Task on the multiplication table. This simple trick in two accounts will teach your children to multiply! Vacations are not spoiled

Task on the multiplication table. This simple trick in two accounts will teach your children to multiply! Vacations are not spoiled
Task on the multiplication table. This simple trick in two accounts will teach your children to multiply! Vacations are not spoiled

Almost all parents whose children went to school face early and late with the need to remember long-forgotten school disciplines to help the child understand them or learn something.

And one of the first serious tasks, as well as one of the first problems, becomes a multiplication table, which is often asked for children for self-study for the summer after the first class.

In this case, the task of parents is to explain to the child the basic principle of mathematical action and correctly convey to it the essence of multiplication so that he learned the table calmly, easily and quickly without monotonous and boring jar.

Sometimes it happens that the baby also did not go to school, but Mom wants him to multiply in the mind, at least three-digit numbers. Of course, among children there are small adderkinds, which are really capable of it and can assimilate not only the multiplication table at an early age, but also begin to extract the root square or solve complex equations from numbers. However, it is rather an exception to the rules.

Basically, even the younger schoolchildren table multiplication is not easy and creaked, because it usually explains it as an incomprehensible and boring set of numbers that for some reason must be remembered. What to say in this case about reoxoys.

So, if your baby is not a mathematical genius, then it is not necessary to prematurely download it to studying the multiplication table. Since the development of this skill is required only in the second grade school, it is recommended to acquaint a child with a multiplication table and the principle of its action not earlier than seven-eight-year-old age.

Nevertheless, you can prepare a baby, explaining to him the mathematical meaning of multiplication after it fell down addition and subtraction.

Every child is mastering mathematics in his own way: someone has a good mechanical memory, therefore he remembers everything faster and memorizes, others need to reinforce information with a visual or emotional perception, that is, to use for training cards with drawings, items, toys, poems and songs. The same applies to the filing for a child multiplication table.

In order for the baby to be not difficult in the middle of the school year, the table is usually set for independent acquaintance of the summer holidays.

Be sure to help the child understand, but be prepared for what you need to make a lot of work, as well as to be patient.

Some nuances and important moments

It is also necessary to understand that it is possible to start studying the table only when the child is already creating basic mathematical actions. That is, he knows how well and confidently:

  • consider at least to one hundred - in the usual and reverse order;
  • distinguish simple numbers, numbers and dozens;
  • understand the number of numbers;
  • fold and deduct
  • to understand the principle of multiplication, be able to replace addition by multiplication and vice versa.

Modern children do not always understand why they generally memorize the table, which is often served in schools, like mathematical abracadabra, is easy and quickly calculating on the calculator or get the answer from the computer / tablet / phone.

Your task is to find a significant motivation for the child, explain to him, for which such knowledge, skills and skills are needed, how can they help later in their studies and in life, what benefit can be learned.

Try to find your arguments on the example of the following eloquent arguments:

  • the principle on which the multiplication table is being built, and having learned it, the child will quickly carry out any calculations, operate with large and multigalous numbers in the mind - this will give him an advantage in school and will make it possible to cope with mathematics tasks much faster;
  • even at first he will need a crib or paper to make a calculation, then the result will be found only with your own knowledge and memory - without the use of assistance in the form of an electronic device;
  • such knowledge helps to develop and improve "mathematical intuition", train memory, strengthen the intelligence and speed of brain reactions;
  • the multiplication table is one of the basic mathematical operations, so without it it will not be possible to master more "deep water" in this discipline.

How to learn? Go to practice

Deciding with the age and readiness of the child, you can select the methodology for which you want to train it.

In order for the choice to be the most optimal and effective for your baby, it is worth introducing the most basic techniques and methods of studying the table, and also to understand what rules should be adhered to to obtain a good result.

We are looking for the right approach to the child

  • In any learning, the main thing is the systemality and sequence of actions. If you came up with a child behind the table, then study it regularly, repeating each time passed.
  • Do not make your baby learning and do not sit by force. Try to understand what his failure is connected - perhaps the child is just tired, wants to eat, it feels bad or sick. Then set aside the occupation or transfer it to another time.
  • Some kids are very hard for a long time to sit in one place - they love to move all the time and need a frequent change of classes. In this case, standard classes will not suit, but you can learn a sign and while walking or playing, and on a swing, and on the way home.
  • Motivate the child to study - find exactly the key that will become incentive for him.
  • In no case are not going around, do not shout and do not scold for mistakes or misunderstanding. It is impossible to blow a child with bad memory, inability to learn anything, etc. Moreover, it is unacceptable to resort to physical punishments.
  • Another common parent error is to scare bad estimates or compare the baby with other kids, exposing it in an unsightly light. It is completely wrong, because every child is a person with its individual pace and the peculiarities of development.
  • Objectively evaluate the knowledge and abilities of your baby - if he is not mathematical, and the humanitarian warehouse of the mind, then look for the approach and the methodology that it is optimally suitable for him and give the greatest effect.
  • For example, for children, easily stored poems, you can come up with or find thematic rhymes for each figure - this will help the child and simplifies the memorization process.
  • If the baby has a figurative or associative thinking, find the association with it to all cliffs, compose stories, make illustrations or sketches.
  • Young musicians will help songs - suggesting them, it will remember much easier and will remember that forty-eight will be forty, and the family three is twenty-one.
  • Make breaks often in class so that the child rested.
  • Do not understand the literally statements in some methods - "learn the table for three hours" or something like that. Remember how you were given a multiplication table at one time, and then proceed to classes with your own child.
  • Do not forget to praise the baby for every small or great success and progress.

