South Sudan. South Sudan: Geography, Economics, Attractions

South Sudan. South Sudan: Geography, Economics, Attractions
South Sudan. South Sudan: Geography, Economics, Attractions

South Sudan is a state in Africa with the capital in Juba (it is supposed to transfer the capital to the central part of the country - the city of Ramsel's established in the lake province). It borders with Ethiopia in East, Kenia, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo in the south, the Central African Republic in the West and Sudan in the north, the overall length of the borders is 6018 km. Area - 644 329 km². The sovereign status of South Sudan entered into force on July 9, 2011, after signing the Declaration on the proclamation of its independent state. UN member since July 14, 2011. There is no exit to the sea.


  • Independence date: July 9, 2011 (from Sudan)
  • Official language: English
  • Capital: Juba
  • The largest city: Juba
  • Form of government: presidential republic
  • Territory: 644 329 km²
  • Population: 12 340,000 people.
  • Internet domain: .ss.
  • ISO code: SS.
  • IOC code: SSD.
  • Telephone code: +211
  • Time Zones: +3

By the time of the colonization of Africa, European countries in South Sudan did not exist state entities in a modern sense. Arabs for centuries-old history were also unable to integrate this region. Some progress occurred at the Ottoman rule by Egypt, when in 1820-1821 the port affiliates Mohammed Ali began active colonization of the region.
In the period of the existence of Anglo-Egyptian Sudan (1898-1955), the United Kingdom tried to limit the Islamic and Arab influence on South Sudan, introducing separate management, respectively, by the North and South of Sudan, and in 1922, even from making an act of introducing visas for the Sudanese population to move between two regions. At the same time, a Christianization of South Sudan was carried out. In 1956, the creation of a single Sudanese state was proclaimed with the capital in Khartoum, and in the management of the country the dominance of politicians from the north was entrenched, who tried to conduct arabization and Islamization of the south.
The signing in 1972 of the Addis Ababa Agreement led to the termination of the 17-year-old First Civil War (1955-1972) between the Arab Northern and Negro South and the provision of south of certain internal self-government.
After about a decade, the taper who captured the power as a result of the 1969 military coup, Jafar Nimeiri resumed the policy of Islamization. In the criminal legislation of the country, such types of sentences were introduced by Islamic law as stones, a public spanking and cutting off the hands, after which the armed conflict resumed the People's Army of Liberation of Sudan.
According to American estimates, in two decades, which have passed since the resumption of armed conflict in the south of Sudan, government troops destroyed about 2 million civilians. As a result of periodic droughts, hunger, fuel shortages, expanding armed confrontation, human rights violations More than 4 million Yuzhan were forced to leave their homes and flee to cities or neighboring countries - Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda and the CAR, as well as in Egypt and Israel. Refugees are deprived of the opportunity to handle land or otherwise making money, suffer from malnutrition and improper nutrition, are deprived of access to education and health care. The long-term war led to a humanitarian catastrophe.
Negotiations between the rebels and the government in 2003-2004 formally completed a 22-year-old second civil war, although individual armed clashes in a number of southern regions took place later. On January 9, 2005, Naivash Agreement was signed in Kenya, which provided the region autonomy, and the leader of the South John Garagor became Vice President of Sudan. South Sudan received the right after 6 years of autonomy to hold a referendum on its independence. Revenues from oil production during this period should
There were, by agreement, share the equally between the central government and the leadership of the Southern Autonomy. It somewhat discharged a tense atmosphere. However, on July 30, 2005, Garaners died as a result of a helicopter crash, and the situation began to heat up again. To resolve the conflict in September 2007, South Sudan visited the UN Secretary General Ban Gi Moon. The international community introduced peacekeeping and humanitarian forces into the conflict zone. During the 6-year period, the South's authorities organized a fairly complete and effective control of its territory by the current government of South Sudan with all ministries, including the armed forces and law enforcement. In all estimates, the ability and desire of the Naurarab region live independently did not cause doubts. In June 2010, the United States announced that the emergence of a new state would welcome in the event of a positive referendum outcome. On the eve of the referendum, January 4, 2011, the President of Sudan Omar Al-Bashir during a visit to the South Juban capital Juba promised to recognize any results of Plebiscitis, and even expressed his readiness to take part in official celebrations on the occasion of the formation of a new state, if the referendum of Southerners vote for independence. In addition, he promised freedom of movement between the two countries, suggested helping the Southerners to create a safe and stable state, as well as organize an equal Union of the two states like the European Union, if the South acquires independence. As a result of the positive outcome of the referendum, the new state was proclaimed on July 9, 2011 ...


