Actual research work in elementary school. Research: Interesting Topics for School

Actual research work in elementary school. Research: Interesting Topics for School
Actual research work in elementary school. Research: Interesting Topics for School

She studies in a lyceum. At one of the first meetings in the classroom announced scientific work for first-graders. "If desired," the teacher said - "if you feel that your child will be able to come up - get ready."

After a month, scientific work announced mandatory. All our first-graders "offered" to act with scientific work in the classroom, and the best work is directed to the school conference. It is worth noting that in our Zhokhsky class children are studying from 6 to 7.5-8 years. The variation in age is very large. Imagine what does it mean to perform a six-length scientific work?

Research work in elementary school involves not only the conduct of experiments, but also the nomination of the hypothesis, the formulation of the tasks and goals of scientific work. Writing an explanatory note, report and visual presentation.

It is clear that most of This work lies on the shoulders of parents. That the root is not true. Therefore, I tried to make the Anyuta to take part and missed the scientific work "through ourselves." We did it.

This article - our experience of organizing scientific work for first grader. I hope he will be useful to parents of children who are preparing to conduct scientific work.

Scientific work for first grader

We highlight 7 main items for the successful implementation of research work.

  1. The choice of theme.
  2. Setting the goals and objectives of scientific work. Advance hypothesis.
  3. Performing a practical part (conducting experiments / research).
  4. Conclusions / analysis.
  5. Writing an explanatory note.
  6. Preparation of the report for the speech.
  7. Creating a presentation.
  8. Training, preparation for the performance.

Select the topic for research

There are two points for which you need to pay attention when choosing the topic of scientific work:

  1. The interests of the child.
  2. The sphere of knowledge of the parent.

It is important that the theme of the work is carried by the child, otherwise he will not be able to fully participate in the process. He will be just not interested. And it is equally important that the parent has a good topic.

My daughter and I have long thought over the topic of research, and she was born by chance. For lunch. Anyutka ate cheese and thought: why is it yellow? After all, it is made of white milk. Everything! I immediately offered to make cheese on my own, at the same time, and understand this issue.

I, as in the past rustic resident, all this was known not to first. We did the sour cream, oil, cottage cheese and cheese. That daughter met these processes. The topic of scientific work was formulated and invented by Anya: "The amazing conversion of milk."

Setting the goals and objectives of scientific work. Advance hypothesis

I'll tell you how it was with us.

Deciding with the topic, we talked a lot about what we would do. I talked about my own: how together we brought the oil in the woolly oil, as banks with milk were standing on the veranda, as cottage cheese cooked, etc.

Specified leading questions that make it think. They talked about natural products and additives, reasoned why kefir, sour cream, curet cheese called sour milk.

Exactly in conversations with the child, the goals and tasks of scientific work are born. Later, when you write an explanatory note - you will help you beautifully formulate them. But in the head of the child they will be enshrined due to discussions.

When you realize that the child knows where to follow and what to do - you can start experiments and experiments.

I will tell about the practical part of our research work in a separate article, but for now let's move on to writing an explanatory note or to text design of scientific work.

Scientific work of the first grader - how to issue

When we finished with the experiments, I wondered - how to make a scientific work correctly. We made our photos and were ready to write a small report. But this was not enough.

Each school has requirements for the design of scientific work. Be sure to familiarize yourself with them to understand which sections should be in scientific work, what font use how work will be assessed.

The main sections of the explanatory note to scientific work:

  • Introduction
  • Theoretical part.
  • Practical part.
  • Conclusion (with conclusions).
  • Bibliography.

In addition to the explanatory note, the report is written - what the child will tell on the speech.

That's when I learned about it - my eyes rounded. Yes, a high school student is quite under power. But kids! First grades. This is just unreal. But since we took care of scientific work - you need to complete.

How did we come with my daughter? We all did together. To the aneutka it was clear - every time before the start of work we made up a small plan: what we want to tell. I gained the text, Anya helped to formulate thoughts.

We spent about a week on an explanatory note. Worked for about an hour per day.

Preparation of a report for speaking

I wrote my speech report on my own. Just made a sample from our shared work, and simplified the proposals. Then he gave antenna to the swelling. She read, I listened. Where she stumbled or difficult, I marked myself and simplified the text. 3-4 times we brought it to perfection.

