Anatoly Yarmolenko: Doctors made a death sentence to my wife. Belarusian pop singer Alesya Yarmolenko: biography, creativity and personal life Anatoly Yermolenko personal life

Anatoly Yarmolenko: Doctors made a death sentence to my wife. Belarusian pop singer Alesya Yarmolenko: biography, creativity and personal life Anatoly Yermolenko personal life
Anatoly Yarmolenko: Doctors made a death sentence to my wife. Belarusian pop singer Alesya Yarmolenko: biography, creativity and personal life Anatoly Yermolenko personal life

Anatoly Ivanovich, how will you celebrate your anniversary?

Anatoly Yarmolenko: It is unlikely that I will widely celebrate how 10 years ago. I want to spit, just go with friends. Personal anniversary and collective intertwined. Ensemble "Syabra" - 45 years old. We conducted an anniversary tour in Moscow.

Why in Moscow?

Anatoly Yarmolenko: Moscow was our first big concert. In Belarus, at that time were already "sandary" and "Veras" and we were told that the country no longer need vocal instrumental ensembles. We went to Moscow, our songs were first shown on central television and people accepted them. After that, "Syabram" became easier to be approved. It was still during the Soviet Union. Then we were offered to sing the song "Olesya". We sing it with different compositions for over 40 years.

How does the "commander" of the creative team make decisions sole?

Anatoly Yarmolenko:We are always discussing pressing problems together, but I accept the decision sole. By the way, all my colleagues support me in this. For many years, we drank each other for many years, and truth is always born in our disputes. The guys just learned to trust me.

Your ensemble is 45 years old. There were situations when I wanted to "divorce"?

Anatoly Yarmolenko:Constantly. We argue about arrangements. Everyone was diagnosed - I decided. From the submarine there is nowhere to go if - talented. In our team, no one drags anyone. Talent is not the wings that carry. This is the burden of responsibility.

You sang with Demis Rousse, with Toto Kutuno ... who would you like to sing with?

Anatoly Yarmolenko:Maybe with McCartney would sing.

Favorite artist?

Anatoly Yarmolenko:Leps.

Is there any favorite song in your work?

Anatoly Yarmolenko: For me, this is the song of the composer Oleg Ivanova "Olesya", although, perhaps, this is "Polka Belorusskaya" Igor Ruenka, "survive" Nikolai Satsura. And in particular the song "Pumply, and Belarus" Composer Oleg Eliseenkova. But after the release of the song "Olesya" girls began to call this name. The song wrote a composer from Barnaul Oleg Ivanov. At first brought her "Songs". But Muulavina has already been "Olesya" Igor Lunetka. At that time, a popular program "Wyry Circle" for young musicians was born on television. Olga Molchanova's program editor suggested Ivanov to send a song to us.

Anatoly Yarmolenko:Nikolay Satsuro, Oleg Ivanov, Igor Luchnyok, Valery Ivanov, Oleg Eliseenkov.

I heard the team of "Children Syabrov"?

Anatoly Yarmolenko:It is not excluded. The idea is good.

Each artist has continuity ...

Anatoly Yarmolenko:I have the granddaughter of Ulyana Yarmolenko, my son's daughter, studying at the university, filming the cinema. We do not take it with you, so that there was not many Yarmolenko in the ensemble. The daughter of Olesya - the second child was born, she is happy.

Daughter Olesya How does it live?

Anatoly Yarmolenko:Engaged in family. Plans to do on it. Maternity pleasant occupation. I am for her best friend. Olesya lives in Germany. Grandson Anatol (he rapper - approx. Auth.) Does not want to leave Belarus. Olesya three years lived with him in Austria, in Vienna. He came there to the conservatory, for a jazz office. Three years later, he returned, now in Minsk is studying in a music college. The diplomat from it will not work and the architect too. I like what he is doing.

Tell me about the younger grandson?

Anatoly Yarmolenko: He is soon a year and a half. Soots well. Dad buys calculators to him, and I am a tambourine, then Piano. He has a musical rumor. Maybe he will fit into the team of "Children Syabrov".

Is your creativity-modern conjuncture?

Anatoly Yarmolenko:We are not engaged in the conjuncture. We as sang about our homeland and nature, and sing. We have sincere flight of the soul.

