Alex Malinovsky Instagram is official. Alex Malinovsky: "I have several permanent mistresses! What are you dreaming now

Alex Malinovsky Instagram is official. Alex Malinovsky:
Alex Malinovsky Instagram is official. Alex Malinovsky: "I have several permanent mistresses! What are you dreaming now

Alex Malinovsky - Model, singer, participant of the television music project "Voice" on the first channel, Laureate of Face Thet Award and P & M RUSSIA Look, representative of the project Number One, friend of the designer Masha Tsigal and part-time musician.

The full name of Alexander is Alexander. He and his twin brother Grigoryborn on July 9, 1986 in Magadan. Alexander's family was poor, Mom worked by Feldsher. In the nineties, she began to engage in trade, Alex supported the mother in every way and helped. When the brothers graduated from school, Mom insisted that Alex entered the Faculty of Law and in the future helped her in business. In 2006, he graduated from the first Moscow Legal Institute, after which he went to the parent will before and became a student of the Institute of Contemporary Art, the separation of the pop vocal.

Creative path of Alex Malinovsky

Alex Malinovsky himself composes music and texts for his songs. In 2010, the singer was invited to Minsk to participate in the selection on " Eurovision 2010." From this point on, the truly serious creative career begins.

In 2012, Alex took part in the television music project "Vote" On the first channel. Alex Malinovsky performed the composition " Belovezhskaya Pushcha"In the framework of blind listening, and in the last notes, Mentor Dima Bilan turned to him. Alexander Gradsky then criticized Alex's speech.

"The jury is definitely the right. Gradsky said absolutely faithful things about my performance! Yes, I myself know the disadvantages that he himself allowed when speaking. But it is fine that everything just begins! I have time to fix all these mistakes and shortcomings, "said the singer.

In the Support group of Alex Malinovsky during the air was his twin brother.

In 2016, the artist recorded the single to the song " I will not give you", And next year - the single on the song" Come with me" In 2018, the singer worked on singles " Antidote», « Reboot», « Reanimate me», « Crazy Love».

In March 2019, the release of the song " Just call", Which ranked high ratings in Chart iTunes Russia..

Personal life Alex Malinovsky

Today, Alex is not married. He spends free time with his family. The singer says that he is already ready for serious relations and the birth of children, but he has not met his true love yet. In 2017, Alex participated in the project " Starfon"Three participants struggled for his heart. One of them, he even invited to the second date, but what the story ended, remains a mystery.

Discography Alex Malinovsky

Just Call (Release, 2019)
Antidote (Single, 2018)
Reboot (Single, 2018)
Reanimate me (single, 2018)
Crazy Love (Single, 2018)
Let's go with me (Single, 2017)
I will not give you (Single, 2016)
Are you in the furniture alone! (2012)

Alex Malinovsky is a popular singer, model, official face of the Number One Fashion project, a member of television programs: "Voice", "let them talk", "Guess the melody", "MUZ-TV Award."


Alexander Malinovsky was born on July 9, 1984 in Magadan. Three children grew in the family of Malinovsky: the elder sister Marina and Gemini Sasha and Grisha, so similar to each other that even their parents were confused.

Mom worked with a simple paramedic, and in the 90s Malinovsky were on the verge of poverty. Alex told that one day a mother, rejecting the brothers in the garden, fell in a hungry faint. To put up with the deplorable position of the family, the mother did not and, to sell the apartment, which Malinovsky was given, opened his own business. An extremely risky act speaks of the strength of the character and purposefulness of this woman. Probably, Alex inherited Mamina Quality.

Sasha talked in his interview that he was a classic "Mamienkin son": a lot of time spent with her mother, trusted her all his secrets, delve into a family business. Therefore, when Alex announced his parents, he leaving to Moscow to storm the show business, it was a huge blow to them.

Carier start

Despite the fact that Malinovsky's parents were categorically against his singing career, Alex went from home. Mom was so shocked and offended by the act of the Son that several years did not even speak him.

Moscow was not very gentle by Alex. He participated in a huge number of castings, but did not hit anyone. There was no money. Alex even starred in extras.

At this difficult moment, the song of the Malinovsky "Let my soul" fell to the most popular radio stations of Belarus, and the singer was invited to Minsk to participate in the selection for the Eurovision-2010 contest. Perhaps, from this point on, it began to climb the star Olympus. At the contest, Alex was a reserve singer from the Republic of Belarus, later he participated in the Star Dance project, which was watching on nationwide television almost all residents of the republic.

