Conversations on the topic of my homeland. Conversation "Big and Small Motherland" in the preparatory group

Conversations on the topic of my homeland. Conversation "Big and Small Motherland" in the preparatory group

Tatyana Morozova
Conversation "My Homeland - Russia"

Conversation"My motherland - Russia» .

Goal: To introduce children of senior preschool age with values « Russia» , « Motherland» ; To form in children the idea of \u200b\u200bthe native country and its symbols;

To acquaint with the coat of arms and the flag of the country. Consolidate kids about Russia. Expand and consolidate the knowledge of children about the vegetable and animal world of the native land;

Educate with preschoolers an emotionally positive attitude towards her Motherland.

Brief feelings of pride, love, responsibility for native nature, careful attitude towards it.

Talk conversation.

Conversation Starts with a song melody "Washing country is my native" (Music I. O. Dunaevsky).

Guys and who will say what Motherland? Right, Motherland is a placewhere man born. What is called ours Motherland, our country?

- Russia.

In the words of the song, which we listened to say, our country is large, spacious, immense. Look at the map Russia, which large territory is our Russia, it's the biggest country in the world. No state has such a large territory and such a long border. Borders Russia pass on landand water.

In the world many different countries

But there is one country:

From white ice to warm rivers

She spread out.

On the map Russia Many blue. These are rivers, seas and lakes. Sushha is depicted on a green card, yellow, brown. Our country is very beautiful and rich. The most important city of our country is called Moscow, this is the capital Russia. (Accompany the display of illustrations of the city of Moscow)

What we Motherland call?

The house in which we live,

And birrors along which

Next to my mother we go.

What we Motherland call?

Field with a thin spike

Our holidays and songs,

Warm evening outside the window.

What we Motherland call?

All that in the heart we take

And under the sky blue - blue

Flag Russia over the Kremlin.

Like all countries, Russia has its own flag. For many years, centuries ago instead of the flag used the pole, tied a bunch of grass and a horse tail to it. For this flag, troops were tightened, and therefore such flags were called. Then the steps began to do from the fabric, most often red. And with Peter I, this triple flag appeared. To draw the attention of children to the image of the flag. It is also called tricolor. Each color has its own value. White color - symbol of peace, purity, truth. Blue color symbolizes faith and loyalty. Red color energy, strength, fire and courage. The flag is a symbol of power.

Dynamic pause

Guys, you have for all the zaznoral stripes. I offer from strips to fold our state flag.

Well done, all coped.

Today we will get acquainted with the coat of arms of our country.

(Shows the image).

A double-headed golden eagle is depicted on the shield of red. This is a symbol of the state.

Look carefully on the Eagle wings, they look like sunbeams. As the sun he penetrates with its rays everywhere and the state should know about everything on its territory. A red shield with the image of the rider is placed on the eagle's chest, this is the Holy George Victorious. He is on a silver horse, a blue raincoat flies behind his shoulders, in his right hand he has a silver spear, which he kills the dragon. Dragon is a symbol of evil. The image of the rider killing a dragon means victory over evil. Georgy Victorious reserved as a hero and as a saint patron of warriors, defenders of the Fatherland. The image of it was often portrayed on icons. In the old times, grandfather and grandmothers told their grandchildren a story about Egoria, princess and snake, very similar to a fairy tale.

In some kingdom-state, a great misfortune had happened, a snake-dragon was attacked him. It settled in the dark cave on the seafront. He burned with fire, destroyed at home. Resolved residents of that kingdom-state. Snake demanded that every day fed him to delight fresh meat. But the monster was voracious and no one had no sheep left, no cows left, no goats - all ate snakes. Then he ordered snakes to lead to him every day of man to eat. Throw lots, and fell to go to the royal daughter. They led her to the shore of the sea and left there. At this time, Herriah was driving a brave horse. He could not leave the princess in trouble, fought with the snake and defeated him.

In the right paw in the Eagle Skiptere, in the left - Power. (Show). These are the symbols of power, government management. Scepter, rod, short stick, decorated with carvings, gold and precious stones. It "Indicates" and "Shows"What you need to do so that the state is strong and rich.

Coat of arms Russia Symbolizes beauty and justice, victory of good over evil.

So let's sum up a small result.