How do you think you're not in the repertoire of passing songs?

Anatoly Yarmolenko:I spend the song myself. If the song falls on the soul, take. We do not try to be fashionable.

According to the post-Soviet space, the three compositions of "Pesnyarov" are struggling. What do you think about it?

Anatoly Yarmolenko:This is another thinking. There was Moule (Vladimir Mulyavin - approx. Aut.) Master. Even if he was alive, the team would have other fluids. Everyone is called "Songs" wrong. Everyone believes if he worked in a team, can declare himself.

The leader of "Syabrov" did not give rest of the loving fans

The leader of "Syabrov" did not give rest of the loving fans

This year, the permanent head of the Belarusian Ensemble "Syabra" Anatoly Yarmolenko will celebrate the 65th anniversary. On the eve of the anniversary, he was awarded an interstate prize "Commonwealth Stars". The songs performed by Anatoly Ivanovich in different years - "Alesya", "Mustoharina Zarya", "And I am a pillar," Crynica "," Crack "and others, were the golden hits of the Soviet pop. Now in the "Siabra" under the head of the father, a daughter and son work, and the 12-year-old grandson Tolik tries himself as a rap artist. All of them are obliged to all of them, including Raisa Ivanovna - the wife of Anatoly Yarmolenko, with which the musician is married for more than 40 years.

In Belarusian "Syabra" means "friends". Only closest friends Yarmolenkoknow the story of his love, closely associated with the ensemble created by it. Anatoly Ivanovich never told reporters about it before. But for our readers made an exception.

I was born in the Ukrainian village. My mother is from there, and Pope - Belorus, - from afar, began his story Yarmolenko. - But the Father, like many boys and girls of my post-war generation, did not know. Since childhood, loved to sing. The army helped to determine the choice of profession.

He served in the Baku Civil Code in the Ensemble of Song and Dance. Muslim Magomaev In this ensemble, he worked as a civilian performer, often came to rehearsals Polad Bul-Bul Ogly. I still remembered how I was standing behind Muslim and sang "people of the world, stand up for a minute." For me it has become a good school. When she was demobed, he came to Gomel, where she got a soloist to the regional philharmonic. Worked in the team "Souvenir" side by side with Alexander Gradsky and Alexander Buynovov.

According to Yarmolenko, when two Sash ended the contract, they left for Moscow, and he decided to continue to continue the good tradition and create Via. But the leadership decided that in Belarus already there is one ensemble "Pesnyary", and suggested to make Dixieland (a team that performs jazz). And yet, with time, Anatoly and his friends on musical school managed to accomplish his intended. So "Syabra" appeared. Quickly gaining popularity VIA began to tour a lot.

Unpleasant moment

I was a lubricant guy, besides the artist, so the girls to me so and the lips - continues Anatoly Ivanovich. - Each city quickly found love. For example, our double bassist Misha in the Kazakh city of Ust-Kamenogorsk spun a novel with one pretty girl. But I liked it so much that I decided to repel it. What successfully did. Mishke is already knocking 27, and I am six years less. In general, the lady soon became mine.

But this fleeting of Tolya, in contrast to his new girlfriend, did not give proper meaning. In the next city found a new love, and then one more, and so on .- long tour was approached by an end, "recalls Yarmolenko. - I call my mother with joyful news that I will come home soon. And suddenly I find out that there I was waiting for the same girlfriend from Ust-Kamenogorsk. I came with suitcases and stated that we will soon get married. This was not included in my plans. I was going home to bring Paradise, from whom I met in Bobruisk, and ordered my mother to send the Cossack of the ravoisi.Rais, the future wife "Syabra", worked as a hairdresser. A random meeting with her was fateful. - True, I did not immediately disclose all the cards at once, "Anatoly Ivanovich smiles. - Pavlal, which I put a loader in the brigade, invited dinner to the restaurant. And when I realized that she sympathizes me as a person, and not as an artist, he became her shallow. It clearly decided that he met the only and unique and other girls it is time to stop. "Mother, Nadezhda Anikseevna, a priest's daughter, a very moral person. But she took my choice and for the week that the raw lived with us, made friends with her.