The arid period in the region is very short and lasts only during the winter months (in the north he is longer, but still lasted a smaller part of the year). Annual precipitation ranges from 700 mm in the north to about 1400 mm in the south-west. All South Sudan is covered with forests that are divided into two parts. These are monsoon (tropical) forests - in the south, and equatorial - in the extreme south, that is, monsoon (95%) and equatorial (5%).


The population of South Sudan is, according to various sources, from 7.5 to 13 million people. According to the results of the Sudanese census of 2008, the population of the south amounted to 8,260,490 people, but the authorities of the South Sudan are not recognized these results, since the Central Statistics Bureau in Khartoum refused to provide them with the initial data on the region for their own processing and evaluation.
The majority of the population of South Sudan belongs to the Negroid race and profess Christianity or traditional African animistic religions. The main group of the population is representatives of the Nilotian peoples, the most numerous of which are Dink, Nouper, Azand, Bari and Shilluk.


The official language of the country is English. Most of the inhabitants of South Sudan speaks at the set of Nilot, Adamava-Ubangian, Central Sewage and other languages \u200b\u200band the shorter, the largest of which is the language of Dink.


The majority of the population of South Sudan confess Christianity or traditional African animistic religions.

Bandingilo National Park

Bandingilo National Park, sometimes recorded Badingilo, located in the South Sudan region, within the Central Equatorial and Eastern Equatorial States. It was founded in 1992. Located in a wooded area near the River White Neal, covers an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 10,000 square kilometers (3,900 square meters). This is the second annual migration of animals (the greatest migration of the Serengeti), includes several types of antelope, including a marsh goat, whites, also the reserve is the birthplace of cult african megafauna as a giraffe. It also contains big swamps extending to Jonglei. The park supports numerous bird populations. July 6, 2011 Three days before South Sudan formally departed from Sudan, the administrative main office was officially opened at the ceremony headed by the Central Governor of the Equatorian Clemente Vanya and the director of Sudan AMR USA William Hamming ...

Mountains Imatuna

Imatuna Mountains (also Immatun, or Rarely Maton) are located in the state of the Eastern Equatoria in the Southeast South Sudan and extend to the Northern region of Uganda. Kineti Mountain is the highest mountain of 3.187 meters high (10,456 feet) and the highest item of South Sudan. The range has an equatorial climate and dense highlands supporting a variety of wildlife. From the mid-20th century, a rich ecology has increasingly deteriorated by forest and natural economy, causing extensive erosion of slopes ...

Radom National Park

Radom National Park is a biosphere in southern Darfur, Sudan, Africa. Its area is 1,250,970 hectares (3,091,200 acres). The Adda and Ambashi rivers form the northern and southern borders of the park. Next to Radom is the National Park Andre Felix of the Central African Republic. Educated as a park, in 1979 he was a member of the global network of stocks of the biosphere. Rivers, streams and permanent pools cover most of the park, which is characterized as a wooded savanna. Approximately 90% of the habitat - overgrown with low (1-2 m) evergreen xerophytic shrubs, while the rest is the forest. The average annual relative humidity is 57-65%; And the average annual temperature is 16-27 C. The largest villages in the park include: Radom, Mecheutir, Biirikat, Songo, Al Hufra, Bimaz and many others ...

EZ ZERAF Hunting Reserve

EZ ZERAF hunting reserve covers an area of \u200b\u200b675,000 hectares (1,670,000 acres) and is located in the Northern Sudan Sudan. It was founded in 1939, when the area was within Sudan. Within the territory of the reserve it is located in the Swamp of the judis. EZ ZERAF - has a category of IUCN VI places with mainly in the season flooded field and forest landscape. It is worldwide important for its large concentrations of mammals. The task is also the birthplace of the hypopotam. A significant part of the storeroom is located on the island of the SEREF, in the season of the flooded island region, isolated on white Nile in the West and the Bahr El Zeraf River in the East ...

