Belarusian surname Simich. The most common Belarusian surnames: list, origin

Belarusian surname Simich. The most common Belarusian surnames: list, origin
Belarusian surname Simich. The most common Belarusian surnames: list, origin

Article of the Belarusian Philologist Yankee Stankevich. It was written in 1922 and printed in №4 the magazine "Belarusian scene" in August-September 1922.

I. The worst and most original Belarusian surnames on:
-Iwich (Savinich, Bobich, Smolich, Babich, Yaremich). These names began to appear at the time of the life of the Belarusian people when she had a generic relationship. Those that were from the kind of smalie were called resinies, from the kind of woman (Bob) - Bobic, from the kind of women - Babic, etc. The same endings - ICH are available in the title of all tribes, who over time, the basis of the Belarusian people (Crivichi, Dregovichi, Radmichi).

Belarus has a lot of locations on -chi (Białynichi, Ignatichi, Yaremichi), they are all very ancient and denote the fatherland of the genus. The names of the ICH and the terrain are found in the set, ranging from the disinnenskog of the tetage (district) of the vilencisch (that is, the Vilan Land. My). Even more in the West, the south and the center of Vitebshchina, and it is likely that there are quite a lot of these surnames in the east of Vitebsk lands, quite often they are found throughout Mogilev, and gradually on the rest of the territory of Belarus.
Of all the Slavs, in addition to the Belarusians, the names on -ich have only alone (Pashich, Voyachich, Stanovich).

HIV. Next to the surnames Smolich, Sumalychich, etc. There are surnames Smolevich, Klyanovich, Rodzevich, Babrovich, Zhdanovich, etc., the terrain of Smolevichi, etc. The names on -vich are very ancient, but still less ancient than those already mentioned above - ICH. In the end of the Kovichovich, the value of kinship intersects the importance of belonging (Babr-Ov-IC).

Such surnames like Petrovich, Demidovich, Vaitsyulevich, etc. show that the founders of these clans were already Christians, and such as Akhmatovich - that their founders were Muslims, because Ahmatom name Muslim. The same names of Belarusian Muslims, as Rovevich, mean the names not only with the Belarusian ending, but also with the Belarusian root (base), and show that the founders of these births were the Belarusians who themselves, or their descendants accepted Islam. Not all Rovevichi Muslims, some of them, like, for example, those that live in Menska (now Minsk Note. My), Catholic faith. There are surnames of Jews with Belarusian on -vich, but with the basis of Jewish or German-Rubinovich, Rabinovich, Mavelshovich. These are the names that the Jewish population arose in the Belarusian environment.
Surnames on -vich are distributed throughout Belarus; - ICH and -Vich constitute 30-35% of all Belarusian surnames. Last names on -vich correspond to the names of localities (villages, towns, villages): Kutsevichi, Popelovichi, Dunilovichi, Osipovichi, Klimovichi.

Surnames on -vich are sometimes called Lithuanian. It went, because once the Lithuanian state covered the entire territory of the current Belarus. The highlights of the Belarusian surnames Lithuanian are the same misunderstanding in the names like Mensk-Lithuanian, Besta-Lithuanian and Kamenets-Lithuanian, etc.
It happens sometimes that the original and characteristic names of the names are simultaneously called Polish. Poles with such last names are not at all. Mitskevichi, Senkevichi, Kradovichi are Belarusians who created the wealth of Polish culture. For example, in the Benitsky volost of the Oshmyansky tet there are many representatives who are surname Mitzka and there is a village of Mitskavichi, which means the same thing as Mitskevichi, just in the last version of the "C-" and changed emphasis. If you see, for example, lists of friends of Polish partnerships in Poland, then next to the typical Polish last names and many German, only somewhere where, very rarely, you can find the name on-и и и и ивич and you can always find out what the owner of his Belarusian. Surnames and found words to -vich and - IC are in Polish, quite strangers. Such a word like Krolewicz is a protexism with "poured" basis. In Russian, where surnames on-ich, -ovich, --Evich did not arise, the name for the Father (patronymic) with these sutiks was preserved until today. Ukrainians have surnames on -ich, but mainly in the north-Ukrainian lands, where they could arise under the Belarusian influence. In Ukrainian, the names of the Father were preserved. There were an old names for the Father and Polyakov and Czechs and other Slavs (for example, Luzhitsky Serbs), as evidenced by -ce (Katowice) (Katowice), corresponding to Belarusian on-andi (Baranavichi). The opinion of the Polish origin of these surnames was because Belarusian lands from 1569 to the section of the Commonwealth of both nations were a composite autonomous part of the entire federal (and even confederative) speech by the associate of both peoples, but even more because apolitical Belarusian magnates (Khodkevichi, Krebtovichi, Valavekovichi, Vankovichi) had their own interests throughout the commitory district.