We start quickly and easily learn by the methodology

Let's look at one of the most effective learning techniques, according to which the child will get acquainted with the multiplication table in four days, it will understand the principle of its action and will permanently go, what is multiplication and why it is necessary.

If you explain briefly, the specific meaning of multiplication is the simple replacement of the amount of the same terms in one action.

It is this approach that is correct, because if a child suddenly forget some table example, it will easily find a way out of the situation, oriented that you can simply add one more component to the previous example.

If the kid shave the incomprehensible set for him, the set of numbers and does not see their essence and meaning, he can at any time forget all this abrakadabra and he will not even be out of what to push out to remember one or another example.

It is worth clarifying that the timing of four days is exemplary and suggest special classes, the child's special interest in training, as well as its ability: the ability to operate in numbers within two hundred, possession of various mathematical operations, understanding the composition of the number and essence of multiplication - in fact, the child Must be able to multiply, but still not know the tables, as such, by heart.

In this video, it is clearly shown, as you can easily master the multiplication table in a fun, game form, making color cards.

First day

Based on the proposed method, first it is necessary to carefully examine the standard multiplication table.

If you take multiplication of all numbers from one to ten, then the child will have to learn as much as a hundred examples. At first glance, a rather frightening perspective is not true?

However, if you look even more carefully, you can find a very interesting fact that many just do not notice - the table is symmetric.

So, what you need to do with the child:

  • draw or print the table and enter all the examples of multiply from one to ten;

  • then find together the same examples, such as five to multiply four and multiply five to five - explain to the child that the response from the permutation, as in addition, the answer does not change;
  • the resulting symmetric examples are filled with any other color (light gray) - repeats should be forty-five;
  • next, also paint the first and last column - multiplication of units and dozens, since these examples are very lungs and they will not need to teach nor tool;
  • you must remain dedicated 36 cells or thirty-six mathematical facts - we will deal with their study.

Note that the selected examples should be located in the number of numbers - from less to more, and their quantity will increase by one in each column.

That is, if only one fact remains in the multiplication column, only one fact is - two examples will already be on the top three - three three times three and so on. Thus, you have a kind of inverted ladder from numbers.

Second day

The main task for the child is to understand and assimilate the principle of doubling. It is easiest to explain his child like this: for multiplication two two, you just need to add the number "two" with yourself - the result is four.

See how easy it is easy:

  • to multiply any number to four, it is necessary to simply produce a multiplication operation two twice, and if short, then multiplying four, you should first double the number, and then double the result;
  • complete with the child examples of multiplication by two and four for all numbers and fill them with light blue;
  • make sure that the baby understood the principle of doubles, which means that it can do without a cramp for the cases of multiplication by two and four.

Additionally, it is possible to begin to explain to the child that the doubling principle can be used and for multiplication by eight, sixteen and other degrees of two. That is, the first degree is the deuce itself, the second - the number of four, the third - the number is eight.

This series can be continued to infinity. So the baby slowly get acquainted with the finding of logarithms, just studying the multiplication table.

The third day

The next step of learning will be mastered by the skill of multiplication by five. To learn to multiply five, there are several interesting ways:

  • if you double the number is easy enough, it will not be more difficult and split it equally or in half, that is, to obtain a result of multiplying any number to five, you just need to multiply it for ten, and then divided into two, for example, multiply five At six - equal half of the sixty, because we multiply at ten and divide for two, as a result, it turns out thirty, etc.;
  • you can use another way - for an even number to attribute zero to its half, and for odd - to attach five to half the previous digit, for example, when you multiply the five to seven, you need to add a five to the top three, that is, half of the six, which is The numerical row is facing the seven, and when you multiply five to eight - divide eight to two and to the resulting four to attribute zealik;
  • there is a completely universal way that is suitable for all numbers, but we still use it for the top five - just count with the child five times as you need to multiply this very number, for example, for the multiplication of five to six, consider - five, ten , fifteen, twenty, twenty-five, thirty - that's the result;
  • we use the same way to explain the multiplication of the troika and train with the baby;
  • if he understood everything and learned, paint all the examples of multiplication by five and three light-purple color - you should have only ten cells.

