The meaning of the name is liana. What does the unusual name Liana mean

The meaning of the name is liana.  What does the unusual name Liana mean
The meaning of the name is liana. What does the unusual name Liana mean

There are two most popular versions of the meaning and origin of the name Liana. About this and much more in our article.

The most popular version can be called the origin of the name Liana from the Latin word "lilium". Translated, it means "lily flower". So, if you follow the logic, the meaning of the name Liana "lily flower"... The name Lilia has the same meaning. However, some sources, relying on the same initial data, argue that the meaning of the name Liana is "slim" or even "thin"... Unfortunately, both versions have rather contradictory arguments.

The second version is considered to be the origin of the name Liana from the Greek generic name. If so, then the meaning of the name Liana is "sad news". It is worth noting that none of the versions of the meaning has sufficiently strong arguments in its favor.

The meaning of the name Liana for a girl

Girls named Liana grow up as cute and smiling children. Liana is a joyful, energetic and sociable girl. She easily makes friends with peers and quickly builds contact with teachers. Both in kindergarten and at school, the girl feels confident. The girl is characterized by some excessive pride. She, endowed with an excess of attention, often becomes narcissistic and vain. Parents will have to make a lot of effort so that the girl does not grow up to be an arrogant.

Learning is easy for Liana and she easily assimilates school material. The girl begins to show her creativity early and usually develops in this direction. She has a good sense of rhythm, has good hearing and is good at drawing. Which direction Liana will choose is rather a matter of chance. Most often, after school, she continues her education related to her creative hobby.

The health of the owner of the name is strong. She rarely gets sick and is naturally endowed with a high vitality. She has a good track record for sports and can achieve great success. The most successful direction for Liana will be gymnastics, dance and figure skating.

Abbreviated name Liana

Diminutive names

Linochka, Linushka, Linusya, Lianchik, Lianushka, Lianochka.

Name Liana in English

In English, the name Liana is spelled as Liana.

Liana's name for passport- LIANA.

Translation of the name Liana into other languages

in Spanish - Liana
in Italian - Liana
in German - Liana and Liane
in Portuguese - Liana
in Romanian - Liana
in Ukrainian - Liana
in French - Liana
in Czech - Lianka

Liana's name in church(in the Orthodox faith) is not specified. The name Liana does not appear in either the Orthodox or Catholic calendar.

Characteristics of the name Liana

An adult Liana is characterized by such traits as artistry, a desire to stand out, pride and sociability. Since childhood, she has been able to easily like people, which she certainly uses for selfish purposes. If parents miss this negative moment, then the adult Liana will be a selfish and narcissistic person. If she can cope with this scourge, she will use her excellent data in a positive way.

It is also worth noting that Liana is a changeable person with a frequently changing mood. This feature of her will often interfere with her life. She can often, against a background of excessive optimism, start rash projects and various events. But after a while, Liana's optimism will surely be replaced by decadent moods.

Liana's work is often associated with her creative talent. Liana usually works in the direction in which she achieved some success in her earlier years. She can be a choreographer, artist, designer. That is, to engage in the kind of activity in which there will be an opportunity for the useful use of her creative energy.

Liana is in no hurry to build family relationships. She chooses her future spouse for a long time and meticulously. Liana becomes a terrible possessive when she thinks that she has found "the one". This is probably the main sign that Liana has fallen in love. In the family, Liana tries to be a leader and often conflicts with her husband arise on this basis. She is a caring wife and a good mother.

The mystery of the name Liana

Liana's secret can be called her relationship to loved ones. She often uses the Machiavellian principle, where "the end justifies the means." She can be too rude to loved ones, and especially to children. She should think about the fact that loved ones rather need love and this is above all.

Another secret of Liana is worth noting. This secret is her inner world. What is in her soul, even the closest ones may not know. She is very jealous of her personal space. Usually this is due to the fact that Liana knows very well that her thoughts are not good, so she does not want to share them.

Planet- Pluto.

Zodiac sign- Scorpion.

Totem animal- Bumblebee.

Name color- Yellow.

Tree- Wisteria.

Plant- Wisteria flowers.

A rock- Tiger's Eye.

