Zurab Sotkilava: biography, disease. Magic voice of Zurab Sotkilava Georgian opera singer Zurab

Zurab Sotkilava: biography, disease. Magic voice of Zurab Sotkilava Georgian opera singer Zurab
Zurab Sotkilava: biography, disease. Magic voice of Zurab Sotkilava Georgian opera singer Zurab

Soviet, Russian and Georgian opera singer, lyrical drama tenor.

Biography of Zurab Skuskilava

Zurab Lavrentievich Sotkilava Born on March 12, 1937 in the city of Sukhumi, Georgia. As a child, the future famous tenor was seriously fascinated by football and at the age of 16 had already played at the place of the extreme defender in the Sukhumi Football Club "Dynamo". In 1956, when Sotkilava It was 19 years old, he became the captain of the Georgian national team under the age of 20, and in two years he fell into the main structure of Tbilisi Dynamo, but serious injuries received by him in 1958 in Yugoslavia and in 1959 in Czechoslovakia, led to the completion of sports Career. After he left a big sport, Sotkilava He entered the Tbilisi Polytechnic Institute for the specialty "Engineer-Markacheder", and after him to the Tbilisi Conservatory, which he graduated in 1965. After completing studies in the conservatory Sotkilava He began to perform in the troupe of the Georgian Opera and Ballet Theater named after Z. Paliashvili, where she worked for more than 9 years.

In 1970, Sotkilava received the title of Honored Artist of the Georgian SSR, and in 1973 was called the People's Artist of the Georgian SSR (1973).

During work in the Georgian Theater of Opera and Ballet named after Z. Paliashvili Sotkilava also passed an internship in Milan "La Scala" from Maestro J. Barra and E. Pyatza.

Zurab Sotkilava in Moscow

In 1973. Zurab Sotkilava Debuted with the party Hose from the Opera Georges Bizet "Carmen" In large, and the next year became a member of the constant theater troupe.

In 1976. Sotkilava He began teaching in the Moscow Conservatory, which continued until 1988. Later, in 2002, the singer resumed work at the Department of Conservatory.

In the summer of 2015, the singer told that heavily sick: doctors diagnosed - malignant pancreatic tumor. Sotkilava sufferedthe operations, which was done in Germany, and then passed the course of treatment in Russia. After treatment, the singer returned to the scene: October 25, 2015 he gave a concert in Sergiev Posad.

Zurab Sotkilava died in Moscow on September 18, 2017. The singer was 80 years old. About the death of Zurab Lavrentievich said the General Director of the Bolshoi Theater Vladimir Urin.

Personal life of Zurab Sobclav

While studying in the Tbilisi Conservatory Sotkilava got acquainted with his future wife Eleiso Bagrationionwhich studied by the piano. Later Eilliso She became his accompanist in solo concerts. In marriage, a couple were born two daughters: Teya and Ketino. Junior Ketino She became co-author of some musical gears of Skykilava.

In his spare time, the singer was fond of football and snooker.

At different times, Zurab Sotkilava was awarded such prestigious premiums as: the main prize of the Golden Orpheus festival, the Order "For Merit of Fatherland" IV degree for a great contribution to the development of domestic musical and theatrical art, the Order "For Merit of Fatherland" III degree A great contribution to the development of domestic musical art and many years of creative activity, the Order of the Hall Sign, the Order of the Labor Red Banner. In addition, Sotkilava became the laureate of the international competition. Tchaikovsky, International Vocalist Competition. Vigyas in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bState Prize of the Georgian SSR. Z. Paliashvili and State Prize of the Republic of Georgia named after Shota Rustaveli. The Italian Bologna Academy of Music appointed Sotkilav with an honorary member of the Academy "For a brilliant interpretation of Verdi works."

"I hate men who throw wing because of a young, leggy ..." - says famous tenor of the Bolshoi Theater People's Artist of the USSR Zurab Sotkilava.

"I'm sorry for loved ones, and not yourself"

Olga Shablinskaya, "AIF": Zurab Lavrentievich, when we agreed on interviews, you said that now you have all the day on the clock because of the treatment system ...