Southern National Park

The Southern National Park is located in South Sudan. He was formed in 1939. This place is 23,000 km ². A.B. Anderson, a former assistant of the huntingist, said that in 1950, that the Southern National Park was distributed to an area of \u200b\u200b7,800 square miles (20,000 square kilometers). It was exhausted by three rivers: the River Jur in the West, a clearly defined channel, who joined the Nile; Gel River in the East; And the Ibba River in the center of the park. The Ibba and Gel rivers shaped the flood, which made the habitat wobbled. Buschweld, the true vegetation of the rain forest was found in the park. During the Musson season, the park had an extensive field that occupied the area (4.6 m). The soil usually had a whitish clay in its composition ...

Boma National Park

Boma National Park is a protected area in East South Sudan near the Ethiopian border. It was formed in 1986 and covers an area of \u200b\u200b22,800 square kilometers (8,800 square meters) of fields and floodplain. Park is an important asylum for Belouchih Kob, Corrigum and Montgal Gazelle. Other big mammals - buffaloes, elephants, leopards, giraffes, zebras, sulfasses, bubals and cheetahs. It is also an important area of \u200b\u200bhabitat of birds: Ornithofauna includes Rappella vulture (African SIP) and a snake eagle with black breasts. Neighboring Gampel National Park in Ethiopia protects such varieties. The most prominent variety of Boma National Park - Belouhiy Kob (Kobus Kob Leucotis). The UNEP study reports that Belochiy Cob is found primarily in the east of the Nile River in South Sudan in clay plains and wetlands ...

A source.,

South Sudan is the youngest state on the planet, achieving independence as a result of a long civil war and the referendum that followed it, based on the results of which the independence of the southern provinces of Sudan was recognized by the international community and the Central Government. However, the world did not persist in the country for a long time, and two years after the independence of the civil war broke out.

Republic of South Sudan: Independence Observing

The country has no way out to the sea, and this significantly complicates communications with the outside world, since neighboring states can hardly be considered ideal neighbors. In addition to Sudan's actually, the Republic is bordered by Ethiopia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Central African Republic, Kenia and Uganda.

Between the provinces, which later became South Sudan, and the central government of Sudan conflict existed not one decade and was caused by attempts to force to Islamize and perabize territories inhabited by various black peoples with their cultural, religious and language features.

For a long time, the country was occupied by Egypt and was controlled as a colony, however, after finding independence, Sudan in 1956, the black population of the southern provinces had a hope of defending his own identity. However, the central government did not support this trend, and civil war broke out, which lasted several decades with small breaks.

As a result of the interethnic distribution, more than two and a half million people died, and many surviving became refugees.

The capital of South Sudan

The largest and economically developed city of the country is Juba. However, due to the disagreements of the new government and the authorities of the province, in which the city is located, the development of the state infrastructure turned out to be impossible - the provincial authorities simply refused to provide land for the construction of government agencies.

It was then that it was decided to postpone the capital from Juba to Ramsel, but the civil war began in 2013 to prevent these plans.

Located on the banks of the White Nile, Juba occupies a very favorable geographical position and functions as a river trading port. However, the other infrastructure suffered greatly during military conflicts that replaced each other for almost five decades.

Most roads connecting jubu with other cities of the country were mined during hostilities and their demining, which began in 2005, was still not completed. The Swiss demining fund is engaged in roads leading from the capital to Uganda and Kenya, since it is these roads that are intensively used by local residents to waste from the territories covered by battles, or in order to return to their homes when the fighting end.

An important part of the transport infrastructure of any capital is the airport. When large oil money came to South Sudan, Juba began to build a new terminal with increased bandwidth. However, a sharp drop in oil prices and the beginning of an armed conflict made it difficult to develop the airport. Now the airfield is mainly used by UN staff and international non-governmental organizations engaged in South Sudan charitable and peacekeeping activities. However, the airport still retains the positions of the most loaded in East Africa.

