Closed environmental agricultural cycles. Closed cycle as a form of management in the framework of industrial ecology

Closed environmental agricultural cycles. Closed cycle as a form of management in the framework of industrial ecology
Closed environmental agricultural cycles. Closed cycle as a form of management in the framework of industrial ecology

"We can still provide themselves with useful and healthy foods. But so far there is a notion of profit, your task as a biological organism just survive " Anatoly Kohan

Modern civilization at the dawn of its formation can provide themselves to safe and healthy food. Provide environmentally friendly and healthy foods can closed environmental agricultural cycles.

Take a plot for a personal subsidiary farm and try at least sometimes there are yourself and treat our native environmentally friendly product, which is impossible to buy, nor in the market, nor in the store and for any money.

The basis of a closed agricultural cycle is a balanced content of farm animals and cultivation of crops on a limited land plot as a quasi-closed ecosystem, part of which is physically rendered through its limits - a person.

Thus, we obtain a self-prompt consumption resource in the form of an environmentally friendly, full-fledged in the content of the agricultural product.

Closed environmental agricultural cycles will solve the issue of production of environmentally friendly, full-fledged from a nutrient point of view and healthy in terms of maintaining product immunity during the development of technologies for the production of full mineral nutrition, if the use of mineral nutrition will show its feasibility.

Closed environmental agricultural cycles exclude the use of mineral fertilizers, growth stimulants, herbicides and similar agricultural technologies.
Bacteriological and anti-infectious measures are carried out as needed. Closed environmental agricultural cycles are localized in a limited area, on which a certain bacteriological regime is maintained, the composition of microflora and fauna, not promoting, and prevents the development of hazardous infections.

The initial test of prototype technologies of closed environmental agricultural cycles is currently being carried out on the basis of Cahan Anatoly LPH.

The direction of work on the creation and improvement of closed environmental agricultural cycles must continue and develop. To date, some essential results have already been obtained. Of course, the results achieved and recommendations should expand and refine, however, today they can already be used in practical activities.

At the present stage, the products obtained by a closed ecological agricultural cycle matters not so much everyday nutrition as an analogue of a drug that allows you to restore the natural functions of the human body associated with the construction and restoration of tissues, metabolism, treatment and prevention of diseases with distribution in urban life, as well as a change in human nutrition.

Products of ordinary LPH, hunting trophies and collected forest gifts cannot replace them or be their equivalent due to uncontrolled environmental pollution. The most pure areas are potentially and actually in places of reinforced pollution.

Creating a closed environmental agricultural cycle.

To create closed environmental agricultural cycles, it is advisable to use agricultural land, but many years of the use of herbicides led them to many years of pollution, and the absence of crop crop crops to exhaust land. Meadow herbs, shrubs and ultra-agricultural fields of forests, of course, purify the ground, but they immediately impose the soil and cause surface accumulation of pollutants and carcinogenic substances. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to conduct activities to clean the territory planned for the organization of closed environmental agricultural cycles.

Initially, it is necessary to use areas of agricultural purposes, traditionally suitable for various types of agricultural work.

Preparation of a plot for organizing a closed environmental agricultural cycle. Planning the territory.

First of all, it is necessary to plan the territory of the site and proceed to its development and cleaning. It is necessary to take into account the climatic conditions, the characteristics of the soil, the characteristics of the landscape and humidity of the plots.

At the same time, you must take into account not only the characteristics of the upper layer of the soil, but also follow-up, especially the characteristics associated with the absorption of moisture, looseness and of course the chemical response and features of the chemical composition.

At this stage, you should already pre-plan the type of closed ecological agricultural cycle used, types of agricultural animals, birds growing crops, fruit trees and shrubs, as well as trees and shrubs used in technical and environmental purposes.

Special attention must be paid to the landscape and the natural turnover of moisture. Your farm must maximize the characteristics of the locality and the properties of irrigation facilities that you may have to construct.

The site is planned so that you will minimize electricity and power consumption technologies. The turnover of agricultural products should be combined with the enrichment of soils, the purification of the environment and renewable energy resource.

If you have a small plot for individual use, for example: one hectare and less, even if it is allowed to use "for animal husbandry" you will not be able to keep cattle on it, even one cow. This plot is not enough. You will not be able to contain even rams. A closed ecological agricultural cycle you can count on several goats, a small amount of poultry and, of course, rabbits. Perhaps the landscape will allow you to make a small reservoir for fish, crustaceans or molluscs. Part of the site will have to take off on crop and vegetable garden.

In any case, you will have to use the technique, so immediately plan travel and sanitary barriers.

Fruit trees and shrubs will perform the role of sanitary barriers and snowstand. If you are using firewood, you need to envisage the focused landing of trees of fast-growing breeds for wood harvesting. The cycle must be complete and closed, regardless of what kinds of farm animals you breed and what crop rotation you organize.

If it is possible, on the site you must organize the collection of water in agricultural, technological, household and fire aims.

It is also necessary to schedule the place of collection, sorting and disposal of waste disposal related to the use of equipment, packaging and transportation tools that are not involved in the cycle of environmental resumption.

Primary cleaning of a plot from pollution and launch of a closed ecological agricultural cycle.

The cleaning of the area from pollution should be started with the search for information about the use of the site previously, as well as the use of neighboring sites and finding potential sources of air pollution, surface and stormwater and potentially dangerous in terms of pollution of objects on your site. Special attention should be paid to official and actual cattle bisos, existing natural, organized and abandoned dumps, cemeteries and natural burials of infectious and chemically hazardous waste.

After researching the state of the territory and potential threats, the surface trash and elimination of hazardous sources of pollution are cleaned. It must be remembered that any disposal is part of the ecological cycle. For this purpose, the burial or disposal of biological and chemically hazardous materials is carried out, but their neutralization in order to ensure subsequent biological safety.

After surface cleaning, measures are made to neutralize potential threats to pollution.

Finish cleaning is made from biologically active pollutants and previously used on the agricultural use of herbicides and fertilizers. Finishing cleaning lasts about seven years and is combined with the restoration of soil cover by growing crops and agricultural animals.

This is a period of launch of a closed ecological agricultural cycle. During this period, the biological system makes it possible to include a person as a consumer, and the food consumption product will exceed the quality of traditional and industrial agricultural products, but the environmental system is still under the entry into equilibrium and exemption from previously accumulated pollution. It should be noted that such systems cannot be isolated from global and large territorial pollution of the current period.

The introduction of closed environmental agricultural cycles does not relieve environmental protection problems and waste disposal from industrial production, transportation, producing industries, settlements and retail chains. However, the production of agricultural products becomes safe and ceases to be a source of environmental pollution.

Seven-year-old agricultural cycle of biological cleaning and soil recovery.

The experiment of personal subsidiary farm Anatoly Kohan showed that the cycle of biological purification was seven years. During this time, agricultural animals have been completely translated into full-fledged food from the same land plot and the soil cover of the land plot received a sufficient enrichment by the organica for agricultural plants.

It should not be thought that a closed ecological agricultural cycle is possible when applying only the technology of enhancement. It is not enough to build a fence and run animals there for life and reproduction. Environmental systems self-regulatory. From such a system, it is impossible in painless, for the ecosystem itself, the selection of biological material in food for the body located outside the ecological system itself.

The fencing is an important part to ensure a sanitary regime of closed environmental agricultural cycles, but the determining factor of functioning to ensure the selection of biological material from a closed ecological cycle (for cooking) is the management of populations of the animal peace and vegetable world and reimbursement of products of the remotely serviced population in a closed environmental cycle .

First, it is necessary to use Siderats (Green Fertilizers). Then feed crops in combination with the content of herbivores and birds. Parallel to plant trees. Then you go to the planned formation of a closed ecological agricultural cycle.

During the purification of the soil, you must make yourself a complete understanding of which animals and the bird you can keep and which feeds for this feed will be grown by you. During this period, the technology of growing plants, animals and birds you can experience on your own experience.

Practical organization of a closed agricultural environmental cycle.

The cultivation of vegetables, berries and fruits in a closed environmental agricultural cycle is associated with a complete refusal of chemicals that protect pests.

The fact of refusal from stimulants of growth and chemicals to combat weeds and pests is subject to the question of the exit of agricultural products. Therefore, the struggle with pests is carried out with the help of their natural enemies. Fighting weeds - non-industrial cultivation methods.

