Genre of the work to live in Russia. Analysis of the poem "Who lives well in Russia" (Nekrasov)

Genre of the work to live in Russia. Analysis of the poem "Who lives well in Russia" (Nekrasov)

Genre peculiarity of the poem

This task is to comprehensively explore the life and being of the Russian people, to penetrate his soul in many respects determines the genre peculiarity of the poem. It should agree with L.A. Evstigneeva, which determines genre "Who lives well in Russia" - as " epopea Review, Installation of various types of events subordinate to the development of the author's central thought" "The sequential implementation of the story scheme scheduled in the Prologue - the researcher writes, - Nekrasov replaces the sequence of analytical judgments about the people, its present position, the fate of Russia and the future of the revolutionary movement. An innovative plot is born, called the centrifugal subsequently, which brings Nekrasov with the literary process of the end of the XIX - early XX century. ".

Accurate definitions of the poem - "Encyclopedia of National Life" or "The epic of folk life" - not only the ability of the writer to draw a generalized portrait of all estates of Russian society, but also to give a kind of "philosophy of life" of the people, to recreate a national character in the poem. This task chosen by the author subject is subject to the orientation of the author on a polyphony. In the poem "Who in Russia live well" a significant place occupy the dialogues of often unnamed, not described characters, polylogs, each of which can be deployed in a separate story. But the limit brevity of dialogues and pollogs does not prevent the nature of the interlocutors or even their fate. The desire to recreate the life and the existence of the people is determined by the multicropy of the narrative: each hero is among the story with his fate and with his sincere history.

A special role is carried out in the narration of folklore genres - riddles, proverbs, sayings and - the main song. It is known how Nekrasov perceives songs: "People's poetry for Nekrasov was not only a keeper of the poetic representations of the peasantry, but also the result of the life of the masses in general, the focus of national artistic thinking, the best expressant of the Russian national nature."

The people in the Nekrasovskaya poem pays their pain, complains and saddened, opens his soul to the reader and he himself is trying to figure out the secrets of his soul and his heart.

Composition of the poem

This question also refers to the discussion. First of all, because researchers have no consensus in solving the issue: what principle to adhere to the formation of the poem "who in Russia live is good" is to build the time of creating parts or the chronology of the travel of peasants. Given the spelling time, they must go in such a sequence: Prolog; First part; "Fat"; "Peasant woman"; "Pier on the whole world." But such a composition is contrary to the author's will: According to the litters of Nekrasov, the "consens" and "feast on the whole world" are plotically connected: the poet taken both of these chapters to the second part, and the "peasant" to the third part. Thus, the composition must be different: Prologue, the first part, "consens", "Pier to the whole world", "peasant".

There is another substantiation of such a composition - the time of action of parts. The travels of the men should have covered several months, and time in chapters, as V.V. Hippius, "calculated by the calendar." The action of the prolobe refers to the beginning of spring. "In the head of Pop," the researcher noted, - the wanderers say: "And the time is not early, the month of May". In the chapter "Rural Yarmont" there is a mention: "Only on Nikola, the weather was entitled"; Apparently, on the day of Nikola (May 9) there is the most fair. "Feat" also begins the exact date: "Petrokes. Roast time. In the midst of the Senokos. " This means that the time of chapter is June 29 (according to the old style). In "Pira for the whole world", the Senokos is already ends: the peasants are going with hay to the bazaar. Finally, in the "peasant" - harvest and, as KI showed Chukovsky, in the draft variants there is even a name of the month - August.

Nevertheless, not all researchers agree with such a composition. The main objection: this location of the parts distorts Paphos of the poem. As wrote in the comments to the poem K.I. Chukovsky, "Require that we finish the poem" Peasant ", V.V. Hippius earlier ignores the fact that in the "peasant" (in her last chapter) sprouted, on the whole content of the poem, "Notes of Liberal Affairs"<...>. The head of this calling "Governor". After all the curses, the hated rust caused so much suffering to the enslaved peasant, in this chapter there is a noble aristocrat, the governor's wife, who saves the peasant from all her flour.<...> The hymns of the benevolent lady will be completed the whole poem "Who in Russia live is good"<...>. And then to Nekrasovsky question: "Where are you, the secret of the satisfaction of the people?" - There will be the only answer: in the Basic caress, in Barskoy Philanthropy. " K.i Chukovsky proposed another version of the composition: Prolog and first part; "Peasant woman"; "Feat" and "Pier on the whole world." This composition and adopted in most publications, although the author's will is violated, and the temporary calendar, which underlies parts.