Ramsel: failed capital

On two hundred kilometers to the north of the city of Juba, Ramsel is located in which the capital of the young state of South Sudan is planned. As well as the current capital, Ramsel is located on the West Bank of the White Nile and has a large trading port.

The region in which the potential capital is located is extremely fertile, and in the rainy season, which lasts from March to October, a variety of agricultural crops are grown in Nile swamps.

However, among specialists there is no consensus on the suitability of these lands for large-scale construction. Some believe that there is enough space for the construction of a complex of government buildings on a small rocky area.

The initial plan assumed the construction of a major airport, the creation of a free trade zone and the construction of a warehouse complex for working with a large amount of cargo.

Geography and biodiversity

Southern Sudan is rich in natural attractions to which the Swamps of the region of the judis, the Boma National Park and the Southern National Park. The nature of the country is diverse and bunciful. Big herds of antelope, forest elephants, various types of primates, red river pigs and giant forest boars make up the country's pride.

The variety of landscape entails and a great difference in climatic conditions in different regions. Here are the deserts, and meadows, and grassy savannahs, as well as high mountain plateau and wetlands of rivers.

Swaddling region of judis

The swamps of the region of the judis are considered the largest flooded areas in East Africa. Ferns and reeds who serve as a big number of migratory birds, wintering and nursing here grow on a huge wet expanse.

The rainy rainy season lasts here from early spring until autumn, but when it ends, a dry period may happen during which steppe fires occur.

Swamp as an obstacle for ships

For many centuries, the swamps of the region, the court prevented the study of the Nile and the search for its origins. This is due not only to the fact that the depth does not allow to pass by major ships, but also with thick thickets of cane and small shrubs, as well as various plant species with branched root systems.

South Sudan, together with Egypt, plans to build channels to dry out the swamp of the region of the judis. It is assumed that this will make it possible to make wetlands suitable for accommodation and agriculture.

However, environmental organizations began to beat the alarm, as such a significant project can not affect the fragile ecosystem of the region. In addition to huge populations of malaria mosquitoes, rare types of migratory birds can suffer. And the water mode may change the most unpredictable way. Experts fear that the South Sudan country will not independently be assessed by all possible risks, and propose to postpone such a grand project until time when the country will at least end the civil war.

On July 9, a new one appeared on the world map, the 194th State - South Sudan. It is easy to guess that this is part of the existing Sudan's largest African state.

The proclamation of South Sudan with the capital in the city of Juba was the final step in the implementation of a comprehensive peace agreement achieved in 2005 between the People's Army of the Liberation of Sudan and the Central Government in Khartoum. The long-term civil war preceding this was an expression of disagreement of residents of South Sudan with arabization and Islamization, conducted by the country's heads from the north. In January 2011, in the presence of many international observers in South Sudan, a referendum on independence was held in a peaceful situation, during which almost 99 percent of recognized valid bulletins were submitted for the separation of this region. The population of South Sudan, according to various data, ranges from 7.5 to 13 million people.

Commented on the historical significance of the state of the state South Sudan Morgan Roach, the employee of the Washington Analytical Foundation "Heritage":

- In South Sudan, a few decades were a civil war, the collapsing country into two parts; In the course of her died two million people. The independence of South Sudan is the climax of a comprehensive peace agreement contributing to the self-determination of those who live in this territory. In the African continent, cases of actual inner division of a number of countries on the principle of North - South. However, the branch of South Sudan is almost unprecedented by the fact that this part of the country has long achieved independence - and eventually received it.

- What was the role of the United States obtaining the independence of South Sudan?

- Although the United States has historically developed a strained relationship with the Government in Khartoum, Washington played an incredibly important role in the negotiations, which led to the achievement of a comprehensive peace agreement in 2005. The Bush administration contributed to both opposing parties in Sudan at every stage of the preparation of the south to the department. The continuity of the current administration of the White House in this process was at first felt weakly, but in the last year it was noticeably increased. Now there is a new support stage associated with solving the mass of problems in South Sudan. This society is underdeveloped, almost without signs of statehood; The education system, health care, infrastructure does not go anywhere. The US government intends to contribute to a higher level of development in partnership with the Government of South Sudan.

- Obviously, there are problems related to the interests of Khartoum, that is, the North?

