Alexey Glousin Biography Personal. Where does Alexey Glousin live

Alexey Glousin Biography Personal. Where does Alexey Glousin live
Alexey Glousin Biography Personal. Where does Alexey Glousin live

The popular singer of the 80s, Alexey Glyzin, was married twice. With the first wife, he met before serving in the army. In 1975, the Son's Son was born from the spouses, too, Alexey Gluzin. With his mother singer divorced.

The reason for the gap was the young fan of Glúsnun Evgenia Gerasimov, which was then left to the guitarist Vyacheslav Makhrensky. Now the eldest son of the artist works director on television. Alexey Alekseevich Glyzin worked on fairly well-known projects, such as the "country response", the "territory of ghosts", "remember everything." In 2005, Alexei was born the son of Denis.

Senior Son Alexei Glouzina Alexey Photo: Wife and Son work with a singer

In the summer of 1992, Glouzin married Gymnast Babi. Woman is a world champion in rhythmic gymnastics, as well as a master of sports. Soon the son of Igor appeared in the family. Now surrounding notes that the youngest son looks more like a father than the eldest.

Both wife and son are involved in the artist's musical career. The wife organized a dance team who performs with a singer. And the Son works with his father as a musician. In addition, Igor Gluzin was swamming and studied Chinese.

The second marriage was also threatened because of a change of loving singer. However, the wife found the strength to forgive the wrong spouse and save the family. The Senior Son of Glouzin, Alexey, because of his profession, often appears with his father on the set of various programs.

Several times Alexey Glysin took part in popular TV projects. Now the singer is actively touring, writes new songs, takes off clips, however, he is far from being popular.

Senior Son Alexei Glossina Alexey Photo: The musician studied because of the guitar

Alexey Glyzin was born on January 13, 1954 in Mytishchi, in the suburbs, in the family of railway workers. When the future singer was four years old, the parents divorced. As a child, Alexey visited a music school in the class of guitar and piano.

Gláxin was so dreamed of his own guitar, which even entered the radio-building technician. After 3 years, the student made a guitar, and left the educational institution. Then Glyzin went to conquer the capital and entered the Institute of Culture. The service interrupted the service in the army.

Alexey Glyzin managed to participate in several well-known pop-up teams of Soviet times: "Good Machines", "Rhythm", "Gems", "Merry Guys".

At the beginning of the nineties, Gluzin protrudes solo. The musician produces a successful "Winter Garden" album. However, in the two thousandths, when new idols have appeared on the stage, the popularity of Glouzin went to the decline.

Alexey Glyzin is a wonderful singer who was able to give a lot of wonderful songs for his fans in his entire lives. Which remain in memory very long. They raise the mood and give bright emotions and impressions.

The songs of this person have already managed to become cult for several generations of listeners. And it is likely that his time (meaning of his popularity) really passed. And songs are most likely not so relevant as before. But at the same time, no one will argue with the fact that the entire contribution of this person in the domestic industry show business is difficult. Currently, this singer and composer conducts his speeches no longer as often as before, it is still remembered and still loved.

The most popular request now, regarding this musician, affects its growth, weight, age. How many years Alexey Gllyzin is not so difficult to calculate, because the date of his birth is publicly available. Currently, a man has been 64 years old.

With increasing in 170 centimeters, its weight is 75 kilograms. For his years, a man looks perfectly. It is quite possible that this is because it cares well, and, in addition, it tries to always keep a positive mood not only with his creative, but also in everyday life. And it comes out well. Without a doubt, music is just a great importance in the life of this person. And he just adores what he does.

Biography and personal life Alexei Glousin

Alexei Glousin's biography and personal life in any case deserves the attention of those connoisseurs of music that are interested in the last generation of show business. Even despite the fact that now his songs can be rarely heard on musical channels. But before everything was not at all. During the heyday of his career, Glyzin easily attracted the attention of the public, and conquered the many thousands of rooms not only how he composed songs, but also how he performed them. The musician affected the souls, he could call both a smile and tears. He wrote texts with a deep meaning, which lacks many modern performers. And all this, when taking into account that Alexey comes from the family, far from any creative directions.

Unlike his parents, Gluzin loved music from childhood and really wanted to learn the game on different musical instruments. In his youth, he even arranged his first grateful listeners with small concerts in her apartment. After graduating from school, the guy decided to develop his talents and further began to speak with the ensemble. Alexey entered the technical school, but did not graduate him. He went to the army, and after returning from there, he continued his performances with the musical team. He realized that it was not anywhere else from destiny and it was necessary to do everything possible to fulfill his dream to become a musician and performer. As a result, he was able to assemble his own group with which he began his own career on a musical field.