Objezing Chukovsky, the researchers point out that the "peasant" ends not by the governor's anthem, but the bitter "Babia Proverbs" is a kind of outcome in thought about the inevitability of the tragedy in the fate of a woman. In addition, ideological arguments, of course, should not determine the composition. Guided, first of all, the time to create parts, the author's will and the logic of the development of copyright, some researchers offer to print the head of the "peasant" after the "follower", but completing the poem "Peer for the whole world", indicating that "PIR" Related to the chapter "Feat" and is its continuation. "

Name Nekrasov forever fixed in the consciousness of the Russian man as the name of the Great Poet, who came into literature with his new word, managed in unique images and sounds to express high patriotic ideals of his time.
Speaking about the poem of Nekrasov "Who lives well in Russia," you need to say that the poem is not over. The poet began work on the grandiose idea of \u200b\u200bthe "People's Book" in 1863, and finished deadly patients in 1877. As he said: "One, about which I regret deeply, that this did not finish the poem" Who lives well in Russia. " However, Belinsky believed that the incompleteness is a sign of true. The question of "incompleteness" of the poem is very controversial. After all, "who in Russia live well" was conceived as an epic, that is, an artistic work depicting with the maximum degree of completeness a whole era in the life of the people. Since the folk life is limitless and inexhaustible in countless manifestations, for epics in any varieties is characterized by incompleteness. Epopea can continue to infinity, but you can put a point in almost any segment of its path. That is, individual parts of the poem are connected by some common phenomenon. For example, in "who in Russia live well", all parts are combined only by the wandering peasants (excluding parts of the "conversation" and "PIR - for the whole world"). This allows you to freely rearrange parts. That is, there is an unfinished order of parts. If the order was fixed, part of the "conveyance" would not be at the first part, and for the second, and the "peasant" would be after the third part of the "feast - for the whole world." The composition of the work is based on the laws of the classical epic: it consists of individual, relatively autonomous parts and chapters. Externally, these topics are associated with the theme of the road: the seven men's men are waged in Russia, trying to resolve the question that does not give them someone: to whom to live well in Russia? And therefore the permutation of parts does not eliminate the meaning and charm of the poem.
The genre peculiarity of the poem is the mixing of fabulous motives and real facts of history. For example, the seven digit in folklore is magical. Seven wanderers - an image of a large epic composition. The fabulous flavor of the prologue raises the story over everyday weekdays, over the peasant life and gives the action of epic universality. At the same time, the events are attributed to the clad era. Specific sign of men - "temporary" - indicates the actual position of the peasants at the time. But not only the magic number of wanderers creates a fabulous atmosphere. The prologue about the meeting of seven men is narrated as a large epic event:
In which year - count,
In which land is guessing,
On a pillars
Seven men agreed ...
So there were epic and fabulous heroes on the battle or on the honather feast. But here, together with fabulous motifs, grasped the overall sign of the flag debris, expressed in the names of the villages: Patch, Raewoveno, Zlobishino, Nordime. County Terepiorev, the emptying parish, tightened by the province - all this also tells us about the plight of the provinces, counties, volosts after the reforms of 1861.
And yet the men live and act like in a fairy tale: "Look there, I do not know where, I do not know what." The poem arises a comic comparison of the dispute of men with the fight of bulls in the peasant flock. According to the laws of the epic, it is deployed as in Gogol's "dead souls", but it also acquires independent meaning. The cow with a bell, who fought off her herd came to the fire, stared at the men's men,
Crazy speeches obedience
And start, cardiac,
Mock, wash, wash!
Nature, animals also participate in the Men's dispute:
And raven, smart bird,
Fit, sits on a tree
At the fire itself,
Sits yes the hell prays
To defend to death
The perpell is growing, rummed, covers the whole forest:
Woke up echo
Went for a walk-walker
Shout shout-shout
As if to come up
Stubborn men.
With irony refers poet to the very essence of the dispute. The men still do not understand that the question is who happier - pop, a landowner, a merchant, an official or king, - discovers the limitations of their ideas about happiness, which are reduced to material security. But for the peasants of that time, the issue of provision was the most important. And not only in Russia, this question was worried about people, so the poem "Who is in Russia to live well" and belongs to a prominent place not only in Russian, but also in world poetry.
The genre peculiarity of the poem N. A.-Nekrasov is the amazing ability of the author to combine the fabulous atmosphere with the political problems of the 60s of the XIX century. And also in writing a wonderful epic poem, accessible to all people at any age.