In the process of preparation, Anya independently adapted some points of the report for themselves. And the report itself is based on. Not bad achievement.

But about this next time. I will tell in detail:

  • on the intricacies of creating a presentation;
  • how to convey information to the child and listeners;
  • how to prepare a first grader for a speech at a scientific conference.

Your child told you what is going to study research. You would not be surprised if he was a student. However, he is still studying in elementary school. Of course, you have many questions. For example:

  • what is generally needed research work in the younger school;
  • which represents themselves;
  • how the process is organized;
  • what role adults play in this process.

What is research work in elementary school

The purpose of modern education is to "teach a child to learn." A variety of pedagogical approaches and technologies (including research work in elementary school) seek to develop such qualities in babies as independence, initiative, ability to cooperate, and responsibility. From the point of view of the State Standard of Education, in primary school the foundations of universal methods of educational actions, self-education skills are laid. Currently, the pedagogy has developed a variety of allowing the most creative approach of the child. There are two ways to acquire knowledge by the child - reproductive and productive. In the first case, the child receives knowledge from adults, in the second - by independent development. The research work of students is the activity of the search nature, which leads to the discovery and knowledge of the new and is a powerful tool for the development of the kid. In short, solid pluses.

What skills and skills of students develop

So, more. In the process of writing research work, the child becomes a subject of learning. What expect results? In practice, Kroch learns:

  • aware of training tasks;
  • generate ideas;
  • find non-standard solutions to problem situations;
  • produce hypotheses;
  • observe and conduct experiments;
  • independently control their work;
  • assess the quality of their work.

In general, teach children to science from an early age. You will not regret it. And the guys in the future must thank you.

Conditions for the organization of research work

The organization of successful research or project work is not an easy task for the teacher. A creative thinking teacher must create a situation of collaboration of schoolchildren and adults, to ensure the creative growth of the child. A full-fledged research is possible if the teacher implements the following conditions:

  1. Defined the motivation of the study. The student should see the meaning of his creative activity, the possibility of implementing his talents and abilities.
  2. Created a working creative environment. The teacher should encourage the desire for a creative search, to maintain cognitive interest among students.
  3. A comfortable psychological atmosphere in the team has been created. When conducting research activities, the teacher constantly creates the atmosphere of the "Success Situation" for each student. Each child needs to be able to believe in their strength and to realize the success of its activities.

Forms of Design and Research

The next moment. The research process is carried out by a student under the guidance of the teacher. With its organization, it is possible to use several forms of activity. It:

  • lesson-study on the topic of work;
  • short-term research (express research) on the subject in the course of the lesson;
  • observations and descriptions of results.

Algorithm of research and research student

Consider the order of the organization. For the organization of children's research work requires a consistent implementation of the following steps:

  1. Choosing an interesting and useful topic.
  2. Search for hypotheses, possible options for resolving the problem.
  3. Collect the desired material.
  4. Analysis of the data obtained, generalization.
  5. Collective presentation and protection of results.

What follows from this? Student research works must be issued and properly presented. Thus, the child understands the social significance of his scientific experiment.

By the way, the best research works of elementary school students can be used for the next confirmation of the qualification or portfolio of a schoolboy. As well as for exhibitions and contests. In the latter case, letters and diplomas are issued for the best research work. In the future, these moments may be taken into account when admission of a graduate in the university.

What you need to know for research work

And finally. Incredibly important selection of children's research works in elementary school. What should be considered? The most important thing:

  • the topic must captivate a child;
  • the topic must be executed;
  • the topic should carry practical benefits.

What to pay attention to? The best suited for research works in the elementary school of the topic from the sections "Enough Peace", "My Family", "Pets", "Beauty of Our Language", "Secrets of the Universe", etc. All at the discretion of the teacher and child. To collect data on the subject of research, the guys can offer:

  • think about what is already known on this topic;
  • write important information from books, newspapers and magazines;
  • learn and record information obtained from others;
  • use television;
  • use the Internet;
  • surveillance and experimental activities under the guidance of adults.

Tasks a lot. And a very important point is to attract students to the research work of students of the younger School of Parents. But adults should not be taken for the project themselves. Their function is to help advice, information, support the motivation of the child.

