Life on stage. Great dancers and ballersters, famous for the whole world

Life on stage. Great dancers and ballersters, famous for the whole world
Life on stage. Great dancers and ballersters, famous for the whole world

Scene of the Bolshoi Theater. Photo - Vladimir Vyatkin

March 28, the anniversary of the Bolshoi Theater was celebrated. We tell about the attachments of the ballerins, which are shine today on the famous scene.

Maria Alexandrov

The name of the people's artist of the Russian Federation Mary Alexandrova in the poster is an undoubted guarantee of Anshland.

Ballerina hit the Bolshoi Theater in 1997, becoming the first award of the International Competition. And almost immediately moved from the actipers of the core land in the rank of leading soloist.

For 20 years, no theatrical season is not necessary without her participation.

All Heroes of Prima - the owner of a difficult nature, volitional and strong women. Today, in the Bolshoi Theater, you can see Alexandrov in the image of Undines from the "Hero of Our Time" and in the lead role of "Giselle" in the editorial office of Grigorovich.

Svetlana Zakharova

Svetlana Zakharova first performed on the stage of the St. Petersburg Mariinsky Theater, but at the take-off of his career was not afraid to start everything first and go to the big one.

Since 2003, the actress performs in Moscow, and in 2008 it even became a barrier of the famous Milan theater "La Scala". We can say that Zakharova managed to shut down all the solo parties of cult ballets, among which "Giselle", "Swan Lake", "Bayaderka", "Carmen-Suite".

But, despite the world glory, Prima remains a devotee to the Big Theater, and its last work - Mary in the ballet "Hero of our time".

Evgenia Exodzova

Another former primaries of Mariins, and since 2011, the star of the Bolshoi Theater - Evgenia Exodzova.

Elegant, fragile girl is an ideal heroine of all romantic fairy tales, so behind her shoulders such tender images like Sylphide, Giselle, Bayaderka, Princess Aurora, Cinderella, Juliet.

However, the ballerina does not seek to limit themselves the scope of a narrow role: the main thing for it is to dance so that the audience believed to be seen on stage. Exactly toured a lot and even removed in foreign films.

Ekaterina Shipulin

Ekaterina Shipulin today is one of the most sought-after ballerinas of Russia. At the end of the Moscow State Academy of Choreography, she was adopted in the Bolshoi Theater troupe, where he managed to work absolutely with all the choreographers.

Critics note the desire of hipped to absolute accuracy of execution. In the stars repertoire, dozens of leading parties: Odetta-Odile in the "Swan Lake", Esmeralda in the "Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God", Giselle Giselle.

Today, I can see at the scene of a large in the image of Undines in the "Hero of our time" ballet.

Ekaterina Krysanova

The biography of this prima can surprise many, because the first formation of Catherine Krysanova was not choreographic.

At first, the famous ballerina studied at the Moscow Center for Opera singing. Vishnevskaya and only after arrived at the Moscow Academy of Choreography. Prima's status was not immediately received, but after participating in the ballet "Sleeping Beauty" once and forever became the favorite of the audience and theatrical critics.

The last work of the rat in the Bolshoi Theater was the "Russian seasons" and the role of the Cologna Paris Ballerina in "Lost Illusions".

Nina Kapartov

Nina Kartov in 1996, immediately after graduating from the Moscow State Academy of Choreography, took the Bolshoi Theater in the troupe. She has been an excellent one since childhood and not used to work.

The result of zealous workouts is obvious: in 2011, Kaptsova received the title of rejo. After that, they secured his success leading parties in ballets: "Emeralds", "Ivan Grozny", "Onegin". Today, visual ballerina can be seen on the stage of large in the image of Margarita Gauthier in the "Dam with Camellia", as well as in the "classical symphony".

Russian ballerina is the national domain of the country, their names are real brands. Lobatkin, celebrating today Birthday, Vishneva, Zakharova, Osipova - real cultural lighthouses. InStyle chose the main dancers of modern Russia. They, like Kshesinsky in due time, are the real pop stars, they are more than ballerinas.

Ulyana Lopatkin

Last summer, Lopatkin, the most, called the icon of the style of the Russian ballet, announced the end of the dance career. The reason is the consequences of injuries. "I thank everyone who met me on the creative way! All who became a mentor for me, a friend, an assistant who inspired, demanded, consoled and cared, believed, thanked and supported! All who worked near and with me! All my audience, everyone who understood me and gave the applause from the hall! " - Such a record appeared on the site of the ballerina. Two months later, Lopatkin became a student in St. Petersburg State University, decided to study the "design of the medium". And the current spring imperial porcelain plant has released star figures. Lopatkin, as well as Vishneva, - Symbols of St. Petersburg, it's time to put the monuments.