According to the traditions of the Belarusian language, the names of the Belarusian dynasties should end on -vich. Therefore, it is necessary to say: Rogvolodovichi (Belarusian dynasty of the rogvodolod of Polotskaga), Vsoslavichi (Belarusian dynasty of the great sorcerer), Gediminovichi, Yagailovichi (and not Jagelones), Pythytie (Polish dynasty of Pyhtah), Arpadovichi (Ugorskaya (Hungarian) dynasty), Fatimidovichi ( The Egyptian Muslim dynasty) Primylovich (Czech Dynasty of Premis: But not premissible, which sounds uncomfortable in Belarusian.

II. Surnames on-school, - Sky local. They originated from the names of the localities and titles, the generic shredders. They are common among the Belarusian gentry of the Grand Duchy of Lithuanian from the XV century. Belorussian Zellich incl, who owned Zyapina's estate - was named Zyapinsky, Ostrog - Ostrog, Oginte - Oginsky, the world - Mirsky, Dostoevsky, etc., etc. According to the names of localities, who was from Dubaikovo, he became DUBAYKOVSKY, who, from Sukhodol - Sukhodolsky, who lived near the lake - Ozersky, behind the river - Zaretsky, behind the forest - male and the like. Zubtsky, Dubitsky, Sosnovsky. A student who is studying in Wilni will name Vilensky, and which in Prague is Prague, etc.

In the medium, the many local Belarusian surnames have already arisen that has arisen on-sorny, similar or new names of the software (already considered approximal) with Belarusian Jews and scratch (i.e., Lithuanians in the current sense of approx. My).

These names are both old and new ones. At the same time, in the case of old, they probably belonged to people quite famous, that is, the boyars, or a gentry. But new names on-school, -tsky belong to equally all classes, seliners and even Belarusian Jews. I told me one Mr., the following case: about p. Oshmyany, Jews lived behind the mountain; As the ruling from the Russian authorities came out to record all residents in the lists, then in the office it turned out that these Jews had no surname, just grandfather was not a nightlife, Father Berk, Shan Shimel, etc. They did not know how to write them. He helped out one neighbor - Belarus, who turned out to be near: "So this is, - says, - Zagorsk Jews." So they recorded "Zagorsk".

The names of the Muslim gentry in Belarus on-school, -tsky simultaneously with the Belarusian base (Karitsky and others) show, as well as the names of the type Rovevich, that these Muslims are not Tatar, but the Belarusian kind. But there are also among the Belarusian Tatars a lot of surnames on-school, -tskaya and with the Tatar basis (Canakazky, Yasinsky).

Surnames on-school, - the Belarusian names of the localities of the region (jumping, Kazarovschina) correspond to the names of localities. Surnames on-school, -tsky in Belarusians make up about 12%.

Surnames on-school, -tsky, as derived from localities, are found in all Slavic peoples. So, besides Belarusians, Poleski (Dmovski), Chekhov (Dobrovsky), Ukrainians (Grushevsky), as well as Serbs, Bulgarians and Muscovites (Russians).

Such surnames are on-school, -tsky, like Asspensky, Bogoroditsky, Arkhangelsk, church origin and can be equally in all Orthodox Slavs.

III. When the names on-ich, -vich denotes the genus, surnames on -onok,-shinok (seek, lazichonok, artumanok), - Pisto, -K (Martzinchik, Alaksaik, Ivanchik, Yazepchik, Avguinchik, Mironchik, Mlnarkchik, Siamenik, Kitchen) , Ok, -Hyuk (Mikhalyuk, Aleusyuk, Vasilyuk) denote the Son (son of Yazep or Son Avgyni, or the son of Mlnar), and the names on-auya (Vashalena) is just a child (Vasily's child). Surnames on -Onek, -Onak, -One, -Ok, --ik There are characteristic Belarusian and common in Belarusians, although not as ancient, like on-and -vich. Surnames on -Ok, -Onak have only some Belarusians. Belarusian surnames to -Onek, -Onk correspond to the Ukrainians of the name on -Enko (Cherkastenko, Demidenko), and in Swedish and English languages \u200b\u200bon -son (son), and the surnames on-one correspond to Georgian with the endings to -shvili (Remashvili) .

Same names to -Onek, -Onak, -One, -Ok, -K, -K, -UK in Belarus 25-35%, which means approximately as much as on-and -vich.

Same names to -onak, -Onak are most common in the dissence of the Vilensky region, even more on Vitebshchina, possibly slightly smaller on Mogilev and in the eastern part of the month (that is, the Minsk region. Note. My). There are also throughout Belarus.

Surnames to -chik, -ik scattered throughout Belarus. Na-Yu, -K, -yuk - most common on Grodnenshchina (i.e., in the western part of Belarus, approx. My).

