Author's deviations in Evgenia Onegin on chapters. Lyrical deviations in the poem "Evgeny Onegin

Author's deviations in Evgenia Onegin on chapters. Lyrical deviations in the poem
Author's deviations in Evgenia Onegin on chapters. Lyrical deviations in the poem "Evgeny Onegin

The role of lyrical deviations in the novel "Eugene Onegin" is difficult to overestimate. They help the author to express many thoughts and ideas that would be incomprehensible without them or not so obvious.

Roman value

The role of lyrical deviations in the novel "Eugene Onegin" is enormous. With their help, the author constantly interferes with the story, hard resembling itself. With this reception, which later was actively used by other authors, the poet introduces the reader with his own point of view on a variety of issues and vital problems, formulates its own ideological position.

Thanks to lyrical retreats in the novel, "Eugene Onegin", Pushkin can even portray himself next to the main character (they appear together on the banks of the Neva).

Creating a novel

Over his novel, Pushkin insisted precisely over such a definition of the genre, at least an externally, the work is more like a poem, the poet worked as much as seven years. He finished him only in 1831. Pushkin called his work on him a real feat. According to him, it was also difficult for him only "Boris Godunov".

Working on "Onegin" the poet began in Chisinau, when he was in the southern link. At that time the author experienced a creative crisis, revised much in his worldview. In particular, refused romanticism in favor of realism.

This transition is particularly well visible on the first chapters "Eugene Onegin", in which romanticism still keeps up with realism.

It was originally planned that the novel will be 9 chapters. But then Pushkin reworked the whole structure, leaving only 8. From the final content, he removed the part dedicated to the journey of Onegin. Its fragments can only be found in applications to the text.

The novel describes in detail the events between 1819 and 1825. It all begins with a foreign hike of the Russian army against the French, and ends with the uprising of the Decembrists.

Plot Romana

Roman begins with the fact that the young Petersburg nobleman Evgeny Onegin because of his uncle's illness is forced to leave the capital to the village. Such is the tie of this work. After Pushkin talks about the upbringing and education of the main character. They were typical for the representative of his circle. They were engaged with him exclusively foreigners teachers.

His life in St. Petersburg was filled with love love and intrigues. A series of permanent entertainment led him to Handra.

He rides uncle to say goodbye to a dying relative, but no longer cares. He becomes the heir of the whole estate. But soon the Handra overtakes him in the village. A young neighbor Lensky is trying to entertain him, who has just returned from Germany.

It turns out that the new friend of Onegin is crazy about Olga Larina, the daughter of a local rich landowner. She has another sister Tatiana, which, unlike Olga, is always thoughtful and silent. Onegin girl is indifferent, but Tatyana herself falls in love with the St. Petersburg nobleman.

She is solved on an unprecedented step at that time - he writes a letter to his beloved. But then Onegin rejects her, the calm of family life eats him. Soon, again, from Handra and boredom, in the evening, Larina Onegin forces Lensky to jealous him to Olga. Young and hot Lensky immediately throws him a challenge on a duel.

Onegin kills her ex-friend and leaves the village.

The novel ends with the meeting of Onegin and Tatiana in the capital after three years. By that time, the girl married the general and became a real secular lady. This time, Eugene falls in love with her, but she rejects him, because he believes that he must fully remain true to his husband.

Novel about everything

It is no coincidence that many critics call the Roman Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" Encyclopedia of Russian Life. Perhaps no longer to meet such a work where the subject is so extensive.

The author not only talks about the fate of the characters, but also discusses the most intimate, tells about creative plans, argues about art, music and literature, tastes and ideals that are close to contemporaries. It is precisely this that the lyrical deviations in the novel "Eugene Onegin" are devoted.

It was with the help of such deviations Pushkin makes from the usual story about friendship and love a full-fledged picture of the era, creates a holistic and tangible image of Russia of the first quarter of the XIX century.

Themes and forms of lyrical deviations in "Evgenia Onegin"

Popular retreats can be found in the first chapter of the novel. They are dedicated to the achievements of domestic theatrical arts, an essay of modern autonomous director, opinions about the unusual habits of secular liones and their husbands.