Diana Vishneva

Perhaps the most famous ballerina of Russia is she. Vishneva. "They did not want to take me to the choreographic school. Almost no one believed that I could first become the best student, then win contests, and then get to the Mariinsky Theater. I can not say that since childhood it was clear that Diana Vishneva will be the one who she is now, "says Vishneva, adding:" I, rather, I consider myself an artist. " Prima Mariins, World Star, Hostess of their own International Festival Context, she claims that it is not a ballerina, but the artist. And this is true. Vishneva is already more than ballet.

Svetlana Zakharova

Modern Russian dancers, ballerina - real citizens of the world. Prima-ballerina of the Bolshoi and La Scala, Zakharova, too, is a true cosmopolitan. He lived in Germany, worked in the Mariinsky Theater, then moved to Moscow, tightly connected with Italy. This is not counting constant movements from one point of the globe to another. The November schedule of ballerina is Beijing, Seoul, Sofia and Moscow. And Zakharova was in the State Duma, she is also a wife and mother, and loves its deserved popularity. It is a pity only, Instagram is rarely leading: the last for today is dated by August.

Ekaterina Kondaurova

Another primaries of Mariinsky performed unexpected everyday pirouette. Born in Moscow, moved to Petersburg and in his hometown does not want to live.

"When one began to live, I discovered Petersburg, friends became more, my arrows to Moscow became even in a burden. And now I'm trying to avoid her at all. I do not like Moscow at all. I am uncomfortable there, stuffy and everything is not, "Condaurova admits.

In his interview, the ballerina appears very rational, but in dance ... "She is spontaneous on stage than most of her colleagues. And all that often looks like improvisation, really well rehearsed, "Alexey Ratmansky responds about her.

Maria Alexandrov

The Great Balleries of Russia has always differed in character. Here is Maria Alexandrova - in May last year, this primary quit the theater. Itself. The extensive post, published by Alexandrova in social networks, did not explain anything, but the decision was solid. "I stayed in a big contract, and indeed everywhere left on the contract. Now I exist as a free artist, dance and work where I need. And with the theater I remained in a relationship outside the system, "she said recently in one of the interviews. Life continues - Maria launches projects, dancing, rejoices of life.

Natalia Osipova

The list of "Famous Balleyries of Russia" will be incomplete without this dancer. In my generation Osipova - a star number one. And in general, she is - deserved! - In the top sheet of world ballet names. Independent, seeking, Natalia changes the platforms, theaters, countries and everywhere in all its glory and talent. Big, Mikhailovsky, American Ballet Theater, Royal Ballet London. From London, she flies to Perm, from there to St. Petersburg and then - everywhere. But Britain for Osipova is the second home, as well as Sergey Polunin - one of the main partners in the scene.

In Russian cinemas, Matilda Alexey Teacher, and the blogosphere, I fiercely argue about the romantic relationship of Nikolai Second and Kshesin in the blogosphere. But in the history of ballet, there were no less scandalous and bright love romance.

1. Marquis of Teresa de throat Berocho

It is known that Pierre Boshan, Jean-Batist Moliere and Louis XIV invented that the classic ballet in the XVII century. And one of the most famous dance stars at the time was Teresa de Morla Berocho. Teresa Duplex became famous (so called after marriage) due to dramatic talent, dance, amazing beauty, love stories and savory pyruetam, during which the audience could observe her silk stockings.

In Encyclopedias, they usually say that it was she who became the first executive of the roles of Donna Elvira in the Moliere "Don Juan" and Andromaha in the plays of Jean Rasina, but contemporaries were no less hot discussed her lovers. She was a lady rather windy, if not a curtain, circled his head throughout the French high light, including the king-sun, but it was especially destroying, she went on the color of the then French literature.

It all started with Moliere, who for the sake of her left his first star and part-time wife - Madelene Bezhar. Then the novel thundered with the poet Pierre Cornell, who dedicated her many poems. For a while, for some time, the dupack even left the corpses of Moliere. And then she was in the theater and bed of Jean Rasin, the main rival of Moliere at that time. Unfortunately, her story was too early. She died with very suspicious circumstances, for some time Racina was even accused of poisoning.