Day four

By this time, the child should be well understood and easy to solve examples with multiplication of numbers from two to five - without memorizing and combaling, simply applying all the proposed logical methods.

He should like the next and final learning step. To do this, you need to use your fingers. It is with their help that the technique proposes to learn the multiplication of numbers from six to nine.

So, make the numbering of your fingers and yourself, and the baby. You can write the numbers with a marker or marker, make applications on paper nozzles, make figures from felt, as in the finger theater - additional creativity with mathematical background will be only in plus.

Numbers need the fingers of both hands:

  • on large fingers should be five;
  • on guide - six;
  • on medium - seven;
  • on nameless - eight;
  • on Mizinza - nine.

That's what you need to do later.

  • Sit with a child at the table. Hands put on the table with palms down. All numbers must be well and clearly visible.
  • Set any example for multiplication, for example, try multiply nine to eight.
  • Cut together the little finger with the left hand with a number nine and the ring finger of the right hand with a number eight. They should touch each other on the edge of the table.
  • The remaining seven fingers hang out - four on the left and three on the right. We calculate them with dozens - that is, for each finger ten. As a result, we get seventy.
  • Now it is necessary to multiply the ones on the table - one on the left and two on the right - it comes out two, and together seventy two.
  • We try with other numbers by the same principle: thumbs with those numbers that need to multiply, fingers in front of them we consider dozens, and the rest with the rest with each other and fold the result.
  • Go through all the remaining examples so that the child understands this principle and caught so multiply.
  • Ten remaining cells fasten with light orange.

So we passed the entire table, the study does not join the material, but to understand its meaning and logically arguing.

Other ways and methods in the form of games and poems

In addition to the proposed methodology, there are many other ways to non-standard learning multiplication table.

Very popular and efficient in work is, the so-called Pythagore table - you can purchase it ready or draw it with your child yourself. It is sufficiently simple - the numbers are located vertically and horizontally from one to nine in tabular form.

The essence of the use of the table is that the number from the left vertical column is multiplied by another of the horizontal top line. The task of the child is to hold the place of their intersection on the table and find the result.

With the table of Pythagora, you can invent various games and combinations so that the baby understand the principle of multiplication and trained the memory.

It is also worth using:

  • interactive sound posters;
  • cards with examples for the game;
  • poems - there are wonderful poems of Marina Kazarina "about multiplication" and "multiplication" of Alexander Usacheva;
  • online simulators and educational games for learning multiplication table on a computer;
  • practical examples with toys or surrounding objects;
  • didactic games - set the numbers in the houses, catch them like a fish, look for the right answers for the ray of the secrets of pirate treasures, form the compositions of trains, etc.

This video presents another interesting method of learning in poetic form.


Be sure to ask how the table is studying at school in a child. You can use your learning method, but in parallel to introduce the baby and with the standard program.

The multiplication table may turn out to be a hard nut, so it is not worth a hurry and upset or scold a child if the learning process is not as easy and quick as you wanted.

Remember that if you go to the case with patience, excerpt, and also to act gradually and work according to the methodology, then you will definitely get a great result.

This article on how to learn the multiplication table without torment and the bunning. In it, we tell how to learn to multiply the numbers up to 10 each other, remembering only 36 examples instead of 100. And we also show 5 useful games and a couple of lifehaki, which will help learn the multiplication table not only quickly, but also fun.

Turn 100 examples in 36

The multiplication table on the reverse side of most notebooks looks like this:

To learn it, can leave the whole summer. It is clear that the mechanical memorization of the correct answers to the hundreds of examples is the most time consuming way to remember the results of multiplication of numbers up to 10 each other.

The process is at times accelerated when we show how all these 100 combinations can be reduced to 36. In this case, a more successful visual manual is the Pythagore table:

In its example, it is already possible to show the principles of multiplication through the area of \u200b\u200bsmall rectangles:

  • 3 * 5 \u003d 15, because 15 small squares are placed in a rectangle with the sides of 3 and 5 cells (we consider them together to make sure).
  • 5 * 3 \u003d 15 for the same reason (we consider together).

Here, we clearly demonstrate the property of commutation: the work does not change from the permutation of places of multipliers. Of course, the name of this property is better to hold to Halloween, so as not to frighten anyone ahead of time :)

Because of this, the Pythagorette table is symmetric about its diagonal, therefore, from 100 examples for memorization, it remains 55: the diagonal with the values \u200b\u200bof 1, 4, 9, ..., 100, and everything that is above or below.

This discovery can be done independently by filling out a part of the Pythagorean empty table, in which only multipliers were originally marked:

The child can start filling it out, even if he does not know the rules of multiplication - after all, he already knows how, therefore, 2 + 2 will, then 4 + 2, then 6 + 2, and so, up to 20. Then a row with three , etc.