In the first chapter of the novel, the topic of love sounds for the first time. Critics believe that in the lyrical elegic memoil of Pushkin is sad about Volkonskaya. In subsequent chapters, love becomes a reason for the author's retreats.

The role of lyrical retreats in the novel A. S. Pushkin is difficult to overestimate. With their help, the author formulates his own opinion on what is happening, creates the effect of the participation of the reader in what is happening, creating the illusion of the dialogue with it.

For example, this role of lyrical deviations in the novel "Eugene Onegin" can be traced at the moment when the author comments on the refusal of the main character from Love Tatyana. Pushkin persistently protects the main character from the accusations that they can hit him. He emphasizes that thus Onegin is not the first time manifests his nobility.

Theme of friendship

What is the role of lyrical deviations in the novel "Eugene Onegin", can be understood by how he sanctifies the topic of friendship. This happens at the very end of the fourth chapter.

Arguing about friendship between Onegin and Lensky, Pushkin raises the topic of narrowing and disregard for others. Arriving that egoism is one of the typical generation features.

Images of Russian nature

One of the discoveries of the poet in this novel was the creation of realistic images of Russian Nature. They are dedicated not one chapter "Eugene Onegin".

The author pays attention to all the time of the year without exception, accompanies all this with landscape sketches. For example, before telling about the letter of Tatiana to Onegin, Pushkin describes the night garden, and the scene is completed with the painting of the rural morning.

Literary questions

Interestingly, in the novel, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" there was a place for lyric deviations devoted to the problems of the modern author of the literature and the native language. As well as the topic of the creative crisis, in which writers often turn out to be.

For example, in the fourth chapter, Pushkin openly elegate with an imaginary critic, which requires the writers in the works of one solemnity.

For the Pushkin itself, the relic of the past. At the same time, the poet criticizes many of its contemporaries, which have overwriting in tearlessness and imitation. Pushkin is even divided with the reader with what difficulties is facing when writing a novel. Complains of difficulties when using foreign words.

In one of the last chapters "Eugene Onegin" Pushkin in lyrical retreat raises even a patriotic theme. The poet is recognized in sincere love for Russia.

Thus, one can make sure that the role of lyrical deviations in the novel "Eugene Onegin" is great. According to Belinsky, the whole soul of the poet reflected in them.

(336 words) Some readers seem to be lyrical deviations in the novel "Eugene Onegin" - this is just a manifestation of the author's desire to express its opinion on sore issues. However, in fact, they possess a number of essential functions that I will try to describe in the following paragraphs.

First, lyrical deviations play a composite role. The author sometimes interrupts the narrative of heroes when there are no significant events in their lives. These interruptions in the plot are filled with lyrical retreats and landscape sketches. For example, between the explanation of Tatiana with Onegin and the meeting in the names goes around half a year. Pushkin misses this period of time and binds episodes with their reasoning. Secondly, with the help of such devices, the author's image is created. For example, when he comments

letter Tatiana, then protects it from the Handickest views. He explains the reader that the act of heroine is motivated by non-immorality, but on the contrary - the purity of the feeling. This speaks about the Humanism of Alexander Sergeyevich, about his ability to understand other things and not to obey secular conventions. In the seventh chapter we see rows dedicated to Moscow. They are expressed by patriotic feelings of the author. He is proud of her, because she did not conquer Napoleon. In lyric retreats, the poet also argues about his own creativity, its ability to self-irony appears here:

Ile after boring lunch
To me waged neighbor,
Catching unexpectedly
The soul of the tragedy in the corner, ...

Thirdly, in lyric retreats, the image of the era is created. In the novel, there is a reasoning of Pushkin about the upbringing and education of noble youth: "We all studied little by little, something and somehow." In addition, the author talks about the theater of his time. We can find out that the stages of Piez Fonvizin were made on the scenes, Princess, that the famous director of ballets was Dido, which was very popular with Ballerina Intridizer, who possessed beauty and talent. The poet also affects the problem of the development of the Russian language, which was actively discussed in society in his time. The struggle went between the glands of Karamzin and Shishkov. The followers of Karamzin believed that it was necessary to borrow a vocabulary from European languages, and supporters of Shishkov opposed it. Pushkin believed that it was possible to use foreign language words if there were no relevant Russians: "But Pantalonians, a fracture, a vest - no of these words in Russian."

