Biography of the actor Frunzik Mkrtchyan. Causes of death Frunzik Mkrtchyan

Biography of the actor Frunzik Mkrtchyan. Causes of death Frunzik Mkrtchyan
Biography of the actor Frunzik Mkrtchyan. Causes of death Frunzik Mkrtchyan

People's Artist of the USSR (1984)
Laureate of the State Prize of the Armenian SSR (1975, for the film "Triangle")
Laureate of the first prize at the All-Union Film Festival in Yerevan (1978, for the film "Soldiers and Elephant")
Winner of the USSR State Prize (1978, for the film "Mimino")

Frunzik's parents were 5 years old when they hit the orphanage. They have grown together in it, in 1924 they got married, and when one of the largest textile factory in the Soviet Union opened in Armenia, together arranged there to work. Franzika Musheg's father worked at the Tabelchik plant, and Mom Sanam - dishwasher in the factory dining room. They had four children, and one of the sons they gave the name Frunzik in honor of the Hero of the Civil War Frunze. Father very much wanted to draw well Frunzik to become an artist, but in the Ten-year-old age the boy was carried away by theater, and began to go to the dramatic circle. He loved to organize ideas at home on a staircase - Frunzik hung the curtain and arranged in front of the interpretary published on the stairs. The children were sitting on their knees from their parents, and not shy to the small actor. The fact that Frunzik is extremely gifted, no one else was doubted.

To feed a big family, Musheg Mkrtchyan once stole a small piece of fabric at the plant, and was convicted for ten years, after which the children and his wife began to starve, as the dishwasher received only 30 rubles for their jobs.

In 1947, Frunzik graduated from school and went to work at the factory, but after a few years he entered the Yerevan Theater and Art Institute, and while still a second-year student of the Institute received an invitation to the Sandukian Theater for the role of Ezopa, which was to play a couple with his teacher . But after the first play, the teacher gave way to Frunzik. In 1956, Mkrtchyan graduated from the theater institute and was accepted in the Troupe of the Sondukyan Theater. Armen Dzhigarkhanyan told: "For the first time Frunzik, I saw not in the movies, but on stage. In the mid-1950 he was already popular. The people went to the theater named after Sondukyan specifically "on Frunzik." And indeed, looking at his stage existence, you understood that he was an artist with a capital letter. There are such a kissing nature that are immediately born by artists. Secrets of mastery in their blood. "

During the study, Mkrtchyan married, but his first marriage was short-lived, domestic and material problems led to the fact that the spouses soon broke up. With his second wife, Danara Frunzik Mkrtchyan met in the mid-50s, when she came to enter Leninakan to theatrical and art institute. Immediately after the end of the Institute, Mkrtchyan first starred in the cinema - he played in the film by Alexander Row "The Secret of Lake Sevan" in a small episode. And his full debut on the movie screen took place in 1960 in the film Malyan and the city of Markaryan "Guys of the Museum", in which he played a musician named Arsen.

But the next work in the movie Mkrtchyan had to wait five years, and she became in 1965 the role of Professor Berg in 1965 in the Comedy "Thirty-Three" director Georgy Dellai. However, the film for ideological reasons was very quickly removed from the rental.

The next work of the ICRTCHYAN in the cinema was the role in the film of Rolan Bykov "Aibolit-66". In this picture, Mkrtchyan got through the actor's protection and director Frunze Dovlatalyan, who suggested that the bulls try to try Mkrtchyan on the role of one of the robbers. The actor was approved for the role, and soon Mkrtchyan, together with Alexei Smirnov and with Rolan by Rolakov, in the role of Barmaleya, got into the bright and eccentric trinity of the robbers, which immediately won the sympathies of the audience after entering the screens in 1966. Albert Mkrtchyan told: "Father did not live to the glory of the Son. But Mom managed. She loved Frunzik very much. We - I and our two sisters - even offended her. But Mom said that we are without that combat, but Frunzik is helpless. When the brother was already very popular, he came home, got up under the shower and called Mom. She came and soap him. There was such music of Mother and Son. "

In the same 1966, the sparkling comedy of Leonid Gaiday "Caucasian Captive" came to the screens of the USSR, in which Mkrtchyan got the role of uncle's chief heroine of Jabrail. In this picture, his real spouse actress Danar Mkrtchyan also played.

After the release of these two films, Frunzik Mkrtchyan immediately became one of the most sought-after comedic actors of the country. Frunzik himself confessed in his love precisely to the comedy genre and, in particular, to Charlie Chaplin: "Chaplin for me, like Bach in music - a teacher of mankind. Just as life is eating surprises, Chaplin never ceased to amaze me. One day, Moscow television shot me a documentary film. He began with the personnel where the little boy looks at the movie theater with Chaplin, and lights up the desire once just like he, play movies. It was no coincidence. I became a comer because I dreamed of this since childhood. I very much respect all the pioneers of the film crotes. They were those who became Gagarin in astronautics. Only I personally can not put in one row with chipper. "

Mkrtchyan's life was successful, soon the spouses were born daughter of Nune and the son of Vazgen, and his wife Danar got to work in the theater.

