For what was given to the Nobel Prize Alekseevich. Svetlana Aleksievich from Belarus became the laureate of the Nobel Prize in Literature

For what was given to the Nobel Prize Alekseevich. Svetlana Aleksievich from Belarus became the laureate of the Nobel Prize in Literature
For what was given to the Nobel Prize Alekseevich. Svetlana Aleksievich from Belarus became the laureate of the Nobel Prize in Literature

In what the writer Alekseevich received the Nobel Prize

To blame Russia in the occupation of the Crimea and justify the Kiev authorities continues the Nobel laureate in literature Svetlana Aleksievich. She expressed his position on June 19 in an interview with the REGNUM correspondent.

Regarding the events that led to the change of power in Ukraine, Aleksievich said: "No, it was not a coup. This is nonsense. You watch TV a lot. "
On the profascious orientation of supporters of Maidan and repression by the authorities Aleksievich declared the following: "Poroshenko and others are not fascists. You understand, they want to separate from Russia, go to Europe. This is in the Baltic States. Resistance takes fierce forms. Then, when they really become an independent and strong state, this will not. And now they will be filled with communist monuments, which and we would be worth writing. "
The murder of the Ukrainian writer Olesya Bузино Aleksievich commented on this: "But what he said, also caused fierce."
True, Aleksievich recovered on time: "This is not an excuse. I just imagine that Ukraine wants to build its state. "
During the interview, the correspondent pointed out the study of the Gallup agency, during which it turned out that 83% of Ukrainians think in Russian. The question can be canceled by the Russian language, Aleksievich answered: "Not. But maybe for a while and yes to write a nation. "
At the end of the interview, commenting on the right of the residents of Donbass on a protest against the abolition of the Russian language and their reluctance to praise a banner, the writer "reminded" about Russian tanks, Russian weapons, Russian contract services and a shot down by Boeing: "If there were no your weapons, there would be no war. So do not fool my head with this nonsense, which is scored by your head. You are so easy to add any propaganda. Yes, there is pain, there is fear. But it is on your conscience, at Putin's conscience. You invaded someone else's country, on what basis? On the Internet, a million pictures, as Russian technique goes there. Everyone knows who shot down [Boeing] and all so on. Let's finish your idiotic interview. I have no strength on him. You are just a set of propaganda, not a reasonable person. "
Recall, Svetlana Aleksievich became the laureate of the Nobel Prize in literature in 2015 with the wording "for its multi-voice creativity - a monument to suffering and courage in our time."

P.. S.. RuNUMU correspondent asked questions to which Alekseevich himself was uncomfortable, because she was still left the remnants of the Soviet conscience, and it caused irritation from her.
It is clear that she was given a prize for anti-communist glances. Monuments to suffering instead of communist - is it ideal? You turn, suffer, but do not outraget, it turns out that the essence of the worldview of Alekseevich is. Of course, the West will apply such a position.
Sorry, but at one time it was advanced views, the natural development of philosophical thought. The head of the corner was set all the best that there is in man and it was proclaimed. What Alekseevich or who else can offer now - pity for himself and to other or freedom of cult whims of their body. Of course, this direction can be infinitely to caring and show that this is the knowledge of truth. But practice, as the criterion of truth shows that the world rolls to global aggression under the slogan all, against all. Its ideological position, in fact, not to the resistance to the increasing evil leads to a global catastrophe, and this "chicken" Alekseevich continues to see nothing of his literary views and Russophobia.

Photo: Zhores of Alferov, Nobel Prize winner in physics

The Belarusian land presented a lot of outstanding scientists to the world. Some spent in the blue childhood, others were born in the families of immigrants.

Zhores Alferov, Nobel Prize in Physics, 2000

The power of Belarus is in her people who creates a future day with their work. And the first feeling when you come to Belarus: you got into a well-groomed, modern, civilized European country, "Alferov said quite recently during his arrival in the country.

Parents of the Nobel laureate were born here, in Vitebsk in 1930 he was born and he himself, and lived here for several years. Then there were numerous moving - before the war and during her, and after the family moved to Minsk, where Alpores graduated from a local school with a gold medal and several semesters studied in polytechnic. And then there was a translation into Leningrad Electrotechnical and Brilliant Scientific Career. Candidate, Doctoral, the title of professor, the post of vice-president of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Poltsychi (!) Scientific works, Fifty inventions, the mandate of the State Duma deputy and, finally, the Nobel Prize for the development of semiconductor heterostructures.