Malinovsky spent nine months in Minsk, copied some money and returned to Moscow. In 2012, he took part in the Russian project "Voice", and Alex came out on the so-called blind listening with the song "Belovezhskaya Pushcha". It is worth noting that the team of Dima Bilan Malinovsky hit almost least the last second of the execution of the song, and Alexander Gradsky and was alright and was categorically against the further participation of the singer in the "Voice".

We must pay tribute to Malinovsky: he was not offended at the criticism of the Matra, on the contrary, expressed appreciation for the opportunity to correct his mistakes and shortcomings.


In 2012, after the release of the clip on the song "Let" Alex Malinovsky became a well-known wide range of listeners of music channels Russian Music Box, RU-TV and MUZ-TV. In the past, lack of work, lack of work, refuses of musical editors and other troubles who pursued the young performer at the first time in Moscow. Even his twin brother Grisha pursued the crowd of fans, or rather, fans.

Alex Malinovsky - I will not give you

The next song of Malinovsky "I love. I am easier from this "was also enthusiastic adopted by the public. Aleks's voice sounded in Russian radio, as well as on foreign radio stations: Millennium, "Continental", "Energy", on the first popular radio.

No less listeners had the following hits of Malinovsky: "Let's go with me", "Let my soul," I will not give you "," crazy love. "

Alex Malinovsky - Let's go with me

It is noteworthy that Alex relates very seriously to his work, writes texts and music and spends a huge amount of time in the studio.

The talent and hard work of Alex Malinovsky was rewarded: in 2013, Nikolay Baskov and Nikolai Romanoof became his producers, about working with a singer always talks to a genuine delight.


Alex Malinovsky is one of the most educated representatives of the domestic show business. In 2006, he received a diploma of the First Moscow Legal Institute, and then - a diploma of the Institute of Contemporary Art, where he studied at the separation of pop-jazz vocals. The intelligence and education of the singer very impresses his listeners.

Other projects

The appearance of the singer made him in demand in the model business. Alex Malinovsky is the official person of the Number One International Fashion Project, winner of the prestigious Face Thet Award, P & M RUSSIA Look.

In 2012, Alex took part in a charitable campaign "Together against breast cancer". The symbol of this project was the song "You are one", filled with Malinovsky.

Personal life Alex Malinovsky

Alex Malinovsky is devoting a lot of time to his family: parents, sister, brother and little niece Christine. The twin brother Gregory Alex considers his front and rear, the closest man. The singer finds time for the niece, which is the most devoted to his fan.

The creation of his own family Malinovsky is still not thinking about, belonging to this issue very seriously. Nevertheless, in an interview with Alex repeatedly said that he was already time to create a family, and he is ready for the emergence of children.

The press attributed Alex Roman with the designer of Masha Tsigal, but these rumors quickly subsided. Young people often saw together, but quite soon everyone took up their own career.

In 2017, the singer participated in the program "Starfon", where three participants fought for his heart. Alex liked the girl Jana, Beauty and an athlete, the singer even invited her to the second date, but what the story ended, is unknown.

Morning Alex Malinovsky always started with charging, jogging or cycling. The singer promotes a healthy lifestyle, is an enemy of nicotine and drugs. In his interview, Alex has always said that it dreams that all people engage in sports and support themselves in good shape. Malinovsky himself is in this absolute standard.

Alex Malinovsky now

The singer lives in Moscow, where he transported his whole family from Magadan, a lot speaks. Alex is a welcome guest on radio stations and television. In early 2018, Malinovsky conducted a huge amount of time in the music studio, where his first solo album was recorded. In February, he took part in the show "Fashion sentence" and spoke at a concert in the Kremlin.

Alex Malinovsky - Crazy Love

The singer Alex Malinovsky is already called one of the sexiest performers on the Russian pop scene. Super publishes seven facts about the artist whose name until recently was not known to the general public.

1. Alex Malinovsky 33 years old, and he has a twin brother Grigory.

The appearance of boys was accompanied by a casus. When Mom went to the registry office to receive birth certificates, it turned out that the names of the brothers are confused. Up to this point, Sasha (Alex) was called Grisha, and Grisha - Sasha. Gemini held all the childhood there, where they were born - in Magadan.