IV. Further the names that occurred from various names (accepted in every way approx. My) (tooth, book, kacharaga, tambourine, sak, shock, spit), plants (cabbage, Radzka, Burak, Guyan, Gryb, Pear, Bulba, Rybul ), birds (Veraba, Bushel, Batzian, Shenkah, Gil, Tynitsa, Shulyak, Karshun, Korshun, Krup, Kruk, Shpak, Chij, Blue, Maly), Animals (Karovka, Hare, Beaver, Moedezda, Lis, Corsa ), the name of the month or the day of the week (Liytapad, Serarad, Veeffer), the holiday (Vikkydzen, Kalyada, Kupala), the names of people became the names (Syargei, Barys, Gardise, Mitzka, Tamas, Zakharka, Kassyushka, Manyushka, Flyher). These are also such names that characterize people. So on - ka, - at the heart of the words of the paryotka, Lyanutka (one who is lazy), Obudzka (one who is forgotten) There are also surnames: Budzka (who wakes), Sapotka (who snoring), then Rodzka (from give birth), Khudzka (from walking), Hotskyka (from wanting), a shine, dubbing, brocco and a lot of similar surnames.

These surnames, like old (wolf, toad, gut, korsak) and new, are found throughout Belarus; They will be about 10-12% of all Belarusian surnames.

V. Surnames with the endings on-one, -Ev, -in are found in Belarusians, starting from the East and the North of the Vitebshchina, from the east of Mogilev region; Quite a lot of these surnames on the Smolensk region and in the Belarusian parts of the other provinces (Pskov, Tverskaya and others.). Something can occur in the center and in the West of Belarus. The question arises, as such, characteristic of Muscovites (i.e., Russian approx. My) and Bulgarians, the names could arise from Belarusians.

First of all, it should be borne in mind that these Belarusian lands for a long time (about 145 years old, and some and 300-400 years) were as part of Moscow, which, being under the rule of Russia, they were not governed by the rights of autonomy and from the center Russian state. It is necessary to think that already in the long time of the Moscow domination on these Belarusian lands, without observing other features of the Belarusian lands and the people, Muscovites did not comply with the peculiarities of Belarusian surnames, reworking on their templates with the endings to -s, -Ev, -in.

Interestingly, when Fedarovich appeared in Moscow, he was called as Fedorov. As redistributed, there was a surname Fedarovich in Moscow, so the mass of other Belarusian surnames on the Belarusian lands associated with Muscovy were reworked out. Thus, the Belarusians of these lands sometimes had two surnames - one, which they themselves used, the other - which power knew. Speaking, "called" one, and "wrote" the other name. Over time, however, these last written "correctly" surnames took up. The owners of them, for their own interests they decided to remember these written surnames. Thus, Barysevichi were Borisov, Trachimovichi - Trohimov, Sappraki - Saprankov, etc. But a family tradition was connected with the old native family, a family tradition was connected, she stubbornly kept such national Belarusian surnames remained so far at the distant borders of the ethnic territory of Belarusians.

However, the greatest, the retirement of Belarusian surnames in Eastern Belarus falls on the XIX century and ends in the XX century.

Systematically Russifying Belarus, the government systematically Russified the Belarusian surnames.

It is not to be surprised that the Russians Russified part of Belarusian surnames, when even so far for Russians in the language (not under blood) to nations as Chuvashi and Kazan Tatars, they Russified all the names. From the fact that Tatars Muslims, in their names, at least the roots remained Muslim-Tatar (Baleev, Yamanov, Akhmadyanov, Habibulin, Hairulin). Chuvashi, who are recently baptized in the Orthodox faith, have all the names of purely Russians, from what they have taken baptism in a massive order and most often for some reason they gave the names of Vasily or Maxim, so now the majority of the Chuvash have the names of Vasilyev or Maximov. With these Vasilyev and Maximov, it is often just a matter, there are so many of them that it is hard to figure out.

Russification of Belarusian surnames occurred both by law and simply due to the administrative and educational policies of the Moscow authorities in Belarus. Thus, in mossets, in accordance with the law, we changed the entire masses of Belarusian surnames to the Russians, but in the same mallates, such a change was made without any laws. Any royal couplet writer (or other bosses), although he knew the different Belarusian surnames well, but he highlighted these names in their sound in the Belarusian language, and since, it was necessary to write in Russian "correctly", I corrected whenever possible Our surnames, recording them "right" in Russian. He did it, often, by good will.

With the expansion of the Ukrainian movement, Ukrainian surnames were approved by the Russian authorities, and for this example, the Belarusian royal bills and other civil servants have begun to be considered "correct." And the same parliaments, changing some Belarusian surnames to the Russian S -OV, -Ev, -in, at the same time others changed on - well, depending on what was closer. So the son of Ziearshka, Tsyarshchanka (Zareshchanok, or Zareshonak) became Tereshchenko; Zimitrik - Zimitrenko (or more "correct" - Dmitrienko), and Zhastko Zhatyko. All the names of the Belarusians are alone from the Belarusian surnames to -onk, -Onak. It happens that it is hiding the catch - the name is everything, for example, Dudaronak or Zhawok, and in the volatils are recorded "correctly": Dudarenko, yolko.