Vegetables in a closed ecological agricultural cycle, it is advisable to grow for consumption by a person, in case of excess or illiquid, they are fought by the pet.

Potatoes is an important culture in the human diet. However, the cultivation of potatoes is conjugate with the defeat by the Colorad beetle. In a closed environmental agricultural cycle, the cultivation of potatoes is accompanied with the content of sufficient livestock of the adult ceshard - the natural enemy of the Colorado beetle. At the same time, the ceskery should be grown without the use of intensive feed and technologies used in industrial poultry farming to preserve its natural diet.

Cabbage is a very useful plant, but also strongly susceptible to various sorts of pests and loved not only by man, but also pets and birds. To protect cabbage from pests, a small bird is used, for which there is an excess number of birdhouses on the place of cultivation or use special protected cultivation methods.

Tomatoes are subject not only to the influence of cold, but also are popular with birds. With an excessive population of shallow poultry, all ripe fruits will be destroyed. Therefore, tomatoes need to be covered with nonwoven material. In addition, tomatoes cannot be grown with a significant amount of weeds and the soil should be covered with a light-tight nonwoven material.

The cucumbers are well suited for cultivation in a closed and open soil. To combat weeds, a light-tight nonwoven material is used.

Zucchini, patissons and pumpkins are grown in a small amount on dung poultry and animals, out of contact with the latter, because for many of them are a delicacy. These cultures can be grown on composted piles and pits.

Field crops are one of the most important crops. Bread is the basis of a human diet. Conducting an experiment in a personal subsidiary farm Anatoly Kohan showed that the grain grown by industrial methods causes progressive obesity in animals and birds, while a firm grown in a closed ecological agricultural cycle allows animals to harmoniously develop and even excess consumption does not cause pronounced obesity.

When growing field crops, it is necessary to comply with the rules of crop rotation and change the crops in places. However, fertilizers and herbicides are not applied in closed environmental agricultural cycles. This causes clogs of sowing weed herds, which reduces the requirements for crop rotation. In addition, the collection of grains must be carried out with the seeds of weeds. The presence of weed seeds in animal feed eliminates the need to use supplements of vital for animals and birds, as they receive additional necessary elements from weed seeds.

Field crops can be grown on small areas and removed in the traditional way or with the help of small mechanization.

The main recommended field crops are wheat, barley and oats. It is useful to use millet, high value has grain, and harvested straw of this culture, but you must make sure that millet really can be grown in your stripes.

The storage of grain contributes to the reproduction of rodents, and the content of farm animals and birds will attract wild predators to you. Therefore, on your site there must be dogs and cats. These pets with street content are characterized by health and solve problems with rodents and wild animals. Do not use dogs of hunting breeds, you lose your literality.

From the forage herbs, it is advisable to grow alfalfa, it enriches the soil well and is a valuable feed crop, not only for herbivores, but also for almost all birds. But alfalfa is not the only suitable, you can use clover, herbal mixes or other herbs. In closed environmental agricultural cycles, the products of the chemical industry are not used, which is favorable for breeding bees.

Consider the content of the most common animals in a closed environmental agricultural cycle.

Rabbits are a very good form for cultivation and one of the few species suitable for growing in micropholis. The rabbit is a herbivorous animal tolerates any frosts, in the cold season, it does not require water, perfectly costs ice. In winter, grain are added to the diet. It is very sensitive to the related crossing, so in the avols you can contain only individuals planned for the bottom. When the content requires daily observation, in the occurrence of discharge from the nose (runny nose), the formation of dandruff or grata (and other external signs of any diseases), the animal is subject to immediate caution. When performing such a simple rule, you will never use medicines that may later get into the human body, which does not need them.

Sheep can not be contained in an absolutely "wild" form. Sheep breeding also requires tribal work, without which the population is doomed to very fast extinction. Can not be allowed to contact sheep with potentially dangerous places. The place of disinfection of transport, its parking, oil storage and technology. An animal does not die from contaminated food, but it becomes unsuitable for food to a person. Sheep is a very good view for breeding, requires planned cares and is very critical to the purity of feed. When growing sheep in closed environmental agricultural cycles, meat does not have a pronounced animal smell.

Cows are the most difficult form for growing in a personal subsidiary farming due to the insufficiency of the area for this allocated. For one unit of cattle, it takes at least one hectare of land for grazing and harvesting feed. Cows are very sensitive to the variety of feed and their number. An animal adults becomes only on the third year of life, and bull grows up to adult animals only to five years. The readiness of meat to food, respectively. Meat quality does not change when adult reached. Animals that have not reached adults do not have sufficient substances in meat.

In a closed ecological agricultural cycle, an animal that gives milk is very desirable. The dairy product in combination with grinding grain products is completely replaced by nutritional supplements in the diet for growing chickens of different types of agricultural birds. You can certainly use worms, but it requires significant costs to ensure the desired amount of biomass. In nature, this drawback is compensated by insects. However, air pollution and accumulated poisoning substances have reduced insect populations, whose breeding on a closed area is as part of the food chain, while very expensive. But this does not mean that it is impossible. This is a separate direction of research.

Bird, one of the necessary parts of closed environmental agricultural cycles. The most important birds common to use in closed environmental agricultural cycles is a cesharder, chicken, turkey, duck, goose.

Purchased chickens and an adult bird of industrial breeds are necessarily grafted, the first vaccination is made in the egg before the chick hatch. The grafting bird remains the carrier of the diseases from which they were vaccinated. Therefore, any bird need to breed out of the egg using the incubator. If you buy an industrial bird and put together with your own, your bird will die due to the fact that the industrial bird is vaccinated, and your own.

Bird litter has a high content of substances that feather the soil and in the primary concentration is destructive even for all weeds. This property of bird litter is used to protect plants with a plated root system, such as fruit trees in the process of cultivation. Bird litter is placed at some distance from the barrel on the surface, creating a ring of non-competitive growth, which is subsequently dripping. This makes it possible to fertilize the soil for the fruit and remove weeds that prevent the growth and development of new landings.

The digestion of the bird requires the presence of pebbles in the stomach, since the bird does not focus on food. In addition, the bird carries eggs, for which she needs calcium practically in the finished form. Thus, any bird is needed a small gravel and limestone, better in the form of crumbs or flour.

The cesharrka stands in the first place, as this bird prefers insects in his diet, but with the same pleasure they eat berries, and during the lack of plant foods, sow sowing and squint with roots, even if the feeder is full of grain. Cessarka, or African chicken, flies and withstands strong frosts. Like all animals, does not like wet cold air. Does not die at local frostbies. Does not tolerate related crossing.

Chicken is the most common and unpretentious appearance of poultry. The individuals of chickens used in industrial production are distinguished by high indicators in the production of eggs and meat. However, these indicators are achieved when using growth stimulants and medicines against a special nutrition, which give the quantitative yield yield or meat, with full loss of their quality. These are not viable in the evolutionary sense of hybrids and genetically modified individuals. When breeding, the offspring of industrial bird loses the quality of an industrially used ancestor, gradually degenerate into viable rocks, of which industrial birds were obtained.

For use in closed environmental agricultural cycles, non-industrial breeds are applicable, which give much less products, but appropriate quality, given that food is used, providing natural existence that does not provide for the intensification of development, which eliminates the contributions to the traditional nutrition of substances to people.

Chickens will grow long, carry eggs in about a year, but will not be a synthetic allergen. The poultry meat will have traditional nutritious and wellness properties, but will differ significantly on taste quality from the production of intensive poultry industry.

Turkey is one of the most ancient birds used in agriculture. The turkey is born with poor eyesight, long and poorly grow, require heat and care. However, despite the minuses of breeding, an adult bird is characterized by low feed consumption and good meat. The proportion of green masses in the diet of turkeys is higher than that of chickens. The turkey is distinguished by low mobility, as a result of the turkey meat is softer than the other bird. Turkeys are well consumed insects, but they love berries, so they are not used to protect fruit trees and berry shrubs from pests, especially during the period of fruiting. Very good bird, but requires close attention. Under the turkey lining chicken eggs together with turkey, but somewhat later so that the chicks hatch at the same time.