Flag Russia, coat of arms Russia - what it is?

Flag Russia, coat of arms Russia - These are state symbols of our country.


In our country, mountain-high (Stand on the socks, draw up)

River deep (Lean down, get the floor with your hands)

Steppes wide (Put a widespread hands)

Forests are big (Show hands girth)

And we are guys here such (Thumb sign good)

And now we will meet another symbol Russia. This is a hymn.

The anthem is the most important music in our country, this is a solemn song about our country, about how we love her. When Gymn plays Russia, then you need to get up and listen to him standing and silently. So we show respect for your country.

The anthem always sounds at the solemn events, various competitions.

Let's listen to one hymn verse Russia.

(Anthem sounds, everyone listen standing)

Sit yourself into place.

Russia - Mighty and majestic country. Forests, fields, mountains, plains are extended throughout its territory, many rivers flow, which fall into the lakes and the sea. Our state is so huge that when night occurs in one part, then the day begins, in one of his part - it is snow, and the sun shines. We live in a country that has a surprisingly beautiful name - Russia. And we are with you, citizens Russia - Russians! Russia - it's the biggest country in the world! Thirteen seas and two ocean washed Russia. Mighty rivers carry their waters to the sea and oceans. IN Russia More thousands of cities, a lot of villages, villages. Our country is rich in oil, gas, forest.

In the conclusion of ours conversations I suggest you listen to the poem of N. L. scored, which states how large is our Motherland, Speaks in the poem N. L. Scored:

How great my earth!

How wide spaces!

Lakes, rivers and fields,

Forests, and steppe, and mountains!

My earth spread out

From the north to the south.

When in one edge of spring

In the other of the snow and blizzard.

Outcome conversations.

What is the name of our country?

What city is the capital Russia?

Guys, with what symbols of the country you met.

What colors have our state flag and in what sequence are they located?

What is the name of the solemn song of the country.

What is depicted on the state emblem and what it means.

Russia is my homeland
(conversation on a patriotic topic with children
senior preparatory group)

Purpose: Education in children of this age feeling of patriotism, respect for their homeland.

Tasks : Acquaintance of children with such concepts as "Russia", "Rodina", "Fatherland"; Review acquaintance with symbols andg.nomed Russia; Fastening the information received (drawing, applique, game).

The conversation is reviewed. In more detail, children will get acquainted with this topic in elementary school. In the affordable and understandable children, the educator introduces them with such concepts as "Rodina, Russia." These two words are inextricably linked. We all live in the largest country in the world - in Russia. Russia is our big homeland. But every person has a small homeland. This is the place where he was born (city, village, village) and lives (house, family).

Talk of the conversation

In o p r about with s:

1. What is the name of the city (village), where do you live?

2. Tell me about your home and your family.

Educator . In our country there are a lot of big and small cities, villages and villages. They are all beautiful in their own way. But the largest city is the city of Moscow. Moscow is the capital of our Motherland.(The tutor shows illustrations with views of Moscow.)

People live people in Russia of various nationalities (Kazakhs, Kalmyks, Tatars, Chuvashi, Tajiks, Bashkirs, Udmurts and many, many others), but most Russians are Russians.

In o p r about with s:

1. Remember what cities of Russia you know, list them.

2. What are people called whose homeland - Russia?(Russians.)

Russia is and in our fatherland - the place where our ancestors lived, grandfathers, where our fathers live, where we live. Everyone must love and respect his homeland. She gripped and raised many great and famous people to the world.(The educator shows portraits of famous figures of science, art, who left their mark in the history of our state.)

We must be proud that Lomonosov - a scientist whose discoveries and work brought many benefits to all mankind; Tchaikovsky - the great Russian composer, whose name knows the whole world. The first person who conquered space was Russian - Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. These and many, many other people glorified our fatherland with their affairs and exploits.

Each country has its own symbolism, that is, the signs of differences are their flag, coat of arms and anthem.

The Russian flag is tricolor, that is, white-blue-red. Each color has its meaning. Blue color means loyalty, mind and honesty. Red - courage, love and beauty. White - purity and clarity, peacefulness.

The coat of arms of Russia - a double-headed eagle - a symbol of wisdom and fearlessness, mind and generosity. He looks around, guarding Russia from the enemy.