By filling out only a part of the table (for example, a square of 6 * 6 cells), you can already see the same numbers and it is not necessary to sharpen it at all.

After that, on the same table of Pythagora, we demonstrate two principles that allow you to "automate" another 19 operations on multiplication: multiplication by 1 and multiplication by 10:

  • If the number is multiplied by one, it does not change in any way. .
  • If the number is multiplied by 10, it appears zero at the end.

We take away from the previously left 55 examples to multiply another 19 "automated" and get only 36 combinations that need to be remembered. Almost three times less than offer us on the covers of notebooks!

Already easier, right?

Play and remember

It is difficult to remember what you can not apply in life. That is why it is important to show that the multiplication table can be useful. Games and exciting classes will help.

Big snowfall

These challenges will allow the child to visit the situation when it is not possible to do without multiplication. In the process of solving problems, the child understands that it is not necessary to recount square tiles each time - multiply enough to multiply the width!

Battle of rectangles

This is a simple game for two people to understand the multiplication and rectangle area.

You will need 2 felt-meters, a piece of paper into a cell and 2 cubes. Each player chooses a pencil or a felt-meter color to which it will draw.

Players walk in turn. The first player throws 2 cubes. Then he must draw a rectangle or square on a sheet from its side, whose side is equal to the numbers in cubes. In the middle of the figure, its area is recorded - how many cells take up the figure. Following the second player, and so on.

The game ends when there is no more space for new figures on the sheet. Wins the one whose figures occupied more cells on a sheet of paper.

Fishing game for multiplication

With this game, children will easily figure out the principle of multiplication: why two four will be eight, or three will be nine. In the game, you can catch only such a number of fish that is multiple 2 or 3. And to get them, you have to choose the right cards.


Print the playing field for the game, at least 4 pages with fish and a cincure for each player. Prepare a playing cube, chips for each player and paper with a handle.

How to play

Players take turns throw a cube and move along the field. If a player stops on a cell with an animal, then it does not get fish.

If a player stops on a cell with words, then caresses the specified number of fish - takes the card and puts into his sacc.

When all the players reached to the end, count the catch. Who in the networks turned out to be more fish, he won.

Table game

This game has a lot of all useful and entertaining. But the most important thing is the main part of the multiplication table in your pocket! Without a bore learning, the child learns to multiply the numbers from 1 to 5. The game is built on a unique technique that helps children with their own eyes see what multiplying is, and even hold it in his hands. And this is so important for the first steps in arithmetic.

The game set includes cards with the image of houses, the windows in these houses are transparent - this is the main chip of the technique! By connecting two cards with the number of windows "Two" and "Three" you get a house in which the number of windows will be "Six": 2x3 \u003d 6.

The houses themselves are painted very brightly and unusual, just considering them - a separate pleasure. Also in the set there are cards with tasks, a gaming chip, a pretty storage bag from waterproof fabric and detailed instructions with original illustrations.

There are two options for the "many, many". In both it is possible to regulate the complexity of the game, adjusting it to your child. Both variants of the game will be fascinated as for those who are just starting to get acquainted with the multiplication table and for those who already firmly know her.

And finally

Not so important right how you will learn the multiplication table: the main thing is to do it with pleasure - after all, the knowledge is learned much better, and the process becomes pleasant and interesting!

The multiplication table is considered the main base for learning mathematics in the future.

If a child in primary grades remembered simple examples, then in high school he will be easier for him to solve algebraic tasks.

Parents often face the problem of memorizing multiplication table at a schoolboy. This is due to the carelessness of the child, the inability to concentrate, as well as with poor memory.

Pedagogues and psychologists have long developed methods of rapid study by heart the tables.

To quickly learn the Pythagore table, it is also called the multiplication table, it is worth a responsibility to business. In 5 minutes, it is realistic, but you need to apply efforts.

To instantly remember simple examples, it is necessary to correctly explain to the child the principles of addition and subtract numbers. Only having a complete understanding, the baby will be able to remember the numbers in 5 minutes.

Consider the basic ways to remember:

  1. Preparation. Print the table and show her baby. It can be represented by two species: in the form of a Pythagore table and in the form of short examples.
  2. Explanation of the foundation. The principle of multiplication can be explained by subtraction and addition of the same digit. In addition, if the kid himself determines the pattern - he will remember it forever.
  3. Small portions. It is easier to learn the table with small sizes: today learn multiplication by 6, and tomorrow go to multiplication by 7.
  4. Commutativity. Explain to children that the results will not change from change places of multipliers. Then the child will become more interesting, because only half will have to teach.
  5. Use of other techniques. Training can occur in the form of the game, using cards, fingers and other methods that will be mentioned below.

The most important thing in learning is not to stop there. Checks can be done in the table order, and after receiving certain answers, go to the scatter check.