Currently, Alexei Glousin's musical career, of course, is not so saturated as before. But at the same time, it is impossible to say that he disappeared from the media world entirely and completely. He continues to give a private speech, sometimes still listed on television. But now he seems to be a young generation by an artist from a completely different era, where his star was burning brighter than the rest. But now it is only the reflections of the former glory. On a personal account of the composer two marriages. The first his wife did not apply to the world of show business, and did not love publicity, because only the name - Lyudmila is known about it. And the second of his spouse is a gymnast of Sanya Babi. Both of his son, who gave him these women, are already adults. For Alexey Glossina, the family is simply a tremendous value. According to him, whatever your career is, it is very important that someone has always been near.

Alexey Glousin's family and children

Alexei Glousin's family and children are the topic of interest to all fans. At present, his family consists of his beloved second wife, named Sania Babi. The woman was able to give him a son who was already 24 years old. However, besides this heir, Glúzne has a son from the first marriage, whose name is Alexei, in honor of Pope.

He was born in 1975, which means that he had already slightly translated over 40. It is known for him quite a little, but Alexey Glálzin younger has already acquired his own family and works in the field of show business as a father. Alexey Glyzin himself, too, undoubtedly, there is something to be proud, because he was able to fully realize himself not only in creative, but also in a family plan.

Sons Alexey Glouzina - Alexey and Igor

Sons Alexei Glyzin - Alexey and Igor - His relatives and direct heirs, summary brothers, because they were born from different women.

Alexey - the eldest son - was born in the first marriage, in the 75th year. His mother is named Lyudmila, but a little more is known about her about her son. Alexey Jr. Himself has long been an adult man who managed to make her father begun to the appearance of grandchildren.

As for the youngest son - Igor - he is still 24, and he was born already in the second marriage of his father, from a woman with an unusual name Sanya. The guy often plays in the father's group, performs with him and is preparing to take his own heritage fully.

Former wife Alexei Glousin - Lyudmila Glouzina

Alexey Glousin's former wife - Lyudmila Glouzin. About this woman knows extremely small. Lyudmila is a non-public man, and in no way referring to the world show business. The future musician met her when both were still young.

Lyudmila waited for him from the army, and soon after that they got married. Wedding walked with a scope - in the Golden Hall of the Hotel "Russia". And on November 15, 1975, his wife presented Alexey Son, who later became a film director. Shortly after the divorce, Glusin still managed to restore friendly relations with Lyudmila. But now, to great regret, women are no longer alive.

Alexey Glousin's wife - Sanya Glouzina

Alexei Glousin's wife - Sanya Glouzin (in Maiden - Babi) was born in May 71 years. With a musician, the girl met when she was only 18 years old. Sanya was engaged in rhythmic gymnastics and today it can boast the title of world champion in this sport. Currently, it leads the ballet "Reliev", which can often be seen on the performances of Glyzin.

The couple got married three years after dating. By the way, married Sanya was already pregnant. And in December of the same year, Alexey Son, who was named Igor. They had, of course, the time when she was going to divorce her husband, but before that did not come.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alexei Glousin

Instagram and Wikipedia Alexei Glousin - here to what resources first of all, in the conditions of modernity, the fans of Glyzin are treated.

But it's worth starting with the fact that the musician does not have their own page in instagram. But the fans can always contact the Wikipedia page, where all possible information is collected not only about parents and family Alexei Glokzina, but also about his personal life, creative path and becoming a full singer and composer. Among other things, there you can view all the albums of the musician, the names of all his songs, when and where he spent speeches that received rewards.

Hearing that Alexei Glousin's wife filed documents for a divorce, astrologers were determined on the stars that the marriage of the singer was exhausted from a karmic point of view.

"Love is not sighing on a bench"

- Astrologers, heated rumors, began to predict your family future. They write that you will part with my wife in a year, because your marriage from a karmic point of view has been exhausted. He, they say, was needed only to give birth to Igor, your younger son. And now, when he grows, this feature is made ...

Astrologers can do any predictions - these are their bread ... But in relation to my family, I will say: I did not order forecasts, but those predictions that are remotely done, I categorically do not like. I am sure: in my case, the stars specialists are mistaken. In addition, I am not a fatalist and believe that the future of man in his hands. As for rumors - I will comment: I'm not going to let go anywhere at all. This is perhaps everything you want to know the general public.