Anthem - The main song of Russia. The anthem is performed in particularly solemn cases. Performed and listened by the anthem standing.( d. they tap into the records Russian anthem, talk about his content, the teacher introduces the authors of the hymn.)

State Anthem of the Russian Federation

Words S. Mikhalkov Music A. Aleksandrov

Russia is the sacred Power,

Russia is our beloved country.

Mighty will, Great Glory -

Your property at all times!

Chorus : Walk, Fatherland our free,

Fraternal peoples union century

Ancestors This wisdom is folk!

Nice, country! We are proud of you!

From the southern seas to the polar edge

Our forests and fields spread out.

One you're in the world! One thing you are

Horn by God native land!

Chorus .

Wide space for dreams and life

The coming us reveal to us.

We give us strength to our loyalty to the depreciation.

So it was, so there will be so always!

Words to Russian hymn wrote a well-known writer, poet - Sergey Mikhalkov. His works know and love children because he devoted almost all his creativity to children.

Music to the hymn was written by the famous composer - A. Alexandrov.

Many beautiful songs and verses are devoted to Russia. Our homeland, her forests and fields, rivers are glorified in them, tells about love and pride in their country, a small and greater homeland. The Russian people have many proverbs and sayings about it.

Proverbs and sayings

    One person has a native mother - one and his homeland.

    Motherland is a mother, able to stand for her.

    Russia Bogatyrskaya.

    Where who was born there and came in handy.

    The native side is a mother, someone else's stepmother.

In o p r about with s:

1. Name the country in which you live.(Russia.)

2. What is the name of the city (village), where do you live?

3. What Russian river is called Great?(Volga.)

4. What cities of Russia are known to you?

5. What is the name of the city, which is the capital of our Motherland?(Moscow.)

T B O R C E C M E C D A N I:

1. Draw your small and big homeland.

2. Application of the Russian flag. (For this, you will need white, blue and red paper, cardboard, glue, scissors.)

3. Foremen song "This is for us."

Conversation with children

"My Malaya Motherland"

Educational regions:

Cognitive development, speech development, physical development, artistic - aesthetic development.

Purpose: Continue to form elementary representations of pupils about a small homeland - the village of Tengushevo.



To give an idea that for each person, a small homeland is a place where he was born, where his childhood passed.


Develop speech communication skills, ability to perceive the readable text

enrich the vocabulary, to form a grammatical system of speech, the ability to support a relaxed conversation, answering the teacher's questions.


Railing patriotic feelings, love for homeland.

Educator: Dear guys, tell me what is the name of the country in which we live?


Educator:Right, our country is Russia! Many wonderful countries on Earth, people live everywhere, but Russia is the only one, an extraordinary country, because it is our homeland!

Our homeland is great! It is rapidly spread from snow and

ice of the Far North to the South Seas. This is a huge state! There are in Russia

high mountains, full-flow rivers, deep lakes, thick forests and endless steppes.

There are small rivers, blond birch groves, solar cleaners, spawn,

swamps and fields.

We are proud of our Great Russia, its diverse nature, rich

subsoils, and in particular - hardworking and talented people, her


About love for the Motherland People folded a lot of wise proverbs. There are among them and

"The Russian man without a homeland does not live",

"The native side is a mother of his family, someone else's side - stepmother."

It happens that there will be a person in someone else's country, as they said in the old days -

in a foreign land, and at first everything seems to him new, interesting: both people and customs, and

nature. But it will take a little time, and the heart will be covered, it will ask for home, on

the darling of the kid, where everything is so close, familiar and so love! After all, "in the country

the side of the heart whines. "

♦ How do we call this feeling?

Right! The feeling of longing in their homeland people call nostalgia.

Many Russian poets, writers, artists who were destined to live in strangers

countries, wandered around Russia, they greeted songs, poems, poems, wrote pictures,

dedicated to the cute distant homeland, they dreamed at least in old age to return home.

Listen to the poem.

Native Cidka

I will come out on a dawn

Listen to nightingale.

Groves, hillocks,

Land - fields.

Above the native category

The sun rises.

And sings the nightness

Swistulate, poured.

Truck nightingale

I understand:

He is famous for the birthplace

Groves and fields.

