Comedited right hand or palm. Signs

Comedited right hand or palm. Signs
Comedited right hand or palm. Signs

The article will tell about the meaning of the samples of itching in the right palm.

A variety of signs accompany us throughout life. We hear them in childhood, and then, becoming older, and we yourself teach them our children.

Not even superstitious people in the depths of the soul believe in some signs that the world sends. As for superstitious people, their lives and at all are subject to the surrounding signs.

To harmoniously exist in the world, you need to find the golden middle - without fanatism to listen to the signs that are sent. And then you can become more vision and meet less obstacles on the way.

Why do people believe in signs?

Before giving the decryption to superstition, let's figure it out, from which people have been believe in them at all.

  • It is safe to argue that signs are a cultural phenomenon. For a long time, when people did not have the benefits of civilization and developed science, signs acted as an explanation of the surrounding world
  • Signs are similar to the pagan rites. People could not explain to themselves why thunder thunder and beats lightning, as the change of day and night happens. For such important moments, gods were invented. For smaller - perfume. But the signs served as an explanation of very domestic and everyday affairs
  • Signs are of different character. Some of them are really associated only with superstitions (for example, do not sit on the corner, to fear black cat, etc.). Some signs are based on natural phenomena and many years of experience.
  • Signs of different countries and peoples are very different from each other. This proves the fact that the signs are part of folk creativity.
  • Signs are and professional. They arise in a narrow circle of people of a certain profession. Many people with great seriousness belong to such signs.
  • Believe or not believe in signs? This is a question of your choice. After all, our brain is arranged in such a way that believing in something, we will be everywhere to find confirmation of our faith. If you feel that really signs knowing something for you, you have to adapt to them

What itchies the right palm, signs

  • One of the common decodes of itching the right palm is a meeting with people who have not seen for a long time. It can be distant relatives, old friends or former colleagues.
  • Other Decryption Signals - Getting Profit Or Gift
  • Mebea is a common value - this is an excess of internal energy. Perhaps you feel anger or aggression. In this case, you need to understand yourself and for the reasons for such a state. Slide the excess energy sports or walk in the fresh air

What does the right hand drawn in the evening?

  • Itching in the evening means events that will happen to you tomorrow
  • If the right palm is drawn in the evening, then, most likely, tomorrow you will have to make a responsible decision. Often, this itching arises before passing the exam, an important business meeting or interview
  • To ensure that it goes well, the palm must be scratched towards yourself

What does the rear side of the right palm itch?

It is necessary to independently pursue an analogy between my own life and itching in the palm of your hand. There are several decryption options: Meeting with old friends or profits.

What is the right palm on Monday?

  • It all depends on who had a habit of palm
  • For example, if the palm was happressed by a young girl, she will meet an interesting young man. Despite the interesting communication, their relationship is unlikely to advance further
  • For a businessman, such itching can mean a meeting with his former companions or workers
  • Sometimes. Itching right palm on Monday foreshadows small minor meetings and dating

What does the right hand draw on Tuesday?

On Tuesday, itching Palm means a meeting with the old comrade. This meeting will take place so unexpectedly for both of you that you will be impressed for a long time. In any case, the meeting will be warm and you will be able to remember many pleasant moments with an old friend.

What is the right palm on Wednesday?

If itching appeared on Wednesday, then this is a harbinger of a romantic meeting or an unexpected gift. If you already have a second half, expect an appearance on the hint of a mystery of the mystery. The gift will also be most likely from the person you are not indifferent to

What does the right hand draw on Thursday?

Itching Palm on Thursday means reunion with a native person. Perhaps you will arrive home after a long business trip. Or maybe come to the parent house, where there were no longer a long time. Note on Thursday does not promote new meetings, and promises the establishment of old connections

What does the right palm hang on Friday?

On Friday, this sign can mean a meeting with former love. Even if you do not communicate, the meeting can take place completely suddenly. Perhaps this is your chance to talk and forgive all the insults.

What is the right hand on Saturday?

Saturday - a day of rest. It is on this day that many people go to the discos and in the bars. There you promise a meeting with an interesting person of the opposite sex. Most likely, the flirt of the relationship will not leave. But this meeting will bring both a lot of positive emotions.

What does the right palm draw on Sunday?

Time Palm on Sunday is a hint of fruitful business relations next week. You may find a rich investor or patron. If the palm is drawn on Sunday, then you will meet an influential person who can help you in the business sector

  • Any admission can be perceived in different ways. For someone - this is a sign over, for others - nothing knows anything. How to perceive to accept the choice for you
  • Itching the right palm can mean several events. But the most common importance is a meeting of any nature.
  • Signs have different meanings depending on the time of day and day of the week.
  • Reading the meaning, project it in my head, under your personal life. Then the value will be more accurate.

