"Weighted people": revelations of the participant of the first season. The winner of the show "Weighted and Happy People" will pay off the mortgage with a win Who was kicked out in the last episode by weighted people

"Weighted people": revelations of the participant of the first season. The winner of the show "Weighted and Happy People" will pay off the mortgage with a win Who was kicked out in the last episode by weighted people

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The third season of the Weighted People (STS) television project has begun on Russian television. This is an analogue of the American project “The Biggest Loser”. In the story, fat people lose weight under the supervision of doctors and other specialists. The participant who loses more excess weight receives a prize of 3 million rubles.

On our channel STS, the project was launched after it had already been successful in other countries. For example, in Ukraine there were as many as 6 seasons - the project is very popular and is called "Weighted and Happy".

But an emergency happened recently. At the end of January 2017, a 44-year-old member of Weighted and Happy died. The cause of death of the ex-participant of the TV project is actively discussed on social networks. It turned out that this is the third death of the former heroes of the reality show "Weighted and Happy". Despite the fact that they are allowed to compete after a thorough medical examination, and professionals follow the loads and diets, the question arose: did the death of people provoke their weight loss in a TV project?

Story # 1

Evgenia Mostovenko (in the photo above she before and after losing weight) came to the project "Weighted and Happy" in 2013. She was then 40 years old. The woman weighed 130 kg with a height of 170 cm. She recovered greatly after taking hormonal drugs. After 5 weeks, she left the show, losing 10 kg. At home, Mostovenko continued to lose weight - at the control weighing in a reality show, she weighed 94 kg. Total: in 9 months it took 36 kg.

The woman decided to take part in the project in order to give birth to a child to her husband, who was 8 years younger than her. The doctors said: for this you need to lose weight. Another incentive for Evgenia to come to television was the desire to help her daughter lose weight: this season of the project, they lost weight in pairs. Zhenya wanted to become an example and a company for her Alexandra.

Mostovenko said that after losing weight, her health improved, her legs stopped hurting, and she was able to skate on her favorite bike.

Evgenia with her daughter. Photo: VKontakte.

- Mom is hypertensive. But the pressure increased only when she was nervous, - said Alexandra Mostovenko.

In January 2017, Evgenia's pressure at work jumped, the woman fainted, and a few days later Mostovenko died in intensive care. Diagnosis - cerebrovascular disease (develops against the background of hypertension, causes cerebrovascular accident); stroke.

Zhenya Mostovenko did not manage to give birth to a second child, but with her husband they collected documents for adoption ...

Story number 2

Ilya Yakovlev dropped 48 kg. Photo: VKontakte.

Ilya Yakovlev, 32, also died of a stroke. He, like Evgenia Mostovenko, was a participant in the 3rd season of "Weighted and Happy".

In 2013, the guy reached the final of the TV project: he came to the show with a weight of 147 kg, dropped 48 kg, began to weigh 99 kg. Ilya passed away in 2015.

Ilya weighed 147 kg before the project "Weighted and Happy". Photo: VKontakte.

Yakovlev came to the TV project with the hope of losing weight (he gained weight due to sedentary work and a sedentary lifestyle) and, thanks to this, to meet a soul mate.

All dreams have come true: the guy from Donetsk lost weight and fell in love with the participant Natasha on the project. The couple got married a year later.

It is worth noting that at the beginning Ilya Yakovlev was even considered lazy on "Weighted and Happy". The reason is that he did not strive to lose weight quickly, gave up heavy loads, deciding to lose several kilograms a month. The man was afraid to harm his health.

Story number 3

Igor Pashinsky. Photo: VKontakte.

52-year-old Igor Pashinsky died of a heart attack. The man came in the 5th season of the TV project with a weight of 193 kg (height 176 cm) and lost 37 kg in 13 weeks. After participating in the show, he continued to lose weight at home - in a month and a half he lost another 14 kg.

Pashinsky decided to lose weight with the help of specialists on television, since he could not lose weight on his own. And due to health problems caused by obesity, he was afraid of becoming disabled. The man worked in the police, took part in the elimination of the consequences of the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, when he returned, he became often ill. Igor had type 2 diabetes mellitus.