Dawn tape narrow

Throw over the river

Each of us has and their small homeland - that corner of the earth where we were born,

where our childhood passed, where our parents live, where our hometown is located.

For someone, Malaya Motherland is a small village or village, for others -

urban street and green courtyard with swings, sandbox and wooden slide.

In short, the small homeland has its own!

Listen to the poem.

Malaya Motherland

Malaya Motherland -

Earth island.

Under the currant window

Cherries bloomed.

Apple tree kudryaya,

And under it the bench.

Affectionate, Malaya

My motherland!

Remember how the village is called where you were born?

(Individual survey of children).

Most of you were born in our village Tengushevo. And we all live here. This is our small homeland.
Do you like your village?

Children's answers: (Yes, I love my village! I love my village very much!)
Why do you love him? Think than it is noteworthy?

Children: I love my village, because it is beautiful, cozy. It has a kindergarten, school, hospital, pharmacy, beautiful streets, monuments, church.


What are the names of the streets you know? (Children's responses).

Children, and what are the streets name, where you live. (Children's responses).

And now let's build a street from cubes where you live. (Children work).

I invite you to play a little. I get up with a swarming, repeat with me.
"We are walking down Street, (walk).

Above legs raise. (Highly knees, march)

We won't go on the snowdrifts (gesture hand)

We will cure him (step to the side)

We sat on the bench, (sit down)

There are candies kulischek ate. (Imitation hands)

And when friends met, (get up)

We are mahali's hands! (Mashed hand).

This is how nicely walked: (walk).

For each other we stepped! (Turned right, step behind the educator).

Once or two, only two! (Step).
Educator: - rested. We will continue our conversation. We remembered the names of the streets. And what else is interesting in our village?

Children: Park, Skating rink, Physical wellness complex, River Moksha,

hospital, where people are treated, schools, where children are taught, kindergartens, hairdressers,

sewing factory, where they sew clothes, library.

Dear Guys! Love your homeland - Greater and Small. Try more

learn about her story, take care of her nature, keep her customs and traditions.

"Russia is my homeland"

Purpose: Education in children of this age feeling of patriotism, respect for their homeland.

Tasks : To form an idea of \u200b\u200bchildren with such concepts as "Russia", "Motherland", "Fatherland"; familiarize yourself with the primary ideas of symbols and g of the name of Russia; consolidate the received information (drawing, applique, game).

The conversation is reviewed. In more detail, children will get acquainted with this topic in elementary school. In the affordable and understandable children, the teacher introduces them with such concepts as "Rodina, Russia." These two words are inextricably linked. We all live in the largest country in the world - in Russia. Russia is our big homeland. But every person There is also a small homeland. This is the place where he was born (city, village, village) and lives (house, family).

Talk of the conversation

In o p r about with s:

1. What is the name of the city (village), where do you live?

2. Tell me about your home and your family.

Educator . In our country there are a lot of big and small cities, villages and villages. They are all beautiful in their own way. But the largest city is the city of Moscow. Moscow is the capital of our Motherland. (The tutor shows illustrations with views of Moscow.)

People live people in Russia of various nationalities (Kazakhs, Kalmyks, Tatars, Chuvashi, Tajiks, Bashkirs, Udmurts and many, many others), but most Russians are Russians.

In o p r about with s:

1. Remember what cities of Russia you know, list them.

2. What are people called whose homeland - Russia? (Russians.)

Russia is and in our fatherland - the place where our ancestors lived, grandfathers, where our fathers live, where we live. Everyone must love and respect his homeland. She gripped and raised many great and famous people to the world. (The educator shows portraits of famous figures of science, art, who left their mark in the history of our state.)

We must be proud that Lomonosov - a scientist whose discoveries and work brought many benefits to all mankind; Tchaikovsky - the great Russian composer, whose name knows the whole world. The first person who conquered space was Russian - Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. These and many, many other people glorified our fatherland with their affairs and exploits.

Each country has its own symbolism, that is, the signs of differences are their flag, coat of arms and anthem.

The Russian flag is tricolor, that is, white-blue-red. Each color has its meaning. Blue color means loyalty, mind and honesty. Red - courage, love and beauty. White - purity and clarity, peacefulness.

The coat of arms of Russia - a double-headed eagle - a symbol of wisdom and fearlessness, mind and generosity. He looks around, guarding Russia from the enemy.

