All the world comics Star Wars. New Comics on "Star Wars": "Fall Vader" and "Heritage

All the world comics Star Wars. New Comics on "Star Wars": "Fall Vader" and "Heritage

The Italian Publishing House "Deagostini" carried out your dream! Meet the unique edition of the Star Wars in April 2018. Official Comic Collection. "

Five important facts about the series "Star Wars. Official Comic Collection "

This is the most complete collection of comics about "star wars". Having gathered all the books, you will know absolutely everything about the universe created by George Lucas, even what people say about what the fans of Sagi are from childhood.

1. In the first releases, you will find the original comics that came back in 1977, that is, simultaneously with the show of the first film in cinemas.
2. Graphic novels are combined in the series - Empire, the war of clones, uprising, dark times, heritage and other parts of the epic that will not leave anyone indifferent. After reading everything, you will become a full-fledged citizen of the Universe.
3. All comics are decorated in different styles. Legendary creative teams worked on the releases. From the book to the book, you will follow the evolution of the art of creating a graphic novel over the past forty years.
4. The collection consists of 70 books, each has a solid binding and includes 200 pages printed on superb quality paper. But that's not all!
5. In each release, you will find the reprints of the original covers of magazines issued many years ago.

When you collect the collection completely and put the books in the order of their output, you will see a beautiful drawing with the main characters of the saga. This series will be the main decoration of your home library.

Where to buy books?

Purchase issues of the series "Star Wars. The official collection of comics "can be on our website. The new book will leave every two weeks. The recommended price of the first issue is 149 rubles, the second - 299 rubles, the third and subsequent - 499 rubles. If you do not want to depend on intermediary surcharges, we advise you to subscribe to the collection.

"Wakes up of force" on our site is waiting for more than the new year. We count out every day before the premiere and have long booked tickets for the very first sessions. We are actively discussing the theories built by fans around the film, as well as trying to extend the maximum of information even from the musical track-sheet to the film. But for the picture to be completely, you need to use the maximum available information. Therefore, today we offer you a tour of comics that managed to go out in the outgoing year by publisher. In fact, they are scattered quite a few details and hints of the future of the Galaxy. Be careful, the material contains a lot of spoilers and shamelessly indicates those fragments, which cannot be passed, not sharpening attention!


Chronologically, this series of distant-distant galaxy is located before the other publisher released this year. For those who watch the series "Star Wars: Rebels", will not be difficult to calculate that Kane Jarrus will become the main character of the series - one of the main heroes of the series, the former Jedi and the Mentor of the young Ezra. The events described in the first releases of the series are quite expected to turn to the show shown in the series. Readers will have to see Kanean right after "Order 66" came into force, and former comrades were killed in the eyes of Padawan.

Young Jedi, who has not yet managed to finish his training, will have to be disassembled in the new world: the pursuers of the "traitor" of the empire will always hang on the tail, and the skills of self-survival in the real world are not included in the mandatory Order of the Order. I read the series, it becomes easy to mentally read the route that Duum Caleba (just so Kanenan called to sad events) Kanean Jarrus. Readers will be able to understand the reasons for his hatred towards clones, and reluctance to store into large conflicts that can attract the attention of the empire.

But the series is written so well that even those who are not familiar with the character are waiting for pleasant impressions and decided for some reasons to ignore the series. The authors of the comic not began to chase around the scope, but focused their strength on the disclosure of the characters. Yes, most of the heroes appeared on the pages of the comics are based on their template and predictable. But the issue of release they demonstrate an increasing depth. But not Caleb became the subject of numerous surprises, because the fans have already managed to get acquainted with him. But smugglers whose society hit the young man, turned out to be colorful and not always simple characters. Here are the heroes, and villains, because not only the Jedi were forced to hide from the forces of the Empire.

It is also worth noting that additional pleasure expects those who have for comics of an expanded universe. And the story itself, and the manner of filing, and even painting more than once and not two remind readers about the comics of the Dark Horse publishing house. If you read all the comics issued under license, then no doubt evaluate the weight of this compliment.

If you do not wait to continue familiarity with the character, and the series you are looking in ongoing mode, you can pay your attention to the bookA.NewDawn. She became the first of the newly published canon. Her events unfold six years before the start of the series and will talk about acquaintance and the first joint mission of Kanean and Gera. They will have to combine their efforts to confront the industry of Count Viison. The book turned out noticeably more interesting than it may seem on the annotation. In addition to the meeting of those who loved the characters, it sheds light on the economic situation in the empire, which requires more and more resources to create an intimidation gun. Yes, even though it does not say directly, John Miller - the author of the book - it was possible to convey the feeling that the construction of the "Star of Death" was already in full swing. But this is not all the strengths of the book.

Value for fandom: Independent addition to Star Wars: Rebels. Like the series, the comic is trying to expand the famous borders of a distant galaxy, without using long-acquired characters, thanks to which it can afford more than other series.

Princess ley.

The events of the mini-series "Princess Leia", which included five issues, start immediately after the fourth episode. Awarding the heroes of the uprising, Lei still decides to abandon the fate of his native people. In the original trilogy, there was no place for the suffering of Lei in the loss of the native world, where at that moment her parents and her people were.

So, leaving for some time from the affairs of the uprising, Leia decides to unite the surviving Alderaians and find them a new home. The situation complicates the award for her head, for which even friends are ready for betrayal, and the very character of some survivors. You can understand them, because the empire decides to take advantage of the chance and exterminate the remnants of the disadvantageous people.

