Is the breeding of chickens? (ready-made plan with calculations). How to open a profitable business on curies

Is the breeding of chickens? (ready-made plan with calculations). How to open a profitable business on curies
Is the breeding of chickens? (ready-made plan with calculations). How to open a profitable business on curies

Breeding chickens for receiving and marketing eggs is considered one of the most profitable business areas. There are breeds of nuclear hens, from which you can collect eggs all year round. The birds themselves grow quickly and begin to rush already at the age of five months. If you still establish sales of carcasses to update the livestock, you can constantly receive a stable income.

List of initial costs

To provide in advance all possible risks and business development options, it is necessary to make a business plan for eggs for the production of eggs. A competently compiled business plan will give an understanding where to start a business, which capital is necessary, how trade will be established, and when the case will bring income.

Of course, it is easiest to organize breeding chickens in rural areas, where there are huge territories for their walking. But for the chicken coop equipment it is not necessary to look for large areas, so chicken farms can be located in the city.

If you plan to seriously do business, it is better to register officially as a farming. Then you will easier to get the necessary certificates for eggs and carcasses. Therefore, the first thing you need to contact the tax, register an IP or LLC.

While documents are issued, it is necessary to decide. What method will be breeding chickens. There are two main ways:

  • Outdoor gives the quarrels the opportunity to actively move, breathe fresh air, feed on root. This has a positive effect on the quality not only eggs, but also Kury meat.
  • The cell method is applied less often, since in this case the chickens are rigging only by feed, they move little. In addition, the arrangement of cells, their content is expensive by the entrepreneur.

Depending on the method and equipment, the priority costs for the arrangement of the economy is calculated. Please note that it will reduce the cost of breeding of non-supersays to help independent arrangements of cream and feeders.

It is also a business plan to lay out the cost of remuneration to workers, veterinarian services.

How to organize a chicken coop

Two main rules on which a successful "chicken" business is held:

  1. Proper, full-fledged chicken nutrition.
  2. Warm, competently equipped party.

There are several options for the organization of the economy. The chicken coop can be built independently, renting or buy. For example, any shed or garage can be inspired and equipped for chickens. You can build it yourself from gas silicate blocks, slate and boards.

The construction of the staff is carried out at stages:

  • Four logs are bought at the corners of the future buildings, taking into account the fact that the height of the chicken coop should be at least two meters.
  • The logs around the perimeter are trimmed with boards from the inner and outside. The scope roof is mounted (so that in winter it does not fall under the thickness of the snow).
  • Between two layers of the boards, insulation (dry leaves, needles, sawdust, mixed with lime 1:25). Its thickness should be at least 15 cm.
  • The earth floor is insulated with the onset of cold weather. Every day it is full of 0.5 cm fresh insulation. In the spring, its thickness should be about half a meter.

Breeding of non-savings requires to provide in the poultry house on the south side and artificial lighting. At the same time, LAZ for chickens are arranged on the eastern wall. The prerequisite is the presence of a ventilating hole, closed with a grid from rodents.

The back side of the chicken coop is placed in a distance of about a meter from the floor. For non-sucks, wooden boxes are set to seven or straw so that they can carry eggs there.

Purchase of young chickens

Start breeding chickens needed with the purchase of young people. For the first batch, it will be enough to buy several dozen heads at the rate of 20 chickens for 10 square meters. m. under the condition of outdoor content. One rooster is needed for each dozen nunches. The cell must contain no more than 7 birds.

It is also important to resolve the issue of non-bias. There are breeds from which you can collect eggs in large quantities. For example, the breed Loman Brown gives about 300 eggs from one bird during maturity. And leggores begin to take from 4 months of life. There are those who carry less, but have good meat for sale. It all depends on the orientation of your business.

The most popular breeds are:

  • Kuchinskaya jubilee
  • Loman Brown
  • Highsex.
  • Leggged
  • Brahma

It is cheaper to buy two-week chickens, but there is a big risk to purchase too many cocks, since obvious differences appear only in 2-3 months. You can buy ministers of more expensive, but at the age of 5 months. In any case, before buying, you need to explore the supplier well. Birds must be graft and grown with good care, otherwise risks to have big loss of farm.