Origin of the name Liana... Name Liana Catholic.

Name synonyms Liana... Liliana, Lilia, Lianne, Julia, Juliana, Eliana, Heliana, Emilian, Emiliana, Vitaliana.

Short name form Liana... Li, Liane, Lianka, Lina, Linusya, Linukha, Linusha, Liana, Anya.

Name Liana has several versions of its origin. According to the first version, the name Liana It is derived from the name of the plant, which in translation from the Latin language "lilium" means "thin, slender (in shape) like a plant liana", while we are not necessarily talking about the plant "liana", but a thin-stemmed plant, possibly a flower. There is also another translation - "youth".

According to the second version, the name Liana has a French origin, comes from Elaine (a variant of the name Elena), and translates as "woven", but there are other translation options - "bright", "light", "brilliant", "clear", "smart", "catchy" ...

Name Liana is a short form of such names as Julia, Ulyana, Liliana, Juliana, Eliana, Geliana, Emilian, Emiliana, Vitaliana, Aureliana. Also name Liana it is also considered a diminutive appeal to the male names Maximilian, Emilian.

Diminutive forms of Lina, Anya are also independent names.

Name Liana does not appear in either the Orthodox or Catholic calendar. Name days for a name Liana see corresponding full name.

Liana is a strong-willed woman with a developed intellect and intuition. She perfectly adapts to any circumstance. It is not typical for a girl to lose her presence of mind. Liana has a fairly high self-esteem, which supports her in difficult life situations. By nature Liana- introvert. She tends not to tell others her thoughts, and does not do what she says. Liana has an analytical mind. The girl is very curious about what could be the source of the trouble. Liana not devoid of talent. As a child, she draws well and enjoys music.

A woman with this name knows how to organize well the fulfillment of her plans, although in her own interests she can pretend that she does not understand what she is being told about. Liana not very plastic, instantly reacts to what is happening only in case of emergency. A girl starts any business only when she understands what it is for. At the same time, it is typical for Liana to bring the started cases to the end. As a child, a girl dreams of becoming an investigator or intelligence officer, but as she grows up, she achieves her best success by working on television and radio.

Although in my soul Liana dreams of being a weak woman, she does not dare to allow herself this. In life Liana is guided only by her desires and ambitions, therefore, moral standards sometimes fade into the background. And for the sake of her goal, the girl will not stop at anything. Liana feminine and charming, which easily attracts the opposite sex. There are always many men around the girl. Though Liana- not an evil woman, but a rival, especially a more successful one, will take revenge long enough until she satisfies her thirst for revenge. She gets married late, as she values ​​and values ​​her free life and independence very much.

Liana she is quite sociable, she perfectly finds a common language with any person. There are always only the right people next to a girl, whom she unmistakably chooses, using her intuition. Most of the girl's friends are men. Friends do not stay with her for a long time because of her envy.

Liana's birthday

Liana does not celebrate name day.

Famous people named Liana

  • Liana Isakadze ((born 1946) Georgian violinist and conductor, People's Artist of the USSR (1988))
  • Liana-Gabriela Ungur ((born 1985) before marriage - Liana-Gabriela Balach; Romanian tennis player)
  • Lika (Liana) Nifontova ((born 1963) People's Artist of Russia, since 1984 has been working at the Satyricon Theater)
  • Liana Pasquali ((1915 - 2010) Italian harpist and music teacher. Graduated from the Paris Conservatory, student of Marcel Tournier. Performed in an ensemble with such musicians as Maxim Amfitheatrov, George Djordgescu. From 1947 to 1975 she was a professor at the Bucharest Conservatory. After retirement returned to Italy, lived near Cagliari and was the author of a number of arrangements for harp (in particular, the partitas by Johann Sebastian Bach and Hungarian Dances by Ferenc Farkas.)
  • Liana Eliava ((born 1939) Soviet screenwriter and film director)
  • Liana Blumfeld ((1906 -?) Russian and Soviet translator)
  • Liana(Larisa) Zhvania ((born 1949) Honored Artist of Russia)
  • Liana de Pugy ((1869 - 1950) actually - Anne-Marie de Chasseny, French dancer, writer and courtesan, one of the Parisian stars of the Belle Epoque)
  • Liana Augustine (German-Austrian singer and film actress, representative of Austria at the Eurovision Song Contest 1958)
  • Liana Esaki (Russian artist)
  • Liana Balaban (Canadian actress)

Liana is a name for a strong-willed and strong-willed girl who turns into an artistic, sociable and proud woman with a rich inner world.