As we became in fashion, everything is someone else, but it has declined, so some Belarusians themselves, on their own initiative, changed their last names on fashionable, alien, "panskie". Especially these replacements touched the surnames designated in paragraph IV, i.e. Surnames from the names of different words, birds, animals, etc. We noticed that it was not good to be called Salka, Salavei, Tit, Saynzi, Gardise and changed to Sokolov, Sinitsyn, Solovyov, Gordeev, and Sakalinak on Sokolenko or generally made them meaningless; So the pear began to write his surname, Peresho, Fatalket - Forbotko, Murashko - Murashko, Varonka - Voronko, Hootska - Hoatko, Khudka - Khodzko, some shylys began to write their surname through two "l" - Shyllo, etc. Also changed surnames on the surnames with the endings on-oh, which are not necessarily Belarusian, but also have in other Slavs. As an example, I will imagine the following. I knew one master, the name of which was a naughty (kind of poppy with big making -pastes, it blooms in red). Ryrkhevshi, he bought himself noble paper and filed a request to the authorities to change him the name of Physics on Makovsky. The request was satisfied and replaced by the last name for a double - see Makovsky.

When the names on-ich, -vich denote the genus, to -On, -Onak - Son, then the names on -ov, -Ev, -in designate belonging, these are "objects", which answer the question of whose question. Whose are you? - Ilyin, Drozdov, etc. These "subjects" have not only alone Russian and Bulgarians, but also all other Slavs (Poles, Czechs, Ukrainians, Serbs). They have them and Belarusians. We often say Yanuk Leavonav, Gankka Lyavonava, Pyentruck Adamav, etc., where the words of Lyavonav, Adamav, designate that he comes from Lyong, Adam, often son or daughter yesterday, etc.

Subject to the subject you have to use for separation, often Yanuk, Pydruk, etc. It happens not alone. We could have our Belarusian surnames with such endings under the Russian influence. In this sense, the difference between Russian and Bulgarians, on the one hand, and other Slavs on the other, the fact that these items often do not become surnames.

Summarizing everything that is said about the names of Nas, -Ev, -in, I must say briefly - these surnames originated: 1) As a result of reworking or replacement of "Moscow" writers and heads of Belarusian surnames, 2) Some Belarusians recently alone them alone On the trendy, then Russians and 3) they could partly appear in the Belarusian medium, or under the Russian influence. These languages \u200b\u200bare all new and not characteristic of Belarusians. The names of these are in Belarusians 15-20%. Surnames on -ov, -Ev, -in are national to Bulgarians and Russians. Approximately as much as Belarusians have these surnames and the Ukrainians, where they are of the same character as we have.

Always occupied humanity. Each of us unwittingly thought about the history of his pedigree and the name of the surname. Even the superficial historical and linguistic study in this area can lead to unexpected results. For example, the surname of Khazanov can turn into force of the human location in Khazanovich, Khazanovsky or Khazanov. Depending on the end, they judge the nationality of the individual, but this is not always an indicator. Khazanovich can be Russian, and Belarusian, and the Jew.

To deal with who there is someone in fact, the anthroponymika will help - science, collecting and studying the origin of the names of its own. It helps to understand their belonging to a specific region, where and for what reasons they appeared. Belarusian surnames and their origin are quite confused, since the invasion of Poles, Russians, Tatars and Lithuanians influenced the lands of Belarus, at all times.

The period of the first surnames on the lands of Belarus

Belarusian surnames may contain a variety of roots and endings. Anthroponymic analysis shows that the country's culture was a great influence on the part of many individual states. They occupied the Earth and installed orders according to their ideas. One of the most significant influences is the power of the Lithuanian principality. It has made changes not only to the development of the language of Belarusians, but also it became magnified by the generic name noble estate.

Surnames began to appear at the end of the 14th and early 15th century, their carriers for the most part were boyars, the people of high ranks. The name of the genus was influenced by the culture and language of other states. The great many roots and endings depends on the temporary segment and peoples, in this period of the ruling in Belarusian lands.

The surnames of peasants and a shitty class

With the generic surnames of noble families, the situation was more or less stable and understandable. These were the most ancient and all familiar Gromyko, Tyshkevich, Iodko or Khodkevich. Basically, the name was added by the end of the end, which indicated the notable and ancient origin of the genus. The Shankhetsky estate did not differ in constancy in the title of the house. The surname was taken by the name of Father or Grandfather, for example, Bartos Fedorovich or Olenekhovich. Interesting was the fact of transfer of the name of the names and places for the genital estate. The peasants also received their hereditary names after the owners. For example, Belyavsky's surname arose thanks to the name of the victor. And the owners of the boyars and the peasants were called the same - Belyavsky. It could happen that the Fortost family had several names. During this period, their surnames were crowded.