"My favorite brainchild," so wrote Nekrasov in his manuscript about the poem "Who in Russia live well." In the future, in one of the letters to the journalist P. Disober, the poet himself determined the genre of the poem "Who in Russia live well": "It will be the epic of modern peasant life."

And here the modern reader will immediately have many questions, because with the word of the epic, we remember large-scale works, for example, the epic of the Homer or thickness of Tolstoy. But doesn't you even have the right to be called epic?

First we will understand what to understand under the concept of "epic". The problems of the epic genre involves consideration of the life of not a single hero, but the whole people. For the image, any significant events in the history of this people are selected. Most often, this time serves war. However, during the creation of a Nekrasov, the poems in Russia does not go any war, and in the most poem about hostilities is not mentioned. And yet in 1861, another, no less significant event occurs in Russia: the cancellation of serfdom. It causes a wave of controversy in higher circles, as well as confusion and a complete reorganization of life among the peasants. This is the turning point and devotes Nekrasov's epic poem.

The genre of the work of "Who in Russia to live well" demanded that the author compliance with certain criteria, first of all - scale. The task to show the life of the whole people is quite difficult, and it is she who influenced the choice of a non-scam plot with a journey as the main plot-forming element. Travel - common motive in Russian literature. Gogol was also treated in the "dead souls", and Radishchev ("Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow"), even in the Middle Ages, there was a popular genre of "walking" - "walking in three seas". This technique allows you to portray a full-fledged picture of the people's life, with all its customs, joys and sorrows. The main plot at the same time goes into the background, and the narrative disintegrates into a plurality of individual kaleidoscopic parts, of which at the same time, the volumetric picture of life is exhausted. The stories of the peasants about their destinies are replaced by long lyrical songs, the reader meets the rural fair, sees a people's walk, the elections will find out about the attitude towards a woman, sad together with the beggar and having fun with drunk.

It is characteristic that the parts sometimes go away from each other along the plot, which can be changed in places without harm for the composition of the work. This at one time caused a long dispute over the correct location of the chapters of the poem (Nekrasov did not leave clear instructions on this expense).

At the same time, such "patchiness" of the work is compensated by the internal contradictory development of the plot - one of the mandatory conditions for the epic genre. The folk soul, sometimes quite controversial, sometimes desperate under the blown of the troubles and still not broken to the end, moreover - incessantly dreaming about happiness - that's what the poet reader shows.

Among the features of the genre "Who in Russia live is good" can also be called a huge reservoir of folk elements included in the text, from directly introduced songs, proverbs, attacks and to implicit references to one or another epics, the use of revolutions like "Savely, Bogatyr Russian". Love Nekrasov is clearly visible to the simple people, his sincere interest in the topic is not in vain, so many years (more than 10) lasted the collection of material for the poem! Note that the inclusion in the text of the folklore elements is also considered a sign of the epic - it allows you to fully portray the features of a folk nature and lifestyle.

The genre peculiarity of the poem is also a bizarre combination of historical facts with fabulous motifs. In Zēhin, written in all the laws of fairy tales, seven (magic number) of the peasants go to the road. The beginning of their travel is accompanied by miracles - they say to them the foam, in the forest they find a touch-tone tablecloth. But their further path will not take place by a fairy tale.

The skillful combination of a fabulous, high-explore plot with serious political problems of the Poremor Rus favorably distinguished the work of Nekrasov immediately after the publication of the poem's parts: it wondered on the background of one-grade pamphlets and at the same time made it thinks. The same allowed the epic poem "Who in Russia live is good" does not lose his interest for the reader today.

Test on the work

Nekrasov worked on the poem more than 13 years. During this time, much has changed in the poem - from the initial intent to the plot. The gallery of satirical images of numerous gentlemen was not completed, Nekrasov left only the ass and landowner Obolta-Owduev. At first place the poet put the people whose information about Nekrasov collected for a long time. The poem "Who in Russia live well" became the poem about the fate of the people and his grave share. Written at the time when the reform was on the abolition of serfdom, did not bring anything to the people, the poem shows the way to liberation. Therefore, the question of "who lives fun, freely in Russia," is permitted no longer within the framework of the happiness of individual people, but by the introduction of the concept of nationwide happiness. It brings together the poem with the epic.