2. Malinovsky was the star of the first season of the show "Voice".

On the blind auditions, the young man sang the song "Belovezhskaya Forest", after which he got into the team Dima Bilan. In the next round, Alex "Beges" with a duet Sugar Mamas. - They sang the song performers Sting & Mary J. Blige - Whenever I Say Your Name. According to the execution of this composition, Mentor Dima Bilan left Alex in the show. After that, there was 1/4 finals, where Malinovsky sang Breathe Easy Group Blue. But at this stage Alex, alas, left the show.

3. Alex is fond of tattoo.

His back is decorated with an intricate ornament made in one of the Moscow Tattoo Salons. And on this singer is not going to stop.

4. The singer believes in fate after a mystical case in childhood.

At an early age, Alex and Brother were sent to visit the grandmother. The only way you could get to her was a helicopter. When the parents brought the babies to the airport once again, Sasha suddenly began to cry, scream, literally climb into his hands to mom. He categorically refused to fly, saying that it was afraid to go on this helicopter. The frightened mom, of course, decided to return with the children home. As it turned out, the helicopter in which the brothers should have been flying, crashed.

5. Malinovsky dreams of becoming a representative of Russia on Eurovision.

The artist confesses that, in spite of everything, will go to his goal. Now the production center of Nikolay Baskov and Alexey Romanova is engaged in the promotion of the singer.

6. Malinovsky had to ask for forgiveness from Mom on the air of the first channel.

The Alex family from the very beginning was categorically against his desire to make a career in show business, since the young man received a legal education. Mom took everything in the bayonets so much that in response to the move of the Son to Moscow, he simply stopped communicating with him. Such one-sided silence continued for more than a year, and then Alex decided to ask for forgiveness from Mom to the whole country - for this he had to come to the show "Minute of Glory". The result was instantaneous. The next day after the broadcasting program, the family came up.

7. Alex Host, and his heart is free.

Although Alex approves that he wants to marry in the near future. "I already have 33, and I really want a family and children," explains the star, whose inflamed body often decorates the pages of men's glossy magazines. "I don't like to walk in underwear and adore hot sex," Franking Malinovsky, when he is asked to tell "a little about himself" outside the scene.

Alex Malinovsky is a singer and a composer, which has a rare voice chalk: tenor-algino. The first step in the musical career of Malinovsky was to participate in the TV project "Voice" in 2012. After the show, Alex came across the writing and writing of his own music. And already in 2014, the song "Let my soul you fell into the rotation of Russian radio stations. Then followed new songs, clips, shooting, nomination for musical awards. In addition to music, Alex also tries himself in the model business. At the moment, the singer is preparing for the release of his new album in cooperation with Sound Producer Alexei RomanoF. The site spoke with Alex Malinovsky about new music, about the show "Voice" and inspiration.

As I always talk about the project "Voice" - this is a roulette! And the project does not make anyone, as many thinks. The project gives exactly one unique opportunity to be seen and heard. I was seen and noticed, I took me a very famous artist, so my life has changed dramatically! I will sound on the radio, clips are rotated on the music channels, I take part in large concerts.

- If it were not for the project, how would you prefer to convey your creativity to the audience?

Again, the project did not base "my" creativity! My creativity to the audience comes a radio station - this is the only way to convey it. "Once a year and shoots a stick," you can talk about the Internet, but this is one on a million! The surest way is the radio, and you only need to count on it. There are examples of how artists are regularly broadcast on TV, but they really do not truly popular!

- What was the most difficult? Maybe the criticism of the mentors in your address? How do you feel about criticism?

To say that there was a criticism I can not. Mentors do not have such a task - to criticize. At rehearsals, they pull out of you the best and winning! And how do you show yourself on the speech, do you handle with nerves - this is another! I always did everything in a speech better than on rehearsals, so I did not hear criticism. Only on the "blind" auditions did not cope with the excitement and Alexander Gradsky said that I had no bottoms. But already on the following "Batlach" I showed my bottoms, and he took his words back. If the criticism is objective, and I hear it from an authoritative artist for me, then, of course, I listen. In general, I do not pay any attention to criticism. I think that's why my mentor did not criticize me, realizing that I was without a difference. The only artist who I listened is Leonid Agutin, but I liked him, so he did not criticize me.

- You got the education of a lawyer. There were such moments in life when it was useful for you?

The most funny question that will be the shortest answer - never! There is a diploma that I needed exactly once in my life in my 32 years, - when decorated in the State Duma. Although, can only get it for this.