Little turkey is appropriate to grow with chickens. The turkey is taken an example from chicken chickens, so it's better to eat and grow. However, the content of chickens and turkeys on one territory is impossible. The fact is that some diseases of the chickens, which they transfer easily, mortal to turokov. Therefore, chickens and turkeys should not be on the same territory.

Duck is one of unpretentious, but very voracious birds. Ducks need grass and low-calorie food. Ducks are omnivores and a wonderful litter manufacturer. Feeding the ducks with grain, grown in a closed environmental agricultural cycle does not lead to obesity. However, it should be noted that ducks are eating even poisonous plants, which usually causes the death of birds. Therefore, for the content of duck, the territory must always be prepared in advance. Excessive amounts of ducks in a limited area may result in an infection of the territory that the bird's death can cause. For a duck, this is especially true, since a substantial part of its ditch duck receives the contents of any puddles. Duck chicks can drown, especially if they did not understand. Therefore, chicks need to be kept with the presence of water, in which it is impossible to drown (Believe me, chicks without mom - like intervores, can manage to drown in a water saucer). And in fact, it is better to grow duck up to a complete plumage before letting in the reservoir. Ducks on the reservoir constitute competition of fish, knock out frogs and small things. Therefore, the reservoir is optimal for duck where there is no fish.

Gus, though he spends all the time in the water, but the bird is a herbivore. Goose one of the most favorable birds. In the summer, at least 15 square meters of grass need one goose. Goose a strong bird with high survival, but practically does not divorce industrially. Gusya's eggs purchased from farmers are practically not suitable for incubation due to improper content and related crossing. With goose, it is necessary to conduct tribal work very scrupulously. In closed environmental agricultural cycles, geese can replace herbivores.

Fruit trees and berry shrubs in closed environmental agricultural cycles.

The most common in the middle lane of Russia with fruit trees are apple trees, pears, cherry, cherry, allycha, plum. Fruit trees require the maintenance of fertility and soil processing. In addition, fruit trees are sensitive to soil moisture. Fruit trees having bones well feel on the soils with a high limestone content. Apple tree does not like excess moisture and prefers soils with a high content of iron and iron oxide. All fruit trees require the formation of the crown and do not like a bought landing. Plum, cherry and cherry in maturation are subjected to small birds. All these factors must be considered in the formation of a closed environmental agricultural cycle. The most warm-loving of the listed trees is a cherry, for its landing should be appropriate.

Excess apples and pears can be used to power rabbits, cattle and rams. The cherry and drain and plum can be used as a stern supplement for the bird.

Wood heating in a closed environmental agricultural cycle.

For a house of 120 square meters. Meters are enough 25 acres of planting trees for heating purposes. There are two ways to grow trees on firewood. The first - provides for a planned deforestation. For example, 25 acres are divided into 10 parts, one year 10 part is cut down and placed. The second - provides for a one-time landing, annual pumping of large bits and the replacement of dead trees.

A similar amount of firewood will give 50 acres of the garden of fruit trees.

Place for planting trees on firewood is a favorable place for the cultivation of animals and birds.

The need for heating fuel is highly dependent on the design of the house. The use of thermal batteries, for example, a Russian oven, a jet furnace or modern analogues significantly reduce fuel consumption. Convection heating systems are also effective, even in winter.

In detail about the technologies of closed environmental agricultural cycles, you can learn in advanced training courses or free lectures at the training center. "Modern civilization" Open World Campus ".

Anatoly Kohan

D.H.N. N.D. Chichirova, Professor, Director of the Institute of Heat Power Engineering, Head. Department of Heat Electrical Stations,
d.H.N. A.A. Chichirov, Professor, Head. Department of "Chemistry",
S.S. Paimin, graduate student of the Department "Heat Electrical Stations", FGBOU VPO "KGEU", Kazan;
k.T.N. A.G. Korolev, Head of the Production and Technical Department, JSC TGK-16, Kazan;
k.T.N. T.F. Vafin, Engineer, JSC "Generating Company", Kazan


The most significant directions of the strategic development of most domestic TPPs include developments that allow minimize the number of wastewater discharges generated in the technological process of production of thermal and electrical energy, due to the creation of low-waste and waste-free water management schemes, as well as the improvement of many existing technical and economic solutions for processing water.

Implementation of the concept of creating an environmentally safe TPP is possible in two directions.

The first direction is based on the development and introduction of economical and environmentally perfect technologies for the preparation of the addition of the steam generators and feed water of the heat network. In this aspect, the development of effective technological schemes for water treatment on TPPs with the preservation of basic equipment is the most promising direction that meets the requirements delivered, especially where it is about expanding and reconstructing functioning facilities.

The second direction is associated with the development and implementation of technologies for the maximum processing and disposal of fermentation of wastewater to obtain and reuse in the cycle of the station of source chemical reagents.

Consider the results that managed to achieve a set of measures to improve the technology of promoting Kazan CHPP-3.

Reconstruction of the installation of chemical desalting

Built according to the 1960s project, which did not provide for lightweight or small and environmentally friendly schemes. With annual consumption of 9.5 to 11.5 million tons of technical water, according to the project, up to 4-5 million tons of mineralized wastewater took place after they were neutralized through the industrial sewage system in p. Kazanka and further in the Volga.

The concept of water treatment, implemented on the Kazan CHPP-3, is presented in Fig. one.

The components contained in the purge water of the circulating cooling system, as well as reagents: sulfur, iron, lime, sulfuric acid, sodium, and sodium chloride, are added to the water preparation. In the process of limeting and coagulation of water in clarifiers from the system, some of these components are derived in the form of a sludge containing calcium carbonate, magnesium and iron hydroxides, silica and organic compounds. In addition, some of the components are derived from the feeding water of the heating network.

The main task of the activities carried out at the station stations was the maximum reduction of the amount of reagents used, processing and utilization of wastewater.

In 2001, the Kazan CHPP-3 introduced a new environmentally friendly and resource-saving technology of chemical desalination of water. This technology was developed in the Azerbaijani Engineering and Construction University in relation to the terms of the Kazan CHPP-3, taking into account the requirements for environmental protection and the rational use of natural resources.

According to the new technology, the mode of chemical desalination of lime-coagulated water on the installation, as well as the technology of regeneration both in n-and-ionic filters (Fig. 2) has changed.

Fig. 2. Chemical desalination filters chain:

New - peeled water pumps; N pred, n based - preliminary and main n-cationic filter; A 1, and 2 - anionic filters of the first and second stage; H 2 - n-cationic filter of the second stage; D - decarbonizer; BDV - a tank of decarbonized water.

Changing the chemical desalination regime provided for preliminary softening of waterborne water in a forelated H-cationic filter. Concentrated portions of the spent regeneration solution of the N- and OH filters were used to transfer the cation at this filter on the Na-form.

The improvement of economic and environmental indicators of ionics was achieved by the use of two-way-counter-action technology for the regeneration of ionic filters.

To implement this technology, the regeneration scheme of the chemical desalination chain No. 5 was recovered with the installation of the middle switchgear of the average switchgear.

The essence of the regeneration of the chains anionic filters is as follows. The regeneration solution of alkali supplied to the anionic filter of the second stage is divided into two streams. One of the streams is fed from above, another bottom. The exhaust alkali solution after anionic filter of the first stage is assembled into the tank of alkaline water for reuse in subsequent regenerations.

Regeneration N Osn - and N 2 - Filters "Chains" is carried out separately, independently of each other by two-position countercurrent technology. The acid regeneration solution is completely skipped through the lower parts of these filters in the bottom upward direction. Regeneration of the upper part of the cationic loading, located above the average switchgear, in these filters is carried out by a waste acid solution from an acidic tank.

Economic efficiency is achieved by saving chemical reagents used to regenerate filters, reduce water consumption on the own needs of the chimber, reducing the costs of preparing lime-coagulated water, reducing the consumption of crude Volga water and the volume of waste sewage.

As a result of the introduction of the new technology of chemical desalination of water, the following data were obtained:

■ Water consumption for own needs decreased from 36.3 to 26.4%;

■ The specific actent costs for the regeneration of H-filters decreased by 3.5 g / Mr. and amounted to 123.4 g / eq;

■ Specific alkali consumption for the regeneration of it filters decreased by 10.6 g / Mr. and amounted to 63.2 g / Mr.;

■ Reducing the flow of lime and coagulant in the campus as a result of reducing the consumption of desalted water to its own needs amounted to 64.2 and 25.7 tons, respectively.