Name history

The name Liana is widespread in Armenia. However, the origin of the name Liana has several versions of the interpretation and is not limited to some unambiguous answer. The name Liana has its origin according to one of the versions and the meaning is associated with the Latin word "lilium", which translates as "lily flower" or "thin, slender, like a liana plant." There is another version of the origin of the female name Liana - Greek, according to which the meaning is "sad news". Also, historians associate this name with the French language, namely with another name Elaine, or in Russian it is Elena. In this case, it translates as "woven". Secondary translation options - "catchy", "nimble", "brilliant", "bright", "light". Perhaps the prerequisites for the formation of the female name Liana appeared in ancient Greek mythology. The son of Apollo was called Lin. It was from the male version that the female Liana could have formed.


A baby who was given such a melodic and gentle female name will grow up as a cheerful, active and very sociable child. The girl is always smiling and good-natured, so she always has many friends, whom she acquires more and more over the years. She easily manages to establish excellent contact with teachers and educators. This child always has enough attention, she is sometimes even spoiled by him. Therefore, it can grow to be narcissistic and vain. Lina is good at school. Liana goes to school with great pleasure, she likes to do her homework, learn something new and bring what she started to the end.

The meaning of the name Liana for a smart and creative girl makes it possible to attend any developmental circles. She early has a craving for creativity, by nature she is endowed with a good ear for music, a sense of rhythm, the makings of an artist. Often she herself seeks to get into various sections and circles to improve her skills. The nature of the name Liana makes this baby very susceptible to criticism and other people's opinions.

It is very difficult for her to perceive the fact when someone else is put as an example or compared to someone else. But the advantages of Lina's character are restraint and high self-control. Therefore, even in such annoying situations, the baby will not show discontent, she will only improve herself, that is, take into account her own mistakes. Despite Liana's sociability, she needs a feeling of coziness, comfort, and most importantly, security. Therefore, she can often avoid large companies and enjoy being alone with herself. Also, a characteristic feature of this girl is the desire to keep all her thoughts, feelings, dreams to herself. Only the closest ones can she devote to her secrets.

Personal life

Liana Nifontova

A girl named Liana, which means attractive and feminine, always enjoys the attention of men. There are always a lot of them in her life. But for a partner, she never opens up to the end, remaining a mystery. There is always an understatement in a relationship. By nature, she is a proprietor, which is very clearly felt by her chosen one in love. Due to the fact that Liana is jealous, in a relationship she may show not the very best traits - anger, vindictiveness, sometimes even envy. In a relationship, this girl does not always remain honest and open to the end.

Sometimes, especially in her youth, she has a passion for sports and she simply collects her fans, leaving no chance and hope. In no hurry to get married. For a girl named Liana, because of the meaning of the name and the fate in love affairs, it can be ambiguous. Due to the fact that a girl for a very long time, painstakingly meticulously looking for a husband for herself, she may simply lose many years. Another fear associated with marriage is the loss of independence. She does not want to simply plunge into this life and get bogged down in it. For her, a man should become a support and support, provide for a family and fulfill her whims. If she finds such a thing, then she turns into a wonderful, affectionate and caring wife. And when children appear in a family, then a good mother.

Business and career

Liana's qualities such as diligence, decency, conscientiousness are manifested in her work. High intelligence and a broad outlook help Liana to quickly move up the career ladder, find ways out of any situations that have arisen, which is very much appreciated by her superiors. Since, according to the meaning of the name, the girl Liana is a very creative person, she seeks to connect her profession with this particular sphere. By nature, she is a careerist, ready to go over the heads, agrees to all sorts of tricks. Accepts cunning and lies, if necessary to achieve success in the professional field.