After participating in "Weighted and Happy" Pashinsky began to feel better. “He stopped being afraid of people, hiding from them,” said his wife Galina Pashinskaya. - Weight led to the fact that he practically did not work anywhere for two years. He was removed from the bank: what a security guard who does not come through the door ”.

Pashinsky's wife said that she had not seen her husband so happy for a long time. But a month and a half after returning from filming, Igor was gone - a massive heart attack, coronary heart disease. Galina Pashinskaya said that the doctors confessed to her: if her husband had not gone to the project and lost weight, he would not have lived this time.

On the project, Igor was taken care of: he was freed from competitions, given small loads.

On the project, Peter showed a strong-willed character, dropping 57.9 kg (initially the young man weighed 155 kg). It should be noted that Peter went in for sports in his youth, so great physical activity was not a novelty for him.

According to him, the hardest part was in the first two weeks of the show, when it was necessary to completely change all their habits, preferences, and daily routine. But it turned out to be quite easy to maintain the result after the project:

- After the project, I became interested in CrossFit, at the recent competitions in Kaliningrad I showed 8th result among 15 people. The plans are to undergo specialized training at a medical university in order to become a professional trainer, says Peter.

Now he weighs 104 kg, but this is no longer fat, but muscle. The young man is actively engaged in order to keep himself in shape.

As for the appearance, he admits that due to a sharp weight loss, he faced sagging skin on his stomach and arms. Solved the problem with wraps and massage.

Season 2 Winner - Timur Bikbulatov

A 30-year-old citizen of Kazan came to the show with a weight of 148 kg. His path was not easy: despite the fact that he was the captain of one of the teams, the participants voted to expel him. Timur managed to return and prove that his rivals were not in vain afraid of him: in 16 weeks he lost 53.7 kg.

Upon returning to Kazan, Timur did not give up training. He devoted 3 hours 5 days a week to cardio and strength training - and achieved a result of 92 kg. After Timur restored the muscle frame and stabilized his weight, he decided to undergo a skin tightening operation.

- I do not understand people who refuse to lose weight, referring to the fact that the stomach and chest will then look ugly. With rapid weight loss, the consequences with the skin can be avoided, however, even if problems have appeared, they can be easily eliminated, given the high level of modern plastic surgery. Excess weight kills us, and all problems with appearance are secondary in comparison with this.

Timur spoke in detail about the operation on social networks and even posted photos and videos from the operating room. According to him, he is very pleased with the results and has already returned to training. By the way, Timur now works as a personal trainer and offers long-term weight loss courses, including training, an individual diet and, if necessary, plastic surgery.

Vice-champion of the first season - Alexey Uskov

Alexey did not reach the final of the show, however, according to the rules, he got the opportunity to come to the final weigh-in. His result - minus 63.5 kg - allowed him to take second place in the first season of "Weighted People" and receive a prize of 500,000 rubles.

However, the participant failed to save the result. In his own words, in just a year, he gained 50 kilograms, refusing to train. On social networks, Alexey admitted that he wants to take on himself and lose those extra pounds again. He did not rule out the appeal to plastic surgeons.

Vice-champion of the second season - Yakov Povarenkin

Yakov Povarenkin, a 32-year-old resident of Izhevsk, managed to lose even more weight after the end of the project. Returning home, he continued training and worked in the gym for 8-10 hours.

As a result, after the 56.9 kg thrown off at the show, he lost another 20 kg. This allowed the man to radically change his life. Today he is engaged in functional training and crossfit training and "leads" more than 30 people.

Weighted people show is popular all over the world, almost every country has its own version of the American project "The Biggest Loser". Russia is also no exception, the STS TV channel on Saturday airs its own version of balanced people. To date, season 4 is successfully broadcast and, as the show's ratings show, this is far from the last season, soon we will see the release date of season 5 of weighted and happy people.

Weighted and happy people season 5 release date on STS is scheduled for mid-February 2019 .

The show is very relevant in our time, a time when fast foods are located at every step in every city. Many people like to pamper themselves with fatty foods, some do it too often and are overweight as a result. Many do nothing about it, sit at home and feel sorry for themselves, but there are those who want to change their lives and return to their sports form. It is for the latter that the project weighed people season 5 was created, the release date of which is just around the corner.