At the same time, the production of desalted water did not change significantly, remaining on average at the level of 2.8-3 million tons / year.

Implementation of thermal desalting method

In parallel with the work carried out on the reconstruction of the installation of chemical desalting, the technology of preparation of desalted water was introduced by the method of thermal desalination.

In accordance with the project performed in the 1980s, two six-speed evaporative installations were built at the station, equipped with evaporators of the type I-600. Project productivity of each installation of 100 t / h. In the late 1990s, these settings were put into operation. However, design performance was not achieved due to excessive steam of the last steps of the installation, which could not be fully used in the technological scheme, because The installation itself was mounted in a separate building remote from the main technological equipment using pairs of such parameters. As a result, in summer and transitional periods of time, evaporators stopped or translated into operation with a discharge of excess steam (up to 10 t / h) into the atmosphere. Such work of the installations negatively affected the technical and economic indicators of the evaporators, and in 2000 it was decided to build a capacity of 300-350 t / h with a capacity of 300-350 t / h on the basis of the current evaporating unit. The complex includes two existing six-speed evaporative installations, two instant boiling evaporators of the imb-50 type with deep-binding multi-chamber deaerators.

In fact, an excessive pairs of evaporative installations are used (up to 6 tons per evaporator), while the total additionally produced up to 100 t / h distillate from two injections. Developed by IMV are fully adapted to the conditions of the complex.

The indicated solutions allowed to ensure the optimal use of a steam of different pressure in the thermal circuit of the complex. For example, the initial pairs of production selection of the pressure of 13 ATA is used as heating for the first evaporator I-600, excessive pairs of a multistage evaporative pressure of the pressure of 1.2 ATA - for having, and pairs of the last stage by pressure of 0.12 ata - in a vacuum deaerator.

When improving the complex aimed at increasing its economy and reliability by improving the heat regeneration system of evaporative installations, steerly and inkivo-bubble heaters were additionally included in the existing scheme. This made it possible to increase the temperature of the distillate and, as a result, reduce the specific consumption of thermal energy to its production (Fig. 3). This indicator is the most important characteristic of the efficiency of the installation of thermal desalination.

Currently, distillate production covers almost 50% of the station's need for desalted water.

Providing the required water quality norms used to feed boilers with a pressure of superheated steam 140 Ata, thermal desalting technology has significantly lower values \u200b\u200bof water costs for their own needs compared with chemical methods (9 and 28%, respectively).

Economic efficiency When replacing the traditional chemical method of water treatment, thermal is also achieved by reducing the flow of chemical reagents.

It should be noted that during the period under review, by analogy with the reconstruction of the chemical desalination chain No. 5, work was carried out to improve the technical and economic indicators of chains No. 6 and No. 7.

Due to the reconstruction of the chain No. 6 and No. 7 and the automation of the technological process, it was possible to additionally reduce the value of the specific consumption of acid as a whole (from 110.6 to 91.9 g / Mr.) and alkali (from 62.7 to

60.4 g / g - ec).

Disposal of wastewater water preparation installation

The experience of creating low-waste water preparatory complexes shows that the main part of calcium and magnesium contained in drains can be removed as solid precipitation suitable for subsequent use or long-term safe storage. As a result, sodium compounds remain in the wastewater, primarily its sulfates and chlorides. In this regard, when developing a wastewater disposal scheme of the water preparatory installation of the Kazan CHPP-3, the concept of maximum use of sodium salts contained in wastewater was adopted, which made it possible to reduce the costs of sodium imported chloride.

It should also be taken into account that the amount and composition of the wastewater of the water preparatory installation depends on its performance, the composition of the original water and the specific costs of regeneration reagents. It is during a chemical desalination in the water preparatory installation system, a basic amount of sodium is introduced in the form of NaOH and sulfates in the form of sulfuric acid. At the same time, the main problem is a caustic nat. In this regard, when optimizing the mode of operation of the chemical desalination installation, maximum attention is paid to reducing the consumption of caustic soda. Excess of sulfuric acid is less dangerous, because When neutralizing with lime, the main part of sulfates is discharged in the form of plaster.

When the installation of wastewater disposal in the winter period is formed about 6.1 tons / day. Gypsum sludge (with 30% humidity). In the summer, the amount of wet sludge decreases to 2.7 tons / day. For a year, about 1600 tons of wet or 1200 tons of dry sludge are formed. The main component of the sludge is the gypsum - 90-95%. The content of magnesium hydroxide is 4-5%, calcium carbonate is 1.52%. This slurry can be used to obtain gypsum binder high quality and other purposes.

In determining the economic effect on the implementation of the installation of wastewater disposal, the fee was taken into account for the amount of source water used and wastewater discharge.

With unchanged production, the technology introduced at the station stations made it possible to achieve a significant reduction in the consumption of technical water from 11330 thousand m 3 in 2003 to 6958 thousand m 3 in 2009. It is not important that during the period under review, the cost of the source water increased 11 times.

Along with the decrease in water consumption, it was possible to achieve a decrease in the discharge of industrial wastewater (Fig. 4), the main share of which is the wastewater of the chemical workshop. The use of modern methods of water treatment made it possible to significantly reduce the mass of pollutants in wastewater (Fig. 5). By reducing the discharge of pollutants, this reset fee also decreased (Fig. 6).

Technologies based on electromembrane devices

In the purge water of the evaporative installation, the entire sodium was contained with the starting water and introduced with caustic, with the regeneration of the filters of the himobsolizing installation, chlorides, introduced with the starting water, as well as a small part of sulfates entered with source water, coagulant and sulfuric acid during filter regeneration.

Attention should be paid to the high alkali content and alkaline components (sodium carbonate) in the purge. Alkali and soda are expensive products that are widely used in water treatment plants of the TPP. We also note the almost complete absence of rigidity ions. In this connection, the idea of \u200b\u200bseparating purge water on alkaline and softened solutions and their use in the station cycle was formulated.

To utilize the excess of the purge water of evaporators, a technology was developed using as the main element of electron-breded devices (EMA) (Fig. 7).

On the first stage there is a partial separation of alkali from the initial solution into an EMA with cationic and anion exchange membranes. Since the selectivity of the process is low, an alkali solution containing a salt of the initial solution is possible as a product.

A concentrated alkaline solution and dilouut-1 is obtained on the first stage. The latter is a more diluted solution of starting salts and the remaining alkali. The dilouut-1 is the initial solution for the second stage.

The second stage of the second stage is assembled with bipolar membranes and serves to separate the solutions of salts on alkaline and acidic solutions. Dilouut-2 is formed as products on the second stage, which is a more diluted solution of starting salts, non-confidential alkali solutions and a mixture of acids.

The dilouut-2 is directed to the EMA of the third stage, alkaline solution - to concentration in the first stage or in the alkali-ema-hub. An acidic solution containing a mixture of sulfur, hydrochloric and nitric acids is sent to the consumer.

The EMA of the third stage is the process of concentrating-desaling of diluate-2 to obtain partially desalted water with a saline concentration of approximately 0.3 g / l (dilouut-3) and concentrate.

In the scheme (Fig. 7), three apparatus are used with total electricity consumption of 100 kWh per 1 ton of the cultivated solution. As a result of treatment, 0.4 tons of alkali solution (5% alkali, 1% salts) and 0.6 tons of sour solution (1.2% acids, 1% salts) are formed. The scheme presented is quite flexible. Perhaps a consistent reduction in steps, starting with the latter.

If you remove the third step of the EMA, partially desalted water for the second stage can be taken with PPU TPP. The equivalent amount of water in the form of diluate-2 (sodium salts solution) is sent to the contour of the heating network. Thus, it is met with water between water-preparatory and electromembrane installations.

When reducing the third and second steps at the same time, an alkaline solution and a dilohau-1 can be obtained by the first stage. Alkaline solution is sent to concentration or directly to the consumer. The dilouut-1 (saline) can be used to regenerate Na-cationic filters, to feed the heating network or feeding evaporators.

In the diagram in fig. 8 Use two EMMs with the total consumption of electricity 13 kWh per 1 ton of the cultivated solution. Products of processing the purge water of evaporators in this case are 0.1 tons of alkaline solution (4% alkali, 2% salts) and 1 ton of the salt solution (2.5% of the initial salts).

