life and amazing adventures Robinson Cruzo