In Russia, the show, weighted people, is still quite young, only four full seasons, but now it is at the peak of popularity, many people want to take part in the project and even more follow the development of events on their television screens.

Anyone who wants to change their life can get into the show, for this you just need to send an application, of course everyone will not be able to go through the season, however, there will be more than one season ahead, so sooner or later you will be lucky, the main thing is that there is desire and strength become better.

The purpose of the reality show

The goal of the show is pretty simple - to achieve the perfect body. Overweight people come to the project in order to become slim again. Often at home it is very difficult to force yourself to go on a diet or sign up for a gym, even if it succeeds, then sooner or later the strength is running out and everything starts again. In the project, weighted people with the main characters are watched every day by fitness trainers, nutritionists, as well as healthy nutrition consultants.

They will do everything in their power to bring your body to ideal forms, of course, this will require hard work, only the strongest will be able to reach the final. Let me remind you at the end of each week, the judges of the reality show conduct a control weighing, as a result of which the participant who dropped the least leaves the project. Only the strongest will reach the final, there will be only one winner.

Season 5 release date

Now season 4 is actively broadcast, that is, you should not expect the release date of season 5 in the near future, but the show will definitely continue. Now we even know the approximate release date of season 5, after the winter holidays, turn on the STS channel and enjoy watching the new season. Mid-February is roughly the start of Season 5.

Episode release schedule

Anfisa Chekhova

TV presenter, theater and film actress. Raises a son.

She studied at GITIS, began her career as a singer, and since 1994 has been working on television. In 2008 she received a diploma from the Institute of Journalism and Literary Creativity with a degree in Television Journalist. Since 2009 he has been playing in the theater and acting in films. Among the most famous films are the youth horror film "SSD", the drama "Five Stars" and the comedy of Marius Weisberg "Hitler Kaput!" and "Rzhevsky against Napoleon".

The host of many popular TV programs on Russian TV channels: "Good night, guys!", "Love by the stars", "10 reasons to fall in love. Night version "," Bachelor. What Men Want ”,“ Anfisa in Wonderland ”and others. Author, leader and presenter of the rating program“ Sex with Anfisa Chekhova ”.

Creator of the By.Che clothing line for women with irregular shapes. The author of his own business project - online weight loss trainings for women.

For more than half of her life, Anfisa suffered from excess weight, tried all possible diets and even took diet pills. But over time, the lost pounds still returned along with health problems. The TV personality has 25 years of trial and error, millions of rubles spent on various coaches, nutritionists and psychologists. The biggest weight of Anfisa reached 90 kg!

Losing weight without violence against oneself, harmoniously and forever - this is her motto today. According to Anfisa Chekhova, to get rid of excess weight, it is not enough just to give up food and actively go in for sports. The TV personality is convinced that, first of all, you need to love yourself and your body - excess weight arises in our head, in the subconscious. Anfisa calls her system unconventional, because it differs from generally accepted ideas. Here are just some of the secrets of Anfisa Chekhova: correct and tasty balanced nutrition, which becomes a solid foundation for life - without sugar, yeast, meat, eggs, with a minimum amount of fat. Everyday simple physical exercises - and so that only for joy, an unloved sport is excluded from the schedule. And love for yourself and your body.

Over the past few years, Anfisa Chekhova has phenomenally lost almost 30 kilograms! Now her weight is 62 kg. Fans do not cease to admire the changes that have occurred with the TV presenter. And participation in the show "Weighted and Happy People" is the next logical step in the life of a TV personality. After all, now she has the opportunity to pass on all her many years of experience in the fight against excess weight to those who really need it: the project participants and all TV viewers!

Role played by: Anfisa Chekhova

Sergey Parkhomenko

Artist, producer, director, author of the FC 99 effective fitness system, head of the production of special, easily digestible rations Bionic Food, developed at the Department of Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation of Sechenov University.

Divorced, brings up two sons.

Sergey Parkhomenko - hip-hop performer Seryoga - became popular after the release of the hit "Black Boomer". At the moment, Polygraph Sharikoff continues his musical career in the role of Polygraph Sharikoff, at the same time he is recording new songs for the new album Seryoga, shooting videos, touring.