Thanks to the meaning of the name and character, Liana can link her fate with the branches of politics, economics, and jurisprudence. She always strives to show herself in a favorable light in front of her superiors, is very close to him, and this helps her to move up the career ladder. But not only because of this. Thanks to her truly unique abilities, aspirations and skills, she becomes an indispensable person at work. It is not difficult for her to master a new area and change the focus of her activities. It brings her pleasure and work with various equipment. Liana can be a great teacher, she likes the process of teaching other people.


The character of a girl named Liana is controversial. She is bright, artistic, at the same time reliable and proud, tender and jealous, decent and arrogant. People like her are called unpredictable. Even loved ones find it difficult to understand what is on her mind now. In a company, a young girl or an already mature woman is always the most popular. She retains her sociability from the moment she begins to speak, and until old age.

Sociability is what the name Liana means, because she is able to find a topic for conversation with absolutely any person. She knows how to properly use her popularity, knows what people like, therefore they use it very often for selfish purposes. A changeable mood can make her life much more difficult. The meaning of the name Liana endows the girl with secrecy in terms of her own feelings and experiences. She never flaunts her emotions, she hides vulnerability deep in her soul. As in childhood, it is very difficult for her to transfer any comments to her address. She may react to this too emotionally, but only in the shower, not outside.

A positive character trait of this girl is dedication. She never gives up what she started halfway through, she brings everything to the end. This can make her fate happy and successful. There is a bit of adventurism in the line. Her character pluses are attentiveness, nobility, discernment and good nature. Disadvantages in the form of arrogance, isolation complement impulsiveness. Sometimes loved ones can suffer from Lina's excessive rudeness, especially children. People will always reach out to Liana, even though these girls are often deprived of a sense of taste. Lina may dress too frankly or behave too vulgarly, but this does not repel people at all. The meaning of the name Liana is a good-natured and sociable optimist who always infects everyone with fun, is an inexhaustible source of jokes.

A girl named Liana has her own symbols and talismans, this means that she is patronized by the planet Neptune, a suitable zodiac constellation - Pisces and Sagittarius, her mascot stone aquamarine and topaz, a totem animal - a whale, a dolphin, auspicious day of the week Friday, and happy for her the colors are blue, green, aquamarine.


Liana has good compatibility for marriage with men named Spartak, Julian, Fedor, Alexander, Andrey, Igor, Laurus, Ostap, Konstantin, Victor, Bogdan, Gleb, Daniil, Semyon, Mikhail, Egor.

The meaning of the name Liana has unfavorable compatibility with Artyom, Vladislav, Roman, Nikita, Ilya, Matvey, Makar, Grigory, Sergey, Denis, Eugene, Alexei.

The name Liana means "young", "thin", "woven", "sad".

The origin of the name Liana

Liana is a feminine name. There are two versions of the origin of the name Liana. According to the first version, the name Liana has Latin roots and is translated as "thin", "young". According to the second version, this name is of Greek origin and means "sad song".

Characteristics of the name Liana

The name Liana is ideal for girls born under the following signs of the zodiac: Gemini, Aquarius, Libra.

Little Liana is a cheerful, peaceful, active child. She likes to communicate, she has many acquaintances and friends. Growing up, Liana becomes a self-confident and proud woman, but despite this, in her heart she remains a vulnerable girl. Therefore, if troubles happen in her life, she keeps her feelings about this to herself, and does not share them with anyone. No matter what problems Liana is worried about, and no matter what hurricanes are raging inside her, she always tries to pretend that everything is in order.

The characteristic of the name Liana suggests that he is a reliable and responsible person who can be relied on in difficult times, and who can be trusted with the most intimate secrets. At the same time, Liana does not strive to be a "support" for others and does not want to be a "vest" into which one can always cry, since she is somewhat selfish.

Liana is smart, she does her job conscientiously, thanks to innate perseverance, she can make a successful career. Liana enjoys teaching, so it is likely that she will become a music teacher, drawing, physical education, or rhythmic gymnastics coach.

Liana name compatibility

Liana is naturally feminine, sexually attractive, charming and mysterious. She always has a lot of fans. Liana is in no hurry to get married, since she has been choosing her only man for a long time. But, despite the careful selection of the candidate for husbands, Liana's husband does not always live up to the hopes placed on him. In this case, Liana will continue her search for the perfect man, while convincing her husband that she loves only him alone. Although Liana does not always behave like an exemplary wife, she does not even allow her husband to look towards the other woman, as she is very jealous and a great possessor.