However, soon a regular surprise awaited me. We return once with Raisa from the movies, and the neighbor is shatter so says: "Tolik, you are waiting for you there." It turned out, another girl came to me - from Ashgabat. From where they all recognized my address - I won't do the mind. And now an unpleasant moment comes: come to the house, and here the lady is thrown to me on the neck. But my paradise clearly worked. He pulled away to the rival, took the future mother-in-law under his arm, who watched everyone, and with the words: "Let's go, mom, and you are Anatoly Do not laggards" - disappeared in the hut. I put a fan of 25 rubles on the way back, shrugged and ran to catch up with my happiness. Soon I got married with raisa.

Saving relocation

In 1978, all-union popularity came to the Syabra ensemble. In one of the gears on the central TV, they first performed the song "Alesya", immediately became a hat.

We toured a lot. My rash was always there. Worked in the ensemble costume, illuminator, technician. Once came to act in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, in the mining city of Kansk. I go across the street, and men sitting on a beer shop, suddenly began to shout: "Look, see," Ales "went." She told this case with a spouse, and she smiles: "This is, dear, the popularity has come to you," said Anatoly Ivanovich. In those years, Yarmolenko lived with his family in Gomel. And a few years after the Chernobyl catastrophe, the doctors discovered oncology from his wife - a malignant tumor of the thyroid gland. "The doctors made a sentence with my raw," the singer sighs heavily. - They said that he could save her miracle, and continued to be intensely treated. And then they advised to change the place of residence.

I looked for exchanging options and has already agreed to move to Vilnius. Surprisingly, but in Minsk I was not particularly waiting for me. One Belarusian party figure when I proved the soil to settle in the capital, said: "Let Yarmolenko roll where he wants, we have a lot of talents." But the point in this question put a wonderful composer Igor Rienok. He knocked the permission to buy a cooperative apartment in Minsk for his money. So came to the city, where and now I live. Raisa recovered to this day remains my main support.

- What is the secret of your family longevity?"Previously, even before marriage, when I got acquainted with the girls and brought them to the hotel, I looked at them with horror - remembered and not painted. And Paradise always wakes up at least ten minutes before me. Always meets neat, well-groomed and beautiful. Over the years, everything changes, but we carried our love throughout life!

"... as a fairy tale, like a miracle, like a song!"

On March 12, 1981, Syabra flew from the star town near Moscow on the Baikonur cosmodrome to give a concert there. As soon as the plane scored height, Anatoly Yarmolenko Brought a semi-annual baby.

This is our daughter, we called Alesa in honor of your song, "the young parents told. The girl held a girl in his arms and presented her with an autograph:" Alesa from Syabrov. Grow healthy and happy as a fairy tale like a miracle, like a song. "And in November 2010, when Syabra celebrated the 35th anniversary on the stage of the Kremlin Palace, the same girl rose on the stage, only matured, - Alesya Tsekhos From the city of Leninsk and carried a card with a memorable entry, which became a special talisman in her family. And they told that according to the accomplishment of Anatoly Ivanovich happily lives with her husband-officer. The chief "SYABR" was a rashogan to tears.

Love with a stewardess

The first strong sense of Anatoly Yarmolenko experienced a schoolboy. Fell in love with the girl rank from the parallel class. But shortly before the graduation guys in the fluff and dust were collapsed. They say, a very strong girlfriend was jealous of his Tolik to other young ladies. The future singer tolerate Persons did not and suggested parting. And Galina, to even accidentally not meet with his former guy, threw school.

We both were with character! - remembers Anatoly Ivanovich. - And a few years after parting, they met accidentally. It turned out, Galya lives in Krasnodar, works with a stewardess. Missed and diverged, this time forever. Do I want to see her now? Definitely not! To not be disappointed.

Disposhable son-in-law

35-year-old Alesya Yarmolenko, Daughter Anatoly Ivanovich, in addition to performances with "ssyabrai", makes in his relatives and a successful solo career. It recently recently discovered that at birth, she was given the name Olga, and Alesa is a creative pseudonym. In 20 years, the girl fell in love with Sergey Lipnya, the young man from just a family, gave birth to a son from him, who was named after the star grandfather Tolly.