Zurab Sotkilava:I had oncology, I did the operation in Germany, was "chemistry". After there was a good period - the whole 8 months everything is clean. And I somehow Osmell, I started singing ... I managed to go to Georgia. There were the most exciting performances, I wanted to show well. Great success was ... But I started to give concerts early. Stresses and loads caused metastases elsewhere. Now I made three courses of chemotherapy, there were still two. This is a cruel thing ... Incication is strong ... the taste of metal in the mouth is still cheat with him. The problem is that you do not feel anything. There is very big weakness. Sometimes such that ... (pause.) I wish the enemy.

The writer Daria Dontsova, having suffered cancer, said: struggling with this terrible disease, the main thing is to gather and do not regret yourself ...

How much I remember myself, I never had a sorry for me. I feel sorry for my loved ones. I know how they are worried, especially my spouse. This is my pain, my fear and pity.

- And when do you just know about your diagnosis, what was the reaction? Fear? Despair?

My thought they learned all from the head doctor. And silent, hiding from me. And in fact I knew everything. At one period began to pale, unexpectedly became bad, went to the doctor. On the ultrasound, the expert woman said: "Zurab, there is something there. Only incomprehensible - high-quality or malignant. " And I realized for some reason that poor-quality ...

- How old is the fight against cancer, Zurab Lavrent-Evich?

Almost two years ... but still I don't think about bad, everything will be fine with me. Truth! I have a goal. I want to sing. Otherwise, I do not want to live ...

Regarding singing ... in the clinic, where I was operated on, there are four physicians. All handsome men - when they came to me, I thought: the stars of Hollywood ... and suddenly they got a song that I once performed! Surgeons soldered! In Germany! They already knew who I am ...

I say the chief surgeon: "I want to sing." He answers: "Why do you need? How old are you?" I was then 78. "You see, I will die without singing. I do not want to live without scene. " He was so sitting, sat, then says: "I was on vacation for two weeks, did not make a single operation. And I did not go crazy. Therefore, he arrived two days earlier to continue. I also can not without operations. "

In singing for me, the joy of life, in this meaning of my essence ... I didn't call the Bolshoi Theater for me: "What and how we will do?" I have the 80th anniversary in March 2017 ... I said: "Let's wait until I check me ... If everything is fine, I will prepare." I speak bad, but I start to melting - and the voice appears ...

It is said that positive emotions are very helpful in the fight against the disease ... What gives you pleasure in life?

My joy is my children and grandchildren. When we all together, then I am the happiest man in the world! And positive emotions bring work in the conservatory, work with young, teach them joy for me. For 50 years I had a huge number of students. Now the wonderful guys learn, four of them in the third year. Here you need to bring them to the end. They must become big singers ...

And also ... You know, I realized what human love is ... I can't go through the street - they stop me, embrace, women kiss, old men, young, familiar, unfamiliar. Of course, it is nice to me ... everyone wish recovery and no one said that they are sorry for me. Everyone says: "We do not regret you, we love you."

And of course, pleased with my favorite football, in which I myself played (because of the injuries of Sotkilava, I was forced to leave the sport. - Ed.). Now I am glad to watch when the field of football intellectuals. This is a fantastic game.

But Russian football players ... European Championship - it was horror. We won't play any purpose. I then sick for Spain and Italy. Sometimes I am sick for individual football players - for Ronaldo and Messi. Even my wife Ronaldo loves. We are happy when he wins.

photo from the personal archive of the family of Sobkilava

From criticism - ear in the ears

Zurab Lavrentievich, now the century of divorces, but your marriage with the Pianist Eleiso Tourmanidze is already more than half a century ... What is the secret here?

In general, Caucasian families are not bred in life. I hate men who behave dishonestly. He took a young beautiful girl in his wives, she gave him her life, gave himself, she lived for him, did everything, brought up children. And then some young, long-leg appear, and he leaves ... How can you throw a family?

- What do you need to do, in your opinion, to keep love in the family for many years?

Compromises, of course. Patience is needed. There is no such thing that there was no storm in the family. And here you have to be slightly smarter. Woman should be redeemed, still do not shine it. Therefore, a man must be more patient. But the woman must respect her spouse, should do everything to look good, well and dwell well. Woman making man.

My wife and We are 51 years old together. My wife supports me and does everything for me to be in mode, it fed. Although we have a nutritional nutrition. The advisers are so much that you can go crazy! Here are two academicians. One says: "Zurab, you need to eat a sour Wednesday." The second says: "better alkaline". I answer: "Guys, arrange and decide what we will do." Answer: "If we knew, from which cancer happens, we would find the tool." I have a slightly complicated meal. Everything is specially prepare. After the day, the meat is necessarily needed for power. And I still give additives, drugs that immunity support.