Liana will have a successful marriage with men whose names are Julian, Fedor, Spartak, Ostap, Nikita, Laurus, Kazimir, Igor, Ermolai, Gabriel, Andrey, Alexander.

The best compatibility of the name Liana with patronymic Vladimirovna, Aleksandrovna, Sergeevna, Yurievna, Andreevna, Nikolaevna, Alekseevna, Mikhailovna, Vyacheslavovna, Eldarovna, Tigranovna, Rustamovna, Maratovna, Arsenovna, Arturovna.

Famous people

Famous women named Liana:

  • Isakadze (violinist, conductor);
  • Ungur (tennis player);
  • Nifontova, Zhvania (artist);
  • Pasquali (harpist, teacher);
  • Eliava (film director, screenwriter);
  • Blumfeld (translator);
  • Augustine (film actress, singer);
  • Esaki (artist);
  • Balaban (actress).

Liana name origin and meaning
The article makes it possible to get acquainted with the meanings of the name Liana, find out the versions of its origin, characteristics of the name Liana. And also find out the most compatible middle names and male names.


The meaning of the name Liana

The name Liana has several versions of its origin. According to the first version, the name Liana is derived from the name of the plant, which in translation from the Latin language "lilium" means "thin, slender (in shape) like a plant liana" a thin-stemmed plant, possibly a flower. There is also another translation - "youth".

According to the second version, the name Liana is of French origin, comes from Elaine (a variant of the name Elena), and translates as "woven", but there are other translation options - "bright", "light", "shiny", "clear", " nimble "," catchy ".

The name Liana is a short form of such names as Ulyana, Liliana, Juliana, Eliana, Heliana, Emiliana, Emiliana, Vitaliana, Aureliana. Also, the name Liana is considered a diminutive appeal to the male names Maximilian, Emilian.

Diminutive forms of Lily, Lina, Anya are also independent names.

The name Liana does not appear in either the Orthodox or Catholic calendar. For the name Liana, see the corresponding full name.

Liana is a strong-willed woman with a developed intellect and intuition. She perfectly adapts to any circumstance. This girl does not tend to lose her presence of mind. Liana has a rather high self-esteem that supports her in difficult life situations.

Liana is an introvert by nature. She tends not to tell others her thoughts, and does not do what she says. Liana has an analytical mind. The girl is very curious, which can be a source of trouble. Liana is not without talent. As a child, she draws well and enjoys music.

A woman with this name knows how to organize well the fulfillment of her plans, although in her own interests she can pretend that she does not understand what she is being told about. Liana is not very plastic, instantly reacts to what is happening only in case of emergency. A girl starts any business only when she understands what it is for. At the same time, it is typical for Liana to bring the started cases to the end. As a child, a girl dreams of becoming an investigator or intelligence officer, but as she grows up, she achieves her best success by working on television and radio.

Although in her heart Liana dreams of being a weak woman, she does not dare to afford it. In life, Liana is guided only by her desires and ambitions, so moral norms sometimes fade into the background. And for the sake of her goal, the girl will not stop at anything.

Origin and meaning

The most popular version of the etymology (origin) of the name Liana is associated with the name of the plant of the same name. It is translated into Russian by the adjectives "thin", "slender", "young". Some researchers consider this name to be French, derived from Elaine (a variant of the name Elena). In translation, it is given the meaning of "woven", "bright", "nimble", "catchy", "shiny", "light". Possible, but linguistically unjustified, is the assumption of the connection between the name Liana and the proper names Julia, Ulyana, Vitalina, Emiliana, etc.


Liana's name contains the character traits of a strong person. Such a woman is active, persistent, rational, self-confident. She is endowed with spatial imagination, mathematical abilities. This is an inventive person, inclined to take risks. She has a difficult character, ambitious plans.