Mkrtchyan was known for the fact that it was often helped by his close people in trouble, and he did it quietly, without any pump. Albert Mkrtchyan told: "He treated fame quietly and never suffered from a star disease. But people reacted violently to the "living" Frunzik, which was equivalent to the invasion of personal territory. Every passerby in Yerevan considered him his native man. Once we descended into the Moscow metro and were able to drive only one stop - with applause. He did not give any material benefits. But he asked he could not refuse. Here his fame helped get apartments and cars, and medicines. He was a surprisingly subtle and kind man. Even too good. Everyone had a claim to him, and he did not have them. Frunzik was a real people's deputy, unofficial, of course. Helped thousands of people. He could not refuse him ... He helped relatives, friends, neighbors and completely unfamiliar people. A month after the death of our mother, an exhausted woman knocked to us. Having learned that our Sanam (mother Frunzik Mkrtchyan) died, she scored in hysterics and repeated all the time: "My children will now die ..." It turns out that our mother promised to talk to Frunzik about the apartment for unhappy. A woman lived without her husband, with five children in a removable room. I looked at Frunzik and realized that his soul was crying. He said only one word: "Good." He went to the Central Committee, where everyone was respected him, and three months later Frunzik knocked out an apartment for a woman and her children. He never rejected a little, did big things quietly, without a pump. "

In the early 1970s, misfortune happened to the Mkrtchyan family. Danar got sick with a severe mental disorder - schizophrenia, and she had to part the theater, while Frunzik became an unusually popular actor and often went to the shooting. Danar's disease led to the fact that Mkrtchyan had to often refuse good roles. But, despite the fact that, due to the unresolved family life, Frunzik could sometimes be an undisciplined actor, usually he was very carefully preparing for work, for a long time and painfully looking for an image. In the first half of the 1970s, there were not many films with his participation, nevertheless, in 1975, the actor was awarded the State Prize of the Armenian SSR - the leadership of the republic decided to celebrate his role in the film "Triangle", which was released on screens in 1967 .

A new round of popularity for ICRTchyan has come in the second half of the 1970s. This contributed to the screens of the USSR comedy Georgy Deltera Mimino, in which Mkrtchyan, together with Vakhtang Kikabidze, created a magnificent acting duet.

A lot of funny replicas, who later became covered: "I so laughed here," "What are these" Zhiguli "think?", "I'll tell you one smart thing ..." - and other Frunzik came up with himself. In particular, the scene of the interrogation of the witness Khachikyan in court was an improvisation of the actor.

When, together with Vakhtang Kikabidze and George, Deloia Frunzik went to the Kremlin to receive a state award for the film "Mimino", the guards demanded that they have to prevent documents. What Mkrtchyan answered Mkrtchyan: "Is foreign spies to the Kremlin without documents go?"

After the release of this picture, filled with sparkling jokes, the directions again remembered Mkrtsyan. One after another began to break films with his participation. Mkrtchyan starred in the Music Comedy "Bagdasar divorces his wife", the lyrical drama "Soldier and Elephant", the fairy tale "The Adventures of Ali-Baba and the Forty Robbers", the comedy "Justa" and other films.

With her friends and colleagues, Frunzik Mkrtchyan preferred not to communicate with their friends and colleagues. In humans, he always remained a cheerful, cheerful man, a big fiction and master of the drawing. He could easily get at night on a waterproof tube under a friend's window and sing a serenade with a kebab shapeter in his hand. Frunzik Mkrtchyan Frunzika Actor and director Horen Abrahamyan recalled: "From creative cabbagers, which in the theater were often delayed until the morning, we went out on the street and soldered it. I remember who drunk well, we turned out once at 5 am to the central square, where the huge monument was Lenin and the Tribune, and staged their parade. There was always a policeman's duty, but Frunzik was not embarrassed, it was impossible to refuse him. He climbed into the stands and started to distribute all the roles. One of us was the Secretary General, another foreign minister, the third member of the Politburo. Frunzik most often portrayed the people. On our slogans from the stands, he shouted all sorts of crucia from the crowd. When the policeman grabbed him for the shkir, he indignantly shouted on the whole area: "It shouted not by me, someone from the demonstrators." FRunzik could stop and stop the tram and screams. Choking on the roof, he depicted Lenin on the armored car ... "

Mkrtchyan loved the audience, and colleagues for work. George Deltei, who removed him in three of his films, somehow noticed: "It worked very easily with him. He all the time came up with interesting moves, and the director remained only to select the desired ", and Rolan Bykov, thanks to the Robber's proposed candidate on the role of the robber in the film" Aibolit-66 ", admitted:" You gave me the sun. "

Meanwhile, the illness of the wife Frunzik Danara progressed, and in the early 1980s, Mkrtchyan had to put it in a psychiatric hospital, remaining alone with two children. After this difficult decision, he had to break between work and family - Mkrtchyan continued to actively work in the theater and in the cinema. Including, and in the pictures of his brother, who told: "All roles for the actor of the road, because in each of each of his soul, after the shooting, the actor just agitates. And the most dramatic role was the role of the postman in my song "The Song of the past days." This is a lot of autobiographical film. In our yard during the war there lived a disabled person who returned from the front to Leninakan and worked as a postman. Once we, boys, gave the funeral. We were delighted with the cries of "Hurray!" Brought an elderly woman envelope. We thought this letter from the front ... Frunzik remembered this case for a rest. In the film, he had to play a man who brings his mother to the funeral on her last, the fourth son ... He feels that if it does it, it just comes crazy. And near the church, the postman begins this paper envelope ... This episode we shot in our childhood, in Leninakan. Frunzik did not leave the hotel room three days, drank. Then he came out, unshaven, with bruises under the eyes, and said: "I am ready to act in this episode." With the role he played like a cat with a mouse, - three days he turned into an old man with disabilities. "

In the mid-80s, Mkrtchyan decided on the third marriage. His new wife became the daughter of the Chairman of the Writers of Armenia in Armenia. Immediately after the wedding, the newlyweds moved to a new four-room apartment in the center of Yerevan, but this marriage of Mkrtchyan was unsuccessful, and after a few years he divorced.