2. Marie-Madeleine Gimar

This ballerina shone in Paris in front of the French revolution. It shone not only on stage, her love adventures in the capital discussed no less of its theatrical success. We must immediately say that Glory came to her first of all as an outstanding dancer.

Having a bright appearance, she still did not fit into the then standards - Gimar was too thin. Because of this, Paris-Ostrovna called her "skeleton of graces." However, together with the title of prince, she had rather influential lovers.

Unfortunately, Gimar did not leave memoirs or diaries. Many of her friends or prudently died until 1789, or received a line "guillotinized" in the biography. So most facts about her life now reliably not restore. But what remains in the form of rumors and mentions in the literature is impressive.

Among her lovers called financier and merchants, one of the richest people of France Jean-Josefa de Labord, his brother - composer Jean-Benjamin de Labord. From the latter, probably, Gimar gave birth to a daughter. But everyone eclipsed by Charles de Rogan, Prince de Subiz.

Charles de Rogan was not only an aristocrat, gourmet and slaveras, but also by the Marshal of France, held ministerial positions, he patronized Madame Pompadur. Marie-Madeleine Gimar he took on full content and spent huge amounts on her entertainment. They rummed that the ballerina almost ruined him.

At his funds, Gimar built his famous luxury hotel in Paris suburb. The Temple of Terraticor, as it was also called, was known in the evenings, during which they gave presentations beyond the trustiness and invited the "most lustful girls" of the city. Contemporaries repeatedly wrote, which ended with orgies.

3. Giovanna Bassi

The XVIII century is rich in drama and detective stories that never have been solved. Giovannu Bassie cannot be called an outstanding ballerina, although she quite actively performed on the scene of the Swedish opera, and the local audience took her with delight. But in history, she entered no thanks to his PA, but because of a stormy novel with the Graph Adolf Frederick Munkom - "gray cardinal" and the favorite of the Swedish king Gustav III.

Acquaintance of the ballerina and influential court started when the Karredtor's career was on the top of the top. His takeoff was very helped by the fact that the Munch was able to recur in the king with his wife Sophia Magdalena Danish. Speaking as a sexologist, he "established production" two heirs. Evil languages, however, argued that in the birth of the future Gustav IV Adolf managed to do without the king. It hurts the prince looked like a mock. Giovanna Bassie also gave birth, but the girl.

It is not known whether the basson was counted for a quiet family life with a graph, but Munk came under the trial. He was accused of what, engaged on the instructions of the king with a fake of Russian money, he at the same time did a little Swedish. He would have forgiven, but his patron sieve was killed from the hands of conspirators - Gustav III. The death of the Swedish king on the opera during the masquerade. Minky was sent from the country to Italy, the ballerina followed him. Bassi wanted him to marry her and admitted daughter. Another graf refused to her. Ground Bassie returned to his homeland. However, there is also a version that in Italy Ballerina was performed by a spy order of the Secret Council of Sweden.

4. Teresa Elsler

It may seem that the romantic binding of the ballerina and the aristocrat must end up or orgae or the tragedy. It is not quite so, in history there is enough examples when in the final everything is safely, that is, a happy bride leads under the crown. For example, Teresa Elsler managed to become his wife not even a graph or baron, and the most real prince, the younger brother of the Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm III - Adalbert Prussian.

In the history of the ballet, the younger sister Elsler - Francis, or Fanny is more noticeable. She was called one of the most famous ballerinas of the XIX century. Strauss-Son even wrote a operetta about her life "Fanny Elsler dancer." Teresu was considered too high and not so expressive. Nevertheless, it was she who managed to captivate Adalbert, who was already far from the enthusiastic young man - by the time he turned 38 years old, and Ballerina, by the way, was his older for several years. What is surprising, the King of Friedrich Wilhelm IV consent to this morganatic marriage.

The youngest, and more famous, Fanny sister was also the object of attention close to the throne. For example, the sisters career initially helped Fanny's connection with the Sicilian Prince Leopoldo, who arranged ballerinas in the Naples Opera and did not really hide a gentle attitude towards the younger Elsler. It is believed that a couple even born her son.

5. Anna Pavlova

In the 20s of the 20th century, a whole wave of "Pavlovnaya" swept in Europe and the United States. In honor of Russian ballerina called cakes, tulips and newborns. She performed a lot, toured to complete exhaustion and received huge fees for that time. And near her, Viktor Dandre was almost always, who performed the role of the manager, companion and secret husband with the ballerina.