Unfortunately, something went wrong. In the field of comic readers, it is not customary to scold a drawing only because the character is little similar to himself from the previous issue, over which another artist worked. The development of the industry during the long decades was given to readers, which is sufficiently conditional conservation of the main elements of the image. This work lies not only to artists, but also on the screenwriters. It is unpleasant to realize that a good creative team failed, perhaps the most important part of his work. Learn from the comic book Kerry Fisher can hardly succeed, but it is not only an external similarity. Lyia Dodson sometimes even prettier, and numerous outfits are highly emphasized. Throughout all five issues, Lei acts precisely as a princess, and not as the leader of the uprising on a dangerous mission. But this decisive person has not so much in common with the Ice Queen, which lei was depicted in the original trilogy. She is more reckless and soft.

Unfortunately, the authors failed to create and intriguing history, which simply does not have time to hook the reader. Events are rapidly jump from one scene to another, not giving how to reveal to any of the characters. As a result, on the background of colorful, but few worked backgrounds there is a group of static templates. Even if someone from the main heroes nuts the end, it is determined to empathize

However, the comics about the "Star Wars" many read at all in order to get acquainted with a bunch of new complex characters. So if you close your eyes to what is happening (or explain everything, for example, unexpected conditions in which the princess leya came), then some interesting fragments and hints from the story still can be pulled out.

First, the hint that Leia has power, is given right in the second issue. Without resisting before temptation, the authors more than once and not two played on the reader's sense of nostalgia. We are talking about the scene in which the princess leans towards R2D2, explicitly written off from the "New Hope", and the dreams of Lei about the twin. And in the second issue, Lyia begins his rescue campaign with Nabu - her mother's native planet, which she does not yet know about. Of course, one of the colorful bas-reliefs of the planet was decorated with the image of the Princess Amidala. When looking at the drawing, Leia sees a short vision: the image on the wall comes to life and looks at the princess sad look. What is it? Revenge the authors to the side of the prequel or something more? After all, you should not forget that Leia - Sister Luke, even though it is still unknown. And Luke has so much so that in a position to resist two Lords Sith at once. So it can be assumed that Leia also has the revealed strength. Within the framework of the "expanded universe", several successful stories were written on this fragment of history. But judging by the promotional materials of the "awakening of power", Leia did not master anything from the receptions of the Jedi. Perhaps sensitivity to strength helps her foresee and feel more correct solutions in those situations where the dry set of facts and statistics ceases to help. After all, it was precisely for the strength of Luke who was able to destroy the first "star of death". So maybe his successful military career ley will be obliged, including strength?

Secondly, let's discuss General Lei a little more. If you carefully read the last interviews of the authors, they have already humbled with the fact that the ledy authority lost the status of the princess and has long been known for the Galaxy as a general general. Independent explanation is given in the comic. To begin with, it is necessary to remember that Leia has become a princess without a state. Despite the remnants of the surviving Alderaians, her state is irrevocably lost. Moreover, by collecting all the scattered groups together, it speaks independently from the throne. Having made a completely expected step towards democracy, Leia announces that now people themselves choose their own princess. It turns out that at the time of the fifth and sixth episodes, from the title princess no longer left, except memories and compliments. And to the "awakening force" and they will gradually erase.

Value for fandom: small. There are hints on the abilities of the lei, the fate of the residents of Alderan scattered in the galaxy and a little spiritual torment. Nothing such that is not in other series.

Star Wars

We have already discarded the first edition of the series, noting the talent of its authors. We decided to progress, giving a series with such a name to real professionals of your business, so it is not worthwhile to be surprised at its high quality.

As we assumed earlier, from the first pages of the reader waiting for a sense of nostalgia. Comic checkeredly reproduces all elements of the original trilogy, not allowing himself unnecessary innovations: the people of drawn heroes are easily recognized, the design of the interior of the empire is still strict, and C3PO is also helpless. There is nothing to be surprised here, because the events of the series are located in the segment from the fourth to the fifth episodes, so that the heroes have to make even many missions against the empire before it falls. It is also worth noting that in the "extended universe" this gap was not too popular, because the events of the series are doubly interesting. But we will be honest with you: a constant flow of tasks for the destruction of military facilities with copying all possible elements of the original trilogy would be bored by the third arch, and Jason Aaron would not be, go on this road.

On the contrary, ending with a pleasant prelude and picing the readers on the hook, he starts a whole series of unexpected alder! Part of them, as, for example, the wife of Khan Solo, do not fit well in the already established picture of the world, but others involuntarily latch holes (for example, you have never experienced feeling that the hatch too quickly reached heights on the way of strength, having a rather limited choice Teachers?). It is at this moment that a series is not going to turn into a boring filler about the weekdays of the popular Trinity on the military tasks of the uprising, and plans to take us on all the interesting corners of this world with a breeze. Someone doubts that secrets and stories in the Galaxy will be enough for a good hundred issues? In addition, rare reneresses towards the original films and even the prequelons no one canceled.

But besides the fact that the quality of the series is already in itself a significant argument in favor of reading these comics, the authors gradually add important details into the overall picture. First of all, speech, of course, about learning Luke. Almost immediately remaining without the only one who could instruct him on the way of strength, he disagrees to surrender. We already know that Luke is not the only Jedi in the galaxy. And although his paths crossed only with Ob Wan and iodine, there are a lot of other ways to learn more about strength. But in the world where the Empire rules, controlled by Sithami, should not even hope that the search will go correctly. Instead of the remaining Jedi Luke, smugglers are waiting, and the Order of the Jedi will have to temporarily exchange to the gladiator's arena.