Gaming methods

At the heart of children's education is the principle of the development of curiosity in a child: if the baby interest, he, without noticing, enthusiastically enters the study.

Many parents want to force the crumb to come down the subject, but such methods children suffer badly.

Sale memorization of multiplication in the form of games:

  1. Cards. The technique has long established itself when studying any school subject and mathematics is not an exception.

    In this way, it is easy to memorize division, multiplication. The front part of the card contains an example, the opposite part - the answer: the won items go.

  2. Time game. The specifying an example and includes a timer. Such a move greatly motivates the child to the correct answer.
  3. Study in verse. Easy to memorize examples, if you teach them on rumor. An adult and a child need to learn poars, which will further help with the solution.
  4. Using toys. With the help of toys of animals, birds and other items, you can visually show the system.
  5. Sea battle. On the fields, write the numbers, and the condition for the attack of the ship will be the answer of multiplication. If the child said right - count the attack him.

It is much easier, learning is more interesting if all members of the family are involved.

Important! You can come up with an incentive winning system for the correct answer.

You can also give examples from real life, asking: how many paws in four cats, how many wheels have five cars.

Multiplication Table on Fingers

Another effective technique that allows in a short time to study the multiplication system on one-step numbers - on the fingers. This method consists in assigning a particular figure of each phalange of the hand.

Note! For multiplication by 8, 7 and 6, this method is the most optimal.

To help the child to master the table, put his hands with your palms to yourself. Each finger is numbered from 6 to 10. Connecting two opposite hands, you can get an answer to the task.

For example, connecting numbered 7 with 8 finger we get: 5 fingers from below are tens, and 3x2 \u003d 6 are units, result 56.

Below is a multiplication technique to 9:

Unconventional methods

One of the common non-traditional ways to memorize the table is the study of the song.

Many parents note that this technique contributed to the rapid study: the child could give an answer in a dream.

In order for the schoolboy to come to the lesson, there are other memorization methods:

  1. Presentations. Many teachers and primary school teachers conducted special research work, where such advice indicated.

    First you need to reduce the number of stumps for memorization. Examine multiplication by 1 and 10 - easy, and then it is worth talking about the relationships and repetitions of the table.

  2. Online programs. Today, many electronic projects have been developed that allow you to test the knowledge of the table.
  3. Training apparatus. Special program on the Internet aimed at rapid study.

    The child is provided with an example and several answers for him. The side indicates the number of correct answers in the percentage ratio, which additionally stimulates the child.

    If the crumb presses the wrong option, the percentages are reduced and vice versa. At the same time, the correct answer is indicated in the correct answer.

Children remember the rhymes, even better they know how to compose stories. The task of parents to draw up rhyme so that Kroch himself remember this multiplication.

In the future, you need to ask the kid of this verse: start pronounced verse, and the baby will continue it - so the table can be leaving the study easier and faster.

Useful video

Explore the correct answers to hundreds of examples is the most time-consuming way to remember the results of multiplication of numbers up to 10 each other. On this child can leave the whole summer. The process will accelerate if you show how all these 100 combinations can be reduced to 36. It is also important to make sure that the multiplication table can be useful. Games and exciting classes will help.

For those who are preparing for the Chief School Exam

Turn 100 examples in 36

The multiplication table on the reverse side of most notebooks looks like this:

To learn it, can leave the whole summer. Mechanical memorization of the correct answers to hundreds of examples is the most time consuming way to remember the results of multiplication of numbers up to 10 each other.

The process will accelerate if we show the child, as all these 100 combinations can be cut to 36. In this case, a more successful visual manual is the Pythagore table:

In its example, it is already possible to show the principles of multiplication through the area of \u200b\u200bsmall rectangles:

3 * 5 \u003d 15, because 15 small squares are placed in a rectangle with the sides of 3 and 5 cells (we consider them together to make sure);

5 * 3 \u003d 15 for the same reason (we consider together).

Here, we clearly demonstrate the property of commutation: the work does not change from the permutation of places of multipliers. Of course, the name of this property is better to hold to Halloween, so as not to frighten anyone ahead of time.

Because of this, the Pythagora table is symmetric about its diagonal, therefore, from 100 examples for memorization, it remains 55: the diagonal with the values \u200b\u200bof 1, 4, 9, ... 100 and everything that is above or below.

This discovery can be done independently by filling out a part of the Pythagorean empty table, in which only multipliers were originally marked:

A child can start filling it out, even if he does not know the rules of multiplication - it is already able to put it, so it will be easily considered 2 + 2, then 4 + 2, then 6 + 2, and so, up to 20. Then a row with Three, and so on.

By filling out only a part of the table (for example, a square of 6 * 6 cells), you can already see the same numbers and it is not necessary to sharpen it at all.

