Zurab Konstantinovich Tsereteli 1934 The most famous sculptures. Sculptural works of Zurab Tsereteli

Zurab Konstantinovich Tsereteli 1934 The most famous sculptures. Sculptural works of Zurab Tsereteli
Zurab Konstantinovich Tsereteli 1934 The most famous sculptures. Sculptural works of Zurab Tsereteli

(born in 1934) russian sculptor, designer

All his life, Zurab Tsereteli is engaged in the fact that it satages the cities with their sculptural compositions. In Moscow alone, there are about a dozen. This is a column with a knit from the letters of the Armenian, Georgian and Slavic alphabets at the Tishinskaya Square, the sculptural composition of the "tragedy of peoples" on the Poklonnaya Mount, the figures of the animals in the Alexandrovsky Garden at the grave of the unknown soldier, sculptural fragments of crosses and doors, as well as the interior decoration of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior , Reconstruction of the Manege Square on the Tsereteli project, his monument to Peter I.

Obviously, contemporaries should be grateful to the sculptor for his desire to delight people with their art. However, the creativity of Zurab Konstantinovich Tsereteli causes an ambiguous attitude. Some respond about him as a man of a big talent, others believe that the sculptor has achieved fame due to its organizational abilities. "Tsereteli is too much everywhere," they say his critics. And it really is a lot. The sculptural compositions of Zurab Tsereteli are installed not only in Moscow, St. Petersburg, in the homeland of the sculptor in Georgia, but also in other countries of the world. Tsereteli made three sculptures for the United States. His composition "Good wins evil", made from the remnants of Soviet and American nuclear missiles of the SS-20 and Cershring, was established before the UN headquarters in New York. Sculptures of Tsereteli are located in London, Paris, Tokyo, Rio de Janeiro, in the capitals and cities of the eleven countries of the world.

However, Zurab Konstantinovich Tsereteli can defend its point of view on art. He does not doubt that all the time will parse in its place and the descendants will be grateful to him for his functional art, which is aimed at the good of the man.

It seems that Zurab Tsereteli had to defend their position all his life, and he fully mastered the art of compromise. "I was often criticized, and I always did my job. I did not allow myself to be distracted by the clarification of relationships and conflicts. I have such a character: I wake up and I do not remember yesterday's resentment. A creative person can not be malicious, "says sculptor.

Problems with self-affirmation began in his student years. Zurab Tsereteli studied at the Tbilisi Academy of Arts and prepared the picture, which was called the "Tbilisi Song". However, the Commission saw in it elements of conventionality, and the Tsereteli did not allow protection. Another would be confused in his place or continued to defend his point of view. But he chose another path. Tsereteli persuaded a friend to posing him and in two weeks drew another picture called "New Man", depicting a strong athlete with a tennis racket in her hands. This time the picture fully corresponded to the principles of social realism and was made in the spirit of a recognized as poster art. This work quite satisfied the Development Commission. Zurab Tsereteli defeated his diploma with honors, and thus the conflict was allowed.

After the Academy, he had to go to work at the Institute of Ethnography and Archeology to maintain a family. Then he was already married, and his wife was waiting for a child. However, this time did not pass for the sculptor wasted. Together with scientific expeditions, he proceeded to Georgia along and across, well recognized her story, life, morals of people, without which a real artist could not take place.

Finally Zurabu Treveli managed to receive an order for the design of the city of Pitsunda. It became the first of his great professional work. He put on the basis of his project the plot on the ancient theme about the argonauts, sailing to Kolkhid for the golden fleece. The next job is a project of a children's town in Adler - was awarded the Lenin Prize.

Since then, the ceretelles have rapidly walked to the mountain and there were no shortage in orders. It draws up the hotel "Yalta" in Crimea, works in Mishore, becomes the chief artist for the design of the 1980 Olympic Games in Moscow. By this time, Zurab Tsereteli is already justified in Moscow. In 1967, he receives a workshop on the Tver Boulevard, in which, according to the sculptor, Vladimir Vysotsky celebrated his wedding with Marina Vlad.