When the boy was nine months old, his parents were signed, and after a couple of months, for some reason official relations were dissolved, although they continued to live together. Lipen wrote a song for his wife, she worked as a concert director. Their civil marriage lasted for 13 years and collapsed at the end of the summer of 2009. After parting, Sergey gave an interview, which complained that he was not easy to live in such a famous family. Say, in the house he did not feel like the owner, did not make up relations from the mother-in-law, so I decided to leave. Now Lipny has a different girl, and Alesya carefully hides his personal life. In the Minsk newspapers they wrote that she had a novel with a dancer from the corps, but the singer herself claims that it is not true.

FULL NAME: Yarmolenko Andrey Nikolaevich
Date of birth: October 23, 1989.
Place of birth: Leningrad (St. Petersburg), USSR
Amplua: striker

Andrei Yarmolenko - the story of a football player

The parents of Andrei Yarmolenko were born in the Chernihiv region, the village of Smolyanka. His mother after the wedding leaves to Leningrad on earnings, and after a while the father joins it. 3 years after the birth of Andrei, the family moves to Chernigov and buys a house there. The first football mentor of the young striker was Nikolai Lipovy, he accidentally saw as a talented guy plays football and invited him to a football team.

Together with Yarmolenko in this team there was a lot of his friends from school, but later almost all of them abandoned training, everything except it. This speaks of his desire to work on himself, improve. In Dufl, he played for Chernigov "Youth." At the age of 13, he entered the Football Academy of Kiev "Dynamo", but not to withstand competition in a year returned to Chernigov.

In 2005, from the Chernigov Football Club "Desna" Andrey Yarmolenko Returns to Kiev "Dynamo". All began with an interview then the head coach of Kiev "Dynamo" Anatoly Demyanenko: "By the way, I recently reported to me that in 130 kilometers near Kiev our breeders found a boy who was called the second Shevchenko." Subsequently, Yarmolenko received a nickname "Boy with 130 kilometers." But under the leadership of Demyanenko, Andrei did not play in the main team. It was translated into the duplicate team Dynamo-2 for which he spoke for two years. Debuted in the General Team "Dynamo" on May 11, 2008 in the match against Poltava "Vorskla".

Andrei became the player the foundation of Dynamo when Valery Gazzaev was the head coach. It is believed that it was Gazzayev who revealed Yarmolenko as a full-fledged player trusting him at the base, even when a promising striker for a long time frankly smeared from slaughter positions. After improving the game and long work on themselves, its place in the main composition was no longer challenged. He remained a player of the starting lineup and with Oleg Luzhny, and at Yuri Syumin.

08/28/2017 Yarmolenko signs a four-year contract with Dortmund Borussia. The transfer amount is 25 million euros.

The debut match for the new team Andrei spent the Bundesligi in the match against Freiburg. The first goal for Borussia scored the Champions League match to Tottenham's Gate.

In July 18, he moved to West Ham United for 22 million pounds for 4 years. Debuted against Liverpool. In October, the ninth tour was injured and dropped out for six months

Andrei Yarmolenko in the national team of Ukraine

The composition of the national team of Ukraine debuted on September 5, 2009 in the qualifying match of the World Cup 2010 against the Andorra national team, and at the 18th minute of the match marked his goal, Ukraine then won 5: 0. On a fifteenth second meeting with Uruguay, Yarmolenko scored a goal. In 12, playing against Sweden was noted by Pass on Shevchenka, then there was a game with Makidonia in 14 g. In the selection for the European Championship 16, where Andrei again walked Pas, becoming the best assistant team. In November, I was issued by Hat Trick Luxembourg. The Euro-16 got into the "symbolic disappointment team".

Personal records:

  • Recordsman of the Championships of Ukraine in the number of victory balls: 40 goals.
  • The best assistant in the history of the national team of Ukraine: 16 assists.
  • He became the best young football player of Ukraine in: 2011.
  • Double was the best player of the championship of his country: 2014/15 and 2015/16.
  • He received the title of the best scorer of the championship of Ukraine: 2016/17.
  • Three times the best scorer of the Cup of Ukraine: 2008/09, 2013/14, 2015/16.
  • In 2014 was the author of the best scored ball in Ukraine.
  • In 2015, he received the title of athlete of the year of his country.