From the mid-1980s, Mkrtchyan practically stopped filming a movie. Suggestions continued to come to him, but he refused them, jokingly stating: "Does the movie play in my age?" And in the early 1990s, Mkrtchyan left the theater named after Sondukyan. It was pushed to the care of the collective's decision to elect the main director Horen Abrahamyan. Mkrtchyan, 35 years old who gave the theater, claimed this position, and the decision of his colleagues offended. After leaving the Theater named after Sondukyan, Frunzik Mkrtchyan decided to create his own theater, but the Frunzik managed to lead them for a short time.

The health of Mkrtchyan was undermined - doctors diagnosed from the actor the problem with the heart, liver and stomach. His daughter Nune by that time married, and left her husband in Argentina, and the meaning of the life of Frunzik was the son of Vazgen. And here, no weak health undermined the new tragedy. It turned out that Vazgen inherited Mother's disease. In 1993, Mkartzan took his treatment to France, where it turned out that the son's illness was inherited - he was inherited by the mental illness of the mother. They say that when Vazgen was placed at some time at the same French clinic, where Danar was, they did not even recognize each other. Frunzik Mkrtchyan Frunzika Actor and director Horen Abrahamyan recalled: "FRUNZIK was very unhappy in the family. He had no home comfort in his house. And he drank so scary, I think, because he lacked a warm relationship in the family. "

Mkrtchyan returned to Yerevan, deprived of the war with Azerbaijan of light and warm, and here a new strike was waiting for him, "His close friend of People's Artist Armenia Azat Shanz died. Mkrtchyan himself hit the hospital, where he had a clinical death, but the doctors saved the life of the artist. Albert Mkrtchyan told: "When doctors put a tragic diagnosis of his beloved wife, and then the son, Frunzik fought to the end. He worked a lot to provide them with decent treatment. And also - a terrible earthquake in Leninakan in 1988. From our home home there is nothing left. Many familiar, friends died. And in Yerevan, life at the beginning of the nineties was very severe. In the winter of 1993, there was practically no lighting and heating. And Frunzik loved Albinoni's Adagio very much. My friends and I adapted the battery from the car to his tape recorder, and he could listen to his favorite melody. "

For the last months, Frunzik Mkrtchane lived at home, where His younger brother Albert, who later told him: "On December 28, 1993, I spent the whole day at home all day. We sat, talked about art. Frunzik was interested only. I remember, he once again put the cassette with Adahio Albii, which was going to use in his next play. Then I laid him sleep and went home for a few hours. It was five purses. Reaching the house, I immediately began to call Frunzik - I had some kind of unkind premonition. Although I understood that it was impossible - Frunzik's phone was faulty, and it could only call him, and not to receive calls. And at seven in the evening they called me and said that Frunzik is no longer. He became bad, and "ambulance" could not do anything. Heart attack. He was 63 years old ... was FRUNZIK Life tragic? And how big artist is not tragic? It is probably a fee for that talent that the Lord awarded them. The main tragedy was the soul sickness of the son, who passed to him from the mother. Vazgen died last year. The daughters did not become five years after the death of Frunzik. She had a tumor of the uterus, she made a successful operation. Nune sat in her ward together with her husband, and her tomb was broken away. Brother, of course, understood what an actor he was. But never showed it. Because he was a man with a capital letter, as she wrote bitterly. Who stayed after him? The people who love him. I stayed, our younger sister, our grandchildren. So the genus Mkrtchyan continues. Someone from him will definitely be the same talented as Frunzik. "

A huge number of Yerevan gathered on the funeral Frunzik Mkrtchana. Farewell to your favorite artist was delayed, and the funeral Frunzik took place at dusk. The headlights stood on the side of the car covered the dark bridges, and thousands of people went through the streets with candles until the coffin with the body of the artist carried on a living multi-kilometer illuminated corridor ...

Journalist Joseph Verdyan after the death of Frunzik Mkrtchyan wrote: "In a couple of weeks after the funeral Frunzik, I invited his brother, a famous film director Albert Mkrtchyan, to himself, and we told a trip in the kitchen for a great brother in the kitchen. I remember: "Frunz wished death, he rushed towards her, he dreamed of her, severely quickened by life instincts. His not the time destroyed and not addiction to the guilt and tobacco ... No, he deliberately walked to his death, not having the strength to survive the illness of his son and his wife - a huge maritious mountain. "

Frunzik Mkrtchyan is buried in the Pantheon of the heroes of the Armenian spirit in Yerevan.

In his homeland in Gyumri, a monument to the Grand Artist washed.

Leonid Filatov prepared a transfer from the cycle to Frunzic Mkrtchyan "to remember."