However, Tsereteli does not bear their bonds with their homeland and alternately lives in Moscow, then in Tbilisi. So it continued until he had disagreements with the then president of Georgia Zviad Gamsakhurdia, who demanded that the sculptor did not take in his Moscow President of the US President George Bush. Refusing to submit to this requirement, Zurab Tsereteli became the "enemy of the Georgian people." In Tbilisi, his statue of "Rings of Friendship" blew up, the house was set on fire, in which 100 paintings burned down and many other valuables were killed. After this incident, the Tsereteli had already finally moved to Moscow. Here the sculptor received as a gift from the Russian government a luxurious mansion and a plot of land in the very center of Moscow, on a large Georgian street, which previously belonged to the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany. This also caused disapproval in artistic circles, but Tsereteli believes that in this case justice tried out, since this land once owned his ancestors, and now she returned to him.

Its mansion in Tbilisi, in which the first representative office of Russia in Georgia once was located, Tsereteli, in turn, passed to the Russian government, and now there is a Russian embassy in Georgia there.

Zurab Konstantinovich Tsereteli likes to say that all his wealth is his work and his friends. It works it really a lot. However, the sculptor has not only obvious and secret ill-wishers, but also good friends. Among them are art, scientists, politicians. With her friends, he believes now the dead great artists of modernity M. Saryan, Pablo Picasso, Marka Shagal, D. Sikeyros. Tsereteli says that Sikeros specially came to Tbilisi to see his mosaic panel, he traveled to Adler, where the sculptor made a children's town at that time, and as if he said: "So I once worked for my teacher of Rivera, but he had plastic Angry, and you have it kind. "

His family is small. His only daughter is married to the son of the former chief architect of Moscow M. Stokhina, and grandson graduated from high school in the UN.

Zurab Tsereteli is not offended by the authorities. He is the laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes of the USSR. Currently, the People's Artist of the Russian Federation and the President of the Academy of Arts.

Zurab Konstantinovich Tsereteli is still tireless, continues to work a lot and thinks about many new projects, not forgetting to repeat his favorite saying: "Dogs are lit, and the caravan goes."

Artist monumentalist

Famous monument artist, leading monumentalist of Moscow. President of the Russian Academy of Arts since 1997, Director of the Moscow Museum of Contemporary Art since 1999. In 1997, he became the author of the artistic decision of an updated Manezhnaya Square, and in 1995 - the main artist when creating a memorial complex on a positive grief. The author of the Victory Monument on Poklonnaya Mountain and the Monument "300 Years of the Russian Fleet" on the Moscow River. In 1980 he was the main artist of the Olympiad in Moscow, in 1970-1980 - the main artist Foreign Ministry of the USSR. Hero of Socialist Labor. He has honorary titles of the People's Artist of the USSR, the People's Artist of Russia and the People's Artist of Georgia. Member of a number of academies, professor. Citizen of Russia and Georgia.

Zurab Konstantinovich Tsereteli was born on January 4, 1934 in Tbilisi. In 1952 he entered the picturesque faculty to the Tbilisi Academy of Arts. In 1958 he graduated from the Academy and went to work by the artist to the Institute of History and Ethnography of the Academy of Sciences of Georgia. Participated in a variety of exhibitions. In 1964, he passed a course in France, where he communicated with the famous artists Pablo Picasso and Marc Chagall.

In 1965-1967, Tsereteli was the main artist-designer in the construction of a spa complex in Pitsunde. At the same time by 1967, being the leader of Artel, established the mass production of smalts for mosaic works. In 1970-1980 he was the main artist Foreign Ministry of the USSR. In 1970-1972, a number of mosaic and stained glass compositions were created in Tbilisi. In 1973, became the author of the monumental ensemble of the children's resort town in Adler. This work brought the cerepes of fame both in the USSR and abroad. In particular, a well-known Mexican artist Alfaro Siqueiros positively responded about it.

In 1979, the monument to the work of the Tsereteli "Science, World-World" with a height of about 20 meters was installed in the American city of Brockport in New York. In the same year, the monumental composition "Happiness to children of the whole world" was established in the same year. According to some reports, Tsereteli had to make painting the UN building in New York, but this project was never implemented.