The current development of nanotechnology is based on the development of Alferov and his followers and it would be impossible without its research. Even many ordinary things in our lives have become only possible thanks to him. Laser Alferova is used in CD players and mobile phones, the other inventions in the headlights of cars, traffic lights and cash registers in the stores around the world.

The Motherland of Alfers does not forget - takes an active part in the life of the Belarusian scientific community, in the 90s became a foreign member of the local Academy of Sciences.

Belarus is my homeland. Here, until 1963, my parents constantly lived, I always came home and for holidays and on vacation. And now I want to come to Vitebshchina, to his land to worship his native places.

Simon Kuznets, Nobel Prize in Economics, 1971

One of the most outstanding economists of the 20th century was born in Pinsk in 1901, but the life associated with another country - the United States, and even the name altered the American Pad. Before the emigration, he was called Semyon, and he managed to end 4 class of urban real school before, together with his mother and brothers moved to Ukraine. There, the future genius studied in the Kharkov Commercial Institute. In the US, the Blacksmith hit the 20th, made himself in Columbia University, he taught for many years at Hopkins and Harvard University.

He reluctantly spoke about his early years, "the Son of the Paul's scientist told researchers in response to the question that he spoke about Pinsk. - When I still asked him about the early period of life, I discovered that he did not want to talk about it. I suspect that deprivation associated with the First World War and Revolution were the reason.

Simon Kuznets - a man who made the economy with science. It was he who invented and introduced into circulation the term "gross national product". The currently considered capital truth that in poor countries the inequality of income is more significant than in the rich, proved by Blacksmith. The Nobel Prize was given to him for the "empirically substantiated interpretation of economic growth, which led to a new, deeper understanding of the economic and social structure and the development process as a whole."

- The largest capital of the country is its people with their skill, experience and motivation to useful economic activities, "the scientist said in one of his speeches. This phrase entered all textbooks of the economy.

Menachem Begin, Nobel Prize of the World, 1978

It is curious that in the same Pinsky city real school for one and a half decades to the blacksmith, another great scientist - Haim Weizman was very successfully studied. He, like a few more people from these places, after decades will be headed by the state of Israel, will be his first president.

He was born in Brest-Litovsk (now just Brest), he graduated from the Jewish religious school here and the State Gymnasium. In total, Begin lived in Brest 18 years.

Already then there were radical views, arrests, prisons, the underground struggle and the struggle are quite open, participation in the war for the independence of Israel, the victory in it, years in the opposition and, finally, the victory in the election chapter "Likud".

The radically configured opposition was the prime minister. He deployed the history of the country, having spent the largest reform of the economy. He did not allow a major military conflict by signing Camp-David agreements and returning Egypt of the Sinai Peninsula (Egypt in response recognized Israel's right to state). For Camp David Begin and received a Nobel Prize for a couple with the Egyptian President Sadat.

He recalled about the native places rather with bitterness - a lot of tests fell to his share and his family in Brest. But in the city itself is proud of such an outstanding native. A few years ago, a monument to Meachem Begin was installed in Brest.

Richard Phillips Feynman, Nobel Prize in Physics, 1965

His grandfather and grandmother on the paternal line - Jacob and Anna - lived in Minsk, from where they left in the United States at the end of the XIX century, Pope Richard was only five years old. He did not remember life in Minsk, and the memories of the grandfather himself did not save the story.

Feynman himself in harshly memoirs does not talk about the birthplace of the ancestors, but gives his grandfather to his grandfather: thanks to him, even during the Great Depression, they lived better than many:

"We lived in a big house; His grandfather left his children, but in addition to this house there was not too much money. It was a huge wooden house, which I started off the wires outside, in all rooms I had plugs, so I could listen to my radio receivers everywhere, which were at the top in my laboratory. "

Feynman devoted a significant part of the life of theoretical physics, he is the creator of quantum electrodynamics. It is this direction that the physics of elementary particles is based on the physics. For these studies, he received a nobel in 1965 (together with two more scientists), but Feiman was less than boasting to this award, and after. He was often called the "man of the Renaissance" - for the total interest in everything that surrounds man. The authoritative magazine Physics World has included a scientist in the top 10 of the most prominent physicists of all time, putting in one row with Newton, Galileem and Einstein.