Used materials:

Materials site In search of the addressee (1955)

  • Because of honor (1956)
  • What is the noise of the river (1959)
  • Guys Museum (1960)
  • Twenty Six Baku Commissioners (1965)
  • Thirty three (1965)
  • Aibolit-66 (1966)
  • Caucasian captive, or new adventures of Shurik (1966)
  • Rainbow formula (1966)
  • From the time of hunger (1967)
  • Triangle (1967)
  • White Piano (1968)
  • Adam and Heva (1969)
  • We and our mountains (1969)
  • Do not be sad! (1969)
  • Yesterday, today and always (1969)
  • Explosion after midnight (1970)
  • Khatabala (1972)
  • Men (1972)
  • Iirik (Dad) (1972)
  • Monument (1972) short-lasting
  • Mimino (1977)
  • Naaret (1977)
  • Soldier and Elephant (1977)
  • Justa fuss (1978)
  • Good half of life (1979)
  • Adventures Ali Baba and Forty Robbers (1979)
  • Silence ("Slice of the sky") (1980)
  • Large win (1981)
  • Song of the past days (1982)
  • Lonely a hostel (1983)
  • Fire (1983)
  • Legend of Love (1984)
  • Tango of our childhood (1985)
  • How at home, how are you? (1987)
  • July 4, 1930 - December 29, 1993

    Soviet and Armenian actor theater and cinema, theater director. People's Artist of the USSR. Winner of the USSR State Prize. Infinitely talented, universal actor. A completely simple person. devoid of "star", modest, shy.

    He lived 63 years old - too little for the great actor. He was a very distinguished man who was recognized on the streets, did not ask documents, even they often did not take money in stores and restaurants.

    The name Frunzik is not quite Armenian and certainly not traditional for Armenia. It is not known, in honor of whom Frunzik received his name - perhaps in honor of Mikhail Frunze. Frunzik's younger brother called Albert - also clearly not an Armenian name.

    Mkrtchyan did not like his name. And it knew his friends.

    Once during the foreign tour, the group of Yerevan theater named after Sondukyan fell into Beirut. Representatives of the Armenian Diaspora game Mkrtchyan so loved that Frunzik began to call MER - "Sunny", or "light". He really liked this name.

    The family of Mkrtchyanov has no pedigree. FRUNZIKA PARENTS, THERE CHILDREN'S COMETING, FOUND on the road. They became victims of the Turkish massacre, during which about a million Armenians died. Children picked up and defined in the children's home in Gyumri. Here they met - Musheg and Sanam.

    In 1924, they became her husband and wife. They were poor and not very happy.

    In 1930, July 4, their firstborn. For Sanam, the little frunzik was a true happiness. The attachment to the firstborn she retained for life. The family had four children. As a child, Frunzik was weak and wounded.

    In childhood, he drew well, and his father wanted the eldest son to become an artist.

    Of the city in which Frunzik was born, no longer exists. A terrible catastrophe is 1988 - destroyed the old quarters and killed thousands of residents of Leninakan.

    The area in which Mkrtchyans lived was considered to be a gangster in Leninakan. The poverty reigned around the circle.

    It is not known how he studied at school. In the adulthood, Mkrtchyan knew world literature and classical music very well.

    Years at ten Frunzik, who has repeatedly visited the local theater and the burned idea to become an artist, started his children's game "in the theater". At the second floor site, right in front of the door of the apartment with the help of Mother Frunzik built a homemade curtain. In front of him installed a number of chairs, asked them from the neighbors. And started a "performance". The game ended with the arrival of the father.

    The class in Fifth Frunzik tried to join the theater circle at the House of Culture of the Textile Combine. The boy's talent was so obvious that he was immediately taken. Interesting the fact that he was taken in an adult group, where the guys played much older, and he was the youngest.

    once he decided to come to his performance. The performance ended. Frunzik went home, waiting for the scandal. But my father was delayed. In the morning, the dad was larching. Only breakfast grunted: "Well done, played well ...".

    Once in 1945, when Frunzik turned 15 years old. Father returned from work with something tormented. Asked why the son does not draw. Frunzik snapped. Father pulled out the iron line and hit Frunzik on his hands ... And a few minutes later, the apartment door knocked. Father opened. People in the form fell into the apartment.

    That evening Moshega Mkrtchyan was arrested. He, as well as many times before, made five meters of Bosi from the plant. He endured everything - winding his legs instead of spoons. This calico was collected, then sold in the market. And this money bought clothes and food for children.

    Stretched everything. Sometimes came across. At the court, Mushega was convicted and awarded ten years of camps. Father of four children were sent to Nizhny Tagil to throw the forest. After ten years, Moseg returned home by the destroyed health and immediately died.

    One can only imagine what the mother was worth the sons and daughters one, without her husband. Perhaps these difficult times and brought up disregard for luxury in Frunzic to their own clothing. To the objects of luxury, to any ribbons and decorations, Frunzik treated contempt.

    In 15 years, still a schoolboy, Frunzik began to make a living. And it was not his desire, but a harsh necessity.

    Friend of the Father, a film mechanic of the House of Culture of the Textile Combine, took the boy to his assistants.

    He worked as an assistant to a film mechanic for two years - until the end of the secondary school. And during this time I was able to see many masterpieces of Soviet cinema.

    Mkrtchyan graduated from Yerevan Theatrical - Art Institute, but at the same time was self-taught actor.

    Mkrtchyan's cinema has entered spontaneously, suddenly as the highest professional.

    The graduation of Frunzik was so bright that in 1951 the leadership of the Leninakan theater wishing to his pupil, sent Mkrtchyan to Yerevan - to theatrical and art institute.

    In the second year of the Institute, Frunzik went to Yerevan Theater - the main theater of Armenia. He was arranged to watch and immediately took.