Bird feeding and care

Separate attention should be paid to bird feeding. So, the chickens are fed only by specially selected feed, adding rapid, goose cheese, carrots. From the second month of the life of chickens, you can gradually introduce roots and food waste. It is necessary to include such additives as chalk, egg shell. Birds who are walking in the summer in the summer can eat grass and insects.

In general, it is necessary to navigate that every day of birds received:

  • young nettle;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • grass;
  • food waste;
  • wheat;
  • different roots;
  • millet;
  • bone flour;
  • corn;
  • sand, small gravel, shells.

Technology for the production of eggs and breeding of nonaxes

The success of the farm depends largely on well-chosen nurses and roosters. Egg production technology requires a rooster must be strong and active. The chicken is selected on the scallop. Bird, capable of bringing a lot of eggs, has a large and rich scallop. If you need a good cherry for the farm, it is important that she has a calm character and a big belly. Then she rarely leave the nest and can heal more chickens.

For sitting, clean and smooth eggs are taken, which have the right form. When chickens get out, it is important to monitor the process, helping the chicks to get rid of the shell. Near the cakes they are left for about 40 days.

To grow and care for the bird, there is no need to be near the smokeshief all day. It is enough in the morning to distinguish 40 minutes to feeding and updating the water in the poultry house, and at lunch, besides this, as much as the cleaning of the chicken coop. In total, the day of the bird will require attention no more than three hours.

What you need to know about Kury's disease

In addition to typical supercooling and lack of vitamins, specific diseases can obtain specific diseases. In order to detect them on time, it is necessary to constantly inspect each individual and in time isolating the patients from healthy kery. Healthy chicken is active, resistant to legs, has a good appetite and smooth shiny feathers.

When examining, birds carefully study:

  • skin;
  • breath;
  • legs, neck, wings, including movement;
  • digestion.

Having found a sick individual, it should be immediately taken to the vet to determine the nature of the disease. Infectious diseases can cost the entire herd.

Infectious diseases are such species:

  • infectious;
  • fungal;
  • helminthous;
  • diseases provoked by insects.

In any case, each farming should have their own chicken first-aid kit. It will allow you to maintain a bird while the veterinarian arrives and put an accurate diagnosis. It should include:

But if it is not possible to quickly call a doctor, so as not to lose your feathery, it is necessary to have at least a minimum first aid kit that can help you at first. It includes:

  • water-soluble vitamins;
  • furazolidon (with a stomach disorder);
  • antichelming preparations (from worms);
  • eye ointment tetracyclinic (from eye inflammation)
  • disinfectant;
  • percutane or green, hydrogen peroxide, iodine;
  • activated carbon;
  • manganese (for water).

Also, these funds must be used to prevent the disease of the herd.

Calculation of profitability and intended income

Having understood where to start a business, it is possible to calculate the payback of the farm. If your farm is about fifty chickens, then the calculation will look like this:

  • Two-week chicken costs 100 rubles, respectively for 50 pieces will need 5 thousand rubles.
  • Per year one individual eats 36 kg of grain or feed. All farming will leave 1800 kg. A kilogram of feed on average costs 10 rubles, respectively, a year will have to lay out 18 thousand plus additives and vitamins. Total - about 20 thousand rubles.

It turns out that the purchase and content of chickens will require about 25 thousand rubles for the year. This amount does not include the cost of building a chicken coop. With good care, each chicken for the year can take about 250 times. That is, from the population under consideration, you can collect 1.25 dozen eggs per year. In retail, eggs are not less than 60 rubles. dozen If the egg trade is established stable, 50 birds can bring revenue to 125 thousand rubles. in year. In addition, with the right organization, breeding may be absolutely wasteful. You can sell not only eggs and meat. Especially acquire chicken litter, like organic fertilizer. Feathers are purchased for production in the light industry, and behind the chicken poumping the buyers literally arrange hunting.

From the calculations it is seen that the profitability of the case is at least 200%. Given the increased demand for environmentally friendly products, the breeding of chickens and the sale of eggs can become a high-yield business for the whole family.