51 years ago. Zurab and Eilliso.

Unsurprised temperament, expressive technique and passionate attitude to music made from this personality of the great, radiant and all beloved artist who has elapsed the whole generation of talented students.

Remembering the life path of Maestro, Sputnik Georgia congratulates Zuraba Lavrentievich with an anniversary and wishes good health, longevity and creative success.

Zurab Sotkilava was born on March 12, 1937 in Sukhumi (Abkhazia), in the family of the historian of the Lavrentia Sotkilava and the doctor Ksenia Karchava. But before becoming a star of opera music, fate prepared for young Zurab a player of a football player.

The boy since childhood is passionately and seriously fond of this sport and at the age of 16 years old came to the team junior team of the Georgian team, and later became its captain. In 1956, the team won the All-Union competitions, and Sobkilava was taken to the main structure of the Tbilisi "Dynamo".

But soon the music appeared in Zurab. "Once upon a time, Valery Razumovskaya pianist, who was always admired by my voice, and said who I wouldn't give it in the end. I didn't give it any meaning, but still agreed to come to some caring professor of the conservatory from Tbilisi to audition ".

Soon, Zurab began to deal with the professor of the Tbilisi State Conservatory. V.Sarazhishvili Nikolai Bokuchava. We had to paint the time and rushing between two passions - vocals and football. Classes of Singing Zurab visited in the interval between football training and games.

But the moment came when Zurabe, unfortunately, had to forget about football - after severe injuries received in 1958 in Yugoslavia and in 1959 in Czechoslovakia, he could not continue to play football. And then decided to completely devote himself to music.

© Photo: Sputnik / Pedenchuk

People's Artist of the USSR Zurab Sotkilava in the role of Hose in the Opera Georges Bizet "Carmen"

In 1960, at the end of the Mining Faculty of the Georgian Polytechnic Institute, he was adopted in the Tbilisi Conservatory. It is noteworthy that the teachers of the conservatory voice of the Sotkilava first identified how Bariton. But later, already learning in the third year, Sotkilava got into the class of outstanding Georgian dramatic tenor and teacher David Andgubyby. It was he who managed to open the student's very attractive hopes of a student lyriko-dramatic tenor.

In 1965, Zurab Sotkilava successfully graduated from the Tbilisi Conservatory, in 1972 - graduate school and with it. And immediately he was adopted in the Tbilisi State Opera and Ballet Theater named after Z. Paliashvili. It was on the scene of this theater Sotkilava brilliantly debuted. At that time, Sotkilava performed the leading parties in such opera, as "longing" and "Bohemia" Gacomo Puccini, "Rigoletto" Giuseppe Verdi, as well as Georgian Opera "Abebalom and Eteri" Zakharia Paliashvili, "Minda" Otar Takakishvili and many others.

In 1966, Zurab Skykilava as a promising executor sent to Internship to Italy, to the La Scala Theater under the leadership of Jennaro Barra and Enrico Piazza. There he prepared the duke party in the opera "Rigoletto" Giuseppe Verdi, Hose to Karmen George Bizet, a Turner in the "rural honor" Pietro Maskanya. After that, in Italy, it began to be called one of the best interpreters of the Italian opera classics.

After a two-year-old internship in Italy, the singer triumphantly performed at the Golden Orpheus young vocalists festival - Sotkilava won the main prize of the Bulgarian festival. Two years later, in 1970 - another success: at one of the most responsible international competitions in the name of P.I. Tchaikovsky in Moscow Schomskilava was awarded the second premium. After this victory followed the following - the first premium and the Grand Prix at the International Vocalists Competition named after F. Vinyas in Barcelona.

Soon, David Andguybyu said about his student: "Zurab Sotkilava - a gifted singer, very musical, his voice, an unusually beautiful voice, does not leave the listener indifferent. And the most wonderful feature of his character is hardworking, the desire to comprehend all the secrets of art."