Video: What is the right palm

Despite the fact that we live in the age of the celebration of science, many people in their daily life rely on signs. Believers who promise to receive money are particularly popular. This, for example, testifies to the sudden desire to scratch the right palm.

In this article

What is the right palm, maybe for money?

The people say: "The right hand is itching - to the money." Note promises your budget replenishment. Perhaps you will be waiting for a lottery win, an unscheduled award or other monetary reward. It is possible that the debt will be returned, about the return of which you and think forget.

Pay attention to how much the right palm itch. There is a belief that the more intense the feeling is manifested, the more significant amount awaits. And if after the palm it begins to hide the elbow, and then itching captures the whole hand, then the amount of profit will be just fantastic.

Connoisseurs, however, claim that these signals talk about the possibility of receiving money, but do not guarantee that the financial flow will reach your pockets. If you are firmly intended to increase your welfare, you must do a series of magical rituals.

  • First of all, imagine that money came and lie on the palm. Squeeze your fingers into a fist and touch it with lips as a sign of gratitude. Feel the inner joy from this gift of fate. Then place the fist in your pocket and open the palm there, presenting that we put money there. So you attract the expected wealth.
  • Another way to consolidate success is as follows. If the right hand was combed, find some kind of red item, preferably from the tree. Highly spend it with his right hand and say out loud: "Trot about red, so as not in vain."
  • In order to ensure the performance of signs, there is a simpler rite to which our ancestors resorted. It is necessary to lose the edge of the right palm of the wooden surface, for example, the plane of the table.
  • I advise with the appearance of itching in the right palm to resort to the help of real monetary signs: to squeeze a paper bill or several coins in a fist.
  • For pregnant women, the rite using a piece of red fabric or any red item is very effective. Nothing difficult is required, just hold a couple of minutes in your right hand.

Such an interpretation of scratching of the right palm promises easy money, so it is in great honor in humans. However, the belief has a different meaning.

Itchies right hand - Signals about friends and meetings

If you suddenly felt itching in the right palm, then the likelihood is to meet with the old companion. Believe it is connected with strong handshake, which are exchanged familiar people. The feeling of the future handshake is manifested in the form of a lung palm tooth.

If desired, you can understand who it is worthwhile. We must remember who of the expensive people you have not seen for a long time. Mentally scroll through them their images. If the feeling in the palm enhanced, it means that you will meet in a short time.

Note concerns not only friends. It is possible that relatives are guided to visit you. In this case, their visit will not necessarily cause joy.

The third version of the interpretation signs belongs to the business sphere. Itching the right palm indicates unscheduled negotiations with business partners or customers. Note does not guarantee that communication will be easy and pleasant. Its character depends on your previous actions.

The value of the time of time

In any folk signs there are nuances specifying its meaning. In the case of the belief under consideration, it should be clarified, at what time of the day the desire has arisen to scratch the right palm.

Sudden itch

If the desire to scratch the palm arose suddenly, it indicates an event that has exceptional importance for you. At the same time, you can affect the course of events and its results. Focus, carefully examine the situation, calculate possible options to extract the maximum benefit and avoid losses.

A sudden and intense signal sent to the skin, warns of possible danger, so it is necessary to be on a challenge, since it is likely to deal with a person configured against you.

Morning hours

If itching in his right hand appeared at the time of awakening, he reports a meeting, a phone call or a trip that will be surprising. Perhaps it will violate the planned routine of the day and you have to drive through an unfamiliar route.

This sign that manifested itself in the morning also predicts the deliverance from the disease and the arrival of a small amount.

Evening hours

In the evening, itching the right palm is associated with work. The meaning of the signs are that you have to justify the trust that will provide the boss. It is possible that the responsible case is entrusted, after which the service is waiting.

Evening signs also foreshadow a meeting with a person with whom you were friends in childhood or in youthful years: companion in the yard, classmate or fellow students.


According to some beliefs, night signs have a negative, dark shade. Itching the right hand disturbing you at night may become a signal about health problems or any unpleasant event in the future.

However, there is a more optimistic interpretation. It says that night itching emphasizes the special importance of the upcoming event, which is not necessarily negative. Just show care and caution.