As a child, Liana prefers solitude, does not like noisy companies, refuses to attend the kindergarten. Parents understand the character of their daughter and try in every possible way to help her establish social contact. The girl does well at school. He spends a lot of time on independent studies, in-depth study of exact subjects. In adulthood, he focuses on career and professional success. He ignores the orientation towards communication. She is always interested in a specific or final result of the work.

The secret of the name lies in the fact that Liana always focuses on the present. In her first place is the action, the solution of everyday problems. Behind them are abstract problems and difficult questions. She is very mercantile. For the sake of success, you will not be ashamed to step over moral principles. Possessing a great sense of humor and excellent intellect, he manages to get away from a showdown, participation in squabbles (quarrels over petty intrigues) and gossip. For this, she is appreciated at work and even more “grave sins” are forgiven.

Hobbies and hobbies

Liana's best friends are beautiful and expensive things, good music, and her favorite internet. The girl is fond of archaeological excavations, engineering discoveries, enthusiastically reads technical literature, can repair a car engine and please her colleagues with a new rationalization proposal. Able to restore and repair any thing, if it is of interest or necessary. She independently equips a country house, makes repairs in an apartment. She likes people who are into physically dangerous sports.

Profession and business

The owner of the name Liana is an irreplaceable person in production. She knows almost all difficult working professions. She always becomes successful by managing mechanisms, machines, equipment. Has a talent for military affairs. Can make an excellent career in the law enforcement system, jewelry art, working as an engineer, constructor or pilot.

Liana needs to be constantly on the move, go in for sports, and not admire the achievements of others on TV. The reason for the development of atherosclerosis in adulthood is overweight, stress, cholesterol and a sedentary lifestyle.

Sex and love

The owner of the name Liana is a proud and secretive nature. But if you do not know this, then an erudite, silent and slightly ironic lady attracts the attention of many representatives of the stronger sex. In addition, such a person always feels more comfortable in a male society. She does not accept stereotypes and believes that any woman should be smart, because there should not be stupid girls. She is looking for a partner who is able to be not only a lover, but also a person who can appreciate and understand her as a person. Sex and love for her are inseparable concepts.

Family and marriage

Liana is getting married late. She knows the price of freedom and independence. He does not quit his job after marriage. Can give birth to twins. He adores children, but without the help of a spouse, it is difficult to adapt, enters the role of a mother, finds the language of communication with children. He rarely agrees to a divorce, even if difficult problems arise. In the family, the interests of children come first.

The origin, characteristics and meaning of the name Liana
The female name Liana, its meaning and origin. Full and short forms. Liana characteristic, compatibility.


Liana - the meaning of the name

Name meaning: thin, slender, light

Short form: Li, Liane, Lianka, Lina, Linusya, Linukha, Linusha, Liana, Anya

The meaning of the name Liana has not yet been thoroughly studied. There are several versions of the origin of this name, each of which has the right to exist. Some experts in onomastics (the science that studies proper names) believe that the name Liana came to us from the Greek language, while others argue that it has Scandinavian roots. In any case, it does not exist either in the Orthodox or in the Catholic calendar. In Orthodoxy, Lian's day is often celebrated on April 5, the day of the holy Great Martyr Lydia of Illaria.

The fair sex, girls who bear the name Liana, since childhood are distinguished by their sociability and sociability. They easily make new acquaintances, as they always feel confident and the excess of attention from others does not bother them at all.

At school girls named Liana are able to quickly establish contact with both peers and teachers, but they have a share of narcissism, which often alienates other people from them.

  • Parents of such children have to make a lot of effort so that excessive narcissism does not lead to sad results.
  • She is a very purposeful person and studies are easy enough for her.
  • However, very often, despite the ability to the humanities and exact sciences, he chooses a creative path for himself and begins to realize his potential in art.
  • Usually he draws well, has a sense of rhythm and an ear for music.

The name Liana - the meaning, fate and character of the girl

Liana is a beautiful feminine name, the owner of which is endowed with a strong character. At school, she enjoys acquiring new knowledge, so teachers love her. Liana is a confident girl, she takes risks without hesitation and achieves her goals. Representatives of the name are faithful spouses who sacredly guard the family hearth. Children are the most valuable thing for Liana, she loves them and puts their interests above all else. The girl achieves great success at work thanks to her hard work and subtle mind. With age, Liana changes, her character traits are revealed, her worldview and outlook on life are formed.

