Ballet tickets "Blue Bird. Buy tickets for ballet "Blue Bird" Theater Blue Bird official

Ballet tickets "Blue Bird. Buy tickets for ballet "Blue Bird" Theater Blue Bird official

I went with my son and my husband on the play Blue Bird! Frankly, I did not expect such an impression, as a child I watched this performance, but he didn't make a strong impression on me, I don't even know why it was boring and uninteresting. But in this theater I was amazed by the game of actors who literally transfer you to another world! My son is 5 years old, he thought he gets tired, but nothing like that, looked like a confession! Now I want to go to other performances of this wonderful theater. Thank you so much for the fairy tale and kindness !!!

Julia Basova, January 2019

I love MCAT since childhood! My mom is still an avid theater, and in the distant 90s - a single mother with a bench-school teacher's salary, in spite of everything adored to visit the temple of Melpomen, instigated me this love. On the legendary performance "Blue Bird", which I visited, being still a little baby, I led my children. And how could be otherwise? This mystical legend of MCAT, in which the sounds and images come to life, where the fairy tale becomes a yawl, and the fancy fantasy metterlinka is indisputable, where two worlds are merged - the other and real, does not leave indifferent any viewer for many decades.

Alla Oguz, January 21, 2019

I decided to remind myself the taste of childhood and went on January 20 to the "Blue Bird". What joy I gave myself! What delighted experienced! The performance is alive and interesting. Having come home, I, like the heroes of the play, looked with other eyes to the items around me and remembered that he was a child, having visited this performance, returned from the theater with the same impressions. Beautiful scenography, good acting, music Ilya Sats ... And in general - real magic on the MCAT scene. M. Gorky. And let it continue as long as possible ...

Tatyana and grandson Eric

Yesterday, January 12, 2019 watched with the grandson play "Blue Bird". We looked many children's performances in different theaters. But the review wanted to write exactly after this performance, I just can't write. With grandson overwhelms us delight. Magic, delightful performance. The game of actors, music, costumes, scenery just fascinate. 2 hours in the magic fairy tale, in one breath. In the hall, complete silence, even small children, as the fascinated looked at the scene. Thank you very much for everyone for your professional work, for such a spiritual gift for the new year.

Victoria, 45 years, January 4, 2019

We watched on January 2, 2019 the play "Blue Bird". A wonderful performance that teaches good, love and respect for loved ones, patience and mutual understanding. The daughter of 10 years looked with great pleasure. The spectacle language is very affordable and understandable even to small children. The duration is also optimal for viewing with children. Many thanks for the fairy tale and miracle !!!

... Today we went to MCAT them. M. Gorky Watch the play "Blue Bird". Wonderful fairy tale performance. Pleasant music, living scenery, bright, some heroes are simply enchanting, costumes, the exciting plot lure into their networks and keep interest at the limit to the final closure of the curtain. "We will go long with a blue bird ..." The fairy tale, in which there is a place to open, both adult and the child. I really liked the performance, coming home, I and the film revised. The film is generally from my childhood. Now he took him with everything differently. Only a happy person can make sure others. Now I want to re-read this work so that the picture in the head was complete ...

Ulyana and Tatiana, September 25, 2018

At these weekends, Ulyana and Tatiana visited MCAT them. M. Gorky. Watched the "Blue Bird" - the legendary performance of the 20th century. On October 13, 1908, the premiere of the play took place on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater. The statement had a grand success and does not come down from the scene to this day. "Blue Bird", as before, "admires children and wakes serious thoughts in adults," as Stanislavsky thoughtfully! In the Christmas night at the request of the fairies, the small heroes of the performance go to look for a blue bird - a symbol of happiness. And although children are returning home without blue birds, they discover and all of us that happiness is in good deeds and to help others. Perfect performance! Our girls understood the idea of \u200b\u200bthe performance, remembered the heroes, very emotionally reacted and the memory of the performance remained bright and warm. We for the first time we went to such an adult performance, even the atmosphere itself of the classic artistic theater, perfectly special, made an impression on girls.

Nadezhda L.