- It was assumed that many of these problems would be solved until July 9. But that did not happen. In particular, the question remains to whom the Abyei border area should move, in which this occasion in January of the current year was supposed to pass, but a separate referendum was not passed. He was postponed indefinitely due to a dispute about the right to participate in the Missier's nomadic tribe, which supports Northerners. In late May, in response to the speeches of the army of the south, the Armed Forces of the North tookpoint Abyei. The newly reached agreement on the creation of a demilitarized zone in the abyee with the placement of Ethiopian peacekeepers there is not a final solution to the problem. Another question concerns citizenship. What to do with southerners living in the north, and vice versa? None, nor the other party want to refuge to the persons without citizenship. The question remains unresolved.

- How significant is the factor of oil fields in Sudan?

- Oil is the most important resource of Sudan. It rests on the entire economy of the country. Since oil fields are located mainly in South Sudan, starting from July 9, the north in essence will be cut off from them. However, Northerners control pipelines through which Sudanese oil is exported. Each side has its own interests, so they will agree on a variety of issues related to the distribution of oil profits. Here I foresee the preservation of disagreements for some time after the division of the country.

- Achieving state independence is not yet a guarantee from the transformation into an insolvent state under the load of problems. How relevant for South Sudan?

- In South Sudan, the government does in essence only the first steps, although his leader of Salva Kiir is considered president for almost six years. The Sudan's People's Army led by the People's Army is still to be approved as a central government, which they will respect and impose hope for him. Governments and in Khartoum, and in Juba will have to write the Constitution of their state entities, which is provided for by a comprehensive peace agreement. That is, the challenges are really serious. Much will now depend on the South Judanians themselves - after all, they stubbornly sought it.

I think that in the state construction of South Sudan, the United States will fulfill the role of advisor, as before, in the process of reconciliation with the North. US President Barack Obama once said that his policy on Africa would not rely on the patronage, but to the partnership. Washington uses partnership with other African countries to help the government of independent South Sudan, as they say, help himself, providing him in the first, most difficult stage tools and resources for the development of infrastructure and economics. The United States has always invariably supported South Sudan and will continue to do this in the future, "Morgan Roach said.

The US Special Messenger in Sudan Princeton Liman called on the international community to support the governments of Sudan and South Sudan in solving the problems that essentially among them and the foundations of two viable peaceful neighboring states.


By the time of the colonization of Africa, European countries in South Sudan did not exist state entities in a modern sense. Arabs for centuries-old history were also unable to integrate this region. Some progress occurred at the Ottoman rule by Egypt, when in 1820-1821. The port affiliates Mohammed Ali began active colonization of the region.

In the period of the existence of Anglo-Egyptian Sudan (1898-1955), the United Kingdom tried to limit the Islamic and Arab influence on South Sudan, introducing separate management, respectively, by the North and South of Sudan, and 1922, even thorough an act of introducing visas for the Sudanese population to move between two Regions. At the same time, a Christianization of South Sudan was carried out. In 1956, the creation of a single Sudanese state was proclaimed with the capital in Khartoum, and in the management of the country the dominance of politicians from the north was entrenched, who tried to conduct arabization and Islamization of the south.

The signing in 1972 of the Addis Ababa Agreement led to the termination of the 17-year-old First Civil War (1955-1972) between the Arab Northern and Negroid South and the provision of south of certain internal self-government.

After about a decade, the taper who captured the power as a result of the 1969 military coup, Jafar Nimeiri resumed the policy of Islamization. In the criminal legislation of the country, such types of sentences were introduced by Islamic law as stones, a public spanking and cutting off the hands, after which the armed conflict resumed the People's Army of Liberation of Sudan.

For two decades, which have passed since the resumption of armed conflict in the south of Sudan, government troops destroyed about 2 million civilians. As a result of periodic droughts, hunger, fuel shortages, expanding armed confrontation, human rights violations More than 4 million Yuzhan were forced to leave their homes and flee to cities or neighboring countries - Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda and King, as well as in Egypt. Refugees are deprived of the opportunity to handle land or otherwise making money, suffer from malnutrition and improper nutrition, are deprived of access to education and health care. The long-term war led to a humanitarian catastrophe.