After that, on the same table of Pythagora, we demonstrate two principles that allow you to "automate" another 19 operations on multiplication: multiplication by 1 and multiplication by 10:

If the number is multiplied by one, it does not change in any way.

If the number is multiplied by 10, it appears zero at the end.

We take away from the previously left 55 examples to multiply another 19 "automated" and get only 36 combinations that need to be remembered. Almost three times less than offer us on the covers of notebooks! Already easier, right?

Play and remember

It is difficult to remember what you can not apply in life. That is why it is important to show that the multiplication table can be useful. Games and exciting classes will help.

1. Big snowfall

These challenges will allow the child to visit the situation when it is not possible to do without multiplication. In the process of solving the tasks, the child understands that it is not necessary to recount square tiles each time - multiply enough to multiply the width.

2. Battle of rectangles

This is a simple game for two people to understand the multiplication and rectangle area.

You will need two markers, a piece of paper into a cell and two cubes. Each player chooses a pencil or a felt-meter color to which it will draw. Players walk in turn. The first player throws two cubes. Then he must draw a rectangle or square on a sheet from its side, whose side is equal to the numbers in cubes. In the middle of the figure, its area is recorded - how many cells take up the figure. Following the second player and so on.

The game ends when there is no more space for new figures on the sheet. Wins the one whose figures occupied more cells on a sheet of paper.

3. Board game "Many, a lot"

This game has a lot of all useful and entertaining. But the most important thing is the main part of the multiplication table in your pocket! Without a bore learning, the child learns to multiply the numbers from 1 to 5. The game is built on a unique technique that helps children with their own eyes see what multiplying is, and even hold it in his hands. And this is so important for the first steps in arithmetic.

4. Board game "Colomarium"

Players will make a lot of interesting actions: planting flowers on the flowers, to harde themselves if necessary, to arrange surprises to their competitors - pleasant and not very. But the main thing for the participants is to fulfill orders: you need to grow exactly so many colors on your flower beds as the buyer wants. In the process of play, children in practice are convinced that in order to fulfill the order for 18 colors it is necessary to collect 3 flower beds in 6 colors. Such visual operations will be remembered quickly and for a long time.

5. Multiplication by 9 with fingers

Multiplication of 9 is often the most difficult. To make this process easier and more fun, you can use the tip - your own palms. Turn the brush with palms to yourself and mentally numb your fingers in order from left to right, from 1 to 10. Now we multiply, for example, 7 × 9. We begin the seventh finger on the left right. The amount of fingers to the bent is dozens, in our example it is "6". The number of fingers after curved is units, that is, "3". As a result, we get 63!

The multiplication table, without exaggeration, is one of the foundations of mathematical science. Without her knowledge, learning mathematics and algebra will be very difficult if not impossible at all.

Yes, and in everyday life, the multiplication table turns out to be in demand almost daily. That is why its development in elementary school is paid so much time.

However, the Pythagoret table is easy to learn: the multiplication skill is working with difficulty, and remember all this considerable mass of the child is not easy.

The task of parents is to help children in learning the multiplication table by making the process of interesting and at the same time productive.

Simple ways to teach children table multiplication

Old good countable material, as well as a variety of "tips" in the form of a river, a song and interesting memorable pictures, too, no one has canceled.

Having an idea of \u200b\u200bthe main training techniques: memorization, game, visualization - Parents in the forces independently teach the child to the multiplication table.


The task of "learn the table" suggests including its literal memorization. It is notified that to memorize the material is much easier in the poetic form or in the form of a song, especially if it concerns children.

If you streamline and sample examples on multiplication, then all the necessary numbers are really much faster in memory.

You can use any poems (for example, you can learn together with the child of the song of V. Shainsky and M. Danzkovsky "twice two - four"). And parents with fantasy can connect it and come up with their rhymes, it is easy, for example: "six seven - forty-two, flew to our owl."

In the extreme case, if the table is no longer remembered, the routine remains, but the way that has been tested by one generation - to drive it away. However, keep in mind that this method does not like the kids.

It should be remembered that the memorization cannot be the only method of teaching the child to the multiplication table. It is important not only to remember the sequence of numbers, but also to understand the essence of the action itself. This is exactly what the child will help to solve complex examples to multiply.


Another way to master the table of Pythagora is its visualization involving the use of all kinds of visual materials.

It can be:

  • counting materials;
  • pictures;
  • and even fingers!

With the help of a countable material, be it sticks, geometric figures or something else, you can show the child the essence of multiplication ("6 x 5" means "take 6 times about 5 objects").

In addition, the baby can count the figures represented and make sure that the answer turned out exactly such as in the Pythagore table.

With the help of pictures

If the child loves to draw - it is a great reason to learn the table with the help of pictures.

The principle of action is about the same as in the case of a countable material, only instead of laying out before the young mathematician 6 times 5 sticks can be drawn directly opposite the example 6 squares / cherries / wagons with 5 dots / cherries / bunnies inside each.