Itching right hand by day of week

  1. If the right palm is drawn on Monday, then the sign promises a meeting of an exceptionally pleasant character.
  2. Itching, which arose on Tuesday, predicts money income in a wide variety of forms: a random find, lottery winnings, unscheduled payment or debt return. Not always the Tuesday's signal speaks about direct profits. Sometimes he foreshadows an event that will subsequently turn into improved well-being. We can talk about a new job with a higher salary or about the conclusion of a profitable deal.
  3. Wednesday turns accepted against you. Palm itches to the financial loss or large spending. Although there are nuances here, because your money can go for a useful acquisition for home or to help relatives. Perhaps to return a debt or repay the loan.
  4. On Thursday, the sulit of the unexpected arrival of the guests. Follow the products and drinks in advance, otherwise there will be nothing to treat them.
  5. If you feel the desire to scratch the right palm on Friday, then you know - you are waiting for a romantic date. Especially this will inspire someone who is tired of loneliness. In life, for sure, the second half will appear.
  6. Saturday and Sunday sign promises a long journey. You can send you on a business trip to the other end of the country, or get an invitation from relatives or friends to buy in another region. And perhaps will provide an unscheduled vacation and you will go to another country along the burning ticket. Another interpretation option predicts that guests come from distant edges.

New moon

If the sign made itself felt on the day of the new moon, it will act for the next 28 days. She foreshadows the constant flow of money or numerous meetings with old friends.

If the sign manifested itself in phase of a young monthor first quarterShe promises the arrival of money. Also itching in the right palm says that you will be full of strength and ideas. For women, this sign promises ambulance. Although, perhaps it will be a special gift from the spouse or lover.

Second quarter of the moon.These days the hands will be cleared to spend money. There will be a mass of temptations around. We'll have to strain the will, so as not to fall into waste.

Full moon

Itching the right palm at the time of the full moon promises a joyful event or a pleasant meeting. Sketches promotes a dear gift. You will also find access to information how to change your financial position for the better.

Third quarter of the moon.The sign of this period will bring unexpected money, but there is a reverse side: a family quarrel, problems in the love sphere.

Crescent.Beware of suggestions about easy earnings. This money will not bring joy, but the conscience will suffer. You may be drawn into an adventurous enterprise that you have to regret. Keep money with you and do not trust them with anyone, especially if someone promises the golden mountains.


Specifications associated with a sudden desire to scratch the right palm, in most cases it has a positive color, promising a meeting or receiving money. Although there are moments of a negative nature. What exactly will bring signs, depends on the faith of a person and the mood. Therefore, believe in the best, and trouble will bypass you.

A little about the author:

Evgeny Tukubaev The necessary words and your faith is the key to success in perfect ritual. I will provide information to you, but its implementation directly depends on you. But you should not worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

One of the most famous will accept, this is when the hand is itching. But if everyone knows what the left palm (for money) is not so unambiguously. To determine what the right hand can be, pay attention to the day of the week and the time of day and, even on the sexuality.

According to accept, the left hand is responsible for cash flows, and the right for the accumulation of energy. That is why they say that if the left hand itchs it to the money, and the right - to the fight. True, sometimes specialists disagree in opinions.

Esoterics made up a number of reports that mean certain events, if the right hand was combed:

  1. Itching the right hand says that a person has long held back negative or positive emotions that are now looking for discharge. It is possible that in a recent time there was a quarrel or conflict that do not give rest. And maybe due to the circumstances, I had to make a decision that did not satisfy. In this case, look at yourself and analyze the emotional state, otherwise the emotional breakdown or nervous exhaustion is waiting.
  2. In the near future, you will have to take an important decision or life will make a steep turn. In the East it is believed that when the palm is drawn on his right hand, then the person has accumulated forces to take up the new business and overcome the obstacles.
  3. Common explanations of the Item Item - a meeting with a friend. It will be an old friend, a business partner, and, maybe a detractor or future afternoon.
  4. Itching the right hand warns about the sudden appearance of distant relatives. And it is not a fact that such a meeting will bring joyful emotions.
  5. The right side also as the left is responsible for cash flows. But unlike the left hand to get the money, efforts will have to make. To improve your financial situation, we recommend familiar with.
  6. A light tack of hand indicates that soon the decision will be made that will change fate. And this applies to both a career and personal life. Therefore, during this period it is recommended to collect forces and recall ambitions.
  7. Tingling the brush or right palm serves as an emotional tension signal. Such a person is worth looking for discharge, since anger is already ready to spill out, and this is fraught with the exacerbation of relations with others.

If itch found in the morning, then in a short time, expect unplanned finances, in the evening - to a meeting with a relative soul. When itching occurs suddenly and is very disturbing, it warns about danger. Set all risky meetings and trips.