With the latest Feynman, by the way, worked as part of the Manhattan Project: From 1943 to 1945, a group of outstanding physicists created a nuclear weapon in the situation of special secrecy. The result, under the leadership of Robert Oppenheimer, were three atomic bombs. The explosion of "pieces" at the landfill in New Mexico opened the nuclear era, "Kid" was dropped on Hiroshima, and "fat man" - on Nagasaki.

What is curious, during work in the Manhattan project, Feynman loved ... Sleep safes colleagues with secret documentation. He did it from boredom, but the Higher Military Guide of America still annoyed.

Shimon Perez, Nobel Peace Prize-1994

In the village of Vishnevo, that in the Minsk region, now there is no more than half a person. In 1941, a terrible tragedy was played here. The Nazis moved the residents of the village to the local synagogue and set on fire. In the fire, hundreds of Jews were killed, including all the relatives of Shimon Perez, who remained in Belarus.

One of the most outstanding Israeli politicians have quite a lot of memories of these places. His family with him was repatriated together in Palestine in 7 years before the fire - Shimon was already 11.

His houses were spoken in Hebrew, Yiddish, Russian and Polish. It was here that he, under the influence of his grandfather, began writing poems - already at four years old!

As I grew, I studied the Talmud with my grandfather. He knew how to play a violin and read me in Russian Dostoevsky and Tolstoy, - told Perez about the Belarusian period of life already being a politician.

Even the main milestones of his political career will be transferred long enough. Shimon Peres was part of 12 (!) Governments and headed all key ministries - from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (three times) and the Ministry of Defense (twice) to the Ministry of Religious Affairs. Twice was the Prime Minister, and from 2007 to 2014 - the President of the country. By the time of the departure from this post, Peres were recorded for world politics for 90 years.

In the native Vishnevo Perez from the beginning of the 90s came twice. He drank from the very well, to whom once was completely small for water. From the old house there is nothing left, except for this well and the foundation. After the war, a new home was built on it, and his owners are now often disturbing tourists.

The Nobel Prize of the Pe Perez received in 1994 for "efforts to achieve peace in the Middle East". It is interesting, together with him, it was divided by Yasir Arafat and Itzhak Rabin (twice the Prime Minister of the country, killed by the right extremist single one year after the premium is given). Robin's mother Rosa Cohen, by the way, was born and lived a significant part of life in Mogilev.

Svetlana Aleksievich, Nobel Prize in Literature-2015

"For its multi-voice creativity - a monument to suffering and courage in our time" - with such a wording awarded the Belarusian writer in the field of literature. Aleksievich was born in Ivano-Frankivsk in 1948 in the family of the Belarusian military personnel. Then they moved to Minsk, and the BSU student took the way from the teacher to the journalist, and then from the journalist - to the prose-documentary.

Your creativity has not left indifferent not only by Belarusians, but also readers in many countries of the world, "President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko congratulated the laureate.

Alexievich in response confessed to the love of Russia and noted that this victory was not only her, but also the whole people and countries.

The most famous artistic and documentary works of the owner of the Nobel Prize is the "Chernobyl Prayer", "the war is not a female face", "zinc boys."


Many Nobel Prize winners have distant Belarusian roots. As a rule, these are children or grandchildren of people who left the Belarusian land in search of a better life at the turn of the XIX and XX centuries or during the First World War.

Sheldon Lee Glashow, Nobel Prize in Physics-1979

This scientist is actually not a glossy, but a Glukhovsky. He changed the surname after his father Lewis, who, together with his wife Bella, went to the United States from Bobruisk. Sheldon was born a lot later and devoted the life of the theory of elementary particles. He received the highest scientific reward for the theory of uniting electromagnetism and the predicted existence of weak neutral currents between elementary particles.