In the life of each family there are black stripes. In this sense of family life. You know, as they say: love is not sighing on a bench, but a heavy path of compromises of two loving people. In a difficult period for the relationship, the main thing is to understand if you want to save the family or not.

- did not think that the cause of rumors could be your wife's difference in the age?

I do not think that 17 years is a lot. Everything is very individual. I know the couple, in which the wife is one and a half years older than her husband, and they are all wonderful, although according to generally accepted standards it seems strange. I believe that a happy family life makes only the efforts of both spouses.

- There is another common cause of married conflicts - a frivolous lifestyle of one of the spouses. Treason, simply speaking ...

- Indeed, treason is a serious test for the family. Do you hint at the inability of creative nature to resist the temptation? Throw, this is myth ... creative people are too thinly organized to let mind thoughtlessly in all grave. I agree that it is difficult to live in marriage for many years, and in marriage with a popular musician is not easy at all. It is very unpleasant when the fans call, threaten, fantasize - and went, went.

- From the first family you left because of the novel?

Her name was not a novel, but Zhenya ... I remember this story as a mistake of youth. I am very sorry that I did it hurt then my wife and son. I do not understand how it could happen at all. I was then laid out. Like a paddle on his eyes fell. Yes, the novel was ... I fell in love, but was not ready to lose my family. What was happening then with me, it is impossible to call neither heavy or painful. I realized my mistake and to establish a family life again, of course, thought. But in the end, left everything as it is, because I understood: there is no reverse stroke.

A couple of years after all these strokes, when everything was easy in the soul, we came to Leningrad to Leningrad ... Preparing for an evening concert in a sports and concert complex, and there at that time our team was trained in rhythmic gymnastics. I go across the hall and see a beautiful girl. Thought flashed: "But she could be my wife!"

Came up, met. Sona Babi was 18 years old, although she looked still under. He began to care for her. Very afraid to seem unclear, scare it. I am 35, there is no marriage by my shoulders, there is no apartment, goal as a falcon ... Well, think the musician. But love turned out to be mutual: after three years we got married, then Igor was born.

- But after all, with a successful woman, it's hard to live? Such houses do not hold. And your wife - the world champion in rhythmic gymnastics, created a show-ballet, tours with him around the world ...

Yes, Sonya - a person is extremely efficient and very purposeful. I always liked her obsession profession, because I myself like. I generally seems to be incorrect forcing the wife into a housewife. We immediately decided that Sonya would continue to care.

- How did you manage to establish relationships with the eldest son?

I decided not to chat with the tongue, but to make real actions. Prove that I want to be with him nearby, help. Thank God, to contact the son always walked easily, he did not hold offense at me. But the son lived with his mother, and for good communication with the child I was important to get her forgiveness. Very worried that she would not meet. But the excitements were in vain: Lyudmila forgave and even came to one of my solo concerts. I then called her and offered to see everyone together. She agreed, and then at Sonya in the company of friends came to her home, sat, celebrated successful speeches. Now I am happy that I introduced my wives and brought our relationship to a new level.

Since then, our relationship with the eldest son has strengthened: he traveled with me on touring some interesting places, we were engaged in sports, rested. Now Lesha is already an adult man, he has a wonderful friendly family, Son will grow up - my grandson Denis. When I am visiting them and see how they treat each other, my heart fills joy. It seems not so often, but we are going to the holidays, we celebrate birthdays together. My soul sings because my sons be friends, although because of the difference in the age and place of living, this could not happen.

I went to nowhere

"Alexey, it's no secret that the musicians often walk on the blade of the knife - there are so many temptations: alcohol, drugs ... It hurts you?

Creative people the temptation is really always there. Well, for example, we somehow toured in Central Asia ... People there are very welcoming and bomber there, they offered us not only the complete dastarhans of food and drinks, but also herbs, and even something sore ... But this is not our format. And alcohol even pour: artists always and everywhere accept. In the "fun guys", to be honest, it was not before, at leisure, it was much more interesting to work out once again with a guitar. Already later, when he became famous, he discovered the features of the Green Zmia ... drank - and so much got fun! Around all the good, cute, just wonderful. True, in the morning we get up with a sick head, promise to yourself: "No longer in life to the bottle does not touch!" But the body comes to normal, the next event is coming, and good friends offer: "Let's drink!" For my happiness, the global problem was not, managed to resist.