Download a detailed business plan for the breeding of non-savings

Breeding and growing chickens is a stable and quite promising way to make money. Business at the breeding chickens can begin almost any person who owned country territory and free time.

In our previous publication, we disassembled in detail the question. In today's article, we will analyze all the nuances of breeding and growing chickens at home. We define the profitability of this sector of earnings and payback of agricultural business.

Chickens are unpretentious in breeding and content of poultry. Even a person is not particularly versed in the breeding of the bird, it can start this case with almost risk.

Business Plan of Chicken Farm

For the competent implementation of the idea, it is necessary to make a detailed business plan. You can prepare a document independently or entrust it is an important thing to experienced specialists.

Why do you need a business plan for breeding chickens?

In this document, all the nuances relating to the development of the business are stressed. First of all, it is necessary to determine the profitability of the idea. Profitability is the ratio of costs and alleged profits. Having determined the indicators, you can draw conclusions about the profitability or hopelessness of the project.

The main stages of the Chicken Farm Business Plan:

  • Choice and analysis of profitability of business ideas;
  • Search for starting capital for project implementation;
  • Business registration;
  • Financial expenses;
  • The room and equipment of the chicken farm;
  • Detailed calculation of the cost of purchasing a bird, its maintenance and nutrition;
  • Sales market and business payback period;
  • Calculation of alleged risks that may arise during the implementation of a business idea.

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Registration of chicken farm

At the initial stage, it is very necessary to register your type of activity. Surely you are not completely sure about the success of your business. Therefore, it is better to bring in breeding and growing chickens for your own purposes, and in success, you can try to implement your products in the local market.

In the future, with mass breeding chickens, it is required to register its type of activity in order to be able to deliver products to shops, supermarkets, restaurants.

Breeding chickens at home

As mentioned above, chickens are unpretentious poultry, which are quite suitable for home breeding. Almost all rural residents are breeding this species of birds for their needs. But few people are solved on the cultivation of chickens in production scale. The thing is that private bouquets are great competition, the products of which and flooded almost the entire market. It is quite difficult to compete with the production giants, but thanks to the quality of products, it is still really to take part of the market and find a profitable sales channel.

Smokehouse scheme

First of all, it is worth talking about some of the most used methods of bird keeping at home.

The content of birds in cells. This method lies in the arrangement of the smokehead racks for cells, the equipment by their drinkers, feeders, nests for the surgery of eggs. A big minus is a permanent cleaning in the chicken coop. You will have to spend a lot of time in order to comply with the purity, otherwise, birds will be sick. In addition, the construction and arrangement of cells is financially quite costly.

Arrangement of chicken coop

Regardless of the chosen way of keeping birds, the arrangement of the chicken coop is a must.

The poultry house can be rented or built on their own. Nothing is difficult for this design by itself. You can build a chicken coop of slate, boards or gas-silicate blocks. The last option is the most reliable and durable, although financially expensive.

Inside the chicken coop should be equipped with a dispenser, that is, a helper suspended by 50-100 cm from the ground.

Nests. In the chicken coop, it is also necessary to equip nests to surfacing eggs. Take care that they were enough for, in order to accommodate several birds at the same time. Make nests will not be much difficulty, they are a shelf shining with hay or straw.

In the chicken coop, it is advisable to make small windows for venting. Artificial lighting should also be installed.

Acquisition of young man for chicken farm

If you are planning, breeding chucks on eggs as a business, then a suitable breed of birds for growing should be purchased.

To begin with, it will be enough to purchase several dozen birds. You can buy young chickens or acquire an incubator to surfy eggs.

By purchasing birds, take into account the area of \u200b\u200bthe chicken coop. It is worth knowing that there is about 10 square meters on the square. m., You can place no more than 20 chickens. Also on 10 chickens there should be one rooster.

Choice of breed chickens for dilution at home

Deciding with the direction, you can proceed to the selection of the breed of chickens. Nowadays, there are quite a lot of breeds of non-shells.

