Vyacheslav Zaitsev fell out of the window. Vyacheslav Zaitsev struggles with severe ailment

Vyacheslav Zaitsev fell out of the window. Vyacheslav Zaitsev struggles with severe ailment

The famous fashion designer spoke about the main woman in his life

With the word "Fashion", many of us arises a clear association: Vyacheslav Zaitsev. It seems he was always. Energetic, slightly tight and consistently bright. In our country, Zaitsev was dressed in the same way as Carden. Girls who want to get into the mannequins were built in long queues at the famous fashion house in Moscow. The history of this forge of a beautiful life began on June 19, 1982 - exactly 35 years ago. In the anniversary, it is customary to remember the past and build plans. We are talking about this with a designer in the legendary building on the avenue of the world.

I was preparing to see the mannequins on the walls - well, how else the Cabinet of the famous Couturier should look like, and it came across the exercise bike and hung in the middle of the room. Maestro throws to twist pedals, easily jumps from the seat, rushes to us with a photographer and, satisfied with the effect, laughs.

I feel great! - reports Vyacheslav Mikhailovich. - I do not go, and I run, I am glad of my life as a child. The body in 79 years, of course, is tired and worn. Normal man in my place would not survive. How many talented people around me broke, many bored, cut, disappeared. But I thank God for the generosity and patience.

In order not to fall, you need to constantly twist the pedals, I am sure the maestro

- Pension, it means, are not going?

Recreation - non-disabilities. I live in 70 kilometers from Moscow. Every day I rises at 4.20. In 5.20, you need to go out, otherwise you can simultaneously have two hours in traffic. But it is impassive to spend so much time for me.

- Where do you get strength?

I find time for light exercise. I walk in my estate, I swallow with flowers, in the garden. I eat modestly, without delight. I love soup, borsch, mushroom noodles, chicken soups, porridge, meat cutlets or vegetable, juices. I love fish. I am preparing myself or friends who come to spend me. It helps to withstand mad rhythm - the creative process never stops.

Morning famous couture begins with charging

Collection of telogrek

- Today you are a fashion guru, but so it was not always. Let's remember how it all started.

Very much had to go through. I was accused of not creating the correct image of the Soviet woman, because I did not draw the girls-models not with open persons as directed into the future, but with sadly pronounced heads. In the Moscow Textile Institute, there were always problems with teachers - they put on the exams either five or two. Nevertheless, for three years I received a Lenin scholarship. But before the defense of the diploma quarreled with Dean, refusing his consultation. For which he was punished - I changed the topic of work, and, instead of creating outfits to the ballet on the ice, I had to draw a business suit.

After studying, I was distributed to the experimental technical sewing factory of Mosoblovsnarsnarhoz to the city of Babushkin - now it is the district of the capital. There I was instructed to create workwear for rural workers. I tried to bring a variety of working days, studied the traditions of a Russian costume. Then there was nothing interesting at all: there were gray coats with a piece of fur on her shoulder and sad suits in the stores. With these "sarcophagi" I tried to fight a personal example: she sewed his coat in the style of images Golbaine - German Renaissance Epoch. It was a shortened model from black-colored tissue - wide arcooked shoulders, a neck without a collar. Very creative thing.

House 70 km from Moscow Vyacheslav Mikhailovich built on his own project

In the factory, meanwhile, it was entrusted to develop a collection of telogrek. Seeing my colored wicked clips and quilted spare chains from a bright canvas, skirts from Pavlovoposad's headscarf, and even the yellow and red feltwall painted with gouache, members of the horsework came terror.

- Labor team supported you?

Where there! I was freed from the position of the artistic director of the experimental group, a friendly court arranged. Because of the nervous shock, I even lost my sight. But it was then that French journalists offered an interview with me. "Paris Match" published an article in which my suggestions on the assortment of work apparel. After that, the borders entered the fashion. It was April 1963. For the first time in the world they spoke about the Russian designer of clothes. By that time I went to work in the house of models on Kuznetsky Bridge. But she soon became a non-rigging and fell under the supervision of the KGB. It happened, I am waiting for a foreign delegation, but suddenly stuck in the elevator, and the guests declare that I was sick. Such goats were built.

Clean tomatoes grow in a greenhouse on the site

Three holes - two seams

- They say you didn't really complain "government" wives and daughters. Why?