January 21, 2018. The performance "Blue Bird" ended, where my friend's novel Titov played bread! Perhaps, I have not seen such a spectacle for a long time, when in some moments the hall (and this is a day spectacle, on which, mostly, children) fell from delight, and there was such a silence that he could hear how the heart beats !!! How could young actors (mostly, was the busy just starting life on the stage on stage) to achieve such success?! Of course, the school of the Big Master T.V. Doronina.

In my opinion, "Blue Bird" MCAT them. M. Gorky is obligatory for viewing, if you want to instill a love for the classical artistic theater. The daughter said: "But it would be great to unite the ballet and dramatic production, during the main musical theme, so I wanted to see the dance. But Baba Yaga is against, it is better to look at both the book, and read the book. Then in the head and heart Everything is correctly spent.

The action fascinates from the first minutes. Moreover, it is this chamber darkness, a game of light and shadow ... Yes, it is a performance from the last century. When the children still knew how to read long books, follow a leisurely conversation, watch, think and not hurry anywhere ... Dark scene allows you to make a great place the light accents, immerses in what is happening ... Each scene is perfectly balanced - nothing superfluous, but all the main thoughts of Meterlinka Found reflection. The country of memories - how important it is to remember those who left, because they live only by our thoughts and memories. Night Palace - you need to be able to win your fears in the name of the main case. And the most important thing - you need to be able to give something expensive to you to make a happy other person, and then you will be happy too ... All these thesis thoughts are not mine - they were voiced by children after the play. So art fell into the goal ...

Marina, 47 years old

Thank you for the wonderful performance "Blue Bird"! Very beautiful, spectacular, interesting performance! My 5-year-old son watched, opening his mouth ... On the way, we have discussed heroes for a long time, discussed ..

The mystical blue bird became the emblem of the theater, she seems to boil over him - the sculpture of the blue birds is set on the top of the building. Once the performance of the "Blue Bird" of the Moscow Art Theater became the first formulation, which the largest masters of the scene - K. Stanislavsky, L. Solerzhitsky, I. Moskvin, A. Konen - dedicated to children. Therefore, the blue bird became a guiding symbol for the founder of the entire children's theater movement of Natalia Sats and, of course, the symbol of its most important brainchild - the world's first musical theater for young spectators. One of the traditions of the theater of the Theater of the Sats - to open the season exactly the ballet "Blue Bird". And in the year of its fiftieth anniversary, already as a bow to the Natalia Sats itself, the theater breathed a new life into the famous ballet, giving the unfair music to Ilya Sats the first-class modern cut of one of the leading Russian composers of Ephraim Podgaitsa. The performance was put by one of the most interesting and original modern Russian choreographers Cyril Simonov and a famous theater artist, a recognized master of "animated scenography" Emil Kchelos, along with his colleagues: the artist on costumes Stefania Graumogkite, the artist for the light Evgeny Gansburg. Music leader of the production and conductor - long-time students of the theater, and now the chief conductor of the Moscow Academic Theater Operetta Konstantin Vrashenian.

Ballet "Blue Bird" was created based on the work of the famous Belgian playwright Maurice Meterlinka. Modern cutting of unfavorable music of the legendary Russian composer, the father of the creator and inspirational of the children's musical theater, Ilya Sats, gave the famous modern composer Ephraim Podgar.

About production

Renewing with all the favorite play "Blue Bird" in the Sats Theater took place in the sign 2016 - it was then that the temple of the arts turned a lot of not least half a century. This production is a tribute, a low bowl of the founder of Natalia Sats. Staging always collects anchlags, being a business card of the theater, and to buy tickets for this delightful performance have to defend the kilometer queues at the ticket office.

According to the artistic director, George Isaakyan, undoubtedly the dignity of the "blue bird" is a modern staged group, which is with today's viewer "on the same wavelength", therefore the theatrical language of the play is very easy to perceive the new generation. Scenographic solutions of the winner of the highest theater award "Golden Mask", Emille Kapelus, please the eye of even sophisticated theater, like dazzling costumes of artists who were created by Stephanie grams.

