Alexey Bryantsev how old he is. Detailed biography of Alexey Bryantseva

Alexey Bryantsev how old he is. Detailed biography of Alexey Bryantseva


Biography Bryantsev Aleksey

Alexey Bryantsev (jr).

Lives and works in the city of Voronezh. Talented not by year. It has higher technical education and extraordinary beauty Velvet Bariton. Do not drink. Almost does not smoke. Like women. It was seen in the performance of romantic songs about love (and not only about her). He lit up on the stage with a debut duet album "Hi, baby!", Recorded together with the Irina Circle. Currently, working on new songs.

Alexey Bryantsev (older).

Lives and works in the city of Voronezh. Producer, composer, arranger, author of texts. It has a musical education. Owns many musical instruments. Professionally engaged in music since 1990. It is seen in the producing songs for many Russian pop stars. He worked with Vladimir Kuzmina, Philip Kirkorov, Irina Saltykova, Sergey Galanina, Mikhail Grebenshchikov, Teiffs Group, Blue Bird, Factory, Roots.

Alexey is the creator of one of the most popular projects in the genre of Chanson - Bar Bar, as well as the projects five-year plan, far light, kid, and of course Alexey Bryantseva (younger).

At present, the catalog of the works created by Alexei exceeds 1,200 tracks.

Starting his solo career in 2011, Alexey Bryantsev had already gained popularity among the general public, which is simply fascinated by his chic velvet baritone. He dedicates his lyrical songs both in love with women, and harsh men, because the theme of love and loyalty worries all people.

The listeners are always looking forward to Bryantsev, as a result of which his concerts collect unchanged alglags. The biography of talented chanson interests many of his fans, so during the speech it is asked questions not only about creativity, but also a personal life.

Children's and Youth Years

Alexey appeared in 1984 in the city of Voronezh. His father and mother are not related to the musical world, engaged in ordinary affairs. Parents tried to develop a comprehensive future singer: In addition to studying at school, he was engaged in a music school in a class of accordion and piano, and also drew. In addition, the boy had to attend sections in football and karate. Constantly busy Alexey almost did not have a time on friends, dreaming to play with them in the "Warman". But the lessons of vocals did not have to take the future performer, despite the fact that there were good vocal data.

In the ninth grade, the voice of the young men "broke", as a result of which a chic "velvet baritone" appeared. However, at the end of the school, he did not even think about the musical career, although he loved to sing and played a guitar well. Choosing a specialty engineer for oil and gas, Bryantsev began to study at the Polytechnic Institute in his city. In the student years, he opened his business - fast food cafe. Initially, he was wondering, but soon a profitable business began to bring losses. She continued to do his mother's business, which is currently doing this.

The beginning of a creative career and success

After graduating from the university, 22-year-old Alexey decided to pass the audition from his distant relative - the author of songs and arranger Alexei Bryantsev. His tar came delighted from heard, offering the young man to write a few songs. Already then the composer noted that his bariton was very similar to the voice of the deceased Mikhail Croge, besides the vocal of a young guy did not match the appearance of a young guy.

The first composition, which was written by Bryantsev-Sr. became the song "Hello, Kid!". It was planned to sing the composition with the singer Elena Kasyanova, however, by the will of the case of his partner became Irina Krug, which then flew to Voronezh in cases. After this work, Alexey continued to cooperate with the widow of Mikhail Krug, releasing the first joint album in 2007. In 2010, I saw the light of the second album. Such compositions like "I miss your eyes", "Favorite Look", "come to me in a dream" and now sound on the radio stations, taking advantage of the listeners. Three and a half years, their duet works stopped, and the singers took up the solo career.

The first solo concert of Bryantseva took place in 2011 in Vilnius, and a year later he pleased the fans with the next job called "Your Breath". The singer toured a lot, so that he had a rapid growth in his career. He recorded several more albums, and also collaborated with the "Butyrka" group, writing about 12 songs with them. Bryantsev-Sr. still writes songs and is engaged in arrangement at the studio. According to Alexey himself, he has its own developments, but as long as he acts as a performer.

In the photo Alexey Bryantsev and Irina Krug.

His repertoire consists of lyrical songs, although the singer wanted to fulfill the thoroughly lyrics at one time. Now he intends to expand his repertoire, including songs about mom. In 2018, Bryantsev recorded the compositions "I am not holy" and "at the distance of love", which already rated his fans. He has almost no clips, however, Alexey himself believes that living communication with the audience is much more important than a colorful video. During the concert, the singer offers the hall to write him notes with questions, and after the speech he answers them.

Personal life and hobbies outside the scene

Fans often are interested in creative plans Bryantsev, and also ask him questions about the personal life, who is his wife and whether there are children. The popular chanson himself does not give an answer to them, since he protects his family from prying eyes. According to some reports, he is happy in marriage with his wife, which in 2011 gave birth to his daughter.

In his free from creativity, the singer tries to be more often with his native people. He prefers active rest, loves hunting and fishing. He likes to follow the trail of the beast, track it down and sit in ambush. Alexey not only sings himself, but also loves to listen to many performers, among which Gregory Lepsa is distinguished.