18-19 century

At this time, the aroles and differences in the names of both peasants and a noble class began to appear. More than half of the population was surnames ending in -OC / Osich / -Ch, for example, Petrovich, Sergeich, Mokhovich. Regions of these generic titles were the central and western parts of Belarusian lands. It was during this period of time formed common names for their own, they are considered the most ancient. For example, the surname Ivashkevich refers to 18-19 centres of origin.

The name may have deep roots and have a direct connection with a notable estate. Alexandrovich - a surname that will tell not only about belonging to a well-known family, but also the name of the father of the house - Alexander, the generic name refers to the 15th century.

Such interesting hereditary names like a rager or nose, have peasant roots. Did not be assimilated and adding the endings adopted during this period.

The influence of Russia

Russian surnames, usually ending on-one, began to wear Belarusians due to the invasion of Russians to the eastern lands of Belarus. Typically, Moscow end was added to the names of the names. So Ivanov, Kozlov, Novikov appeared. Also added endings on -O, which is more characteristic of Ukrainians than Russians. For example, the wonderful surname of the potenarov turned into Goncharenko. The tendency of such changes in the name of childbirth is characteristic only for regions, where the influence of the Russians - East of the country was observed.

Interesting and beautiful names of Belarus

From the depths of the centuries, the most interesting and unforgettable names of Belarusians who were not subject to change and assimilization came from. Their origin is obliged to the rich imagination of the peasants. Very often, people called their bodies in honor of the weather, animals, insects, months of the year and characteristics of a person. All famous surname Frost appeared. To the same category include nose, windmill, march or beetle. These are typically Belarusian surnames, but they are rare enough.

Male names

Interestingly, the genus in Belarusian lands, the basis of which was male surnames. According to the name, it was possible to understand who is a father, and who is a son. If it was about the son, the end-of-one was added to his name / -K / -K /YUK. In other words, for example, the surnames on IC say that a man is the son of a noble kind. These include the Mironchik, Ivanchik, Vasilyuk, Aleksyuk. Thus appeared purely male surnames talking about belonging to a particular clan.

If a simple family wanted to just designate a child as the son of his father, then the end was used. For example, Vasil's son is the son of Vasil. Common surnames of such etymology refer to 18-19 centuries. They began to appear a little later than famous Radzevich, Smolenich or Tashkevich belonging to

The most common hereditary names

Belarusian surnames differ from the total mass of the endings "HIV", "ICH", "Ichi" and "Ovich". These anthroponyms point to the ancient roots and the original Belarusian origin denoting the pedigree.

  • Smolich - Smolitsy - Smolivich.
  • Yashkevich - Yashkevichi - Yashkovich.
  • Zhdanovich - Zhdanovichi.
  • Stanovich - Stoyanovichi.
  • Surname Petrovich - Petrovichi.

This is an example of famous Belarusian generic items, the origin of which refers to the early 15th century. Their consolidation occurred in the 18th century. The official recognition of these designations refers to the end of the 19th century.

The second layer of names in popularity and prevalence refers to the names with the endings "IC", "Chik", "UK", "Yuk", "Enok". These include:

  • Artamenok (everywhere).
  • Yazepchik (everywhere).
  • Mironchik (everywhere).
  • Mikhalyuk (West Belarus).

These surnames more often indicate a person's belonging to a well-known or shirt.

Russified and unusual surnames

The third layer of common surnames implies the end of the "s", "O". For the most part, they are localized in the eastern part of the country. They are very similar to Russian surnames, but have more often the Belarusian root and the basis. For example, Panov, Kozlov, Popov - it can be Belarusians, and Russians.

Surnames on "In" also belong to the eastern part of the country and have Russian echoes. Muslims were attributed to "in" to the base name. So Habibul became Habibulin. This part of the country was strongly assimilated under the influence of Russians.

No less common names originating from the names of villages, places, animals, holidays, plants, months of the year. These include such beautiful and interesting surnames as:

  • Bathing;
  • Kalyada;
  • Tit;
  • Tambourine;
  • March;
  • Pear.

Also have a significant distribution of the surname, describing the main distinguishing feature of the person and his whole family. For example, Lazy will be called Lyanutsk, scattered and forgetful - Obudzka.

Condemned stereotypes and misunderstandings

Belarusian surnames, the list of which is diverse and rich in origin, is very often confused with Jewish, Lithuanian and even Latvian. Many are confident that, for example, the name Abramovich is purely Jewish. But it is not entirely true. At the time of the formation of anthroponyms on the Belarusian land, people who wear the names of Abram or Khazan were added, ending -Och or -ovichi. So Abramovichi and Khazanovichi came out. Often the root of the names wore German or Jewish character. There was assimilation in the early 14th and 15th century and became the basis of the family heritage of Belarus.