Another important part of the history of Khan and Lei, who managed to tighten the joint scene in the "Awakening of Power" trailer. But after all, their relationships were devoted not so much time! A pair of overwater, a pair of touching moments, but not too fast? Thanks to the comic, we will finally be able to see the whole path of these relationships: from the first major misunderstanding to the first kiss right through the whole bunch of scenes of varying degrees of romanticity. And maybe due to the fact that we have favorite heroes, and maybe thanks to the talent of Aaron, watch this couple - solid pleasure.

Juggling completely different elements of history, the authors can create an original and unique story. From the period with which readers get acquainted in the series, do not expect some revelations and surprises. Therefore, each of them is perceived doubly more pleasant.

Value for fandom: We have already seen how the Trinity of the main heroes got fame and respect in the Galaxy. Now we have to find out what happened between these missions. This allows you to learn the heroes much better, and therefore it is even closer to them.

Should I read: Most of the emerging series on the "Star Wars" are now distinguished by a good plot and high-quality pattern. But Star Wars - in the leaders of quality. From quite understandable and well-known ingredients, the authors were able to prepare such a tasty dish that time would think about magic.

Shards of the Empire

"Shards of the Empire" - so far the only one of the released comics, which at least somehow reveals fragments seen in trailers. The events of the series, which included only four releases, begin at the time of the death of the second "Star Death" and talk about the pilot Bay Bay. The ball is not only a talented and experienced pilot, but also the mother in Datomeron is one of the main characters of the "awakening of power." Mimolet we learn that the boy was already born and now lives with the father of the heroine. But his life is somewhere behind the scenes.

And in the center of history there are several missions that the ball performs together with the heroes of the original trilogy. Left without Palpatine, the empire refuses to believe in his own defeat, creating more and more new dangers in the galaxy. Alas, missions are rather indirectly, so one-piece plot with the beginning, development and the union is actually no. Instead, we gradually shed light on the life of the beloved Trinity - Luke, Lei and Khan - after the event at Endor. Together with them, the ball celebrates the victory over the emperor, with Leay flies to Nabu with a diplomatic mission, helps the hatch to penetrate the secret laboratory of the Empire, where very curious artifacts are stored. And each balancing gives us new hints for the future of characters.

For example, we re-hint on the sensitivity of the lei to strength. And again on Nabu. And although each of the comic series is filled with nostalgic elements, in the second and third rooms, their most. We will have time to take a walk on familiar on the first episode of the streets, we will meet the current princess, we will see familiar outfits and even return to the same hangar, from where the young Anakin went to battle on the fighter. It is in the hangar ley and awaits a new vision, but this time it's unpleasant and cold, because here the Darth Mol killed Qui-Gon Gina.

Comic is necessary to read the one who intrigues the further life of the hatch, which never appeared in any of the trailers. The last issue is devoted to an attempt to penetrate the mysterious laboratory, where Emperor Palpatin kept valuable artifacts. For example, his messengers were kept here - unusual ambulance droids, externally reminiscent of the Imperial Guard. But two small wood became the goal of the penetration. These trees have ever grew in the Order on Coruscant, so they managed to be soaked in force. Thanks to this hatch and could feel them. In the question of why Jedi's the only known in the Galaxy was needed the trees of the Order, already contained. So numerous theories about its transition on the dark side are once again questioned.

Value for fandom: High! Although the comics of the series, important elements are scattered unevenly and chaotically, they can make a lot of useful conclusions about the events preceding the seventh episode.

Legendary Saga in a unique collection of books " Star Wars. Official Comic Collection" Publishing house Deagostini.

In addition to movies, in which the legend of Star Wars originated, the power of Sagi lived with decades in other arts, illuminating the history of the universe. Comics always occupied a leading role in the development of the history of the Universe: Starting from 1977, after the premiere of "New Hope", when the first comics "Star Wars" appeared, a lot of work was created with exciting plots.


In the world of comics, the characters of "Star Wars" appeared back in 1977, when Marvel released the first book. Since then, the events of the famous film are complemented by other stories, characters and situations that Space Saga fans have never seen on the screen. The best comics about star wars are collected in this exclusive collection of books.
Where did the force come from? How did the dark side appear? Who created the Order of the Jedi? What happened during the clones war? What happened to Luche, Khan Solo and Lei after the death of the emperor? These and many other questions you will find answers in the books of the Collection!

When George Lucas allowed other authors to develop the history of the "Star Military" universe, he could not imagine the scale of the creative potential, which people showed a few, but very famous in the field of comic people. Comic is a perfect, flexible visual environment in order to give life to Saga: Scripts - such as Kevin J.anderson, Randy Stradeli or John Osphraner; Illustrators - such as Jen Durisima, Rick Leonardi or Fred Blanchar, - were able to create stories and characters that will remain in memory for a long time.

  • The most complete collection of comic about the universe of star wars, contains the best plots created for more than 40 years of the existence of the legendary space sague - from the first graphic novel, published in 1977 to the comedians of recent years.
  • The collection consists of combined in a series of grain novels that allow you to go to exciting adventures along with the heroes of the saga.
  • Additional materials at the end of each book: information about the authors and the history of comic creation, original covers, chronology of key events of stellar wars, portraits of characters, information about spacecraft and planets.

Star Wars DROIDA (1994) Star Wars DROIDA - uprising (1995) Star Wars DROIDA - Time for Mondering (1995) Star Wars - Offensive Protocol (1997)

Star Wars - Star Wars

Star Wars (English Star Wars) - a cult and epic fantastic saga, containing narrations about the confrontation of planets, civilization and fractions of the "Far Galaxy".

