The life of Anton Chekhov: women, family, money and theater. Tickets for spectacle Chekhov women Chekhov women

The life of Anton Chekhov: women, family, money and theater. Tickets for spectacle Chekhov women Chekhov women
The life of Anton Chekhov: women, family, money and theater. Tickets for spectacle Chekhov women Chekhov women
July 9, 2017, 15:42

Book Donald Rephild "Life of Anton Chekhov" - One of the most discussed biographies. I read very different reviews on her - the film critic of jellyfish included it in the number of books that are not harmful to read schoolchildren to understand Russian classics, and the reviewer of one popular edition broke out an angry article on the topic "Hands away from Chekhov, vulgar". I have long wanted to read it, because Anton Pavlovich is my favorite writer, and I have never been particularly interested in biographies, only reading the correspondence - and then only the one that was part of the collected works of the middle of the last century. And finally, from the third approach, I almost did this volumetric work - I share some impressions.

1. The reviewer of the jellyfish, of course, a humorist - I can not imagine an ordinary schoolboy, who for the sake of understanding the classics will pay this never a laconic book. In my reader, it takes almost 3000 pages - for example, the 7th Harry Potter in it is about 1,800 pages. In general, to whom you want a "fried" enough to read excerpts from the book, the whole book for this to read at all necessary. About "dirty hands", however, also disagree - I can not imagine the connoisseur Chekhov, who will disappointed in him after reading this biography. He has very honest works that perfectly clearly give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe author's views on life.

Chekhov and sister and brothers

2. No scuba dials in the book are not so much as I supposed judging by some reviews. Or do I have overwhelmed expectations syndrome? But all sorts of details of the life of Chekhov and his huge family and a circle of friends - above the roof. Sometimes it is even too much - it is quite difficult to want through letters or notes of the same father Anton, which listed what should I buy in the shop, as the cook behaves badly, the roof flowed, and the yard dogs were blocked. Actually, because of these endless details, I threw the book for the first time, and then I just became some letters to miss, although some things help really much deeper to understand the life at the turn of the last and past centuries. For example, cash issues - for example, the cook received 8 rubles per month, and Anton Pavlovich sold the right to the full meeting of his writers to the publisher Marx for 75,000 rubles and then, as it turned out, he had extended.

Lydia Avilova

3. Go to the interesting thing - we are on the gossip) of a woman. This topic passes with a red thread across the whole biography, although I will be fair - the biographer paid enough attention and relationships of Chekhov with publishers, theater, his social work and relationships with other writers - Lv's Tolstoy, Bitter, Bunin, etc. But back to the ladies. The careful reader of the works of Chekhov has already understood everything about his attitude towards women - the feminist will definitely call him. Women in his works are often stupid, depraved, not too decent, hypocritical and hysterical. No, there are positive characters, but more are remembered here. And such a look at them, he did not work out on an empty place - if you judge on this biography, the women of Anton precipitated almost most of his life. I, of course, knew about the story of His novel with beauty (as it was considered at the time), the face of Mysynova and vaguely remembered about the unclear story with the marriage of Chekhov at Olga Knipper, but I did not expect such a ladies around the writer.

Lika Mizinova (on the preview of the post she is with the sister of Chekhov)

According to this biography, Chekhov was not at all the desire to marry, including the book - and you can understand why - there were always some beautiful and interesting women around him, ready to support romantic relationships with him without any marriage oaths. Although, of course, many of them, the same facing, repeatedly tried to lean Anton Pavlovich to the hike to the church, but not having achieved their own, did not stop their romantic relationships. I was even somewhat shocked by such freedom of morals, because everything seemed to me that a hundred years ago, the female honor and so on had a much greater weight in society than now. And, probably, in certain circles it was, but Czechs rotated in circles, which can be called Bogoe - and there everything was much freer, the marriage completely did not interfere with actresses, directors, writers and editors to make novels to the right and left.

Chekhov with Lydia Avilova and Tatyana Shcheckina-Cupernik

Suppose the same Lika Mizinov, without having achieved strong reciprocity from Chekhov, shouted the novel with his married friend Potapenko and gave birth to his daughter. And this did not cause it to stop taking from Czech, and she even later married some kind of playwright or director. Reading this biography, I very quickly confused in the ladies, who playfully rewritten with Chekhov and at different times they turned the novels with him, especially since many of them arise in this book constantly, supporting some attitude with Anton - except Mysynova is Lydia Avilova, Lidia Yavorskaya, Olga Kudasova, Elena Shavrova, Natalia Lintvarev and even Vera Commissioner. I no longer remember the names of many, but among them there were completely-all young girls enchanting Czech for many years. And in Yalta there was even a whole pack of Chekhov's fans, which were called "Antonovkov".