    Institute he graduated already being famous in the country theater actor. Yerevan, in which Frunzik fell for the first time in his life, loved him immediately.

    He studied at the last year of the Yerevan Theater and Art Institute. Albert's 18-year-old brother studied here - in the second year. Once the brothers argued. Frunzic decided to play movies. The next day, Frunzik went to the film studio. She brought his photo, was resented to the actor of the Sondukyan Theater. He was introduced to the acting base. And then he forgot about this visit.

    And suddenly he was invited to pass the film processing on the role in the new film "in search of the addressee".

    In 1956, he again received an invitation and starred in the film "Because of honor." In 1959 - "What is the river noise", and in the 1960s - "Muscommands Guys".

    After this film, a five-year pause came, he played only in the theater and responded to all invitations.

    Frunzik in his youth experienced his appearance, for a big nose. In adolescence - after all, at this time the time of self-affirmation and searches for the first love. But he always saved a sense of humor.

    He drank a lot.

    Once, already in the eighties, Frunzik got into New York. He did not know English. As in sin, the audience was gathered in the hall, which did not know either Armenian or Russian. American viewer who came to the legend of Soviet cinema. Catastrophe. Frunzik instantly found a way out. He went to the scene. Bowed. And ... five minutes stood silently, without uttering a word. It just looked into the hall and "played face." And the hall rushes from the laughter under the chair. Five minutes later, Frunzik bowed again and retired from the scene. He was arranged a major ovation. And this concert entered the legends.

    He was never an angel. He loved to drink, loved to bother friends. Loved women ... and women loved him.

    Frunzik was amazing unhappy in family life. Three times married - and everything is unsuccessful.

    His first love was a girl named Juliet. Relationships did not work out - the parents of the girl were against her marriage with an ugly guy, and even with a student.

    In the second year, I met a girl who did not have any relation to the world of art and never visited the theater. Very simple girl named Knar.

    And then there was a modest student wedding - a few weeks after the acquaintance.

    But then they realized that they were not suitable for each other. They have been added to rapid cooling even serious household difficulties. They have nowhere to do not live on. Their marriage lasted for several months.

    Soon in Yerevan from Leninakan, a stunning beauty came to the woman who asked Frunzik as a countryman, to help her go to the Sondukyan Theater. Mkrtchyan helped. And ... again fell in love.

    It was Donara. There was a wedding, noisy, generous. Donara did not leave the theater and continued to play until their first child was born. She played with her husband in the "Caucasian Captive" - \u200b\u200bwife of the hero Frunzik driver Sachov "Comrade Jabrian". Then she gave birth to a second child. And after that, Donara began to jealous her husband. Donara's scandals day after day became all insane. Mkrtchyan asked for help to doctors psychiatras ...

    After the role in the film "Caucasian Captive" Frunzik received all-Union glory. The role was not big, but all of it fell in love and did not represent another artist when it was about the role of Caucasian.

    Mkrtchyan became the most ridiculous Armenian of Soviet cinema.

    1969 he was 39. He was never rich, but during these years he began to earn enough to buy a car (in those years "Volga" was a sign of welfare) and fully secure a family.

    Mkrtchyan loved the feast. I tried to get delicacies so that guests can enjoy caviar or exotic fruits. He loved the simplest dishes. Usually did a small sandwich.

    Frunzik referred to his popularity with humor and self-irony.

    Once Mkrtchyan, the idea came to mind - fly to Sochi and go well there. He took a friend with him, Frunzik went to the airport. In his pocket he was lying a pack of bills - a thousand rubles. Three days Friends chased in Sochi. Rested in the hotel, lunch in expensive restaurants. Then returned to Yerevan - again the plane. In Pocket, Frunzik lay the same thousand rubles ...

    In the movie "Mimino", released on Soviet screens in 1977, Deltera gathered his favorite actors - Wahtang Kikabidze, Evgenia Leonov and Frunzik Mkrtchyan. As Delhetia himself told, they could not decide to remove them. Then Deltea threw a coin. Eagle falls - Leonov will shoot. Rusk -Mkrtchyan. The ripple and the director of the painting went to Yerevan to negotiate with the leadership of the theater to release Frunzik from performances.

    During the filming of the "Mimino" picture, a trouble happened - Mkrtchyan suddenly washed. Only close friends knew the true cause of breakdowns. At that time, the position of the spouse of Mkrtchyan was worse than nowhere. But Deltera put the question - either a booze, or shooting. Mkrtchyan emptyly promised to quit drinking. And really for some time he did not drink.

    Nevertheless, he was a man of everyday careless and naive. In Moscow, not shooting Mimino arrived without documents. Without documents flew home. And when after the noisy success of the "Mimino" painting in 1978, Mkrtchyan became the winner of the USSR State Prize for the role of Ruben Khachikyan. He came to Moscow again without documents.

    He was very naive. For example, I could not understand the principle of operation of the TV. Sincerely surprised - as the image comes from Moscow to Yerevan.

    The first title of People's Artist of the Armenian SSR Mkrtchyan received in 1971, when the actor was 41 years old.

    In 1975, Frunzik was awarded the State Prize of the Armenian SSR for participating in the film "Triangle".

    The film "Mimino" brought him a state Prize of the USSR, presented in 1978.

    Higher title in the profession - the People's Artist of the USSR - Mkrtchyan received in 1984.