True, re-draw whole pictures when multiplying large numbers will be complicated.

On fingers

A good option will be the study of the part of the Pythagore table, namely the column with nine, on the fingers. Such a kind of lifehak will interest any child.

Position the hands of hands in front of them with palms outward and numb them mentally from 1 to 10, starting from the left maiden. Table examples on multiplication with a number 9 are solved very simply: enough to get the finger, the number of which coincides with the second factor.

So, multiplying 3 to 9, bend the middle finger on your left hand. The fingers that are located to the curved (two) are denoted by the number of tens, and the rest (seven) are the number of units.

Total, in response, we get 27. Quickly, easy and interesting!

Through training cartoons and programs

As a means of visualization, of course, you can involve training cartoons, applications on mobile devices and PC programs, if there is such an opportunity and parents are not against such a child's time.

Of course, to study such a recalcitable multiplication table, all means are good, but remember that everything should be in moderation, and do not throw the baby to the care of the gadget in this difficult case, and it is better to join it yourself.

The game

Training in the game form always attracts kids. Learn the multiplication table well on the material of the card game. Cardboard make cards for each example of a table, on one side is a numerical expression (5 x 3 \u003d?), And on the other - the answer.

Players take turns pull cards, decide the example and check themselves, looking at the opposite direction. If the answer is correct, the card remains at the player, if not, returns to the deck. The winner is the one who at the end of the game will be scored the most cards.

The first steps in the study of the table: the lightest numbers and the development of the principle

Some examples from the Pythagore table are cut into memory almost instantly, others, no matter how nor, do not obey. It is logical that it is necessary to start mastering the table with more conspiracting numbers.

Thus, the child will not be difficult to remember the column of examples with a single, since the answers will be identical to the changing factor. Next, you can begin to study the column with a number 2, because such multiplication is easily illustrated by any prickly means, adding every time two.

After that, the column will remember well with the four, because in order to multiply by 4, you need to multiply by 2 and another 2. Experienced parents noticed that children easily master the multiplication by 5, since the answers in this column enemy only 0 and 5.

Well, with multiplication from 6 to 9 (plus the number 3) can be understood a little later, especially since part of them (namely, the multiplication of these numbers by 1, 2, 4 and 5) will already be mastered. And if you decide to take advantage of the multiplication method described above, there will be no problems with the nine.

When the approximate front of the work is scheduled, it remains to determine how to explain the child the essence of multiplication so that it was clear to him. To begin with, it is worth saying a child that this mathematical action is invented to speed up and facilitate the account.

It would be good to come up with a bright situation to illustrate this approval. For example: "You have 10 packages and in each of 8 candies. To calculate candy in order, you will need a few minutes. And if you know the tricky way - multiplication - you will spend just a couple of seconds. " Usually such a motivation has to children.

The essence of multiplication is easy, it can be explained both clearly and with the help of numbers. In the first case, using the counting material, explain to the child that multiplication is to "take so many times on so much."

If it seems to you that the child will rather understand a digital record, tell us that the expression "5 x 6" is a brief entry of the expression "5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5". Thus, multiplication not only facilitates the score, but also makes it possible to briefly record the amount of the same terms.

And this means that homework in mathematics will take a much less time - what is not a great reason to remember the table?

How to fix the result?

The best fastening of the skill is to use it in practice. To master the Pythagore table was successful, do not forget to let new kids in the case.

For a walk, ask to say how many wheels in four cars, how many legs have five cats. For dinner, find out how many plates to put on the table, if each of the three dins you need two pieces. From time to time, repeat the cases of table multiplication in verses.

Many parents are advised to memorize the multiplication table and at night-time time simply sprinkle in different places at home Table Pythagora, so that the child could repeat the material at any time.

A good way to consolidate knowledge is the game. Use cards for it, which was mentioned above. Play your family, let adults sometimes be mistakenly mistaken, so that the child can fix them, demonstrating his knowledge.

How to help the child quickly master and memorize information?

Mastering the multiplication table - the process is not too fast. However, at school, the number of hours on any material is limited, and, of course, the teacher in the next lesson (and the lessons of mathematics in elementary school is usually daily) will already require a certain result.

Therefore, parents need to help the child to understand and remember the information obtained faster.

Studying the Tatak Table of Pythagora, pay attention to the fact that many examples are repeated in it, only the numbers in the first part of the numerical expressions vary in places: 3 x 7 \u003d 21 and 7 x 3 \u003d 21.

Realizing this, the child quickly guesses that he does not have to teach about half of the table at all and in fact the number of examples that need to be remembered is much less than it seems at first glance! Repeating examples for clarity can be highlighted in the table the same color.