In 1980, Tsereteli was the chief artist of the Olympic Games in Moscow. Also in 1980, Tsereteli created a monumental sculpture "Man and the Sun" of about 80 meters high in Tbilisi, and in 1982 - the monument "Friendship forever" in Moscow, dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the George Treatise and the entry of Georgia to Russia. Since 1985, he began working on the ensemble "History of Georgia" near Tbilisi. He graduated from work in 2003. In 1989, the monument of the Tsereteli "destroy the wall of distrust" was installed in London, and in 1990 the monument "good wins evil" appeared in New York.

In the early 1990s, Tsereteli entered into conflict with the Georgian authorities and was forced to move to Moscow. Here, having received the support of the Moscow mayor of Yuri Luzhkov, he actually became a "monumentalist number one". In 1995, Tsereteli became the main artist when creating a memorial complex on a positive grief. They were created by the monument of victory in the form of a monument to Georgy Victorious and steles 142 meters high. In 1995-2000, Tsereteli participated in working on the recreatation of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow. In 1997, he developed a general design solution of an updated Manege Square and the interiors of the Trade and Recreation Complex "Okhotny Ryad". Also in 1997, a monument to the Moscow-River was established a monument to the Sereteli "300 Years of the Russian Fleet", or "Peter the first", 96 meters high. Its installation caused an ambiguous reaction in society. In addition, in 1997, Tsereteli was elected president of the Russian Academy of Arts. In December 1999, he achieved the opening of the Moscow Museum of Contemporary Art and became its director. In 2001, the Gallery of the Arts of Zurab Tsereteli opened.

In 2003-2010, Tsereteli established many monuments in Moscow, other cities of Russia and the world, including monuments founder of the Academy of Arts Ivan Shuvalov in St. Petersburg, Princess Olga in Pskov, Onor De Balzak in the city of Agda in France, Cossack Kharkov in Kharkov In Ukraine, General Charle de Gaulle in Moscow, Alexander Peresvetov, Hero of the Kulikovsky Battle, in Borisoglebsk, President of the Chechen Republic Ahmad Kadyrov in Grozny, Pope John Paul II in Poermele in France, former Prime Minister Japan Itiro Hatoyam in Tokyo, Moscow composition "The female of the Decembrists. The gates of fate" and the monument of memory of the victims of the terrorist attack in Beslan, as well as a huge copper hare in Baden-Baden. In addition, Tsereteli was engaged in the design of new stations of the Moscow Metro - "Park Victory" and "Pipe". Also in 2006, they were erected by a monument dedicated to the fight against international terrorism, in the city of Bayon in New Jersey, opposite the place of the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 in New York.

Creativity Tsereteli caused an ambiguous reaction in society and critics. He was reproached to monopolizing monumental projects in Moscow, violation of the stylistic unity of the capital and the flow of its works. Other critics about the activities of Tsereteli responded positively and argued that he created his own style.

Tsereteli - Member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation since 2005. He awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor, has honorary titles of the People's Artist of the USSR, the People's Artist of Russia and the People's Artist of Georgia. The sculptor is the President of the Moscow International Foundation for the Assistance of UNESCO, Academician of the International Academy of Creativity, a Valid Member of the Russian Academy of Arts, a Valid Member of the Georgian Academy of Sciences, Professor of the Brockport University of Fine Arts and a correspondent member of the French Academy of Fine Arts.

Born on January 4, 1934 in Tbilisi in the family of the Georgian intellectual, which retained the old tradition. His father Konstantin Georgievich (1903-2002) is known in Georgia as a construction engineer. Uncle's noticeable influence, his mother's brother, famous painter Georgy below, was provided with a noticeable influence on a tortured and susceptible child. In his house, where the boy spent a significant part of his time, there were constantly the largest cultural figures, prominent artists - David Kakabadze, Sergo Kobueustze, learning Japaridze and many others. They became the first teachers who fascinated by the visual arts of the young men. Spouse - Inessa Alexandrovna. Daughter - Elena. Grandchildren: Vasily, Zurab, Victoria.

Zurab Tsereteli graduated from the picturesque faculty of the Tbilisi Academy of Arts, worked at the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of the Academy of Sciences of Georgia.

In 1964 he studied in France, where he communicated with the outstanding artists P. Pikasso and M. Shagal.