Thus, lyric retreats form a novel composition, express the image of the author and give comprehensive information about the place and time of action in the work.

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Types of lyric deviations in the novel "Eugene Onegin"

"Evgeny Onegin" is the first realistic novel in Russian literature, in which the eyelid and modern person appeared quite true. " A. S. Pushkin worked on the novel from 1823 to 1831.

In this work, the author freely proceeds from the plot narrative to lyrical deviations, which interrupt the course of "free novel". In lyrical retreats, the author tells us his opinion on certain events, gives the characteristics to its heroes, talks about themselves. So, we will learn about the author's friends, about the literary life, about the plans for the future, get acquainted with his reflections on the meaning of life, about friends, about love and many other things, which gives us the opportunity to make an idea not only about the heroes of the novel and the life of Russian society of that time, but also about the person of the poet itself.

Lyrical deviations in the novel "Eugene Onegin" can be divided into several groups:

1) autobiographical retreats (memories of youthful love, references to the biography, retreat of revaluation of romantic values). Describing the action, Pushkin remains on the pages of the novel. He really talks to the reader, he does not leave heroes, because it is difficult for them; He wants to help them live - and us too; He with an open soul gives us that wealth that accumulated all his life: the wisdom and purity of their heart ...

In those days when in the gardens of lyceum

I serenely flourished

Read eagerly apology,

And Cicero did not read,

In those days, in mysterious valleys,

In spring, with swan shouts,


A muse has become me.

My student celia

Suddenly lit up: Muse in her

Opened a day of junge

Saming baby fun

And the glory of our old

And hearts are thriftless dreams.

(Ch. XVIII, Strafs I-II)

2) Critical and journalistic retreats (conversation with a reader about literary examples, styles, genres). The poet comments on his novel in the course of his writing and however, it is divided with the reader's considerations, how best to write it. The general sense dominant of these deviations is the idea of \u200b\u200bfinding a new style, a new letter manner offering greater objectivity and image concreteness:

I thought about the form of a plan

And as a hero name;

Filming my novel

I finished the first chapter;

Revised all this strictly;

There are a lot of contradictions,

But I do not want to fix them;

Censorship duty pay

And journalists at eaten

The fruits of my work will give myself;

Go to the Nevsky shores,

Newborn creation

And you deserve glory tribute:

Curves Skinny, Noise and Brand!

(Ch. I, stanza lx)

3) the retreat of a philosophical nature (about the course of life, about nature, about the continuity of generations, on their own immortality). It was here for the first time during the II of the II of the chapter in front of the reader opened by Pushkin himself, as if picking up the sad thoughts of Lensky:

Alas! On life brazdah

Instant harvest genera

On the secret will of Providence,

Go up, ripen and fall;

Other them are placed ...

So our windy tribe

Grows, worried, boils

And to the coffin of the great-grandfather is tested.

Will come, and our time will come ...

Pushkin writes these lines when he is about to last twenty-five years: it also seemed to think about death, about changing generations, about leaving life. But Pushkin was wise even in his youth, he knew how to give it to humans that the spirit captures and want to live:

Will come, and our time will come.

And our grandchildren in good time

From the world will be supplied and us!

(Ch. II, stanza xxxviii)

Nice bold epigram

Scatter the protest enemy;

It's nice to annoy how he is stubbornly

By bowing cheerful horns,

Unwittingly in the mirror look

And recognize yourself as shame;

Pleasant if he is friends,

Wars sidurov: it's me!

More pleasant in silence

His honest coffin

And quietly cherished in a pale forehead

At a noble distance;

But send it to the fathers

Mostly it will be nice to you.

(Ch. Vi, stanza xxxiii)

The sixth chapter "Onegin" he cum in mid-1826 and, although he promised readers to return to his hero, did not return to him for a long time - there was a difficult time. That is why the VII chapter begins so sad; Gorky philosophical thoughts came to his mind when he saw a woken spring:

Or with nature lively

Razdarind the duke of embarrassed

We are fading our years,

Which is not the revival?