Comparatively low operational costs make the most appropriate use of the scheme specified in Fig. 8, to utilize the purge water of evaporators to obtain concentrated alkaline and softened saline solutions, which are used in the station's technological cycle.


1. In Kazan CHPP-3, a new technology of processing of liquid waste water treatment plant was introduced to obtain and reuse in the cycle of the softened salt and alkaline solutions.

2. A closed cycle has been created, which ensures the blindness of the water treatment technology of the TPP.

3. Research results, as well as the developed schemes can be used in creating low-waste water use complexes both on existing TPPs and other industries in the process of their reconstruction and in the construction of new ones.


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Once the Walter Stacade gave the world an expression "from the cradle to the cradle", meaning a closed cycle. Today, this Swiss analyst is considered one of the prominent specialists in the cyclical economy.

- Tell us about the model of the economy of the closed cycle, or, in other words, about the principle "from the cradle to the cradle."

In the 1970s, the main method of waste disposal was garbage dumps. The discussion of this issue gave rise to the concept of "from the cradle to the grave" and rotated around the improvement of the quality of "graves" for garbage, which, in my opinion, could not be called progress. In response, I began to use the term "from the cradle to the cradles", giving the special importance that the "graves" is an extreme measure.

The term "from the cradle to the cradle" I prefer the expression "closed cycle economy" or "cyclic economy", since they use the word "economy". Having studied the economic side of the question, we immediately understand that even the smallest cycles - reuse, restoration, modernization and re-marketing of goods and components in the industry - bring great financial benefits. The reason for this is the minimum costs for the buyer and the maximum profit for the manufacturer.

When studying economic indicators, it is necessary to simultaneously consider what exactly will bring maximum profits. For example, when developing new products, it is important to know the actual or equivalent water content in raw materials.

Being time-consuming, small cycles bring great benefits and socially. Consuming a very small amount of raw materials and energy resources, and having a local character, they increase the level of employment in the field and, thereby stimulate the economy of the respective regions. In the context of sustainable development, we constantly work on the optimization of these three factors: economic, environmental and social.

There are areas where the closed cycle economy is applied for many years, and we can even not be aware of those phenomena of our world, which is already answering its criteria. Take, for example, the concept of reuse, re-marketing of goods and components or recovery. Ebay, and any other national or regional site, and any other national or regional site, with which used goods are sold by the consumer to the consumer (C2C) or a commercial company to the consumer (B2C). And although before eBay there were flea markets or clothing stores, the fact that we have today is a huge global re-marketing platform. In essence, what we are trying to achieve within the framework of the model of the closed cycle economy.

Ebay goal is to market goods at the maximum price. In other words, the main purpose of the business model of the closed cycle economy is the yield, and the task is the result. This implies rethinking the idea of \u200b\u200bacquiring and selling goods as services, not products and turns the purchase and sale into the result.

Although the business model of the lease of goods always existed within the framework of the industrial economy, in the economy of the closed cycle, it covered a much wider set of products. If we can rent a car, apartment or office, then why not rent clothes? Rental for special occasions has become familiar, but why not take rent and other types of clothes? Rent of the ladies' handbags is still developing, and rental tools and equipment for construction sites has already become the usual phenomenon. Almost at any airport, consumers can rent computers and mobile phones.

The economy of the closed cycle favors the collective consumption of goods as services, which can be observed on the example of public transport, including railways, aircraft, metro, municipal bikes and taxis, as well as paid roads, bridges and tunnels. In all these operations, you acquire the result. Together with the acquisition of the right to use the subject you get confidence in the guaranteed result and in the fact that the proper management of the life cycle of this subject has been ensured.

One of the last spheres to which the purchase of the result was spread, electronic goods were. We all use the Internet, smartphones, cloud services, electronic banking services, and the like, forgetting that satellites are used to ensure their work. Even with the simplest removal of money in an ATM, when you are abroad, the cloud environment, the Internet and satellites are involved. Today, GPS is used in almost all sectors, starting with aviation and logistics, cargo transportation and oil production and ending with our cars. In all these cases, we acquire a service without any responsibility for the content of the goods. We just enjoy the result.

The results economy uses the principles of the closed cycle economy until we stop buying goods and switch simply for services. To a certain extent, we as consumers, businessmen and even politicians have already joined this new economy.

- What do you think about returning materials in the context of reuse or destruction of toxic substances?

The preservation of ownership of the goods stimulates the company to refuse to use toxic substances in the product. If they are impossible to avoid their use, it will take measures to simplify the process of their extraction and separation and make great efforts to prevent the opposite. This statement is especially true for expensive substances, for example, rare-earth elements used in electrical and digital products that are not recycled.

- Why do you think that the closed cycle economy has not received widespread?

Just because the problems that we discussed are peculiar to the mainly industrialized European and North America states. Before developing countries, there are completely different problems associated with the lack of resources, qualified labor, goods and food. In the conditions of the deficit of the best strategy to improve the standard of living of the population, there is a mass production of inexpensive goods.

The countries with economies in transition, such as China, forming infrastructure, stocks of goods and a system of public services, can engage in their service, appropriate operation and maintenance in working condition. As for the poor and lack of resources of African countries, the economy of the closed cycle in their conditions is useless. Before starting the accumulation of stocks of goods and the development of infrastructure, which they will be able to serve and preserve, they need to achieve some level of well-being.

The closed cycle economy will never be a global model. She has already come to developing countries, but only because of their poverty. The population of these countries is forced to restore and fully upgrade products, but it is done at a low technological level. Reuse of goods in these countries is accompanied by a high level of pollution. On the African and Asian processing plants, electronic devices are burned to extract rare-earth elements. So it turns out that many not the most developed countries are already using the principles of the economy of a closed cycle, but they irony of fate at the same time they cause damage to the environment and health of their citizens.

The traditional, linear concept of the industrial economy still has many advantages in the eyes of economic entities, and one of them is the possibility of externalizing the cost of risk and waste production. If you can shift this cost to the state or consumers, your profits will increase, you will get more money.

In the long run, political stability must be taken into account. For example, in the Sugar Desert, an environmental project called "Desertec" is being implemented. This is a huge solar panel that will produce electricity to supply European countries. The project is being implemented for about five years and is supported by major European companies. If you take a look at the current state of the Sahara, it may seem that investing billions to the region controlled by Al-Qaida, - pure madness. I think that if you want to help Africa or many other countries, then you need to provide them with such assistance that will allow them to help themselves, but in no case can you try to make this work for them.

- What are the main obstacles at the state level you see and how to overcome them?

Mostly they are associated with the existing economic model. Politicians mostly live in the industrial economy. In other words, if they want to create new jobs or take measures to develop the economy, all that is available to their understanding is the programs like "Cash for Clunkers". They want to send cars to a landfill, which are more than eight or nine years old, and make people buy new people. At the same time, they completely ignore the alternative, which consists in complete modernization of the engines, and after all, environmental characteristics are determined mainly by them. The full modernization of the engine may have to cost as much as it is consumed within the program "Money for Leaders", but will allow you to save 80% of material investments in the car.

In my opinion, the most significant that politicians can do is change the tax system. The introduction of a system of socially responsible taxation, that is, taxing of non-renewable resources (energy and raw materials) and exemption from taxes renewable, to which human labor belongs to the huge stimulus for the development of a closed cycle economy.

The second important aspect of the social and responsible taxation may be the use of value added tax only only in relation to operations, during which the value added is really formed. Since in the case of operations committed within the framework of the closed cycle economy, this does not occur, the use of VAT and speech can not go. This concept was fundamentally adopted by the British Treasury and a number of other European countries (in particular, Scandinavian), where VAT is applied, equal to 25%. Refusal to charge VAT from recovery, full modernization or re-marketing of goods will show business circles to the benefit of socially responsible activities in the conditions of the economy of the closed cycle.

Income tax was invented in Europe and was intended to finance hostilities. In France, these were Napoleonic Wars and World War II. At the end of hostilities, the tax was not canceled.

In China, Russia, India and a number of other countries there is no tax on wages. In the 11 states of the United States, income tax is not applied, it is still about 12 to refuse it. So how do governments of these subjects receive their income? In Texas, for example, taxes are taken from oil production. In Florida, a similar situation: construction is subject to there. Half of state revenues to the Russian budget is provided with the extraction and sale of oil and gas.