Since the late 1960s began to actively work in the field of monumental art. In addition to Russia, his sculptural works are located in Brazil, Great Britain, Spain, USA, France, Japan and Lithuania.

In 2003, for the special achievements of Zurab Tsereteli in front of the Russian Federation, Russian citizenship was given to the Russian Federation by Vladimir Putin.

Zurab Tsereteli is one of the most famous Soviet artists, and now the President of the Academy of Arts of Russia. Talented and creative Zurab Tsereteli was able to show themselves in almost all spheres of contemporary art - the author belongs to the paintings, frescoes, mosaics, bas-reliefs, sculptures, monuments and other works.

However, with a special inspiration, the meter creates monuments of monumental art, putting their talent, experiences and soul in them. Despite the successful career and the enormous popularity of the monumental sculptor, so far its work causes an ambiguous reaction not only among ordinary people, but also in art historians, artistic critics and colleagues in the creative workshop. What is the genius and ambiguity of the Persons of Zurab Tsereteli will understand this article.

Biography Zurab Tsereteli

Zurab Konstantinovich Tsereteli was born on January 4, 1934 in the capital of Georgia. Both the Father, and the mother of the future sculptor belonged to the princely childbirth known in Georgia, so the Tsereteli family belonged to the Georgian elite. Zuraba Tsereteli Konstantin Georgievich was a successful construction engineer.

The mother of the future artist of Art Tamara Semenovna Nijaradze - dedicated himself to family and children. Georgy Nijaradze was provided to choosing a professional and creative path of the future Matra - Brother Tamara Semenovna and the famous Georgian painter.

In the house, Georgy Nijaradze, where he spent a lot of time Zurab, the Georgian creative elite D. Kakabadze, S. Kobueustze, was gathered, W. Japaridze, and others. It was they who involved the young man into the world of painting and art, trained it the basics of drawing and creating sculptures, inspired to creative development.

The brilliant sculptor graduated from the Academy of Arts in Tbilisi, but his career path began with work at the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of Georgia. In 1964, Zurab Tsereteli was increased training in France, where he met the work of outstanding painters of the P. Picasso and M. Chagalom.

In the late 1960s, the sculptor decided to develop in the field of monumental and sculptural art, after which hundreds of well-known monuments, sculptures, steals, monuments, statues, busts established worldwide were created.

For professional and personal merits, the sculptor is awarded near the awards and titles: the Hero of Socialist Labor, the People's Artist of the USSR, the Laureate of the Lenin Award, State Prizes of the USSR, State Prize of Russia, the Kavaler of the Order "For Merit to Fatherland", the Kavaler of the Order of the Honorary Legion.

From 1997 to today, Zurab Tsereteli is headed by the Russian Academy of Arts. In 2003, Zurab Tsereteli received Russian citizenship for professional achievements and merits to Russia.

Successful brilliant sculptor and family life. Zurab Tsereteli is married to Inesse Alexandrovna Andronikashvili and has a daughter Elena, who gave him three grandchildren. And in the early 2000s, Chet Tsereteli was replenished with four great-grandchildren.


The most famous works of Zurab Tsereteli

The creative legacy of the author consists of more than 5,000 works, each of which is original, distinctive and unique. The hands of the Great Artist of Arts belong to dozens of landscapes, portraits, mosaics, panels, bas-reliefs, busts and hundreds of sculptural sculptures. All the works of the Georgian sculptor are devoted to the most famous persons in the world history (Sh. Rustaveli, Georgy Victoronec, M. Tsvevaeva, B. Pasternak, etc.) and the picturesque nature of Russia and Georgia.