Alan Chiger, Nobel Prize in Chemistry-2000

Another son of emigrants from the Russian Empire. Parents moved to Iowa from Vitebsk. Then there were still many moves in the life of a young scientist, but he did not leave anywhere from America. The premium is presented for the opening of polymers, some properties of which repeat the properties of metals.

Leonid Kantorovich, Nobel Prize in Economics-1975

This outstanding scientist was born and lived almost all his life in Russia. Leningrad, Novosibirsk, Moscow - in these cities he was developing, which would bring him world recognition. But his parents spent almost all his life in the Belarusian land. Father - Vitaly Moiseevich - originated from Nadasenan, and Mother Peacock Grigorievna is a native Minskanka.

Kantorovich was engaged in nuclear weapons, and before that he became the creator of linear programming. He was unusually strong in physics, chemistry and mathematics, but the award was awarded for economic ideas - "For his contribution to the theory of optimal resource allocation."

Martin Lewis Pearl and Frederick Raine, Nobel Prize in Physics-1995

An amazing case - two laureate with Belarusian roots received one premium for two! Martin's father - Oscar Pearl - lived for many years in the town of Pruzhany, which now belongs to the Bresting region. And his colleague Raine - the son of immigrants from another Belarusian city - Lida.

They divided the Nobel Prize for the discovery of elementary particles - Tau-Lepton (Pearl) and Neutrinos (Raiznes).

Stanley Prusiner, Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine-1997

His great-grandfathers and great-grandparents lived immediately in several cities of modern Belarus - Minsk, Pruzhany, Mogilev, Shklov and the World. The Russian part of this family ended in Moscow, from where the long ancestor of the Prusiner went to the United States before the beginning of the 20th century.

The scientist committed an outstanding discovery, discovering prions - harmless proteins contained in the human body, which at a certain point become aggressive and cause brain death.

It is believed that the opening of the Pruziner can allow the creation of drug from Alzheimer's disease.

Veniamin Lykov

Most recently, the Nobel Committee issued a decision to award award in literature. The writer Svetlana Aleksievich was the laureate of her, whose biography is little known to modern readers.

Let's talk in more detail about the life and creative fate of this fading on the literary Niva.

Brief biographical information about birth and childhood

The future writer was born in Western Ukraine (Ivano-Frankivsk) in 1948. Her father was Belarusian, and the mother is Ukrainian. The life of her family fell war. Families and mother, and the Father suffered greatly during the occupation of Ukrainian and Belarusian lands. Father went through war and demobilized only after the victory. Then he transported his wife and a small daughter to the Belarusian village in the Gosemev region. Father and mother writer worked by teachers.

Much a lot of Svetlana Aleksievich, the biography of this confirmation.

Successfully graduating from school, Svetlana entered the faculty of journalism to the prestigious Belarusian State University for Soviet standards. At the end of the university, I tried a lot of professions: worked as an educator, teacher and journalist. The first newspapers were the edition of the "Pripidskaya Pravda" and "Lighthouse of Communism".

Mature years

Svetlana's writer was carried away in the youth, her essays and small stories began to print in the Soviet press, then she was awarded honor to be accepted into the Union of Soviet writers (this event took place in 1983). Until now, it is counted for the creators of the Belarusian literature, which was reflected in the formulation of the Nobel Prize: "Belarusian writer Svetlana Aleksievich". Biography, her personal life took place in Belarus, hence the truth of such wording.

During the years of restructuring, the writer released several books that made a lot of noise and ranked her to the discharge of dissidents (we will talk about these editions later). In the 2000s Aleksievich moved to Europe, lived and worked in France, Germany and Italy. Recently returned to Belorussia.

Svetlana Aleksievich: personal life

The question of the female fate of the writer has always been interested in fans of her creativity, but very little is known in this area.

In his works, Svetlana Alexandrovna told a lot of purely feminine stories, but for all journalists who took interviews, the topic "Svetlana Aleksievich: a personal life" was closed. The writer devoted himself to literature as the main vocation of the whole life, in all the questionnaires it indicates that it is a unmarried woman. It is known that for a long time she brought up his niece - daughter early sister's sister.

Although it is impossible to say that Alexievich Svetlana is a deprived person. Its family consists of her books, scenarios for films and journalistic works.