- Stay to decades on the crest of the wave few people manage: the peak of popularity is inevitably the decline comes ...

Somehow of the mouth of one producer, I will not call his name, heard: "The artist is a perishable product." Like, only young performers are needed by our stage. Fully nonsense, in my opinion! Most young artists end, not starting. I understand, of course, that everything has a limit. I have not been 30 years old. Sooner or later, the time will come to sum up some results - do not jump on the stage to 80 years. But while I sing and in the near future it is not going to stop performances. I earn what I can do well. Not so long ago I tried to open a restaurant with companions. It existed for the establishment of two years, then we covered it. It was very troublesome to work in profit. The process was necessary to engage tightly, and not only to pour money.

The popularity came to me in "Merry Guys", then "the kingdom has become not enough," and I went to free swimming. The solo career is a real risk, especially since the head of the "fun guys" Pavel Yakovlevich Slobodkin, to put it mildly, I did not support independence in my desire. I do not deny, he made a lot to me. But I could no longer work in the "fun guys": grew up from these pants and threatened to step into anywhere.

We and Viktor Seagull, an ex-drummer "Merry Guys", created a group "HR", which later collected stadiums. Looking back, I admit that it was a very risky undertaking. Thank God, now my life, both creative and personal, much more stable. Recently, "Music Ring" with my and Vadima Kazachenko participate. According to reviews, we broke all the ratings. I have a lot of fan clubs, fans regularly call, write Esemas and give birthday gifts.

But much higher, I appreciate the opportunity to stay with my family today, chat with sons, with grandson. By and large, all people on Earth must be the same: to have a really strong family and beloved job. I have it all, thank God, is. And I am ready to do everything so that it was further.

Due to a minor girl, the cult singer of the 80s threw the family, beat Natalia Vetalitskaya and left "Merry Guys"!

Who would have thought: on the eve of the old New Year, Alexei Glúsnu knocked 60. It is, of course, it is impossible to call a sex symbol or pop idol - in the current Russian understanding of these words. Glusin all his long musical life was rather similar to the star Hockey. Or on the smiling Hero-Komsomol, the builder of Bama. In a word, a good man, but ... not a rooster. And in the latter, perhaps, the main explanation, why one of the best vocalists did not get into, you know what, clip. Well, the one, from which on New Year's Eve, the whole country is sick for many years in a row.

I remember in Italy one day, returning to Sorrento with Capri, sat with girlfriends in an open cafe. High Sunny Beach (from here Serena once seduced Odyssey), violet color Sea, Ice white "Frascati". Around the Black Italian Galdyat, like seagulls. And here, Marinka on the iPhone loudly includes Glyzin - "Late Evening in Sorrento." Italians immediately underwent. From surprise, they dropped his pizza from his mouth and stared at our table. "Perfetto," say, "Perfetto! .." One of them was pretty long ago: is it true that it is Russian sang.
Such a voice.


And how many female hearts were to smitherente after his concerts! How many incredible love adventures can remember Alexey, if in ten years he will suddenly be launched for memoirs! And if you still remove the series on them - so manufacturers of Brazilian and Mexican "soap" will die from envy.
However, on the day of the anniversary of the idol, I would like to remember something more important, significant. For example, about the most important Love Storey Alexei Sergeevich. And she was in his life, and I first tell you about her for the first time.
Attentive readers "Express newspapers" probably know that exactly three years ago the present Glúsnian spouse, a sports gymnast with a rare name Sanya, filed for a divorce - because of countless vulnea musician. What the case ended there - one God knows. But recently saw a couple again together.
- No matter what divorce is no longer coming. It never never happens that in life happens, "Alexey reconciliation is evasion.
Meanwhile, in the fate of Glusin already happened to the pain of a similar story. In the 1980s, without memory, having fallen in love with a minor, Glusin escaped from his first wife Lyudmila. The ruiner was called Zhenya Gerasimov.
For the first time, I was told about my wife, the director of the capital Agency for the holidays of Elena Grishin, who worked as the costumers in the "fun guys."
"I came to the ensemble with a young girl," Lena recalls. - got from the romantic theater atmosphere in the show business and was in shock. The head of the "Merry Guys" Pavel Slobodkin in the first touring trip to one of the conditions of my work marked intimate relationships. I did not want to satisfy his needs, and he began to create an obscene halo around my name. Soon I was forced to quit ...