Another misconception is the opinion that the names on -vich come from Lithuanian or Polish roots. If you compare Anthroponyms of Latvia, Poland and Belarus, then it is impossible to find similarities between them. There is neither in Latvia or in Poland in Senkevichi or Zhdanovich. These surnames are original Belarusian. The Lithuanian principality and other states undoubtedly influenced the formation of generic names, but did not make their own, original names. You can also say that many common names of Belarusians are very similar to Jewish.

The origin of the names in the Belarusian land was formed over several centuries. It was an interesting and live linguistic process. Now the generic names became a reflection of the rich and diverse history of Belarus. The multi-layerness of the culture of the country, entry on the development and formations of which Poles, Lithuanians, Tatars, Jews and Russians were rendered, can be clearly traced by the names of people. The final and official adoption of their own names in Belarus occurred only in the middle of the 19th century.

In Latin, the word "surname" is "family". For the first time, people began to assign various surnames in the tenth century in Italy. Belarusian surnames have gained popularity in the fifteenth century. Belarusians are still worn by their family nicknames. Sometimes they enchant her hearing with their beauty, and sometimes they cause such emotions as laughter. List of surnames, their meaning and origin are presented below. It is worth noting that every person should know about the history of the emergence of their generic name. This information allows you to reach the origins of the occurrence of a whole kind. More often than others in Belarus, the surnames were formed depending on the place of residence, the kind of activity and the name of the Father.

Sources of the emergence of Belarusian surnames

During the existence of the Grand Duchy of Lithuanian on the territory of modern Belarus, they began to give people not only names, but also in the names. The origin of the Belarusian surnames originates since the reign of Prince Mindovga. Then the names were made to endow people of the princely or noble class. Only "clicks", which were united by servants of one house were serfdom. A large role in the origin of the names of the Belarusian people played their place of residence. Also, nursery, based on the name of the Father, were also very popular. As an example, you can consider the situation when the father carries the name of Vanya. It turns out that the son is automatically becoming vanic. This surname refers to the number of common, since the name Ivan was encountered in each village and not one time.

Names of noble origin

Belarusian nobles usually received their last names on the basis of the place of residence, the name of the castle or the generic estate. Typically, such sets, letters as "ski" or "CKI" served as the endings of this kind of nickname. As an example, it is possible to consider the situation - a wealthy nobleman lives in the castle with the name of Ostrog, and therefore he is assigned to the surname Ostrog. Often there are surnames of Belarusians with the end of "-ovich". On this basis, you can immediately determine that the ancestors of this person were Christians. Petrovich, Demidovich, Marcinovich are detained.

After the resettlement of the Jewish population in the Lithuanian principality, the first Belarusian surnames with Jewish roots appeared in the fifteenth century. Their endings were characteristic of the Belarusian people, but despite this, the typical Jewish foundation of the surname always highlighted them from the indigenous population. Examples of Belarusian-Jewish surnames serve - Koganovsky, Ribinovich, Gurevich. It is worth noting that the Jews influenced the change of Belarusian surnames, but they did not create new among them.

Nearby Belarusian surnames

The emergence of the first Belarusian surnames among the simple population is justified by a very simple reason. Since many people lived in the villages and villages with the same names, they were simply necessary to distinguish anyone. Initially, they were given a nickname, which in the process of changing generations began to be transferred to children and grandchildren. Characteristic of the peasant surnames suffixes are "ICH", "Onok", "Enia", "Chik", "UK". Among the common Belarusian surnames of Neshvornian origin are the Ivanchik, Mozeluk, Laziconok. Often commoners were given nicknames and, as a result, generic names associated with their features of character. For example, a lazy man called Lyanutsk, forgetful - Zaboodko, snoring - Sapotka.

Coming from Russia

The vast influence of the Russian people on the culture and life of the Belarusian nation affected the moment of formation of the names. So, very popular generic names with traditionally Russian suffixes "OV", "Ying", "Ev" are that evidence. They have special distribution in the east of the country. Long-term foundation under the Russian authorities led to the emergence of the endings inherent in Muscovy residents in purely Belarusian surnames. As a result, many Belarusians living under the patronage of Russia became the owner of two surnames. They wrote one in the documents, the other was called in the communication process. Such a dual possession of the last name lasted for a short time, and as a result, an option was adapted to the Russian Floor. The barys began to call Borisov, and the trachims are threehow. Many Belarusians renamed their generic names into Russian Floor on their own initiative. At that time, such names like Salka, a pear, shels, which turned into Sokolov, Grushko, Sallo, were under the influence of fashion.

Correcting smile

Often, Belarusian surnames have very deep and interesting roots. If earlier some of them were frequently found and did not cause any emotions, now they are impossible to pronounce without a unwitting smile. Often, the determining factor in choosing the surname was weather conditions, pets, indoor plants and other items and phenomena found in everyday life. Over time, these words turned into a nine and became full-fledged names of Belarusians. The list of Families with funny sound includes:

Beetle - was given to people with black hair.