    Frunzik really appreciated friendship with the older colleague Azat Shero, who called the godfather in his profession.

    When Donara was treated by France, in the same time, FRunzic's mental illnesses were taken by the son of Vazgen. Vazgen also suffered schizophrenia. Once in the hospital corridor, Mother and son met. And ... did not recognize each other. Frunzic lost himself, began to drink even more.

    Mkrtchyan destroyed not only a family tragedy. It destroyed loneliness. But no one, besides the brother and closest friends, did not see him sobbing.

    He continued to play the main roles in the best performances of the Sundukian Academic Theater, but increasingly thought about creating his own theater - theater MGRTCHYAN MGRTCHYAN. This theater named after MGRTCHYAN opened his brother Albert Mkrtchyan.

    The last burst of interest in life, the last love has become hopes for the revival. He could not pass by a beautiful woman. And the daughter of the Chairman of the Union of Writers of Armenia, Ruchyan - Tamara Oganesyan - was an incredibly beautiful woman.

    Frunzik fell in love, came to life, stopped his rips, liked. He achieved a wedding. The witness at the wedding was his close friend of Georgy Ter-ovansian.

    Before registering the marriage, Ter-ovhanasyan asked: "Is it too often we go to the registry office?" What Frunzik replied: "Chaplin was married not that five, not that seven times. What am I worse? "

    The third marriage was unhappy for him. The spouses moved to a four-room apartment, but lived there for long. When Tamara realized that she became an alcoholic wife with destroyed health, then the terrifying scandals began to roll Frunzik. Mkrtchyan went to France with sick son. And when he returned (three weeks before his death), then from the airport went to his old one-bedroom apartment. He no longer saw with his wife.

    The most expensive thing in his house was a cassette tape recorder operating from the batteries. Frunzik loved the classic music and heard Albinoni. For the music of Albinony, he died ...

    On December 25, 1993, Frunzik struck a terrible news - His friend Azat Shanz died. Shernets lived 80 years. Frunzil washed, brutally, to complete uncondition.

    Source - Book "Informal Biographies" - Nikolay Nadezhdin

    Frunzik Mkrtchyan - biography, facts - infinitely talented Armenian actor Updated: January 13, 2018 by the author: website

    Frunzik mkrtchyan.

    Mger Mkrtchyan

    Մհեր Մկրտչյան

    Born in Leninakan (Gyumri), in a large family of refugees from the Turkish massacre - simple workers of the textile combine.
    The real name is Mger Mkrtchyan. Although Frunze Mkrtchyan wrote on the passport. His father respected the commander Mikhail Frunze very much. So I called my son the honor of him - Frunze.

    People's Artist of the Armenian SSR (1971).
    Honored Artist of the Dagestan SSR (1972).
    People's Artist of the USSR (01/18/1984).

    Since 1945 - Assistant to a film mechanic at the Leninakan Textile Factory Club, visits the rehearsal of the amateum theater in his free time. Since 1947 he worked in the Leninakan Theater named after Mravyan.

    He graduated from the Yerevan Theater and Art Institute (1956).
    Since 1956, the actor of the Sundukian Academic Theater in Yerevan.

    His father - Musheg Mkrtchyan (1910-1961) was a tabler, mother - Sanam Mkrtchyan (1911-1970) was a dishwasher in the factory dining room.
    The younger brother is Albert Mkrtchyan (1937) - film director, screenwriter.
    Sisters - Clara Mkrtchyan (1934-2003), Ruzanna Mkrtchyan (1943).

    He was buried in the Pantheon of the heroes of the Armenian spirit in Yerevan, Armenia.

    Chapter 33 of the cycle "To remember" Leonid Filatov is devoted to the life and creativity of the actor.

    prizes and awards

    Laureate of the State Prize of the Armenian SSR (1975, for participation in the film "Triangle").
    Winner of the USSR State Prize (1978, for participating in the movie "Mimino").
    The laureate of the All-Union Film Festival in the nomination "First Prize for the Best Acting Work" for 1978.
    Order of the Holy Mesoropa Mashtots (2001) (posthumously).

    Universal favorite of the audience Frunzik Mkrtchyan - an outstanding Soviet actor who has played in the paintings, subsequently named by the Soviet classics, People's Artist of the USSR and the winner of the USSR State Prize. The actor played many characters whose words quickly became aphorisms and firmly entered the speech of viewers.

    Mkrtchyan Frunzik Mushegovich was born in Armenia, in the city of Gyumri (then Leninakan), in 1930. The full name of the artist - Frunze (MER) Moshegovich Mkrtchyan: Mkrtchyan had two names. His house called MERGE (translated from Armenian "light"), and officially Frunze.

    The Father of the Artist Musheg Mkrtchyan worked as a tabler at the factory, the mother of Sanam Mkrtchyan - dishwasher factory dining room. In addition to Brother Albert (now works by the artistic director of the Yerevan Theater of Mkrtchyan), Frunze had the sisters of Ruzanne and Clara.

    Frunzik Mkrtchyan from the young age showed acting talents. At the end in 1945, the FRUNZE school immediately went to work. At first he worked in the club at the textile plant, fulfilling the duties of the Assistant of the Cynechanics. During this period, he gladly played in a local dramatic circle. Then, throughout the year, Mkrtchyan studied in the studio at the Leninakan Drama Theater. In 1947, the novice artist was credited to theatrical troupe.