The following breeds are considered the most adapted and highly productive:

  • Leggorn;
  • Kuchinskaya anniversary;
  • Loman Brown;
  • Pushkinskaya;

Naturally, the natural qualities of the breed are not enough, so that the chicken is well rolled, it is required to provide it with the necessary care and nutrition.

Care and Feeding Birds

The poultry house requires compliance with a certain air temperature. Comfortable for the maintenance of birds is the temperature from -2 to +28 degrees.

In a business plan for growing smashing chickens, the costs of bird feed should be taken into account. The chicken are unpretentious in food, but still their diet must be balanced and diverse. The main products that must be present in the diet of chickens: grain, millet, feed, nutritional waste, grass, young nettle, lettuce leaves. In addition, you should not forget about vitamins, be sure to add egg shell, sand, minor seashells.

Purchase of bird feed is not too financially costly stage business plan for breeding chucks on eggs and this is a sufficiently weighty plus of this idea.


Costs and profits

First of all, it is worth talking about the cost of arrangement of a chicken farm.

Main costs:

  • Chicken coop equipment;
  • Buying young and incubator for further breeding chickens at home;
  • Cost costs.

Profit from business at the breeding hens

Breeding and growing chickens breed, implies the acquisition of the main profit from the sale of eggs. On average, chicken-navel per year, is able to carry about 200 eggs. The average price for a dozen home eggs on the market is about 50 rubles. On average, a small farm consists of 100-200 birds. Thus, the farm out of 100 chickens, for a year you will bring you about 20,000 eggs. On average, you implement them for 100,000 rubles. This is so much you earn if you only sell eggs. But you can still take the breeding broilers as a business and get even more profit only on the breeding of birds at home.

Hello, dear readers and visitors to our web resource. Today we will talk about business, about the profitability of the content of smashing kernels. Remember, as in a fairy tale about "Kniech-Ryaby", where the main character is a prototype of enterprise, and the grandfather with a grandmother - did not catch this idea and began to dang in immature undertaking?

As a result, a small problem, in the form of a mouse, "buried" will begin. But our narrative is about the positive vector of this phenomenon.

Dilution and cultivation of non-bumps is a stable and high-folding method of earnings. There are many proposals, ideas and advice on the start of a profit business. One of the most accessible among them can be characterized by the cultivation of birds.

In general, it does not require special knowledge and expensive. It is enough to have a desire, some skill and, with quite modest investments, boldly begin to implement the task.

For beginners, it is attractive in that the start is happening without attracting significant investments, contrary to the common stereotype about the creation of "poultry farms in miniature".

The occupation of profit activities is available to almost every person, but it is always difficult to start its business. To keep any business should be pre-examined, discuss your ideas in Internet forums.

In this light, care for nursing clubs is an exceptionally profitable and popular destination - the demand for protein products has always been high.

Options and ways.

Two main options taken to use:

  • Breeding eggs
  • This is the cultivation of a meat bird (broilers).

There are several more directions in breeding:

  • Training of fighter crossings;
  • Decorative chicken content;
  • Research activities in the field of ornithology.

As in any case, a focused on economic decisions, it is important to calculate the maximum possible directions to come to the optimal version, and the cultivation of the bird brought mainly profit than losses.

From the very beginning it is required to approach the development of the marketing plan and include the main provisions and mission. In the profitability plan, a number of items of the ratio of costs to the profit gained were concluded: this makes it possible to determine the feasibility of breeding egg-based chickens and start investing.

Business on Nuts: Where to start

Any entrepreneurship requires a detailed preliminary compilation.

the plan and if it is prepared correctly, then all starting investments with a complete calculation of payback periods will be reflected in it. The key to the creation of farming is the calculation of profitability.

Practical foundations for the arrangement of poultry farms.

In preparation for the start of the work on the cultivation of Pernav, the calculation of the Finzatt for the promotion of entrepreneurship is required, where the consideration of such positions is included:

  • search market market;
  • anti-crisis measures;
  • unexpected risks;
  • costs and payback periods.

The plan provides for working with a number of organizational issues lying in the legal field and passing "red line" through financial disciplines. You can prepare the documentation package independently, but you can trust it with experienced consultants.