Club Table of Results:

Club Year of speeches Championship Cup Eurocup
games / Goats games / Goats games / Goats
"Desna" (Chernigov) 2006/07 9/4 1/0
Dynamo (Kiev)2007/08 1/1 0/0 0/0
2008 10/0 4/5
2009 28/7 3/0 6/0
2010 26/11 5/1 16/4
2011 28/12 2/1 10/0
2012 27/11 1/0 12/2
2013 26/12 4/4 9/5
2014 26/14 6/1 11/4
2015 23/13 4/4 7/2
2016 28/15 3/3 5/1
2017/18 5/3 4/1
"Borussia Dortmund) 2017/18 18/3 2/2 6/1

Personal life of Andrei Yarmolenko

Married to Inn Yarmolenko. Inna works as director of the American Charitable Fund and is an international relations and diplomacy specialist. Before the wedding (took place in 2001) 4 years lived in informal marriage.

Two Sons were born in the couple - May 22, 2013 Son Ivan was born. September 13, 2015 was born the son of Daniel.

Yarmolenko teaches Son to play football

The truth is said: as the ship will call, so he will float. Syabra experienced different times, but always remained loved and revered by the audience. And do not even believe that they are already forty-five. But more is more interesting: the head of the ensemble, his face and heart, the People's Artist of Belarus, Anatoly Yarmolenko - seventy. And his unique lyrical voice is still young and the call. We looked at Tea to Anatoly Ivanovich, so that not only getting closer to get acquainted with him as with an artist, but also to learn him as a leader and the head of a large family.

"I love the truth, not sensation"

Today, every artist, big and small, considers his duty to publish memoirs. And God himself ordered it to do it. Didn't you think about writing a book?

I believe that memoirs should someone write about you or you yourself when you have nothing to do. I have no time for it now. Although something has already been written. I will publish a book, but later.

- Your biography is well known. But probably there will be something unexpected?

Of course, there should be different: not only well-known facts. I would like through the history of my life, including creative, it was possible to show the connection of generations. I have seen the heroes of war in childhood, which we then admired. Then he saw that these heroes we already forget - a generation grows, which does not know about the war. I have one attitude to this, next generation is another. I have a song "I'm from the century of the twentieth, from the victory of the Great in War ... The pain of someone else does not go out in me." That's what I would like to tell. Then - Cosmos. Gagarin flew there when I was a schoolboy. Then it was such an event! Another point: when the boy went to the parade on November 7, it seemed to me that the century of the October Revolution was still so far. And so it happened.

- But readers of memoirs are usually waiting for intrigues, sensations ...

I do not like these sensations. I love the truth, although I understand that she is few people need. People really need some kind of chip. Unfortunately, many authors go on occasion and deliberately do it. I really like the book of Alexander Shirvindt "Sclerosis, scattered in life," reread it several times. I adore this artist, his humor and Ironia towards himself and lived over the years. He just describes what this generation passed through. Without sensations and intrigue, but very vividly and interesting.

With his wife, the artist accidentally met at the hairdresser, together they are over 40 years old.

I will not go to the public. I never did it. Always clearly walked with his repertoire and understanding why I do it. But not categorically. I love to reason in my book, I think, that's what I will do.

Do you know how his memoirs called Gerard Depardieu? "Monster". You are on our stage one of the most positive people, and with close and subordinates you are what?

I am a difficult person, even probably for someone hard. In the sense, I am correct. It is always demanding to yourself and your associates. Do you know how I was called before? Bud! When our ensemble was created, there was not yet such a post "Artistic Director", was a brigadier. On slang - a borger. So I heard many times: "Budgorm, you can go to another way and easily become famous." But I never walked on this. Although I am a soft man. Pupil in the family, where grandfather priest. I grew up without my father, but I had a very good mother. However, in life it happens: your intelligence can take for weakness and use it. Therefore, it is necessary to be tough, even cruel sometimes. I demand from people not because I am such a reptile, but because otherwise it will fall out, because people are accustomed to relax. If you show condescension, I regret it slows down the development of our common cause.

"I will sing while I can do it"

- I wonder, and for what reasons people left your ensemble?

But on this and went. There are things, especially on tour, which enable to relax and lose control of themselves. And I always chased my guys about this. I did one warning, the second, for the third time a person collected things and left. Of course, it was possible to forgive once again, but my experience shows that if you do not part in time, it will repeat indefinitely. No matter how difficult for me, there would be no talented guys, but it had to do. What it cost me and my loved ones, just I know. And believe me when I met with these people more years, they thanked me for the school "Siabroў".