States should be taxed what they want to limit, and relieve what they want to stimulate, for example, labor. Of course, each country must independently regulate tax issues based on its priorities.

- How can business circles stimulate a closed cycle economy?

Development of business models of return or re-marketing of own products - this is the most that business circles wishing to participate in the propaganda of the closed cycle economy can do. To do this, it is necessary to develop products, taking into account their full life cycle and the use of a modular concept based on standardized components, giving preference to systemic, and not isolated solutions.

Everything is very simple: if the company does not want to return its goods, it cannot retrieve profit from them at the end of their service life. If the development of eco-friendly products increases costs and brings too little profits, then there is practically no incentive to this. Why produce intellectual goods if the profit of them will remove someone else? If the company will start selling the result of the application of its products, retaining the ownership of them, and therefore the resources embedded in them, then its future income can grow significantly.

During the XX century, commodity prices have steadily declined. Since 2000, their growth began, and today they have reached the level comparable since 1900. Obviously, to maintain the ownership of the materials and resources is meaningless if the new product is cheaper than the bought ten years ago.

This approach is justified with the growth of commodity prices, because, if in a nutshell, today's goods are tomorrow's resources implemented in yesterday's prices.

Starting to sell the result instead of goods and retaining ownership thanks to the use of lease or leasing, the company receives a guarantee that after five or ten years it will be all the necessary resources for the production of new products.

In addition, instead of launching the processing cycle of components or goods, the company can enjoy them complete modernization. In the event of preserving the right of ownership, this decision remains for specific manufacturers. Only they may decide on the most advantageous option for them at the end of the life of the product.

- In some industries, it is relatively easy to go to lease or leasing, in other such a transition will require significant investments to launch new processes. How to determine the right moment of transition?

Honestly, I do not think that now the right time. A very good time was five or ten years ago, when companies were actively growing, and because of this, the market did not insistently demanded that they apply innovative solutions. In fact, if you decide to change the corporate strategy, any moment will be correct.

Real estate rental players are easy to achieve sustainability, just to ensure proper isolation and high energy efficiency of the offered buildings. Taking into account schools, preferential housing and government agencies, the share of public buildings in the general foundation grows significantly. The bringing of these buildings to modern standards of thermal insulation is very laborious, but at the same time practically does not require energy costs and materials. If the labor cost was lower, for example, by exemption from taxation, then the costs could be significantly cut.

In the long run, the winnings consists in a large decrease in energy consumption for heating or cooling these buildings. This refers to one of the mysteries, which most of the governments did not solve, - to the Kyoto Protocol. Government circles appealed to us for clarification of the possibilities of a significant reduction in carbon dioxide emissions or greenhouse gases when creating new jobs in the local market. I think that if the company engaged in construction took this business model entirely and began to demand support from government, it would be extremely difficult to declare that they could not afford it.

The main question is incentives. The fact is that instead of modernizing buildings, construction companies can make their choice in favor of demolition and new construction, because these are their work. At the same time, reconstruction and technological modernization of existing buildings require some time, finance and, by and large, much better provide energy efficiency.

- What are the main difficulties in the company when switching to the model of the closed cycle economy?

Let's consider this question on the example of the company for the production of Interface carpets. Rey Anderson, CEO of the company, conducted such a transition and first suggested renting carpets for 10 years. This idea has yet attracted a few. The problem is not in the company itself, but in its customers who can consider themselves capable of managing the entire system with much lower costs.

Budget payments, for example, are unequivocally intended to provide schools, roads, armed forces. It is worth proposing a binding agreement on social responsibility for 20 years, similar to the interface proposal on the environmentally friendly rental of carpets, as the Treasury faces a serious obstacle, since having accepted such an agreement, it will not be able to freely transfer funds between sectors.

By concluding a lease agreement, the government will have to pay a fixed amount annually. If they buy a carpet and with the help of local services use them for 20 years, at the end of this term they turn out to be in a difficult financial situation (like a sequestration that took place in the United States, or the EU economy regime), and therefore they take simply Solution: Do not buy a new carpet.

Similar freedom of treasury in its actions is impossible if the government receives a carpet for rent under a long-term agreement. Usually, people do not want to talk about these difficulties, but this is the very reason why many new business models are simply falling apart at the marketing stage. The reason is simple: the consumer has its own problems that are not associated with the carpet, but it is not able to solve them.

All is tied in the form of activities. "Michelin" sells tires as a service, and manufacturers of jet engines - power by hours. By virtue of the clear certainty of these markets, the consumer can see the benefits in both cases. He no longer needs to think about the products, since he gets them in the form of a service at a fixed price, and this is the optimal option.

Consider the automotive industry - another market of goods of mass production. Here, the idea of \u200b\u200bselling the result or machines as services is contrary to what is being done today: highly efficient production in the framework of centralized, global supply chains with subsequent implementation through dealers.

The intention of the automaker to make a lease or supply of machines in sharing means that he needs representatives or rental bureau in each airport and in every city, which, in turn, means that it can no longer optimally use his knowledge of efficient production of machines.

Often, when moving from the sale of goods to the sale of the company's services, they face the problem, completely unfamiliar, do not have the right skills and are forced to establish new distribution and return channels. And businessmen are asked: "Why don't we just continue to continue to implement the traditional business model, even though it is not socially responsible?" Or "even if my current activity does not allow you to create new jobs, save resources or prevent wastewatering, and a change in the situation in the short term is unprofitable not to the government, nor industry, why do I need it?"

- So why do the companies need to do it?

Actually, they are not obliged to do it. When in the 90s I led the presentation on the economy of the closed cycle, often ended with their slide, which said: "You do not have to do any of what it was said about. No one demands to survive from you. " After someone told me that this slide causes depression, I stopped doing it. But he remains an argument for sustainable development. You can fully ignore all the concepts of the closed cycle economy, but if at least one of your competitors will use them and will succeed, it turns out that your decision was the cause of your company's care from the market.

- Today, much attention is paid to the ratio of waste production rather than resetting them from accounts.

I think that for reasons of profit, material costs have always been the object of attention of the manufacturing industry. Today's changes are that from the processes related to the consumption of materials, we will switch to the processes, within which we create products, and this means the absence of production waste.

An excellent example of such changes are 3D printers that still work mainly with plastic. If they can be adapted to work with metals, then the era will come of much more material and energy-efficient waste-free production processes.

The closed cycle economy is capable of solving the problem of waste generated at the end of the service life of the products. I have never been a supporter of so-called waste-free technologies, because in the western world zero is an unmotivating goal. It is much better to look at the situation on the other side and replace the idea of \u200b\u200bthe impendingness of the idea of \u200b\u200bone hundred percent profit. Your shareholders expect that you will turn the ton of materials into a ton of products, which then sell, so it is worth talking about the concept of one hundred percent profit with any Western leader, and it will immediately be interested.

- Another approach is very popular in the UK - compensation of carbon emissions.

Today carbon price is about 3 euros per ton, which tells us: this market, if he existed in Europe at all, collapsed.

Another emissions associated with emission compensation is to find investment opportunities. Investment in social sustainability today accounts for only 5% of all investments. If you look at large companies from which you can purchase this compensation, you will see that they are invested in cash markets, as they simply do not see enough opportunities to invest in activities related to emissions compensation.

Yes, the idea was really interesting, but it meant that companies could try to hide their carbon footprint. In fact, I talked about it before, or you do it for yourself, or find another solution. Attracting external resources to solve this problem will not help.

You can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by switching from coal or oil to natural gas. The shale revolution, which we observe in the United States, takes place only because in any form of natural gas, be it methane or biogas, more hydrogen molecules and less carbon, which leads to a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions and an increase in water formation. Thus, you will reduce emissions not only carbon dioxide, but also of all greenhouse gases, including nitrogen and sulfur oxides, by about 80%. But at the same time energy efficiency is not growing!

Therefore, taking care of stocks and optimal ways to use their use, we refuse to solve their problems through the production of a larger number of goods (at least in industrialized countries), and at the same time our economy is one step approaching the model of a closed cycle, and society benefits From the creation of jobs in the regions, reducing waste generation and a significant reduction in resource consumption.

Creating closed production cycles is associated with improving methods for cleaning technogenic emissions and the possibility of their reuse.