Contains 7 essential episodes, as well as animated television series, cartoons, films, books, star wars Comics, video games, combined with a single universe. On our site you can read Star Wars Comics online for free. Invented and originally depicted in the films of the American director and producer George Lucas in the early 1970s. For this reason, "Star Wars" are, first of all, filmmaging and films with it ask canon for other works.

The official date of the work on the light of the star warrior project - May 25, 1977 is the date of entry on the spacious screen of the movie "Star Wars" (now it is an iv episode). Nevertheless, the main creation in the universe is the same name-novelization - the same name - appeared in 1976, since the producers were afraid of failures and enclosed kinocartine bug. A successful continuation of this episode was followed by a successful continuation of "Empire," (1980) and "Jedi's Return" (1983).

These three films make up the genuine trilogy "Star Wars" (Episodes IV-VI). Prince-trilogy (episodes I-III) were released later, between 1999 and 2005. This trilogy has gained a more ambiguous reaction from critics and fans if they are compared with fan reactions to the original trilogy.

More recently, the continuation of the trilogy (episodes of VII-IX) began with the release of "Star Wars: Awakening of Power" (2015).
All seven films were nominated for the Academy Awards, and were commercially successful, with a combined cash income of $ 6460 million, which makes Star Wars in the fourth place through the most cash films.

Additional films outside the main saga include animated "Star Wars: Clone Wars" (2008) and the upcoming series of anthology of films, which will begin with the release of "Star Wars: Route" (2016).

Say Hierarchy Star Wars

Today, the saga hierarchy can be depicted in this way:

  1. "Star Wars" a single number of all materials that were fused on the official license "Lucasfilm". This includes canonical and non-canonic works, which make up the history of the "Star Wars" universe, films, literature, video games, toys, thematic parks, souvenir products, etc.
  2. The universe of "Star Wars" (English Star Wars Universe - SWU) is a set of all data and documentation on the theme of "star wars", which was published on an official license, containing biographies of fictional characters, descriptions of events, fictional documents, chronology.

In its framework there is a division of canonical:

  • Authoritative, G-canon is works, the canonism of which is confirmed by George Lucas (a film-meropheal, radio station, novels) and the creation of which he was directly attributed. Later works in it can overlap old rethon.
  • T-Kanon make up some television serials and events that took place next to the movie epopsychies.
  • C-canon make up the stellar wars comics, novels, board games, video games, serials that have separate canonical elements.
  • S-canon - works released into a cinema-merophee, and secondary works, later partially became the components of the G-canon.
  • N-canon is not canonical in general, describing alternative or recognized "lucasfilm" false events.
  • D-canon is formed by humorous works on star wars. The database of all works separated by canonical is the so-called Holocron.

Star Wars Cinepopus - seven episodes films (1977 - 2015), the plots of which is the basis for the entire franchise.
The expanded cinematic universe of "Star Wars" - serves as an addition to the old trilogy, but it is more expanding the borders of the universe for the audience. Talking history from the oldest and distant times until the 137th year after the film "New Hope".
The project has a considerable number of fresh characters, stories, models of technical progress and technologies, various Mankind and animals. After the release of the seventh part of the cell epopsychie is considered non-canonical and belongs to the N-canon. However, some, relatively rare, its elements are made to the Canon of higher ranks.

Universe "Far Galaxy"

The initial phrase in all films on the "Star Wars" is "A Long Time Ago, in a Galaxy Far, Far Away ..." (once a long time ago in a very - very distant galaxy). Saga tells about the life of different civilizations and fractions of this galaxy, among which there are both people and various other thinking creatures, highly developed and primitive, numerous fantastic animals and plants. The story covers thousands of years from antiquity to the "current" time depicted primarily in films.

Most of the galaxy at different times controlled any state: the Galactic Republic, the Galactic Empire, the New Republic or the Galactic Alliance. These states covered covered thousands of planets with different populations and levels of development. Numerous views of the galaxy are people who, like on Earth, are distinguished by the features of the face and skin color. Human speech is the base for the main galactic language.

The galaxy is divided, depending on the device and the values, to the regions. Those in turn on the sectors, planetary systems and individual planets. The main regions are the kernel, the kernel colonies, the inner ring of the expansion region, the average ring, the external ring, the trickle sleeve, the wild space and unknown regions.

A key concept for the "Star Wars" universe is the power - energy or field that binds all living in the galaxy. Many thinking creatures are able to use the force to get similar to magic opportunities.
The bright and dark side, around the confrontation of which many events of "Star Wars" rotates. While the bright side is to control the thoughts and direction of force to protect the world. The dark side is following its emotions, the direction of force for the achievement of personal power. Traditionally, the light side confess the Jedi, and the dark - Sith.

The calculation is traditionally conducted from the battle over the planet asset, in which the Galactic Empire suffered a key lesion from the rebels. Dates are recorded accordingly, DBY (before the battle of Javin) and PBI (after the battle of Javin).

Cinematic Cycle "Star Wars"

Cinematic cycle "Star Wars" includes as many as six episodes that were removed in two stages. Stepodno, and the fourth, fifth and sixth episodes were originally removed, and only sixteen years later - the main first, second and third.
In 2015, came out the seventh. This episode was the beginning of a completely new trilogy. Read right now Star Wars Comics on our website!