There is a well-known sign: if left hand itches, then it is for money. If left palm has been combed, it does not necessarily indicate a financial increase. The fact is that the left hand is responsible for both incoming cash flows and waste. Perhaps soon will not have to receive, but give money.

Knowing what the palms can be, you can easily plan the budget. Below is a number of tips that help to attract money or remove the waste.

  • If the left palm is unexpectedly begins to be, then it's a clutch about the bottom of the table with the words: "I will take the money to the table." The back of the hand is to intend something red, saying: "Trucks about red, so that it is not in vain."
  • When the edge of the left hand is drawn, then it is worth preparing for the fact that at least the "gift" is expected, but to get it, you will have to seriously try.
  • If your fingers on your left hand are scratched - the profit will come only after heavy negotiations.

  • in the first sensations, itch take a large amount in the left hand (or bill of big denominations) and hold for about a minute;
  • the left hand is tightly shrinking into the fist, and the right wicksome on top. Imagine that wealth is kept firmly.

For those who experience that money will not have to take, but there is also a way there is a way - the sodium palm is substituted under the flowing cold water. We recommend, in which they told why the evening it is impossible to give money in hand.

Note on the day of the week

To, understand what the right or left palm is drawn to, pay attention to the day of the week.


Despite the fact that this day is considered severe for undertakings, the profit can be obtained easily. But these finances are not suitable for investment, spend on yourself.

  • in a man - an unexpected find or a bonus;
  • the woman has a premium or lottery win.


If the hand is on Tuesday, then this promises the return of the old debt in the form of money or in the form of an obligation or promise.

  • Men Itching left hands talk about that soon a meeting will occur with a long-time friend who will give a debt. But this money is worth spending on the family. This will activate cash flows.
  • For women, debt return will happen at the moment when it will need money.


This day is considered severe in the emotional plan. This applies not only to the mood, but also finance. Even if they suddenly appear, it is better to sacrifice them for charity. In the opposite case, there is a risk that they will turn into problems. Some believe that this itch warns of major cash costs.

On Wednesday, the hand is drawn to an unexpected gift in the form of finance. They are better to spend on beautification or repair of the house. And also palm predicts a romantic meeting or acquaintance with a potential partner.


On Thursday, you should not plan any serious meetings and treaties, as itching in the palms of this day signals about scandals and quarrels. Therefore, it will be not easy to agree.

For women on this day, the sign predicts an ambulance with a loved one. But there is a risk that everyone will spoil friends. Therefore, if the partner has shown the initiative, then it is better to postpone a date and meet with him on another day.


On this day, the right hand draws to an unexpected gift or the ability to realize the goal. Expect a pleasant coincidence for yourself.

  • For men, the palm on Friday itches to the find in the form of a large amount. But, most importantly, they are profitable to invest.
  • But for women it promises a meeting with a former partner, which will end Randevo. If I don't want to remember about the past, then in the near future, avoid those places where you previously spent time with him.


Ticking in palm on this day predicts promotion in the career. Perhaps a transaction will be held soon, which will either bring income or provide an increase in wages.

And also itching in palm on Saturday marks new acquaintances that will help to establish a personal life. Therefore, from invitations to parties should not refuse.


What could the right palm can be hung on Sunday, except, to good news - an invitation to a party or corporate party. At such an event, it is easy to make new acquaintances who will bring significant benefits in the future.

For men, as well as for women, signs on this day means a gift that will solve fate. And there will also be a meeting or acquaintance with an influential person.

Morning or evening?

Interesting not only signs of weeks of the week and what they will lead to when the palms will be squealing. The time of the day also contributes to the nuances in the interpretation.

If the feeling arose in the morning, then this is a harbinger of an important meeting, and on the same day. For business fees, it is necessary to prepare both on the outside and knowledge.

In case of unpleasant negotiations, you can not be afraid to defend the point of view - the surrounding will carefully listen and support the authority of statements. On this day, you can not be afraid to spend money - they quickly return, and the purchases themselves will bring joy.

Evening itch warns of responsibility. The next day a meeting or acquaintance will be held on which it is necessary to make a decision that will seriously affect further fate.

If such a turn of events are not yet ready, then try not to scratch your palm, but to squeeze into a fist and kiss. When it does not help and itch does not stop, then scratch this place towards yourself.

Interpretation Signs for Women

Women sensiblely feel the world around, and it affects what the left or right palm can be hidden.

Women are very sensitive, so for them, the signs acquire emotional color. Therefore, most of them affects the relationship with the opposite sex. Nevertheless, the left palm symbolizes financial streams more.

Although, it used to be believed to be a close marriage. But, if there is no permanent partner, it indicates an emergency meeting with the second half.