Anthem - The main song of Russia. The anthem is performed in particularly solemn cases. Performed and listened by the anthem standing. (D Smey to record Russian anthem, talk about his content, the teacher introduces the authors of the hymn.)

Listening to the State Anthem of the Russian Federation

Words to Russian hymn wrote a well-known writer, poet - Sergey Mikhalkov. His works know and love children because he devoted almost all his creativity to children.

Music to the hymn was written by the famous composer - A. Alexandrov.

Many beautiful songs and verses are devoted to Russia. Our homeland, her forests and fields, rivers are glorified in them, tells about love and pride in their country, a small and greater homeland. The Russian people have many proverbs and sayings about it.

Proverbs and sayings

· One person has a native mother - one and his homeland.

· Motherland is a mother, able to stand for her.

· Russia Bogatyrskaya.

· Where who was born there and came in handy.

· The native side is a mother, someone else's stepmother.

In o p r about with s:

1. Name the country in which you live. (Russia.)

2. What is the name of the city (village), where do you live?

3. What Russian river is called Great? (Volga.)

4. What cities of Russia are known to you?

5. What is the name of the city, which is the capital of our Motherland? (Moscow.)

T B O R C E C M E C D A N I:

1. Draw your small and big homeland.

2. Application of the Russian flag. (For this, you will need white, blue and red paper, cardboard, glue, scissors.)

Communication conversation with children "What is our birthland"

Goal and tasks:
contribute to the manifestation of patriotic feelings, love to the Motherland;
form a spiritual and moral attitude and sense of involvement in the hometown, the city, the country;
Fasten the concepts of symbols of Russia, Matryoshka. Balayaka.
Intensify and expand vocabulary.

Equipment: The exhibition "My Motherland" (books, symbols of Russia, souvenirs, etc.), tricolor flags, music. Tools, SD Music.
Educator: Today we must answer the question "What are we called the birthplace?"
What do you think it is for the word. Yes, this is the place where you were born, but not only. Almost my homeland is much more than just a place of birth.
Motherland we love and sing about her beautiful songs. Listen to the song that is called "Motherland". How is the country in which we live? ...
Let's remember the symbols of Russia? (Flag, coat of arms, anthem)
Flag is a symbol of the country.
White Color - Birch, Blue - Sky Color.
Red stripe - Morning dawn.
And how in a word you can call the color of the flag?
But now listen to the anthem of Russia. What is the music (by nature?) How does it sound? What is different from other songs? We listened to the anthem. Is this the main song of the country?
Q: Tell me, and what is still a symbol of Russia. What poets are made to poetry, and composers of the song? (Birch) Artists also admire the beauty of Russian birch. They wrote a lot of pictures about such a beautiful tree. (Show illustrations)
How the birch is good, as if the Russian soul!
Reading the poem of Inessa Ageeva Bereza

White Birch - My Motherland Symbol.
There is no rust of another heart of the Russian mile.

Emerald spring, and in winter - in silver,
Mashes a branch of gold to all kids in September.

Each leaf, as a heart, inlay, look.
At the lord of the porch, you birch puts.
Q: And now let's get up in the dance and sing the song "In the field of Bereza stood" (fiz.min.)
Here is such a beautiful dance song about our birch.
Guess the mystery:
Triangular board
And there are three hairs on it.
Thin hairs
Voice ringing.
The tutor shows music. tool.
And what is the name of the wooden doll - also the symbol of our homeland. (Matryoshka)
Conquered the whole Russian souvenir all of God,
And half meter and with the palm, a doll bright-wave.
Q: And what would we good and calmly live in our country -
Army native-protector of the country,
Weapons and courage keeps us from the war!
Q: So what are we calling the homeland guys? ......... .. all right.
Our little homeland is a kindergarten, a sanatorium, where you are relaxing. This is your home and family: Mom Dad, Grandma, Grandpa. This is the city in which we live.
Our city ... .. (St. Petersburg) The most beautiful and beloved and capital of Russia is the main city ...... .. (Moscow)

What do we call birthday?
All that in the heart we take.
And under the sky blue, blue
Flag of Russia over the Kremlin.
What do we call birthday?
House where we live with you.
And birrors, along which,
Together with my mother we go.