The debut on the Russian scene in the Georgian singer took place in 1973, on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater - Zurab sang a batch of Hose in the opera "Carmen". At this performance in 1974, the tempting invitation was followed by a tempting invitation - the singer was invited to the opera body of the Bolshoi Theater. In a large year, Zurab Sotkilava performed by the Menriko party in Opera "Troubadur", Radames in Aida, Richard in the "Balley Masquerade", Izmu Pochupepe Verdi in the Opera Juseppe, Mario Kavaradossi in "Tuske", and tourism in the "rural honor" Pietro Maskanya. It should be noted that in the repertoire of the singer there are Russian operas: "Iolanta" Peter Tchaikovsky, "Sadko" Nicholas Roman Korsakov, "Boris Godunov" and "Hovanshchina" Modest Musorgsky. By the way, Sotkilava was the first performer of Baron Kalloandro parties in the "Beautiful Mellenchikha" Giovanni Piziello and Arzakan in the "abduction of the moon" Otar Taktakishvili.

After that, the best scenes of all over the world opened before Zurab Wovekilava. Georgian singer repeatedly sang in such famous opera theaters as La Scala, London Royal Opera, Bavarian Opera State, Dresden Opera, Norwegian Opera, Bologna Theater Communal, Opera House of Liso in Barcelona and La Phenic in Venice. From 1970 to 1990, the famous tenor had loud concert touring tours for Europe countries, as well as in the UK, USA and Japan.

It is worth noting that in the repertoire of the speeches of Zurab not only opera arias, but also the romances of Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninov, the cycles of German composers of Strauss and Wolf. The favorite program of the performer is also obligatory are Georgian and Russian folk songs, and still Italian and Spanish compositions.

But besides the fact that Zurab Schocylava is an outstanding singer, he is also a very subtle teacher. In 1976-1988, he worked at the Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky (at the department of solo singing), since 1987 - Professor of the Department. Since 2002, Sotkilava resumed teaching activities in the conservatory. Among the students of Maestro - singers, Vladimir Bogachev, Vladimir Redkin, Alexander Fedin and many others. Worked Sobkilava and on television. He was the creator and leading cycles of the TV shows "Masters of the Opera Scene" and "Opera Lovers Club".

In the arsenal, the Zurab - the title of People's Artist of the Georgian SSR (1973) and the People's Artist of the USSR (1983). In 1983, the opera singer became the laureate of the State Prize of the Georgian SSR named after Z. Paliashvili, and in 1998 - the owner of the State Prize of Georgia named after Sh. Rustaveli. In addition, the singer was awarded the orders of Russia - "For merit to the Fatherland" IV degree (2001), III degree (2007), as well as two orders of the Covenant of the Republic of Georgia (1997, 2007). For a brilliant interpretation of works of Verdi, the Bologna Music Academy elected Zurab Skkoliva with his honorary member.

However, besides an excellent vocal career, Zurab Sotkilava is still happy in marriage with Eleiso Tourmanidze, with which he already lives for the 51st year. Eleiso Zurab met in the Tbilisi Conservatory, which she graduated from the class of piano with a red diploma. In the family of Eleiso and Zurab, two daughters were born - Tea (born in 1967) and Ketino (born in 1971). Both graduated from Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. By the way, the youngest daughter of Cotkilava was co-author of some musical gears of his father on television. Zuraba Sobcilava has grandchildren - Keti and Levon.

In July 2015, the media spread information about the oncological diagnosis of the opera singement. Doctors diagnosed - malignant pancreatic tumor. After surgery in Germany and the course of treatment in Russia, the singer returned to creative activity, and his first after recovery was held on October 25, 2015 in Sergiev Posad.

© Photo: Sputnik / Vladimir Vyatkin

From those invincible Zurak Sotkilava continues to work at a conservatory and constantly tie to journalists: "I do not live without music and singing."

ზურაბ სოტკილა&

March 12, 1937, Sukhumi, Abkhaz ASSR, Georgian SSR, USSR - September 18, 2017, Moscow, Russia

Soviet Georgian and Russian opera singer (lyrical drama tenor), theatrical teacher, athlete (football player)

Honored Artist of the Georgian SSR (1970).
People's Artist of the Georgian SSR (1973).
People's Artist of the USSR (1979).

Since childhood, he was fond of music (studied at the music school in the class of violin and piano) and sports - football (played in the school team, then Sukhumi club).
He graduated from the Tbilisi Polytechnic Institute with a specialty "Engineer-Markschider". At the same time, played in Tbilisi Dynamo (Sukhumi) (1951-1955), Dynamo (Tbilisi) (1955-1959), and also took the lessons of vocals from Professor N.V. Bokuchava. Then - study in the Tbilisi Conservatory in the class of Professor D.Ya. Andguladze. At the end of the Conservatory in 1965 - the soloist of the Tbilisi Opera and Ballet Theater. Z. Paliashvili.