Negotiations between the rebels and the government in 2003-2004 formally completed a 22-year-old second civil war, although individual armed clashes in a number of southern regions also had a place later. On January 9, 2005, Naivash Agreement was signed in Kenya, which provided the region autonomy, and the leader of the South John Garagor became Vice President of Sudan. South Sudan received the right after 6 years of autonomy to hold a referendum on its independence. Incomes from oil production during this period were to share the equity between the central government and the leadership of the Southern Autonomy. It somewhat discharged a tense atmosphere. However, on July 30, 2005, Garaners died as a result of a helicopter crash, and the situation began to heat up again.

The international community introduced peacekeeping and humanitarian forces into the conflict zone. During the 6-year-old time period, the South's authorities organized a fairly complete and effective control of its territory by the current government of South Sudan with all ministries, including the armed forces and law enforcement. In all estimates, the ability and desire of the Naurarab region live independently did not cause doubts. In June 2010, the United States announced that the emergence of a new state would welcome in the event of a positive referendum outcome. On the eve of the referendum, January 4, 2011, the President of Sudan Omar Al-Bashir during a visit to the South Juban capital Juba promised to recognize any results of Plebiscitis, and even expressed his readiness to take part in official celebrations on the occasion of the formation of a new state, if the referendum of Southerners vote for independence. In addition, he promised freedom of movement between the two countries, suggested helping the Southerners to create a safe and stable state, as well as organize an equal Union of the two states like the European Union, if the South acquires independence. As a result of the positive outcome of the referendum, the new 194th state was proclaimed on July 9, 2011.

A number of states announced that they intend to recognize the independence of South Sudan after July 9, 2011. The Government of Sudan welcomed the results of the referendum and stated that it plans to open the Embassy in Jube after the collapse of the state into two parts, the neighboring countries also welcomed the independence of the region. Egypt became one of the first countries that declared their intention to recognize South Sudan. The United Kingdom plans to open the embassy in South Sudan.

Administrative division

South Sudan includes 10 states - former Vilantists of Sudan (in parentheses the occupied territory is indicated):

  • Varab (31,027 km²)
  • Upper Nile (77 773 km²)
  • Eastern Equatoria (82 542 km²)
  • Jongly (122 479 km²)
  • Western Equatoria (79 319 km²)
  • Western Bahr El Gazal (93 900 km²)
  • Western Upper Nile (35 956 km²)
  • LOOK (40 235 km²)
  • North Bahr el-Gazal (33 558 km²)
  • Central Equatoria (22,956 km²)


The population of South Sudan is, according to various sources, from 7.5 to 13 million people. According to the results of the Sudanese census of 2008, the population of the south amounted to 8,260,490 people, but the authorities of the South Sudan are not recognized these results, since the Central Statistics Bureau in Khartoum refused to provide them with the initial data on the region for their own processing and evaluation.

The majority of the population of South Sudan belongs to the Negroid race and profess Christianity or traditional African animistic religions. The main group of the population is representatives of the Nilotian peoples, the most numerous of which are Dink, Nouper, Azand, Bari and Shilluk.

The official language of the country is English, although most of the population does not know and the language of interethnic communication continues to be Arabic. Most of the inhabitants of South Sudan speaks at the many Adamava-Ubangian, Nytilian, Nubian, Central Sewage and other languages \u200b\u200band the shorter, the largest of which is the language of Dink.

In the royal elementary school of the village of Bor, classes are conducted by the disciples themselves until the teacher appears. This school is private and is a better alternative to learning that can be obtained in many state schools of South Sudan.

For residents of the fast-growing capital of South Sudan Juba, unfiltered water directly from the Nile deliver special water visions. Before the start of the civil war, Juba was associated with highways with neighboring states. But now the roads came to full dissent, and electricity and water supply, as such, it can be said in the city never. To develop the necessary infrastructure, Jube will have to make a lot of effort.

Many visitors to Juba might think that the city broke out a gold fever. The city is flooded by the flows of small traders and workers attracted by the promises of peace and work. Since 2005, the restless capital of South Sudan rose three times, but the authorities cannot provide its inhabitants even elementary amenities.

In South Sudan, malaria and cholera are common. Despite international intervention, many residents do not have access to qualified medical care, which has become one of the reasons for the outbreak of black fever.