The sculptures and monuments of the maestro are installed not only in their relatives of Russia and Georgia, but also in France, Brazil, Spain, Lithuania, the United Kingdom and other countries. The signs and the most famous works were the sculptural sculptures of the Tsereteli and the most famous works. So, the most successful works of Zurab Tsereteli are recognized:

  • The pair monument "Friendship of Peoples" is one of the earliest works of the sculptor. The monument was established in Moscow in 1983 as a symbol of the 200th anniversary of the reunification of Russia and Georgia;
  • Stela of Victory - installed in 1995 on a positive grief in honor of the victory over fascist Germany. The height of the monument is 141.8 m. And it has a symbolic value - each day of the war corresponds to 1 decimeter;
  • The sculptural composition "Birth of a new man" - established in 1995 in Seville. This sculpture is considered one of the most famous works of Zurab Tsereteli worldwide. The miniature copy of the monument is also installed in France;
  • The monument "Monument to Peter I" - was established in 1997 on the artificially created island between the drainage channel and the Moscow-River. The monument was carried out by order of the Government of Russia and is devoted to the memory of the Grand Tsar Peter I. The height of the monument is about 100 meters;
  • The monument "Tellular Tribes" - created by the sculptor as a sign of sympathy and memory of the victims of the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001. The monument was established in the United States, and President B. Clinton was present at its opening.
  • The Monument "History of Georgia" - erected near the Tbilisi Sea. Work on the sculpture is not finished yet. Today, the monument is three rows of columns on which there are bas-reliefs and surround images of the most famous and signs of Georgia;
  • The sculpture "good wins evil" - installed in the United States before the main building of the UN in 1990. The sculptural sculpture became a symbol of the end of the Cold War;
  • The monument "Saint George Victorious" - installed in Tbilisi (Georgia) in 2006. The equestrian statue of George the Victorious is located on a 30-meter column on the Freedom Square.

In the field of architecture, Zurab Tsereteli also created ingenious works. Under his leadership, the Church of Christ the Savior was erected. As an idea of \u200b\u200bthe sculptor, the building was decorated with massive medallions from polymer alloys, the facing was made of marble, and the roof is made of coating comprising titanium nitride.

One of the last creations of the sculptor became Alya rulers, which is located in Moscow, in Petrzherigsky Lane. On Alley there are busts of all rules of Russia, created by the hands of Zurab Tsereteli.


Scandalous work Tsereteli

Present in the work of the sculptor and ambiguous, even scandalous work. A number of famous monuments caused indignation and criticism and customers, and citizens, and the installation of monuments was enveloped by rumors and protests. So, loud scandals accompanied the installation of such monuments:

  • Monument to Peter I - even before installation, some Muscovites were against the installation of the monument in their city. Residents arranged pickets and rallies, wrote requests to the president. Protest shares continued after installing the monument. There were also rumors that initially on the site of Peter was the statue of Columbus, but it was not possible to sell the monument in any Latin America or Spain. After that, Columbus was replaced by the statue of the first Russian emperor and safely installed in Moscow. The scandals of the sculpture of Tsereteli added the presence of the most ugly buildings in the ranking of the most ugly buildings in 2008. The opponents of the monument of the monument with sarcasm nicknamed the "Peter in Skirt" monument.
  • Monument "Monument to the gendarm" (or "Louis") - installed in Moscow, near the hotel "Cosmos". The monument was created in honor of the leader of French resistance, but the French authorities refused the present, after which the monument was established in Russia. Subsequently, both French and Russian media were separated in the fluff and dust the appearance of the sculpture. So, the press wrote that the great leader looks more like a martyr or a slave, his face is distorted by all the flour of hell, and the silhouette does generally look comical. It was the opinion that the statue is similar to Louis de Fühnes - the famous French actor who played a major role in a series of films about gendarmes. Journalists argued whether the monument will cause an international scandal or will be reduced to a diplomatic incident.
  • The sculptural composition of the "tear of grief" - donated to the American people in the sign of sympathy of the tragedy on September 11, 2001. The author himself symbolically portrayed the twin towers in his creation, but the Americans saw a completely different meaning in the monument. So, in one American edition it was written that the monument was visually similar to the genital organs of a woman, and it would be an insult to the representatives of the fine sex. Initially, the montage of the sculpture was conceived at the place of the tragedy, however, after such a critical comments, the monument was set in New Jersey on the pier of the Hudson River.
  • The monument "The tragedy of nations" is a symbolic sculpture dedicated to the victims of Beslan. The sculpture is a procession of the victims of the genocide that rebels from the graves. This sculptural composition caused an ambiguous reaction from the population and critics. So, art historians have positively appreciated the sculpture, calling it the best work of Zurab Tsereteli. But Muscovites were categorically against its installation, pickets and protest shares were organized. The townspeople called the marching "zombies" and "coffins" and demanded that this "horror" would be transferred away. Subsequently, the sculpture was dismantled and transferred to the park on Poklonnaya Mount.