We draw conclusions. Participation in project work:

  • contributes to the formation of a wide worldview of the child, expands the horizons;
  • instills the skills of universal learning activities;
  • gives impetus to independent development;
  • instills the skills of self-organization and self-control;
  • develops the activity of students, strengthens a sense of social responsibility.

Children come to primary and middle, senior school to learn what it means to teach themselves. Research activity allows you to get the maximum effect in this process.

Currently, research work in elementary school is considered a prerequisite for learning. Find out the goals, tasks, the directions of such work. We give prepared research work in elementary school.

Research significance

Serious reforms occurred in Russian education. The first generation standards characteristic of the classical educational system have come new GEFs. They imply the organization of primary education not only as the possibility of obtaining certain subject knowledge of schoolchildren. Updated standards are aimed at developing the adaptation of children to life in social society. After the first stage of learning, schoolchildren should be formed universal training skills.

Design and research work in elementary school successfully copes with similar tasks, helps the teacher build individual educational trajectories for each student.

Those skills that the child gets on the younger learning step helps him avoid problems in cognitive activity in the future.

Children's research work in elementary school is often performed under the leadership of parents, which is an excellent educational aspect, contributes to the strengthening of family values. For example, a schoolboy together with his parents is looking for information on family customs, rites transmitted from generation to generation.

Received skills

Finished research work in elementary school is represented by the author before classmates. The guys learn to analyze the activities of other schoolchildren, ask questions, respond to them. The experience of creative thinking, carried out experiments and experiments, ensure a deep understanding of the importance of the work under consideration, increase interest in scientific work from younger schoolchildren.

The research work of the elementary school student is a progressive form of the educational process in modern school. That rich experiments, which children receive children in the process of joint activities with parents and teachers, gives them a real opportunity to manifest their creative and intellectual abilities.

Purpose of the search method in elementary school

Research work in elementary school is aimed at forming the primary skills of experiments and experiments from schoolchildren, mastering adaptation techniques in social life. The physiological features of this age confirm the biological need of children seven-eight years to the knowledge, obtaining a new life experience.

Interesting research work in elementary school helps to go in the guys the desire to become real scientists. Thirst to obtain new impressions should be used by a teacher.

The topics of research work in elementary school are often associated with the study of wildlife, family values. They must encourage a novice researcher to active actions, the desire to understand the material he chose for his work.

Features of research

Many research work in elementary school is held in the corner of nature. The guys not only observe the plants, but also get the skills of care. For example, research projects in elementary school may concern exactly identifying conditions for the rapid development of certain indoor plants.

The teacher should be used to the maximum degree of the internal desire of the child to know the world, his diversity and uniqueness. Research work in elementary school is changing not only the way of thinking schoolchildren, but also their behavior.


How is research work in elementary school? Registration of it does not differ from those rules that are presented to the scientific works of schoolchildren. Be sure to have a title list from any project. It indicates the name of the school, on the basis of which work was performed. Also prescribed the name of the work, the surname and the name of the student, as well as the teacher who acted as a supervisor.

Finished research work in elementary school suggests the presence of content (table contents). It indicates the listing of the main sections that are in this work. Pages are also indicated on which information is presented for each study item.

Any finished research work in elementary school should be relevant, contain some kind of novelty element, uniqueness. Together with the teacher, the child puts a certain goal for his research. Individual research work in elementary school, ready-made projects must have a specific goal. For example, a child can schedule in his study study of methods for transplanting garden strawberries. A sample research work in elementary school will be submitted below to demonstrate the full structure of the school project.

In addition to the goal, in the work, the tasks that the young researcher set itself are indicated. In order for the child to make it easier to look for theoretical material, indicate the subject and object.

What else includes research work in elementary school? 4th grade is graduation at the initial learning step, so the guys are already able to make assumptions. The study indicates that hypothesis that a novice scientist plans to confirm during its experimental activities.

In the main part of the study, a full overview of various books on the problem of the selected study is carried out. If the topic is associated with practical activities, the laboratory experiments are included in the work. The last section of any research is the one in which the child must draw conclusions, give recommendations on the problem of its research.

What else implies research work in elementary school? Grade 3 is already able to work with literary sources, so the paper indicates a list of references used by the author.