    In 1956, after the end of the Yerevan theater university, Mkrtchyan became an actor of the Sandukian theater troupe. The same year was the year of the debut of a novice actor in the cinema. He starred in a tiny role in the painting "Mystery of Lake Sevan." As a result, the montage in the frame was only a foot Frunzik. But if Mkrtchyan film engineer just started, then in the theater of his business was brilliantly. At that time, the audience went to the performances of "at the ICRTCHYAN".

    Young Frunzik Mkrtchyan in the movie "Guys Museum"

    A full-fledged artist's debut in the movie happened in 1960 in the film "Guys of Museum", in which Frunzik played Arsena - a funny musician. Then the five-year break was followed when the artist was not filmed at all. In 1965, Frunze starred in the Comedy "Thirty Three." With the role of Mkrtchyan coped perfectly, but "Upstairs" was banned by the picture, as ideologically harmful.

    But Glory already stood on the verge of artist. A year later, the legendary film comedy "Caucasian captive" appeared on the large screens of the country. Viewers perfectly remember Frunze as uncle's main character - Jabrail. Interestingly, the role of his wife Jabrail then played the second spouse of the artist - Donara.

    Frunzik Mkrtchyan in the film "Lonely Available Hostel"

    The same 1966, I gave Mkrtchyan another remarkable role, which brought additional fame to the actor. Frunze played one of the three pretty gangsters in the picture "Aibolit-66". Now Frunze Mkrtchyan was famous for the whole country and was considered the best comedy artist of the country.

    The first half of the 70s became not the best in the career of the artist. Due to the illness of his wife, Frunze refused many good roles. But here the second half of the 70s pleased the fan of the talent of Frunzik. A new comedy of Deltera Mimino came to the screens. Wonderful, bright and bright picture, where Mkrtchyan with played in a duet. Many phrases from the film become covered, and the painting itself collects huge queues from the cinema halls. Romantic artist with comedy talent and sad eyes loved everything without exception. He was adored and colleagues in the workshop.

    Also, the biography of the actor was replenished with a piercing and largely metaphorical film "Soldiers and Elephant". The plot of the paintings is based on real events and talks about how Soviet soldiers during the battles already in German territory found an elephant hijacked in Germany. It was decided to return the animal to the Yerevan Zoo, so the soldier who was given an order to deliver the animal, and the elephant go to a long journey through the destroyed war and village. The simple road plot became a way to show a lot: horrors of war, humane side of soldiers, the heroism of Soviet soldiers, mercy for people and animals. The film participated in the All-Union Film Festival in Yerevan, Frunzik Mkrtchyan received the first prize for the best acting work.

    Frunzik Mkrtchyan in the film "Soldier and Elephant"

    In the late 70s, another actor sign was released on the screens. Mkrtchyan starred in the drama Alla Surikova "Justa fuss." Like many films of that period, "Justa Women" showed an ordinary family, faced with household problems, which gradually pushed out love from marriage. The main character, the role of which FRunzik Mkrtchyan, left his wife, who played, but began after that, it would seem, uncomplicated adventures convinced him that he loses too much, leaving his family.

    In 1978, Frunze Mkrtchyan received the USSR State Prize, and in 1984 he became a national artist of the USSR.

    Frunzik Mkrtchyan in recent years

    In the mid-80s Frunze, Mkrtchyan is no longer removed. He is offered good roles, but he invariably refuses, jokingly arging that at his age no longer playing movies.

    And in the early 90s Frunzik Mkrtchyan leaves the favorite theater. He offended the decision of the team, who chose the main director not him, who gave it 35 years of life to this theater, and Horagramyan. The artist took up the creation of his theater, but fate took him not so many years to the last act.

    Personal life

    FRUNZIKA MKRTCHYAN's personal life was tragic. All three marriage ended sadly. The first wife of the actor was his classmate of Knar, but the marriage collapsed almost immediately.

    With the second wife, Donara Pylosyan Mkrtchyan met in the mid-50s. The girl came to enroll in the Leninakan Teatral University. Young artists got married and started working together. The first they had a daughter Nune, and Son Vazgen was born soon. And when it seemed that a young family had improved and you could live happily and work, Donara got sick. Doctors discovered the incurable mental illness that was inherited.

    Frunze showed his wife to famous specialists, but those help could not. The wife began to grow terribly jealous of Mkrtchyan, it seemed that he had mistresses everywhere, and he was not leaving about tour, but from the family. The personal life of the actor turned into hell. These problems at some point were reflected in the career of the actor - he had a major break in significant roles and major projects.

    Donara's condition gradually worsened. Mkrtchyan had to agree to hospitalization of his wife in a psychiatric hospital in France without the right to exit from there. Mkrtchyan remained one with two children. Soon the daughter went to Argentina, and the son of the doctors found the same disease as the mother. All efforts of the ICRTCHYAN cured Vazgen turned out to be in vain. The son was hospitalized in the same clinic as his mother. They said that they, meeting in the corridor, have never recognized each other.

    Personal life Frunzik Mkrtchyan briefly played with light colors when he married for the third time. His wife became the daughter of the Chairman of the Union of Writers of Armenia Tamara Oganesyan, but this marriage soon collapsed. It was during this period that the artist, according to the press, began to abuse alcohol. I went first from the movies, and then from the theater.