First literary experiences

The writer Svetlana Aleksievich was always interested in polemical themes in the history of our country.

The first book "I left the village", prepared for the press in 1976, was devoted to the topic of the gradual fading of the Russian village. The author rightly pointed out that such a massive outcome of the peasantry from the villages was triggered by the authorities with their unreasonable and anti-human politics of universal collectivization. Naturally, such an interview (and the book itself is built on these interviews) did not cause delight in the environment of the then Soviet officials, so the book was not published in the USSR.

The second book of the writer was released in 1983 and made a lot of noise. It was called "the war is not a female face." In this work, the writer collected the memories of many Soviet women who participated in the Great Patriotic War. Part of the memories was cut by censorship (later the author inserted them in the post-Soviet publications). Aleksievich actually debugged the image that was created before her in the books about the war. In her work, women are not talking about the exploits and victories, but about fear, suffering, destroyed youth and the cruelty of war.

The work "The Latest Witnesses: Book of Non-Nethesky Story" (1985) was the same polemic. She was devoted to the memoirs of children about the terrible events of the Great Patriotic War. Sad children's stories told readers Alexievich Svetlana, whose family herself was in the occupation during the war.

Famous works of writer

Many noise has made the work of "Zinc Boys" (1989), dedicated to the sad events of the Afghan war for our country. Here Aleksievich tells about the huge mountain of mothers who have lost their sons and not understanding, for which their children died.

The next book - "Enchanted Death" (1993) - told about the practice of mass suicides of people who lost faith in the former ideals after the collapse of the USSR.

The work of the Chernobyl Prayer writer (1997) was widely known, which told about the sad events of the catastrophe. The author gathered an interview in his book with still alive participants in the elimination of the consequences of this catastrophe.

As we see, Svetlana Aleksievich created for their long writing life, the reviews about these books are different. Someone from readers honors the author's talent, and someone curses Aleksievich, accusing in populism and speculative journalism.

Genre peculiarity and ideological content of writer books

The writer itself determines the genre of his prose as artistic and documentary. She attracts both artistic fiction and journalistic documentary.

Since the themes of her books worry so many people, the creativity of the writer is an object of close attention from critics. And they disagree in their estimates.

So, some of the modern Western literature figures believes that Svetlana Aleksievich, the biography and creativity of which are directly related to the Soviet Union, as no other can tell the truth about what the USSR was for his citizens. It turns out that the USSR was a real Empire evil, which did not regret his people for the achievement of ghost political goals. People massively destroyed in the gulag, drove into slaughter in the fields of the Second World War, not sparing children, nor women, the Soviet government pumped the country into the Puchin of the Afghan War, allowed Chernobyl disaster and so on.

Other critics relating to the traditional "Russian world", on the contrary, reproach the writer in the fact that it knows how to see only the negative aspects of the Soviet and Russian reality, not noticing its positive parties. These critics accuse the author in the actual betrayal of the interests of their homeland. They suggest that Svetlana Aleksievich, whose biography is directly related to Belarus, Russia and Ukraine, neither said anything good about the importance of the unity of these three countries. These critics believe that the author deliberately distorts real facts in its works, creating an "evil and insidious Russia" for the Western and Russian reader.

Political views of writer

Theme "Svetlana Aleksievich: Biography, personal life" attracts the attention of journalists, but their greater interest is chained to the political views of the writer.

The fact is that Svetlana is a consistent supporter of Western view, she repeatedly performed with criticism of the political position as President of Belarus A. Lukashenko and the President of Russia V. Putin. That other, the author accuses to create a second-hand empire (the last book of the writer is called - "Time Second Hand" (2013)). Aleksievich believes that Putin and Lukashenko want to resurrect the terrible and antician Soviet project to resurrect, so the writer condemns all the actions of the current Belarusian and Russian leaders in their public speeches. She condemns the revival of the military power of the Russian Federation, considers Putin to the culprit of the death of people in the Donbass, etc.

Nobel Prize: award history

The writer was put forward twice for the Nobel Prize: in 2013 and in 2015. In 2013, the premium was awarded to another author from Canada.

In 2015, the Nobel Committee decided to issue this Prize Svetlana Aleksievich. Immediately after the announcement of this decision, many became interested in such a person as Svetlana Aleksievich. The Nobel Prize was awarded to her not just so, and it causes even more interest.