Alesya and Anatol - Now the main musical projects Anatoly Ivanovich

- That is, you do not have enemies?

I do not think. Sometimes there are such friends as enemies do not need. There are envious, there are many of them, and in different positions. And I constantly feel it. I do not get in a pose, I do not take offense, but I just do my job and I prove everything most. Who wants he will understand. Who will not understand, it is not necessary to prove. Crane is useless.

"Syabra", as forty years ago, today are collected by Achlags.

- You whencreatedensemble, what life did he get?

I never put the framework. I often ask the question: "What will happen to the ensemble in ten years? What will happen when you leave? " I am not worried about these questions. Will be as it will be. I will sing until I can do it.

- But probably there were difficult times when I wanted to throw everything?

The most difficult day is tomorrow. You do not know what it will be. My slogan in life: "What is done today is yesterday." And in no case cannot be resting on the laurels, you must strive forward. When I make compliments, I immediately start to shake off my bronze. Even the people's artist can not be bronze.

- Many explain such a long lifetime "smabroў" by the fact that they are dominated by power.

I often emphasize that we are a non-state ensemble. But people do not want to hear it. We are customary to think: since you are in sight and successful, it means that you have support in power. It is really difficult to get into Olympus. To keep - it is also not easy. And there are ten, twenty, thirty years - generally unthinkable. Therefore, I constantly have to justify, they say, we are not at the feeder. The Ministry of Culture did not release us a single record. For all these years, we just sewed costumes - to the 30th anniversary of the ensemble. Before that, how much I applied, I did not give a penny. Executive one: you are a non-state team. So we live: everything you earn, put in our development: tools, records, recording of songs. For a long time, we were given part of the equipment of Viktor Voyachich - and that's it. But I do not want to complain. Because we are stronger than many of those who are supported.

- How many people are you in the team now?

Now seventeen, and there were twenty five. Sometime, under my wing there was a youth studio. After the union collapsed, he took a few guys who did not know where to pour. These are the brothers of the Khlestov, Günesh, Jimmy Nelson and Volodya Stankevich, Tanya Faredo. Yes, and Uktinsky came out of us.

"I have no time to look into the passport"

Now, on the contrary, all artists create produce centers and earn good on it, and you dissolve the guys ...

There is no of my guilt. There was a foundation, at the expense of which and financed the studio. I put everything in the guys I could. Including financially. Even the poet, who taught them to speak beautifully in Belarusian. By the way, he works with us now, I myself often appeal to him. We had a balletmaster who put the rooms. The guys grew up - went to their bread. New to take? They grown their children to whom I helped to be implemented. I'm interested. Alesya is also my project. She successfully performed, there were also anchlags, she knew abroad. Now she gave birth to a child, so it does not speak. But we and now call and ask her to perform on a particular event. There is also anatole. I think the grandson will also succeed. In my opinion, he is one of the most talented in our family. Another thing is that the new generation thinks differently. And my lessons are not very necessary for him. By the way, I myself spy something. Time flies, and young people are better disassembled in it than we are.

- He already finally decided on a future profession or is it while his hobby?

Anatol is already studying at the third courses of the Art College. A few years ago, Alesya, for family reasons, he left in Austria, took her son with him, and he was taken to the Vienna Conservatory as a pianist. He was then 13 years old. He studied a year on the preparatory department, he was taken to the second. But her husband of Alavesi by that time the contract was over, and they had to leave Minsk. At the same time, we had thoughts to leave him there and continue their studies, however, it was necessary to take seriously for German. But Anatol beat himself in the chest: I want my homeland! Here he entered the college, he has very good teachers. I am satisfied. By the way, he recently has successfully passed on one project in Moscow, according to the terms of the contract, unfortunately, I can not say anything else.

- And Alesya? Her departure from the scene at the peak of popularity was very unexpected. Will she return to the stage?