The nose was assigned to the owners of outstanding noses.

The deck is a surname peculiar to the full and ridiculous person.

Windmill - so called Melnik.

Pear - the surname that occurred from the name of the saint for the Slavs of the tree.

Cancer - such a surname usually endowed indecisive people

Borsch - inherent in people engaged in excessive chatter.

Despite its unusual, these are common Belarusian surnames that anyone can meet in everyday life.


Before decopling the Belarusian surname, you need to pay attention to its ending. The declination of the Belarusian surname is carried out according to the rule of writing of the used case. Usually in practice there are three basic principles of declination:

  1. Women's family names do not change in the process of changing the case, the male is added by the end of "A". Considering as an example, the last name Remisovich, we get that the absence of a man will sound: "There is no Ivan Remisovich." For a woman, the form of the surname remains the same: "No Olga Remisovich".
  2. There is music, but no music.
  3. Surnames ending on "O" remain unchanged anyway.


To date, you can find a wide variety of Belarusian surnames. End of them are also different - it all depends on the origin of the generic name. Most often there are the following endings of Belarusian surnames:

Evich, -Ovich - Karpovich, Yashkevich;

Ivich, -l - Smolich, Savinich;

Eva, - Oshness;

Sky, - Sky - Polyansky, inevitsky;

Onok, -Enok - Covalenok, Savenok;

Ko - Shurko;

OK - Wolf;

ENA - Covalen;

Yuk, -K - Martynyuk, Abramchuk;

IR - Novik;

Ec - Malets.

Top surnames and their meaning

There are a wide variety of Belarusian surnames. Men's usually differ from women's change in the end when declining. But it happens not always. In frequent cases, women's Belarusian surnames do not change at all. Women's generic names in Belarus, as in Russia, are lost after marriage. The family name of the family is taken on the male side. In the top 20 of popular Belarusian surnames include:

  1. Poznyak - given a man who appeared on the light late at night.
  2. Tretyak - the surname formed from the same name of the old coin.
  3. Ozersky is given to a person whose ancestor lived near the lake.
  4. Zelensky - created on the basis of the world's name Green, also given this surname was assigned to inexperienced people.
  5. Sverdlov - the last name in the past belonged to a carpenter or joiner.
  6. Vanin - Son Ivan.
  7. Kovalev - ancestor of the name of the name was Kuznets.
  8. Sinitsyn - in honor of the world-name tit.
  9. Gomelsky - ancestor that received this name was born or lived in Gomel.
  10. Pinchuk - the first carrier of the surname was born in the Brest region in the city of Pinsk.
  11. Bystritsky - living in the city of Bystrica.
  12. Gnatyuk - in honor of the church name of Ignatius.
  13. Adamovich - the last name formed by Adam.
  14. Beauty - nickname of a beautiful and well-kept person.
  15. Puch - the ancetelon of the family was a complete and fastened man.
  16. Gavrilyak - formed on behalf of Gavril.
  17. Brilevsky - the surname appeared from the word Bril - Guba. Assigned to a man with a plump lip or with an overly touchy character.
  18. Talyuk - appeared from the nickname of Tal, which was given to a person living in a swampy terrain.
  19. Yurchak - so called a person, rapid, yurchy and very procravoy.
  20. Avdeenko is associated with the baptismal name of Avedea.

Each of the names presented above has its deep history and takes a proper place in the fate of many Belarusians. Knowing the origin of his generic name, you can discover new knowledge about your ancestors, their kind of classes and place of residence. More often than others in Belarus found the name Kovalev (more than ten percent of the country's population), and therefore, the Kuznetsk business was widely developed in this territory.

  1. Belarusian surnames are often confused with Lithuanian and Jewish.
  2. Abramovich is an invalid Belarusian surname.
  3. Belarusian surnames were formed over several centuries.
  4. The effect on the formation of Belarusian generic names had Tatars, Lithuanians, Poles, Russians, Jews.
  5. The official adoption of the surnames to all population of Belarus occurred in the mid-nineteenth century.

The most ancient and original Belarusian surnames are those surnames that end up at ICH. For example, Bobich, Savinich, Smolich, Yaremich and Babich. These surnames appeared at that time the existence of the Belarusian people, when generic relations existed. People who belonged to the sideline began to be called resinies, and those whose genus was bob, became known as a bobby. The same endings are in the names of all the tribes, which over time amounted to the basis of the Belarusian people. These were Dregovichi, Curvichi and Radmichi. Belarus is a country where a large number of different locations are located, the name of which will end on "Ichi". They are Ignatichi, Bialynichi and Yaremichi. These terrain are very ancient, they correspond to the Fatherland of the genus. There are many terrain on "ICHI" and surnames on ICH. The terrain on the "Ichi" takes its beginning from the disinnentist of the tet of vilensech. Most of all such places in the south, west and in the center of Vitebshchina. Most likely, there are many of these surnames and in the east of the beautiful Vitebsk lands. Often they come across all the immense Mogilev region, rarely - on the territory of the rest of Belarus. In addition to Belarus from all the Slavs of the surname, which ends on the "ICH" belong to the Serbam. This is Vuyachich, Pashich and Stanovich.