When Pavlova only graduated from the Imperial Theater School, Viktor Dandre seemed to her a fabulous prince. A rich baron, a handsome man, an important official ... Of course, Kshesinskaya actively reduced her with the Grand Duke Boris Vladimirovich, but to be simply the content of the starting ballerina did not want. And next to Dundra, she hoped for an official marriage ...

Alas, Victor quickly made it clear that he could not go to such a Mesallians. The aristocrat pierced her leading parties, gave the jewel and fully provided, but only. In the end, the gap and Pavlova went with Dyagilev to Paris, where he participated in the "Russian seasons" with the Triumph.

At that moment, the life of Dundra has changed dramatically: he went to prison on an embezzlement. Money to pay off debt, he does not have. Then Pavlova left Dyagilev, signed the bondage, but very favorable contract in the financial plan. In addition, she immediately paid a rather impressive advance, which she immediately gave the abandoned lover so that he could pay a deposit and get out of prison. Dundra illegally left Russia, came to her in England and asked her hands. She agreed, but demanded that their marriage remained secret.

6. Tamara Karsavina

The phenomenon of Tamara Karsavina is devoted to the monograph not only the historians of ballet, but also literary critics. Colombin of the Silver Age was the subject of worship for a whole generation of Russian poets since the block.

There is nothing strange in this. Ballet stars all the time attract attention not only rich and aristocrats, in their environment you can always find people creative: writers, artists and musicians. Surprisingly different. Karsavina refused to many celebrities, influential and noble fans, and married a quiet and modest nobleman Vasily Mukhin.

After the Dyagilevsky seasons in Paris, Karsawin became a world celebrity, admirers literally besieged, but for a long time it did not affect the marriage with the mug. Cried the entire meeting in 1913 with Henry Bruce. An English professional diplomat, a graduate of ITON, the younger son of a rich landowner saw her during the reception in the British embassy and immediately fell in love. He looked at her husband with a lightning point, and after the revolution he took away from Russia.

Unlike many similar stories, Henry Bruce did not require Karsavina to leave ballet. On the contrary! He himself left the service, fulfilling, however, some orders, and for a long time went along with her in Europe. At first they lived in France, in 1929 moved to London, but in Forin-office, Bruce returned only during World War II.

8 Chose

As a beautiful ballerina's flight in dancing, as he is light and air, and how hard her work is on the way to this apparent ease. Thousands of girls start this path in ballet schools, but only a few become great ballerinas. On April 23, a significant date in the world of ballet - 210 years since the birth of Mary Taloni, the ballerina was the first inserted to pointe and the first ballet tutu in the air cloud. But this is not the main pages in the history of the ballet, written by the Great Ballerina - its dance, air, mystical, which was compared with the violin of Paganini, became the most famous ballet legend.

Maria Taloni (1804-1884)

Mary's father was a choreographer and choreographer, so I saw in my daughter what others did not see. How else? After all, she had to become a ballerina in the third generation! And she looked a nasty-bang duckling among his other students, from which there was a lot of ridicule to his address. The father was inexorably and strict, sometimes the lesson ended with fainting the dismissed Mary, but it was the hard labor that turned it into the nimph of ballet. And ahead of it was waiting for triumph - in 1827, the "Venetian carnival" in Paris, after which she danced to the Grand Opera and World Glory at 28 years old in the formulation of Sylphide's father. The role of the Salfide became the main thing in her life - a quarter of a century, she was the best executor of this party. Other parties in the production of Philippe Taloni followed it, a long contract with the Grand Opera and ... Tours in Russia. And Petersburg literally "fell ill ballet" - she spoke at the price every other day, invariably causing delight and admiration, attention of the imperial family and adoration of the public. The last speech of the ballerina in St. Petersburg was held on March 1, 1842. They caused it eighteen times - her, a sylphid, flying over the scene on the tips of the Punet in the gas tutu gas cloud ....