In 1966-68, Maestro J. Barra and E. Piazza had been in danger.
The singer's debut took place on the scene of the Bolshoi Theater in the party of Hose to Carmen Bizé in 1973. Since 1974 - soloist of the Bolshoi Theater.
In the spring of 1980, Sotklav was invited to sing the party of Othello in the new formulation of the director Vittorio de Vita.
The Bologna Music Academy elected Zurab Sotklav "For a brilliant interpretation of Verdi's works" with its honorable member. Then there were "Aida", "Tosca", "Hovhanshchina" - throughout the north of Italy. Also sang "Messa Solenne" in Rome, Perugia.
He was a professor of the Moscow State Conservatory. Tchaikovsky.

theater works

Richard ("Ball Masquerade" Giuseppe Verdi)
Manriko ("Troubadur" J. Verdie)
Mario Kawaracessi ("Tosca" J. Pucchini)
Valemon ("Iolanta" P. Tchaikovsky)
Radadames ("Aida" J. Verdie)
Indian Guest (Sadko N. Rimsky-Korsakov)
Arzakan ("Abduction of the Moon" O. Taktakishvili) - First Artist
Othello ("Othello" J. Verdie)
Hose ("Carmen")
Tourda ("Rural Honor" P. Maskanya)
Baron Kalloandro ("Beautiful Mellenchikha" J. Payziello) - First Artist in the Bolshoi Theater
An impostor ("Boris Godunov" M. Mussorgsky)
Golitsyn (Hovhanshchina M. Mussorgsky)
Izmail (Nabucco J. Verdie)

prizes and awards

I Award and Gold Medal, Gold Orpheus Prize at the International Competition in Sofia (1968).
II Prize and Silver Medal at the IV International Competition. Tchaikovsky (1970).
I Award of the International Competition. Francisco Vigyas in Barcelona (1970).
State Prize Georgian SSR. Z. Paliashvili (1983).
State Prize of the Republic of Georgia named after Shota Rustaveli (1998).
Order "For Merit to Fatherland" IV degree (March 22, 2001).
Order "For merit to the Fatherland" III degree (December 3, 2007).
Order "Hall Sign" (1971).
Order of the Labor Red Banner (1976).
Prize "Ovation" (2008).
Honor of the President of the Russian Federation (October 27, 2012).
Honorary Member of the Bologna Academy of Music (Italy) - elected "For the brilliant interpretation of Verdi works."
Order "For merits to the Fatherland" II degree (2017)
Three Orders of Honor (Georgia, 1997, 2007, 2016)

Opera singer, Lyrico Dramatic tenor, soloist of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia, People's Artist of the USSR and Georgian SSR Zurab Lavrentievich Sotkilava Born on March 12, 1937 in the city of Sukhumi (Abkhazia). Father - Lavrenty Sotkilava - was a historian, Mother - Ksenia Karchava - worked as a doctor.

Since childhood, Zurab was fascinated by football. At the age of 16, he became part of the Junior team of the Georgian team, then became its captain. In 1956, the team won in the All-Union competitions, and Sotkula was taken to the main structure of Tbilisi "Dynamo".

Singing Zurab began to engage in the youthful age with Professor of the Tbilisi Conservatory Nikolai Bokucaw. Classes took place between football training and games. After the injury, Sobkilava could not continue to play football, and then decided to devote himself entirely to singing.

In 1960, at the end of the Mining Faculty of the Georgian Polytechnic Institute, he was adopted in the Tbilisi State Conservatory named

V. Sarajishvili. At first, his voice was determined as a baritone, but, learning in the third year, Sotkilava got into the class of David Andgubyby, who opened the student lyriko-dramatic tenor, which led to further achievements of a young singer.

In 1965, Zurab Sotkilava successfully graduated from the Tbilisi Conservatory, in 1972 - graduate school under the Tbilisi Conservatory.

At the end of the conservatory, he was adopted in the Tbilisi Opera and Ballet Theater named after Z. Paliashvili. Sotkilava has successfully debuted, performing leading parties in various operations, including "longing" and "Bohemia" Gacomo Puccini, "Rigoletto" Giuseppe Verdi, National Opera "Abstalom and Eteri" Zakharia Paliashvili, "Mindia" Otar Taktakishvili and others.