There is no single version regarding the origin of the name Liana:

  • The name is based on a Latin word that translates as "thin", "young".
  • According to another version, the name is of Greek origin. If you translate it into Russian, you get a poetic and gentle translation - "sad song".
  • In French there is the name Elaine. Liana is one of the variations of the French name, which means "woven".
  • In ancient Greek mythology, Apollo's son was called Lin. Later, from the male name, the female name was formed - Liana.

It is impossible to dwell on any of the versions given above, they all have an equal right to exist. If we take as a basis the options for translating a name from different languages, then you can get several versions of its meaning.

The meaning of the name Liana is "thin", "young", "woven", "sad song". The name has a gentle and feminine translation, like the girl herself who wears it.

The name has a powerful energy and has a strong influence on the fate of a person. Liana is a strong and confident girl. She has a well-developed intuition, she easily adapts to a new environment. Thanks to her high self-esteem, Liana successfully achieves her goals, doubts and indecision are alien to her.

From childhood, a sense of comfort and security is important for a girl. She avoids noisy companies and enjoys spending time alone. She was not used to sharing her thoughts. Liana carefully protects them and trusts secrets only to the closest people. She attends school with pleasure, loves to gain new knowledge and delve into the study of subjects. The girl loves to draw, is fond of music. Parents should notice talents in their daughter and help her develop them. Liana does not give up what she started halfway through, she takes a responsible approach to any business.

The female name Liana has several versions of origin: according to the first, it came from the ancient Greek male name Lin (as according to mythology, the son of Apollo was called), according to the second, this is an ancient Greek generic name meaning "sad song", and according to the third, it is just a derivative from plant names liana. In Russia, this name is rare, but it is still widespread.

Characteristics of the name Liana

Liana is a bright and very artistic woman. As a rule, self-esteem and reliability, pride and conscientiousness, envy and sociability coexist in it. Such an explosive mixture makes Liana a multi-layered and complex person, no one from her environment can be sure what this person has in mind and what his next step will be. Interestingly, as a child, Liana has a very peaceful disposition. She is smiling, optimistic, active, she has many friends and girlfriends with whom she loves to communicate. Her creative talent wakes up early in her - usually musical, but she also draws and dances well. In general, she is such a positive child that she cannot but attract attention, which, however, subsequently makes her a proud, self-confident, vulnerable to criticism and failures girl. An adult Liana thinks that she can handle everything, so she prefers to take on initially difficult, risky cases. She closely monitors other people's successes, shows gentle envy, but is charged with this determination, allowing her to go into battle with renewed vigor. It is not easy in communication with Liana, because she largely depends on her mood and does not hesitate to show herself from the bad side.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

This name is most suitable for a girl born under the zodiac sign of Leo or Libra. Leo (23 July-23 August) will make Liana a good organizer, develop her creative inclinations, energy and determination, will allow her to become strong and strong-willed. Libra (September 24-October 23) will endow Liana with temperament, but less activity, under their influence, she will retain her dependence on a rapidly changing mood, and will become less independent.

Pros and cons of the name Liana

What are the pros and cons can be noted in the decision to name the child by the name of Liana? On the one hand, this is a beautiful, unusual, bright name that goes quite well with Russian surnames and patronymics, and also has several euphonious abbreviations and abbreviations, such as Lina, Lianochka, Linusya, Linochka, Lia. However, the complex and proud disposition of many Liane can spoil the overall impression of this name, although through competent education these shortcomings of her character can be easily corrected.


Liana's health is strong, she can even find herself in some kind of sport, for example, figure skating or gymnastics.

Love and family relationships

Liana does not enter into family relations for a long time because of her amorousness and picky, however, when she finds her only one, she becomes a possessive and jealous woman. In the family, she tries to take the place of the leader. In general, she makes a good wife and a very caring mother, but she sometimes lacks gentleness.

Professional sphere

In the professional field, Liana can find herself working in a theater, film studio, advertising agency, school (general education, music, sports or dance), museum.


Liana does not celebrate her birthday, since this name is not in church calendars.