Anna Pavlova (1881-1931)

The future star of Russian ballet dreamed of a white rehearsal hall with a portrait of Mary Taloni on the wall. The daughter of the railway contractor and the bagporate possessed beautiful natural ballet data and enormous persistence, thanks to which she could become a student of the theater school, because she was not accepted immediately! Only the second attempt was successful, thanks to Marius Petipa, who looked in a small girl "Mushku in the wind" in a small girl. At the end of the school, Anna entered the Mariinsky Theater, at the time of which she became 6 years later the field of first exit to the scene. "Bayaderka", "Giselle", "Nutcracker" in its brilliant performance was delighted the theatrical audience and picky "balletomanov". The real fame came to her in 1907 after the execution of the miniature "Dying Swan" to the music of Saint-Sansa, which Mikhail Fokin put for her literally for one night for a speech at a charitable concert. Miniature forever became a symbol of the Russian ballet 20th century. Since 1910, a series of tour "Russian Swan" and the history of its world glory begins. "Russian seasons" in Paris became one of the "gold pages" in the history of Russian and world ballet. Anna Pavlova creates his own troupe, his ballet family with which the Classic Ballet Tchaikovsky and Glazunova opens. In 1913, she moved to London and no longer returns to Russia. America, Europe, India, Cuba, Australia applauded Pavlova, who became a living legend. Anna Pavlova died during the tour in the Hague on January 23, 1931 from pneumonia.

Olga Svetivtsieva (1895- 1991)

What most backed the soul of the ballerina - the shocks of the revolution, pursuing her accusations of emigration in "espionage", a spiritual drama or a complete immersion in the image of Giselle, for whom she visited at home for the mentally ill and with which she divided her madness? She could no longer be wished on the stage and, broken, in 1931 moved to the United States, where soon in the state of full loss of memory was in the hospital, where he stayed until 1963. A miracle happened, the memory returned to her and Olga Sptseva lived before the death of Olga Speksivah lived in the pension of the Lion Foundation Tolly, having time to play in a documentary film ....

Agrippina Vaganova (1879-1951)

She did not become a great ballerina at the price, but her name is known to the whole world, as the name of the great ballet teacher, which is wearing a dance academy ....

On the stage, she was prepared only a third-heel roles - she was not attractive outwardly and the first parties went around her face, and critics did not see in her "aerial beauty." Persistent work, talent, magnificent execution technique turned out to be more important than a beautiful outer shell. Agrippina Vaganova "Lepila" herself, having achieved at the beginning of the roles of the second plan, the images of which she opened to the public anew. Creating all new variations already, seemed to be lost images, she received the title "Queen variations" from critics. She did not become the famous ballerina, already in 3 years she was sent to a retirement, but, devoting himself to choreography, became the most famous teacher, having entered the golden letters their name in the history of ballet. She devoted himself to choreography in those years when the question of ... Liquidation of ballet, as an alien type of art, was completely seriously discussed. Vaganovskaya school By right, it became one of the best in the world who released the ballerin, whose names rightly deserve the prefixes "Great": Marina Semenova, Galina Ulanova, Natalia Dudinskaya. Agrippina Vaganova was led by the Academic Opera and Ballet Theater in 1931-1937, having carried out the "Swan Lake" and "Esmeralda" in the new edition, in its special manner that received the name "Vaganovskaya". Its pedagogical experience became a worldwide heritage in many ways thanks to the book "Basics of Classical Dance" written by her, translated almost all languages \u200b\u200bof the world and withstood 7 reissues.

Alicia Alonso (1920)

The creator of the National Ballet Cuba Alicia Martinez del Oo at 9 years has arrived at the same time at the time at the Cuba Ballet School of the Russian Ballet Macer Nikolai Yavorsky. And from the very first day, the ballet became the meaning of his life. Step by step, Alicia went to the intended one after another goals: become a professional ballerina, and then create a national ballet school in Cuba. When politics intervened in her plans, and the very existence of a ballet troupe in Cuba became impossible, she set the goal to support the most gifted dancers to better times. After the victory of the Cuba of the Revolution in 1959, she spends the selection of the most gifted students and puts a new goal - to raise the Cuban ballet world-class. But in her life there were not only large-scale plans, there was a ballet in her life, whose "black-worker" called themselves alias .. her applauded Paris, Milan, Vienna, Naples, Moscow, Prague, and she never was satisfied with him. In 19 years, I made the first operation before my eyes, the vision fell every year, but she danced. "Dancing in the dark" - so talked about the Great Cuban Ballerina. Especially for her, the center of the scene was covered with the brightest spotlight - she did not see the Kulis, scenery, she danced the soul ... Many productions, images - she danced, danced, danced always, without giving himself either overlooking, no discounts on age and loss of vision. The last speech by Alicia Alonso in the Ballet "Butterfly" took place in 1995, when the ballerina turned 75 years old! She still dances, sitting in a wheelchair, fully lost sight - she still dances hands and hearts. Alicia Alonso - Prima Ballerina Assoluta.