- What do you like to do in addition to music?

Lots of hobbies! Gym ... I also love to ride a bike, travel, learn foreign languages. Seriously take over the study of Italian.

- What do you think there should be a real artist?

It is clear that the artists are different, but my artist is a noble artist who brings education, courtesy, extract to the audience. This is an exclusively creative image, although it may be present a nonsense of a nursery! He is necessarily talented, volatile, sexy, with charisma.

- When will your fans be able to hear new music? What are you working on now?

It so happened that we were silent a year and a half! We are my team! In December, I met Alexey RomanoF - the producer of the group Vintage, and he joined us as a musical producer. During these six months, we almost completed the recording of the album, the presentation of which will be held in November. Then, already officially my producers will voicate who is who, our plans. We have just removed a new video with a very famous director Sergey Tkachenko - the video will not look like my previous clips! Therefore, in the very near future, the track "I will not give you" will sound on the radio stations, and we will begin to perform with new forces!

- In addition to music, you also succeeded in the field of the Fashion-Industry. Do you follow new brands? Are there lovers?

Here I would argue - I do not go to the parties, at the events, buffets. Therefore, the word "succeeded" does not exactly apply to me. I'm just distinctive and that's it. I believe that I have a good sense of style, I love to follow new collections, it is clear that it is necessary to acquire something, so I often hear to my address - fashionable, stylish. Well, if people say, it will also hoped that it is.

- Which of the musicians (maybe from the modern world superstar) influenced your creativity?

We all grow on someone's music, absorb some details, little things that affect our sound, maker performance. In my case - Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, George Michael, Stevie Wonder.

- What kind of music do you prefer to listen in the car?

It depends solely on my mood. But mostly it is dance music.

There are artists who are well to own their voice on stage, and there are those who complaints music himself, writes songs and executes them. Who, in your opinion, is more likely to success?

Probably not to talk correctly about who has more chances. There are very popular artists who do not compose music, but there are artists who write music and are not popular at all. This is all fate. Or destined or not. But the fact that the artist can compose music, songs are, of course, plus!

- What advice would you give novice musicians who want to try themselves in such a show as "voice"?

Nothing to be afraid and go only forward! After all, only the sea are bold!

- What are you dreaming now?

Only about one thing - about the present success!

The Alex Malinovsky's musical show did not take for a long time, so he sent a request to the "voice" without any hope: if nothing shines, why strain? And suddenly the call: "We invite you to casting." And on the blind listening - "I choose you" from Dima Bilan. So everything started. If it were not for this, no matter how else you would have to go through the guy from the most ordinary family? ..

Photo: Vladimir Vasilchikov

Now Alex Malinovsky works for recognition. In May, he took a new video clip in Kiev - on the song "Do not cry with me the sky", the only thing in his repertoire, which belongs to Alien Peru, usually Alex writes everything himself. "Ideas come to me at night, so the recorder always lies nearby," says the artist. - I write a vague melody, and in the morning I sit down for the piano. I have a lot of instrumental music. When I get acquainted with Igor Cool, we will talk about something. " But not everything is so simple: like any artist from the province, Alex has its own story, which pulls on a whole novel. "I grew up in a very conservative family, and my mother always believed that I would be a lawyer or would continue her business," he says.

And what did you think about this?

I knew from my childhood that I would sing. But the parents were against and said that I need to go down from heaven to the ground and perceive life soberly. "We will become a lawyer, and everything will be fine with you," they said. When I was in the third year of the Institute, at the Faculty of Jurisprudence, my parents concluded an agreement: I get the education "for them", and then already study for myself. As a result, I received two formations - both legal, but of different specialization. To sure. After the institute, I immediately received an offer to become an assistant judge in the Arbitration Court. Due to the fact that Magadan, where I grew up and studied, is a special economic zone with its budget and income, salaries there were crazy. But I have never seen myself in the mantle, knocking the hammer on the table and the verdicts, which is for pornography? So I went to Moscow.

How is your simple.

(Laugh.) Yes, after half an hour after arrival, I wanted to buy a ticket back! Frightened. But here something happened. Mystic pursues me in life: I often meet people who have a connection with thin matters and feel very good. And the woman came up to me, took the hand and said: "Don't be afraid of anything, you will succeed." I thought it was a sign, and stayed. I have a strong character. Now, probably, it did not dare to this, but in my youth was somehow an adventurer (Alex 30 years old. - Approx. OK!).