Story line

They say, for the new year ... Yes, it is in this magical time that real wonders occur. So it happened with the heroes of our performance. Tiltil and Mitil received an unusual gift from fairies - a magic man. And then it began! Water came to life, the fire spoke, everything went around to dance and gained human habits. Will brother and sister be able to understand the true essence of things and items that were previously non-resident? How to find a bird of happiness? Where does she live? The heroes of our play will have to pass through inhuman tests to "catch behind the tail" is a magical feathered creature.

About director

Cyril Simonov is an original Russian choreographer, Kryukru Ballet Theater. Sats. His performances are known not only in Russia, but also far beyond. On St. Petersburg, London, Tokyo, American and many other scenes, you can contemplate his work. Winner of prestigious competitions in the field of choreography and theatrical art, talented leader, virtuoso dancer, honored artist of Karelia.

Cyril Simonov, despite his young age, has already managed to visit the creative tandem with many legendary personalities, among which the famous artists, artists and choreographers, whose names do not need additional advertising.

How to buy tickets for the play "Blue Bird"

To "catch good luck for the tail" and become the owner of tickets for the "blue bird", you will not need any feats and heroic actions - just type our simple number - and the counter "will fly" directly to you in hand with the help of our agile and friendly couriers . Before talking to "categorical no" to ticket operators due to cosmic surcharges, appreciate our advantages over competitors:

  • We will bring tickets for free on any Moscow and St. Petersburg address, if you live within the annular roads.
  • We have a huge range of tickets to the loudest events.
  • Minimum charges and 100% guaranteed authentication.
  • Ordering in seconds, pleasant and convenient interface, many online payment options.
  • Discounts for avid theatrots and those attending concerts and performances in the company of friends, relatives and colleagues.

The play "Blue Bird" 2019 will delight everyone - from Mala to Velika! You will get bright impressions, and the memories from a wonderful day will warm your soul not yet one month.

"Blue Blue Bird" is a musical fairy tale for children and adults. A bright spectacular performance with a variety of special effects and tricks, where heroes, and with them and the audience, answer, it would seem simple questions about eternal values.

About the musical "Blue Blue Bird"

The play "Blue Blue Bird" is put on the play Maurice Meterlinka. Famous plot rethink by the director Oleg Glushkov on modern way. As a result, a new original story turned out, the main characters of which, the girl Matilda and her brother Til, travel through fabulous countries. They are attended by meeting with the most different fabulous characters: the queen of the night, Napoleon's cake, the keeper of time, monsters from the cabinet and many others will be fifty.

The premiere of the play took place on November 30, 2017. Since then, he goes on the stage of the theater of nations quite often, but, nevertheless, it is still difficult - in the hall there are always anchlag. The "Blue Blue Bird" in the theater of Nations has become a truly bright event in the theatrical life of Moscow.

Actors and director

The main roles in the play "Blue Blue Bird" in 2019 are performed by singer and actress Musya Tothibadze and the actor of the theater of Nations Pavel Akimkin. True, if you and your child decided to look at them, you need to consider that this is not the only composition. Oleg Glushkov became the director of the performance. In Moscow, he is known for the works in other metropolitan theaters - the latter has become the sensational production of "Sailors and whores" in the workshop of Peter Fomenko.

Tickets for the play "Blue Blue Bird"

Deciding to go to the performance with the whole family, it is important to avoid unpleasant surprises related to organizational moments. Our company will take all the concerns about your leisure:

  • managers will help to choose good places and offer to pay for the order in various ways - cash courier, bank card or translation;
  • the courier will deliver purchased tickets to any point of Moscow absolutely free;
  • the administrator will help in solving any problems, even the most unexpected, and always "will enter your position."

A nice bonus for those who decided to buy tickets for the play "Blue Blue Bird" for a company consisting more than 10 people - availability of a discount.

Putting performances for children are much more complicated than for adults. Young audiences do not know how to hide not only delight and admiration, but also indifference and disappointment. After the end of the "blue blue bird", the guys always go out of the hall satisfied, with brilliantly from happiness, an interesting plot and bright special effects are invariably doing their job.