This is not my circle. Most of them were distinguished by incredible snobbery. But I can't be a slave - I choose customers myself. Did not work out with Victoria Petrovna Brezhneva, daughter Kosyigina, spouse Shevardnadzehave not done the relationship with Rasa Maksimovsky Gorbacheva. Here Ekaterina Furtseva Always said: "Thank you, you know better than me. Why will I advise you? " A person must trust me.

- And did not try to join the party?

Tried three times! For the first time, I came to the district in a gray striped costume with a lilac bow-scarf instead of a tie and heard: "A young man, here you are not a circus and not dancing." The second time appeared in the black triple. "There is no theater!" - stated me and went off again while I did not come to the reception to the partner secretary. I was persistent. I wanted to influence the situation and do not give me to make decisions for me.

- You were forty when you decide to change everything.

For 16 years of work in the light industry, I have never seen that someone worn by me I wore. All of them, enrolling in production, neutered under the standard "Three holes - two seams". And then the thought came to the simple studio. Turn it into the fashion house helped Evgeny Mikhailovich Silevelnikov. He headed the department of ideology in the Central Committee of the CPSU and introduced me to the then Minister of Domestic Services Ivan Dudenkov. He said: "Glory, complement - the building will be yours." Three years brought premises on the world avenue to mind. Opening, became an artistic director. When I realized that the fashion house was godlessly, organized director re-election. With the second same story. Then he took this position himself. This exhaustive work took a lot of useful time. But I myself answered everything.

Brother served ten years

- Creative people are accepted about the muse. Who inspires you?

Mum. Kindness, decency, spiritual heat, generosity, sacrifice, love for nature, people - I was looking for these qualities in women who met on their way. And did not find. Mom has remained the main thing in my life. As a child, I saw her little. She worked from six in the morning to a hour of the night, was a cleaner, a laundry. At seven years I did everything in the household. We lived in a tiny room, where the bed had a suitcase instead of a chair, besides we were rushed. When mom fell into the hospital, I almost died with hunger. He began to sing saleswoman in stores. For this they gave me fragments of cookies and candies that I sold on the market. On the revenue money bought bread and carried mom.

Painting - long standing of the famous fashion designer

- Do you remember your father?

I was three years old when he went to the front. My mother did not love her, she was going to marry another person, but it was so. In war, his father was captured, fled, reached Berlin. But all who visited captivity, sage as traitors of the Motherland. When before sending to the north, Echelon with prisoners of war arrived in Kharkov, we also arrived there. The father was sitting on the ground for barbed wire among thousands of exhausted people. Mom shouted something to him, he replied, after which the guards were driving us. Then prisoners were lucky at the stage, and we returned to Ivanovo. I met the Father in only 20 years. We were Cocherics, my mother's surname was worn. Parents issued a relationship when his father returned from the camps. I never got close to him. After the death of Mom, he quickly found another woman, but he asked me to leave him. I took care of him completely.

I had an older brother of Volodya - a cheerful, clockwork guy. After the war in the company of other guys, he pulled a bike for which he pleased with the colony. Came out and got caught again. Then the brother stood out for a friend and beat the policeman. A total of ten years has served. And when I was released, I could not find myself. Settled at the plant. I tried to help him, but he drank everything.

Refused drugs

- Tell me about your wife - Mum Egor.

Marishka studied with me in the textile institute, but the year older. Beautiful, thin, with huge brown eyes and elegant curly hair. In addition, intelligent, erudite, with a good taste. In 1959, we got married, Yegor was born a year later.

With Marisha we lived nine years old. But her mother is my mother-in-law - for some reason I decided that I married Marina because of the apartment. I was for her poor Pucecan Son - they considered Higher Flight Birds. Family relations were stretched all the time until we were divorced and did not kill me from home.

- How was it kicked out?

I arrived from Hungary, where he did the costumes for the film, and found out that I was found a replacement. Egor was then nine years old. I did not let me down. The son thought that I left him, and I could not forgive it for a long time. And then he had another dad - a circus director. True, he was expelled pretty quickly.

- How long have you not communicated with Egor?

While he was not turned 14. Our first conspiracy meeting was held in some lane. Miscellaneous communication resumed. Fortunately, everything in the past. With Mariche Contact Restored, I am on her holidays, it is on my shows.

Eminate Kuturier Pierre Cardin (left) and Mark Boag (right) appreciated the works of young glory Zaitsev and accepted in their circle (Moscow, Sofia restaurant, 1965)

- You had another marriage?