Despite the fact that sport has always been present in the life of a musician, he seriously became interested in it four years ago. Together with colleagues - doctors and professional athletes - he came up with a project of gaining a sports form as soon as possible. A special approach to nutrition and training, as well as a unique system of motivation leads to a positive result even for the most hopeless people, the coach is sure.

Parkhomenko's clients are mostly successful businessmen, top managers, artists who want not only to look good, but, above all, to improve the quality of their lives.

Role played by: Sergei Parkhomenko

Natalia Lugovskikh

Certified Trainer and Nutritionist, PhD in Economics, Candidate Master of Sports in Athletics. Absolute champion of the world, Europe and Russia in fitness bikini, Miss Olympia. Winner of the IFBB Elite world ranking.

Natalia began to go in for sports from the very childhood: at first it was dancing, and at the age of 14 the girl first came to the gym. Sport became a profession later: first Natalya graduated from school with a medal, entered the Moscow State University. Lomonosov to the Faculty of Economics and received a red diploma. While studying at the university, Natalya became interested in athletics, played for the national team of the university and completed the CMS at distances of 100,200 and 400m. Having defended her Ph.D. thesis and having worked for several years in her specialty, Natalya finally made a choice in favor of sports and underwent additional training as a trainer and nutritionist.

In 2015, she performed for the first time in the fitness bikini category. And just a year later, she took first place in the Cups of Moscow, Russia and won the European Championship, bypassed the most titled athletes. For the next two years, Natalia was the leader in many tournaments in the fitness bikini category. Before her, no one has yet managed to become the absolute champion of Russia three times. In 2017, Natalia became the absolute world champion and received the highest award of the International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness, leading the annual Elite world ranking IFBB (International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness).

Role played by: Natalia Lugovskikh

Sergey Badyuk

Actor, athlete, war correspondent.

He is married and has two sons.

Sergei was born and raised in the Vinnitsa region in the family of an English teacher and a police officer.

After a street fight at the age of 15, he became seriously interested in karate. And after a few years, the circle of his sports interests expanded significantly: hand-to-hand fighting, boxing, powerlifting and others appeared. In all sports, he has achieved success.

After serving in the army, Sergei was invited to become a student of the KGB Higher School, which he successfully graduated from, and later served in the FSB of Russia. Special forces veteran.

For some time, Badyuk was engaged in business and even ran for the State Duma, acted in films as an actor and stuntman, but sports have always occupied one of the most important places in life.

At the age of 47, Sergei trains regularly - he is engaged in powerlifting and bench press, yoga, karate, qigong.

Badyuk has both his own successful weight loss experience and a significant number of students who are satisfied with their shape.

Role played by: Sergei Badyuk

Katerina Nikitina

Inseminator on a pig farm, Bolshoye Tesovo village, Moscow region. 25 years. Height 176 cm, weight 130 kg.

Katya grew up in a large village family, has always been a slender beauty with a crowd of fans. Of all, she chose the cutest and started an affair. The guy courted beautifully, introduced him to his parents as proof of serious intentions, but when he found out that his beloved was pregnant, he delivered an ultimatum: either he or the child. Katya was only 17 years old, but she, without hesitation, chose a child. During pregnancy, against the background of stress and betrayal of a man, the girl gained 60 kg. When her daughter was born, for the first three days she did not even want to see her - she dreamed of having a son and returning her beloved.

Irina gained extra weight unexpectedly and very quickly: during the session, a young man left her, and her father left the family. Irina failed her exams and dropped out of the institute. Due to stress during the year, the girl gained almost 25 kilograms!

Ira was very worried about the divorce of her parents, but the last years of their life together were not easy for the girl. Mom constantly "nagged" dad, made scandals because of his endless betrayals, and took anger out on her daughter. The first heart-to-heart conversation between Ira and her mother took place when the girl was 16 years old. Ira could not forgive her mother.

Personal life also does not add up. Ira went to the last date two years ago. She is ashamed of herself, it is unpleasant for her to see her reflection in the mirror.