Perhaps in thought comes to us

The average of poetic sleep

Other, old spring ...

(Ch. VII, Strafs II-III)

Philosophical reflections on the fate and the future of Russia are interspersed with everyday irony over the eternal Russian problems. Russian roads, a lot of rapid poet, do not change since the nighting of the Robber and - so thinks Pushkin - if they change, then "in five hundred years". Then bliss comes:

Highway Russia here and here,

Connecting, cross.

Cast iron bridges through water

Stepped with a wide arc,

Sliding the mountain under water

Prospect dangling vaults

And the baptized world

At each station a tavern.

This is not a mockery - about the restaurant, this is a man's moan, a lot of riding country, where:

There are no restaurants. In the hut cold

High-footer, but hungry

For view the price list hangs

And vain teases appetite.


4) deviations for everyday themes ("Roman requires chatter"). We are talking about love, family, marriage, about modern tastes and mods, friendship, education, etc. Here, the poet can act in a wide variety: we see that I am convinced of the epicurea who mocking a boredom of life, then a saronic hero disappointed in Life, then Fakelonist's Feltonist, then a peaceful landowner who is accustomed to living in the village:

We all studied little by little

Something and somehow

So raise, thank God,

We have no wonder shine.

(Ch. I, stanza v)

Having intervened in the secular conversation about Onegin, Pushkin bitterly laughs at the ideal, who created "important people." Mediocrity, vague insignificance - who is happy, who is not surprising or discontent:

Blessed, who was young as a smallest,

Blessed, who ripen on time,

Who gradually live cold

With the years, I was able to endure;

Who did not indulge in strange dreams,

Who is not alien to mobile ...

(Ch. VIII, Strafs X-XI)

Friendship for Pushkin is not only one of the main joys of life, but also a debt, duty. He knows how to treat friendship and friends seriously, responsibly, knows how to think about human relations, and his thoughts are not always merry:

But the friendship is not both between us.

All prejudices exterminated

We read all zeros,

And units - ourselves.

(Ch. II, Strop XIV)

The author's deviations about love are invaluable. Love attributes, followed by love and real feeling, and at the same time, the external manifestation of these feelings, which are not really not, depicted by Pushkin masterfully:

The smaller the woman we love.

The easier we like her

And so it is more or rather ruin

Medium seductive networks.

Debauchery, it was cool, cool,

Science was famous for love

He himself is a pipe everywhere

And enjoying not love ...

(Ch. IV, Strafs VII-VIII)

Love has no age;

But young, virgin hearts

Her impulses beneficial

Like a storm hanging fields ...

(Ch. VIII, Struck XXIX)

It is also possible to include numerous retreats about female legs, about wine, kitchen, albums that accurately and correctly interoperass events and morals of that time:

In the days of cheerle and desires

I was crazy about balls:

Relieving no place for recognition

And for the presentation of the letter ...

(Ch. I, stanza xxix)

Of course, you have never seen

County laryrs album,

That all girlfriends are empty

From the end, from the beginning and circle.

(Ch. IV, Strafs XXVIII-XXX)

5) The image of lyrics on one side, kaleidoscopic and having changed, on the other - remains holistic and harmoniously finished. This includes the author's retreats about the culture of Pushkinsky time, about literary heroes, about poetic genres:

Magic edge! There, in the old years,

Satires bold lords,

Blown phonvizin, friend of freedom,

And enterprising princess;

There lakes are unwashed Dani

Folk tears, applause

With junk seed divided;

There our Katrenin raised

Cornell genius genius;

There brought the barn Shakhovskaya

Their comedy noisy swarm,

There and Didlo walked with glory,

There, there, under the sense of kulis

My junior days rushed.

(Ch. I, stanza XVIII)

Pushkin again, not going and not hiding, talks with the reader about books, about literature, about the case of the poet, about what worries him most:

Your syllable on an important way

Walked, Flame Creator

I was our hero

How perfect sample.

He gave a beloved subject,

Always stimpifully persistent

Soul sensitive, mind

And an attractive face.

(Ch. III, Strafs XI-XIII)

Can I imagine them

With "Freediment" in hand!