Original trilogy

  1. 1977 - Star Wars. Episode IV. New Hope / Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
  2. 1980 - Star Wars. Episode V. Empire Deals Return Punch / Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
  3. 1983 - Star Wars. Episode VI. Return Jedi / Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi

The original or as far back is called "classical" trilogy constitute episodes of IV, V, VI. Such a numbering was chosen due to a significant amount of the original scenario. Lucas decided to remove from the inside this is the best option, which could be adhered to, as it placed there the most interesting, for his consideration, events.

The events of this trilogy unfold in the era of the domination of the Galactic Republic of the Empire. Events rotate around the struggle of the rebels against the Galactic Empire, which the Sith Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader rule. Concentrated on the adventures of the crew of the ship "Millennary Falcon", Luke Skywalker and Princess Lei.

The original trilogy begins with the Galactic Empire and is nearing the end of the star of the Space Station. This station will allow the empire to crush the rebel alliance organized by the resistance formed for the battle with the emperor Palpatin. Palpatine Sit under the master Darth Vader seized the princess leu. A member of the uprising, which stole the star's star plans and hid them in the R2-D2 DROID.

R2, together with his colleague, the C-3PO droid, goes to the deaf planet Tatoin. There, the droids get acquainted with the boy by Skywalker and his consolidated uncle and aunt. In a moment, when the hatch was cleaned R2, it causes a message in a lacaround in which the message from lei was laid. She asks for the submits from the legendary knight - Jedii Obi-Van Kenobi.

Luke later helps droids in the search for the expelled Jedi, who at this time was an old hermit under the pseudonym Obi-Van Kenobi. When the hatch asks about his dad, who he never met in his life, Obi-Vanobi declares him that Anakin Skywalker was a grand Jedi, who was devoted and killed by Vader.

Obi-Van and Luke take to the team of Khan Solo and his Vuki, the secondary pilot - Chubakka to take them in Alderan, in the native world of Lei. So that they ended in the end and destroyed the death star.
Following how on board the space station, Luke and Hana rescuers leu, while Obi-Wan permits to be killed during the period of light duel with Vader. His victim allows a group to leave with plans that help the rebels to destroy the death star.

Luke himself, guided by his power, arranged a fire shot, which destroys a deadly space station during the period of battle at Javin.
Three years later, Luke travels to find Masters Jedi Yoda, who now lives in exile. Luke wants to find him to begin his learning Jedi. Nevertheless, Luke's study is interrupted when Vader lures him into a trap, capturing Khan and his friends to a cloudy city.

In the time of the unfavorable duel on light swords, Vader shows that he is the very father that was so desperately tried to find Luke. Vader took advantage of the moment and tries to drag him to his dark side of power. Luke eludes and, after Saving Khan, returns to the master of iodine to bring his studies to the end.

Luke found a 900-year-old Master-Jedi Yoda on her deathbed. Before his death, the master of iodine confirms that Vader Father Luke. A few moments, the ghost of Obi-Wan's strength tells hatch that he is obliged to confront Darth - his father again, before he can become a Jedi, and that the princess ley, which they are trying to find - this is his native sister - twin.

As the rebels attack the second Star of Death, Luke is engaged in fighting Vader in another match of the light sword. Lords Sitchov intend to drag the hatch on the dark side and take it as their student.
During the duel of Luke, heavers to anger and cruelly rearrange Vader, but controls himself at the last minute, realizing that he was going to kill his father. He spares the life of Vader and proudly declares his loyalty to Jedi.

Enjoyed Palpatine - Lord Sitchov is trying to kill the hatch with the help of lightning power. Vader noticing this, turns and kills the emperor. Thanking a hatch for bringing him back to the bright side, Anakin Skywalker dies on the hands of his son, while the rebels managed to destroy the second star of death. Learn more if you start reading comics about Star Wars on our website!

Trilogy - Prince

  1. 1999 - Star Wars. Episode I. Hidden Threat / Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
  2. 2002 - Star Wars: Episode II. Clone Clone Attack / Star Wars: Episode II - Attack Of The Clones
  3. 2005 - Star Wars. Episode III. Sitkov Revenge / Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge Of The Sith

After the divorce in 1987, George Lucas lost most of his condition and did not want to return to the "Star Wars", and unofficially canceled the shooting of the cicvel trilogy. But after "Star Wars" became more popular, Lucas saw that they still have a lot of fans. In 1993, he announced that she would remove the prequel. He began to create a story in the center of which Anakin Skywalker stood - the future Darth Vader, and the transformation of the Galactic Republic to the authoritarian empire. In 1994, Lucas began writing a scenario to the first film, which was called Episode I: the beginning. And at the same time began work on the second film (episode II).

The episode entered the screens in May 1999 and collected $ 924,317,558 at the box office. Episode AI came out on the screens in May 2002 and collected $ 649,398,328 at the box office. The Episode of the III came out on the screens in May 2005.
The trilogy features a 32 year to the original film. Lord Sitchov Darth Sirius secretly planned the blockade to give an excuse to Alter-Ego to Senator Palpatin to overthrow and replace the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic.

At the request of Chancellor, Knight - Jedi Qui-Gon Ginn and his student, Jr. Obi-Wan Kenobi, go to Nabu to negotiate with the federation. Nevertheless, two Jedi are forced instead of helping Queen Nabu, break out of the blockade and begging it in front of the Senate of the Republic to coruscant. When their spacecraft is damaged during escape, they land on Tatinov for repair, where Qui-Gon detects Nine-year-old Anakina Skywalker.