Role played by: Irina Cheremnykh

Manufactured by White Media. The main prize - 2,500,000 rubles - went to 28-year-old Anton Avduevsky from Achinsk (Krasnoyarsk Territory), who achieved the best result in the entire history of the project and set a new record by dropping half of his initial weight - 82 kilograms. The second prize of the show - 500,000 rubles - was received by 28-year-old Andrey Shlyakhov from the city of Volzhsky (Volgograd region), who showed the best result in the fight against excess weight at home after leaving the project. The hero managed to lose 73 kilograms, which is 46.49% of his original weight. In total, in the fourth season, 18 participants from all over Russia fought for a new life, who dropped a total of 875 kilograms.

Anton Avduevsky, show winner:

First of all, I proved to myself that I am a very strong person. Of course, I am glad that at one time I had the idea to participate in the casting of the project, because after that my life changed dramatically. Moreover, I am not going to stop, but will go further - in my plans to pass the standards for triathlon, which is running, cycling and swimming.

Anton plans to spend his winnings to pay off the mortgage, and for the remaining amount he wants to go on a journey with the reality TV finalist, 28-year-old Muscovite Anya Lezhneva, with whom he had a romantic relationship in the project. The second winner, Andrei Shlyakhov, who left the project in the 11th week, also fought for the girl's heart.

Andrey Shlyakhov:

When I returned home, the most difficult thing was to restrain myself and continue the path that I started in the project. Still, there coaches and nutritionists looked after us, the daily routine was clearly built: now you need to eat, then training awaits. And at home I am my own trainer, nutritionist, and controller.

The fourth season of the most popular reality show about weight loss and a healthy lifestyle "Weighted and Happy People" was filmed in Olympic Sochi. Anfisa Chekhova became the host of the project, and the coaching staff included rapper and fitness instructor Seryoga, Miss Olympia, champion of Russia, Europe and the world in fitness bikini Natalya Lugovskikh and legendary athlete, TV presenter and famous actor Sergei Badyuk.

Anfisa Chekhova:

For me, each participant is a superhero who deserves to be in the finals. Everyone fought, gave all the best to the last, overcame themselves, turned on willpower, the existence of which they had never even suspected. But the most important thing is that no one has ever set anyone up, betrayed, none of the participants went over their heads. This is a unique season in which everyone was kind to each other. "

Figures and facts

  • 16 weeks conducted by the project participants in the Olympic Sochi. At the disposal of the heroes were a house and a campus, located on the territory of a hotel complex with an area of ​​30 hectares. For a new life, the "weighted" fought against the background of Olympic facilities, in the mountains of Krasnaya Polyana, on the Black Sea coast, in an open quarry for the extraction of stone, on the territory of a closed military unit, in a dolphinarium and an arboretum, in national reserves and on the territory of such restricted facilities. as airport and railway station.
  • In the STS project, the heroes had to carry 14 ton snow groomers at altitude 2200 meters, go to 50-meter dilapidated bridge, overcome 50-meter obstacle course, raise yourself to a height 30 meters using a climbing structure, roll 20 kg balls on the track, hold 200 liter barrels filled with sand and run cross-country on the Sochi autodrome.
  • The most difficult participant in the entire history of the project - the truck crane driver from Ivanteevka Alexander Povagin - bravely fought with his 250 kilograms and entered the final four. The hero set a personal best, having lost more than a third of his weight, - 84 kilograms.

About the winners:

Anton Avduevsky, 28 years old, Achinsk, starting weight - 167 kg.

In Achinsk, everyone knows Anton as a bright, cheerful guy who organizes and leads events. His profession obliges him to smile, but he is sure that this is a mask, and he himself is an "unsociable gnome." No one is waiting for him at home, except for a snake named Zoya, a pet. He began to gain weight after the death of his father - that day Anton flew to his birthday, but in the end he ended up at the funeral.

Andrey Shlyakhov, 28 years old, Volzhsky, starting weight - 157 kg.

In the ninth grade, Andrei fell in love for the first time, but the girl did not reciprocate with the guy, who at that time already weighed 100 kilograms. Only at the age of 28, Andrei thought that he needed to lose weight. He had already tried to lose weight, but the family's eating habits and lack of an example before his eyes made it difficult to cope with his problem on his own. According to Andrei, once in his childhood he was sent to his grandmother for the summer, and he returned as a "kolobok".