She misses her very much. But the fact is that Alesya participated in the education of Anatol, because he was constantly toured. And this time she said: I have to put a second child on my feet, and then I will think about my career. She herself, in fact, was also deprived by parental attention. She was brought up with grandmothers, and she wrote to us notes so that we would come back. That is, she knows how children want to be close to moms, so while devotes to a child. But at all the iconic events "Siabroў", she performs now.

There is another moment. This is returning to the topic envy. It is easier for us to be the son or a daughter of a simple person than who in sight. Constantly you have to hear in the back: so she's a daughter Yarmolenko. But after all, Alesya his work proved that she herself bright creative artist. Now there is anatole on this way. Although my children and grandchildren always do everything themselves, I am against to drag them for your ears. The son worked all the time in the ensemble, he was engaged in recording, now she sings gradually. He himself wanted.

- By the way, why don't you talk about children's children?

Uliana twenty years old, finishes the Academy of Arts. She has good acting deposits, she is pretty girl and starred in several films. I am sure, she will succeed, she is already invited by Russian directors. Or maybe she will simply successfully marry what I wish her very much. For a girl, I think, still more importantly, women's happiness than a career.

- It turns out that you have only your wife behind the scenes? She is not offended?

She puts me all his life in the reproach: If it were not for you, I would marry the pilot and lived calmly, and so all the money is not on me, but on the tools. If seriously, she was also not easy for her. She traveled with me all the time, was a member of the team: both the costume, and an electrician, and a sound operator. Although by profession, she is a hairdresser, by the way, in the hotel room we met with her. And now helps, especially with costumes. Although Allesya is already engaged in our image.

Surely my wife asks: "Tolya, when you already calm down and will we calmly walk in the park?"

This will never be. And she knows it. This is not my lifestyle. I like today's life, its diversity. I am in the most thick of events. I don't even have time to feel how old I am. Friends call to invite fishing or hunting, and I'm on tour: then in America, then in China, then somewhere else. They say: "Look at your passport, it's time to slow down the temp." I answer: "I have no time to look there."

- Anatoly Ivanovich, you are really in great shape! Sport, healthy eating?

I, of course, follow myself. But the gyms and cycling walks are not about me. Like most public people, in such things I try to be in solitude. I love to ride my cottage. There are ordinary people, and they do not buy me. And at home I have simulators. Every day I am doing half an hour, but without fanaticism.

Banquets I do not like. I try to go there at all. I remember, flew to Afghanistan. There were two or three concerts a day. And after each bath and be sure to receive. And you imagine how difficult it is to stay from the temptation to go to the third concert in the form? And now people organize a holiday to you and want to communicate with you at the table. I am more likely sending my guys there. Because if I go there, I have a man of wide nature, I must have a drink and eat. We must know a sense of measure.

Discipline in the team strict: one warning, second - and goodbye

- By the way, about the cottage. How now the harvest?

Dacha immediately sowed herbs. I'm able to buy a bag of potatoes, so I did not even think to sit there. The only thing is a small garden with a radister, cucumber, greens. Ripped - and immediately in the mouth.

"I abandoned the music of Khanka"

Anatoly Ivanovich, readers will not forgive if I do not ask you about the "Khanka case". The composer threatened to sue you. What is the continuation of this story?

I did not start this story, it was the composer initiative. What pushed him, I still do not understand. I believe that I accidentally got into a bundle with people to whom he had complaints. But he has the right to act like this, as it is the author of the music. Although we always had excellent relationships with him. I am a non-conflict man, tried to solve this question peacefully. As a result, I abandoned his music and on the "Slavic Bazaar" already executed "you are noisy, biaroid" otherwise. Launch a new melody to a famous song - difficult, but, nevertheless, the viewer accepted her. People believed me. Although the old hit was written by our common efforts. I invested in him part of my soul. And how after that I can ban him sing? It turned out that he stepped on his throat his song. But I will not continue to dig in these disputes, to prove who is right to blame. I immediately said: if he has complaints, let him submit to court.

- I wonder how in such matters there is interaction with other authors?

There were no such issues with anyone. Everyone receives the author's reward from each of our speeches, plus more deductions from television, radio stations and so on. Fit good amounts. Do you understand what's the matter? Previously, it was impossible to perform a song if she was not blocked and was not accepted by the empirical philharmonic. This is today you can sing everything you want. And then the author called some cost and received this amount. It is bad that today there are artists who are willing to pay several times and any money.