This prize has not been awarded for a long time for Russian-speaking writers. Moreover, it was often used as a tool in the political struggle between Russia and the West: in all his history, the prize was awarded, as a rule, those who had obvious discrepancies in views with the official authorities of Soviet Russia (for example, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Boris Pasternak, Ivan Bunin).

Overview of the Nobel Speech Writer

By tradition, the laureate of the Nobel Prize in literature speaks with a letter of thanks, in which he brings peculiar results of his creativity.

Made such a speech and Svetlana Aleksievich. The Nobel Prize in Literature is given once in life, so the writer created one of its best texts.

The topic of performances of Aleksievich became the image of a "red man", that is, a person with the Soviet psyche, which still lives in the consciousness of Russian people and makes them take certain decisions. This man Alexievich condemns how the product of the totalitarian era.

Russian people, the author calls the "slaves of utopias", which were pending that they have a "special Russian path", special spirituality, differing from the spirituality of Western countries. The salvation of our country's writer sees in the denial of this eternal slavery and the circulation of Russian people to the values \u200b\u200bof Western civilization.

To blame Russia in the occupation of the Crimea and justify the Kiev authorities continues the Nobel laureate in literature Svetlana Aleksievich. She expressed his position on June 19 in an interview with the correspondent IA REGNUM.

Regarding the events that led to the change of power in Ukraine, Aleksievich said:"No, it was not a coup. This is nonsense. You watch TV a lot. "

On the profascious orientation of supporters of Maidan and repression by the authorities Aleksievich declared the following: "Poroshenko and others are not fascists. You understand, they want to separate from Russia, go to Europe. This is in the Baltic States. Resistance takes fierce forms. Then, when they really become an independent and strong state, this will not. And now they will be filled with communist monuments, which and we would be worth writing. "

The murder of the Ukrainian writer Olesya Bузино Aleksievich commented on this:"But what he said, also caused fierce."

True, Aleksievich recovered on time: "This is not an excuse. I just imagine that Ukraine wants to build its state. "

During the interview, the correspondent pointed out the study of the Gallup agency, during which it turned out that 83% of Ukrainians think in Russian. The question can be canceled by the Russian language, Aleksievich answered:"Not. But maybe for a while and yes to write a nation. "

At the end of the interview, commenting on the right of the residents of Donbass on a protest against the abolition of the Russian language and their reluctance to praise a banner, the writer "reminded" about Russian tanks, Russian weapons, Russian contract services and a shot down by Boeing:"If there were no your weapons, there would be no war. So do not fool my head with this nonsense, which is scored by your head.

You are so easy to add any propaganda. Yes, there is pain, there is fear. But it is on your conscience, at Putin's conscience. You invaded someone else's country, on what basis? On the Internet, a million pictures, as Russian technique goes there. Everyone knows who shot down [Boeing] and all so on. Let's finish your idiotic interview. I have no strength on him. You are just a set of propaganda, not a reasonable person. "

Recall, Svetlana Aleksievich became the laureate of the Nobel Prize in literature in 2015 with the wording "for its multi-voice creativity - a monument to suffering and courage in our time."

RuNUMU correspondent asked questions to which the Aleksievich himself was uncomfortable, because she had even remained the remnants of the Soviet conscience, and it caused irritation from her.

It is clear that she was given a prize for anti-communist glances. Monuments to suffering instead of communist - is it ideal? You rolling, suffer, but do not outraget, it turns out that the essence of the worldview is Aleksievich.

Of course, the West will apply such a position.

Sorry, but in my ideas of communism were the advanced, natural development of philosophical thought. The head of the corner was set all the best that there is in man and it was proclaimed. What Aleksievich or who else can offer now - pity for himself and to other or freedom of cult whims.

Of course, this direction can be infinitely to caring and show that this is the knowledge of truth. But practice, as the criterion of truth shows that the world rolls to global aggression under the slogan all, against all. Its ideological position, in fact, not to resistance to the increasing evil leads to a global catastrophe, and this "chicken" Aleksievich further does not see anything about his literary views and Russophobia.

The original is taken by W. vlad1_74.