With Lesha Glossin, we were friends. One day she went into the dressing room and saw some kind of wood. Threw them into the trash can. Here Glyzin comes and asks: "And where is heels? I won't go to the scene without them. " Having learned what he threw out, rushed to the garbage points. It turned out, he highly composed about low growth and lined up during the appearances of the area inside the sneakers or boots. Somehow even Pasha Slobodkin joked: "Glúsin, you as a pilot of Meresyev."
In the 87th year on the filming of "Sparky", where "funny guys" sang "Do not worry, aunt", Volodya Presnyakov introduced Lesha with 17-year-old Gerasimova. It was impossible not to fall in love with Zhenka: a beauty with unusual eyes and a sterrect character. Lesha then was still married to Lyudmila, their son turned 12. However, he left the family. I can say for sure: the feelings that Gláxin experienced to Gerasimova, he had no one woman. Song "You are not an angel" - about my wife. But she, having lived with a Glouncing for three years, went to the musician from the group "Earthlings" by Glory to Makhrensky. For a while there was a love triangle: Zhenya rushed between Lesha and glory. I will not forget the face of Makrensky when he, confident in the victory, saw a cute burned Zhenka with a lash in one car! .. Gláxin suffered so much on his wife, which asked me to help him return her. And he, in turn, shouted the word before the ex-spouse Irina Allegrova Vladimir Dubovitsky, who was led by the Electro-Club Group, where I was invited to work.

Poor uncle Starletam do not need

In search of Evgenia Gerasimova, I contacted Vyacheslav Makhrenovsky, a former musician, and now a hockey agent. Among his clients, by the way, the scandalous well-known goalkeeper NHL Semyon Varlamov! (Well, the one who allegedly beat his cohabitant by the name Vavrinyuk)
"When Zhenya came out for me, she turned 20 years old, and I was 24," Makhrensky told. - Beauty and not a fool. In general, the woman who dreams of a man dreams. With Leshe, we have always had a warm relationship, but it happened that Zhenka chose me. And in a year we went out. Youth...
Vyacheslav helped me find Zhenya. She is now a real businesswoman, heads a large construction company. Eugene agreed to meet in one of the expensive Moscow restaurants.
"I didn't see twenty-five years old," I started the story of Zhenya. - It was a serious feeling, even though he was not my first man. Cool: He is a star, you - 17, all the country's girls follow him, and he loves you. Divided Glyzin really because of me. The situation is cheerful: I left for the cottage to shop with friends, my mother suddenly calls: "What are you walking? Your husband Lesha came to our house with things. Come. " Lesha, although he became a star, I can not say that I was rich. I remember on tour, where I constantly went with him, sewed a glozine shirt made from the material in the flower, because there was nothing to act. When Lesha began to ship me with family life, I was not ready. He wanted me to sit at home, and I dreamed of becoming a star.

Only now I started to understand it. Lesha really made a non-deputy act by leaving the family. I recently graduated from school and entered the Institute of Light Industry on Himfak. But what institution, when are we constantly on tour? We arrived with Leshey to an educational institution and took the documents. Glúzin tried to put me behind the pans, so I fled. I sang myself.

He began together with Natalia Vetlitsky in the Rondo group, and the group "Zhenya" created after parting with Lesha in protest. I wanted freedom, not a saucepan. Once I was stolen Andrei Razin straight from the airport, thoring the Leshi plan - to accompany it on tour. We ride a week with solid on the car in different cities. I understood: Even if there was something unknown with Glozin, if I would be happy.

There were twenty things with such husbands!

And then I took the Gloss from "Merry Guys"! Once on the tour, Pavel Slobodkin approached me and says: "You have such legs beautiful and novels, but I mean, it is not for long, with time cellulite tarnish." I thought, let it tarnish, but I will collapse your group. He climbed the revolution, the pain in the full program. Kapala Glyzin on the brains, which should be left and start a solo career. In the end, Lesha left, and then Sasha Ruffles too. So, I think I did a good deed for Glúsn.
The crack in our relationship occurred in Kharkov, where the concert of "fun guys" was held. I come to the hotel, I go to the room, and Lesha in the bed of the girl. Beginning the knives grab, shouting: "I love him, give me! Vienna is a middle! " I calmly came out with the words: "Disassemble yourself." Then I understood: I am so adult uncle, as a glyzin, is not needed. At that time, Lesha had a relationship with everyone who was near. Thank God, then did not come up with mobile phones and his girls did not overcome me calls. I admit honestly, I began to change the glyzin. I slept with whom I wanted, I did what I wanted, and he knew about it. Lesha became like hedgehog when I realized that I would not stay with him. Once he came up with Natwaltsky in Voronezh. Oral: "You are covered with my zhenka, she has novels, and you are crazy."