Another epic feature is that in "who in Russia live well" a lot of heroes. Here are the landowners, pop, peasants with their destinies and representatives of the "Hoping title", the purpose of the life of which is to serve the bars. We cannot say who is the main character. It is known that seven men go to search for happiness, but it is impossible to allocate the main character among them. We can say that these seven are the main characters. After all, each of them tells his story and becomes for some time the main character until someone else will change him. But by and large, the main hero of the poem performs all the people.

The genre peculiarity of the poem is mixing in it fabulous motives and real historical facts. Initially, it is said that seven "temporary-based" are sent in search of happiness. The specific sign of the peasants is temporary - indicates the real position of the peasants in the 60s of the XIX century. The poem shows the overall picture of the life of the peasants in the blunder time: ruin, hunger, poverty. The names of the villages (paid, drunk, Znobishino, Nurrertayka), County (Terepigoreev), parish (empty), province (touched) eloquently testify to the situation of the provinces, counties, volosts and villages after the reform of 1861.

The poem is widely used epics, proverbs, fairy tales and legends, songs. Already in the prologue, we meet fabulous images and motives: a self-pool tablecloth, Leshel, Koryavu Durandich (Witch), Sandy Bunny, Sandy Fox, Damn, Raven. In the last chapter of the poem, many songs appear: "hungry", "barbing", "soldier" and others.

The work of Nekrasov during the life of the author was not entirely printed due to censorship prohibitions. Therefore, there are still disputes about the location of the parts in the poem. All parts except the "consequence" and "Pier on the whole world" are combined by the wandering peasants. This allows you to freely rearrange parts. In general, the poem consists of parts and chapters, each of which has an independent plot and could be allocated in a separate story or poem.

The poem gives an answer not only to the question delivered in her title, but also shows the inevitability of the revolutionary reorganization of the world. Happiness is possible only when the people themselves will be the owner of their lives.

Canceling the serfdom of 1861 caused the wave of contradictions in Russian society. ON THE. Nekrasov also responded to the disputes "for" and "against" the reform with his poem "Who in Russia to live well", telling about the fate of the peasantry in the new Russia.

The history of the creation of the poem

He thought of the poem of Naffes back in the 1850s, when he wanted to tell about everything he knows about the life of a simple Russian nard, about the life of the peasantry. It was thorough to work on the work of the poet. In 1863, death prevented Nekrasov to finish the poem, 4 parts and prologue came out.

Long researchers of the writer's creativity could not decide in what sequence the heads of the poem should be printed, since Nekrasov did not have time to designate their order. K. Chukovsky, thoroughly studying the author's personal records, made such an order, which is known to the modern reader.

Genre of the work

"Who in Russia live well" refer to various genres - a poem journey, the Russian Odyssey, the Protocol of the All-Russian Peasantry. The author gave his own definition to the genre of the work, in my opinion, the most accurate - epic poem.

The epic reflects the existence of a whole people at a turning point of its existence - the nippers, epidemics, and so on. Nekrasov shows the events with the eyes of the people, uses to give greater expressiveness to the means of a folk language.

Heroes in the poem set, they do not bond separate chapters, but logically connect the plot into one.

Problems of the poem

The narration of the life of the Russian peasantry covers a wide scale of life position. Guys in search of happiness travel across Russia in search of happiness, get acquainted with various people: a priest, landlord, poor, drunk balaguras. Festivities, fairs, rural walks, gravity, death and appearance on the light - Nothing hid a poet's view.

The main hero of the poem is not defined. Seven traveled peasants, Grisha Dobrons - Most of all stands out among the other heroes. However, the main acting face of the work is the people.

The poem reflects the numerous problems of the Russian people. It is the problem of happiness, the problem of drunkenness and moral decomposition, sinfulness, freedom, rebellion and tolerance, the clashes of the old and new, complex fate of Russian women.

Happiness is understood by heroes in different ways. The most important for the author is the embodiment of happiness in the understanding of Grisha Dobroblon. From here, the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem is growing - true happiness is real only for a person thinking about the good of the people.