The premium was awarded "for its multi-voice creativity - a monument to suffering and courage in our time," the Committee on the award of the award reports.

According to British bookmakers, Aleksievich was the main contender for the title of laureate of the 114th Nobel Prize in Literature. She competed with Haruki Murakami, Nguga Va Thonggo, Joyce Carol Outs and Philip Rot. Also in the list of Ladbrokes, about which TASS tells, Ursula Le Guin, Milan Kunder, Bob Dylan, Kormak McCarthy, Nile Geiman, George R. Martin, Ian Macuen, Margaret Evwood, Tom Stoppard, Umberto Eco, Evgeny Yevtushenko and others .

Aleksievich has already been referred to the Nobel Prize in 2013, but then Alice Monroe from Canada left the reward. The Belarusian writer is known for the artistic and documentary works "The war is not a female face", "zinc boys", "Chernobyl prayer", "time Sadd Hand" and others. She owner of the remark premium (2001), the National Critics Prize (USA, 2006) and The prize of the audience sympathies of the "big book" 2014.

The Nobel Prize in Literature is an annual reward for achievements in the field of literature. Awarded since 1901 by the Nobel Foundation. The French writer Patrick Modyano, author of the books "Cafe Lost youth", "Horizon" and "Street of Dark shops" became the winner of the 2014 Prize.

Alexievich became the first representative of Belarus - the laureate of the Nobel Prize in literature. The previous Russian-speaking author who received this award was Joseph Brodsky (1987). Alexander Solzhenitsyn (1970 year), Mikhail Sholokhov (1965), Boris Pasternak (1958) and Ivan Bunin (1933) were also becoming laureates.

Aleksievich: "Behind me, the sea of \u200b\u200bblood and a giant fraternal grave"

Two years ago, the writer, who received an award of the world of the Union of German booksellers, made a speech dedicated to Soviet history, human dignity, truth and freedom, which she speaks in his works.

"Everybody scares us that evil becomes all sophisticated and inexplicable. We can't already like the heroes of Chekhov, exclaim that in 100 years the sky will be in diamonds and the person will be beautiful. We do not know what a person will be," she turned to contemporaries.

"I wrote five books, but in fact for almost 40 years I am writing one book. We lead to the Russian-Soviet chronicle: Revolution, Gulag, War ... Chernobyl ... The decay of the" Red Empire "... walked after Soviet times. Behind the sea of \u200b\u200bblood and the giant fraternal grave. In my books, "Little Man" himself talks about himself. Sand of history. His no one ever asks about anything, he disappears without a trace, carrying his secrets with him. I am going to silent. I listen, listen, I overhear. Street for me - choir, symphony. Endlessly sorry, how much it says, whispered, cry out into the darkness. Lives only a moment. In a man and human life, so much of what art not only did not say, but not guess. And All this flashed and immediately disappears, and today it disappears especially quickly, "the recognition of Aleksievich" Russian Gazeta "confested.

As the writer said, she is always looking for a "man shocked", which is amazed by a mystery life, another person. "Memories - a capricious tool. A person adds there All: how he lived that he read in the newspapers, heard on television, who met in life. Finally, he is happy or not happy. Witnesses are least witnesses, and actors and creators. It's impossible to approach The reality is close, between reality and us - our feelings. I understand that I am dealing with versions, each has its own version, and already of them, from their number and intersections, the image of the time and people living in it are born. It is there in the warmth of human human Voice, in a living record of the past, the pristine joy is hidden and a non-resistant tragedy of life is exposed. Her chaos and passion. Uniqueness and incomprehensibleness. Everything is a script, "she explained.

Svetlana Aleksievich was born in 1948, he graduated from the Branch of Journalism of Belgosuniversite. Lenin. He worked as an educator at the boarding school, teacher, then a journalist. Writing took up in 1975. Her first book, "the war is not a female face," two years have lacquered in the publisher. The author was accused of pacifism, naturalism and the debate of the heroic image of the Soviet woman.

Currently, Aleksievich books were published in 19 countries of the world, including the United States, Germany, Great Britain, Japan, Sweden, France, China, Vietnam, Bulgaria, India. Since the beginning of the 2000s, Aleksievich lives in the West.