Registration of literary sources

The books are listed in alphabetical order, indicate the author, the name of the work, publishing, the year of publication. Does applications contain research work in elementary school? Threads: "3D design of my room", "Dream Garden", "The garden on the windowsill" suggest the addition of work by photographs, pictures, schemes.

If, besides books, sources from the Internet were used in the study process, they are also indicated in the literature list.

Not only children are conducted by research. Topics: "Primary school grade 3: methods and training techniques", "The value of the study at the first stage of learning" can be options for scientific activities of teachers.

Work of schoolchildren

We give examples of research work in elementary school, not including the title leaf.

What do we know about the pea?

Peas is considered one of the oldest food plants. He was known to people even when neither of the cabbage, nobody even heard about the cabbage, nor about potatoes, nor about carrots in Europe. Why is this plant so much? What is the nutritional value of pea? Is it possible to use peas in folk medicine? How to grow this culture on the usual summer cottage? What factors affect the growth of pea? In my work, I will try to find answers to these questions and associate the results of the experiment with the quality of the tillage.

What is the pea himself? I will try to figure it out. According to archaeological data, it is peas - it is one of an ancient cultures, which has an average age of about 20 thousand years.

Peas is a cold-resistant culture that transfers freezing only to 0 degrees. Seeds begin to germinate it at about two degrees Celsius. That is why it is possible to grow it in the northern Russian districts, in which agriculture is permissible. In addition, this plant has a short period of vegetation, it does not exceed three - six months. Peas do not tolerate drought, it is a light-loving culture. Peas has a rod root system and a weak rod, the length of which is not more than 2.5 meters. Leaves with several pairs of leaves and long assholes ending with a leaf. At the base of all the leaves, there are two semiconductive bracts, having a size of more than the leaflet itself.

They perform a huge role in the process of photosynthesis. Leafers typically have blue-green. Flowers are large, with a length of 1.5-3.5 cm, with white, less often yellowish, or a reddish wedge. Peas is self-polishing plant, but with hot weather there are cross-pollination. Beans are mainly straight, sometimes curved, almost cylindrical, in length about three or ten centimeters, with white or pale green sash (peel). In each there are three - ten major seeds in the form of balls, which are called peas.

What is the healing power of the plant? Pea is a real protein content champion. It is rich in important amino acids: cystine, lysine, ascorbic acid, it also contains carotene. Thanks to the balance of active biological and nutritional components, the peas began to consider a particularly valuable dietary product (it seemed to me very relevant in our time) with different diseases.

Overhead parts of this plant as the infusion perfectly helps with kidney problems. The diuretic effect can be explained by the increased potassium content in its green parts. With glans on the skin, the kip from pea flour helps soften the inflamed areas. Flour from pea breeds hard tumors of the chest.

The grain pea, roasted on moderate fire, ground and mixed with a part of the cycling coffee, replaces the Indian coffee! How to cook therapeutic drugs? I was so interested in this question that I revised many books with ancient recipes. Judging by the number of recipes, the peas really have greater value, and therefore, I was not mistaken by choosing it for the experiment.

So, carefully studied all the features of the pea, I decided to start practicing: prepare the soil, sow peas, collect a harvest, dry seeds, prepare one of them from therapeutic dishes, analyze the effect of using the dish.

Practical part of work.

I set up the following tasks:

Grow peas on two experimental beds, analyze the results of the experiment, compare two varieties of pea;

Analyze the quality of the soil on each site;

Make a conclusion about the environmental situation in the country area;

From the resulting crop, prepare for old recipes at least one dish, analyze the results of its use;

Conducting an experiment, I made the following conclusions for myself:

Peas is sugar and long.

It is demanding of lighting, wind action.

Polka dots are planted only in a well-heated soil.

Flowers pea are sensitive to cold.

To speed up growth, peas should be loosened.

Peas capricane requires irrigation.

Sugar peas need a support, otherwise part of the crop disappears.

The more often you collect a harvest, it becomes even more.

There is a direct relationship between the state of the plants and the proximity of the carriageway.

Sugar peas is softer, tastier, but the seeds are faster.

1. In order to reduce the effect of exhaust gases on the growth of plants, the countryside must be protected from the road planting trees.