What did you do to declare yourself?

I enrolled in the Institute of Contemporary Art on the separation of pop-jazz vocals, and without exams. In the history of the institute, this was the second case when a person was taken to the budget in the form of an exception. But I studied just six months. I was older than the rest, but I need to learn something, need more adult companies. And I left, just continued to engage in vocals with one local teacher. Then she tried to reveal through the contests: "Star Factory", "People's Artist", "X-factor". But the script always repeated: I traveled to the last qualifying tour and heard the same thing: "Thank you, no."

And lived on what? Parents helped?

We were not talking about three years now. Mom was deadly offended because I left. We are in the family three: and my brother and older sister. My brother I have a divorce boxer, my sister is a housewife, which has nothing to do. I was the only one to whom the parents did a bid, and that turned out to be a "sick" man who, see if, wanted to sing. Therefore, the family categorically refused to talk to me.

What is your responsive?

Mom seems to let me go on freeze bread, but ... ( Shrugs.) In general, I did not work. For some reason, I have friends in my life for some reason, so there was nowhere to go, not to contact anyone. I spoke somewhere in order not to die with hunger, but there was no money anyway. I remember, before the new year, 2012 came to Mosfilm to play in the crowd - for it was given as many as five hundred rubles. Then he began to slowly make arrangements, and my song "Let my soul" fell on one of the most popular radio stations in Belarus, where the VMIG became popular. Soon I was called from the main Belarusian TV channel and offered to go to Minsk to participate in the selection for Eurovision. I passed it, but the contract was simply bonded, and I refused, overnightly crossing the prospect of participation in Eurovision, and in the Slavic Bazaar, and on the "New Wave". In Belarus, I lived for nine months, I sat down some money and returned to Moscow, where I immediately went to the "minute of glory."

And again heard "No, thank you"?

And I came there to come there - ask for forgiveness from parents. ( Smiles.) The effect did not make it wait. Literally every day, Mom called me all in tears and said that her whole Magadan was condemned for cruelty. ( Laugh.) I want to tell her a lot Thank you for this experience, for this school survival. In general, we have risen, and I finally could breathe a little. At the same time advertising "Voice" began. At first I didn't even think there to go there: if you hear "no", you start thinking that all contests were purchased. But friends called me, they said: "Yes, try." And I sent an electronic application by attaching all my videos. And I was very surprised when I was invited to blind listening. People there from excitement faintly fell and losing sight, and I didn't even tremble knees, because I did not expect anything. And this inner relaxation, probably saved me.

Riddle. All participants beyond the shoulders had a great experience of performances, there were guys who simply praised me in a shredder, and I came so young falcon, everywhere inexperienced. My mentor, Dima Bilan, was noticed more than once that at rehearsals I showed himself terribly, I gave a full trash, and only on set, when either Pan, or disappeared when there is only one chance to show the maximum of your capabilities, here in such a patina I gave a good result. And it so happened that in my last day on the project - when I was kicked out - I was noticed by people who later became my producers. And it turned out very interesting. As I said, mysticism is often present in my life. And shortly before that day, I walked down the street, a woman stopped me and said: "I see, for your back two people stand - a man and a woman. They will be hurting for you with the whole soul. You don't know them yet, but you will soon meet. " And I met my producers. ( Smiles.)

Apparently, you no longer need help.

I and the family already in Moscow transported. Magadan is an extinct provincial city. We lived very poorly. Basically at the Feldsher Salary Mom. My dad could not have anyone - both the builder, and the policeman. Money barely enough to feed three children. And then mom showed himself by making a terrible thing. She has a head of the family - a head and neck. The state then highlighted the parents to the parents. Mom sold her and opened the outlet for the revenue money. I remember this time as a nightmare and I do not understand how she decided to put absolutely everything on the map, because about a month we lived on the street, in some boxes. My brother and I were very small. In general, from Feldscher Mom turned into a businesswoman, she is just a brilliant! Her network began to expand quickly, money appeared - everything turned out.

Why did you transport the family to Moscow, if life has improved?

Mom I have this ... my dad is the only man in his life, except for the children, nothing needs to be in life. She did everything for us. And when I left first, then my brother and sister, which I helped to get a lot, did not have a lot of great vital values. Dad eternally disappeared on the hunt. For him, the family is certainly important, but he is another person. And then my mother calls me and crying: "I speak with a TV." I understood that I could not return to Magadan, but it was impossible to quit it too. So I made my parents all there to sell and buy accommodation in Moscow.