The development of effective gas purification methods is solved in several directions, the main of which are as follows:

improving and developing new technologies and cleaning methods;

the use of modern corrosion and heat-resistant materials and aggregates in gas cleaning systems.

Dust is one of the toxic components present in gas emissions. For the fine purification of gases from dust in various industries, electrostatic filters that are characterized by high consumption of electrical energy are used.

Currently, economical fabric filters are being developed and implemented. They use modern tissue materials on a corrosion and heat-resistant basis. Such devices can replace electrostilifers and operate at temperatures up to 750 ° C. New designs of fabric sleeve filters found use in non-ferrous metallurgy.

In various industries, the absorption purification of gases is widely used, but at the same time a large number of sludges are formed that do not find applications and are transported to industrial landfills or in the slurry accumulators.

Alternatively, the methods of adsorption purification are currently being developed using solid sorbing materials and subsequent adsorbent regeneration, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the number of sludge.

Technological processes with a closed gas recycling cycle are being developed and applied. According to this technology, exhaust gases of industrial industries are cleaned, freed from dust and toxic impurities, and then they are re-fed to the technological stage.

Thus, there are already quite effective methods of gas cleaning and technological processes, which allow to significantly reduce or eliminate emissions of toxic gas into the atmosphere.

Issues of reducing liquid technogenic emissions are solved by improving the methods of cleaning industrial wastewater and organizing closed water-co-airing cycles.

The composition of the sewage is very different, which makes it impossible to selection of universal cleaning methods. One of the most common and efficient ways is biological cleaning. The use of the unique properties of microbial cells can significantly speed up the processes of self-purification of polluted water by creating artificial conditions favorable for microbes growth.

The most recognized and effective technological method is the organization of closed water-co-airing cycles. At the same time, water consumption is reduced and the discharge of industrial waters into natural reservoirs is reduced due to the repeated use of water.

The implementation of water-co-aircraft depends on the technologies for cleaning the contaminated water, ensuring the possibility of returning it to the cycle. Usually, local devices are installed to clean wastewater to normal, allowing the water to be reused. In this case, fresh water is spent only to replenish losses.

Closed water recycling cycles are implemented in many industries. For example, in the chemical industry in the production of extraction phosphoric acid, when obtaining sulfuric acid and ammonia. In combination with the implementation of new hardware and technical solutions in the production of phosphoric acid, this made it possible to reduce water consumption 20 times.

Cycle closed production - multiple use of the material resource (water, air, etc.) in production with pre-cooling, cleaning, etc. Processes that return the resource required for the specified quality technology. C. s. p. can cover a number of production; At the same time, the resource from the latter in the production chain enters the first. [...]

Phosphorus production and its processing are associated with consumption of significant amounts of water. In the process of production, this water is contaminated with numerous impurities, among which the most toxic are: yellow phosphorus, fluoride, cyanide and sulfur salts, phenols, phosphine. The organization of the work of the phosphoric plant without wastewatering in water bodies and sludge relief is the most appropriate, both to protect the environment and the rational use of water resources and in terms of production economy. Such an organization of water use is based on the availability of interconnected closed cycles, with intermediate water purification to the established norms. The main link in this organization is the wastewater treatment shop. Taking the chemically polluted water of the plant, it must recycle it and issue water established by the regulator of quality for the supply of technological processes, wet-gas cleaning systems and other consumers, as well as recycle and prepare for the utilization of the sludge obtained during wastewater treatment. [...]

To this end, complex problems of creating real-life industries, water use in closed cycles are solved, the technology of disposal of various types of effluents is improved and the maximum waste disposal. And it is here that modern techniques of water desalination - techniques are based on the processes of separating water from the impurities contained in it. [...]

In order to develop low-waste industries with a closed cycle, registers of waste industrial enterprises, schemes and comprehensive plans on the problem of intersectoral use of waste and raw materials are developed. [...]

In this regard, in modern society, the role and tasks of engineering (technical) ecology, designed on the basis of the evaluation of the degree of harm generated by nature by the industrialization of production, develop and improve engineering and technical means to protect the surrounding rudder, in every possible way to develop the foundations of creating closed and waste-free technological cycles and production. [...]

Due to the large water-intensity of phosphoric industries and acute water deficit in the main regions of their placement, the ways of reuse of water in closed circulating cycles were distributed. Usually, these enterprises use two types of circulation water supply - reuse of chemically contaminated effluent and turnover - for cooling heat exchange equipment. Currently, these systems provide more than 98% of the need for water phosphate production. Resetting water from current systems is 7-8 LLC M / day, and part of it after clarification in the rods drives is used to feed these systems. [...]

The engineer of production should understand that the vicious circle can be overcome, and it is entirely in the hands of human knowledge. Currently, the efforts of scientists are aimed at making a resource cycle closed, that is, on the one hand, processes related to the extraction and processing of necessary resources are developed and improved, and on the other, the return of them in the transformed (changed) form in Production for repeated and repeated use. [...]

The transition to a closed system is a continuous circuit of substances in the production process, where waste recycling is the final link of one cycle and the initial one, there is an indispensable requirement of modern economic development. In accordance with this, the issue of collecting and processing waste plastic masses requires solving already in the production conditions consuming polymer materials. [...]

The organization of a closed cycle of industrial water supply of an enterprise by returning purified wastewater in the general case cannot be limited to the direction of these effluents in the revolving heat exchange systems. The need for water such systems in many industries is less than the volume of all industrial and domestic biologically purified wastewater industrial assemblies, so the bulk of water is consumed for technological or energy processes. The quality of this water requires the requirements are usually higher than to the water of current water supply systems, and in a number of chemical, cellulose-paper industries and in thermal power industry is consumed in a significant amount of water with salts of less than 10-15 g / m3, rigidity not exceeding 0.01 Mr. / m3 and oxidashability up to 2 g 02 / m3. [...]

When creating closed water management systems, the design of water supply and sewage systems of industrial enterprises should be carried out simultaneously with the design of the main production. At the same time, it is necessary to highlight three independent cycles of water supply: cooling, technological and transport. [...]

Compared to solid waste, the fluid has an increased degree of harmful effect on the human body and the environment. When working with them, it is especially necessary to ensure hygienic and safe working conditions. The task of modern technology includes not only the elimination of the harms and hazards of production, but also the development of new technological processes and design of the devices, which from the very beginning would be devoid of these shortcomings. Among the activities to create a safe and waste-free technology should be the following: Development of a closed cycle systems, ensuring the return of the reagents used and water, complete recycling of secondary products. Of the entire combination of production waste, liquid waste occupies the greatest proportion, and their disposal is associated with the greatest material and energy costs. This must be taken into account when developing measures to further develop the principles of waste-free technology. [...]

Compared with the methods used by the methods, radiation cleansing eliminates the need for large areas, thereby intensifying the production and accelerating the process of producing products - clean water. Especially advantageous, obviously, the use of this method of purification, subject to the creation of a closed cycle - a circuit of the water used, as this will reduce the necessary amounts of water consumed. We will demonstrate this in the following concrete example. [...]

For modern production, as a rule, a multistage purification is required, especially if the nomenclature of impurities is diverse. Thus, in the manufacture of electronic equipment, the number of harmful substances reaches 20-30 names: from carbon dioxide and dust to copper and lead compounds, formaldehyde and epichlorohydry-on. Therefore, dry and wet devices are needed, adsorbents and absorbents along with electrostilifers. But for this production, the main task is to reduce the volume and lision of waste, their recycling, creating closed cycles. [...]

The development of low-waste industries with a closed cycle is still in the initial stage. The success of this big deal depends largely from technologists involved in the development of new and improvement of existing technological processes. However, the difficulties in the introduction of waste-free industries with a closed cycle creates a narrow-separated approach to the development of individual industries. It is necessary that enterprises, whose waste are used again, were interested in changing the associated technological processes. For example, the waste of thermal power plants consisting of ash and slags from the burned fuel, as a rule, go to the dump in a mixed form. Meanwhile, in the production of building materials, they are used separately, in connection with which some changes in the device and operation of GRES are needed. The Novocherkass Polytechnic Institute has developed an appropriate proposal on this issue for Novocherkasskaya GRES. [...]