If the left palm is scratched, then the woman should make a choice itself, and choose what is more important for it - finance or fiance.

Left palm in a man is responsible for profits. Previously, it was believed that this hand predicts a good harvest, catch a hunt. And since the money was departed for extraction, today, itching in the left palm definitely promises profit.

And also this is a signal that the nearest deal will end successfully. Therefore, if negotiations are planned, which have difficult questions, then it is better to appoint them right away how itching appeared in his left hand.

But the right hand marks an ambulance with a girl who will be a hostess in the house. Perhaps a fateful meeting will be held soon.

For men, there is another interpretation of signs - what the fingers on the left hand are scratched:

  • big - soon Fortuna smiles;
  • - Promotion by the career ladder or management will notice you as a great employee;
  • medium - raising salary or unexpected inheritance;
  • unnamed - familiarity with potential beloved (read more about itching the nameless finger);
  • mysinets - soon there will be problems that will have to decide for a long time.

Sometimes, together with the palm, it is also scratched and rib. This suggests that a gift will be presented soon, but far from good intentions.

Cuschy fists

It is said that if the fists are scratched, then this is to a fight. Of course, we are talking not so much about physical aggression, how much about the soon conflict.

Such a feeling says that a lot of aggression has accumulated in a person, which is looking for an exit. Therefore, try to avoid conflict and provocative situations, otherwise they will end with a serious scuffy.

Both hands or palms are cushed at the same time.

Esoterics, argue that if the brushes are born at the same time, then the "good" hand neutralizes the omen "bad" hand. Well, if the sign is positive from both hands, then the characters will only increase strength by twice.

If the interpretation of signs does not suit, then it can be "neutralized":

  • open your hands in ice water - it is impossible to wipe, let them dry themselves, the fingers squeeze into the fists in no case;
  • so that only good came from the left hand, you need to scratch it at the moment only towards myself - from the fingers to the wrist;

If the prediction is kind, then you need to palm to squeeze into a fist and shove into your pocket or armpit. It is advisable to always have a red thing or an object to be able to scratch your hand at the right moment and consolidate good luck. Another option to keep a good signal - Kiss your palm and stroke her top.

If both hands are squealing, fate gives a sign. If you endure no urine, then be sure to listen to the palms and prepare for future events or difficult life choices.

According to folk signs, the right palm itches to an unexpected meeting. You will be coming strong handshakes with a distant relative, another or long-forgotten companion.

Other interpretations Signs

    The palm of the right hand can be with cash events. In the near future you have to receive some amount of money or parting with finance. You can remind you of past debt obligations and refund. There is a risk of unforeseen expenses.

    So that the signs had an exceptionally positive meaning for you and promised the increase in salary or unexpected wealth, immediately, when the itch occurs, spend the palm of the tree. If there are no growing trees next to you, you can make such a ritual with the help of a wooden table top or the object of red (iputka fabric, nose handle or clothing details). During this it is useful to disconnect yourself to the phrase: "About the Red Tru, I'm not in vain."

    You can attract monetary success in another way. As soon as they felt itching the right palm, you take money by a moment and squeeze them into the fist of the right hand. Continue to keep bills or trifles exactly as much as you will feel caking to cheese.

    Right palm can start itching from the overaffect of negative energy. Look around and analyze who from the nearest environment annoys you or brings to rage. "The fists are squeezed" most often from restrained and closed personalities who are honored and do not allow their emotions to come out.

    To throw out the entire negative and balance your inner state, go to the nearest session of the adventure film, play with your friends in paintball or visit the amusement park. Slop emotions and charge the wave of fresh impressions.

    For unmarried girls - to a pleasant acquaintance with a young man. In this and coming days, be active and do not walk at home. Attend interesting events and do not refuse invitations to go out. Perhaps it is there that surprises from the Universe are waiting for you.

    In order for the moment of the meeting to come as soon as possible, I kiss your left hand right hand, kiss three times, quickly squeeze into the fist and remove into the right pocket on any clothes. After that, relieve your fingers and remove your hand.

    If you are not configured to love Randevo at the moment, weaken the action of the signs will help washing the palm of the right hand under running water. At the same time, mentally imagine how the water takes the moments that are not interested in you and brings what you really need: enhanced service, material benefits. After that, it is strictly forbidden to wipe the hand with a towel. To secure the action of the ritual, it should heat naturally.

    For men - be prepared for the adoption of important decisions. You can offer a business contract or causing surprise with love news. Gather and take only deliberate solutions.