- But today, too, the songs are also bought and sold.

I do not buy songs. I have such a position: the authors bring us a raw material, we spend on the arrangement, on the promotion and so on. In a word, so that it sounds, also put money and strength in it. I have a huge number of songs today. There is from what to choose. And when I bring another composition, I immediately say: "I do not buy songs. If you want it to sound, leave. I'll take her if she was suitable for me. " I just can't sing all the songs that I bring. And if a person really wants to work with me, we find the form of gratitude for it. I always come to the solo concerts of composers who wrote for me, and speake free. So it was always with Igor Luenk, Oleg Ivanov, Valery Ivanov and with others. The people with whom I work are not offended. I recently brought a song to the poems of Allesya Badaka "Dobrya Lyudzi". It was very close to her wash: the mother said, look for good people, bad will find themselves.

- In your songs there is always a deep meaning. And how do you feel about young artists? Who are you listening to today?

All. Do you know what Ringtone is on the phone? "I am happy like no one" Lepsa. I love this song. In my car there are several songs of songs of performers of my generation: Antonova, Ozodzinsky, Rosenbauma, Noscova. And I like Leps too. By the way, Anatole sang with him. From the Belarusians who listen? All. I wonder who goes for us. There are decent guys.

- How will you celebrate the anniversary?

In general, I was born on November 2, but in my passport I was recorded -15. My mother worked in the department of working supply of the South-West Railway. Three days after the birth, she took me and went to work. She was able to register a child only in two weeks. November 15, when she came, and recorded my birthday. Therefore, I usually walk from the second to the fifteenth. But in the family we always celebrate the second. And this year, the anniversary, and I celebrated the family in Israel, at that time there was just an operation to my son-in-law. Compatible pleasant with useful.

We celebrated creative anniversary at the Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk, and then in Molodechno. I would love to play some more such concerts. I have a good material that I would like to show with the presidential orchestra. I think that in the coming year we will make a joint program and we will delight the admirers of our creativity.

Member name: Anatol Yarmolenko

Minsk city

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With this article read:

Anatoly Yarmolenko was born in 2000 in Minsk. Grandfather of a young man is the famous vocalist of the "Syabra" ensemble Anatoly Yarmolenko, in honor of which parents called the Son. From 4 years, Anatol performs on stage.

Looking at his grandfather, he also began to dream of fame, glory and love of fans. Parents recorded him to music school at the piano class. Also, the boy began to engage in choir singing, attend vocal lessons.

In 2008, participated in the international competition Junior New Wave in Moscow. It was the first experience of the participation of Anatoly in such events. He deservedly received a prime of audience sympathy, conquering spectators and fate with her originality, vocals and sincerity.

He conquered the scene under the pseudonym DJ Anatol. The presented songs "Antoshka", "Dream" produced a furor, and therefore soon it was decided to remove the video clips on them, which were broadcast on the music channels of the country.

From 2009 to 2015, Anatole spoke on the "song of the Year", "New Wave", "Slavic Bazaar", at the anniversary evening Igor Cool and other famous stars. He sang with, G. Leps, Dominic Joker, Ivan Dornen, Syabra ensemble, V. Leontiev, and others.

Repeatedly was invited as a guest to musical transmissions of the country's leading TV channels: ORT, NTV, First National, SPT, ONT, MUZVTV and RTR. The main direction in the music of Anatol - RNB and HIP-HOP. On You Tube there is a video of the singer, rollers with participation in concert speeches.

Came to Moscow to take part in the casting in the song "Songs" on TNT. Furnished in front of the jury 2 songs. This rhythmic composition "No time to wait" and at the request of the jury "More Minute". He got the right to go through the second stage of the competition.

Today, Anatole is studying at the Music College of Arts. He is seriously passionate about the music. Passed training courses in the Vienna Conservatory in the Piano Class. There is no information on the personal life of Anatoly information on the network.

Prefers to spend your free time Actively: Playing paintball, ride in Sigwe or swim in the pool. Loves cars, photograph and work in photoshop with pictures.

Favorite artists Anatol: Michael Jackson, Beyonce, Adel, Timati, Snoop Dogg, 50 Cent, Fergie, Linkin Park, Kanye West, Skrillex, Dominic Joker.