The second wife Inna is a knitting artist. We worked together, it turned out, she waited for me for many years and had no doubt that after the divorce I was marrying her. As a tsunami, fell on me with his love. Two years we have lived in civil marriage, but then they broke up.

- But Inna was near, when you hit the car.

When it happened, I just knocked 33. Nine days lay in resuscitation, then six months went on crutches. Inna cared for me. But soon I realized that this is absolutely not my person.

Before the accident, I considered myself extremely infantile. And then managed to abandon painkillers, in fact, drugs. Because I saw: a person who lay with me in the ward, under their action jumped out of the window. I consciously checked myself then. And it turned out that I can be courageous. Although at first, when I was told that they would cut the right leg, I even got tortured, I came up with a new image myself. I presented how in a black hat, a white shirt, black glasses and with a stick I will walk around Kuznetsky bridge. But I trained to hell in my head, because I knew: you need to live. The consequences of the accident affect so far. Moved the operation on the knee joints - now I am running even faster!

- Can we talk about the Town Dynasty in the world of fashion?

Son Yegor is my first assistant, now he is deputy general director of the fashion house. Also obsessed with work. Granddaughter Marus - 23 years old. Since childhood, perfectly draws, reads serious literature. He studied at the Cartoon School, Karate was engaged, he knows French. She graduated from the fashion laboratory in the fashion house, went through the podium as a model. Several times participated with their collections in the Russian Fashion Week. And now fond of filmmakers. But I hope she will return to the profession. Perhaps in some new quality. The second granddaughter, Nastya and the second granddaughter. Draws, sculpts - also talent. These are my most beloved people. So, I hope, "Fashion House Vyacheslav Zaitseva" will not make another anniversary.

Notes on cuffs

"A person should not clog out the outside environment, although often we absolutely do not take into account this and wear what we are comfortable."

"A classic suit is the basis of the fashion wardrobe. You can drive any mood, playing fabric texture, cut, accessories.

"In the wardrobe, women must necessarily have a skirt, straight and narrow, because jeans depreciate and discolor a woman."

"However, jeans themselves are a brilliant idea. Black and blue. But with lace, rags and holes - I can not accept this. "

Photo from the personal archive of Vyacheslav Zaitseva

The legend of the Russian fashion, the famous fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev on March 2, was 78 years old. Despite the Matra's respectable age, he is full of creative plans, to carry out that he, however, manages with great difficulty due to serious health problems.

"I recently returned from the sanatorium in Karlovy Vary, where I traveled for the first time in my life. But there was a need to treat legs and Parkinson's disease, "Vyacheslav Zaitsev admitted with bitterness in an interview with journalists of the program" You will not believe! " Channel NTV. Parkinson's disease is a serious damage to the nervous system when a person loses control over his movements, which gradually leads to trembling of hands and legs, violation of facial expansion and disability. "The only thing I would like my birthday is to recover," says the famous fashion designer. - The disease is what oppresses me. "

By the way on the buffet, which took place after a fashion show, spent on the occasion of the 78th anniversary of Vyacheslav Zaitsev, he almost did not eat anything. Just drank water and tried to quickly sit down. Mature is not in joint order. Zaitsev not so long ago transferred surgery - it was put by a titanium prosthesis so that he did not feel pain when walking.

In this difficult time, Vyacheslav Zaitseva is supported by the son of Egor, granddaughter Mariasya and the former wife Marina, with which they met while studying at the textile institute. The spouses were separated when their son was nine years old, but all these years support warm friendships. Marina is hardly worried about the former spouse and regularly visits Vyacheslav Zaitseva, bringing him his favorite treat - Raspberry Pie. "Once his whisching Vyacheslav Mikhailovich, my mother," said the former Matra spouse told. - It is a puff pastry cake with a thick layer of raspberry jam and with thick walnuts with walnuts. Glory loves this cake very much. "

Despite the fight against severe ailment, Vyacheslav Zaitsev does not intend to surrender. He prepares for the release of a new collection of clothes "Autumn-Winter" and hopes that experts will be able to put it on their feet. "Doctors are very optimistic, - concluded Zaitsev. "They say that I am a cheerful man, strong and therefore everything will be cool."

The fact that the 79-year-old fashion designer of Glory Zaitsev has health problems, said long ago. It was reported, in particular, that the designer moves with a stick, says with difficulty. Stubbed rumors were walking that Kuturier suffers from Parkinson's disease.