In 1966-1968, Zurab Sotkilava, as the leading hopted performer, was in danger in the "La Scala" theater under the leadership of Jennaro Barra and Enrico Piazza, where he prepared the duke party in the opera "Rigoletto" Giuseppe Verdi, Hose to Carmen George Bize, Tourrider In the "rural honor" Pietro Maskanya. After that, in Italy, it began to be called one of the best interpreters of the Italian opera classics.

In 1973, Sotkilava debuted in the Bolshoi Theater in the Hose party in Opera "Carmen".

In 1974, the singer was invited to the opera body of the Bolshoi Theater.

In a large year, he performed the Menriko party in the opera Troubadour, Radames in Aida, Richard in the "Balley Masquerade", Izma Puzeppe Verdi, Mario Kavaradossi in the "Tuske" of Jacob Kuchchini, Tourdo in the "rural honor" Pietro Maskanya. In the repertoire of the singer, there are Russian operas: "Iolanta" Peter Tchaikovsky, "Sadko" Nikolai Roman Korsakov, "Boris Godunov" and "Hovanshchina" Modest Musorgsky. Zurab Sotkilava was the first performer of Baron Kalloandro Parties in the "Beautiful Mellenchikha" Giovanni Piziello and Arzakan in the "Abduction of the Moon" Otar Taktakishvili.

In 1995, he participated in the premiere of the first in the history of the Big Theater of the Opera Hovanshchina, in the editorial office of Dmitry Shostakovich, fulfilling Golitsyn. Also performed this party in the formulation of "Hovhanchini" in the Bolshoi Theater in 2002.

Sotkilava repeatedly performed on scenes of the best opera theaters of the world - La Scala, London Royal Opera, Bavarian Opera State, Dresden Opera, Norwegian Opera, Bologna Theater Communal, Opera House of Liso in Barcelona and La Phenic in Venice. In 1970-1990, tenor committed great concert tour of the cities of Europe, Great Britain, the United States and Japan.

In recent years, the solo speeches of the singer pass in the concert halls of Moscow and St. Petersburg, almost all major cities in Russia and the near abroad. In the repertoire of concerts, not only opera arias, but also the romance of Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, the cycles of German composers of Strauss and Wolf, Georgian and Russian folk songs, Italian and Spanish songs.

Zurab Sotkilava conducts teaching activities. In 1976-1988, he worked at the Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky at the department of solo singing, since 1987 - Professor of the Department. Since 2002, Sotkilava resumed teaching activities in the conservatory. Among the students of Masters - Vladimir Bogachev, Vladimir Redkin, Alexander Fedin and many others.

Sotkilava was the creator and leading transmission cycles on the television "Master of the Opera Scene" and "Opera Lovers Club".

Zurab Sotkilava is awarded many premiums and awards. In 1973, the singer was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Georgian SSR, in 1983 he was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR.

In 1968, he was awarded the first award and Golden Orpheus prize at the IX World Festival of Youth and Students in Sofia. In 1970, he received II Prize and Silver Medal at the IV International Competition named after P.I. Tchaikovsky in Moscow, Grand Prix and the first prize of the international competition of vocalists named after Francisco Vinasa in Barcelona.

For a brilliant interpretation of works of Verdi, the Bologna Music Academy elected Zurab Skkoliva with his honorary member.

In 1983, he became a laureate of the State Prize of the Georgian SSR named after Z. Paliashvili, in 1998 received the State Prize of the Republic of Georgia named after Sh. Rustaveli.

Sotkilava in the field of musical art for 2007 in the nomination "Classical Music".

Zurab Sotkilava was awarded the orders of the honor sign (1971), a working red banner (1976). The singer is awarded the orders of Russia - "For merits to the Fatherland" IV degree (2001), III degree (2007); Two orders of honor of the Republic of Georgia (1997, 2007).

With his spouse, Eleiso Tourmanidze, Zurab Sotkilava met in the Tbilisi Conservatory, which she graduated from the class of piano with a red diploma. Two daughters were born in the tenor's family - the TEM (born in 1967) and Ketino (born in 1971). Both daughters graduated from Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. The younger daughter of Ketino was co-author of some musical gears of his father on television.

In my free time, the singer, as well as other gaming sports.

The material is prepared based on RIA news and open sources.