Who will do it?

Chickens are poultry unpretentious in all respects. Even a person is not deeply dedicated to the subtleties of the organization of the life of a feathery nursery, can start a similar case with almost no significant risk.

Selinic, and a resident of the city can do jurars. But, unambiguously, it is necessary to take into account - in the countryside, find the land for the construction and grazing of the birds is much easier. For the construction of the poultry house, there are no huge scales, so you can start the nurses and flourish in the "stone jungle".

The next stage after choosing a place will be the choice of the habitat of feathered pets.


Following this option will require:

  • Installation of the system of feeders and dolls;
  • The cost of time and money to install racks;
  • Compliance with sanitary standards and systematic cell cleaning.

Organization of vital activity of birds in cells is feeding with feed, therefore - additional waste. The lack of a necessary amount of fresh air adversely affects the number of eggs and the activity of the livestock.


Buying young.

The next important step is to work for the future, namely, buying chickens. At this stage, the task is to close attention on the number and selection of the breed. The rate on the number of purchased young people always depends on the side of the house, but for the beginning, the business plan involves the purchase of a pair of tens of chickens.

The choice of selection will make it possible to build the case, and on the sale of eggs and meat. Lockless crosses get a much larger amount of high quality eggs.

Profitability of kernels

The profitability of the content of smashing chucks at home is the ratio of attachments and the intended result in the form of income from production. Having determined the indicators, you can always form conclusions about the benefit or hopelessness of the plans.

If you provide birds a qualified care and a balanced ration, then the day there will be a yield of about 80-85 eggs per hundred birds. Profit is obvious. The occupation of nursing chickens is also beneficial to the fact that it does not carry the problems with them.

A look at the benefits change, if it is nontrivial to look at things. No matter how unexpectedly it looks, but the revenue part is not limited to only the sale of the eggs. In demand enjoyed a litter, being an excellent natural ecological fertilizer.


You can sell a homemade egg in different ways. Experienced breeders who have passed the path from the beginning to stable success are advised to further expect to rent a trading point in the place of high passability, for example - on the market. Being an official business entity, you can establish favorable sales channels:

  • Sanatorium;
  • Restaurants;
  • Supermarkets, etc.


The main points of the business plan of the poultry farm:

  • Profitability analysis;
  • Check in. Search for capital for startup;
  • Calculation of investments for the purchase, care and nutrition of poultry;
  • Identification of the sales market and marketing payroll time;
  • The calculation of the occurrence of risks during the implementation and promotion of the whole project.

With a competent approach and rational distribution of resources, some of the owners of the PDD of poultry activities increase to 100%. Agree, it is an excellent indicator. Do not underestimate both force majeure circumstances, not rare in the agrarian sphere.

The meat of chicken has great demand all over the world. Not to mention the eggs, without which you actually unreal imagine most of the dishes. In this regard, the business for the cultivation of chickens is stable and very profitable.

Breeding and cultivation of chickens is ideal for those who have their own house outside the city. Under such circumstances, such a business will not provide a lot of trouble.

When doing business on growing chickens, some important moments and nuances should be taken into account:

  1. At the first stage, it is necessary to decide on the breeds of birds. You should choose to rely on your own experience and your own interests. There are the following types of birds: eggs, meat, measoy;
  2. The next important point is the number. The number of necessary feed, personnel, the size of the segment for walking, the area of \u200b\u200bchicken, etc. will depend on the number of crowning birds. The chicken coast in turn should be made up of cells and must be equipped appropriately for the bird content (place for feed, drivingker, air humidity meters, temperature and other devices);
  3. No less important points are the acquisition of birds, because the rocks differ from each other. One need more free space, different conditions of detention, air temperature, lighting. When purchasing it is best to deal with a good poultry truck, which would be able to give a few useful tips.
  4. Heading chickens, pay close attention to their appearance, plumage, when the chickens are linted, on the pallor, to the beak, etc. A good chicken looks not very good, she has a weak monophonic plumage, pale beak.
  5. Do not forget the same about walking chickens. It is best to do this in the warm season and during the daytime. For a walk, bird, will try to provide yourself with food, so take care of worms, feed, corn.