Qui-Rong begins to believe that Anakin is "Favorites". Qui-Gong predicted the Jedi prophecy to bring balance into force, and helps to free the boys from slavery so that he can study as a Jedi.
Jedi's advice led by the master of iodine, suspects Anakina in that he has too big fear and anger inside him, but reluctantly gives the promise to Obi-Vanu to train the boy after CVI-Gon was killed by the first student of Palpatine - Darth Mall during Battle of Nabu.

Ten years later, the Order of the Jedi will participate in the wars of clones between the troops of the Republic and the Confederation of Independent Systems, which Palpatine secretly created to destroy the Order of the Jedi and lure Anakin to her service.

At the same time, Anakin and Padme fall in love and secretly got married, and in the end, Padme becomes pregnant. Anakin has a prophetic vision in which Padme dies during childbirth, and Palpatine convinces him that the dark side of the force can save the life of Padme.

Desperate, Anakin obeys the teachings of Sitchov Palpatine and Anakin Skywalker becomes Darth Vader - the greatest villain in the world of star warrior.

While Palpatine reorganizes the republic in the tyrannoe empire, Vader is involved in the destruction of the Jedi Order. And in the climax duel on light swords and Obi-Wan on the volcanic planet Mustafar, Obi-Van defeated his former student and a friend, taking off his limb and leaving him to burn him on the bank of the Lava flow.

Palpatine arrived shortly after that he saves Vader, placing it in a mechanical black mask and armor, which serves as a permanent life support system. At the same time, Padme dies with the birth of the twins Luke and Lei.

Obi-van and iodine, now the only ones who stayed alive among the Jedi. They agree to divide the twins and keep them into the shelter from both Waider and the emperor until the time comes when Children Anakin can be used to help overthrow the empire.

Trilogy - Sikvel

  1. 2015 - Star Wars. Episode VII. Awakening forces / Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens
  2. 2017 - Star Wars. Episode VIII / Star Wars: Episode VIII
  3. 2019 - Star Wars. Episode IX / Star Wars: Episode IX

The third trilogy is based episode VII. Her events unfold 20 years after the episode Vi. The plot tells about the fate of the heroes of the two previous trillers and the struggle of the resistance and the new republic against the supreme order - the organization, continues the traditions of the Galactic Empire.

About 30 years after the destruction of the second Star of Death, Luke Skywalker, the last Jedi, disappeared. The first Order rose from the fallen empire and seeks to destroy the hatch and the new republic, while resistance and a slight effort with the support of the republic and led by the former princess of Alderian, General Lei, opposes them.

On the planet Dzhakku, the pilot of resistance by Datameron receives a map that leads to the place of the hatch. The attack aircraft under the command of Kaylo Ren, the son of Khan Solo and Lei, captured by Datron.

His droid BB-8 leaves the card and meets the Kylo absorber. Ren torments Edgar and recognizes BB-8. The FN-2187 attack concurrency comes to the conclusion that it cannot kill and frees the Datameron. Two outlets in the TIE fighter, in duplicates FN-2187 as "Finn". But after all, after the accident, the jacca dies.

Finn faces Rei and BB-8, but the first collision places them in such a way that they avoid planets in the stolen ship - a thousand-year falcon. After leaving Jacques, Sokol will be repulsed by Khan Solo and the Chubakka, who moved away from resistance and resumed their lives as smuggler.

Five companions on a trip to Tatan are found with pirates MAZ rope. While they arrive at her away, Rei finds a light sword that previously belonged to Anakin and Luke Skywalle. And after touching her brush with a sword, she overflows by force.

At this point, the Maza castle is attacked first order. Finn, Khan and Chubakka are preserved by a group of resistance pilots led by the software, which survived the crash to Jakk, but Rei is captured by Kylo Renom and delivered to Starkiller base.

After reuniting with lei and resistance to Di'kur, Khan, Finn, and Chubakka went to Starkiller to release the Rey and turn off the planet shields, which will allow the pilots of resistance to destroy it.

Rei torments Kylo Ren, but its sensitivity to force allows it to confront him. She escapes, using the trick of the deception of the mind and reunites with Khan, the fingered and the bank. But the group faces Kylo Ren.

Khan opposes his son, calling him by name at birth - Ben Solo, and asks him to return home. Ren for a moment seems to be returned to the light side, but then hends his light sword and kills Khan.

Pilots of resistance are starting to bombard the base. Finn and Rey run away to the base and face Kylo Ren. Finn pulls Enakin's light sword, only to hardly injure Rena. Power Rey pulls the lights sword to her, and fights Ren.

Ray, Finn and Chubakka avoid exploding planets on falcon and manage to return to resistance. The wounded Finn remains on Di'kura. While Ray, Chubakka and R2-D2 use a map to find Skywalker's hatch on the planet Ech, where Rei is a quiet onion with his old light sword.

Extended universe

Expanded universe of "Star Wars" or "Legends of Star Wars" is a combination of materials depicting the universe outside the film cards. Including books, animation, toys, video games, issued until April 24, 2014. Since 2014, the expanded universe has been declared uncannical and the works behind it are produced under the brand name "Legends of Star Wars". Start reading Star Wars Comics now on our website for free!

Basic topics and interpretations

Star wars show the destructive nature of anger and hatred. Definition of the word iodine: fear leads anger, anger leads to hatred, leads to the hatred of suffering, suffering leads to the dark side of power. Evil has a psychological basis, and hatred is born in a person as a result of suffering that a person is experiencing.