If itching comes not only from the palm, but also from the back, beware of gifts from friends. Such generous gestures will not be made from the pure heart and bring you disappointment.

Right wrist or brush itches before hard work, which will be paid well. Reserve patience and move strength - they will need them.

Both palms are squealing to the positive outcome of any undertaking. Favorable will intensify doubly, and all negative dispel without your participation.

Interpretation Signals depends on different circumstances: day of the week, time of day.

What itchies the right palm by day of week

Monday - You may be able to make financial revenues that are not related to work. High chances to find a large amount of money or win the lottery.

Do not store the funds who come to such a way. It is better to spend them at your pleasure and thereby support the cycle of your financial well-being.

For young people itching the right palm on this day can symbolize a pleasant flirt with representatives of the opposite sex. However, the relationship will not advance further.

Business persons and entrepreneurs in such a way fate warns about a close meeting with former partners or colleagues. Be prepared for unexpected issues and spread about your current state of affairs.

Tuesday - Friendly meeting is coming. Wait for a phone call from a childhood friend, comrade for student hostel or a forgotten friend. Do not refuse the opportunity to remember the former times and feel free to go to the gatherings.

Another decoding signs speaks about the future cash receipts associated with the place of work. Get ready to get a salary, a premium or material encouragement from the bosses.

Wednesday - You are waiting for romantic events. If you are not married and lonely, be sure: your second half will soon appear on the life horizon.

For lovers of women, this can mean receiving a gift from the object of frills. He will not be deprived of meaning and makes think about serious change in life.

For married and married people, the possibility of light intrigues on the side is not excluded. In your nearest environment, fans appeared who want to know you closer. Think the "cold" head and take into account the consequences of your weakness.

It may be the right hand on the eve of the monetary find. You will accidentally find a lost purse with money, or on your eyes will be forced a bank card in an ATM. However, do not share the prospect of swake. Try to return the forgotten owner's forgotten or give all your profits into a charitable organization.

Thursday - Soon you will meet with your loved ones and native people, with whom the connection has been lost. On this day, the sign does not foreshadow new acquaintances, but only strengthens the old relationship. Therefore, for married women, this may mean a quick return of a husband from a business trip or from service. Young and unseasonal people should be remembered when the last time they had their parents. Perhaps one of them needs help or support. Post aside your plans for later and do not wait for a convenient reason for the visit. Make your loved ones pleasant, giving your attention.

Another decryption of signs foreshadows a close quarrel with relatives. You can provoke an unpleasant conversation or mention unpleasant things for you. Try to pay less attention to what has been said and keep your emotions under control.

Friday - Circumstances can work out in such a way that they will have to occupy a large amount of money. Do not be sad: Taken on this day is returned faster than usual.

Itching the right palm on this day may indicate an increase in the service, which will be reported soon. Continue to work in the same vein and watch your actions. Do not allow your mistakes to become an obstacle to career climbs.

For young women, this sign speaks of a close meeting with the former love. Do not be discouraged and do not fall into depression. Perhaps you fell a chance to place all the points over "and" and voice the underwent.

Saturday - Right palm in such a way trying to protect you from disappointments. On this day, do not start important things and do not plan any events. All this can be in vain. You are standing on the threshold of a black strip in life or a series of unpleasant situations. Therefore, relax and try to take the situation regardless of your subjective perception.

For women, it is likely to go for a long-awaited date with an unfinished man. Take care of your appearance and meet the dawn of your prospects in fulfillment.

Sunday - Palm right hand on this day itches to positive events. Those who have long been looking for their love have every chance to put on the wedding ring soon.

Those whose cases are in a state of decline, it is worth hoping to increase sales levels or the emergence of an influential patron. Perhaps you will be returned for a long time promised debt or surprise a luxurious gift. Without bills of conscience, take such gestures of attention and do not think about what others will say about you.

Women can sign about the hopeless scandal with the best friend. Someone from others envied your friendship and tries to intervene in harmonious relationships. Be vigilant and do not let yourself become a victim of other people's intrigues.

What itchies the right palm in time of day

Morning - In the evening, either tomorrow in the morning you will find an important romantic or business meeting. Regardless of its current, you will receive answers to the long time disturbing questions. Do not be afraid to discuss and defend your right thing - your ideas are still destined to come true.

On this day, protect yourself from large spending. Perfect acquisitions will be useless and will not bring the expected result.

Day - Today you should be afraid of sharp conversations with native people. Perhaps someone wants to humiliate you or hooking you in your own words. Do not give in to external provocations and spend this day alone with you. So you will not only leave the conflict, but also be able to strengthen your inner spirit.