And so we broke up. Three months later, Lesha ranked me. Drove up on a foreign car, confident that I will come back. Rushed by stamped phrases: "Enough, we went home!" What I answered: "And I am at home! Only with you we had never at home. " I left Glouzin already coming. He wanted a pan, and I - Fiesta. I want to turn through the "express newspaper" to the Glouzine: "Lesha, with an anniversary, and, if something is wrong, I'm sorry!"
And the glory of Makhrensky in my life is only an episode for two months. He married a dispute, as they say, on drunk. It's funny to me that Glory seriously perceived our, so to speak, a week marriage. Then I had two things twenty.
Then I went to sing to Australia, under the contract. The first time from the "scoop" flew abroad. About me and in the Australian press wrote. There was a global reassessment of values. As a result, upon returning to Moscow, I did not want to engage in music. Tusovka, publicity, screaming on the stage seemed to children's bastard. Once I threw all my wheels from the eighth floor and went to engage in building business. Not regretted a gram.
For your information
* 40 years ago (in 1974) Paul Slobodkin invited Alla Pugachev to "merry guys". She became his mistress and in a year with the song "Arquino" took the "Grand Prix" at the competition "Golden Orpheus"
* In addition to Alla Borisovna and Alexey Glouzin, in the group at different times they worked: Alexander Buynov, Alexander Gradsky, Vyacheslav Malezhik, Alexander Barykin, Victor Chaika, Alexander Dobrynin, Svetlana Rezanov, Yuri Peterson, etc.

The first wife forgave him more years

I really left the family because of the Zhenya Gerasimova, - confirmed the "Express newspaper" his version Alexei Glousin. "Witchcraft ... when she called me once and said:" Or you go now, or never, "I got up and, gathering things, left home. Owning ... I honestly tried to build a family life with her. And she wanted to become a star. At one time I helped: we traveled to the composers who composed songs for her. But she lacked talent to become a singer. I learned about changing the girlfriend. My competitor refused Slava Makhrensky. I remember the case when they were going to escape after the concert, I said, "Drive!" And he gave a farewell: "Rutty steered, take care of her. She is a scarlet. " Blessed Zhenya. For some reason, there was no desire to pour acid or poison. I turned out to be a man who was able to forgive and let go. I think this is a deed. The first spouse forgave me only years later. I did not immediately find courage in myself to come to Lyudmila and ask for forgiveness for the painful pain ... Lyudmila, by the way, then got married, but her spouse Victor, alas, died of cancer. We communicated with him. I understood that this is life and can not be an egoist, demanding the vow of celibacy. Especially since I left the family.

The spouse of the Honored Artist of Russia Alexei Glokzina Sanya recalled his application for divorce from the Gagarinsk Court of Moscow.


"Applicant Sanya Glúsnina refused to declare declarations about divorce with Alexey Gllyzin"- quotes the press secretary of the court Ekaterina Novozhilov site

Spouse Glossins have concluded a settlement agreement About whom who will have ownership of their joint property - two apartments in Moscow and a house with a land plot in the Moscow region of the city.

As already wrote DOIN.RU, in the lawsuit of the world champion in rhythmic gymnastics Sanya Babi (surname to marriage) requested the court to terminate the marriage with Alexey Gllyzin, registered on July 10, 1992, and to produce a section together with the spouses of the property - recognize her ownership of property totaling 35.7 million rubles.

Alexey in his interview repeatedly stated that divorce does not want and hopes to return the spouse. "I think that it will be," the singer is optimistic. - We know each other since 1989. Sanya is a volitional man, purposeful. There is no reason to find out attitudes in court. "

According to rumors, Glyzin and his wife have not lived together for a long time. In the claim of the statement of the spouse, Alexei explained why: "A joint life with the defendant did not work out due to the loss of mutual understanding and nonsense of characters. The marriage relationship between the parties was discontinued. The overall farming is not conducted. Reconciliation between the parties is impossible. The defendant against the dissolution of marriage objects. "

Honored Artist of Russia Alexey Glouzin worked in the ensembles of "Good Mode" and "Gems" in the 70s, however all-Union popularity received thanks to participation in "fun guys". In August 1988, collected the URU group and began the solo career. Among his songs such famous hits like "You are not an angel", "Winter Garden", "ashes of love", "whether the will, or the capture", "Black Drozd and White Stork" and many others.