Dart Wader since childhood was despised by a slave, he never had a father, and soon he was separated from his mother, the subsequent tragic death could not stop him. At the same time, a young man tempts evil (represented by Darth's dark figure), which refers to his ambitiousness and submits them end up to join the Satanic Pact - to give up to him to satisfy his own desires and ownership of omnipotence, which is illusory.

Good and evil in Star Wars are clearly represented, but this does not mean that the world is black and white, even the Jedi (including iodine) have their weaknesses. Even Vader is not very bad, it is an ordinary person who has evil spells.

Star Wars are a story about the strength of love: the fact that it is not able to make the biggest and powerful from the Jedi - defeating Sitchov - this is done through the love of the Son to the Father and Father to the Son. The story also compares two types of "love": selfish, pushing Enakin to take the dark side, and altruistic, which leads to its final survival.

Star Wars are an analysis of the mechanism of the birth of authoritarian and totalitarian systems. The republic is experiencing a deep crisis and ceases to perform its function. The Senate raises taxes, which causes opposition to the trading federation, which meets the corrupt system. This leads to war that is aimed at overthrowing the regime.

Anakin Skywalker, standing on the side of the Jedi Order, begins to understand that this is a law that holds power in the name of democracy. Immormal ambitions to mix it with a sincere desire to help who becomes Darth Vader to save people from the catastrophe.

Inspiration George Lucasa

As for the original saga, George Lucas was inspired primarily by Roman Frank Herbert Dune and Scientific Fiction of Comic Valerian (both were issued in the 60s of the twentieth century). Of great importance and the impact was also from the writer John Ronalda Ruel Tolkina, who wrote the famous Roman-epic "Lord of the Rings" and films about samurai (for example, director Akira Kurosava). Do not know where to read comics about Star Wars? On our site comics online you can read Star Wars Comics in Russian for free and without registration!

Cultural influence

Around the world there are many fan associations of fans. A large audience manifests itself in the United States and Great Britain. In the United States often hosts mass assemblies of fans that reach the costume festivals and parades of the 501th Legion (the International Fan Association, the purpose of which is to gather, changing the attack aircraft, in Darth Vader and in other antagonists). In the UK, 300,000 fans have declared the desire to recognize the concept of force as the basis of their religion.


  • The christmas episode of Star Wars (1978) is a non-canonical television film, a special christmas episode.
  • Caravan of the courage of the adventures of Evok (1984) - television, the events of which occur between the fifth and sixth episodes.
  • Evoka: Battle for Endor (1985) - the continuation of the "Caravan of Courage".
  • The Great Heep (1986) is a special episode to the animated series "Star Wars: DROIDS".
  • LEGO STAR WARS: REVENGE OF THE BRICK (2005) - Animation short film based on episode III.
  • LEGO STAR WARS: THE QUEST FOR R2-D2 (2009) - parody based on episode II.
  • LEGO STAR WARS: The Padawan Menace (2011) is a comedy special episode based on the animation television series "Star Wars: Wars of Clone".
  • LEGO STAR WARS: The Empire Strikes Out (2012) is a comedy special episode based on the original trilogy.
  • Buntar one. Star Wars. History (2016) - the expected prequel of the sixth episode.
  • Unnamed film about Ghana Solo (2018).
  • Unnamed film about Bob Feta (2020).

TV serials

  • Star Wars: DROIDS (1985) - Animated series, based on the adventures of R2-D2 and C-3PO robots between Episode Events III and Episode IV.
  • Star Wars: Evok (1985) - Animation series about the adventures of Evok beings several years before Episode events VI.
  • Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003-2005) - Animation mini-series, whose events unfold between episode II and Episode III.
  • Star Wars: Clone Wars (2008-2013) - Animation Series.
  • Star Wars: Rebels (2014) - Animation mini-series, whose events unfold between Episode III events and episode IV.
  • Star Wars Lego: Joda Chronicles (2013) - Animation Comedy Mini Series.
  • Star Wars Lego History of Droids (2015) - Animation Comedy Mini Series.

Games, books and comics expanded universe "Star Wars" enriched a distant galaxy with many excellent stories and characters. Admiral Traun, Corran Horn, Kyle Qatar, Quinlan Breeding or Dart Reban, are worthy of standing in one row with original films characters. Moreover, it was the creators of an expanded universe, sometimes opened new Sagi era, not shown in the cinema. The authors created new conflicts and argued that the "star wars" could be interesting without a Skywoke family.

Perhaps the most visual example - the era of the knights of the old Republic. Games and comics belong to the right works of the extended universe. Their authors were closed not only in the deep past, but also to the future of the distant galaxy. For example, in the bold series of comics "Heritage", the action turned over one hundred and thirty years after the events of "New Hope".

In adolescence, Cade Skywalker saw the Order of the Jedi and his father fell under the blows of Sith, who captured power in the Galaxy. The heir to the Jedi dynasty grew up among the criminals and became a clever smuggling and head hunter. But, although the role of the Savior of the Galaxy does not impark him, Cadu is to recall his origin and be in the center of confrontation between Jedii and Sithami.


Genre: Space Opera
Scriptures: John Osphraner, Jen Doursisima
Artist: Jen Dursimima
Output of the original: 2006
Publishing house: AST, 2017

Dark Horse publishing house produced comics on "star wars" without a small quarter of a century and during that time gave fans a lot of bright and original stories. One of the most original and brave was the "Heritage" series. Its authors suffered an action to the future of the distant galaxy, creating a new era of Sagi.