Evening - Tomorrow you are waiting for a difficult day. The right palm is drawn at sunset or before going to the adoption of important decisions, the implementation of transactions or long-awaited shopping. Do not be surprised if tomorrow at work will be offered to take a higher position or report the arrival of the goods you are waiting for more than one month.

For family people, it may be a harbinger of joyful change. You will soon move into your housing or become parents. Do not think about the bad and more time to give your loved ones.

Folk signs predict only the possibility of a certain scenario of events. You can submract it to accept or act on the call of the hearts. Contrary to circumstances. Do not lower your hands, and luck will definitely smile.

Since ancient times, many people sacredly believed in various signs who played in the life of each important role. Since then, a lot of water has flowed, but modern people still do not have no yes and will remember some of the superstitions, especially if they concern the material benefits. Even the youth knows perfectly well, for example, what the left palm it is cleaned. But what do you need to do to come true?

That in general say signs

Among the set will take, the value of what the left hand itch is, it knows almost every one of us - this is to profit. If you start to smoke your palm, the surrounding immediately fall asleep a bunch of tips, as it is necessary to scratch the burial news about the profits of the body. And now the happy owner of the harbinger of wealth begins to worry, whether everything is properly done in order for the sudden income to donkey in the wallet, and not penetrate.

When the left hand itchs, wait profit

For doubts about the correctness of actions dispelled once and for all, consider in detail all interpretations associated with this process. But first let's talk about the right palm, because sometimes it is considered to be the most material benefits.

Remember when you greet a man, what hand feed for a handshake? That's right, right. It was from here that I went to sign that the right palm itchs from the premonition of the ambulance. It may be an old friend with whom you have not seen for a long time, and maybe familiarity with a new person. To bring the meeting or on the contrary, to remove it, even there are special rituals.

Depending on the day of the week, the right palm can promise and financial benefits. This happens on Tuesday. And on Wednesday, on the contrary, to large cash spending or losses.

Palm itchs - video

By the way, the left-handed signs associated with their hands are interpreted by the opposite. This is due to the fact that all signs act precisely for an active hand.

Have a woman or a man?

The man has always been a getter and cared for the well-being of the family. Therefore, all the challenges relating to the harness of the palms for the strong half of humanity had a more rational and pragmatic. It is for men who, the signs associated with money or meetings are almost always business. This is not only the opportunity to get money, but also promotion through the career ladder, which is also associated with material benefits.

For men, the left palm can be wanted not only for money, but also to a successful career

Women are more sensitive, so the signs are emotional painting and relate to relationships with a man. And all the marks associated with money are interpreted into a special female way.

For a weak half of humanity, all the money-related signs can be interpreted into women's way

What itchies left palm by day of week

If the left palm has been triggered, first make sure that this is not a manifestation of any disease or insect bite. When all doubts are noted on this score, remember what day the day of the week. It is from this factor that a lot will depend on.


The shortest day of the week is promulit a very easy profit. This money is not worth investing in something, there will be no sense. The motto of this day is that it is easy to come, easily and left.

  • for men - it will be a pleasant find, perhaps the old and forgotten junk or an unexpected cash bonus from the bosses;
  • for women, a bonus or winning lottery is also possible. Spend this money on your favorite. Buy a new clothes, she will delight you for a long time.

On Monday, money come easily and also easily go


This day of the week is considered the most fruitful and precisely at this time the palm, more than ever, reacts to the return of the old debt.

  • for men, an old acquaintance unexpectedly remembers that you materially supported him in a difficult moment and returns debt. But this money is best to spend on relatives. Thus, you will attract other money masses that will make the basis of your future financial well-being;
  • for women, the debt will return at that moment when the exercise of the long-time has lacking money. The highest forces give you the opportunity to realize the dream of life.

On Tuesday, old debts are suddenly returned.


This day is considered severe not only in the emotional plan. The unexpected addition in the monetary equivalent will not bring happiness. This money must be spent on charity. In this way, you will avoid possible problems in the future.

  • for men - here are lucky representatives of strong sex. The gift in the form of finances can be spent on the improvement of the house or to purchase the necessary small things;
  • for women, the money they came on Wednesday only for good deeds. Moral satisfaction is sometimes more expensive than poor-quality things or spoiled rest.

Unexpected cash environment is best to spend on charity


Because of the accumulated physical and emotional fatigue, vigilance is lost. This day is fraught with quarrels from a scratch, and if unexpected money interferes with the conflict, then the quarrel can delay for a long time. Therefore, try to control the behavior and not scatter offensive words.