Elena Shavrova

In general, all the novels Chekhov look like that who do not bind to anything, it seems that women quickly bored and he began to give away from them. In this, I looks at my, feminine, the point of view, even a certain sadism - many ladies, the same Shavryov or Lika Mizinov, loved Chekhov for years, fled to him in the first call, and he did not promise them anything, and the case calmly replaced them with other girls, But from time to time, ironic playful letters continuing to support hope of reciprocity in their adorates.

Here and in the first photo in the post of Chekhov with Olga Knipper

The history of the marriage of Chekhov on the bookper is also not fearful. Among all women Chekhov, she is clearly not the most beautiful, but she liked him as an actress, he praised her game. Olga for a long time was the mistress of married director Nemirovich-Danchenko, and although Chekhov was really passionate about her, he did not want to marry, even afraid - besides, he was seriously serious and understood that they would have long live apart - the book was a leading actress The young MHT, and Chekhov could no longer afford to live in a diverse Moscow because of their weak health. In addition, the idea of \u200b\u200bhis marriage was opposed by the mother, and his favorite sister Masha and in the biography, it is just reading the book, as a book at a time, Chekhov's loan, so that he was married to her, and not with all the others. Chekhov from this marriage no particularly benefit was - as a married couple, they still lived a long way apart, from which Chekhov was not delighted, although he did not demand the scene from his wife. Unfortunately, they did not have children, although Chekhov really wanted.

4. Numerous Brothers Chekhov and his sister Masha are important characters in the biography, actually Chekhov contained a huge number of his relatives and not only relatives. But it is impossible to say that he was such a disinterested sponsor - Masha's sister devoted the comfort of a loved brother all his life - she did not lose their hope for a long time, but never happened. In his youth, when the chances were the highest, Anton Pavlovich strongly objected to her marriage - he was very convenient that she had all the affairs of the family. True, Chekhov helped a lot not only by their relatives, he constantly worked for someone, paid the training of foreign children, built schools, collected libraries and so on.

5. In conclusion, but it turns out a lot - I remember another life of the then Bohemia-intelligentsia. Despite all sorts of money difficulties, they constantly dangled in Switzerland, Italy or Paris, although they were constantly in debt and laid-rebooted their estates, and children barely bored quickly damaged to the crumbles. I was unpleasant to hit the story with my daughter Mysynovna's face - in the Povish, the face called her with his new meaning of life or like that, but when the girl was fatally sick, the mother calmly walked into Moscow in his bohemian business - the party there, evenings, all things. For me, it somehow looks wildly, but maybe for the then creative ladies it was normal.

In general, it is impossible to say that this book is right here the best of me by me ever biography, not at all, but it is quite interesting.

In the work of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, you can find works on any topic. Russian Classic has created a real encyclopedia of Russian life in his stories. They can get acquainted with the topics of politics, art, creativity, religion. And, of course, the writer could not not pay attention to the relationship of men and women. Performance Chekhov women will present the attention of guests to the stage of several Chekhov miniatures of the early period of creativity of the classics. The director of the production of Yakov Lukkin was able to convey the comic and unique atmosphere of writings of Chekhov.

Pictures unfolding on stage will be interesting both excellent ladies and to the audience-men. After all, in the center of each stage history - a story about the difficult female share. Everyone is well known that many women dream of happiness and eternal love, a beautiful prince and a cozy home. And for the sake of achieving these goals, the heroine of the performance is ready to go on a lot. This also gives rise to many exciting situations - funny and a bit sad. Ladies appear in all their inimitable charm, vulnerability, madness, which gives the spectlip of special lyricism.

Of course, there we are talking about the ladies, and men cannot appear. The audience passes a number of colorful characters. Some of them are a sample of male halanery and pupils, and someone demonstrates not the best sides of male nature. In this contradiction, in this eternal misunderstanding of women with men and tragicomic situations are born. Wonderful scenography and brilliant game of actors turn the production into an unforgettable spectacle. To enjoy the thumbnails of the classic, you must certainly buy tickets for the performance of Chekhov women.