To become popular to this artist, Chanson helped the exit of a joint with the Irina Circle of the Album "Hi, Kid," where they performed a series of romantic songs about love. The velvet baritone of the young artist conquered the public and helped him acquire numerous fans. Becoming famous, he attracted attention not only to his work, but also to personal life - many fans would like to know who wife Alexey Bryantsevwhether he has children, how his family life is folded. Unfortunately, it is impossible to find information about this - the performer carefully hides all the details of his personal life and tries to bypass such issues. It is known only that he is married, his daughter, born in 2011, will grow up.

All those who heard Alexey's voice can no longer be indifferent to his velvet baritone. Despite the fact that the singer did not receive special vocal education, thanks to the natural talent of Bryantsev was able to become a real artist, collecting whole halls of the numerous fans of Chanson. As a child, Alexey studied at a music school, and his special education ended. The artist remembers that he studied without much enthusiasm, but he had enough will to end the school and get a diploma, indicating that he was able to play on the accordion and piano. Nevertheless, it became a good help in the future profession of Alexey, although today he does not play on these musical instruments, but only sings them. Bryantsev was born on February 19, 1984 in Voronezh, and before becoming an artist, he graduated from the Voronezh Polytechnic Institute with a degree in micro-electronic equipment designer.

The creative biography of the Young Artistant of Chanson began in 2006 and from the very beginning he began to make great successes on the scene. Cooperation with Irina Circle was not limited to the recording of a joint album - together with her Alexei Bryantsev gave many concerts in different parts of Russia, held with unchanging anchlands. The artist is nice that thousands of fans are going to his concerts, and this is happening in all cities where it happens with the tour. Having received a great experience in the scene, the singer decided to do a solo career and was not mistaken - his concert tours on the countries of near and far abroad enjoy tremendous success.

Nevertheless, Alexey does not suffer from "star illness" and even growing popularity does not spoil his character. It continues to record new albums, execute new songs bringing the artist even more popularity. Become the artist Chanson Bryantsev advised his relative - a full namesake, too, Alexey Bryantsev. Hearing the voice of a young guy, who at that time was only twenty-two years, he immediately advised him to do vocals. And before that, the future artist managed to work by an electrician, a monter of fire alarm, repaired an apartment, engaged in his own business. At the beginning of his solo career, Alexey Bryantsev more than once heard that his voice reminds of Mikhail Krug's voice, but he is aware that the circle remains the legend of Chanson, to which he is far behind. In addition to the music of Bryantsev, there are other hobbies - bullet and stand shooting, and he sometimes devotes their own leisure in the dash. And, of course, the family is of great importance for the artist - the wife of Alexey Bryantseva and daughter.

Alexey Bryantsev is a talented young artist who stunned the Chanson world. He was born in 1981 in Voronezh, the city that still remains his relatives. He graduated from the Voronezh Polytechnic Academy and has a diploma of an engineer on oil and gas. However, up music took up. And although Alexey graduated from just a music school, he decided to associate his life with singing, and now he is successfully touched by the expanses of native Russian and foreign countries.

Alexey is a distant relative of his no less famous Testa - Producer Alexei Bryantseva, who is known not only to participation in such a successful project, as "" as a producer of an arrangers, but also the authorship of songs for other performers. Alexey "Jr." came to him for listening after the end of the school at the age of 22, led by the desire to sing from a large scene to a thousand public. As a child, he loved to execute songs under the guitar near the fire. His magnificent baritone immediately struck the namesake. At the same time, the producer noted the highlight of the artist: an externally young man performed by the composition with the voice of a mature 50-year-old man. However, he did not resolve "into the clip" of the young performer. The reason for this was the amazing similarity of Alexey's voices and the most popular chance ofns. After the tragic death of the artist "Vladimir Central" at the Russian prices, numerous clones, which were specially imitated and the manner of the execution of a popular artist, and arrangement. During this period, it was risky to go to the scene and becomes the "one more" a la circuit. But the famous producer could not allow the beautiful Bariton for a long time to stay unnoticed and he writes a song specially under the vocals of Jr. Alexey. The song "Hi, baby" was originally a duette, but the first performer was the Voronezh singer Elena Kasyanov. But a happy confluence of circumstances led to the formation of a new duet, where with Alexey Bryantsev sang a widow - Irina Krug.

The duo turned out to be more than successful and fruitful. Two albums "Hi, baby" (2007) and "if not for you" (2010), where Alexey and Irina perform songs about love, practically sweared from the counters of music stores, and the compositions became the leaders of the charts.

The first performance of the artist took place on the scene of the Kiev Palace "Ukraine" during the celebration of the 9th anniversary of the Radio "Chanson". Alexey, after admitted, was very worried, and no matter how many times he had to go to the viewer, he will always remember those the first senses of fear and delight, which was tested, standing on the main stage of Ukraine.
In 2012, Alexey released the long-awaited solo album "Your Breath", which critics, and fans perceived great, as the level of sales, and the number of mobile phones, during the call from which songs from the disk are distributed.
Alexey considers himself an ordinary unrivalent man. Does not hide your love for football, in particular to teams from Italy, prefers to live in nature. As a student, opened the point of fast food, but soon cooled to it, although she was profitable. Now Fast Food leads his mother.

Artist has great creative plans, but he is not going to stop. He craves for development, and wants to do this in his own way, only in his inherent manner.

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