However, the fashion designer himself tries to keep cheerfully. "I don't complain about health - what to complain about him. The legs recently repaired, and now it is normal, knees as new. Made a serious operation. At 33, I got into an accident: I was cut out autogen from the car and crushed the knee. Everything was broken I have tormented for a long time, and after also fell from my studio from the second floor and finally finished. Therefore I had to do operations, the second was held in January of this year, "Vyacheslav Zaitseva quotes Woman`s Day.

Designer with optimism looks to the future. Next year, Zaitsev will be 80 years old. In honor of the Round Date, he intends to release a new collection of clothes.

However, Vyacheslav pays a lot of time not only work, but also to leisure. Eminent Kuturier is completely calmly digging in the ground on his own estate. "Mom talked to the mother's motherhood. We grow cucumbers and tomatoes. I have two greenhouses for five meters: only for tomatoes only, only for cucumbers. And onions and other greens so, we grow out on the street. Tomatoes with cucumbers crop rich: salts from the past The years were still left. I still have a juice from Cherry and a black. And I fond of flowers. I have a lot of hydrangeas, lilies, I love the orchid family. Everything is myself and the field, and watering, "Vyacheslav Zaitsev boasted.

Because of the financial difficulties, the fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev has already delayed the salary to its employees for three months.

Non-easy times began in the life of the famous couturier Vyacheslav Zaitsev. Because of the crisis, he can lose its production. And if Vyacheslav Mikhailovich himself, financial difficulties still tolerate, then his employees do not want to do this. Almost every month from Zaitseva leaves his employees.

Talk about the complex position of Vyacheslav Zaitseva went a few months ago. But Vyacheslav Mikhailovich tried not to talk about it. He was hoping before the latter that he would be able to cope with crowded difficulties. Now the fashion designer admitted: he does not see the exit.

- Because of the crisis, there were fewer people who buy clothes, "Couturier admits. - We have problems with salary for employees. Everything is very serious. I, as a director, do not know how to solve the situation. It was very difficult to live and work.

According to Zaitsev, the retardation of wages in his fashion house is three months. When he can pay with employees, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich says exactly, because he has long been no free money.

"I don't know what to do," Zaitsev complies. - I do not see any exit. People come to me and ask: "Vyacheslav Mikhailovich, where is the money?" I answer everything the same thing: "As soon as the outfits sell, or they will pay rent, the accountant will list everything." Unfortunately, I cannot provide the payment of stable wages. Some suggest that I applied for help to sponsors. But I do not do this. I think that it is useless.

Zaitsev over the past few weeks lost four people who did not endure the wage delay. But he considered them one of the best in its production.

- A technologist quit, very good masters from the experimental workshop, continues to be a well-known fashion designer. - I, of course, worry. These are the people I raised. They know my style perfectly. I am not looking for replacement yet, because there is a danger that others leave. They are invited to work in prestigious places. There, where stable salary. Therefore, I understand them. And we have very large taxes, such as land! Five millions need to pay, imagine? This is a lot of money, we do not earn so much!

Zaitsev's loans do not want, since in this case it may be in the debt. Kuturier hopes to help the government, but still trying to somehow provide its income to its enterprise. For example, if earlier he presented mostly things for women of model appearance, now plans to make several collection for young people and full ladies. Zaitsev promises: new clothes will not be too expensive. The fashion designer hopes that with the help of such measures will be able to settle with debts. Also, in the very near future, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich wants to arrange a grand possible sale of existing clothes.

"In June, our fashion house will turn thirty-five years old," says Zaitsev. - And we are planning to arrange a big show for the anniversary and sell. Cheap and very beautiful things can be purchased at low prices. I hope that such measures will help us to cope with the crisis.

Due to production problems, Vyacheslav Zaitsev will remain without a summer holiday. However, on this occasion, the couture does not survive at all. He assures: it's not used to lie on the beach.

"I'll go very soon for three days to Paris," says Zaitsev. - Every month I fly there. Many years ago I bought a small apartment in the capital of France. Now you have to go there and pay for the "communal". It comes around four hundred euros per month - in my opinion, a little. And I rest here, in Russia. In the suburbs I have a house in the village. He stands right in the forest. Seven acres of land, beautiful garden, magnificent air, near the river! That's enough for me. Sometimes I chose abroad to contemplate the beauty of the surrounding world. Then I transfer her to canvases. I wonder!