Another scandal around Cereteli's creativity occurred in 2009, when the installation of the statue of Jesus Christ was planned at Solovki. The leadership of the reserve at Solovki was argued against the installation of the statue. The monument was never installed.

From the transaction in Georgia, the Tbilisi Academy of Arts, years of work at the Georgian Academy of Sciences. From Zurab Tsulukidze from Tbilisi to Muscovite Zurab Tsereteli - a long way. With a unique experience: For example, in Paris, where, on the course on the development of artistic fantasy, a young master happened to communicate with Pablo Picasso and Marc Chagall. The chief artist of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Moscow Olympiad. Ambassador of Good Will UNESCO and President of the Russian Academy of Arts. The chief artist of the Church of Christ the Savior, who headed Arteel painted the Dome of the Cathedral ... Zurab Tsereteli created more than five thousand paintings and monumental works that separated worldwide. Natalia Lennikova - about five monuments of the sculptor, about which hot spores were not conducted.

Zurab Tsereteli. Photo: Artem Geodakian / Tass

"Here's my opinion! Who was in Italy, say that "forgive" other lands, "the words of Gogol about the sunny country. Signor Nikolo wrote in the eternal city of "Dead Souls". And for ten years in the Roman Park Villa Borghese is a three-meter monument to the trial of the work of Zurab Tsereteli.

This is the gift of the sculptor of the Italian capital to the 150th anniversary of the death of the Russian writer. Gogol in the bronze sits thoughtfully on a bench with a cheerful mask in his hands and sadly looks at the surrounding. "About Russia I can write only in Rome, just that it will have everything to me, in all its grudge" - carved on the pedestal.

Monument from the gallery of sculptures of outstanding women. The monument Zoe Kosmodemyanskaya in the Moscow region Rouze was transferred to the city by Russian military-historical society and the author. All works: sketches, layouts and casting of bronze - performed by Zurak Tseretels themselves. The bronze image of the first woman - the Hero of the Soviet Union came out simple and strict.

Under the firings, the house of the culture, a four-meter figure of a girl with his hands tied behind his backs. According to the sculptor, it was work for the soul and "entered into people" only at the request of the Minister of Culture of Russia. In the year 90th anniversary of Zoe.

"Good wins evil." Bronze Celebration of Justice is one of the most famous creations of Zurab Tsereteli. The monument is open in front of the UN building in New York to the 70th anniversary of the international organization.

Georgy Victorious Patches the Dragon's spear. The plot is classic, but the dragon is from fragments of dismantled American and Soviet missiles "Persing-2" and SS-20. The figure of St. George was cast in Moscow, but the rocket was collected in the USA: details were provided on behalf of the USSR Ministry of Defense and the American side. So the symbol of the end of the Cold War appeared.

The world's first monument to D'Artagnan and three Musketeers - Gift Zurab Tsereteli Gaskoni. A literary four appeared at the request of the descendant of the famous Gascon, Senator Count Emery de Montcape. The prototype of the bronze heroes were the characters of the film Georgy Jungwald Hilkevich.

The monument was opened with a solemn parade of the current musketeers in the presence of Actors of Veniamine Stochikov and Valentina Smirnitsky. Together with the Zurab Tsereteli, kinysheketers became members of the Musketeer Society. They were welcomed by 650 Odopolchan, who came to Gascon from different countries.

"With the posting of such growth, it is not easy to argue." Six-meter Uncle Stepa appeared in 2015 in the center of Samara. Money for the monument to the literary colleague was collected by employees and veterans of the internal affairs bodies. The author of the sculpture - Zurab Tsereteli - refused the fee. The bronze composition seemed from the pages of the book Sergey Mikhalkov: High-rise at the traffic lights surrounded by children.

Everyone loved Uncle Step
Dares to Uncle Step:
He was the best friend
All the guys from all yards ...

The opening of the monument was timed to the 80th anniversary of the Militiamen beloved by all children.