2. Plant pea better later, in a good warm soil.

3. Weeding only after the height of the plants reach 2 - 3 cm (the root system will strengthen).

4. Water peas better warm water.

5. The landing can be carried out without prior soaking of pea.

Work about water

For several centuries, a person is looking for ways to treat various diseases, not noticing that some of the ways are near. Such a means, for example, may be the treatment of many diseases of melt water. The first information about the hydrothery is found in the ancient Indian and ancient Egyptian treatises written to our era. From Egypt, the treatment method was transferred to Greece by Pythagore. From Greece moved to Rome by Askletpad. Our ancestors kept the water mounted water in the jugs in case of illness.

Currently, the waterproof is widely used in the therapy of various diseases, so this topic can be considered fairly relevant and interesting.

Unfortunately, now it's not so easy to find such a snow that after melting has become a clean and useful drinking water for a person. She in itself is not a drug. But it is precisely water that provides the organism self-regulation, improves the metabolism, increases the vital activity of each cell. This can be explained by its similarity in the molecular structure with the intercellular fluid. Such water is active, it will be absorbed by the human body without any problems. It has a certain energy charge of cheerfulness, ease that people need so much in winter. Fresh melt water strengthens the human body.

The purpose of my work is to get melting water and check her medicinal abilities.

1. Relator to get talu water.

2. To study the existing methods of treating melt water.

3. Take your own experiment.

In order to get talu water, you can use in several ways:

1. If you live in the mountains, it is enough to assemble snow, then melt it. It takes only clean, dry, recently falling snowball. For its thawing, you can use an enameled bucket that is closed with a lid. To speed up the process, you can put a bucket in a pelvis filled with hot water. There should be no resinous sediment on the walls of the bucket, if it is, then water is unsuitable for use. To get rid of vegetable sera, water is filtered through several layers of gauze. Then it is poured into the glass dishes and covered tightly with a lid. Shelf life does not have to be more than a week.

2. Water is quickly adjusted to + 94 ... + 96 ° C, i.e. bubbles are formed, but the water does not boil. Then remove the saucepan from the fire and cooled. Then overflow into the jar, frozen.

3. It is necessary to pour into the plastic container tap cold water. Then it is closed with a lid, then put on a lining from cardboard into the freezer refrigerator. When the water completely freezes about half the tank, you need to remove the ice, throw out the residues. It is in liquid water all impurities will remain. Almost the volume of the "brine" removed can be from thirty to seventy the total volume of the original water.

After spending only a few experiments, I came to the following conclusions:

Talay water is really good for health;

Trea water treatment is accessible to everyone.

However, thawed water treatment is not a versatile agent. It, as, however, and any medicine, has both contraindications.

Should I use the properties of melting water in practice, to solve you.


Examples of research work in the elementary school, given above, demonstrate the main structure of the project. Similar activities contribute to analytical thinking: comparison, classification, generalization of the collected material.

During such activities, the guys get acquainted with various research methods, use theoretical skills in a personal study.

A child who is fascinated by project activities, learns to organize his personal time. An important point of any project work is to represent the results of the work carried out to other students and teachers.

In order to make his performance with bright and memorable, schoolchildren already at the initial learning step actively use information technologies. The teacher introduces them with the basic rules for the preparation of the presentation. During preparation for a public performance with the results obtained, the child learns to overcome the fear of the audience.

In addition, the culture of speech is formed, which will help the student in further school education. In elementary school, research activities are carried out according to a specific algorithm. First choose the topic. Then the purpose and objectives of the study are determined. Next put forward hypothesis for work.

After holding a literary review (acquaintance with various books), the child chooses the theory, selects the methodology for conducting his experiments and experiments. What are the main conditions for the formation of research skills among younger schoolchildren?

The systematic, motivation, systematic, the authority of the teacher, the psychological environment, accounting for the individual and age characteristics of the student is important.

The federal educational standards of the second generation involve the formation of four skills of skills that will be required to schoolboy in project activities.

Organizational skills involve the organization of the workplace, drawing up an activity plan.

Skills of the research plan suggest the choice of the topic, the purpose of the goal, the choice of research method, the search for the necessary information.