Maria Kulikovskaya Reviews: 41 ratings: 41 Rating: 14

When I walked on this performance, I did not expect a lot, because I understood that the graduates of the DPO School of Rykin were involved in it. I understood the fact that Yakov Brick Master, but not a wizard. However, I was very surprised seen! Apparently, Yakov still a wizard. This performance is such a sweetie! Honestly, it is at times steeper than the "Pokrovsky Gate", and on the game, and according to the general impression, and on the integrity of the production. Yes, yes, by integrity! Despite the fact that this is a meeting of the stories of Chekhov. So harmoniously they are connected, intertwined, which create a single story. The impression of the truth is colossal! Mainly, of course, from the work of the director. Very nice, effectively, but mentally, like a classic, and sounds modern. In general, everything as Jacob knows how: mix everything, slightly shake and give out an unusually cool result for 5+! Much more I was surprised by the game of some actresses - they deserve separate applause! And in general, everyone very successfully revealed in their roles, everything is in place. But the main thing, this performance became a predominant for my idiocked on the game of Jacob Heart. Home Value, Main Happiness, Home Paint of this performance! How good he is! What a decoration every image is! Especially Straral! Gorgeous! Playing director or an ending actor ... as if none called Yakov, "the rose smells like a rose, even a rose call her, even though no" (c). Eh, it would be more often! ... The combination of two these creative sides of his personality is wonderful and precious! I really want again, at least once, to see this performance in the same composition!

Svetlana Orlova

Many thanks for the play "Chekhov women"! On May 29, the last half-year showing this wonderful performance. Artists engaged in this performance are artists with thousands of persons! They are not only highly professional, they are unique and unique! They can be ridiculous and ridiculous, funny and touching, lyrical and tragic. It has no stars - and the stars are all. The same actors participate in different "pieces" of the performance, demonstrating a variety of sides of their dating. The performance strikes with its coordinated, honed by an ensemble game, which, nevertheless, does not "extinguish" acting personality not one of its participants. Playing, the actors infect each other with their temperament, hassiness, happiness of the existence on stage. All artists confidently own their body and voice, using the means of expressiveness of the area, the tradition of clownades and junning.
Creativity A.P. Chekhov (and above all early A.P. Chekhov) the most accurate (in my opinion) can be interpreted by the artistic means of this theater: the theater of masks and carnival. A.P. Chekhov, as you know, created many stories about women who knew perfectly. Chekhov women are both creative nature choosing all the risks and danger of free existence (Nina Zarechnaya); And wounded, thin souls, who endure defeat in the life battle (silence, Sonya from "Uncle Vanya", Marusya from "Colors of Bezelit"). But A.P. Czechs with great pleasure (and knowledge of the case) wrote about women who combine the most different qualities: aobility, sobriety, calcality and at the same time fear, vulnerability, timidity, dependence is guessed ... At the same time, they are no less interesting and no less wish happiness and love. Theatrical director Ya. Lukkin, who created the play "Chekhov women" with graduates of the experimental acting course, K. A. Rakein, was interested in this type.
The actors perfectly own all the "paints": they are under force and grotesque, and irony, and piercing lyricity. Gorgeous in the role of "mysterious nature" (the story of the name of A. Chekhov 1883) Actress Anna Ryttova. Created by her sharp, expressive, virtuoso drawing of the role indicates a bright, outstanding talent. Having built the image of its heroine, the actress uses eccentric, even farce techniques. Her acting talent is created right for such a colorful, "spectacular", "carnival" theater. But it is obvious that it is subject to deep dramatic roles: this actress does not feel "ceiling". Its partner is remembered, Bagrat Melkumyan, who is instantly reacting to each replica of his interlocutor with a magnificent Pantomimoy. Heroine story A.P. Chekhov "Which of Trey?" (1882) Nadia in the execution of Veronika Gurdus at the same time calculating and simply, cunning and naive. It is interesting to observe how she leads her party, trying to hold close to him and the possible groom, and the lazy beloved. The careless girl is guessed in it, it does not decide to part with youth, and an emerging woman, only a beginner to comprehend the entire drama of existence in this world. Right, language does not turn to call it cynical!
Completely in another key resolved the story of A.P. Chekhov "Dacnitsa" (1884), which "is executed" by the "ensemble" of two people - Maria Kovalskaya and Zarina Mukitdinova. Both actresses perfectly lead their parties (complex both plastically and psychologically) - with piercing lyrity, with the finest nuances. Very accurately says sad, in many ways the idle text of A.P. Chekhov M. Kovalskaya. The look of the actress in the distance is remembered, as if trying to see his life "through the magic crystal", his future.
So the performance moves forward, while holding the balance between lyrics and junning. The actors demonstrate the magnificent possession of the whole arsenal of acting inherent in the theater of masks. They run, jump, tumble, make all sorts of tricks, acrobatic etudes ...
There is no doubt that the creators of the play "Chekhov Women" inherited theatrical tradition, ascending to the theater of Del Art, theater, theater of the Balaganger and Circus clown, perceived and developed by Vse. Meyerhold, Evgenia Vakhtangov, Arkady and Konstantin Raykin. As it should be the artists of this theatrical school, they can effect the masks to change infinity.
But the most interesting happens when the soul appears from under the mask ... Want to make sure? Go and watch the play "Chekhov women" !!!