Breeding chickens pays off on average after 8 months.

You can download the above examples of business projects and familiarize yourself with them in more detail.

Download Business Poultry Factory Opening Plan

A project for breeding, growing and selling s / c birds. The project is distinguished by the presence of its own premises necessary for breeding of s / c birds (an area of \u200b\u200b150 sq.m.). The payback period of the project is 1.2. Capital costs will be 245.9 thousand rubles. Profitable developed project that can be fully used for its own activity.

Theoretical aspects of care for churars. Tips for growing, feeding, features and types of different breeds are given. The question of the content of chickens in the poultry house, the nuances of the microclimate and others are also considered. In a word, if you want to learn more about curies, their breeds and many other questions, then downloading this description you can easily do it.

Feasibility study for the organization of entrepreneurial activities without the formation of a legal entity for the organization of the economy of chickens for the production of food eggs. Typical plan containing all the necessary tables for the work of calculations on the main business operations. The main aspects of activity are considered.

Example Farm for breeding course using visual visualization tools - diagrams. Presented charts on the production indices of the main products of poultry farming and investment structures for the organization of breeding business and grow chickens. There is an assessment of risk analysis, payback period and possible sources of project financing.

An example of a project for the cultivation of the HY-LINE cross chickens. A very detailed project that can serve a full-fledged business plan to open your own business. The recoupment period of the project is 1.5 years. A detailed study of all questions and nuances of the functioning of chickening farms, makes this project very attractive from any point of view.

Many people believe that business on curies is a rather profitable and easy business. Chicken meat refers to dietary species and is inexpensive, so the demand of consumers does not fall. Another product of the vital activity of these birds eggs is an indispensable part of delicious and diet breakfasts. Let's figure out whether it is profitable to keep smashing kernels as a business, and that you need to know that entrepreneurship in this industry brings good profits.

Breeding chickens as a business: profitability and income

Before starting the construction of the chicken coop and the acquisition of young, it is necessary to decide, chickens like a business: is it profitable not? Breeding chickens as a business - a profitable case, but the facts confirming this:

  • not required large capital investments at the start (you can start with 50-100 goals);
  • to care and breed these birds, you do not need to possess special knowledge;
  • with the right approach, fast payback;
  • you can make a profit from eggs, meat, litter;
  • the costs of the content of the chicken is small.

The initial costs depend on the method of cultivation of chickens (in cells or floor system), the number of heads used by feed and other factors. Breeding chickens on eggs as a business will bring the first profit from the 5-month-old bird age. If you buy a young one at the age of 2-3 months, in a couple of months you can get the first profit and return the part of the money invested.

For one chicken per year, about 36 kg of feed is required. Considering that the cost of 1 kg of the feed is about 10 rubles. About 500-600 rubles will need for the content of one bird (feed + vitamin complexes + drugs for young). It is necessary to take into account the construction of the chicken coop, but you can use the existing barn or build it from the boards and logs (cheap option).

This information will make you breed meat chickens as a business. "What profit shines?" - You ask. It is easy to calculate: one chicken per year will demolish from 200 to 250 eggs depending on the breed and content. I will multiply the number of eggs on the price of 4-5 rubles, and it turns out that one chicken can bring you per year income of 500-700 rubles only on eggs. But you can still sell meat, grow chickens (minimum costs), to implement litter. As a result, this figure will grow several times.

To the question "profitable or no breeding chickens as a business?" I will answer: "Yes, profitable!". But do not forget that you need to look at the bird, create comfortable living conditions for it, make a full ration, to remove from diseases.

How to start a business in the curies? Step-by-step instruction

If you decide to do business in bumps, a lawsuit "Where to start?". It is necessary to find a plot on which your poultry enterprise will be located. If you plan to begin breeding chickens from a small amount of livestock, a plot up to 5 acres will be enough.

Construction of chicken coop

If you decide to make breeding chickens on an egg as a business, prepare the premises in which birds will live. If you do not have a suitable shed, build a new chicken coop. For the construction, you can use such materials: gas silicate block, brick, wood.