Irina Babkin

Planning the material about the ballerina on the May holidays, we did not know that such sad news from Germany will come ... Today, when the whole world is grieving on the legend of the Russian ballet Maye Plisetskaya, we honor her memory and remember modern soloists who will never replace the Bolshoi Theater But adequately will continue the history of the Russian ballet.

Bolshoi Theater gave attention to Ballerina Maria Alexandrov from the first meeting. The first prize conquered in 1997 in the international competition of ballet artists in Moscow became a ticket for the then still students of MGAs to the main troupe of the country. In the first season of work in the big, without a long tomavy, the ballerina was still in the rank of the cereals, the first solo party received the artist. And the repertoire Ros and expanded. Interesting fact: In 2010, Ballerina became the first woman in the history of the ballet, who performed the title party in Persushka I. Stravinsky. Today, Maria Aleksandrov is a large ballerina.

The turning point in the fate of the novice ballerina Svetlana Zakharova was to obtain a second prize in the competition of young Dancers Vaganova-Prix and the following proposal to become a student of the proming course of the Russian Ballet Academy. Vaganova. And the Mariinsky Theater became a reality in the fate of the ballerina. After graduating from the Academy, Ballerina entered the troupe of the Mariinsky Theater, worked out the season, received an offer to become a soloist. The history of relationships with great for Zakharova began in 2003 with a solo party in Giselle (V. Vasilyev). In 2009, Zakharov surprised the audience the premiere of an unusual ballet E. Palmieri "Zakharov. Super game". Big did not plan, but Zakharova organized, and the theater supported the experiment. By the way, such an experience of performing a large ballet for the only ballerina was already, but only once: in 1967, Maya Plisetskaya shone in Carmen-Site.

What to say, the head is spinning and the envy of those who make the first steps in the ballet from the repertoire of Zakharova appear. To date, in its service list, all the solo parties of the main ballets - "Giselle", "Swan Lake", "Bayaderka", "Carmen-Suite", "Diamonds" ...

The beginning of the ballet career of Ulyana Bluatoshina became the party Odettes in the Swan Lake, of course, in the Mariinsky Theater. The execution was so skillful that soon the ballerina received the Golden Sofit Prize for the best debut in the St. Petersburg scene. Since 1995, Lopatkin has a prima-ballerina Marinki. In the repertoire, again familiar names - "Giselle", "Corsair", "Bayaderka", "Sleeping Beauty", "Raymond", "Diamonds", etc. But geography is not limited to work on the same scene. The main scenes of the world were shovel: from the Bolshoi Theater to NHK in Tokyo. In late May, on the stage of the musical theater. Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Lopatkin will perform in collaboration with the "Russian Ballet Stars" in honor of the Jubilee Tchaikovsky.

In late March, Diana Vishneva's name, since 1996, Persia-Ballerina Mariins was on the mouth of everyone. The premiere of the play "Edge", the nominee of the Golden Mask premium nominee. The event is bright, discussed. Ballerina gave an interview, missed in response to questions about the close acquaintance with Abramovich and pointed to her husband accompanying it. But the performance ended, and a course was taken to London, where April 10, Vishneva and Vodyanova held a charitable evening of the Nude Heart Foundation. Vishneva actively performs on the best scenes of Europe, does not refuse the experimental, unexpected proposals.

Mentioned above about "diamonds" Balanchine. Ekaterina Shipulin, the graduate of the MGAH, shines in the "Emeralds" and "Ruby". And not only, of course. In the repertoire of the ballerina, the leading parties in such ballets as the "Swan Lake", "Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God", "Lost Illusions", "Cinderella", "Giselle", and cooperation with the best choreographers - Grigorovich, Eifman, Ratmansky, Neumayer, Roland Petit ...

Evgenia Oblastzova, graduate of the Russian Ballet Academy. Vaganova, became a Balzerina first Marinka, where he performed a sylphid, Giselle, Bayadek, Princess Aurora, Flora, Cinderella, Undin ... In 2005, Ballerina received cinematographic experience, playing in Cedric Country Cinema's movie. In 2012, he moved to the Bolshoi troupe, where in the status of the Ballerina, the solo parties were performed in the play "Don Quixote", "Sleeping Beauty", "Sylphide", "Giselle", "Evgeny Onegin", "Emeralds".