    Diseases of the closest people and major problems at work handled the artist. Alcohol to which, according to rumors, the actor addressed the consolation, most likely, and caused the death of Frunzik Mkrtchyan. Because of alcohol, the actor had already happened one clinical death, but the doctors managed to pull him from the world. But the version of the press about the alcohol dependence of the actor members of the Mkrtchyan family does not confirm, although they mention his preference "to guilt and tobacco".

    Subsequently, a brother Albert began to take care of the actor, who was worried, having learned that he did not communicate. Later, Albert recalled that Phunzik's phone was broken, you can only call him, and there is no calls - no, but some kind of hopeless premonition did not give my brother calm down. When Albert came to check his brother, then found him dead.

    Frunzik Mkrtchyan did not grow on December 29, 1993, when he was 63 years old. The official cause of death was called a heart attack. It was a real tragedy, many believed that the actor could play a lot of star roles. On December 31, despite the festival day, the whole Yerevan gathered, thousands of people were gathered for the coffin of the artist to the grave in the Pantheon of the Geniuses of the Armenian Spirit in Yerevan. They grieved about the beloved artist not only in Armenia, but also in the entire former Union. He really loved himself.

    The daughter of Frunzik Nune Mkrtchyan died from cancer in 1998, only for several years survived the Father. Granddaughter Gayane (Irene) lives in Argentina. The son of Vazgen Mkrtchyan, who brought the Father so much silent experiences, died at a 33-year-old from the cirrhosis.

    Frunzik Mkrtchyan with Nunk's daughter and Irene's granddaughter

    Now the actor is devoted to a total of five monuments - four of them as part of the compositions on cult films with the participation of Frunzik Mkrtchyan, and one personal. In Gyumri, at the small homeland of Mkrtchyan, the museum of his name is open. In 2006, a postage stamp dedicated to the actor was issued in Armenia.


    • Caucasian captive, or new adventures of Shurik
    • Aibolit-66.
    • Adam and Heva
    • Triangle
    • Yesterday, today and always
    • Mimino
    • Vanity
    • In front of a closed door
    • Song of the past days
    • Lonely a hostel is provided
    • Soldier and Elephant

    Almost all films in which the nationwide favorite actor played, became the classics of Soviet cinema. For his talent, he received the title of People's Artist of the USSR, became the laureate of the state. However, the personal life of Frunzik Mkrtchyan was not so smooth as his career, and perhaps the domestic troubles brought to his end - the cause of the death of the actor was the heart attack, which happened on the eve of the new 1993.

    Brief biography Frunzik Mkrtchana

    He was born on July 4, 1930 in Leninakan in the family, where there were still three children besides him. FRUNZICA PARENTS worked on the textile plant, and to feed the family, the father went to the crime - stole a five-meter piece of fabric. For ten years, Moshega Mkrtchyan was sent to the camps for ten years, and the mother tried to feed four children to their meager salary.

    As a child, Frunzik had a talent for drawing, and his father wanted him to learn to the artist, but the love of drawing was less than the passion of the theater, the Mkrtchyan's hobby, when he began to engage in the school drama.

    Before entering the theatrical and art institute, Frunzik Mushegovich worked for several years to work as an assistant to a film mechanic in the club, engaged in the studio at the Drama Theater in his native Leninakan.

    From the very beginning, the teachers considered an outstanding talent in the ICRTCHAN, and in the second year he began to play on the stage of the Yerevan Theater. Sundukian. He quickly gained popularity, and the audience went to the theater to look at the game Frunze Mkrtchyan.

    The filmmatic biography of Frunzik Mkrtchyan began with a small role in the film "The Mystery of Lake Sevan", then, in 1960 he starred in the film "Guys of Museum".

    After a five-year break, Mkrtchyan was invited to the comedy "thirty-three", but a real breakthrough in the artist's career became the Caucasian Captive, who opened a talented actor for the entire Soviet Union.

    Personal life actor

    For the first time, marriage Frunzic tied himself during his studies - the whaleter of Mkrtchyan was his classmate of Knar. However, the student family did not stand the test by the lack of money and the difficulties of life, and soon broke up. The second wife Frunzik Mkrtchyana Donara Pinosyan was younger for eleven years.

    They met when Donara arrived to enter the theater university, and Frunzik himself had already worked in the theater. They got married, the daughter of Nune was born in the family, and thirteen years later, the son of Vazgen.

    Personal life Frunzik Mkrtchyan in the early years of marriage was successful - they worked in the theater with his wife, children grown up with them, and then she was seriously ill, and she was inherited by a severe mental illness, to cure that never managed - even the best specialists who showed his wife actor, were powerless.

    Family life for Mkrtchyan has turned into a real hell - the wife has become a pathological jealous, did not let go of her husband, arranged terrible scandals. This affected the actor's career - for a long time he did not go to theatrical scene and did not shoot.

    Donar was placed in a psychiatric clinic, in which she spent the last twenty-five years of his life. Meanwhile, Frunzik remained alone with his daughter and son, which, as it turned out later, was sick of the same hereditary disease as his mother, and it became another blow to Mkrtchyan.

    At the beginning of the eighties, Frunzik met Tamara Oganesyan, the daughter of the Chairman of the Union of Writers of Armenia, which was twenty-five years younger than him. For the sake of Mkrtchyan, she threw her husband, but the marriage with Frunzik was short-lived - after a few years they went away, and the actor left alone again.

    In recent years, the actor refused to be invitations to play in a particular film, and all the forces gave the creation of his own theater, but did not have time to fully enjoy the fruits of his work.