The budget breakdown of the shed will be the use of wood. The base will consist of wooden pillars. Walls from the boards must be insulated. To do this, you can use a free insulation - dry leaves or grass, wooden chips, chew. But the natural insulation material is mixed with lime, otherwise rodents will be headed. Earthy floor to winter necessarily warming up.

To grow nursing chucks as a business, create a comfortable condition for them. Take care of ventilation, sufficient lighting (there must be windows and light bulbs), boxes in which birds will be sore.

Outdoor chicken coop with walking on the street is preferred for small farms. If you are planning a business on chickens on a large scale, then it is better to give preference to breeding birds in cells. You can save the square, to establish an automatic feed system for feed and water, but be prepared that the starting capital will grow.

Purchase of young man

After preparing the premises, buy chickens for a business project, but first decide what your enterprise will be specialized: selling eggs or meat. For example, for business on chicken grilled, it is necessary to purchase broilers or other meat breeds, but for the sale of eggs it is necessary to choose eggs. I think that egg-meat breeds are beneficial. They bring quite a few eggs (up to 250 per year) and meat (2-3 kg), but to solve you.

The question will arise how many chickens for business needs to be purchased. In the outdoor breeding of birds, 20 chickens will fit 10 square meters. In one cell, up to 50 birds can be located depending on the size of the cell.

If you want to do business in the cultivation of chickens, on the forums of the appropriate subject on the Internet you will find useful tips. Experienced farmers recommend buying young people for 2-3 months. When purchasing small chickens, the risk of mortality grows and it is impossible to determine the sexuality. On 10 chickens need 1 cock, so you can get your own offspring in the future and not spend money on the purchase of young people. Chickens can be obtained in two ways:

  • Chicken-naughters will survive eggs.
  • The use of the incubator (you can earn and sell chickens).

Bird care and feeding

Growing chickens as a business has its own characteristics. This type of poultry is resistant to diseases and is not demanding of living conditions, but the following should be aware of:

Chickens on an egg as a business will bring you a good income if you take care of a balanced diet. In the diet of birds must be included:

  • feed;
  • vegetables and root;
  • grass;
  • grain and corn.

With business on homemade chickens you can feed birds with nutritional waste. In order for the chiches well, they need minerals, so do not forget to purchase chalk and rikushnyak. In the warm season, when walking outdoors, the birds themselves are looking for food (grass, worms, insects), but this does not mean that they do not need to feed.

Business on curren: how to competently make a business plan

A business plan for breeding smashing chuckles consists of expense points, revenues, payback periods, indicates the size of the starting capital and other important information. By making a business plan for the cultivation of chickens, consider the peculiarities of activity (egg or meat), the sales market and factors affecting success. If you want to implement your own grilled chickens, the business plan must necessarily contain an appropriate item.

When drafting a business plan for breeding chickens, in detail in detail the expense article:

  • building a chicken coop;
  • acquisition of the necessary equipment (drinkers, feeders, automatic systems, and so on);
  • purchase of young;
  • purchase of feed, minerals and vitamin complexes;
  • payment of electricity bills and other energy resources;
  • payment of taxes;
  • salary employee.

In the business plan for chicken nurses, make calculations of profits and income. Indicate how many eggs and meat are planning to sell, whether to engage in the realization of chickens. Each option to receive profits SPECIAL in a separate paragraph.

After all the calculations, specify the payback period. I know that on average required from 8 to 14 months to go out in plus. Making a properly business plan, minced chickens will be able to bring you good profits.

Cooking reviews

You yourself decide to sell you grilled chickens (business is more popular in cities) or engage in breeding chickens at home as a business. I believe that this is a profitable kind of agricultural entrepreneurial activity. If you want to launch business on chickens, farmers will help you avoid mistakes and correctly plan your actions. The main plus business on chicany (eggs and meat sale) in the demand for this product. You can sell the goods and make a profit in any economic conditions in the country.

In conclusion, see an interesting video message about earnings on first-person kers.