The arid period in the region lasts only 1 month. Annual precipitation ranges from 700 mm in the north to about 1400 mm in the south-west. All South Sudan is covered with forests that are divided into two parts. These are monsoon (tropical) forests - in the south, and equatorial - in the extreme south, that is, monsoon (25%), and equatorial (5%).

Capital of New Country City of Juba

Juba. The capital of South Sudan. 170 thousand people. Big village. Streets without names and houses without numbers, mostly from clay and straw. Without an evidence of the vaccinated vaccination against the yellow fever, they will not be allowed here, and without local registration, then will not release. For a hundred dollars it put it right at the airport.

Heat, at 9 am already 40 degrees: to the equator only 500 kilometers. Malaria, according to WHO, from her in Africa, one child dies every thirty second. Children up to three years are not registered due to high mortality. There is no water supply. Sewer - too. The main source of water is white Nile, the influx of Big Nile. Nile water drink without cleaning. This also merges urban efforts.

Improvised landfills. At every turn - paper, plastic bottles, broken furniture, ribbon clothing.

"The church believes that people of all denominations should strive to live peacefully. Unfortunately, the history of our country in which the North is Muslim, and the South -Catoly, shows that it is very difficult," says Padre Challarie Morb.

Five years ago, a civil war was located here. The history of modern Sudan is, in general, a solid war with small congestions. The current world between the North and the south lasts for five years - one of the longest torself.

But the plate: "Military zone. Do not bury here." In total, Sudan War claimed the life of about two million people.

This is the post "number one" in South Sudan. John Garagor is buried here - the founder of the Sudanese People's Liberation Movement, the first vice-president of the country. He died in a helicopter catastrophe in 2005.

The rebel army of Yuzhan Colonel Gorang collected from the deserters of the Sudanese army. So 27 years ago, the next civil war between the North and South began. She lasted for more than twenty years and ended with a peace agreement - the actual recognition of southern independence.

Here I publish a newspaper for the South Judan intellectual elite, as Citizen positions itself.

"Our audience is an educated part of society, people who realize the need for their own effective public administration. We are even going to publish two options for newspapers: for the south and for the north," the nearest Nial Bol.

In my "office", the editor-in-chief of the newspaper Nial Bol comes daily to eight to have time to hold the planner. From twelve to four days about work, you can forget - the heat is merciless. Air conditioners in Juba are rare, they are only in ministries.

Uluf Maimau is one of the few who agree to be photographed. She trades flour in the city market. Revenue for half a day - 4 pounds, almost 2 dollars. It is possible to buy a cup of coffee or a couple of bottles of mineral water in the roadside cafe.

"Once about four pounds a day I could only dream!" - Recognizes market vendor.

During the civil war, her family, like thousands of Sudanese, was forced to flee from the city from Marauders. Lived in the forest, in the dugout. Children hungry for weeks. Today they have their own house, cakes from flour and water every day on the table.

"It was very hard," recalls the wartime of Uluf Maimau. "Today we don't care, but we live very modestly."

The Debol market is one of the most popular places in the capital of South Sudan. It opens for visitors to eight thirty, and merchants come here very early, at seven in the morning.

Hi, How Are you?

Well, that's just started trading.

Is this your family business?
- Yes!
- How many people?
- We are five brothers, sell vegetables.
- Yes, a big family! Well, have a nice day!

Grain, vegetables - from Juba, Thai - from Uganda. Mobile cell phones, beer, whiskey - here you can buy everything: from the underwear Made in Nigeria to the logs. Woven shields from the cane take with whole machines. These are sections for the fence, such here every family protects its plot.

Next to the market - car wash. Works from sunrise. Moker, mostly children. Take three dollars per car. Revenue collects a brigadier. Water - straight from the White Nile. In it, the washers wash off the dirt after the working day.

Urban life is concentrated along the five kilometers of an asphalt road. Here is trade, and cafes, and car repair shops.

In the city center after a five-year break, Fountain earned, the only thing in Juba. For him, the tank with water was specially adjusted for 3 hours of operation.

A very poor country who has acquired its independence and hope that the world, which is so much to be done.