In fact, the ecology of production should be considered the likelihood of production (technological) processes, i.e., resource cycles, natural "closed" cycles of the movable part of chemical elements in the biosphere. It is clear that biogeochemical cycles are also not absolutely closed: a part of the substance is excluded from the cycle for a very long time (passes from a small cycle into large). A fundamental difference is that the substance emerging from the cycle in nature is not a xenobiotic, does not constitute pollution and is not in the waste, but to the reserve. It is also clear that it is impossible to fully like the resource cycle with a natural biogeochemical cycle. The law of conservation of the substance clearly shows that the waste-free technology is in principle impossible, and in general, it should be understood as the perfect and theoretically unattainable combination of technological processes, in which the mass of the products obtained is equal to the mass of the consumed commodity and other materials. [...]

Production processes with a closed cycle and the complex use of the initial raw materials are already practically implemented at the Lisican Soda Plant named after Lenin, Nevinnomyssk Production Association "Nitrogen". The waste of the Rostov Chemical Plant is successfully used as additives in the production of building materials. [...]

Initially, waste-free production was called such a way of producing some group of consumption products, in which raw materials and energy in the cycle "Raw Resources - Production - Secondary Raw Materials - Waste Production and Consumption", and all the impact on the OS, accompanying the named cycle, It does not violate its (medium) of normal functioning, i.e., under waste-free production, a closed system was understood, organized by analogy with natural environmental systems. [...]

When designing a chemical production, practical interest is a comparison of a waste-free technological scheme with a traditional scheme for obtaining this product. To carry out such an analysis, reference projects are compiled for the development and planning of technical policy in the field of creating waste-free technology. The concept of "reference project" implies such a set of technological stages in the cycle "Resources - production - consumption - resources", in which a closed movement of material and energy flows is ensured. [...]

Specific measures to combat pollution of water bodies are well known. [...]

The creation of economically rational closed water management systems is difficult, but solvable. The complex physico-chemical composition of wastewater, the variety of compounds contained in them and their interaction make it impossible to select the universal structure of closed systems suitable for use in various sectors of the national economy. The creation of such systems depends on the characteristics of the technology of the enterprise, its technical equipment, the requirements for the quality of the products and used water used, etc.. Issues of rational use of water on a closed cycle specialists should solve in the closest connection with the development of basic production technology. Now there are already more than 200 industrial enterprises and individual large industries in the country, which created closed systems of technical water supply. [...]

Electro-mapping can be used in industries with a closed water supply cycle. But the use of this method in each specific case requires preliminary testing and determining the optimal conditions for wastewater treatment. [...]

In the future, it will be more widely created production with closed technological cycles. In them, air is used repeatedly, and all waste is disposed of. [...]

One of the general principles of creating waste-free production is the cyclicality of material flows. The simplest examples of cyclic material flows include closed water and gas-moving cycles. Ultimately, the consistent application of this principle should lead to the formation first in separate regions, and subsequently in the entire technician of a consciously organized and adjustable technogenic cycle of substances and related energy transformations. As effective ways to form cyclic material flows and rational use of energy, it is possible to specify the combination and cooperation of production, the creation of TPK, as well as the development and production of new types of products, taking into account the requirements for its re-use. [...]

The reference project is a set of technological stages with a cycle of commodity resources - production - consumption - intrichny raw materials providing a closed movement of material and energy flows. In drawing up a reference project for certain types of chemical products, the most advanced technological schemes for obtaining this product and waste processing are used, at which secondary waste is not formed. [...]

In the United States of America, the schemes of chlorine industries with a single use of water in closed systems are designed. The most progressive are the following solutions: chlorgaz and hydrogen are cooled in surface refrigerators, formed condensates are sent to the sewage cycle used mainly for the preparation of brine and for underground saline. [...]

Improving industrial and agricultural production technology aims to minimize emissions and waste polluting natural environment. The ideal model of such production is waste-free technology with closed water consumption cycles. Large products are invested in the construction of wastewater treatment facilities - filters, dust collectors, sumps, etc. In agriculture, the transition to a more progressive method of irrigation - sprinkle - significantly reduces the cost of water and loss of land due to secondary salinization and fearing. [...]

This fragment of the process scheme reflects only part of production with a closed water use cycle. [...]

The leading direction in resolving the problem of protection of water bodies from pollution by waste industrial production is the creation of such a technology that would reduce the formation of wastewater in the main production process, and the development of methods for processing production waste for the secondary raw materials. Among the production, for which this problem has already been solved, the production of phenol with a closed wastewater cycle, aniline and other aromatic amines obtained by contact methods, phthalic anhydride and a number of others are possible. [...]

The main direction of protection of the atmosphere from pollution is the creation of low-waste technologies with closed production cycles and complex use of raw materials. But it is ideally, currently cleaning gases from pollution is still the only effective method of neutralizing the atmosphere. Existing purification methods can be divided into two groups: noncatalithic (absorption and adsorption) and catalytic. Consider a number of methods of chemical cleaning from the most common pollutants. [...]

The main direction of protection of the air basin from contamination with harmful substances is the creation of new low-waste technologies with closed production cycles and complex use of raw materials. Technological protective measures also include: recovery of solvents, equipment sealing, reduction of unorganized emissions, replace the dry processes with wet, the use of low-voltage and small fuel, the construction of high (up to 300 m) pipes to remove the zone of maximum contamination and a decrease in the concentration in the surface layer. Adjusting the engine with the choice of the optimal composition of the combustible mixture and the ignition mode is adjustable to technical measures of combating vehicles. [...]

Probably, the spontaneous process of mutual neutralization requires an additional study. However, this idea with the impossibility of organizing production with a closed cycle deserves attention. The authors of the study believe that the additive to the randomly established process components and their ratio) of special additives would allow substances with predetermined properties. This leads to the thoughts to supplement the industrial complexes who develop in any region by another enterprise - a peculiar physico-chemical bio-logical plant, modifying everything that remains at the main enterprises, and turning their waste into harmless. [...]

In the practical achievement of this goal, other terms are used: the development of resource-saving and energy-saving technology; the use of secondary energy resources; The use of industries with a closed cycle, waste-free and low-waste production. In the latter case, it is assumed that all waste, including polluting air and water, are almost completely absent or used in other technological cycles of this production, related industries or agriculture. Production, working using consumption waste, are also waste-free (low-waste). Production that do not meet these requirements is called ordinary. [...]

Physico-chemical methods for cleaning the atmosphere from gaseous pollutants. The main direction of protection of the air pool from contamination with harmful substances is the creation of a new waste-free technology with closed production cycles and the complex use of raw materials. [...]

In some cases, a separate event aimed at protecting the environment is in full, it does not solve it. Comprehensive solutions are most effective, including the entire arsenal of the tools and methods of environmental protection with the organization of production on a closed cycle and transition to waste-free technologies. [...]

According to the Institute of Economics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, the pulp and paper industry is one of the main environmental pollutants, throwing up to 75% of all waste in the form of suspended particles. We need promising solutions, when implementing which emissions into the atmosphere and reservoirs will dramatically reduce. Therefore, in paper production, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of fresh water to 1 tons of finished products using the maximum closed cycles of the use of recycled water, which simultaneously should lead to a decrease in the cost of the paper produced. In addition to saving water, fibers and fillers, with a closed cycle of the use of circulation water, more rational use of heat is also achieved, which, for example, in the production of newspaper paper is very important. Indeed, the maximum use of heat enclosed in the stream of wood mass (the main component of the newspaper paper) contributes to an increase in the temperature of the mass coming into the grid of the paper machine. This facilitates the process of dehydration of the mass and increases the temperature of the revolving water, which leads to an increase in the temperature of the mass coming to the grid of the paper machine. [...]

Promotions (production wastewater) and fecal stations from socialcultum objects are characterized by a number of parameters: quantity (in kg or l), physicochemical properties from dissolved, emulsified or suspended substances, degree of toxicity, carcinogenic, mutaging, alkalinity or acidity , organoleptic characteristics - smell, color, taste. Promotions are divided into conditionally clean (from cooling technological equipment) and dirty (from other workshops, sites, construction sites, etc.). Conditionally clean drains are cooled in sumps or cooling towers, purified from suspension and oils, and then returned to production with a limited additive of cold water (evaporation loss). Such a process is called a closed cycle of water consumption, in terms of nature conservation, it is most harmless. Dirty industries are removed to the sewage treatment plants of sewer collectors, solid fractions are removed from them, oil products are filtered off, then disinfected and sent to deep cleaning or sumps.