The elements familiar to the "star wars" were based on the series: there are empires and rebels, sichs with jadyami, cosmic battles and, of course, Skywokes. But these elements are filed in a new way. For example, Sithhi is numerous here, and in their chapter there is a mysterious Darth Krut, who occupied the imperial throne. The empire is not one, but the split into two camps: some recognized the Sith-usurper, others keep the faithfulness of the overthrown dynasty of the fala. The dynasty is supported by imperial knights, which owns the power no worse than the Jedi.

And the Jedi themselves again, as after the clone wars, became victims of massacre and cleansing ... But this time the surviving masters and knights did not hurt around the distant planets, refusing the struggle, and secretly collect the strength to drive a retaliatory strike. Finally, the heir to Skyokrov's kind does not want to have anything to do with the power and fighting the fate of the Galaxy - he is pleased with the role of a small bandit and not even be hunted to hunt the Jedi.

The world "Heritage" turned out to be gloomy and cruel. It becomes obvious from the very first pages when Sitchi fell on the Jedi Temple and kill the head of the Order of Kola Skywalker, and his only son disappears. Cade Skywalker falls into the criminal world, and when, after a few years, we again encounter it, we have already a vibrant hunter for heads. And this is not a charming criminal with a golden heart, like Khan Solo, - Cade is not burdened with moral principles, and the goal for him justifies funds. What to say, we have not seen such skyuokers yet. The main character of the "broken" is difficult to call pleasant and imbued with a sympathy. But this is a very interesting and non-trivial protagonist, for the fate and the development of which it is interesting to observe.

The first volume of the series is devoid of scope: the large-scale opposition of the Jedi and Sith, political battles and the battles of star fleets are waiting for us in the following releases. "Broken" concentrated on Cade and his friends. Successfully tugged the next case, they face fugitives, in the footsteps they go sithi. In the calculation of the Skywalker, it takes help with a random acquaintance, not yet suspecting what is involved in the conflict between Sithami, Jedi and Imperial Knights. And adventures, fierce contractions and dramatic collisions with the ghosts of the past begin.

Events are developing rapidly, but the authors have time to introduce us to the new era and its main actors, having laid the foundation of the plot. This is only the beginning of history - but it has already happened incredibly fascinating. And in the following volumes "Heritage" will gain scope, decent films of Lucas.

Outcome: The "Heritage" series once again proves that in the scenery of the "Star Wars" you can create new and original heroes, conflicts and stories. The series has an independent story, so comic is suitable for those who are not familiar with the expanded universe. And the experts will delight the frequent references to other works of saga.

Since the expanded universe has become uncannical "legends", there are already many novels and comics as part of a new canon. But so far the plots of these works are invariably rotated around the events of films and their heroes. The authors are as if afraid to experiment and open new horizons. Yes, and truly bright characters, first appeared outside the movie screen, in the new canon are still very few. One of the rare exceptions can be considered Dr. Afra, a kind of black archaeologist of the distant galaxy. AFRA was the servant of Darth Vader and rightfully deserved his own comic series.

Finding out who was the mysterious pilot that destroyed the star of death, Darth Vader praised the determination to find the young Skywalker. Having learned from his agent where to look for Luke, Vader personally goes to him on the planet, where the secret base of the rebels is located. To get to the young Jedi, Lord Sithsha is to alone challenge the whole army of rebels.

Star Wars: Vader Down

Genre: Space Opera
Scriptures: Jason Aaron, Kiron Gillen
Artists: Mike Deodo, Salvador Larrka
Output of the original: 2015–2016
Publishing house: "Komilfo", 2017

Not counting movies, the most curious works of the new canon Star Wars is a series of comics with the uncompressed "Star Wars" and Darth Vader. Both are talking about the events after the destruction of the first star of death, their plots develop at the same time and often even intertwined. And the years after the launch of the series, as Marvel's publisher decided to tie them even more closely, running the crossover "Waider's Fall".

However, the comic will soon come to the title "Benefis Waider". From the very first pages, SITH shows its frightening power. Already at the beginning of the crossover, he is behind the fighter steering wheel alone already with three squadrons of the rebels. Only the suicide maneuver of the hatch allows you to stop it beating and leads to the very fall, which is submitted to the name. After that, the Father and Son are among the ancient ruins without ships and means of communication.

Understanding that they fell a rare chance to get rid of Vader, the rebels begin to hunt. But the real hunter is here Dart - he pursues the hatch, eats anyone who gets up on his way. Each scene with Waider's participation is once again reminded why his name instills horror in the hearts of opponents. If he initially spreads out the rebels, then the turn comes to the opponent from the imperial mill: he tried to take prey to the hands, which was aimed at the dark lord.

But not only Vader pronounced himself in a crossover. Almost an important role is given to Dr. Afre, its satellites - a pair of droid droids, externally very similar to R2-D2 and C-3PO, and also half-breeding wooch black crRSantane. This colorful company comes to the aid of Vader, and the Lyuka helps the faithful friends - Khan with the Chubakka. Thanks to droids, which then go to comical situations, the confrontation came out not only exciting, but also very funny.

Unfortunately, although the crossover is read, it lacks drama. In the center of the plot - the main characters of the films, and the action unfolds between the fourth and fifth episodes. Therefore, it is quite obvious that the tension that the authors injected, in fact imaginary and danger, hung over the hatch and his comrades, safely passes. Some complaints cause and drawing. Editions drawn lateto are very spectacular and beautiful, but on their background of the part, for which the lyrine answered, looks unspoken.

Outcome: Series "Star Wars" and "Darth Vader" - one of the best works of the new canon. And the crossover between them, although it was not presented with special surprises, succeeded in glory.