So you are now the head of the family?

Dad recently said an interesting phrase. Somehow we went to walk, and parents behind me behind. Then I hear my mother says Father: "Run faster, Sasha will swear." And dad - me: "Hey, Allo, I did not understand, when did you build the whole family?!" ( Laughs.) I am a grateful son and now I try to show the parents of the world. So it's nice when a mother keeps your hand somewhere in an unfamiliar country and is afraid to let go, so as not to get lost, and you understand what kind of essence, she is a child - my mother who has always been an example for me to imitate. It's so cute, so touching.

And what are your relationship with your brother? They say that twins have a special connection.

My brickheld grid ... We can quarrel and half a year not to talk, but at the same time he is really the most expensive person for me. When two develop together in the womb, you want no you want to communicate. We feel very good each other. If something hurts me, he can put a hand - and everything will pass. The most interesting, I am convinced that I live the fate of Grisha. Everything that happens to me will actually have to happen to him. And all the people who feel thin matter, say that Grisha has become my companion that without him I will not get anything. And this is true: when we apgeo, I have everything crawled out of my hands.

What does "I live fate of Grisha"?

It all started with the fact that the mother in the third month of pregnancy fell from the stairs, and we turned over in the womb, I pressed Grishin umbilical. So, when we were born, I was such a swimming child that was not visible to the eye, and Grisha, on the contrary, turned out to be small, because all the food went to me. Apparently, this was reflected on our fate. In addition, when mom did an ultrasound before childbirth, three large parts were reflected on the screen - two heads, one ass. The fourth part was not found. And my mother said: "You have freaks." Mom then remembered a terrible example of his own practice, which he saw when she studied in medical: the kids clung to chins in the womb and two heads went to the mother's pelvis. No woman in such a situation will give us. And they save the guinea, so ... and mom has one in one. "I understood perfectly than it could end," she told about it. She wanted to give anesthesia, but she herself went to the operating room, sat down in a chair, took the scalpel and cut her belly. "Otherwise you are not born," here is her thought at that moment. On her stomach is very ugly seam. I bow to her. And then, when after three months, Mom went to the registry office to receive birth certificates, it turned out that our names were confused. Up to this point, I was called Grisha, and Brother Sasha. Here is this with a grivy story.

I am sure that you are very different.

Highly. At school and at the Institute, I was always a gray mouse - it is different not to characterize, and Grishka was a gangster. Oh and annoyed me! I studied well, he is bad. He fought in the doorways - I was a Mamienikin son. He is very in love, and he already had two marriages. I am in kind of alolyuba, I always have a long relationship, for three to four years.

And now you meet with someone?

Now I am in the beautiful Status of the Bachelor. My previous relationships ended, because ... ( Thinks out.) It is normal that now you are paying more and more attention. I do not allow myself nothing that I would be ashamed, I do not go to the left. My girl always knew where I was. But her desire to have a total control for me was not satisfied with me. She was not interested in my events, performances. And I'm not going to sit at home in the kitchen. Therefore, whatever love, the control killed everything. Now I do what I want. And probably, while internally is not ready for relationships.

And you have never been going to marry?

It came to this once. But there was a very acute question about the child, but I was not ready for this at all. It seems to me that the child will connect hands and legs. And be a parent-cuckoo, leave it with grandmothers and nurse I would not want. Although I already feel: something in me ripens. Sister recently gave birth to a second child. I saw the boys, thought: "Damn, what cool. Lies dug. "

This is a moutigation to the first sleepless night.

(Smiles.) No, why. My niece of Christina, which is already eleven, has grown almost on my hands. She grew up without his father and for a long time called me dad. Sleepless nights, swaddling, diapers and colic in the stomach I have already passed. Therefore, only the question of internal readiness remained, so that I could say: "I want the child to appear. I am ready to become a father and a getter and take responsibility in full. " And a housing issue. I am removing the apartment yet. But I feel so fine. Many travels, I read a lot, teaching languages. In humans, I always open. I sometimes ask: "Why do you sing sad songs, and smile in the photo? Maybe your smile fake? " No, absolutely! The sun shines, two hands, two legs, all alive and healthy. We must enjoy life! ( Smiles.)