The child learns to choose from a large volume only that material that is directly related to its study.

The fourth block involves obtaining the skills of presenting their work. The schoolboy meets the forms of demonstration of the results, exploring the requirements for the speech of the speaker, a variant of providing the results of work.

To carry out propaedeutic activities, the teacher uses heuristic, problematic approaching an educational process.

During such classes, children learn to identify the problem, determine the actions algorithm aimed at its permission. It is the problem learning that allows primary school teachers to carry their students research.

Most modern teachers leans the fact that school students should receive practical knowledge, which will continue to help them successfully integrate into society. To this end, it is recommended to move away from the classic formation of skills and skills and provide children with another model of education associated with the formation of the personality and the development of their creative skills.

Naturally, to introduce forms of such education it should be in elementary school. Research activity is one of them. Many themes of research work on various subjects (English, Russian, literature, mathematics and other disciplines) are oriented mainly on high school students. However, it is best to implement it better in primary grades, so that children can learn how to assemble, analyze and evaluate their work as early as possible. Of course, the child must have a wide selection of topics for analysis, we will also talk about this below.

Tasks of research work in elementary classes

The purpose of engaging students of primary classes in research work is the stimulation of their creative and intellectual potential in an interesting form.

The tasks of such work are as follows:

Specificity of research activities in elementary school

Research work includes such steps:

  • the selection of the topic;
  • setting tasks and goals;
  • conducting research;
  • preparatory work on the protection of its topic;
  • protection of work.

The peculiarity of research work in elementary school is the special role of the teacher. It should guide, stimulate and passion children, show them the significance of such work, and also actively attract parents as assistants.

Many parents whose work is not related to pedagogical activities, almost do not deal with the lessons and tasks of children. And research works - great chance to get close to children In order to help them solve those or other tasks - to choose an interesting topic, choose literature, resume our knowledge of English or mathematics and so on.

Basically, from the first to the third class, research work at school has a collective nature, the topic is determined by the teacher himself. But already in 3-4 grade, the child himself can choose the topic depending on its inclinations and hobbies. Someone more like English, someone attracts environmental education or world literature.

Below we give the name of the most fascinating topics of primary school research. They can be complemented, change or expand at their discretion.

List of general nature for primary school students

We offer a list general topics for researchthat can be offered to students of primary classes:

Of course, the above list is far from complete. The child can choose the most interesting for himself with his hobby.

Below we will give lists for research work at school for both students of primary and secondary classes.

Topics for scientific work on Russian literature

School students from 1 to 7-8 class You can offer such topics on Russian literature:

Topics of research on Russian language for students of 4-5 classes

For senior elementary school classes You can choose such research topics if the child is interesting Russian:

Topics of scientific works in English

In this case, it is difficult to say for what students of which theme classes will be calculated, because in different schools, English is beginning to teach differently. Someone already teaches him in the first grade, others - only with the fifth. We offer the most interesting topics that will allow children. to deepen in learning English:

How to organize the study

Work on the chosen topic for children will be not easy. For the first time, the child will be in some confusion, because even if the topic is close to him, he will surely not know how to start it to explore, even if there is a plan.

But everything is very simple. First you need to ask yourself a few questions and record your answers to them:

  • what I know on this topic;
  • how can I appreciate it;
  • what conclusions can do.

Next, you should collect material on the topic of interest. Previously, students used only the library for this, but now, with the development of the Internet, the opportunity is much wider. After all, on the Internet, you can find not only articles on certain topics and directly the literature itself, but also the archives of various magazines and TV shows of different years.

It is not necessary to hesitate to ask something from teachers, parents and other senior comrades.

All data obtained follows write, take pictures, make a video. There are also much more opportunities in this regard, rather than at schoolchildren who studied 20 years ago and before.

It is impossible to be afraid to conduct experiments and comparative analyzes. All conclusions made by the child on their own, are much more worthwhile than the learned izubok text from the textbook on this or that matter. Even if they are naive and poorly reasonable, but this is the charm of creative work.

The more the children of modern schools will be involved in creative activities, starting from the first classes, the wider there will be their horizonsThey will be able to not be afraid of the modern world, learn to draw conclusions for each issue, and not be guided by certain dogmas, which, often, are already morally outdated.