You can draw the child's attention to some interesting facts discovered with a detailed study of the Pythagore table and associated with a reduction in numbers (that is, following the method of Pythagore itself, the addition of numbers from which there are two-digit numbers of the table).

Thus, in a nine column, the number of digits of each two-digit number in the answer will be 9. If you cut the number in the number of eight columns in this way, the sequence is from 8 to 1 in order. In a column with a six, a sequence 6, 3, 9 will be repeated, and in a three-fold column - 3, 6, 9.

You can show a small conqueror of a big mathematics and such a trick: if you take the first answer in the column for 09 (and not just 9), then the numbers in the responses are lined up in two columns, and the left will be a number of numbers located in order from 0 to 9 , and right - from 9 to 0.

It will be quite good if you manage to provide a kid to the multiplication table in the form of a square, on the edges of which numbers are recorded from 1 to 9, and the results of their multiplication are recorded inside. Having lines from the multipliers on top and left, on their intersection it will be possible to see the desired number.

It is important to explain to the child that the result of a numerical expression can be found in any way: you can recall the result, and you can count on your fingers or apply the knowledge of the "tricks", it is permissible to quickly fully accumulate.

Or, for example, if forgot how much will be 9 x 3, then how much will it be 3 x 9, you will probably get to remember? The ability to enjoy in different ways to solve the problem is useful to the baby in life.

How to teach the baby to cope with complex examples?

Before proceeding with difficult examples, you need to make sure that the child of the nazubok knows the source material - the Pythagore table. If you managed to cope with this, you can proceed to the multiplication of the form of a two-digit number to unambiguous.

Explain to the child that in this case it is necessary:

  1. Record numbers by the column, double-digit - from above.
  2. Multiply to a unique number first two-digit units, then dozens (hereinafter referred to as the title of the first factor, mention that each large digit is multiplied with the following);
  3. If, when multiplying a single discharge, a double-digit one is obtained, then a number is recorded below the number indicating the number of numbers of the resulting number, and the number indicating the number of dozens is written above the next discharge of the first factor and is added to the number obtained by multiplying this discharge to unambiguous.

It sounds difficult, on the example everything is much easier. After some time, not without the help of the school program, the kid will master this action, and will be able to go to more complex calculations. Remember that it is not necessary to specifically ask the child too difficult tasks - all your time.

Interest, motivation, game - this is what today stands at the head of the angle in education, especially if it concerns young children. It is proved that if the child is passionate about the material, he assimilates it much faster and better.

Changing - the option is not bad, but the result is often shortwheel: after writing an important control or passing the exam, we are pleased to forget what danish and nostalo told a couple of days ago. That is why it is important to do the study of a complex material, which is the table of Pythagora, interesting for children.

For this, different ways are suitable:

  • motivation is an explanation of where the child is useful to multiply the numbers and how best to multiply them quickly than to slowly fold;
  • stimulating, in other words, the promise of something pleasant when the result is reached (but remember that it is impossible to abuse this method, otherwise one day you just do not dance the financially another "pleasant");
  • praise: For each even the smallest chamber of the child need to praise, and significant promotions are well encouraged by a fascinating walk, a joint game or campaign in a movie or a museum, and in the same way as you can also repeat a couple of examples;
  • education in the game form: Use to check the knowledge of the child are not mathematical dictations or tests - it is enough for him in school, and the games (the same cards or computer). Or arrange a public-friendly cognitive quiz or even a quest with finding items with tips, which can be obtained only correctly deciding the example.

Do not forget that load the baby with an excessive volume of material into one occupation can not, in the end, the child comes comes and will not be ascertained and half, and if it feels, it will have time to forget. Let your homemade lessons be too long, then multiplication will not have time to bother the student.

It is important to take breaks during classes, so that the baby could warm up and change the type of activity. And so as not to shy away from the topic, you can spend a mathematical fizminutka: the parent throws the baby to the ball with the question, for example, "five five -?", He catches and throws back, voicing the answer.

What errors it is important to prevent the child?

Remember the multiplication table - the task is not simple. The efforts of children do not always bring results at once, and the patience of parents and grandparents is not limitless. However, in time, applying the ability to think, we can protect yourself and a child from our own rapid words and actions.

So, in no case cannot:

  • hurry a child if he, in your opinion, solves an example for too long (if he, of course, really decides him, and not distracted to draw or something else);
  • to scold the baby, and even more so give him unilent assessments and nicknames - the motivation will not add it to him, but the unwillingness can occur;
  • wait for the rapid absorption of a large volume of material and upset when it does not happen (and this will not happen);
  • compare the success of a child with the successes of his friends, classmates and brothers (in any case, someone from children will have to be elevated before others, which is unlikely to make relationships between them better).

Help the child to learn the multiplication table can every parent. It is enough to show a little patience, fantasy and interest - then work will go like oil. Considering with interest, not a bullie material from under the stick, children are more willing and quickly awaken multiplication.