I skate you, my poets;

It's not true, lovely items,

Which, for their sins,

Written in secret you poems

Who were dedicated to the heart

Not all, Russian language

Owning weakly and with difficulty

He was so nice distorted

And in their mouths a language of someone else's

Wouldn't you addressed in my native?

Like ruddy's mouths without smile

Without grammatical error

I do not like Russian speech.


Landscape retreats are also included in the number of lyrical. More often, nature is shown through the prism of the lyrical perception of the poet, its inner world, mood. At the same time, some landscapes are shown through the eyes of heroes:

That year autumn weather

Stood long in the yard,

Women waited, waited by nature.

Snow fell only in January ...

(Ch. V, stanza i)

6) deviations for a civilian theme (about heroic Moscow 1812). Pushkin knew how to separate the main, government patriotism of royal manifestos and secular rounds from that popular patriotism, which lives in the soul of every honest person. It is its attitude to Moscow that he shows through the solemn and elevated lines:

How often in the sorting separation,

In my wandering fate

Moscow, I thought about you!

Moscow ... How much in this sound

For the heart of Russian merged!

How many in it responded!

(Ch. VII, stanza xxxvii)

V.G. Belinsky called the "Eugene Onegin" "Encyclopedia of Russian Life", since the author's retreats disclose contradictions, trends and patterns of the era, at first glance, which are not directly related to the plot canvas of the novel, but Pushkin's brightly demonstrating attitude towards them.

Evgeny Onegin Lyrical Departures

Describing events in the novel and revealing different topics, complements it with their observations, with their statements, the opinion that makes a product look like reliable. Lyrical deviations that are not difficult to find in Evgenia Onegin, this is a living communication of the writer with the heroes of the work. So, for example, when Onegin goes to the ball, Pushkin immediately talks about how he was crazy about balls. Discusses women's legs and immediately brings an apology to the reader for such memories, promising to become a little adult.

Thanks to lyrical retreats that we meet already in the first chapter of the Roman, where the author expresses his opinion about Onegin, Pushkin thus makes himself not only the narrator, but also by the acting person, where the writer is a friend of the hero, calling him a good friend.

The role of lyrical retreats is huge, because they revive the work, it is better to reveal the theme of the author's work. They introduce us to Pushkin's biography, where the southern link is remembered, there are memories of youth and about the period of learning in the lyceum. In retreats, the writer devotes us to his plans, speaks of literature, theater.

A lot of lyrical deviations are devoted to the Russian nature and times of the year. So Pushkin speaks of winter, remembering the boys, which cut ice skates, writes how the first snow goes. Describing the summer, talking about the spring - then the author does not pass by the author and past the autumn pore. Special place pays Pushkin to retreats at the time of day, where night is the most attractive time for the writer.

Thanks to lyrical retreats, the writer appeared the possibility of a light conversation with readers, where he can tell about young people of his time and her upbringing, about how she spends time, drawing pictures of the then life.

If you select the subject of lyrical retreats separately, you can see the topic of creativity as a whole and reflections to the author about the specifics of the work. Reveal here and secular life, affected in the novel and the topic of love. In lyric retreats, the theme of friendship, the topic of freedom, rustic life, and biographical motives are also present.

Lyrical retreats are customary to call extrapty inserts in the literary work, the moments when the author departs from the main story, allowing himself to reflect, remember any events that are not related to the narrative. However, lyric retreats are separate compositional elements as landscapes, characteristics, dialogues.

Roman in verses "Eugene Onegin is replete with lyrical deviations. It is difficult to find another literary creation in which they would be so significant. The main task of these inserts is time. Pushkin goes into lyrical deviations when it was necessary to emphasize the gaps of the time during the narration. But at the same time, they are harmoniously woven into the story story. Thus, the poet expresses its copyright look at those, or other events, attitudes towards their heroes. Pushkin is invisibly present in the common canvas of the narrative.

After some reasoning about the nravas and characters of people, the poet finally "leads Muse" to the secular reception where the meeting of Onegin and Tatiana Larina took place.

But those in a friendly meeting
I read the first read ...
There are no other things, but those distant,
As the garden once said.
Without them, Onegin is given.
And the one formed
Tatiana cute ideal ...
About a lot, a lot of rock deposited!