  • for men, conflicts may occur at work due to the wrong distribution of responsibilities. At home try to avoid provocations and scandals with loved ones;
  • for women, a long-awaited meeting with a loved one can end the quarrel due to friends interference. Therefore, it is worth expressing priorities and meet those who are really roads.

On Thursday, unexpected money may cause a quarrel


The day is heavy, but you should not relax. Not even an hour will disturb the gift of fate in the form of a large amount that falls on your feet literally. But so that good luck does not turn away from you, try to spend this money on the same day.

  • for men, it is highly likely to find a large sum in the currency. Spend money with the mind, and then you can count on a further luck;
  • for women - spend money from the soul to any needs, negative consequences will not.

Friday gift of fate raise with pleasure


Light and good day. Pleasant itching in the palm of the palm predicts a lung promotion through the career ladder, which means an increase in income.

  • for men - a promotion or a successful deal that will bring considerable material benefit. In any case, the pleasant news should be magnificently note that luck does not turn away from you;
  • for women - you did not regret nerves, forces and time to perform work? Then get the long-awaited bonus in the form of a salary increase.

If the left palm itches on Saturday, wait for the service


Good day in all respects. Especially for those whose left palm itch. At a party with friends or on a romantic dating, you will definitely get an unexpected present. It may be the most unexpected, but very generous.

  • for men, it will be a valuable gift that will give the opportunity to achieve intended goals without making great efforts. But it is not necessary to be accomplished, luck - the lady of the capricious;
  • for women, a chic gift will not only bring a lot of positive emotions, but can also become a fateful.

Sunday generously on unexpected gifts

What time of day is a hand: Signs in the morning, day and evening

More accurately interpret the time of day. Depending on when it started itching in the left palm, the predictions are somewhat different.

  • if itching appeared in the morning, the news will be exactly very good. And the stronger the palm itchs, the more pleasant the subsequent events;
  • day smoke - expect guests. But perhaps someone will invite you to visit;
  • if palm itches in the evening, take it seriously. This may mean conflicts with relatives, friends, or with bosses, and not only financially. Stop looking for a culprit in your own failures, refuse criticism in someone else's address and forgive the resentment. You look, and everything will work out.

The stronger the left palm itches in the morning, the more nice the following events

What you need to do to strengthen the action

In order to strengthen the action of signs there are several rituals that will help achieve the desired result.

  1. Most often, knowledgeable people advise to imagine in the left hand a stack of large banknotes. Virtual money should be firmly squeezed in the fist, omit in his pocket and hold there for some time, representing how money remained in your pocket. After that, relieve your hand.
  2. Feeling the light itch in the left palm, kiss her thoroughly, then kiss three times, and shove in my pocket. It should be sought: "To the money! So be ".
  3. If there is no pocket, you can touch the handbag or wallet.
  4. Has the left palm combat? Urgently grab it with a bill or coin. Hold money for a few seconds and calmly put them in place.
  5. You can still scratch your palm about the edge of the table or something red, since this color symbolizes wealth. Actions accompany the words: "Czech Padon about red to not be in vain."
  6. If the prick of the palm caught you in a crowded place, and you were ashamed to fulfill the actions described above, you can simply lay the thumbs in your pockets. This posture is considered a monetary value.
How to quickly scratch the left palm

So that the sign really came true, try to fulfill the ritual correctly. After all, inaccurately performed actions can turn into rapid waste or loss of money.

  1. Scratching palms always need to go to yourself.
  2. You can make arm you can. But best of all money or wallet. If you scratch your palm about the furniture - it promises the purchase of new furniture, about clothes - to make you in new clothes.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to scratch the palm about an empty wallet. Although there is an opinion that it is an empty wallet that will hint with the highest forces about the need to replenish monetary stocks. Here you can decide which option is preferable.
  4. Before buying a lottery ticket, scratch your palm coin.

So that the sign worked to scratch the palm can be monetary

What else can foreshadow such itch

Sometimes the left palm feels at all profit, but on the contrary - spending. It is possible that unforeseen circumstances will appear, which will require large expenses from you, or you planned the purchase of expensive things. In order not to break the balance between the spending and the arrival of funds, there is an excellent rule - money to pay for something only with your left hand, and necessarily take the right.

It is believed that those who often scratch the back side of the left palm have a deductive warehouse of thinking. And if the call is the edge of the brush, it is necessary to be relaxed - due to the rapid acts you can break with a close person in the fluff and dust.

Trust the signs or not - the case of each of us. I personally do not mind believe in positive predictions. After all, it is better to live with the foreboding of something good than with the expectation of the negative. But at my feet, sometimes you need to watch, so, just in case.