Belarusian surnames - the origin of Belarusian surnames

They meet both the names of Smalachich and Smolich and Smolevich, Rodzevich, Klyanovich, Babrovich and Zhdanovich, who came out of the terrain of Smolevichi, Rodevichi and others. The names that end on HIV are considered very ancient. But they are less ancient than those names that end on ICH. Interestingly, but in the endings "Evich", Ovich intersects with the value of kinship value of belonging. For example, the surname of Babr-Ov-Ich. You can pick up a large number of examples. Last names like Demidovich, Petrovich and Vaitsulevich clearly demonstrate that Christians were the founders of these birth. And the name Akhmatovich says that the founder of this kind was Muslims. It comes from the fact that Ahmat is a Muslim name. Similar names (Rovevich) belong to Belarusian Muslims. These last names are not only the Belarusian ending, but also the Belarusian root or base. Such surnames demonstrate that the founder of their kind was in the past Belarusians. Just either they, or their children earlier accepted Islam. The most interesting thing is that not all Rovevichi is considered and are actually Muslims. Part of Rakevichi, who live in Minsk, belong to the Catholic faith. Also come across and surnames belonging to Jews who have the Belarusian end of HIV, and the basis is German or Jewish. EXAMPLES Mass: Rabinovich, Rubinovich and Mawshsovich. These surnames refer to those that arose in the Belarusian environment in the Jewish population. Throughout Belarus, the surnames ended on HIV are common. It is estimated that 30-35 percent of Belarusian surnames in the amount are surnames with the endings of HIV and IC. It is known that locality names correspond to the names with the end of HIV. Surnames could form from the names of villages, villages and diverse towns, in which the carriers of the surname lived. For example, Poplayovichi, Kuevichi, Dinilovichi, Klimovichi and Osipovichi. Very often, the names on HIV are considered Lithuanian. It looked through because in ancient times, the territory of Belarus covered the Lithuanian state. But the name of Belarusian surnames Lithuanian is considered a misunderstanding. Sometimes it happens that the characteristic and original Belarusian surnames are called Polish at the same time. There are no Poles having such names. Senkevichi, Mitskevichi and Krandovichi are Belarusians. They once created in the distant times of wealth of Polish culture. You can give a bright example: there are representatives who wear Mitzka's surname and there is a village of Mitskavichi. This is unequivocal names. Only in the latter emphasis changed and turned "Cby".

Belarusian surnames - graduation in Belarusian surnames

From the names of the generic beautiful gentlemen and localities, the names ended on the "associate" and "sky" originated. Such surnames were spread among the Belarusian gentry, which belonged to the great principality of Lithuanian from the fifteenth century. The gentle of Belarus, who owns Tsyapin's estate, wore the name Qiapinsky, and the Belarusian Shlokhtich, who owned Ostrog's estate, was called Ostorinsky. This also applies to Ogunti - Oginsky, Dostoevsky - Dostoevsky, the world is worldly and many others. Other Belarusian surnames were also formed from the locality name. DUBYKOKO - DUBYSKY, SPEAH - SHIEFOL '. People living next to the lake were surname Ozersky, and those who lived behind the river, - the surname of Zaretsky. Then a student studying in Vilni, called Vilensky, and studying in Prague - Prague.
We found out that the names that end on HIV or IC are the designation of the genus. Belarusian surnames, which end up on "Yёnok" and "Onok", "IC" and "Chik", "Yuk" and "UK" denote the Son. For example, the names of seeuses, artumanok, Laziconok, Marcinchik, Ivanchik, Alaksaik, Mikhalyuk, Vasilyuk, Aleksyuk are often found. Belarusian surnames that end on the "ENA" mean just "child". For example, Vasilia is Vasily. The names of the names that end on the "ONA", "ENA", "YNAK", IC, and Chik are considered characteristic of Belarusian and common names. They are not an ancient surnames ending on HIV and IC. Some Belarusians have surnames, the endings of which serve "Yonak" or "Onak". These surnames correspond to the Ukrainian surnames on UNKO. 25-35 percent in Belarus constitute the names that end on Yunak, ONA, "IC", "Chick", "Yuk". "UK". As many surnames ending on "HIV" and "ICH". In the disncen, the names are the most common surnames that end in "Yonak" and "Onak". Most of all, they are common in Vitebshchina. Slightly smaller - on Mogilev, as well as in the east of the month. There are such names throughout Belarus. In Western Belarus, surnames are often found on Yenya, "Yuk", "UK". Many surnames that occurred from the most different names of plants, birds, animals, names of the day of the week or month.