Elena Nesterova Reviews: 1 ratings: 1 Rating: 1

I agree with all the positive and bright reviews that were written above, but, as a journalist and criticism, I want to add a few words. Slightly moving away from the spectacle itself, I want to divide the modern world of the theater for several positions - spiritual, consumer and pathetic day. If you find other words in Russian to determine the categories - our soul, our reality and our dreams. "Chekhov women" are definitely belong to the first category. This performance is a rare miracle !!! Surprise, admiration, laughter and time that eludes so quickly through the fingers. The person, the fusion of two halves, multiplied by the talent of actors and director Yakov Lukkin. Dear friends - Theater, do not miss this performance. Like pieces of patchwork, bright and skillfully, the stories of A.P. Chekhov, replace each other. With minimal scenery, the scene radiates incredible energy. The actors immersed in their roles give the viewer everything that keep their hot hearts.
Reading Chekhov at school, few people can imagine how modern and sensually can sound his words on a modern scene.
I can advise you, dear readers, become the audience. And I'm sure you will not regret.
And one more, maybe the most important thing. Leaving the theater, in your heart there will be a particle of love actors, love for your audience. And you want to return to say - Bravo! So get fishing with flowers and a kind relation to the great world of the theater represented by the play "Chekhov women".

The play "Chekhov women" on the stories of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov ended the experimental course of advanced training under the program "The skill of actor of the drama theater in the process of creating a performance" (head of Yakov Lukkin). To participate in the performance, he selected graduates from five fluxes of the faculty of additional education. Among the honored guests at the premiere was the People's Artist of Russia Roman Kartsev, who recently performed before these students and managed to love them.

By the end of the XIX century, the "Women's theme" became one of the most relevant in Russian literature. In a letter I.L. Leontyev-Shcheglov on January 22, 1888, the writer ironically expresses its "credo": "Without a woman, the story that the car without a vapor. I can't without women !!! ". Chekhov created many stories about women - "ladies", "wives", "ladies", "institutes", "mysterious nature", "pink stockings" and, on the other hand, about girls looking for ways to a new life, while It believed that "women need to describe so that the reader felt that you are in an unbutton vest and without a tie." And already in the early work of Chekhov expresses its idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to derromantizing the image of a woman in the literature, approaching it to the realities of everyday existence, in which household, family, love and social relations, affecting women develop.

Of the nine stories ("temperaments", "which of three?", "Mooring", "Mysterious Nature", "Woman without prejudice", "mother-in-law", "Dacnitsa", "Words, words, words", "like me In the legitimate marriage joined ") the director of the play Jacob Lukkin built a slim composition. Each story is resolved in his own way: for example, "clever" in which the owner puts a sophisticated psychological experiment on the servant, transfers us to the Japanese living room, and the final story "How I am in legal marriage introduced" reminds a noisy Jewish place, where moms They know exactly what will be the happiness of their adults. Several character-type characters (curious old woman, the old Virgo, who, however, is presented to the final, the cheerful girlfriends) go from the story to the story, exactly from the floor to the floor of a huge house, inhabited by ridiculous and funny people, creating the same strange and ridiculous unions, each of which is known to be unhappy in its own way. Numerous and colorful female extras makes you remember the structure of an ancient theater with heroes and chorus.

The creation of the performance was invested by the teachers of the Higher School of Stage Arts. Renat Mimin (in the creative union with the accompanist Olga Sidorova) worked on the plastic embodiment of stage images. Sergey Sotnikov honed the stage speech of the actors. Professor Dmitry Tubaugin read the special course on the role of Chekhov in the development of theater and the fate of his works in the domestic and world scenic art. Maria Maksimova helped to develop and embody the scenic images in makeup. In addition, students visited the house-museum A.P. Chekhov in Moscow, as well as the State Literary Memorial Museum-Reserve A.P. Chekhov "Melikhovo".

The performance would not turn out to be so elegant and impressive without the work of the artists-sceners of Maria Hilelenko, Anna Titov and Alla Gavrilova, artists in the light Margarita Sinyukov and Alexander Brikman, the sound engineer Elizabeth Lebedeva.

The final attestation commission was headed by the artistic director of the Higher School of Stage Arts Konstantin Rikin. He noted that the performance has both professional problems and talented, living spaces and expressed a desire to continue working on the performance.